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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1915)
1 SPECIAL , May 8th. I eps ba a At May 1st. Closes Saturday May i - r, ml ! :W,' . ; lis V f ! WW i B ginning Saturday we wili hold the largest special sale o Rugs ever held in North Platte. We have made a special purchase of standard quality Rugs of one of the largest New York car pet houses at prices that ai e considerably below the market. We aye going to offer these Rugs at prices that will save you money over any price you have ever had. These Rugs are from one of the best known mills in this countr and are not seconds or imperfect goods, but every rug is of the highest quality in its grade and perfect in workmanship and color. Prices do not tell you much without seeing the quality. We have not tried to buy the cheap grades, but the standard medium priced rugs that give you good satisfactory service. In this lot will be three grades of velvets, five grades of Axminsters, two grades of Wiltons and several of Brussels; all in room sizes 7 ft 6 in x 9 ft, 8ft 3 in x 10 ft 6 in and 9 f t x 12. We will also have a large assortment of small rugs 27x54 inches. We are not quoting prices in this advertistment for the reason that you will have to see the goods themselves to know what the saving will be, but we wish to say that it will pay you to buy your rugs at this sale. v ... . We will have these goods on display in our windows this week and they go on sale Satur- day. le sure come. n rjm4 DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, i Graduate Dentist $3ffice over the McDonald State Bank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL U. J. Smith la reported 111 at his home on West Eighth street. For Farm Loans see Gene Crook, new Waltemath Bldg. rooms 3 and 4. tf Vnr Stile Cane and Millet Seed. Phone C. P. Howard, 790F031. 29-6 The C C. "Ward home on South Wal nut was tills week put under quaran tine for small pox. Mrs. L. D. McFarland, of Tryon, arrived In the city Wednesday to spend a few days vjsiling friends. C. M. Allison of the Wallace vicinity was visiting friends and transacting business in the county seat this week. Dr. S. J. Richardson and family of Hershey, were visiting in the city Wednesday, driving down In their car. Margaret, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Baker, is reported quite 111 at their home on west Fifth street. Attorney W. V. Hoagland left Wed nesday evening for Sutherlnad to at tend the' district meeting of the Re-bekahs. Mrs. Alice Ferguson left Tuesday evening for Silver City called there by a telegram anouncing the death of a cousin. Mrs. H. L. Williams underwent a serious operation at the Good Samari tan hospital, She is reported getting along nicely. Deaconess Willis of Sidney, arrived in tho city Wednesday evening enroute to Kearney to visit. She stopped off i here for a short visit. A girl was born Wednesday to Mr, and Mrs. Pappas at tho Hlnman room ing house. New awnings were put up this week over the windows of the First. Na tional bank building. Frank Bretzer has .moved his family from their residence .on WTest Tenth street to 707 WestNInth street. Miss Merle Thornburg returned Married Tuesday Evening. A pretty church wedding was solem nized Tuesday evening at six o'clock at tho Christian church when William Miller and Miss Ethel Florcnc6 Dean wero united In marriage by II. G. Knowles, pastor of that church. About fifteen relatives and friends attended tho wedding. Tho couple was attended by' Miss Ilattlo Johnson as bridesmaid and I Paul Mettln as best man. Following Wednesday morning from a visit of a ..r I.. I Inil ill. ,..11. fnJn '" ua 1,1 the ceremony a three course wedding inick uniros leit iiiesuay evening SUnner was served to a number of in- kit Hr A A',-' s.oAW. 3VA Take Time to Telephone when work on the farm is pressing and there aro banking matters here in North Platte to which you wish to attond. Bank Sorvico of the Platte Valley lllato Bank includes ihe privilege of allowing us to mako ourselves useful In ovory legitimate business way open to us. The telephone and mails are, short cuts, the farinora who bank here have reason to appreciate The Platte Valley State Bank "The Sffety First Bank." Tort!' F.'rfte, Nebraska. for Julesburg and Denver to spend the week transacting business and visit ing friends. Wide Fancy Ribbons 25 cents a yard at Wilcox Department Store. Representatives of the Hoffhlno company aro In the city this week gathering data for the publishing of a new city directory. J. C. Den returned Wednesday from Omaha where he visited Tuesday. While in that city he witnessed the Sioux City-Omalia 'game. Street Commissioner W. R. Sails bury liad tho street drags all at work Wednesday morning" and tho streets .are now In good shape Attorney Robert Beatty, of Brady, v.:i3 visiting In tho city for a few days '.hU week on business. He had some legal matters before tho county court. Gossanl and; Nemo Maternity Cor- f,ots at Wilcox Department Store,. Mrs. W. O. Anderson loft tho Nurse' lKown Memorial hospital this weok. for her homo in tho Wallace vicinity. I I Hhe underwent nn oporatlon there two I weeks ago. I R A. Gaston, of Hastings, president ' of the Gaston Music Company, was visiting In the city a few days this vook looking after tho interests of tho ' company. I Harry Troupe, of Kearney, was vls ; lling In tho city for a few days this week on buslnoss boforo tho district court. Ho formerly lived in this city ! n rwl line r rtiitnlin rP fftnrwlu turn into iv itiiuuvi ui iiiviiua nut Glenn Rowoll of Staploton, was vis iting friends In the city Tuesday even ing, coming over to attend the show. He is managor of tho Iddlngs Lumber yard at Staploton and was formorly employed horc. Organdlo Collar and Cuff Sots at Wllco.x Department tore. Fire broke out Wednesday morning In the barn belonging to D. E Morrill Tho Royal Neighbors Social' Club was royally entertained a the homo of Mrs. Max McQrow on west Seventh street Tuesday aftornoon. Tho af ternoon wns spent in contests and social converse. Tho prize In tho con test was won by Mrs. Albert Schllntz. Mrs. McGrow was assisted by Mrs. Llerk and Mrs. Gertrude Johnston In serving a two course luncheon. The next soclnl will meet with Mrs. Evorett York, 402 South Pine, i.vnt Tlicy Forget. H, OJ Knowles, chairman of tho nr vortlslng committee for tho coming l.owry-Moody evangelistic campaign placed window enrds around In tho var ious stores of tho city today. Mr. Knowles, In talking with our roport or Informed him Unit a sign tmd been placed on tho wnlls of the Elk room ing hoiiHe, whoro tho fncos of tho ovnn gcllsts woro turned toward room No. 3. Mr. Knowles gives asi IiIh reason for so doing, tho following:. Slnco nvo of our woll known citizens woro recently dis covered In this room ovldently giving win. iu inuir pious inougnts tinu nn- vlted guests at tho homo of tho groom's parents. The young pcoplo will mako their home In this city. The bride Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rush Dean and has made North Platte lier residence for a number of years. She has many friends here. Tho groom has lived horc for several years and In now employed in Lcm Bailey's billiard parlor. First Game Here .May Klfh. The opening game of tho season on the homo grounds will bo played May ICtli, according to a statement made by Manager Gettnian this week. Ogal illa has some team this year and will put up a good-game. Tho Independents leave next weok for Ogalalla whore they will play Sun day aftornoon, May 9th. This will bo tluir fir3t real gamo this year. Manager Gettman iu attempting to get tho Hershey team to como hero the week following the Ogalalla game. It la lioped that they can como for a gamo during the state tournament which holds May 18, 19 and 20. Tho gamo will probably bo on the second or last day of the shoot and will be called for four o'clock so that the vis itors will have amplo timo to get to it t'OU IMMKDIATK 8AL13 Lots Nos. 4 and 5, In Block C, 1 North Platte Town Lot Co's. Addition. ' Buy direct from owner and save com mission. Sco Ottenstcln( or phono 528. 29tf l luroo, nun Biiii-i jioin hu niineiirnncos, F. L. Moonoy, of tho First National ,t11.,uVilml,.,!Bln'?. ,n modltntloii nmi , , ,., , . plnnH for booHtlnK tho coming mcotlnfr wiii.-n mo imiiuo uroiio in, oxpocuns to llnd a pjokor Kamo In progress, It Is no bank was visiting Tuesday in Kearnoy whero ho attended tho meeting of tho Kearney district Sunday school insti tute It was conducted by tlireo na tional organizers of tho Sunday school board of tho Methodist church and many Interesting questions wero brought up. Tho instltuto wns largely attended by representatives of tho Methodist Sunday schools nil-over tho district. Read Horshoy's advertisement a closing out sale in this Jssuo. Ilor shey tho hardwnro man. 12tf more thun right comnuiico pinco that tho advertising a niacani near tno trystlng place of thoso gontlemon, It wns fonred (and to a dogrce, Is yot) nun. uiu inn iniKiii uoconio so auHoruca In thought (?) that when tho mootlngB roally l)cIn nort Snndny night they would full to romoiuher them. Iloncu the enrd convwilently placed as n gon tho reminder, it in hoped 'that nil who aro llkowlso intorosted In tho meetlngo will not forgot thorn when they stnrt up. Among tho business visitors In town yoBtorduy wore Clms. Sibley of Fox Crock and Frank Hoy of Gnrilold. Lutheran Aniioiiucuiiieufs. Tho rogular. sorvices of worship Sunday morning nt 10:30 and evening at 8 o'clock. Themes of sormons: "Our Hearts aro fixed where True Joys Are" and "The Risen Lord's Commis sion to His Church." Special music ut both sorvices. Sunday school at 12 m. Luther lnguo at 7:15. Report from Tho dopartmont made a quick run and state convention, wcunumiuy evening uiuiu nuur m o ! extinguished tho llro before any ma Iterial damago was done. Tho cause of (ho llro is unknown. j Warren Doolittlo 'returned Wednes day from Lincoln where ho spent a , few days visiting friends. He went there to attend a big social ovont given by ono of tho fraternities of I which ho is n member. Dlvprce was granted Tuesday In i tho district court by Judgo Grimes o'clock. Tho E'uthoran Girls' club aro very much pleased ovor tho kind and hearty response made during tholr campaign in tho sale of tickets for tho concert to bo given next Tuesday night at the Keith. If you aro not at tho entertainment next Tuesday night you will, no doubt be tho losor. Splendid roports aro com ing up from tho custom part of tho to Levi M. Cochran from Etta Cooh- state whero the company have been ran. Tho grounds were adultery. Mrs.' during this week. Thoy nre tonight I Cochran did not apcar boforo the court at West Point and a't Omnha Monday her whereabouts being unknown. , night. Electric Grill StoYe Kcgulor price 35.00 On Sale During Hotpoint Week Only, May 3-8, at $3.25 Sec it advertised in the May 1 Saturday Evening Post and May Ladies' Home Journal El Grilstovo boils, fries, toasts, and broils, both above and below its glowing coils. Operates from any lamp-socket. Perfoims two eooking operations at the same time, at cost of one. El Crilstovo is the handiest, all 'round convenient electric appliance ever offered at the price. North Platte Light & Power Co.