The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 30, 1915, Image 4

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Mrs. Charles Callahan, residing on
east Fifth Btreot, underwent nn opera
tion Wednoaday morning at the Nurse
Brown Momorlal hospital,. Sho Is re
ported recovering nicely.
Miss Gertrude llakor returned to
Gothenburg today. Sho camo homo
Sunday with a threatened attack of
pneumonia, hut prompt medical assis
tance warded off the disease.
Mrs. Vorhces Lucas and Miss Inez
Westfall wcro In Kearney Tuesday as
dolegatcs from the Mctliodlst Sunday
school of this city to the Sunday
school Institute of the Kearney dis
trict. F, M, Koons, ftreuian out of tills city,
Is suffering with a badly lacerated
cheok, tho result of an encounter with
a hand saw. Ho was sawing wood
and tho wrong end of tho saw llcw, up
and struck him In the face.
Mrs. Leo Young and son John havo
been spending this week In town as
the" guests of Miss Anna Krampli and
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Oilman. Mrs. Young
lives at Hastings, Mr. Young being
rector of the Episcopal church.
Work was begun this week tearing
down tho Horshey buildings on tho
corner recently purchased by tho Yeo
men corporation. The lumber has
been Bold and the lots -will bo put in
shape for building case the building
arrangements get through.
Rov. BcnJ. A. Cram, pastor of tho
Methodist church, was visiting In
Kearney this week for a few days at
tending tlio meeting of tho Kearney
district Sunday school institute of
hlfl church and of the ministerial as
sociation of this district.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Doollttlo re
turned tho early part of tho week
from a four months' visit In Los An
geles and othor Pacific coast cities.
Mr. Doollttlo was favorably Impressed
with some features of tliat section,
while other features did not appeal to
Jacob Roscnburg of Maxwell was
visiting In tho city Wednesday on busl
ncsBB and made a call at this olllce,
renewing his subscription to Tho Tri
buno for another year, He drovo up
in a buggy and Bays that tho roads
to Maxwell aro pretty muddy. Ho
nearly got stalled with Just a light
Mr. and Mrs., Dan Fowlcs, of Stap
leton, woro visiting In the city with
friends this week. Mr. Fowles has Just
sold a section of land In the north
part of this county to Wallaco Bas
kins and Ed Salisbury of Stapleton. Ho
states that ho and Mrs, Fowlcs will
leave this summer for California
'where they will spond several months.
Dean Bowker this week received
word from Bishop Bocchcr announcing
that ordination to tho ministry would
bo conferred upon Rov Henry Ives of
Ogulalla on Sunday, Juno 6th. Rov.
Ives Is well known bore, havlpg visited
hero a number of times and preached
in the Church of Our Savior. Tho
sorvlces will bo held In tho Episcopal
church of this city.
For Painting, papor hanging and dec
orating see Landgraf & Crano. Reas
onable prices satisfactory work.
Phono Red 240 or Black 570.
Pitcher Bechon, of Horshey, passed
through the city Tuesday aftornoon
enrouto to Grand Island whoro ho had
been given a contract to pitch this
year. Ho stopped oft horo for a visit
with tho hoys,. Bochon had his hand
badly iniurcd a few weeks ngo and It
was feared that ho would be Unable
to play during tho first of tho season,
but tho member is now thorougiy
Word has been received horo from
Outfielder Mowhartor, who played
with Ogalalla hero during tho tourna
ment last year, asking for an oppor
tunity to como horo this season, Ho
mado a tryout with tho Thrcc-Eyo
Icaguo and did not stick, Ho Is a good
outlleltlor, however, and will bo a
good acquisition to any team. Tho
manugemcnt has his application umlor
The hospital tea which was to have
been given nt tho home of Mrs. T.
C, Patterson this afternoon has been
The show troupo that appeared at
tho Keith theatro Tuosday evening
spont tho remainder of tho week In
tills city. Tholr noxt engagement is
at Platttsmouth Sunday evening and
they leavo for that place tomorrow.
For Sale 0 months old Bull dog.
Phono black 460. 28-2
The new cqulpmnet for the flro de
partment was received Tuosday and
will bo in uso from now on. Eight
now pairs of boots were purchased for
tho firemen. Thero Is also 150 feet
of chemical hoso and 600 feet of water
Now shipment of Shirt Waists Just
In at Wilcox Department Store.
Tho Robekahs will hold a kenslng
ton this afternoon in favor of Mrs.
Florenco Wagoner, vice-president of
tho Rehekah Assembly, and Mrs. Hol
combo, of Broken Bow, past president
of tho organization. Both ladles aro
visiting in tho city for a few days.
Tho divorce suit of Guy Edls vs.
Viola Edls was brought beforo tho dis
trict court Tuesday and was contin
ued until May 20th. Tho defendant
has filed a cross petition denying all
tho charges preferred by her husband
and charging him with intimate re
lations with a sister-in-law.
Queen Quality Shoes and Oxfords at
Wilcox Department Store.
A pleasant surprise was tendered
Mrs. M. V Mitchell on cast Fourth
street Monday evening when a
number of her friends gathored at her
home. Fifteen couples were present
and a pleasant evening waa enjoyed
with cards, djjiclng and music. At tho
close of tho'Wjnlng nlco refreshments
wcro served. '
Work was started this week re
flooring tho sales room of tho, Hinman
garago. Tho building will ho re
paired as rapidly as possible and Mr.
Hinman hopes to havo everything in
Bhip shapo In tho "near' future. He Is
now doing business from tho room
on Fifth street. It was damaged less
than tho any of tho others.
Swifts Premium Hams 18c a pound
at Wilcox Department Store.
Bert Holmes, 21, and Miss Lena
Cash, 18, both of McPhcrson county,
applied to tho office of tho county
Judgo Tuesday for license to wed.
Thoy stated, however, that they
wished to bo married at tho bride's
home and Judgo French recommended
that thoy go to that county to get tho
license if thoy wished the wedding
to bo legal.
Wanted Fifteen or twenty head of
cattlo to pasture - along Fremont
slough. 28-2 JOHN SGHRAM.
Mrs. W. V. Iloagland entertained a
number of Rebekahs Monday evening
at her homo In favor of Mrs. Florenco
Wagoner, vice-president of tho Rc
bokah Assembly, who Is visiting in
this part or tho state. A large number
of tho local members were present
and a pleasant evening was enjoyed
with social converso and various'ml-
vorslong, NJcq refreshments ""' were
lMimoiifSec tne new nouses muni
lug in Taylor's Addition this year
Only a few lots left. .We'll lonn yon
money to help you build.
Ilolliimn & Sebastian,
""t-8 Exclusive Agents.
Rohfirt Hood Bowers, tho composor
of -thtrmuslc in which Miss Zoo' Bar
nott is now starring. In her former
success "Tho Red Rose," John C
Fisher's production, ttnd original New
York Cast, which comes hero Monday,
May 3 at tho Keith theatre was a pro
fessor of Latin at the Pennsylvania
Stato University. Ills first compos!
tlon for the stago was mado to fit tho
book and lyrics of Raymond Peck,
with whom ho afterwards wrote "Tho
Vandorbilt Cup" for Elslo Janis. Ho
composed most of tho music for tho
"Follies Borgoro" and tho wholo scoro
for "A Certain Party," in which tho
into Mabel 1UQ starred.
We are Investlnir a good deal of inon
cy these days In gilt edged mortgages
on Improved farms and ranches so as
to net the lender eight per coat. If
you have Idle funds or money not
bringing you that much como ami sco
us about II.
Tho Waldo Lots Aro Dry
Thoro aro several parts of tho city
mis morning that are under water
however tho lots In tho Waldo Block
In tho south part of town aro dry. This
Is another or tho many advantages In
theso lots for residence lots. Pliouo
mo for an appointment to dhow them
to you.
28-2 O., F. TEMPLE, Agent
wv .
Mrs. Charles Osgood Dies .Suddenly.
Mrs Cora Hinman Osgood, wife of
Charles Osgood residing south of tho
city, passed nway nt nine-thirty Wed
nesday morning at the home of her
mothor, Mrs. B. I. Hinman. Sho was
thirty-six years, two months nnd twen-ty-flvo
days old at tho time of hor
death nnd she had been ill but a short
Mrs Osgood gave birth to a chili!
Tuesday morning nnd from that time
she gradually grew weaker until death
camo. Tho child was buried Tuosday
aftornon. Every possible measure was
exhausted In an attempt to save her!
life, but she was too weak to re
Cora Hinman was born In North
Platte, February 3, 1879. Sho grew
to womanhood In this city and grad
uated from tho North Platte schools.
Sho later finished her education In
Brownell Hall In Omaha. On Septem
ber 20, 1898 sho was married to
Charles Osgood. To this union nine
children were born, five of whom sur
vive. During the early part of her mar-,
rlngo Mrs. Osgood lived in the west,
living In Denver, San Francisco and
Idaho. Sho was living in San Fran
cisco during tho tlmo of the earth
quake. Sho returned hero with her
husdand four years ago and they have
since made their home on a farm four
teen miles south of tho city,
Mrs. Osgood is survived by her hus
band, fivo children, hor mother, Mrs.
B. I. Hinman, and two brothers, Miner
and Curtis Hinman, also a cousin, Y.
A. Hinman of this city. The children
aro Charles Edward, aged 11, Julia
Elizabeth 7, Alma Reglna 5, Miner
Hinman 3, and Beatrice aged 23
months, Four boys died in their in
Tho death is especially sad in that
sho leaves a family of small children.
Sho was a woman who mado every ac
quaintance a friend and one loved
by all who knew her. Tho Tribune
Joins with tho entire community in
oxteniung sypathy to tho bereaved
husband and family.
North Platto was chosen as tho place
of meeting for tho 191G encampment
for tho United Spanish War Veterans,
department of Nebraska, at their an
nual hold In Omaha Monday and Tues
day. Tho delegates from here worked
hard and were able to swing the en
campment with little difllculty. Two
North Platto men wore given offlces in
tho stato organization, North Platto
being tho only town represented by
two offlces.
Somo of the North Platte delegates
wont to Omaha Saturday evening, to
start a campaign for bringing the
encampment here. Thoy hod cards
printed telling of tho advantages of
North Plattto and asking the support
of tho other members. Before the
matter camo to tho voto it looked quite
certain that North Platto would be
chosen ns tho meeting place. Lincoln
and Nebraska City both put in bids
ror the encampment.
Tho North Platto delegates returned
homo Wednesday morning and thev
report a nno time. Tho Omaha people
spareil no expense in showing the vis
itors a good tlmo and tholr efforts
were well repaid. All tho delegates
express themselves ns well pleased
.with tho entertainment. Tho chief
featuro of the entortalnmnt was a ban
quet at tho Rome hotel.
Following aro tho officers elected:
Department commander, W. E. Steele,
Omaha; senior vice-commander, Geo
Liiauon, Lincoln; Junior vlce-comnn-dor,
A,. W. Shilling, North Platto; in
spector, E. E. Plncek, Wahoo;. Judge
advocate, John G. .Mahcr, Lincoln;
chaplain, Rev. W. II. Underwood, Om
aha; Burgeon, Dr. Jnme3 G. Mnrron,
Bralnard; Marshall, Leonard Robin
son, North Platte.
To the Public.
You are cordiallly Invited to attend
tho demonstration of "Tho Detrlot
WIckloss Oil Cook Stoves," at our
store Saturday May 1st.
The30 stove3 develop a clean Blue
Flame, samo as city gna at ono-thlrd
tho expense. A factory expert will be
in constant attendance. Como and sco
them work and bo convinced.
SPi RPS (SQ5 SPVffl IS aara
Wei i&
The Leader
Our entire slock of ladies', misses' and children's
Coats and Suits will be sold at
Alterations free. At the beginning of the seasou our
suits and coats were sold at from 25 to 35 per cent
lower than the same class of garments could be pur
chased at any other store in town. This additional
one-fifth off;. brings the goods down to an exceedingly
low price. Don't delay. Come in early and take
advantage of this one-fifth off, as the offer is for but
a limited time.
which ve receive monthly have arrived. Come and
see them. Don't forget we give the "S. & H." Green
Trading Stamps with each ten-cent purchase. The
Premium Parlor is on our second floor.
t o ie
Li 3Ef rl D E IR,
yr. yAftWWNAAVNA. iAAAAAAAAAAAAAi tAAVAMAAAAAAA. j,AAAAAAAAAAAA. -mmtj-uvn in-- - - - . . - . . -
T- t
km't Yon Build
A Home.
Like. This
A SIX-room, cozy home for a small
family, with living room (across
the entire house front), dining room,
den, kitchen, two bed rooms, and
bath room.
r- She will be delighted with the ample
closets, also with the splendid bookcase
colonnade between living room and din
ing room.
You ought to see this and other in
terior and floor plans. It wilPbe a
pleasure for us to show them to you.
Stop in. Let us talk it over. This is
just part of the helpful service we give to
Presbyterian Church.
Tho rogular morning service will be
hold nt tlio Presbyterian church noxt
Sunday at 11 a. in.
Sunday school at tho usual hour 10
a. in. Thoro will bo a union mass
meeting at tho tabornnclo at 8 p. in.
and tho sermon will bo delivered by
Rov. Oscar Lowry, D. D.
Tho woman's missionary society
will bo held at the manse this nfter-
" Manager Gettman took his team out
Star the first practice since the rains
Tuesday evening and the boys had
pome time playing ball. Tho grounds
are in bad shape and it will take con
siderable good weather to dry them.
There is also much work in the line
of leveling to be done. Tho manage
ment is preparing to put tho grounds
in shape, especially the outfield which
has several holes in it. Tlio work of
rebuilding tho grand stand was
started Wednesday. Tho building was
quite badly damaged by the winds
Special terms on lots In Tnylor's
Addition and Grncclnnd Addition to
fllosc out tho balance. Monthly pny-j
homo now while lumber Is cheap.
Exclusive Agents.
County Center Items.
Friday evening the County Center
literary society held its closing meet
ing for this season. The County Cen
ter people have thoroughly enjoyed
the meetings and expect to re-organlze
again next fall.
, Miss Minnie Fromnn spont last week
visiting her brother, Ed Froman.
Miss Eva Mason spent Saturday vis
iting her sister at L. Lloyd's.
Miss Lydla Anderson, who has been
staying with her brother, went to
Denver Monday.
Eleanor Roberts entertained Hazel
niffl Era Mason at her homo Sunday.
Licence to 'wed was' issued Tues
day from the office of the county iudge
to Wm. E. Miller, 21, and Miss Ethel
F, Dean, 20, both of this city. The
brido is a daughter of Rush M. Dean,
a railroad man out of this city. Tho
groom is employed at Lem Bailey's
billiard parlor. .
Bryan Higglns arrived homo this
week from Lincoln whero he has been
attending the stato agricultural school
and will visit with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Higglns of tho Bignell
vicinity. He is a graduate of the
North Platto high school and stopped
here to visit friends for a short time.
I will not be responsible for any
debts contracted by Elnora Daggett.
Wi NfcWtfV I The original hammer-proof1
If we were to tell you of all the abuse Chi-Namel
Varnish will stand withont being ruined, we wouldn't
expect you tobelieve us. But we're here to show you
any day in the week, that hard knocks cannot make
white spots on Chi-Namel or cause it to flake off.
20c per can and up.
Sulkey Cultivators at $25 or $27.
P & O Canton Sulkey Plows at $35.
P & O Canton Sulkey Lister at $40.
8 foot Wind Mills at $25-
Monarch, Malleable Iron Range with Reservoir $50
Monarch, malleable Iron Range with Water Front
Acorn Range with Reservior $40.
Cream Separators $25 and upward.
Hardware at and below Cost.
Bain Wagons 2 1-3 Axle, 3 in tire $65.
Bain Wagons 2 3-4 Axle, 2 in tire $70.
Bain Wagons 3 3-4 Axle, 4in tire $65.
H hi ,SL Oil Q ii 3
A Line of Firemen
-vjll never frighten you If you have
your plnco insured against tho devour.
Inj? element. Even a better protection
than tho ilro department Is n Pol Icy in
a good, strong, relinblo company. If
you havo not a policy upon your liouso
and property como nnd sco mo without
dclny, and let mo tlx ono up for you. It
costs so very little, that It Is positively
criminal to neglect taking out a policy.
Don't delny. Sco mo at once. Tomor
row your homo may bo burned.