The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 04, 1915, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publiihrr
One Year by Mull In Aihuucc, . . .$1.2.1
One Year by Cnrrlcr In Advance. .$1.50
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
Postolllco as Second ClaBB Matter.
TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1915.
.. -1 copy.
t it i ii .. , if ! Aftor the case is filed beforo tho
..JFnny Attend UicJloos cr nMt.yBn me oourt date for the hearing
One hundred and fifteen men at-, , t , , case ,a com.
tended tho booster banquet which was " Y " , d , ponding
held Friday evening in J" ;
of Mic Eplscopa church i by - tho differ- f cxt,cutlon. ln' .M0 th0 8Uprcmo
ent church brotherhoods of tho city. . .. . , ,iGfandant tho
An excellent supper was served by the "rt "" fr lwro fo?
ladies of the guild nt seven o'clock and re-trlal Should tho coS : find against
Bpeakors being along tho lino of the jIrs, Siiiuj, i)t.mi 0f ienrf Trouble,
organization of brotherhood boso ball . o...i. e n,w.
teams for the coming season. W. II. ... , Friday night at
c s.P c,. r Yf" I Heart trouble was tho cause of her
Dorhoof, Dr. Kerr and L. T. -Tramp,, . .. g, Blxtv-two vcars fivo
ffi?. w&o? SS- 2d twelve daVs of S at ?hc
Sn n a"L ' n L t Ln time of her death. She had been a res
2 &b i M. Lnll lM, mZ "lent of this city for three years pant,
brothortiood baseball nuectlon, and
woro followed by othorH who spoke
briefly on tho same subject.
Tho banquot as a wholo wan a very
pleasant and Interesting occasion.
Supt. Frank Smith, of tho Suther
land schools, spent tho week end in
C. II. Loiningor returned Friday ev
ening from Ogalalla where ho spent
tho wool; transacting business.
Mrs. W. S. Dolson loft tho latter
part of last wook for Grand Island
to visit friends for a few days.
For Rent Desk room on second
tloor lu McCabo building.
30-2 Hondy-Ogler Auto Co.
Mr. and Mrs. V II. O'Connoll re
turned last week from Excolslor
Springs, Mo., whero tliey wero taking
T. C. Pattorson went to Donver Sat
urday night to attend tho funornl of
tho lato.Hornard Door which was held
Wo have a largo assortment of dia
mond rings for ladles and men. Very
protty rings from $8.G0 upwards.
CLINTON, Jowolcr and Optlcjan.
Miss Sarah Kelly, a student of a
school in Iowa, Is homo visiting hor
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kolly. Sho
was taken 111 and was obliged to come
Miss Madalono Whltoloy, of Horshoy,
was visiting in the city ovor Sunday at
tho Bonham homo. Sho can down
Saturday morning to attend the edu
cational oxliiblt.
Miss Blanche Cox, formor county
superintendent but now teaching at
Brady, was among the teaclicrs who
canio to town Saturday to nttond the
educational exhibit.
Fred Dunnaway, of Donver, vlutted
his brothor in this city Friday wWlo' y n,1879 from ,K?u,h c?!!nt?' h0
enrouto to Koarnoy In an automobile. 1U(l 1bo" 'Ufoclntoil with D. T. Ran
On tho way down from Donver hd t,n11,n ul?, 7:,,ar, ranch. Ho engaged
struck p,omo awful roads.' 1 ln 11,0 CilUl business with n ranch on
a a ai.i. i, i .. ,i , i , i tbo Medicine creek, and later made his
Unn' wH.m n, Z, Wp"1? P?.8'-, homo in the valley about six miles
citl ,1 irt win "si-l,lt lIa southwost 6f town. Ho moved to
city and will go on tho road selling nenvpP ln icon n(i fnw vpnrfl n
accident insurance. Mr. Walker, who .. . 7 .1 ViJ "nlJJVl ?.r? nK0
lm r,l.nrsr nt (l. tr... ,n .
chargo of tho bualnee poraonally.
Tho glee clubs of tho North Pip'e
high school wont to Maxwell Saturday
ovonlng whoro they gave a con
cort. Thoy wore accompanied by a
number of tho high school studonts.
The Maxwell people gave them a
hearty reception applauding thorn gen
orously and on numerous occasuions
calling them back sovoral times. Tho
homo concert by tho gleli clubs will bo
presented noxt Saturday evening . nt
tho Keith theatre. All people Inter
ested ln tho schools should make It a
point to attend, this concert and lend
their support to this part of tho school
For Sale.
Used Typowrltors. all kinds.
nil 1
prices. O. 13. James. Grand iBhtnd Neb. '
J, Jill i iu-Mlwaiiai Q
Electric Grill Stove
Regular price $6.00
On Sale During Hotpoint Week
Only, May 3-8, at $3.26
Sec it advertised in the May 1 Saturday
Evening Post and May Ladies' Home Journal
El Crilslpvo boils, fries, toasts, and broils, both above and
below its glowing coils. Operates from any lamp-socket.
Pcrfotms two cooking operations at the same lime, at cost of
El Grilstovo is the handiest, all 'round convenient electric
appliance ever offered at the price.
North Platte Light & Power Co.
Tho bill of exceptions to taken be
fore llio supreme court of the state In
the case of Roy Roberts, under doath
sentence for the murder of Vornon
Cornott, was served on County Attor
ney Qibbs Saturday by Jas. 1 Kcofo,
attorney for Roberts.
Tho bill of exceptions Is a typo
wrltton copy of all tho testimony takon
In tho case, togothor with tho excep
tions taken by the defenso and tho rul
Incs of tho court. It consists of six
! hundred and six pages of typewritten
coming horo from Stnpleton.
Robccca Garland was born Novem
ber 18, 1852 in Barbersvlllo, Ky, Sho
lived there as a girl and later moved
to Indiana where sho was married May
4, 1873 to Geo. II. Smith. To this
union wero born nine chlldron all of
whom survive. In 1884 sho came west
with her liusband and ' settled near
Staplcton where they lived until three
years ago whon they moved to this
Thoso who survive Mrs Smith, be
sides hor many friends, are tho hus
band and nine children. Tho children
aro Dolsar Smith of Kearney, Mrs.
Anna Wills of Staplcton, Mrs. Clydo
Lake of this city, Lester Smith of
Gundy, Mrs. Myrtlo Meyors of Brady,
Mrs. Gortrudo Penner of Gandy, Mrs.
May Clark of Maywood and Everett
and Herbert who live at home.
Tho funeral was hold yesterday
morning at U o'clock at Gandy and
lntcmcnt was In tho Gandy cemetery.
School FiniuiccH in Good Shape.
The finances of the North Platto city
school district aro now In prosperous
condition, Btates City Treasurer F. L.
Moonoy. Within tho past few weeks
ten thousand dollars of taxes duo
wore paid Into the school treasury,
onabllng tho treasurer to pay off all
outstanding warrants and still have a
comfortable balnnco on hand. The pay
ment of tho money derived from tho
saloon licenses which wero recently
granted by tho council helped consid
erably towards swelling tho account.
A short tlmo ago tho school board re
ported a rathor depleted treasury on
account of delay in payment of taxc
Bernard Beer Passes Away.
Bornard Beer, for twenty years a
resident of Lincoln county, passed to
the beyond Thursday of last week at
his homo In Detroit, Mich. The re
mains wore taken to Denver and the
funeral held Sunday.
Tho deceased came to Lincoln coun-
'-""'- "'a auin
The deceased was a brother of Max
Beer of this city.
Auto Licenses .Must be Pnld.
County Treasurer Durbln lias re
ceived the number plates from tho
atat for tho automobllo owners. Theao
plate; win bo given whon tho 1915
liconses aro paid. Under tho now law
passed by tho last legislature there 1
a fino Imposed for non-payment of the
automobllo tax. Tho law was made to
go Into .effect April Cth of this year,
The license is three dollars unless
tho ownor liappons to be in arrears
in which case it will bo moro than
doublo that.
Miss Ilolon Cokor, pf Sutherland, ar
rived In tho city Saturday morning to
visit ovor Sunday with Miss Hazel
Barton & Bailey's Show Coming.
To thoso that havo reached mature
years tho coming of tho circus means'
simply that thoy will havo sevoral ,
hours keen onjoymont away from (he:
ordinary run of pleasure. But to the
yqungstors, circus day is the day, a;
red lettor day, an occasion long ,to
bo remembered. You recnll with vivid
memory, do you not, tho vory first,
circus you over saw? How you stared j
round-oyed at thoso fierce looking an-
lmals. And you romember, too, don't
you, how you failed to understand
why thoso olcphant3 had tails in front
and back and how fatjior laughed ;
when you asked him about it? Thftti
thoro was tho music of the bands, the
wonderful acrobatic feats of the gaily
drosscd porformors, the funy antics
of tho clowns all making an indcllblo
impression on your childish mind and'
transplanting you to u real wonder
land. Many another child will oxporlonce,
these enjoyable Impressions Thurs-.
day, May 13th, when Barton & Bailey's
world celebrated shows will exhibit
afternoon and night nt North Platte.
Wo liopo with all our heart that every ,
youngster In the vicinity has tho pleas-'
uro seeing this wonderful attraction ,
or ratlior tins collection or attractions.
There aro many educational features
with a largo enterprise llko tho above,
tho foremost of which, In our opinion,
Is tho monster managcrlo. Whero for
lnstanco would you or I or tho little
folk see more than tho pictures of all
these wild animals, if it wero not for
the circus? And no doubt many a
youth has been encouraged to greater
achievements along physical lines by
noting tho results obtained by per
sistent and continued efforts.
Yes, wo hopo that all the little folk
around hero attends tho Barton &
Balloy Circus and our sympathies aro
with tho little boy or girl who Is com
pelled to stay at home while their
nioro fortunate associates go to the
show and return to relate with chil
dish exaggerations, tho wondors they
havo seen.
Word was received hero last week
by Conrad Walker tolling of tho death
of his son-lu-law, John Shellleld, which
occurred Wednesday evening at Ro
chester, Minn., whoro lio had been op
erated upon. Mr. Shellleld lived at
Swea, City, la., near whore he owned
a largo farm. Ho leaves no children.
Tho funoral was held Sunday from
Story City, la., where intormont was
The oven of the NEW
be changed into? a tireless
cooker instantly, by simply
pulling a damper.
W U'ft f.,r.,..rv. Sfer.'C rtTT" I II I.IIIII IIJlilil,1
1 i II !fPi ill ffl U llln lwJ!
Two million housewives
have found the NEW PER
FECTION the way to es
cape coal range drudgery
and discomfort
It starts without priming or
smo(cing. It has no valves to clog
up, no tubes to warp, wear out or
burn out.
In 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes.
April 20th, 1915.
Board mot pursuant to adjournment,
present, Hormlnghauson, Springer,
Whlto and county clerk.
Road No. 382 comes boforo tho
board for final action and objections
having been filed against opening
said road, tho board sets May 24th, I
mir. n o nVln'nlr T 1! na Mm lnv nt !
hearing said 'petition and remon
strance. Road No. 370 Is hereby disallowed
for the reason that change in loca
tion was mndo by a new petition
which has been granted and known
as Road No. 3S1.
The following claims wore allowed
on the general fund:
Sundry persons, witnesses In tho
case of the Slato vs. Roberts, $425.40.
Isaac Solby, mdse for tho county
poor, $19.10.'
Bortlia Thoolecke, refund of tax
es. 70.05.
J.. B. Redfield, salary and medicine
first quartor, $174.10.
Harry Carothcrs, mdse for county
poor, $5.15.
F. D. Westonfold, mdso for tho
county poor, $32.75.
O. II. Thoclecko, lnsuranco pre
miums for court house, $195.00.
Allowed on road district funds as
D. O. Mayfleld, part payment 1914
settlement District No. 47, $50.00.
A. Chambers, work District No. 30,
$4,00. ,
Sundry persons road work District
No. 11, $9.00.
Andrew Falk, road work, allowed
on Commissioner District No. 3 for
Allowed on the brldgo fund as fol
lows: Greeley Bundy $20.00.
L. C. Cecil $4.00.
Robert Hicks, $20.00.
Tho claim of J. B. Redfield of $75.00
hospital fees of Wm. Balloy is hereby
disallowed for the reason that tho
county Is not liable.
Whoroupon tho board adjourns to
May 3, 1915.
C. W. YOST', County Clerk.
Child Dies of Pneumonia.
Mabel Elnora, two year old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sclireckongost,
passed away Friday at their home on
west Tenth street as a result of an
attack of pneumonia. Tho body was
taken to Wellfleet where the' funeral
whs held Sunday afternoon and tho
body Interred In tho cemetery there.
No coal hod or wood box.
.All tlic fuel in this reservoir.
The New Perfection is ready
at the touch of a match.
A "bo" who gave his namo as F. O.
Galllghor was takon by Oillcer Combs
of the Union Pacific forco Friday ov
onlng on tho chargo of drunkenness.
Ho appeared beforo Judgo Mlltonbor
gor Saturday morning and nbjudged
guilty and given thirty minutes to get
out of town. Ho took twonty-two min
utes to mnko his gct-a-way nnd sont
back word to credit the othor oight
minutes to. some other poor devil who
might need it.
For Sale or Trade.
Improved section of hard land, most
ly rough, $8 per acre. M. R. Magnuscn.
1008 West Fourth St.
Graduate Nurses ln Attendance
Physician and Surgeon.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Ofllco McDonald State Bank Building.
Corner sixth auu Dewey Streets.
Phones, Olllco 1S3, Residence 283
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: BuiklinK and Loan Building
Phonoc i Office 130
Pnones Residence 115
Physician and Surgeon
Ofllce B. & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phone, Ofllce, 83; Residence 38.
Office phono 2-11. Res. phone 217
L . C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
Worth Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
J. B. liEDFIELl),
Successor to
Drs. Redilold & Redfield
Olllco Phono C42 Res. Phono 076
Hospital Phone BUick 633.
House Phone Black 633.
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St.,
one-half block southwest of tho
Court House.
.Vol Hi Platte, Xcb.
Licensed Kmbalmers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 588.
Artificial Ice
Call on
The Old Ice Man.
Phone Black 161.
Is no longer an experiment, Its prac
ticability has been proven and is com
lng into uso moro and moro every dny.
Our cigars havo never been an ex
periment; they havo always been
good, they havo borne tho mark of
standard for over twonty-flvo years
ln North Platto. Wo mako a number
of brands ranging in price from
for 10 conts to 3 for 25 cents. Try
J. F. Schmalzried.
Application for Liquor I.lcenHo.
Matter of Application of A. T.Yar
ter, for Liquor LIcenso.
Notice lu hereby Klven that A. T. Yar
ter. did unon tho 29th dnv of Anrll
1915, Mo IiIh application to tho Village
Hoard of Trustees of Brady, Lincoln
county, Nobraska, for llcenso to soli
malt, spirituous, vinous, mixed and
fermented Intoxicating llnuorH, at ro
...II . 1 . . I . 1 . . . ....... I nlnn f .
Villi, UUIIIIK lliuiliwil'tll Cftll
menclniT to-wlt: May 1st, 1916, nnd
emlinir Anrll 30th. 191C. on lots 13. 14
nnd .15, in block C ln the Vtllago of
urauy, ijincoin county, iouruai(u.
If there bo no objection, rcraon
strnnco or protest filed within two
weeks from April 29th, A. D. 1915, said
license win no grnnieu.
A. T. YA11TER, Applicant
UouRht and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 030 Office 459
i.uri.Yii .otici:
To Mary K. Law, non-rcaldciit defend-
You nro hereby notified that William
I. Law did on tho 25th day of January,
1915. Illo ii nutitlon ln thn nintrlot
Court of Lincoln Comity, Nebraska, the
object nnd prayer of which aro to bo
divorced from you upon tho grounds of
u?Horuon nnu lor sucn otnor una
further relief ns lustlce and
equity nrny rcaulre: nnd that tho
Judffo of snld Court did on
April 26th, 1915, make an order dlrcct-
'"ij'inot service Do linti upon you uy
publication as in othor cases provided.
lou will, mako nnswor to said peti
tion on or boforo tho 7th day of June,
1915. Or Your tlnfmilt will lm tnmn nn.l
judgment hnd ngnlnat you ns in said po-
WILLIAM I. LAW, Plaintiff.
11V Vi. TT. TiiVAWS.
a27-4w His Attorney.
Intho County Court of Lincoln County,
In tho Matter of tho Estnto of Jacob C.
euernoor, uocenseu.
rV PlnW. T T) nlil. I n . .. . .1
Huffman and Martin Federhoof, heirs at
law of Jacob C. Federhoof, deceased,
and nil persons interested in said es
tate: You nnd each of you are hereby noti
fied that Sophia Federhoof has filed hor
petition In this Court, tho objoct and
prayer of which nro for a decree speci
fying who aro tho heirs of said Jacob
C. Federhoof, deceased, and their Inter
est or shares ln and to Lot 2 in Block
A of North Platte Townlot Company's
Addition to North Platte. Lincoln Coun
ty, iNeurnsKn, nnu tho right of succes
sion thereto. All persons interested ln
such matter aro heroin cited to nppenr
beforo this Court at tho Court House ln
mo city or worth I'lntte, Nobraslta, at
2 o'clock P. M. on thn 20th ilnv rf
May, 1915, nnd show cause if any why
the prayor of said petitioner shall not
bo granted.
Witness my hand and tho seal of said
Court this 24th day of April, 1915.
a27-3w County Judire.
lleiinrtmont of the Interior.
U. S. Land Olllco at North Platte, Neb.
April 23, 1915.
Notice Is hereby irlven tlmt Minn In
Eliza McQulre. now Sceso, of North
Platto, Nebrnska, who on February 8,
1912, made Homestead Entry No. 05371,
for E,4 of SEU Section 2, Township 11
N., Itange 30 W., Cth Principal Merid
ian, has nied notice of intention to
make final three year proof, , to estab
lish claim to the land abovo described
before tho Register and Receiver at
North Platte, Nobraska, on tho 21st day
of June, 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses: Scott
Shanor, of Mnxwoll, Nobr., Jesse Hlgh
borger. of North Platte. Nnhr.. Anr1r.v
Howard, of Wellflcot, Nobr., Mary Rich-
uiub, ui iurin i jaiie, neur,
. J. E. EVANS,
n2i-Gw Register.
A' ot lee of Sale.
Notice Is hereby riven thn.t wlmrnna
default has occurred In the conditions
of a certain chattlo mortgage executed
by M. J. OConnell and Floy E. O'Gon
nell, mortgagors, to William Lyman,
mortgagee, bearing date on the 25th
day of February, 1914, by reason of the
failure of said mortgagors to pay tho
debt secured therby and whereas there
Is now due nnd unpaid on said Indebt
edness to tho undersigned tho sum of
i-our nunuroii Thirty and 56-100
If 'luU.Utl.J
Now therefore, tho nronertv iIph-
crlbed ln said mortgage, to-wlt, Two
brass bed, complete, one birds eyo
maple drosser, ono birds eye maple
chlffonor, two SxlO rugs, one oak
dresser, one oak tabje. ono oak rocker,
one oak leather rocker, six dining
room chairs, two 9x12 rugs, ono daven
port, ono electric lamp, ono dining
room table, one sewing machine, ono
jewel gasoline stove, one kitchen cab
inet, one ouiret, six Ultclien chairs,
two rugs 2Ax5. ono roll ton desk.
one flat top desk, two desk chairs,
tuur liiiHti unite unairs, one insurance
case, ono paper nie, ono stand table,
one letter press nnd book, ono large
electric fan; or so much thereof as may
bo necessary, will be sold pursuant to
tho power of tho sale ln said mortgage
contained, at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash on the 22nd
day of May, 1916, at 10 o'clock A. M.
at the storage room of T. M. Cohageh
in tho city of North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, to satisfy tho debt
secured by snld mortgage and costs
and expenses of these foreclosure pro
ceedings. uated at Isorth Platto, Nebraska,
this 29th day of April, 1915.
By Muldoon & Qibbs. His Attorneys.
xotice roil publication """
Dophrtiiu-nt of the Interior
U. S. Land OHlce at North Platte, Nob.
March 27, 1915.
Notice is horebv clvon that John M.
Crandell, of North Platte, Nob., who,
on January 10, 1912, made Homestead
entry No. 05355, for tho and NWU
Section 14. Townshin 12. N.. Rnnire 31.
W. 6th Principal Meridian 'ias filed no
tice or intention to mak.i unal three
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above doscrlbed, before tho Regis
ter and Receiver, at"Northo Platte,
Neb., on the 21st day of May, 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses: W. C.
Mnsters, Hugh Songer, Carl Broedor,
John W. Fowler, all of North Platte,
m30-6w Register.
.Slicrlft'M Sale.
By virtue of 'an order of salo Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska, upon a decree of
roreciosuro ronuereu in said court
wherein Carl Chrlstensen Is nlaintlff.
nnd Charles Shlll, Mary E. Shlll and
jjdii snui are uoienuants, and to me
directed, I will on tho 22nd day of May,
1915, at 2 o'clock p. in., at the oast
front door of tho Court House in North
Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell
nt Public Auction to the highest bid
der for cash, to satisfy said decree, in
terest nnd costs, the following des
cribed property, to-wit:
Southeast quarter (SEU) of Sec
tion eighteen (IS). Towshlp nine (9),
Rango thirty (30) West 6th P. M.. Lin
coln County, Nebrnska.
Dated North Platte, Neb., April 16,
n20-5w Sheriff.
Order of Hearing ou Original Probntr
of Will
Stato of Nebraska. Lincoln County, ss.
In tho County Court.
In tho Matter of the Estate of J, Deln-
vn n Jackson, Docoased.
On reading nnd tiling the petition
of Anna E. Jackson, praying that the
Instrument, filed on tho 17th day of
April. 1915, and purporting to bo tho
last Will and Testamont of the said do
coasod, may bo proved, approved, pro
bated, allowed and recorded as the last
Will and Testament of tho said J, Dela
van Jackson, decensed, (and that the
execution of said instrument may bo
committed and tho administration of
snld estate may bo grantod to Anna 15.
Jackson nnd Charles D. Jackson as ad
ministrators with Will annexed.
Ordered, That May 8, 1915, nt 9
o'clock a. m., Is assigned for hearing
said petition, whon nil persons Inter
ested ln said matter may appear at a
nounty Court to bo hold in and for said
County, nnd Hhow cause why the pray
er of petitioner should not be granted.
a20-3v County Judge.