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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1915)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NE0RA8KA. HEWS BRIEFLY TOLD INTELLIGENCE HERE GATHERED COVERS WIDE AREA GREATER OR LESSER IMPORT includes What Is Going On at Wash Ington and In Other Sections of the Country. war news. A general land campaign tho Turks by British and against French troops 1b about to bo undertaken, ac cording to reports from London. Tho British expeditionary forccB In Trance will amount to 750,000 men, according to a statement made by David Lloyd-George, chancellor of the exchequer. It Is stated In high official quarters In Rome that It Is becoming increas ingly improbable that Italy will par ticipate in tho war at least for some time to come. Information comes from Austria by way of Rome that AuBtria-Hungary is concentrating troops on the Italian frontier in view of a possible invasion by Italian forces. Germany 1b Bending troops Into Hungary, and strong support of this kind is likely to havo an encourag ing effect on tho Austrlans, whoso resistanco has been described as most determined. Seven million Poles, Including 2,000,000 Jews, are at the point of starvation, according to Hermann Laumlau, a Jewish philanthropist, who arrived In London recently. Many are eating potato peelings left by the German army. Touf Paris, a social register of tho French capital, Just issued, contains tho names of 1,500 Parisians killed on the- battlefield up to February 25, 1915. Included in this number are tho nameB of twenty generals, 367 other officers, fourteen priests and 193 ti tled members of the aristocracy. GENERAL. Baron Herbert Do Reuter, manag ing director of Reuter's Telegram company, committed suicide in hl'i London, home. As a result of torrential rains and windstorms In Texas, twenty-five, per- Bons wore killed and property dam aged to the extent of over $500,000. Two Wisconsin inventors have pat cnted a keroseno lamp that Is auto matically extinguished if upset or oven lifted from a support. For the first time in its history Rapid City, South Dakota, voted "dry" in tho recent municipal election, with a majority of 43 against llcenBeb Patriots' day, which commemorates the battle of Lexington fought in the revolutionary war 140 years ago, was observed in the Massachusetts build ing at Panama-Pacific exposition. Seventy-five men, many accom panied by families,, have located on the government townslto reserve at Ship Creek, tho Cook Inlet terminus of tho Alaska government railroad. Twelve persons wero ktlled and twenty were hurt at Birmingham, Ind., when a flve-Btory wall of the old Steel-Smith building crashed down on a shoe store and a tea company's store. "Labor organizations when properly conducted are In my opinion of funda mental advantage, not only to work men, but to employers," wan the statement at San Francisco of Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, president of tho Canadian Pacific railroad. Four hundred and ninety-six ships passed through tho Panama canal be tween August 15, 1914, and February 14, 1915, according to National Cham ber of Commerce figures issuea. Tolls were $2,126,832. The first step toward tho arbitra tion of the building trade strike and lockout which has thrown 125,000 wage carders of Chicago out of em ployment was taken, Under a plan announced by the state board of arbl- tratlon the difficulties between tho workers and employers will be sub mltted to a board of three arbitrators, Threo test suits attacking tho con stltutlonality of tho war revenue act massed last October by congress af fecting a tax upon the capitaf stock of banks, wero filed In tho United States district court at Chicago. Robbery of a chest of silver filigree work aboard the steamer Vega, a part of Italy's exhibit at the Panama-Pad flc exposition, was discovered by cus torn officials. The robbery, according to the customs officials, probably was committed at Genoa before the vessel was completely loaded. All women, regardless of their sta tlon in life, aro now entitled to vote In Denmark. Tho Danish parliament adopted the now Danish constitution ono of tho chief factors of which Is the abolishment of sex privileges. Mra. Paul Watgnor of Goforth, Tex., gavo birth to four children, thrco girls and a boy, A bill providing for compulsory mil itary training passed the house of tho legislature of Hawaii. Predictions of great prosperity In tho United States wero made at Port land, Ore., by Crarles Sumner Ham lin, governor of tho federal reserve banking board, who Is touring tho Pacific coast. Twenty-one city officials and former officials of Torre Haute, Ind., convict ed in tho election conspiracy cases there are now in tho United States penitentiary at Leavenworth, Knns., serving time for their crimes. Mra. Julia Hoilnor, wife of Sellgman Hellncr, a wealthy corset manufac turer, was found murdered In her Brooklyn home. Her head had been crushed by blows with a bottle. Tho motlvo apparently was robbery. Two valuable diamond rings were missing. General Villa's attempt to besiege Matamoros waB definitely abandoned bo far as the present is concerned. Major General Frederick Funston and staff loft Brpwnavlllo for San Antonio. The general oxpects, however, to keep In closo touch with the border situa tion. A Jury was .secured at Trlntdad. Colo., for the trial of John R. Law son, international executive com mlttpo momer of tho United Mine Workers of America, on a charge of murdering John Nlmmo, a mlno guard, during the recent coal miners strike. SPORTING The bill to creato a commission to regulate boxing and wrestling and al lowing ten-round bouts was defeated in tho Pennsylvania legislature. Tho matcli between Johnny KI1 bane, featherweight champion, and Joe Mandot, lightweight, set for May 3 at New Orleans, has been called off. Dick Grotto, secretary of the Omaha baseball club, has Just completed the draft of tho Nebraska state league baseball schedule. Tho league is to open in two weeks. Eddie Ainsmith, premier catcher of tho Washington American league baseball team," was sentenced to thirty days "in the workhouse, with out option of a fine, in police court at Washington, after conviction of an assault upon a street car motor man. Leonard Zoppela, driving his own team of sixteen Siberian wolf dogs, won the 412-mllo all-Alaska sweep stako dog team race at Name, Alaska. His time for tho course was 78 hours, 44 minutes and 37 Beconds, 4 hours, 30 minutes and 17 seconds lower than the record established by John John son's Siberian wolves in 1910. Joe Steelier, the unbeaten farmer lad from Dodge, Nob., hooked his famous scissors hold on Conolly, the Irish champion, and throw him twice In about nineteen minutes at Coun cil Bluffs. The time of the two falls totaled about the same as required for Stecher to throw Westergaard at Lincoln a couple of weeks ago. The house bill legislating ten-round no-decision boring matches m me three first class cities of Minnesota Minneapolis, St Paul and Duluth has passed tho senate, 35 to 32, after sevbral minor amendments were adopted. Concurrence by tho house In those amendments will do necessary before tho bill goes to the governor. WASH INOTON. A note from President Wilson to tho German ambassador, uount von Bernstorff, vigorously denies partial Ity on the part of the United States to Great Britain. Advices to the State department from central Mexico Indicated that General Villa Is continuing his effort to concentrate at Aguas Callentes troons enough to warrant another attack on Carranza's army. In response to Inquiries Secretary Bryan in a letter Just mado public, reiterated tho announcement that tho Slate denartmcnt does not deem It advisable to Issuo passports to per sons who wish to visit belligerent countries of Europe for tho mere pur pose of sightseeing or pleasure. Secretary Daniels reiterated with out qualification that tho Atlantic fleet will pass through the Panama canal to tho Pacific in July. Some doubt had been expressed. Wo aro making all our plans to go through and will bo in the canal July 4," said Mr. Daniols. "Wo will go through in good shape." General George H. Harries ol Omaha, who has been In command ol tho National Guard of tho District of Columbia Bince 1897, and a member of the organization for 26 years, has filed his application with Secretary of War Garrison for retirement with tho rank of major general. Secretary ot State Bryan issues mild rebuke to Rear Admiral Peary, finder of tho north pole, for stating that within 100 years the United States must hold all North America or cease to exist as a nation. BELOW THIS STATE APPROPRIATIONS FOR COLORADO LESS THAN NEBRASKA. GOVERNOR GATHERS FIGURES Money Set Apart By Four Adjoining States Shows Nebraska Fared Well. Lincoln. Governor Morohcad, who has been gathering a few figures on the appropriations or the five states ndjolning Nebraska, deems the com parison not wholly unfavorable. So far as he has heard from four out of tho flvo states, and in but ono stnto, Colorado, has tho total of ap propriations been less than that of Nebraska. Tho total Nebraska appro priations, Including those for schools, was a llttlo less than $8,000,000. Appropriations in Missouri amount ed to $11,112,000, exclusive of schools, for which that state is to spend tho additional sum of $5,556,000. Iowa ap propriated $12,750,000, Kantas $9, 530,044. Tho Colorado legislature ap propriated $3,374,000, and the govern or of -that state cut this figure down to $3,150,000. A per capita rating might change tho comparative stand ing somewhat, howover. As yet South Dakota has not boon heard from by the governor. Governor Must Select Men. . Creation of new offlces by the last legislature has set candidates for them afire ovor tho state, and as a result Governor Morchead has tele phone calls, letters and personal vis Its, which ho muflt sandwich In be- tween attention to other business. A new district Judge must ho nam ed in tho Ninth district, a public de fender in Douglas county and a list of candidates for supromo court com missioner must be prepared from which tho high bonch may make Its selections. One provision of the bill sets out that 100 enses now ponding In tho Btate court shall be glvon to the com mission for hearing. Another pro vision allows the court to list cases with it from time to time as it dis poses of litigation. There are to be threo commission ers, with a salary or $:j,uuu apiece. The list of possible candidates Is to be prepared by Governor Morehead. It is understood that ono already fa vored by the latter Is former Attor ney General G. G. Martin. Nebraska Lacsle Wins Honor. According to an official announce ment Just mado, Myrtle Mann, ago 12, of Dawes county, won fourth placo last season in tho national competi tion of the Boys' and Girls' Gardening club, conducted cooperatively by tho United States Department of Agricul ture and the extension departments of tho different -state colleges of ag riculture. Myrtle's reports, filed with the state leader of boys and girls' clubs, at the University Farm, show ed that she mado a net profit of $71.40 on a patch slightly larger than half the size of the average city lot School Act Faulty. The bill passed by the last legis lature for state aid for consolidated rural schools teaching homo eco nomics, agriculture, vocational and Industrial training is rendered lnefec- tivo by a bit of legislative careless ness, it has been discovered. The measure, Introduced by Repre sentative Elmerlund, falls to provide for the appropriation in tho title, al though tho body of the bill provides for tho appropriation out of the gen eral fund. Tho appropriation must be in tho title. Will Remember Blllle Burke. Blessed ever hereafter will bo the name and memory of Billlo Burke, the actress, among tho llttlo crippled children at tho state orthopedic Jios pital at Lincoln. In addition to all tho attentions showered upon the children during her stay In tho city camo. recently, to tho Institution a beautiful, shlny-now phonograph of an expensive make, with a big ns Bortmont of records. Moreover, Mist Burko loft a standing order with o local music house for three new rec ords each month. Lincoln School Debaters Win. Lincoln won in tho Llncoln-Omnhti High school debate last week, and also gained permanent possession oi tho Amherst alumni cup, which had iinpii won bv each school twice. The subiect of tho dobate was, "Govern ment Ownership and Operation ol Ttnllroad3." the Lincoln team taklnp the affirmative. Tho dobate was held In tho hich school auditorium and e large crc-vC was m attendance. Will Readvertlse for Bridge. At a conference between a North Platto delegation and the State Board of Irrigation, It was decided to rend , for 'b,da for tho Btuto aid bridge to bo built across the Platte river near North Platte. Tho contract was originally awarded several weeks ago to the Canton Bridge Co. of Can ton, O., for a concrete bridges Th company refused to sign unless the attorney general should guarantor protection on tho concrete patents This he refused to do. VACANCY ON NORMAL BOARD Term of J. R. Gettys Expires In June and Governor Morehead to Namo Man for Place. COMING EVENTS. Nebraska Federation of Com merclal Clubs annuit meeting, Lin coln May 5-6. North Platte Valley track meet Scottsbluff, May 7-8. Nebraska Elks' convention, Fre mont, May 11-12. State Gun Club tournament, North Platte, May 18, 19 and 20. Annual encampment of State G. A. R., Mlnden, May 18-19-20. Missouri Valley Tennis Tourna ment, Lincoln, May 21-22. State Sunday School convention Broken Bow, June 15-16-17. Stockmen's Convention and State Sheriff's Annual Mooting, Alliance, June 16-17-18. National convention of Travel ers' Protective association, Omaha, June 14-19. Annual convention of the Ne braska State Pharmaceutical as sociation, Omaha, June 7-10. Thero will shortly bo a va6ancy on the state normal board, necessitating an appointment by Governor Moro hcad that might change the faction al lineup of tho present mombere, a majority of whom nro now pro Thomas. The term of J. R. Gettys of University Place, a Thomas man, will expire either on Juno 24 or on Sep tember 1. A notation on tho records makes it" tho later date. But tho rec ord also shows that the term of I. F. Roach of Lincoln, tho unexpired part of which Mr. Gettys is serving, would regularly run flvo years from Juno 24, 1910, to Juno 24, 1915. Tho record would govern If tho notation wero not explained in some way. Tho governor, so far as known, is neutral in tho frny that has split tho educa tors of the state into two camps. Bo Jng neutral tho suggestion has been mado that ho will probably Ievtvo things in status quo by reappointing Gettys, or at leant another Thomas man. The reappointment Is especial ly potlnent In view of a rumor that has been going the rounds that thero will bo an attempt to creato tho posl tloniof financial secrotai-y for tho four normal schools, paying 4,000, which will be given to A. L. Cavlnoss of Fairbury, who, with T. J. Majors ot Peru and A. H. Vielo of Way no, con stitute the present minority faction on the board. Nebraska stockmon who are famll lar with Hvo stock sanitary laws of other ututes say that as a result ol tho late legislature's activity Nobras ka has tho best live stock laws of any state in the union. That view Is held by J. A.' Ollis ol Ord and other members of tho Im proved Livestock Breeders' associa tion, who havo gone ovor the enact ments. Six bills indorsed by that body havo been sent through tho last stop of their career and will bo on tho statute books after July 8. Among tno number of measures hlnhly commended are: Tho bill amending the law for indemnification and Including both, glanders and douraino in horsos, tho measuro changing tho stallion registration law and requiring only two Inspections Instead of yearly inspections, tho bill giving potoncy to livestock quaran tine statutes, amending tho veteri narian practico law and putting that profession on a higher plane and the bill giving tho livestock sanitary board complete control ovor tho man ufacturo and salo of serum and virus. A circular telling ot tho produc tion requirements of tho different breeds of dairy cattle and expenses In securing official tests has Just been Issued by the dairy department of tho Unlvorstly of Nebraska. Tho circular and any other information regarding testing may bo received from tho dnlry department, University Farm, Lincoln. As tho result of a questionnaire to determlno tho wishes' of patrons as to whother tho school year of tho University School of Agriculture should bo lengthened from six and one-half to seven months, It was learned tint tho farmorB of the etato wero 'two to oue In favor of the longei session. Dr. W. H Wilson, inspector fot tho state board of health, haB ro turned from Benkelman where ho In vestigated an outbreak of smallpox It Is ronortdd that there are two dozen cases in tho town. A quaran lino has beeii established. State Auditor Smith has registered $15,000 of bonds issued by the town of Lyons for electric light purposes nnd $6,000 of light bonds Issued by tho town of Maxwell. Tho stomach ot Alvah Street, a uoy 5 years of n,?e, has been rccolvcd by tho pure food department at tho state house for tho purpose of ana lysis. Chemist Frisblo will make test for tho purpose of discovering it thero la any poison in tho stomach. It was' Bent from Morna In Custer coun ty and, it is alleged that tho boy died In forty-live minutes frpm the effects cf patent medlclno taken, showing all tho effects of strychnine poisoning ffhe dopartmont will make further In "eatlgation if signs of strychnine ar BlBCOvered in the stomach. HOW TO MAKE FARM i) hhm ii in u wp inainnMinii o-n imi mi Lima Has Many Uses One (By J. O, HALPIN. Secretary of Wiscon sin Poultry Association.) Always breed from activo hons, which lay tho best In tho fall and win ter. Watch tho flock" carefully through November and Decombor, and mark tho vigorous, hardy hens with tho rod combs and tho highest egg records. Novor savo eggs for Betting from tho "droopy," lazy hen that hangs around tho rooflt. Select Strong Males. Much dopends upon tho vigor and vitality of tho mnlo. A lazy and slug gish malo should nover bo rotalned in tho breeding pens, ns ho would transmit theso characteristics to his progeny if ho had any. For dual purposes, uso only ono mnlo to ten or fifteen females. Tho breeding flock should bo allowed a largo rango. Only tho best hens Bhould bo saved for breeding, tho rest being sold for meat. For good re sults, moro than ono pen should bo availablo in tho poultry house. It alwayB payB to havo ono pon for tho pullets and another for tho older birds. Tho pullot8 nro thus protected from tho abuse of tho older and strongor birds until they nro abla to defend themselves. Rigid selection among tho fowls of theso pons should ulti mately result In tho choice of tho cream of tho flock for uso in future TO DISCOURAGE THE SITTER Ons Good Way Is to Confine Fowl In Baro Yard and Feed Her Liberally of Green Stuff. Much as wo may like to see our honB Btart In to sit early In tho spring, there comes a time when their sitting be comes u nuisance It Ib all right to keep a few hena Bitting ns lato as Au gust, If thero is a good local markot for lata broilers. A fow lato scattorod broods aro moro troublo than they aro worth, ex cept In thoso cases where you may like to havo a fow coming on right along for uso on tho homo tablo. Whoro they aro raised with a view to marketing them, they should either be allowed a froo rango, or a now plot of ground Bhould bo set apart for them, ground that Ib freo from tho dirt and droppings of tho earlier broods. If tho hens must bo broken up and cured of tho sitting habit, It Bhould bo dono when tho first Indications aro shown. Ono of tho best plans Is to shut them up in a yard, bara of boxes or other posslblo places whoro tho hon may bo able to lndulgo In her de Biro to squat. If this yard is sown In oats, or is in grass, It will bo all tho better. Lot them llvo on green food exclusively for a fow days. It will not Injure them in tho least, and will euro them of tho sitting deslro as quickly as any thing else. Tho green food will bo JUBt tho thing for them in hot weather. In a GEESE MUST HAVE Pair of Geese will not thrive If kept closely confined. Thoy aro great rnngora and must havo plenty of exercise, Geeso cannot bo raised successfully without water- to swim in, but ducks, particularly tho Pekin breeds, do not need it. Ducks will not drink muddy water ind thoy must havo wator at feeding time, as thoy always take a blto and a jup alternately all through their meal. Thero Is no sentiment In a hen. Her inly object lit Is to get enough '.o tBLE Is In the Poultry House. breeding to build up and improve tho farm flock. Use Leg Bands. Ordinary log bandB can bo secured for ton cents a dozen, and should bo used ns a means of identification throughout tho flock, Tho bands should bo numberod, and tho numbei ontorcd In a small notebook, which can bo hung by a string to a conven ient nail. Tho numbers should bo en tered In regular ordor (1, 2, 3, etc.) and room left opposlto tho numbers for notes which will bo mado from tlmo to tlmo on tho winter production, health, oto., of tho respective honB, Tho data of birth Bhould also bo en torcd on tho notebook, as this Ib the only check tho poultryman has on the ago of his hens. Use "Homegrown" Eggs. Tho avorago farmer makes tho mis take of sending for egga concerning whlcluho reads an inviting advertise ment In tho paper. Ho then employs all tho birds hatched, regardless ol their valuo. Instead of this, ho should uso only tho eggs raised on his own plnco from selcctod Btock. Then he can bo reasonably sure of what ho 1? getting. Tho day of haphazard poultry rals. lng is fast passing. Breed only the beat of your stock, and tho Improve ment will be steady and euro. fow days most of them will havo for gotten all about thsilr deslro to raise a family, and will bo ready to go back to their duty of egg laying. KILLING TURKEY OR CHICKEN Mistake to Chop Fowl's Head Off and Then Allow It to- Flop Around Cover With Sack. Most people simply chop tho head off of a chicken and turkoy and lol them flop around over tho ground, against tho fonco, or on tho rocks and brulso their flesh. This Is a mlstaka Tho bruised flesh of tho fowl cannot bo as excellent as when it has not boen injured. I havo found a good plan by which the flopping and bruising can be pro vonted, writes W. D. Nealo in Farm, Stock and Homo. Aftor catching the turkoy or chicken I tlo their feet with a stout string, thon I slip tho fowl In sldo of a burlap sack, letting tho head protrudo through a bole cut In the sack largo enough to glvo tho neck plenty of room. Thon with "a good string I tlo the Back down closo to the fowl. With a sharp hatchet I cut the head off with ono sharp blow aftoi stretching tho neck across a solid pieco of wood with tho left hand. Tho fowl will make efforts to strug gle, but It will not bo able to flop. The sack will hold Its wings down so that no motion can bo made. In a short whllo the contortions of tho muscles will cease and the fowl may bo re moved from tho sack and dressed. PLENTY OF EXERCISE Fine Geese. eat. If sho is given that and a warm, well ventilated house to sleep In at night, a dry sholtered place in winter, sho will do tho rest. Tho Brown lied Games aro probably tho oldest broed of domesticated fowls known in this country. If any of your hens seem to havo lost most of their feathers during tho molting period and show largo, baro spots, It Is evidence that they aro not vigorous, and It would bo hardly worth whllo to keep thorn over winter. FLOCK PROFITABLE 0