The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 04, 1915, Image 1

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No. 30
fJ TV?
Don't miss the Midland concert at
the- Keith this evening. Prlcos 25c,
35c and 50c.
A hospital tea will ho given Friday
nftornoon by Mrs. T. C. Pattorson as
sisted by Mrs. F. H. Barber.
Tho Entro-Nous club will moot to
morrow aftbrnoon at tho homo -of Mrs.
Johnson, west Eighth street.
II. V. HUllker, general Inspector for
tho Union Pacific, came In from Denver
last night and went east today.
Josh Barraclough, of Grand June
Tho thirty-third annual May Party
of Division 8S, Brotherhood of Locomo
tlvo Englnoers, hold at tho Lloyd last
ovonlng wns In every respect a pro
nounced success. Tho decorations
wore beautiful, the music of tho highest
order, the nttendanco very largo, and
the committees In charge courteous
and painstaking to see that all present
hnd an evening of pleasure.
Tho attendance, both of spectators
and dancers, was nil that tho big hall
could accommodate. Tho galleries
were filled shortly after eight, tho peo
ple nssombllnc cnrlv In order to cot
tlon,' Col., arrived yesterday, called j seals for tho concert by Stamp's or
here by the Illness of his mothor.
Rev H. Q. Knowles went to Sidney
this morning where ho will look after
church matters for a couple of days.
Master Tommy Carrlgan entertained
a dozen friends Saturday on tho oc
casion of his sixth birth annlvorsary.
chestra which 'preceded tho grand
march. This concert of six numbers
was excellent and greatly appreciated
by tho largo audience.
Tho decorations were as pretty as
they were striking and represented
wto days work by a dozen or more
mon. Tho striking feature was a
Tinlntlnr ivtilnli ftnl'nrml Hin ntltlrn
John Keith arrived from, Hollywood, I Bt cntrnnc0 deputing two locomo
Cal., and will remain here for a few , tlvog 0no wng No 13 nm by Frank
days while enrouto to Omaha on bust- Trftcy ln 1S72 tll0 otllor N()i 28SG( a
ne3S- j superheated monster now ln service
The G. I. A. social and card club .on tho Second district. The coniparl
wlll be entertained Wednesday after- son of thes two engines ns to size was
noon at three o'clock at tho homo of 'most striking. Between tho two1 en
Mrs. J. I. Smith. ! slues was a block signal with tho
,,,.,, , . i "safety first" shield. This work was
The ladles bible class of tho Pros-, hy Artlst Monroei aml certalnly it wns
bytcrian church will meet with Mrs. . oredltaM to uilUi Tho hall Wft8 mado
Lester Walker, 511 west Fourth street. very attractlvo by trl-colored stream
Friday afetrnoon at 3 o clock. ors cxtendlnE: from tho center of the
For Sale 0 year old 1G hand mare.
W. T. Wilcox. 30-1
ceiling to the balcony and entwined
wero strings of colored electric lights.
T n ri rv ? n rx il finnan i I nr 4li r lioll a nifn
imrvy xjiuu " v- looked moro entrancing,
W. V .which was to have held their Tllfl rnnA mnrpu wn
regular meeting last evening postponed
it until Thursday evening on account
of the May Party.
Miss Peck arrived in the city the lat
ter part of last week to visit for a fow
days with her cgusln, Miss Esther
Sclnvaicer. She Is enroute from Kear-
Tho grand march was called shortly
after nine o'clock and was led by Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Flkes, of St. Louis,
former residents of North Platte. Thore
were twenty-six dances on tho pro
gram, the finale occurring at 3:30
this morning."
The Mny Parly is regarded as the
I leading social function of tho spring
nev to her honia ln Montana.
Weather forecast for North Platte i rcseutcd both on tho lloor and ln the
and vicinity; Fair tonight and Wednes-( sallories Not leBS than ono thousand
day; warmer tonight. Highest tern- Je attendcd at ono hour or nnothcr
perature yesterday Gl, a year ago 7G; durjng tue night.
All ladles wero presented with car
nations by the committee, a courtesy
lowest last night 33, a year ago 43
Neier had greater snaps In Real es
tuto than wo offer today.
that was appreciated
James F. Roddy, chairman of
Mrs. E. T. Tramp will entertain the , membor or that and other committees
members of the Midland College uieei
Club at eleven. o'clock lunch tomor- lptfed .on the-pronouced success of
...r nn,o n,J w .nrrtvn fills nvpnlnc r . , .. .
. . I meir enoris 10 proviae an evening oi
on No. 17 and remain in town until to- pieasuro for thelr gUests.
jnorrow noon. ,
have" fenfat easoiibKr iS'from the Chamber of Commerce will be held
?nn Vn 7K on PLINTON Thursday evening in the basement of
?5.00 to Jowler ladies of
ill uuuii;ii win )v ouiJiiui t.i. obivii
o clock.
At this meeting a report of the or
ganization for the past year will be
given, now directors elected and a
number of questions pdrtainlng to
th business interests of the town will
be discussed.
While this banquet and meeting is
under the auspices of tho Chamber of
Commerce, those who arc not mem
bers but arc Interested In commercial
and civic affairs, are invited to at
tend. Tickets can be purchased at
either of tho three banks or from the
County Surveyor R. L. Cochran re
turned Sunday evening from a visit
of a week in the southeast part of the
county on engineering work. He
leaves today for the Hershey vicinity
to look aftr some work.
George Bauer, chief electrician for
the Union Pacific . company, stopped
off in the city yesterday for a short
visit with friends and to look after
business matters. Ho was enrouto to
Denver to look after some railroad
Against loss by 'Fire, Lightning, Cy
clone, Tornado and Wind storm One
stock mini near llrule, Neb. lost 2.'l
head, nnothcr 17 head of cattle killed
by lightning tho other day. Let us
Avritc you a policy.. Tho cost of in
surunco is smnll compared to value of
these heavy losses. Let us write you
it policy today.
The Leaders In Insurance.
A section of good hay land only 12
miles from North Platte, fenced, good
well and wind mill, to trade for good
house and lot In this city. Whnt
have you I
yDon't miss the Midland Concert at
tho Keith this evening. Prices 25c,
35c and 50c.
With a report that was heard foiy.
couplo of blocks, a largo water tank
connected to tho oven In tho DoolU-'
tie bakery exploded about eight o'clock,
yesterday morning and partially wreck
ed tho building. Tho largb cylindrical
tank was forced through tho ceilings,
of tho first and second lloors, and
striking the roof timbers dropped!
back to the second floor. Tho forcoi
of the explosion was tremendous, bulg-!
ing tho partition on tho west side of,
tho room, shattering tho windows, I
knocking off tho plaster on tho walls?
and scattering tho various furnish
ings and utensils brondcast. Two
doors between tho bakeshop nnd the
salesroom wero blown open and
through them tho dynmlc force entered
tho salesroom and shivered to atoms
tho plato glass in tho northwest win
dow. Mrs Doollttle and daughter were ln a
room directly over tho bake shop and
tho former was standing but a foot
or so from the point whero tho tank
shot through tho floor. Both wero
badly stunned, and tho force of tho
explosion badly wrecked the furnish
ings of the room.
Edward Dieter, tho baker was at
woVk when tho explosion occurred.
The concussion knocked him down and
toppled over a stovo In which a lire was
burning. Tho etovo fell on his log
breaking It between tho anklo and
knee. Ho was also burned to some
extent by tho hot Iron of tho stovo.
Ho was at onco conveyed to a hospital
and a physjclnn summoned who re
duced the fracture and rendered other
necessary aid.
Tho cause of tho explosion is not
definitely known but It is presumed
that tho pipe loading to the es
cape valvo became clogged will alkali,
thus preventing the ovorload of steam
from escaping.
Mrs. itarraclough Dies This Morning
Mrs. Frederick Barraclough died this
morning at tho Good Samaritan hos
pital at S;20, following a paralytic
stroke which occurred March 1st. The
entire body was paralyzed, Including
speech, but she retained her mental
ity to Its fullness, and through her
oyos communicated her thoughts as
best she could to tho members of her
family and tho attending physician.
At three o'clock tho pulse beat could
not be felt, and live hours later tho
spirit .took, its, flight: Life-.was pro
longed succeeding the stroke by t,bc
vitality which came from an unusual
ly sroug constitution.
Arrangements for tho funeral have
not been completed at this writing.
Ann Jano Todd was born in Liver
pool, England, May 30, 1858, came to
North Platte with her parents In 1875,
and on January 1st, 1877, was united
in marriage to Frederick BarracloUKh.
who came to North Platte ln 1873. To
this union six boya and two girls were
born, the children being Mrs. Edward
Weeks, and Miss Irma, Ilrfrry, Edward.
Ellis and Arthur of this city, Joshua A.,
of uranu Junction., nnd Horace, of Los
Angoles, all of whom with the father
Mrs. Barraclough was reared in tho
Episcopal church, and maintained her
alllllatlon with that denomination
through life. Her llfo was largely one
of devotion to. her husband and chil
drcn, and on theso wns at all times
centered her best christian endeavor
and tho mother's love and care. Friends
unite ln extending condolence to the
bereaved husband and children.
II Wfav DWt Yon Build 1
A Home
A SIX-room, cozy home for a small
family,' with living room (across
the entire house front), dining room,
den, kitchen, two bed rooms, and
bath room.
e She will be delighted with the ample
closets, also with the splendid bookcase
colonnade between living room and din
ing room.
You ought to see this and other in
terior and floor plans. It wiil be a
nleasure for us to show them to you.
Stop in. Let us talk it over. This is
just part of the helpful service we give to
Automobile insurance our specinl
ty. Losses promptly paid by
While Saturday's sales on rugs were the larg
est we have ever had, yet we made prepara
tions for a good business on them for the
week and have a large assortment left but
they are going fast. Every one is surprised
to get rugs of the quality we are offering at
the price. Now is the time of year to replace
your old rags with new ones, and the saving
we are offering you will surprise you. Come
and see them.
Ft"' fl K
fat tfo.m.JLTBngngrmnBa
Mr. and Mrs Joseph Todd and son,
of Parsons, Kansas, arrived last night,
called hero by tho Illness and death of
: Mr. Todd's sister, Mrs. Fred Barra
clough. Mr Todd loft hero eighteen
I years ago, and for ten years has been
locnted at Parsons, whore ho is ma
I chlnlst foreman ln tho shops of the M
K. & T. railroad.
P. J. iUKNKH & CO.
Ilcnl Estate and insurance
Come and' seo us for town lots In
dlfforont parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rent. Wo have also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowoy Sts.. upstairs
wavemr spoons
evangelist Oscar Lowry.
General Manager Ware and Mrs.
Ware, and Supt. Jeffers and Mrs. Jef-
fers, came up from Omaha In Mr.
Wares car last evening nnd were
present at tho May Party. Mr. and
Mrs. Ware and Mr. Jeffers returned
last night. Mrs. Jeffers will visit with
friends horo for a fow days.
Reuben A. Scott, a brother of M.
E. Scott, of this city, was married
at St. Louis April 24th to Miss Sally
SemtresA Tho ceremony occulrred
at St. John's Episcopal church, which
had been decorated for tho occasion,
and Immediately following a wedding
dinner wns given at the Jefferson ho
tel by tho groom s brother. Mr. and
Mrs. Scott left on an extended wed
ding trip and at its conclusion will
mnko tholr liomo In Sutherland, whero
Mr. Scott takes tho position of cashier
of tho recently consolidated banks.
N. P. H. S. Glee Club
Keith Theatre
Saturday, May 8.
Prices SOc, 35c, 25c
MAY 7, 8.
Last Evening at t lie Taheriiaclo
A splendid audience greeted the
evangelist at the big tabernaclo last
night. In splto of tho many counter
attractions in tho city, thero wero
somo 850 peoplo present at the ser
vices. Tho splondld singing of tho
chorus was a feature of tho ovonlrfg.
Prof Moody was at his usual high
standard ln his leading and solo work.
Much enthusiasm is felt all over North
Platto ovor the music at theso services.
Dr. Lowry took for his theme "Sonic
KsBentials of a True Revlvlal." In a
masterly way ho took his hearors
back to tho cry of tho prophet Habalo
kuk "O Lord, revive thy work in tho
midst of years, in tho midst of tho
years make known; in wrath, remem
bor morcy."
A splendid Introduction to tho theme
wns worked out showing tho hearers
that while tho church Is confronted
with moral, soclologian and theologi
cal problems, yet the greatest and di
vine purpose in Christianity Is tho
preaching of Christ, the only Saviour
from sin Ho spoko of tho classes who
do not bellvo in revivals, and ho gavo
throe excuses which aro often used by
To succeed, people must believe In
rvlvals they must bo willing to prc
paro tho way for revivals they must
pray and work enthusiastically for
revivals. Dr. Lowry is in tho hearts
of the peoplo of North Platto already,
and those who hear him aro struck
with his forceful, scriptural messages
and his sincere mannor of presenting
Mr. Moody sang "Johus and His
Lovo" for his solo nfter the sermon.
Tho meetlnes aro startlnir off ln a very
powerful way. Tho sorvlccs begin each
ovonlng at 7:30 shnrp. A cordial in
vltatlon Is oxtondod to all to bo at tho
big tabernaclo each ovonlng of he
I .'or Snip.
H room liouHo, now, 802 vast Sixth
12700. '
7 room houue, 521 west Fourth
r, room Iiouhc, C20 west Ninth, $1350
A different Spoon each week.
A guarantee with every Spoon.
Nebraska, California, Iowa, New York, Texas.
turdav Mav 8, Missouri.
5, 20, 2SC Store.
when you have a good Tiro Insurance
Policy In one hand. Shako off tho loth
nriiy you uro In. lie a business mini
and look after j(iir own Intrcsts The
Aviso would never think of nllowln
(heir personal properly to bo uninsured
If you have been so foolish hitherto,
Avake up now and get interested for
your oavii interests. I can IiiNuro your
house and contents for a small promt
urn. You avIII hardly feci the paying
of it yet It affords you a permanent
protection against lire
(in mT. trmdt
We are just starting
our 2nd season with
the "Ideal Lawn Mow
er Grinder." After us
ing this machine one
season we find it gives
entire satisfaction.
We can make your
old mower cut like
R. W. Vroman,
109 East Fifth.
y2 Block East of P. 0.
Tnreo nest pimps in town.