The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 27, 1915, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
Ira'L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Olio Year by Mall In Advnuco. . . .$1.2'
One Year by Carrier in Adrancci .$1.50
Entered at North Platte, Nobraska,
PoBtofllco as Second Class Mattor.
TUESDAY, AP RI L 2, 1915.
James Itnnnle Passes Away.
James A. Rannlc, who four weeks
ago dovoloped Bcnllo dometla and grad
ually grow worse, died at a sanitarium
in Council muffs Sunday, to which
nlacn hn was taken tho Thursday pre
vious, nccompanlcd by his wlfo and
son. While his condition was re-
garded serious and that ho was failing
pvpidly, tho end camo soonor thnn was :
expected. The remains wore received
..C"V n SVrnT nlio mo
tho funeral will bo held from the home
nt 2:30 tomorrow afternoon, Dean
Bowkcr olllclntlng.
James A. Rannlo was born In Eng
land, July 10, 184G, and when ho was
but one year old his parents camo to
this country nnd located on Mt. Car
mol, Pa. Whllo a rcsldont of that stato
ho learned tho machinist trade, but in
1872, ho camo to Dodge county, Nob.,
and located on a farm. Soon after his
arrival thoro ho was united to Miss
Anna Parker, who came from Penn
sylvania about tho same time. Thoy
remained on tho Dodgo county farm
until 1877, when they moved to North
Platte, whoro Mr. Rannlo entered the
shops as a machinist nnd continued
this work until four weeks ago when
tho troublo dovoloped. It Ib gcnernlly
bolloved that a fall received some
months ago whllo at work hastened tho
malady that brought tho ond.
Mr. Rannlo was one of North Platte's
most rospoctod and best known citi
zens; for tho thirty-eight yoars ho
lived among us his life was ono of in
dustry and loyalty to his family and
frionds. Ho was of a cheerful disposi
tion, greeted you with a smile, nnd pop
ular with ovory acquaintance. For
twonty or inoro consccutivp years ho
was a director of tho Mutual Building
and Loan Association, and took a livo
Intoreat in its affairs. He was af
filiated with tho Modern Woodmon
nnd A. O. U. W. lodges, and In each
of thouo he had filled tho ofllclal chairs.
Surviving Mr. Rannlo la tho wlfo,
flvo sons and two daughters. Tho sons
aro W. R. Rannlo, of Grant's Pass,
Ore., E. J. and J. A. Runnlc, of Port
land, Oro., and Albert U. and Geo. M.
Rannlo, Who mako North Platto tholr
homo. Tho daughters are Mrs. Allco
Terrell, of Omaha, and Miss Ilosslo liv
ing at homo.
for SALU on KxniAiNOii:
Tho pretty 7 room ('has. I'M home.
$2.'u ciihIi, balance time. A discount of
5 per cent for all cash, or will ex
r will ox-
change for a farm.. Your chance io
secure a moiiei iioiuc.
(Jooil Speakers Scheduled for Baiuiuet.
Tho committee on eulortnlumont In
cliargo of tho bnsoball banquet which
will bo hold In tho Interests of tho
church leaguo Friday ovcnlng at tho
Episcopal church basement Is offer
lug something exceptionally flno in tho
lino of apeakcrs. Thoy havo perhaps
tho greatest baseball speakers' avail
able. Tho speakers who will appear aro
Charles E. VanLoan, basoball writer
for tho Saturday Evonlng Post, Ty
Cobb of tho Detroit Amorlcnns and
Hank Gowdy of tho Boston Nationals,
nit. Theso men aro all exports In tholr
In addition to thin nttraetlvo pro
gram tho ladles' Guild of tho church Is
preparing an oxcollent supper whlcli
will bo served tho boost ora. Every
body Ifltoroatod connect up with a
homo run ticket and como out to tho
The Sioro Building, North of 31c
('alio Drug Store.
11 1 5 ATT & (5000MAX.
Miss Maymo McMichaol nnd MIsa
Lillian Sicks of North Platto camo
up Tuesday In tho lattor'a touring car
and onloyed a visit over night with
their trlond, Mrs. Joseph Symodynos.
Mr, and Mrs. Symodynos gave a dln
nor party at tho Pacific house Tues
day ovcnlng for their guests and
Messrs! Charles Mann and Fred King.
Wednesday tho young ladles started
homo, Mr. King and Mr. Mann ac
companying them as far as Julosburg
whoro tho heavy rains forced them to
put up their car and visit an undo of
Miss Stck'a until tho water should
abate Sidney Telegraph.
Rheumatic Pains Relieved.
Why suffor from rhoumatlsm when
rollof may bo had at bo small a cost?
MrB Elinor Match, Porn, Ind., writes.
"I havo boon subject to attacks of
rheumatism for years. Chamberlain's
liniment always relieves mo immed
iately, and I tako plcasuro In rccom-
mondlng it to others." 25 nnd 50 cent
uottloa. For sale by nil dealers.
For Sale Houso and lot. phono
Rod 538. 23-8
Mutual Building & Loan Association
oJ North Platte, Nebraska.
Organized 1897.
Have plenty oi money on hands to close loans
Will loan on North Platte, City property for
building purposes or to assist its members in buy
ing homes or paying off mortgages. The monthly
payments on $1000.00 loan arc on principal $5.00
and interest 56.00 or 511.00 in all and on other
sums in proportion.
S. C. Rhode Island Eggs for setting.
Mrs. D. P Wllcoxson phono red 308. 1
Meetings will be hold at Dickons
nert Friday cvelng and at Wallace
Saturday evening for tho purpose of
organizing a farmers' union nt each
Wallace has organized a hall team
and a sorloe of ontortalnnionts and
dances aro bolng given to provldo
funds for uniforms and other neces
sary needs.
A card received by Tho Trlbuno an
nounces tho birth of a girl baby, April
23, to Mr. and Mrs, Harry Albright, of
Toledo, Ohio. Mrs Albright was for
merly Miss Irone Richards, of this
Mr. and Mrs. I II. Harbor expect
to make n trip to the Pacific coast in
their new Iiulck six, The scats havo
boon so arranged that thoy form a
sleeping place, and thoy will sleep in
the car when night overtakes thorn,
T, rn, gum, y , .
Portunoly good people. .Tho rain
in tno nip rm ng siaricu suoriiy ueiore
ilic churches had lot out and a num
ber of peoplo wore marooned for an
hour or more. In tho evening it camo
again Just as the peoplo were leaving
for thole homes after services.
Our easy payment plan makes It
posslblo for every family to own a
piano. Call and get our terms and
511 Dowoy Strcot.
Tho hotly of Clarence Graham, a
former resident of tho Wolllleet vicin
ity, was shipped In Sunday morning
from Denver nnd taken to his old
homo for burial. Mr. Graham died
Friday in Denver. Tho causo of his
death was not mndo public. Ho is a
brothor to Mrs. Maurice Guilllaumo of
this city.
Officers Coombs and WIedinan of tho
Union Pacific force report an influx of
hoboes Into tho city Sunhay evening
that Is qulto startling. Tho men ar
rived by tho eldo door ,Pullman and
on foot and congregated about the
stockyards in tho east end of tho city.
Mnny of thorn sought lodgings In tho
electric light building.
Sheriff Ilumbcrstone, of Julcsburg,
arrived in tho city Friday evening af
ter a young man who wao charged
with tho theft of a harnoss. Tho man
was taken from passenger train No.
10 Friday cvenng by tho local officers.
Tho man stole tho harno3 at Rock
Spr'ngs, Wyo., and brought It to
Julosburg whore lie sold It.
Old Trusty and Poultry Leader In
cubators and Brooders at factory
price. SIMON BROS.
Trainmen from tho west report a
heavy cloud burst Friday at Paxton.
Over five inches of water foil In less
than an hour. Tho stock yards and
tracks thoro woro submerged. The
delugo wns only a half mllo wide. In
the stock yards woro nearly a carload
of lnrce fat Iioks and men wero kept
busv for some tinio rescuing them from
tho flood.
Nothlnir So (lood for u Cough or Cold,
When you havo a cold you want tho
beat medicine obtainable so as to got
rid of it with tho least posslblo dolay
There aro many who consider Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy unsurpassed
Mrs. J. Borolt, Elldtt, Ohio, says,
"Evor slnco my daughtor Ruth was
cured of a ooVoro cold and cough by
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy two
yearn ago, I havo folt kindly disposed
toward tho manufacturers of that
preparation I know of nothing bo
quick to roliovo n cough or euro a
cold. " For salo by all dealers
McDonald State Bank,
of North Platte, Chartor No. 017 In tho
Htuto ot Nebraska, at tno cioso oi
business April 21. 1915.
Loans' and Discounts .... $317,795,31
Overdrafts 384.01
Bonds, sccurl ties, udgmunts
claims, oio
Bunking houso, furnlturo
nnd fixtures ,
Other Heal Estate
Due from nnt'l and .
mate bnnks. . . .$55,429.82
Checks and ItoniH
or oxchnngo. . . .
Currency 15,148.00
Gold C.o'n 3,120.00
silver, nicicicH ami
(5,143.18 81,057.83
Total ?4C7.24G.37
Btock naid In $100,000.00
timet H.UUU.UU
I nrontB. (Not) 7.821. 58
Undivided prollts. (Net)
individual depos
its subject to
check $109,801.29
Doniand cortlll
catoB of depos
it 1. 017.19
Tliuo certificates
or dupOHIt .... 112,13I.4U
Certified ohoekH. 100.50
Dun to national
and Htato hnnks 27,020.90 341,310.34
Reserved for Tuxch 390.51
Depositors' Guaranty Fund 3,723.91
'Total $407,240.37
Htato of Nebraska. County ot Lincoln, ss
I, W. 11. MeuonaHi, casmer ot mo
above named bank do hereby swear
that the auovo statement is a correct
and true copy of tho report made to
tho Stnto Banking uonru.
W. II. MaDONALD, Cashier.
J li. Me.DONALD. Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo
this Sfitli day or April, lino.
My commission oxplreH Dec. 22, 1910.
"The licit Rose" Jlny 3d.
That successful musical comedy,
Tho Red Rose," comes to the Keith
Monday evening, May 3d. This is
John C. Fisher's greatest addition to
tho list of his successful musical com
edies, and it Is a real winner a worthy
Biiccoasor to his "Floradora," which
was the first muslcnl "hit" of Amer
Cortaln it is that "Tho Red Rose"
enjoyed a pronounced voguo during tho
oar or more of Its run at the Globo
thontro In Now York, and en tour has
met envlnblo succoss tho country over,
especially this season with financial
conditions as they now exist, capacity
houses have greeted this production
Fisher, who has been called "the
Inventor of musical comedy' Is a
man who is most pronounced in his
Ideas as to the elements which make
for tho success of a musical offering.
Feminine youth and beauty aro tho
prime requisites as witness his fa
mous "Foradora Sextette." Every
ono oftho original girls, of whom vol
umes havo been written, was a prize
bauty. Every ono of them has since
won a wealthy husband and they are
all out of tho theatrical world, but
tho effect of their personalities is to
bo found in "The Red Rose" as It has
boon In , every Fisher offering slnco
then, for in the girls of his famous
sextette, Fisher showed tho world his
Ideals of womanly beauty, nnd his
show girls have since been selected
with tho old sextette In mind. It will
bo noticed that thoy aro rather tall, aro
usually brunettes and besides their
beauty thoy havo real singing voices
and they dance. And there you have
tho secret of Fisher s success as a pro
ducer of musical comedy in a nutshell,
so to speak.
Truo ho gives his production tho
most oxtravagantly lavls mountings
pays absurd attention to tho richness
of his costuming and spares no ex
ponso In tho securing of clever com
edians but the real crux of tho whole
matter Is tho selection of his women
principles and his chorus. .
I,,,,, i
Miss Madeline Whitely, of Ogalalla,
was visiting friends in tho city over
Real Eslnte and Insurance
Como and see us for town lots In
different parts of tho city. Good in
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
salo and rent. Wo havo also good bar
galna In farms and ranches.
( or. Front and Dowev Sts.. upBtnlrs.
What kind
you use?"
"Don't know. Just gas. But
I'm always careful to insist on
high gravity."
"High gravity, eh? What about
ignition point?"
Ignition point?"
bure. JtJoiling
much the same
the only real test
"But low ignition point al
ways gofes with high gravity
Does it not?"
"Yes, it does not. Look at
yourself. Ever have any trouble
starting?" ,
"Well of course sometimes "
"Thought so. Yet you always buy
high gravity gas, don't you?"
" Yes."
"Well, what's the answer?"
"But what am I to do? Ask for low
ignition point, low boiling point?"
"Ask for Red Crown Gasoline.
You're safe then. The Ignition
point is right, the b6iling point is
right, and what's more, it's right
every time. Red Crown is always
the same, wherever you buy it. And
if you want your oil to be as good as
your gas ask for Polarintssr-the stand
ard oil for all motors."
Returned .Missionary Will Speak
Mrs. Ford, who has been In tho mis
sionary field In South America, will
visit In tho city this weck and will
apeak Thursday at the Christian
church, both aftornoon and evening
, nnd everybody is invited to attend
, and hear her. Mrs. Ford but rccont-
ly returned from hor work In South
Amorlca and will give somo Interest
ing accounts of tho work thore.
'Jiic Waldo Lots Aro Dry
There nro aovoral parts of tho city
this morning that aro under water,
however tho lots In tho Waldo Block
In the south part of town aro dry. This
Is another of the many advantages in
these lots for residence lots. Phone
me for an appointment to show them
to you.
28-2 C, F. TEMPLE, Agent.
For Palntlngt paper hanging and dec
orating see Landgraf & Crane. Reas
onable prices satisfactory work.
Phone Red 240 or Black 570.
An Ordinance Excluding Lots 1!J, 11, 15
nnd 1(1 of the Subdivision of Original
lots 7 uitd 8 of lilock l.'!2 of tho Orlg
iuiil City of North L'lntte, Nebraska,
from-the Fire Limits of the City of
North Pintle, Nebraska, from tho
Date of the Passage and Approval of
this Ordinance until July 15, 1915.
Sec. 1. That Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16
of the Subdivision of original Lots 7
and 8 of Block 132 of tho original City
of North Platte, Nebraska, bo and tho
same hereby are, excluded from tho
fire limits of tho City of North Platte,
Nebraska, as defined by section 09 of
article 3 of tho Revised Ordinances of.
the City of North Platte, Nebraska,
from the dato of tho passage and ap
proval of this ordinance to the 15th
day of July, 1915, but that tfiereafter
tho said real estate above described
shall bo and become again a part of
tho firo limits of said City, as defined
by said section G9 or article 3 of the
Revised Ordinances of the City of
North Platto, Nebraska.
Sec, 2, This ordinance shall take
effect from nnd after its passage, ap
proval and publication according to
Approved April 20, 1915.
ttost: Signed. E. II EVANS,
( F. TEMPLE, Mayor.
City Clerk.
No. 2
of gasoline do
point pretty
iing. mars
!or gasoline. ' '
rvvirn DGf .
..i ---- -
John Holcombo o the Maxwell vi
cinity arrived In tho city this morn
ing to visit for a fow days.
A son was born Sunday to Mf. and
Mrs L. D. Stewart, 215 south Elm
street. Mother nnd child are reported
doing nicely.
A hospital tea will bo given at tho
homo of Mrs. T. C. Patterson, 515 west
Fourth street, assisted by Mrs. F. II.
Barber, Friday afternoon.
In honor of Mrs. Florence Wagoner,
of Omaha, vlco president of tho Rebok
ah assembly and Mrs. Margaret Hol
combo, of Broken Bow, past president
tho Rebckahs will entertain at a kon
slngton Friday afternoon at tho Odd
Fellows' hall. All members aro Invited
to bo present.
Houses, unfurnished rooms, storage
space and safo deposit boxes.
A Reasonable Prediction.
Tho mayor-elect of Chicago, "Big
Bill" Thompson told a St. Louis au
dlenco tho other day tlmt a republican
president will be elected in 191G. With
the ropublcan party reunited, and in
further view of tho fact that Wilson
was elected because of tho republican
split in 1912, this prediction Is not at
all unreasonable.
If yonjune not Insured your car,
insure it vtifii Brntt & Goodman.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
l Office 130
j Residence 115
Office phono 241T Res. phono 217
L. C . DRQS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte,. - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
v JOHN S. SIMMS, M. 1).,
Physician and Surgeon
Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor
Phono, Ofilce, 83 r Residence 38.
Successor to
Drs. Redfleld & Redfield
Office Phono C42 Res. Phono C76
Hospital Phone Black G33.
House Phono Black 633.
y. t. riuTCHAM),
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a 'Government Veterinar-
! ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St.,
i one-half block southwest of the
Court House.
Noith Platte, Neb.
Licensed Enibaliiiers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black 588.
Artificial Ice
Call on
The Old Ice Man.
Phone Black 161.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 63G Oillce 459
is no longer an experiment, its prac
ticability lias boon proven and is com
ing Into use more and moro ovory day,
Our cigars havo never been an ex
periment; they havo always been
good, thoy havo borno tho mark of
standard for ovor twenty-flvo years
in North Platte. Wo mako a numbor
ot brands ranging in prico from
for 10 cents to 3 for 25 conts. Try
1008 West Fourth St.
Graduate Nurses in Attendance
Physician and Surgeon.
m:i:ai, aoticm
Mnrv Z. Law. nnnrnsli1nt
. ..... i. v . mil -
You nro hereby notified that William
I.nw fllfl nn Mm or.Mi rlnv nt T n .i .
1G, nie a petition In the District
Co i
i. uv jiiiwuiu uuuiyt iMeuniHKni tile
aivorced from you upon tho grounds of
nuii uwu iur emeu ouier una
further rMInf oh IiihM
GClUttV rn fl V raniilin ntirl Mm
Judge of snld Court did on
April 26th, 1915, makp-nn order dlrect-
...... .luiiuii a in uuior cases proviuea.
"iou will make nnswor to snld petl
lon on or before tho 7th dny of June,
n,'.orJ'ur,(lefn.ult wUI ho tnken nnd
imminent had nfjnlnst you ns In Bnld pe
Iton prayed.
AVILLIAM I. LAW, Plaintiff.
ii. isvans,
1W Mill A f,Ari.Al'
the County Court of Lincoln County,
i the Matter of tho Estnte of Jncob C.
rvueruuvi. ajeceasotl.
Huffman and Martin Federhoof. heirs nt
1(1 fill tier Hons tntnmatml fn ani.i A
l ou nnd each of you nro hereby notl-
ml flint Unitliln ..1. B i , , .
. w. w.. ... viwo WUUIl, II1U UUJUUl 11 Illl
prayer of which nro for a decree specl-
llAtlflnn ill tlila Paiim M.I a. i
est or shares in nnd to Lot 2 In Block
of.orth Platto Townlot Company's
Addition ta,North Platte. Lincoln Coun-
(111 tlinrnln All fiArmti 1.. .1 1..
such matter nro herein cited to nppenr
i nu . at 1,10 0U,,t nouso in
"w,Vl't Ul ,Vuvl 1 Aenrnsun, nt-
Mny, 191C, nifd show cause if any why
v..v. ,,..,.-. d.iiu iiciiiiuucr sunn not
1'ls 24th dny of April, 1915.
2,-h3w County JudKe.
Depiirtmcut of flip Ind-rlor.
U. S. Land Oillce nt North Platte, Neb.
April 23, iaio.
Ian, lias filed notice of inuntinn tn
make final three yonr proof, , to estab
lish claim to tho land above described
before the Register nnd Receiver at
North Platte, Nebraska, on.-tho 21st day
of June, 1915.
Claimant names ns witnesses: scotf
Shaner, of Maxwell, Nobr., Jesse Hlch
berger, of North Platto, Nobr., Andrew
Howard, ot Wellflcot, Nebr., Mnry Rich
ards, of North Platte, Nobr.
UcpnrtiiiPiit of the Interior
U. S. Land Olllco nt North Platte, Neb.
.. , , , , March 10, 1915.
Notice Is herebv erlvcn Trnrrlsnn
P. Eslor, of North Platte, Neb., who, on
Sept. 14, 1911, made Homestead entry
No. 05255, for N' of NEV4, Section 22,
Township 15, N., Range 30, V Cth
Principal Meridian, has nied notice of
intention to make llnal three year proof
to establish claim to the l.nml nlmvn
dcserlbed, before tho Register nnd Re
ceiver nt North Platte, Neb., on the 7th
day of May, 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses: Wil
liam Harrlman, George Alexander,
William Reynold, Dennis Breen, all of
North Platte, Neb.
j. u. li. VANS,
mlG-Cw Register.
I)ciiirtnunt of the Interior
U. S. Land Olllco at North Platte, Neb.
March 22 1915.
Notice ls herebv given that Prank
W. Steel, of North Plntte, Nebr., who, on
Feb. 5, 1912, mado Homestead entry
p.o. uuaoB, tor tuvs ot ui., section 22,
Township 14, N., Range 29, W., Cth
I'rlnclpai Meridian, has nied notice of
Intention to make llnal three year Proof
to establish claim to the land above
described, before tho Register and Re
ceiver, at North Platte, Neb., on the
17th day of May, 1915.
Claimant nnmes as witnesses: Jess
Long, Chris Schick, Ed Stevens, C. C.
Cumpston, all of North Platte, Neb.
j. is. av.uia,
m23-Cw Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Olllco nt North Platte, Neb.
.March 271915.
Notice is horobv given that John M.
Crnndell, or North Platte, Neb., who,
on January 10, 1912, made Homestead
entry No. 05355, for tho Bi and NWU
Section 14, Township 12, N., Range 31,
W. Cth Principal Meridian, has nied no
tlco of intention to make final three
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, boforo tho Regis
ter ana receiver, at jvortne Platte,
Nob., on tho 21st day of May, 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses: W. C.
Masters. Hugh Songer, Carl Broeder,
John W. Fowler, nil of North Platte,
v J. E. EVANS,
in30-6w Register.
Mierlff'H .Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rondored In said Court
wherein Carl "Chrlstenson la plaintiff,
and Charlos Shlll, Mary E. Shlll and
Edd Shlll nro defendants, nnd to me
directed, I will on tho 22nd day of May,
1915, at 2 o'clock p, m., nt the east
front door of tho Court Houso In North
Platte. Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell
nt Public Auction to tho highest bid
dor for cash, to satisfy said decree, In
terest and costs, the following des
cribed property, to-wlt:
Southeast quarter (SE',4) of Sec
tion eighteen (18), Towshlp nine (9).
Range thirty (30) West Cth P. M., Lin
coln 0unty, Nebraska.
Dntod North Platte, Nob., April 16,
n20-5w Sheriff.
Order of Hearing on Original I'rolinte
of Will
Stuto of Nobraska, Lincoln County, ss,
In tho County Court.
In tho Mnttor of the Estate of J. Dela-
van Jackson, Decensed.
On reading nnd llllng tho petition
of Anna E. Jackson, praying that tho
'Instrument, filed on tho 17th day of
April. 1915, and purporting to bo tho
Inst Will and Tostnmont of tho said de
ceased, may bo proved, approvod, pro
bated, allowed nnd rocordod ns the last
Will nnd Testament of tho said J. Dela
van Juckson, deceased, nnd that tho
execution of said Instrument may bo
committed nnd tho administration of
snld estate may bo grantod to Anna E.
Jackson nnd Charlos D. Jackson as ad
ministrators with Will nnnexed.
Ordered, That Mny 8, 1915, nt 9
o'clock n. m., Is assigned for hearing
said petition, when nil persons inter
ested In said matter may appear at a
bounty Court to bo held In and for said
County, nnd show cause why tho nrav-
or of petitioner should not be granted
i? roiy given tnnt Aiinnle
l.liza BlcQulre. now Seese, of North
I latto, Nebraska, wlio on February S,
1912, mado Homostend Kntry No. 05371,
for K,i of .SI3Vi Section 2, Township 11
J. F. Schmalzried.
County Judge.