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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1915)
r 'I .if Jlny Open Washington School Today. Tho Washington school will be opened todny If possible, according to Btatonionts mado yesterday by Supt. Tout. It Is hoped that school can bo started today. Tho wntor has receded and It remains only to got tho base ment dried out. Tho school has beon closed two wooks, ono wcok for scarlet fovor and ono wcok on account or the I flood. Tho Jefferson school will probably, bo oponed Monday. It has been closod, down tho greater part of threo wooks i on account of tho high water. It was j closed for a week and was later, oponed, but remained open but a few days when tho water again caused! It to be cloned. May Parly Concert. j In accordance with tholr custom for . years past tho concert preceding the grand inarch at tho 11. of L. E May Party Monday ovcnlng May 3rd, will bo ono of the entertaining foaturos of, u tho evening. Commencing nt 8:15 p. m. Stamp's orchestra will bo heard' In tho following attractive program. I March "Dolores," Morot, , Ovcrlyro "Stradella", Flotow. j Idvll "The Chimes". Armstrong. Intermozzti "Mermaid of theNllo", Silvio Ilcln. Two famous numbers by P. Chopin (aO "Valso Opus G4 No. 2", (b) "Polo naiso Milltalro Op. No. 1. Overture "Tho betrothal", llayloy. On acount of two of the ward schools being closed it Is feared that somo of tho parents in this city havo not beon informed of the educational oxhlblt which will bo hold at tho high school building tomorrow all day. Tho city schools will bo well represented and it is hoped that all tho patrons will turn out and help mako this meet ing a success. No pains havo been spared to furnish a good program and prepare an accoplablo exhibit tf school work and tho work that has already been received looks very nice. Tho program will be at 2 o'clock in tho afternoon and tho admission to tho entlro exhibit and program Is free Evcryono-interested is urgd 'to bo present at tho meting tomorrow. Tho delegates from Harry E. Brown Camp No. 11, U. S. W. V., returned Wednesday morning from Omaha where they attended, tho state encamp ment. All report an excellent time. Th following from here attended: Mr. ami Mrs. A, W. Shilling, Mr? and Mrs. A. W. Drown, Leonard Robinson, S. T. Clark, E. E. Moody, Ed Scharmann,' 0. E. Garrison, Charles Haner and A, E. Bell. John McKeag of Ogalalla was also a delegato from the local camp. Tho Yeomen lodgo of this city has rented tho Lloyd opera house for their own uso for a year and are now put ting it in Hhapo for their work. Tho building will be thoroughly renovated and painted Insldo and out. Tho floor will also bo worked over and nut in the best possiblo condition. The inside of tho building will bo finished entirely in white. When the work Is completed it will present a nlco appearance. License to wed wa3 granted Wednes day from tho ofllce of tho county Judge to ltobort D Hatch, 21, of Moore, Neb., and Miss Edna E. Stewart, 19, of Eclipse. Tho young peoplo wero mar ried in tho ovcnlng at tho Methodist parsonage, Rov, DonJ. Cram officiating. Tho groom is a ranchman of tho Mooro vicinity and tho bride has boon teach ing school. They will make their home on a ranch L'lno PlanlN. Tomatoes, Cabbage, SwooU Potatoes 50 cents por 100 postpaid. O. R. Shall, Lexington, ien, 20-8 Mutual Building & Loan Association oi North Platte, Nebraska. Organized 1837. : Have plenty o money on hands to close loans promptly. Will loan on North Platte City properly for building purposes or to assist its members in buy ing homes or paying off mortgages The monthly payments on $10uO.0O loan are on principal $5.00 and intore&t $6.00 or $1100 in nil and on other sums in proportion. MiWl SPECIALTY are go ing to lay or repair dram see about the. pipes. We carry just what : you want, for our sup ply bf tilings is the larg est around here. We them by the carloads, prices are loitfest. Spring's here; do it now. Write, xvr i ll we welcome small orders. That's the reason we are adver tisingto interest the THE HOME OF GOOD LUMBER. COATES LUMBER AND COAL CO. JohivOFisber's Success, "THE RED ROSE", tt Belgian Ditto and Sand Shades Silk Poplin Bags at Wilcox Dopt. Store. Maurice Fowler, of Grand Island Is visiting in tho city this wcok buying horses. Mllos Doardmnn, veterinary surgeon living in this city, recently received nn appointment from the state as stock inspector for this territory. For Rent' Throe room house in 300 block on east Third street, Phone Black 140. 27-2 P M. Jorgenscn of the Maxwell vi cinity was visititiK In tho cltv a few days this wook looking after some business matters and visiting frlonds. Plans and Suggestions for your lione.Arc i$f$0$M You Interested? E. ,P Scobergcr and P. L Moonoy of tho First National bank wore visit ing in Hershcy yestoiday looking af ter business in connection with the bank of Lincoln county. For Sale Houso and lot. Phono Red 538. 23-8 Ben McClung, employed in tho Union Pacific yards, sustained a badly bruised foot Wednesday when ho dropped a largo cako of lco on It. Ho was loading a enr when the ice slipped out of bis tongs. Hp suffered a severe abrasion on his left foot and It is feared that somo of the metatarsal bones are fractured. IIo will bo laid up for two weeks or more. For Sale or Trade. Improved section of hard land, most ly rough, $S por acre. M. R. Magnuscn. ' For Sale. Used Typewriters, all kinds, all prices. O. E. James, Grand Island Nob. buy and the phone or calD II l as wen as- large - average man in PHONE 7 v f . ... i. ifj usaJ J. C. Den left Wednesday for Col- umous to atienu a snoot wnicn was held yesterday. Mrs. Joo Sullivan returned Wednes day evening to her homo in Brady af ter visiting friends hero for a few days. County Commissioner F. W; Hor mlnghausen loft Wednesday for points n Alabama to spend a week or more looking after his interests. - Mrs. C. E. Osgood of Donvor. arrived hero Wednesday evening, called' here by the death of her sou's wife,' Mrs. Charles Osgood. W. P. Lyrou, of Gothenburg, arrived in the city yesterday morning, to spend a sltort time visiting friends and trans acting business. TuCft MoFarland moved his-family thia week irom their residence - on west Second street into the Federhoof house on West Sixth street which ho recently purchased. S. C. Sherwood, ono of the proprie tcra of tho Sherwood & McMlchael barber shop, has sold his interest in commercial lines. Tho funeral of Jnmes Rannle, which, was held Wednesday afternoon, ,yns Virgoly attended and the floral tribute wore profuse and beautiful. Tho ser vices wero conducted by Dean Bowker of tho Church of Our Savior. Tho, M. W. A A. O. U. W. and Machinists' union attended en masse and gave nice floral offerings. They also marched to tho cemetery. Intorment was in the N'orih t' otle cemetery. iSr X 1 miiiiii ' m i mi Sold by Rush Mercantile Co , North Platte. Also by E. & W. Coker, Sutherland: Ganson & Ganson J Hershey; Jens Sommers, Maxwell: Jno. Fredrickson, Brady the "eith Theatre Monday Mrs M. V. Mitchell and children left yesterday morning for Lexington to spend a few days visiting relatives. Crowe's orchestra played for a well attended dance .at Maxwell Wednes-' day evening. Several went down from 1 here. i Old Trusty and Poultry Leader In. ' cubators and Brooders at factory ( price. S1MOX BROS. ' Miss Ruth Karlson left tho first of: the week for her home in Gothenburg ; after visiting in the clty tfor a fowj days with friends. While in the city. she visited nt the homo ofMrSt Chas. Burroughs. For Trade Model 1? five passenger touring car In flrst-claao running or der Will trade for hor-sea or any kind ol desirabe stock.' 25-1 J. S. DAVIS AUTO CO. H. G. Kuowles, pastor of the Chris tian church, was .visiting in the Max well vicinity Wednesday distributing advertising matter regarding the Low-ry-Moody meetings which open here Sunday. Ho states that there are somo bad mud holes in that vicinity. Itretzcr Proncrtv on West Eleventh1 Street Jfc'or Sale at a Bargain The former Frank B'retzer property located on west Eleventh street, being1' "i o rrrr rnnirt 1i rtii c fatrr full flft f rf lot3; chicken hou&es. and yards. Good j purposes, ana in aiso, i conuuion throughout. If obld at once, will be sold at a bargain.' Inquire of 28t2 C. F. TEMPLE, Agent. rental ' Evening, May 3d. Midland College Con cert Company Auspices Lutheran Girls' Society. Keith Theatre Tisesdy, May 4th In a program oi readings vocal and instrumental WFiioir liUJlt' . ' & -i - . j-..-a gox oHke OBn forreserva- tiononday, May 3. , F. J. DIENEIi & CO. Real Estate and Insurance Come and see ub for town lots in ilifforent parts of the city. Good in vt stments on easy terms. Houses for snle and rent. We have also good 'jar gains In farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey Sts.. upstairs NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL, HOSPITAL 1008 West Fourth St. MRS. M..I1ALL, Suporlntondont. Graduate Nurses in Attendance JOHN S. TWINED, Physician and Surgeon. AERIAL NAVIGATION is no longer an experiment, Its prac ticability has been proven and is com ing into use fnoro and more every day. Our cigars have never boon an ex pcriment; they havo always been good, they havo borne tho mark of standard for over twenty-flvo years in North Platte. Wo make a numher of brands ranging in price from for 10 cents to 3 for 25 cents, Try them. J. F, Schmalzricd Application for Miiuor I.U'oiihc. Matter of Application of A. T.Yar tor fn" T.iuiini' License. N..,tfp ih hprflltv irlvon thnt A- T. Yar ter. did unon tho 29th day of April 1916, filo his application to tho Vlllat Hnnrrl nf TrllBlnM of IlradV. LmCO county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous, vinous, mixed and lormentou intoxicating iuiuorn, iu tall, durlntr tho municipal )l year, tuni menclng to-wlt: May 1st, J.U1U, ending. April 30th, 191C. on lots 13, 1 mm lo, in diock o in tne vi ihb I Urady. Lincoln county. Nobrasifa, strancoor protest midcUwithincmtwo wooks from April 29th, A. D. 191G, said 11rAnA will t crrnntfid. A T. YARTEK, Applicant. nirc flnii.QTTo mv) 11 nil n; Boughtfand highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red G3l Office 45D C H. WALTERS. To ainry J3. Law, non-resident tlofond- uui; You are hereby notified that William Law did on tho 2Bth rtnv nf .Tntiim 1915. (lie a netltlon in tlin nictrlXt Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, the uujuui aim prayer oi wnien are to uo divorced from you upon the grounds ot desertion and Tor such other and further relief as Justice and equity may require: and tHat tho Judpo of Hald Court did on April 2Cth, 1015, make an order direct ing mat service be nau upon you uy publication aa In othor cases provided. You will nmko anmver to aald peti tion on or beforo tho 7th day of Juno, 101C. or VOUr default will hn Inkxn nnif JiidRment had against you as In said pe- uiuu pniyeti. V MljLiiAiVl I. LAW, Plaintiff. Hv v.. w. Wans. n27-4w His Attorney. CITATION Intho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob C. Keuernoor, uecoaseu. To Clara J. RobblnH. Atrnns Amail.a Huffman 'and Martin Federhoof, heirs at law oi jacoo u. ieuornoor, ueceased, and all persons Interested In said es tate: 1 ou and each of vou are herehv noti fied that Sophia Federhoof has fifed her petition In this Court, tho object and prayer of which are for a decree speci fying who are the heirs of said Jacob C. Federhoof, deceased, and their inter est or shares in and to Lot 2 In 131oclc iV of North Platte Townlot Comnanv'a Addition to North Platte, Lincoln Coun ty. .Nebraska, and the richt of succes sion thereto. All persons Interested In suoh matter are heroin cited to appear oeiore uus uourc at tno court ilouso in the City of North Platte, Nebraska, at 2 o'clock V. M. on tho 20th dav of May, 1915, and show cause If any why me prayer oi sniu petitioner snau not be granted, Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 24th day of April, 1D1G. (SEAL) GEO. E. FRENCH, a27-3v County Judtre. XOTIfK FOIt 1'Um.ICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Otllce at North Platte, Neb. April 23; 1915. Notice Is hereby given that Minnie Eliza McQulre, now Seese, of North Platte, Nebraska, who on February 8, 1912, made Homestead Entry No. 05371, for E of SE Section 2, Township 11 N., KanKc 30 W., Cth Principal Merid ian, has nied notice of intention to make final three year proof, , to estab lish claim to the land above described before the nepister and Receiver at North Platte. Nebraska, on the 21st day of June, 191C. Claimant names as witnesses: Scott Shaner, of Maxwell, Nobr., Jesso Hlgh berger, of North Platte, Nobr., Andrew Howard, of Wellfieet, Nebr., Mary Rich- anis, oi isorm i-iatte, xveor. J. EL EVANS, ' Register. a27-Cw Xotice of Snle. Notice is hereby given that whereas default has occurred in the conditions of a certain chattle mortgage executed by M. J. OConnell and Floy E. O'Con nell, mortgagors, to William Lyman, mortgagee, bearing dato on the 25th day of February, 1914, by reason of tho failure of said mortgagors to pay the debt pecured therby and whereas there Is how duo and unpaid on said Indebt edness to tho undersigned tho sum of Four Hundred Thirty and 56-100 (S430.GC.) Now therefore, the . property des cribed in said mortgage, to-wlt, Two brass bed, complete, ono birds eye m.lple dresser, one birds eye maple clrtrfongr, two 8x10 rug's, one oak dresser, one oak table, one oak rocker, one oak leather rocker, six dining room chairs, two 9x12 rugs, ono daven port, one electric lamp, one dining room table, one sewing machine,- one Jewel gasoline stove, one kitchen cab inet, one buffet, six kitchen chairs, two rugs 2x5, one roll top desk, one flat top desk, two desk chairs, four largo ofllce chairs, ono Insurance, case, one paper file, one stand table, ono letter press and book, one large electric fan; or so much thereof as may do necessary, win ue soiu pursuant to the power or the salo in said mortgage contained, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash on tho 22nd day of May, 1915, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the storaga room of T. M. Cohagen n the city of North Platte. Lincoln county. Nebraska, to satisfy the debt secured by said- mortgage and costs and expenses of thesfo foreclosure pro ceedings. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this 29th day of April, 1915. william IjIJIak, Mortgagee, By Muldoon & Glbbs, His Attorneys. NOTIOK FOU I'UIIMC.VTIOX nciinrtiiiciit of 41ie Interior U. S, Land Ofllco at North Platte, Neb. , March 27, 1915. Notlco is hereby given that John M. Crandoll, of North Platte, Neb., who, on January 10, 1912, made Homestead entry No. 05355, for the E and NWU Section 14. Township 12. NT. Range 31. W. 6th Principal Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to maite nnai tnree roar proof, to establish claim to tno and abovo described, boforo tho Regis- tor and Receiver, at Northe Platte, Nob., on the 21st day of May, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: w. u. Masters, Hugh Songer, Carl Brooder, John W. Fowler, all of North Platte, Nob. J. IS. liiVAMH, m30-Cv Register. siicrin'n Sat-. By virtue of an order of Bale Issued from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foroclosuro rendered In said Court wheroin Carl Christensen Is plaintiff, and Charles Shlll, Mary E. Shill . and Edd Shlll are uorenuants, anu to me directed. I will on tho 22nd day of May. 1915, at 2 o clock p. m., at tho oast front door of the Court House In North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to the highest bld- dor xor cash, to satisfy said decree, in- torost and costs, tho following des crlbed property, to-wlt; auuinoasi quarter voivi; ui ocv.- tlon elghtocn (18), Towshlp nlno (9), Range thirty (30) West Cth P. M., Lin coln pounty, Nebraska. tiateu rsortn riaiie, iuu., aiu iv, 1915. . . A. J. MAIjISUUUI, a20-5w Sheriff. Order of Hciirlng on Orlglunl l'roliale ul Win Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In the county wouri. In tho Mattor of the Estate of J. Dela- van Jackson, Daoeased, On reading and filing the petition of Anna E. Jaokson, praying that the Instrument, filed on the 17th day of April, 1915, and purporting to be the last Will and Testament of the said do coased, may be proved, approved, pro bated, allowed and recorded as the lost Will and Testament of tho said J. Dola van Jackson, doceased, and that the execution of said Instrument may be committed and the administration of satd estate may be granted to Anna E. Jackson and Charles D. Jackson s ad ministrators with Will annexed. Ordered, That May 8, 1915, at 9 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when nil persons inter ested In said matter may appear at a county Court to be held In and for said County, and show cause why the pray er of petitioner snouui not no granted GEO. E. FRENCH. a20-3w County Judge.