The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 27, 1915, Image 6

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The Gorman auxiliary cruiser which put Into Newport Nowb recently with 3C Rusuan and French prlsonora
aboard, and also the crew of tho American vessel William P. Frye, which was sunk by the cruiser.
Germany Thoroughly Organized
to Meet War Strain.
Neutral Observer of London Times De
dares Empire Shows Less Disturb'
ance Than Other Belligerents
Determined to Fight to End.
Cologne. Tho "neutral observer" of
the London TimeB, who has been trav
eling through Germany, declares that
tho efllclency of tho people is na great
today as over and that tho force of all
tho people Is concentrated scientifically
on tho work of defense, says a dis
patch to tho Bcmlofllcial Cologno Ga
zette. Tho neutral observer, to his
great surprise, arrlvedtln Berlin punc
tually and without ml'shap. Ho thus
describes the capital:
"I found In Dcrlln the cold, metallic,
preclso click of u great machine, not
tho throbbing heart of an empire. It Is
tho most magnificent organization tho
world has over seen. It Is man reduced
to an equation of efllclency. Of each In
dividual Is required about one-half tho
effort of which ho Is capable Tho re
sult Is that not only Is tho nation "am
ply provided for any emergency, but
ordinary life is less disturbed than In
nny other belligerent country.
"After six months of war Germany
seems to mo almost as strong as on
tho first day, closely united, Uttlo dis
turbed. Tho civil llfo of tho nation
nppcora to continue ns In tlmo of
'To underestimate Germany's mili
tary rescrvo would bo very shortsight
ed. Military authorities state that her
class of 101G, some 7GO.O0O ablebodlod,
picked mon, has not been called out.
Apart from thoso, tho numbers of 'un
trained lnndwohr and landsturm' would
run Into millions. Though arms and
ammunition factories aro working day
and night, I havo It from a rellablo
eourco that Gormany Is only Just bo
ginning to uso her 1914 small arms
"Every posslblo offort Is bolng mado
to preserve for tho futuro such perish
able Btoros as aro now In tho market.
It has been carefully determined
whothor, under given conditions, It
will bo moro advantageous to keep n
cow allvo and obtain milk, butter and
cheoBO from day to day and tho meat
at some futuro tlmo or by slaughter
ing It to savo tho food which It would
consumo and which might bo of great
er caloric vuluo to man. An under
standing of Gorman charactor will pro-
Isabol Ocmholmor, nlnoteen-yoar-old
daughter of Charles Daly Dornhelmor,
millionaire tenant In a do luxo anart
niont houso in Central Park West, Now
York, eloped with James Murray
doorman of tho houso, and is today
Known as Mrs. James Murray. Dos
pcrato efforts woro mado by tho nor
onts and relatives of tho young brldo
to get her to leavo her husband, but
sno refused all overtures and avowed
I will never leavo Jim aa long as
llvo." James Murray was confrontad
with monetary offers by relatives of
tho girl, but all he wanted was to be
left alono with his wife.
cludo any possibility of drawing rash
conclusions that these measures mean
that Germany Is on tho vergo of star
vation. "Tho Germans realize that they must
now roly on themselves alone, and yet
found no weakening of spirit any
where, but rather a grim determina
tion to fight to the bitter end."
After voyaging 33,000 miles between
tho United States and Brazil, both of
which countries havo denied him nd
mlBBlon, Nathan Cohen, appropriately
termed tho "Wandorlng Jew," has just
been doomed to another six wcokB'
trip back to Brazil. Ho originally
camo hero from Brazil, but tho author
ities doportod him back to Brazil be
cause it was roportod ho wob montully
unsound. Our neighbor in tho south
ern hemisphere refused to allow him
to laud and tho steamship company
has boon forced to furnish him with
passago back and forth botween tho
countries. Ho has traveled 33,000
miles for $45, tho price of a Blngle
steerage ticket, and there la llttlo hopo
thnt lila ceaseless voyage will soon
end. Tho Hobrow Sheltering and Im
migrant socloty has Interested itself
In tho caso and maintains that tho sea
llfo has mado Cohon sound of mind
and it hns applied to Washington to
hayo him examined boforo a board of
special inquiry.
Baden Private's Directions to Wife to
Keep Boy Well
Berlin. PrlzOB for brovltv. nnd n
few moro besides for modesty, go to
a Baden pcaBant, who for somo time
has boon with tho forcoa in Flanders.
His wlfo has Juat mado public tho fol
lowing laconic lottorB from him. The
first roads:
"Dear Wlfo: I am still nllvn. nmi
havo received your bundle. If thn hnv
is bad, Bpank him. Greetings, Adolph."
unortiy alter camo a second:
"Dear Bertha: I am still allvo. whlnh
Burprlsca mo vory much. If tho hoy
Btlll lo nauglity. spank him ncntn
Greetings. Adolph."
Tho third was In the form of n
photograph of Adolph'a troop, Bhowlng
mm uecoratcu witu tno iron cross. No
mention, however, was mado nf ilm
modal, and tho plcturo moroly boro on
tno roverso Bluo this brief noto:
"Dear Bertha: I was wounded but
am woll again, and tomorrow I go at It
again. It tho boy 1b naughty, box IiIb
oars. urcetmgB. Adolph."
Perplexed, tho wlfo wroto li nr linn
band demanding to know how ho hud
rocolvod tho Iron cross, and received
tho following reply:
"It was vory slmplo nbout tho Iron
cross. Tho mujor ordorcd mo to stun
still, and tho sorgoant-major pinned It
on. ureotiugB. Adolph."
Grandmother at Twenty-Nine.
Savannah, Ga. Mrs. Joscphlno
uaviB inn una uocomo a grandmothor
nt twcnty-nlno. Sho was a mother nt
thlrtoon and a widow nt slxtoon. Sho
re-married at twenty. v.
Considerate Thief.
Mill Plain, N. J, A thief, after
atonllng J. F. Lingloy's gold watch,
prosontcd him with & cheap sllvor ono
ho had stolon elsewhere.
Chickens Obey Whistle.
Sayvllle, N, Y. Mrs. Nelson Sweo
noy has tuught her chickens to run
when sho whistles n certain sacred
Germany Superior to Britain ir
Care of Prisoners.
Unheated Shelters, Bad Sanitary An
rangements and Insufficient Food
Found In England All Treat
ed Alike In Germany.
Frankfort. A Gorman recently re
leased from tho British prison camp
at Newbury, whero he was Interned
for three months, hns been Investigat
ing German camps. Ho compares
conditions as ho found them in New
bury with conditions In tho typical
German camp at Ituhlebont near Ber
lin. In nrrangementB for shelter, ex
ercise, sanitation and tho food supply
ho found the German camps superior
to tho British. Ills-report 1b published
In tho Frankfort Gazette, as follows:
In tho Gorman camp at Ruhleben
there 1b ample space for tho prisoners
to movo nbout. Tho.cnmp is located
on a former raco course, and tho
Bpaco bohlnd tho main pavilion and
tho Btnblcs is at tho freo disposal of
tho interned. They aro allowed to
tnko their exercises on the course It-
Belf for a couple of hours a day.
In tho British camp at Nowbury
there aro about 4,000 prisoners In
terned. Two-thirds woro sholtored In
tents, tho remainder in tho small
stablcB of the hurdlo race. Only In
tho spneo between tho tents or tho
stables was exerclao permitted. Tho
wallB of tho stablea cut off all view
of the pleasant Burroundlng country.
Always wo had tho same picture bo
foro our oyes hundreds of people
grown dull and apathetic by tho un
certainty of their fate, moving around
in tho samo small circle.
When rain or fog set In, as It does
almost dally during tho English win-
tor, It wa8 impossible to leavo the
tonta and stables. Tho clay soil was
soaked through, and tho dirt was sev
eral Inches .deep. Great pools of wa
ter caused noxious mlasmaa. Some
times theao poola wero so largo that
thoy barred tho passago entirely. j
When Prime. Minister Asqulth and
Mrs. Asqulth paid a visit to tho camp
a Bailor put a stick In tho mlro bear
ing a placard, "FiBhlng Prohibited
Here." Then ho sat on a bench he
had constructed and waited, holding
an improvised fishing rod in his hand,
until tho primo minister passed tho
spot. Mr. Aaquith shot a furtlvo
glance at tho commandant of tho
camp, who accompanied him. Next
morning tho fisherman was removed
to tho Islo of Man.
Day by day tho administration
sought to Improve tho systora of drain
ngo, but overy tlmo tho thick mlro
choked it again.
On tho contrary, ,tho cleanliness In
tho Gorman camp at Ruhleben is
worth emphasizing. Tho samo room
that serves for nlno or ton people In
tho EnglUh campB Bervea for five or
bIx neoplo at Ituhlobon. Not a slnglo
tablo nor a single chair waa provided
by tho EngllBh government during tho
tlmo of my internment. Trunks were
used na seats; other pieces of luggage
served as tables. Two things havo
boon arranged at Ituhleben which
woro entirely lacking in tho English
campB covered alloys whero tho
prisoners can stay when tho weather
la bad and Bteam heating In all tho
Tho food which 1b given to tho pris
oners In England ia not bad. Tho
allowance however, Is not sufficient
for adulta.
Tho food In tho German campB can
bo called ample. Tho treatment of all
prlsonora at tho German camp 1b tho
Bamo. Tho EnglUh mllllonalro haa no
moro right then tho negro. Prlvato
food la allowed, but only in oxcoptlon
al cases.
In tho English camps money Is tho
moBt Important thing. Ho who la
fortunnto onough to havo mouoy can
got whatever ho IUcob it ho la on good
tenna with tho sergeant major, tho
representative of tho commandant.
Thla official Is particularly fond of
good clgara and English pounds. Ev
orybody in tho camp agreed that thla
amiable man would havo all tho money
of tho Gorman civilians In hla pockets
If tho war lasted long onough,
Laughs; Speech Returns.
Trenton, N. J. Charles ICatozn, who
waH Btrlcken dumb as tho result of
nn accident a year ngo, dreamed of
a funny stocy told by n friend,
laughod In his sloop, and upon being
awakened found bo coul' talk.
So wnllc wlioro tho blossoms nro sweet
est And forests grow punRcntly preen,
Whcro Bonn birds are fllnglnK and
Kranscs aro springing
Tho wood nnd tho wheat fields be
tween. For autumn Is tlmo of fulfilling
And summer Is season of mirth,
Hut dainty nnd charming, nil critics
Tho spring Is tho brldo of tlio earth.
As a first course for luncheon thore
la nothing moro appreciated than:
Salplcon- of Fruit.
Removo tho- aklns from
half a pound of white
grapes and tako out the
Beeda nfter cutting tho
grapes In halves. Cut
PTtjS I grapefiulta In halves and
tako out tho pulp in sec
Hons, brulalng an llttlo as possible.
Add tho juice and mix lightly. Set
aside and Bprlnklo wlthsugnr; when
chilled nnd ready to serve arrange In
ten glasses with a sprinkling of sugar
over each glass of fruit.
Larded Beef Tenderloin With Ba
nanas. Cut tho aalt pork for larding
from tho portion next tho rind. Rc
movo tho rind, cut in slices a fourth
of an inch thick nnd a fourth of an
Inch wldo as long aB can bo cut. Chill
tho lardons In water before threading
larding needle, Insert about a fourth
of an Inch below tho surface and draw
thread through, tying In a loose knot.
Put the lardons In rows and dredge
tho meat with flour. Sear In a hot fry
ing pan until well browned. Then
cook alowly until done, basting occa
sionally. Surround with small cooked
bannnas and serve with:
Polvrade Sauce. Put two table
spoonfuls of tho trimmlnga of tho salt
pork Into a saucepan and let tho fat
try out. Add two slices of onion, five
of carrot, two sprigs of parsley, a
quarter of a bay leaf, a slice of green
pepper nnd half a chill popper; cook
until nil aro softened, drain off tho
fat, add a fourth of a cupful of vine
gar and let simmer on tho back-part
of tho stove until the vinegar is re
duced to half. To tho fat add enough
butter to make four tablespoonfuls,
add the same amount of flour and
cook until smooth, then add a cup
ful and a half of brown stock, tho veg
etables and tho vinegar, boll once,
then strain over a half cupful of .sul
tana raisins cooked In boiling water
until tender; finish with three table
spoonfuls of currant jelly nnd orango
Softly tho evening enmo. The sun
from the western horizon
Like a magician oxtonded his golden
wand o'er the landscape.
Twinkling vapors arose: and sky and
water and forest
Seemed nil on fire nt tlio touch, and
melted and mingled together.
.Macaroni in varioua combination
Is a most palatable and nutritious dish.
Break up half a pound of
macaroni and cook in
three quartB of boiling
water. Drain and add
a tatdospoonful of onion
juice, two cupfuls of cold
boiled ham and a rich
sauce mado of a cupful of
milk and two table-
8poonfula each of butter and flour.
Cook tho butter and flour together,
add tho milk, season well with salt
and rod popper nnd put all in layers
In a buttered baking dish. Bake until
well heated.
Spiced Tongue. Tako a fresh calf's
tongue, put it into boiling water and
lot It simmer for two hours. When It
Is done tho skin will peel off. Put
four tablespoonfuls' of butter In n
saucepan nnd when boiling hot, add
a cupful of small onions, ono red pop
per, Vi toaspoonfula of salt and n
tableapoonful of vinegar, two small
carrots, one-half pound each of date3
and raisins, all chopped, then add a
pint of tho liquor In which tho tonguo
was cooked and simmer for ono hour.
Remove tho tonguo, thicken tho sauco
and pour It over tho tonguo.
Fig Tapioca. Soak two-thirds of a
:upful of tapioca In thrco cupfuls of
cold water over night. In tho morn
Ing add a half cupful of brown sugar,
two-thlrda of a cupful of diced ligs
and tho same amount of walnut meats,
with a tenspoonful of vanilla; steam
for ono hour before adding tho va
nilla. Chill and servo with sweet
ened whipped cream.
Hickories. Tnko a cupful of light
brown sugar, two eggs, n llttlo salt,
a cupful of flour, two teaspoonfuls of
baking powder, a cupful ofhlckory
nut meats and milk to make a soft
mixture to drop from the spoon. Bnko
In a modornto oven
Penn Descendant Dies at Front.
Tho Pennsylvania Society of Now
York has Issued memorial cards In
honor of Viscount Northland and tho
lato W. U. Hcnsel. Viscount North
land died In Franco from wounds re
ceived at La BasBeo. Ho was tho son
and holr of tho earl of Rnnfurly, hon
orary member of tho Pennsylvania
society, and was a direct descendant
of William Penn. Viscount Northland
was nn olllccr In tho fnmoua Cold
Btrenm Guards and wna awarded a
modal for services in tho South
This world's a pretty good sort of a
Tnklng It nil together:
In spite of the grief nnd sorrow we
In splto of the gloomy weather. -There
tiro friends to love, and hopes
to cheer '
And plenty of compensation
For every ache, of thoso who make
Tho best of the situation.
A largo percentage of mothers all
over tho land have the ovcr-present
lunch-box problem to
8olvo each day. Some
whoro an ingenious moth
er who had four other
friends, each with a child
to send with a lunch bas
ket, proposed that onco
a week each prepare a
basket lunch for tho five.
in this way saving tho daily faak for
each. Tho mothers could do with
pleasure onco a weok what waa such
n bugbear in lta frequency. Tho moth
er knows that her child's mentality
aa well as his physical power dopends
upon his food largely and tho grow
ing child should 1iavo nourlahlng,
plain, wholesome and easily digested
Tho child naturally craves sweets
and they should bo given In moderate
amount, ub they are necessary to fur
nish fuel. Sweets should bo given
at tho close of tho meal so that they
may not clog tho taste for the substan
tial things as thoy do If given before
or nt the beginning of a meal.
Another important point to romem-
ber with children is thnt their diges
tive processes aro much moro rapid
than with adults, and they need a
good, substantial lunch.
Eggs cooked hard and well aeasoned
make a most satisfactory sandwich
filling. Thin slices of meat between
well-spread slices of bread. Tho sand
wich is an Important factor, and should
havo first place. Bottles now may be
bought at a small price which will
hold a hot drink or soup, cocoa and
milk being tho drinks best for tho
Fresh fruit, nn apple or nn orango,
a cake of sweet chocolate or a few
pieces of good candy make a well
enjoyed finish to a meal. The child
loves a surprise, will cat with relish
and digest a meal much. better If it
Is something that comes aB a surprise.
Cup custards aro most delicious des
serts, rice with custard and raisins
make another slmplo and tasty ono.
Rending Is to the mind, what exer
cise Is to the body. As by one, health
Is preserved, strengthened and Invigo
rated; by tho other, virtue (which Is
the health of tho mind) Is kept allvo,
cherished nnd confirmed. Addison.
As America la made up of all nation
alities a few dishes which speak of
tho motherland will be
pleasant reminders.
Cock-a-leekle. Chop
'two pounds of veal and
put to soak in a gallon
and a half of cold water
for an hour. Heat slow
ly and simmer until the
liquor Is rich. Pour this
over a roasting capon or
fowl and cook five min
utes. Removo tho fowl, bone it, chop
flno and return to the pan. Add a pint
of leeks, season and cook until tho
leeks are tender.
Spanish Macaroni. Fry onions In n
bit of butter and olive oil until
brown, add a tablespoonful of Worces
tershire sauco and a teaspoonful of
chill powder. Put a half cupful of
macaroni into boiling water, salted,
and cook until tender, about twenty
five minutes. -Place the drained maca
roni In a buttered baking diBh and
pour tho onlona and half a can of
tomatoes over It. Mix well and sprin
kle with grated cheese. Bake a half
hour in a moderate oven.
English Stuffed Ham. Select n
fresh-cured ham and havo tho bono
removed. Fill with a stulllng mado of
bread crumbs, parsley, green pepper,
chopped, and seasonings of salt and
pepper, with butter to make tho right
richness. Tio up securely and lncloso
tho ham In a paste of flour and water
to keep tho Juices from escaping. Tie
in a cloth and put Into a pot of boiling
water and simmer gently for two or
three hours, allowing twenty minutes
for each pound weight. After the
ham Is cooked removo tho crust, pare
off tho skin carefully, so as not to In
Juro tho shape of the ham, put into a
roasting pan, sprinkle with crumbs
and roast, allowing six minutea to the
African war. In tho death of Mr.
Hcnsel tho society "deplores the loss
of ono of lta most brilliant members,
a man whoso services to hla nation
and stato havo been written In lasting
fame, and whoso deep interest In our
association wna strengthening, help
ful and kind."
At the Sociable.
Ho I nm Buro wo havo met before.
Didn't wo go to school together?
She Suro wo did. Don't you ro-
momber you wero my teacher.
For years Mrs. L. H. Jeffrey of Al
len, Neb.ypufrered from acriouB illness.
Sho had dangerouB stomach derange
ments. Mr. Jeffrey learned' of Mnyr's Won
derful Remedy. Ho investigated. Ho
wroto to a man who had, used It.
Assured of tho absolute safoty, ho
gave a doso to Mrs. Jeffrey. Tho help
it gavo hla wlfo la told In a letter ho
wroto to a Sioux City drugglat:
"I wish to say a fow worda in com
mendation of Mayr'a Wonderful Rem
edy for what it haa done for my wlfo.'
Sho has been troubled with gall stones'
for years. I saw Georgo H. Mayr's
advertisement of his wonderful stom
ach remedy, so-1 sent for a bottle
When I got It tho doso was so large'
that 1 was afraid to give It.
"I wroto to J. F. Myers of Book
Btreet, Sioux City, and ho wroto that
It was perfectly safe. My wlfo took:
It with very satisfactory results. Sho
passed about half a cupful of gall
stones. Sho got somo moro to com
plete tho cure."
Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy given per
manent results for stomach, liver and
Intestinal ailments. Eat as much and
whatever you like. No moro distress
after eating, pressure of gaB in tho
stomach and around tho heart Get one
bottle oC your druggist now and try it
on an absolute guarantee If not satis
factory money will bo returned. Adv.
Going Too Far. .
"Thero is no way of conquering tho
overbearing and dictatorial attitude of
a man," remarked tho determined
looking woman.
"I thought your husband favored
your ideas in most matters."
"He is a tyrant at heart I asked
him whether he thought women,
should bo permitted to vote and ho
said he thought they should be com
pelled to do so."
Followed by a Little Ointment fo;
Baby'a Tender Skin. Trial Free.
They- afford infants and children,
great comfort, permit rest and sleep
and point to speedy healmcnt of ec
zemas, rashes, itchings, chaflngs and!
other sleep destroying skin troubles..
Nothing better at any prlco for the
Rursery and toilet
Sample each freo by mall with Book..
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. -XY,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Marriage Is a tie, but then so is the
relationship that exists between a tin
can and a dog's tall.
For genuine comfort and lasting pleas
ure use Red Cross Ball Blue on wash day..
All good grocers. Adv.
A man's favorite way of saying noth
ing Is to write a long letter to a friend.
Though Sickand Suffering; At
Last Found Help in Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
R?4imnnd. Pa. " Whpn T ufnrtpfr
taking Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable-
iiompounu i was in a.
dreadfully rundowa
stato of health,
had internal trou-
'bles, nnd was so ex
tremely nervous and.
prostrated that if I
had given in to my
feelings I would
have been in bed.
As it was I had.
hardly strength at
times to be on my
feet nnd what I did do was by a great.
effort I could not sleep at night and
of course felt very bad in the morning,
nnd had a steady headache.
"After taking the second bottle I no
ticed that tho headache was jiot so bad,
I rested better, and my nerves wero
stronger. I continued its use until it
made a new woman of me, and now 1
can hardly realize that I am able to do
so much as I do. Whenever I know any
womnn in need of a good medicine I.
highly praiso Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound." Mrs. Frank.
t&ARK, 3146 N. Tulip St, Richrnond.Pa,
Women Have Been Telling Women
for forty years how Lydia E.Pinkhart'a
Vegetable Compound has restored ther
health when suffering with female ills.
This accounts for tho enormous demand
for it from coast to coast If you are
troubled-with any ailment peculiar to
women why don't you try Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? It
will pay you to do so. Lydia E. Pink
bam Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
The Army of
I Growing Smaller Every Day.
responsible they
they perma
nently cure Con-j
itipatioa. Mil-.
lions U3e,
them for
Indifettion, Sick Headache, Sallow Skb.
Genuine must bear Signature
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 10-1916.
nPiMnaiTTi r