The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 27, 1915, Image 7

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Spring Suit in
A plain, smart sutt, distinctly youth
ful in suggestion and depending upon
color and cut for successful style, is
shown in the illustration given here.
As to the lines on which it is cut, the
skirt belongs to the straight sllhou
otto typo which, in spito of the sue
cess of the flared variety, has many
followers. Calllot and Jenny of Parte
are authority enough for its vogue, if
one cannot be satisfied without such
assurance. It is full, but it is straight,
a little longer than ankle length, and
plain. The overlapped seam at the
front is allowed a few buttons, like
thoso on the jacket, set in groups of
threo. The skirt fits smoothly about
the hips and has a plain finish at the
' top.
The crisp littlo coat consists of a
plain body (a little short waisted) and
a skirt which flares enough to indulge
In a tontatlvo ripple or two about the.
Tiottom. Buttons and machine stitch
ing finish it. There Is a square turn
over collar of the serge at the back.
A second collar and a belt, in the
most vivid military red, are made of
thin suede leather. The belt is run
through narrow straps of 'the serge
Miss Nell Craig Approves New Fashions
That keenness and quickness of ap
prehension which makes the success
of the bright, particular "movie" star
before tho inexorable camera londs
woight to the importance of her judg
ment in the matter of clothes. Here
is a picture of Miss Nell Craig, takon
unawares, in a pretty new spring
gown, with hat and accessories that
meet with hor approval among the
now modes.
The bodice and tunic of hem
stitched chiffon aro noticeably simple,
and tho underbodice, or corset cover,
of crepe do chine, Ib quite tho reverse
of simple, being a pretty combination
of tho silk with wide shadow laco
and hemstitching used in setting it
together and as a decoration. Tho bod
ico is very plain, has a high convert
ible collar worn open at the throat, but
wired to keep it upstanding at the
back and sides. This carefully care
less management of tho collar is
worth a second thought, and thon
Bome more thought.
The suspondor-glrdlo of velvot rib
bon makes a graceful and easy solu
tion to tho problem of the waist line,
which is solved in so great a variety
of ways in tho now fashions. The
girdle is of wide ribbon and no limit
Is BOt as to its width with the sus
penders of narrower ribbon.
Tho hat is likely to awaken tho en
thusiasm of many other youthful and
pretty wearers, for it is a return to
tho big, picturesque and gracious typo
that delights tho eye of tho artist. It
1b a "cartwheel" model with broad
Belgian Blue Serge j
stitched to the coat at each side, nnd
fastens with n silver buckle at the
front. A second collar and belt, or
even a third, may be acquired by way
of ringing changes on a suit in which
such striking color contrasts aro fea
tured. A collar and bolt of black and
white checkerboard ribbon, or a set In
one of tho natural leather shades, are
to bo recommended.
Worn with tho suit, when tho red
belt and collar are brought into requi
sition, is n hat which is obliged to
keep pace with them. It is of blue
straw, matching the dress in color,
with band and darts of bright red
like that in tho accessories of the
suit. -Hardly anything else In a hat
would do except one of thoso sailors in
black and white checkerboard silk
which aro trimmed with black velvot
ribbon and a cluster or two of cher
ries. It is not often that a sutt so simply
constructed achieves distinction by the
mere management of color, and still
less often that a suit admits of "shad
ing" by change of accessories that
does not rob it of its smart style.
ions j
brim of black taffeta faced with black
silk-straw braid, and has a softi crown
and a collar of taffeta. Dy way of
adornment it is provided with a glo
rious full-blown red rose, matching
it in generous proportions, and long
ties or streamers of black velvet rib
bon. Tho proof of tho pudding is in tho
tasting, and tho proof of the styles is
in the wearing. These aro new modes
approved by a practiced and critical
When Hoop Skirts Were Worn.
Tho first modern hoop skirt repre
senting a costume which tho modistes
aro now threatening to rovivo was
tho invention of Joseph Thomas, who
was born in Paris 88 years ago, and
who died in Hoboken a fow years
since. Tho hoop skirt of Thomas'
contrlvanco was popular from 1850
to 1870, when it began to decline.
Tho monstrosity of cumbrous skirts,
hold out by hoops, was carried to such
a point that tho fair sex began to as
sumo tho proportions of balloons.
Probably no other stylo of feminine
nttiro was so unsightly and ridicu
lous aB this, yet it enjoyed a tremen
dous vogue. The "hoops" of Joseph
Thomas constituted a revival of the
crinoline or farthingales of tho time
of Queen Elizabeth, when women woro
hoop-like petticoats made of whale
bone. Tho hoop skirt was mado the
causo of many accidents and loss of
life occasioned by coming In contact
with flto or machinery.
First Thing Road Builder Should
Strlvo For Is to Have Ground
work Good and Solid.
(Dy E. WT. HOUSE. Colorado Agricultural
Tho good roads movement in Colo
rado seems now to have acquired full
awing and tho next ton yearn will see
most of our important roads surfaced
with gravel. It is important that this
gravel bo placed upon a good founda
tion or it will bo mixed with tho clay
and lost.
Some time ago an Important road
was being surfaced and thoso in
chargo woro plowing up tho old road,
which wns very hard, tho lumps woro
being broken ns much as possible,
then tho road was given a light roll
ing, wet thoroughly and tho gravel
then spread nnd rolled. When asked
why they were putting tho gravel on
tho Boft mud foundation, tho reply
camo. "So that it will Unit well with
tho clay." This Is exactly what should
be guarded against as much as possi
ble and is tho very thing road builders
should bcoU to nvoid.
Lot us romcmber that gravel will
knit or mix with tho clay below in
spite of nil wo can do, but tho hnrdor
tho clay foundation surface is and the
firmer it is compacted, tho longer will
the gravel stay on top and give n
smooth wearing surfaco and tho long
er the road will last.
All authorities are agreed on this
point, and tho first thing that a road
builder Bhould strivo for is to have his
earth foundation solid and hard and
tho drainage so fixed that it will re
main so.
Motorists Interested In Study Now Be
ing Conducted by National Prison
Labor Committee.
Road work for misdemeanant pris
oners is tho subject of an investiga
tion which is being conductod under
tho joint direction of tho National
Commltteo on Prisons and Prison La
bor and tho graduato highways de
partment of Columbia university.
James Leland Stamford, who 13 in
chargo of tho investigation, has had
considerable experience in tho road
camps of Georgia, where tho majority'
of male prisoners aro worked on tho
I The committee will consider in do
tall such matters as tho most econom
leal sizo of a road gang, the cost ol
tt,S'."v4.J Si j.X-W' .vr'.Wjivi.v JWXxyj,,
Convicts at Work on Public Highway
guarding, supervising and mainte
nance and tho approximate valuo of
a day's work. It will also show tho
possibility of increasing ofllcloncy by
means of tho payment of wages, recre
ation after work houra and tho short
ening of sentence for good conduct.
Conditions in tho difforcnt soctions
of tho country aro to bo dealt with,
especially as to tho offect of tho
weather and tho cost of stock.
In Kalamazoo county, " Mich., and
other counties where road work has
beon tried, oven under experimental
conditions, It has been found eminent
ly successful. In fact, tho knowledge
.that a jail sentenco will mean hard
work on tho roads has a tondency
to decreaso tho number of commit
ments, vagrants keeping away from
counties where they will bo subjected
to work of this character.
Source of Information.
Persons interested In tho good roads
problem, either from tho engineering
or tho legislative standpoint, will find
tho report of tho Joint congressional
commltteo on federal aid to good
roads a convenient sourco of infor
mation. It not only contains tho most
oxtonBlvo data over published on this
subject, but contains a bibliography
which gives a list of books, pamphlets,
and speeches on all phases of tho good
roads problem. Tho report is printed,
ao Houso Document a 510, Sixty-third
Congress, third session
For Young and Old
Tho ncuto ngonirinjr pain of
rheumatism is soothed at once
by Sloan's Liniment. Do not
rub it penetrates to tho eoro
spot, bringing a comfort not
dreamed of until tried. Oct a
bottlo today.
Hera What Other Sr I
"I highly recommend j-our Ltnlmrnt
na tho lwt remedy for rheumntlsm I ever
used. Ik (ore. using it I fpent largo lumi
of money trying to get relief of tho misery
nnd pains iu limbs nnd lxxly, no I tried
your Liniment both internal nnd external
and I found quick relief, and now nm
well nnd stroma again." Geo. Curlii,ttS
N. ISlh St., SpringfitlJ, IU.
Here' Proof
"I wish to writ find tell you nbout
fall I had down fourteen ;teps,nud bruised
my neck nnd hip very bad. I could not
sleep nt nil. I wnt my wifn for n 23 cent
bottle of vour Liniment nnd in two (lavs'
timo I wns on my feet again." Charlti
Hyde, 1315$ Prairie Are., St. Louie, Mo.
for neuralgia, sciatica, sprains and
All Druggists, 25c.
Send four cents in stamps for a
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc.
DeptB. Philadelphia, Pa.
Youths Who Thought to Have Fun
With Him Got Decidedly the
Worst of the Transaction.
There It moro toau one way of mak
ing a retort without resorting to tho
vulgar "You're another."
A Jewlsli street-vender of spectacles
was offering his wares when half n
dozen saucy follows stepped up.
"Keep still; we'll have somo fun
with him," said the spokesman of tho
"Shpectacles! Good vons!" called
tho vendor.
"Dot vos goot," said' tho young man.
"Now, what enn you see through these
glasses, Mr. Moses?"
"Anything vot you like," was tho
"Ish dot so? Well, we'll seo about
that." He took a pair of spectacles,
put them on, and looked straight at
tho dealer. "Nonsense, Mr. Moses J"
ho exclaimed. "What have you boon
telling us? Nothing whatever can bo
seen through these glasses but black
guards," whereupon his companions
"Vot? Ish dot bo?" exclaimed tho
vender, ns if in nlarm. Ho took tho
glasses, put them on hastily, and
looked nt tho party. "My goodness!"
ho exclnlmed, "dot ish so." Tho party
moved on, but this timo they were not
Means to the End.
"The doctor ndvlses mo tomcat slow
ly and sparingly."
"Then don't lip tho waiter."
Probably overy man on earth hae
rheumatism, dyspepsia or somo other
After w
one requires a food, in Springtime that builds up both brain
and body.-
What better than the delicious, scientifically prepared
easily digestible pure foodr: .
Made of wheat and malted barley this food supplies
in splendid balance, the elements necessary for upbuilding
and keeping in repair the brain, nerve and muscle tissue,
Grape-Nuts has a rich, nut-like flavour always fresh,
crisp, sweet and ready to eat direct from package with '
cream or good milk.
Thousands have found Grape-Nuts a wonderful jnyig
orator of both brain and body
"There's a Reason1"
sold by Grocers everywhere.
Colored Man's Explanation of How
His Wfo Acquired Her Some
what Peculiar Name.
Dean Hermann Schneidor of tho
college of ongineerlug in tho Univer
sity of Cincinnati, who is helping tho
city of Now York to orgnnlzo its sys
tem of continuation schools and -kindred
activities, many years ago whon
ho lived In Maryland engaged a col
ored mnn nnd his wlfo to help in tho
upkcop of tho houso nnd premises.
This part of the preliminary conversa
tion Dean Schneidor tolls with gusto:
"What is your nnmoV'
"Tom Ilurgco, sah."
"Oh, yes, tnh."
"What's your wife's namo?"
"My wlfo's namo Clara-Peters."
"How can that bo, if your nnmo Is
"Oh, that her first namo; Just her
llrst name. All of her nnmo Clara
Peters Hurgeo."
"What do you call her?"
"How did slio got that namo?"
"Well, sah, hor old fathor, ho waB
educated; ho could iad, and he ter
rible fond of rendln tho Illblo and
Sliakcspcaro, nnd filch books, and
nnmln' his children n'tor folks ho rend
nbout. So, when Clara-Peters was
born, ho Just unchally nnmo her
Clara-Peters, a'tcr that old queen of
American Milk Bottles to Britain.
In roferonco to our recent paragraph
on tho shortage in milk bottles duo to
the supply having in tho pnst been
drawn from Austria, wo aro Informed
by a firm in tho trndo that this dim
culty is now being overcome It is
possible to securo bottles from Amer
ica, of equnl quality and at tho Bamo
prlco as tho AuBtrlnu product'. Wo are
glad to hear that tho Austrian source
of supply can bo dispensed with with
out inconvenience, but wo Bhould be
still moro glad to hear that tho do
mnnd could bo mot by British makers.
In this connection wo aro InformoQ
thnt English bottles aro to be obtained,
"but nt a rlso of 20 per cent and of an
inferior quality." London Globe:
Gets Job; Dies First Day.
John J. Cullen had beon out of
vork slnco January. Almost overy
day ho had appllod for work from tho
contractors building a brldgo across
tho Passaic river between Bcllovlllo
and Arlington, N. J.
An extra man was needed nnd tho
contractors put Cullen to work.
Pleased at getting a Job, ho worked
with zest until noon. As ho wns leav
ing the brldgo for lunch ho fell into
tho water a few feet from shoro.
Tho wator waB shallow. Cullen
rose to his foot and staggered to
shoro. Then ho dropped again. Whon
men reached him ho was dead. Ho
was thirty-flvo yearB old, and lived
at 216 Cleveland avenue, Harrison.
Philip's Reason.
Teacher Aron't you glad tho clrcuB
days aro coming, Philip?
Philip (with tho spectacles) Yes,
"I supposo you llko to go to tho cir
cus, don't you?"
"Oh, no, toachor; I novor go to tho
clrcuB, but I llko to soo tho circus
poster about, so I can get a lot of
largo words for my compositions."
No Time.
Judge Why don't you look for
Casey 01 haven't the tolmo to
wnsto in such unprofitable employ
ment. Judge.
Tho man who has to uso tho stroot
cars gets a lot of ploasuro out of read
ing tho automobllo nds.
inter s
Wear and Tear
It is a sure enfimy to
health, strength and hap
piness. It robs you of
your appetite, causes con
stipation , bilious spells and
a general rundown condi
tion. You can help Na
ture conquer it bv the
timely aid of
Stomach Bitters
It will help you bring back
the appetite, aid diges
tion and promote health
in a general way. For
over 60 years it has en
joyed public confidence.
Try It Today. Avoid Substitutes
The Bill Climbed.
"I buppobo you climbed tho Alps
when you woro abroad?"
"No, just ran up a bill, that waa
Low round trip fares aro now in
offect via tho Scenic Highway of tho
Northern Pacific Uy. to California'a Ex
positions via tho North Pacific Coast
Thcso tickets pormit liberal stop-ovors
and cnnblo tho tourist to lncludo both
Expositions ns well as a stop-over at
YollowBtono National Park via Gardi
ner Gateway.
If you will ndvlso "whon you will plan
your western trip, I will bo pleased to
quoto rates, Bond a copy of our hand
somo Expositions folder aB well as
Yellowstono National Park and travel
literature and assist you in any way
posslblo in planning your 1915 vaca
tion trip. A. M. CIcland, Gonoral Pas
songcr Agent, 517 Northern Paclflo
Ry., St. Paul, Minnesota. Adv.
Marital Diplomacy.
Plungor I felt awfully Borry for a
poor guy down nt tho exchango today.
Ho lost five thousand on cotton and
all tho boys wero guying him, and aB
ho started off homo they taunted him
with tho prediction that his wlfo
would land on him roughly. Tho poor
chap acted as though ho felt protty
bad nbout it.
Mrs. Plungor (sympathetically)
Poor follow 1 No doubt ho used his
best judgmont, and it his wlfo turns
on him bocauso of his reverses sho
Is not worthy to bo called wlfo. But,
who wob tho man?
Plungor Why -or it was mo.
Woman's Homo Companion.
Aeroplane Propellers.
Selected ash, which 1b both strong
nnd light and will not split under
vibrntion or shock, or built-up lay
ers of spruco with mahogany centers,
aro tho materials with which tho pro
pollers of aeroplanes such as aro be
ing used in tho European war aro con
structod. Tho framework of tho ma
chines, too, Is generally mado of wood,
spruco being much used on account of
its straight grain and freedom from
hidden dofecta.
Quite So.
"What aro tho best fruits of court
ship?" "I should say dates and pairs."
Lots of pooplo aro married secretly,
but tho wholo world knows when thoy
aro divorced.