SALE Begins S aturday May 1st, Closes Saturday. May 8th. . Beginning Saturday we will hold the largest special sale of Rugs ever held in North Platte. We have made a special purchase of standard quality Rugs of one of the largest New York car pet houses at prices that are considerably below the market. We are going to offer these Rugs at prices that will save you money over any price you have ever had. These Rugs are from one of the best known mills in this countr and are not seconds or imperfect goods, but every rug is of the highest quality in its grade and perfect in workmanship and color. Prices do not tell you much without seeing the quality. We have not tried to buy the cheap grades, but the standard medium priced rugs that give you good satisfactory service. In this lot will be three grades of velvets, five grades of Axminsters, two grades of Wiltons and several of Brussels; all in room sizes 7 ft 6 in x 9 ft, 8ft 3 in x 10 ft 6 in and 9 ftx 12. We will also have a large assortment of small rugs 27x54 inches. We are not quoting prices in this advertistment for the reason that you will have to see the goods themselves to know what the saving will be, but we wish to say that it will pay you to buy your rugs at this sale. - We will have these goods on display in our windows this week and they go on sale Satur day. Be sure and come. Store DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald Stato Bank. LOCAL AND 1'EItSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Charles Llston, of the Dickens vicinity, wore visiting -in the city Saturday. On account of the flooded condition of the baseball diamond Sunday no game was played. Mrs. Harry Shlnn was taken to tho Good Samaritan hsopltal Friday ev ening to receive medical treatment. Wanted Fifteen or twenty head of cattle to pasture along Fremont slough. 28-2 JOHN SCHRAM. County Surveyor R. L. Cochran left Saturday for tho Wellfleet vicinity to spend several days on engineering work. Miss Esther Xorbock, a graduate nurso of this city, was called to Scotts Bluff Friday evening to take charge of a caso. Miss Gertrude Herrod,, of Colum bus, arrived in tho city Friday evening for a visit of a week or more with relatives and friends. For Ront Throe room house in GOO block on east Third streot, Phone Black 140. 27-2 Hugh Scoonover loft Saturday ev ening for Chicago to spend sovoral days on a business trip. He expects to be home the latto part of the week Deputy Sheriff Roy Wilson returned Saturday evening from Hastings where ho accompanied tho Greek, Raklos Stathos, to tho stato hospital for tho insane. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kelly and son Louis and Cecil Cool returned Satur day from Omaha whoro they spent tho week. While thoro Mr. Kelly nttondod tho moetlng of tho stnte press asso ciation. Arthur Horn, an employe of the Un ion Pacilc shops, is off duty with a badly lacorated hand which ho sus tained Saturday while grinding a shoet of Iron.. Ho will be laid up for ton days or more. Wo hove Diamonds from $10. to 3500 ' each. U P WATCH INSPECTOR U P WATCH INSPECTOR W,. S. Barrier, baker for tho Dickey bakery, la reported gottlng along sat isfactorlly from the burns sustained in the flro Friday morning. Tho burns wero worst nbout tho neck and on his left hand. Ho will bo off duty for two or thrco weeks yet. . For Rent 2 largo front rooms for light housekeeping. 514 east 3d st. 1 For Sale 0 months old Bull dog. Phone black 4G0. 28-2 F. G. Hoxie was down from Ogalalla over Sunday visiting his family in this city. Judge H. M. Grimes left yesterday morning for Loxlngton to hold a term of district court. Misses Bosslo Smith and Lorctta Murphy, who teach at Ilorshoy, were visiting their parents In this city over Sunday. The Ladies' Auxiliary of tho Baptist church will meet in the church base ment for business Thursday afternoon at 3:15. A ten cent lunch will be served. x Miss Mary Winn returned Sunday to her homo In Kearney, after visiting for a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. Manion. She was formerly a res ident of this city. Rev. J. C. Chritie, pastor of the Prcs hvterian church, snent Sunday in Koarnoy where he preached for Dr. Spencer, who came nero to speaic at tho union services. Read Horshoy's advertisement ( a closing out sale In this Issus. Ilcr ehey the hardware man. 12U Bert Manning, of Hastings, was vis iting frlonds in the. city a fow days last week, Mr. Manning is i-eprosenta-tive of tho Petors Ammunition Co., and Is ;i professional trap shootor. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Buckley, who recently roturned from Santa Domin go and have been visiting In Now York, and Washington, are expected to arrive home today. Joe Souder, who teaches In tho Nichols school, was in the city over Sunday visiting his brothor, 9. M. Souder of the county treasurer's of ilce. Ho reports the roads In bad shape out In that vicinity, .Plans and Suggestions for your home.Are You Interested? Ed. Stofregen, watchmaker for tho Clinton jewelry store, returned Saturday evening from his home In Line Hill where ho was called a short Ume ago by the illness of his father. Ho .reports his father's condition much improved. Frank H. Barber had the under part of one of his anus badly scalded the latter part of last week by steam which rushed from tho radiator of his car when ho removed tho can The arm was blistered from the wrist to tho elbow. William Diamond arrived In tho city Saturday evening from Blair and will visit hero a short time and possibly remain hero. Ho has been employed all winter on tho Blair Tribune, but It was recently sold to Jno. A. Ithodos, county superintendent of Washington county. The iunior auxiliary of the Episcopal church held a bazaar in the church basement Saturday and quite a num ber attended and mndo purchases. A number of pieces of imported goods wore, however, left on hand, and these may be offered for sale next Saturday., Motion for temporary alimony was argued before Judge Grimes In the. .1 ! . . l ..i ...... . f4j 1.. i 1 . . . .11. ' uisu iul cum i, ouiuiuuy m uiu uivuicu caso of Guy W. Edls against Viola E. Edls. After tho argument tho court granted temporary alimony to tho ex tent of ?100. Tho caso Is to como up for hearing today. Mr. and Mrs. Y. A. Hlnman and son Junior returned Saturday from Cali fornia where they were called by tho sorious Illness and death of Mrs. Hlnman's ..father, W, J. Cruson. Miss Elizabeth, who accompanied thorn, will remain for a moro oxtended visit and will attend the world's fair. Tho recent rains flooded tho base mont of the Building Loan building to tho "extent that a pump was re- fpiircd running Friday, Friday night and Saturday to keep tho water down. A pump oporated by a gasoline engine was tho mothod employed to get rid of tho water. Hi tho boiler room tho water roso two feet and in all portions of the basement the floors were covered, The two glee clubs of the high school will give their concert at tho Keith on tho evening of May 8th. Resi dents of the city should attend this concort and cot an Idea of the work that is being done along tho linos of' music in tho local schools. Mr. Rodan baukh, in charge pf tho girls, and Mr. Flowers, in charge of the boys, have worked diligently gottlng tho two or ganizations together and thoy have a good roportoiro of songs, including selections of tho classical nature as well as humorous encores. Meredith, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Brooke, residing in tho build ing tormrly occupied by tho P. & S. hospital, fell from tho second story window of their residence Sunday af ternoon to tho sidewalk bolow. "Tho child waa bruised up somowliat but cs caped sorious Injury. Afotr lie struck he got up and started to run back up the stairs, but fell again and could not get up. From all appearance the lit tle boy was worse scared than hurt. His oscapo from sorious injury is al most miraculous, W. J. Tiley returned Sunday even ing from a trip of a week tfvor the northern and western parts of tho stato and as far east as Columbus. Ho announces that at Columbus Sunday they got a two Inch rain which fell in about flftcon minutes. Tho streets wore all flooded and wator ran In tor rents all over tho city, causing much trouble from gottlng Into collars, Ho states that in tho east tho crops aro far in ndvanco to what they are hero. Many of tho trees and sonic flowers nre alroady In bloom. BIDS OX RUIW'K TO HI! OI'KXi:!) OX 3IAY 21ST. Advertisements for new bids on tho proposed bridge to be built cast of this city on tho Lincoln Highway were re ceived liero lust week by County Clerk Yost, and nre now being published. Tho advertisement calls for tho open ing of tho bids on May 21st. A number of changes havo been mado In the bridge. Tho advertise ment now calls for bids on a twenty foot steel bridge or a twenty-foot con orcto arch bridge, tho sixteen-foot bridge being out of favor with tho men at Lincoln as w11 as tho county commissioners. Stato Engineer G. E. Thompson has completed tho plans and specifications and thoy will bo hero shortly. Tho old advertisement called for a deposit of a certified check of $1,000, but tho new one calls for a doposit of $5,000 to Insure tho county and stato against refusal to accept tho contract and against other compllcalotns simi lar to those Avhlch arose over tho first bid, From all Indications work on the budge will bo started early In July. While tho delay In lotting the contract vis a great disappointment to all, tho fault was not with the county commls Hioners, as they did all they could to bring the matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Undor the ruiuirempnts of tho nd tisi'inent no bids will bo accepted that i,o nor Include making tho fills. Thoy v. re made soparato bids the other timo and some difllcultios aroso ovor tho mutter., A bid on tho ontlro bridge from bank to bank Is much mora doslrable for the reason that tho ono company Is responsible for all tho work and there can be no shifting of tho responsibility. Men who know nre f the opinion that there will be no trouble getting plenty of good bids for the building of the bridge. iMoBxmii for Touchers mid Put runs. County, Supt. Guntt has had pub lished tho program for the teachers and patrons meeting Which will bo held next Saturday at the high school building In thin city. Tiio program will be glvon in tho afternoon and is in ono that will Interest both teachers and patrons'. Saturday forenoon will be devoted to arranging tho display of work from the different schools mid the In spectlon of the work by patrons and teachers. A line meeting is anticipated. Following Is the program as pre pared: Prosiding, Supt. Frank Smith; song, primary chlldrcVi; "Tho Modom School," Prln. M. M.. dtedanbaugh; address, Supt. P. M. Whitehead: se lection, girls gleo club! "Tho Patron's Vlowpolnt," Supt. Wilson Tout: selec Hon, girls' gleo club; "Tho Teuc'uors and -tho Public," Prof. Oscar Nealo. ' (Jleo Clubs Score IHg Success Tho girls and boys' glue club3 of tho local high school scored a big suc cess at their entcrtnlnnient at Suther land Friday evening. Their program was an excellent ono and wus well re ceived by tho Sutherland peoplo. Thoy appeared before a packed houso. About twenty students nccompnnlcd the gleo clubs to Suthorlund to nttond tho concort and thoy report U flue trip. They wero all mado welcome by the people of that vlllago and havo but words of pralso regarding tho wel come they received. Scholarship for Klglith Gruilo Students A scholarship In tho Franklin Acad emy of Franklin, Nobrasku, was this' week received by County Superintend-1 out Aiicon Gantt to bo presented to tho olghth grade graduato who passes with : tho highest averago In tho spring ox-j aniinatlons. ' This scholarship Is offered only to tho rural pupils and Is well worth try ing for. It Is ono year's tuition to tho academy for tho literary course. Vncnnl lots mid Improved city prop.' erly In all purls of Hie city for sale al nil 1 fines. .Wmiy properties at bar gain prices mid on easy terms. Seo nn? before you buy. ('. V. TKMPLK, .Following tho 2.G4 inches of rnlu last Avoek this lmmudlato section had a fall of 1..15 Inches Sunday. With tho earth already full of fnolsturo, tho rain Sunday naturally caused an im menso surplus of water In west acctlin of tho city, which, seeking an outlet, naturally flowed through tho Btroot ditches, tho streets most affected bo Ing Third, Fourth und Fifth. At somo points this water extended almost from curb to curb, and sufllclently deop to carry ton-foot boats which somo of tho boys launched. In draining tho over flowed alonglis west of town tho cur rent carried lish into tho city limits, sovoral good-sized carp and plko be ing caught, by tho youngstojrs. This re nowod freshet caused wator to again rise In basements, causing much work and nnnoyanco to tho. householders., Tor Sale or Trade. Improved section of hard land, most ly rough, ?8 per aero. M. H. Magnusen. John Ross of Lowollon was vlBltlng In tho city over Sunday wltk C. F. Strauss of tho McDonald bank. Mr, Ross was huro'lnst winter recolvlng trontmont In tho Good Samaritan hos pital, Ho is employed in a bank at Lowollon. For Sale. Used Typewriter?, a'l klndH, all pries. O. E Jnmes, Grand Island Neb, !c JEWS A SPECIALTY T,3 JKiyllll .ZT giV.USLttiSVSWHrJll v "wva 7J ViV 3 sex Mrs, Sanford Hartman ami Mrs. E. W. Crano wont to Lexington Saturday to spend Sunday with frleml-J. are go ing to lay or repair a 7 drain see us about the. pipes. We carry just what you want, for our sup ply of tilings is the larg est around here. We buy them by the carloads, and the prices are loitiest. Spring's here; do it now. Write, phone or call.' wr i ii ii i we welcome small as wen as- lari orders. Thats the reason we are adverl tising to interest the average man in usN THE HOME OF GOOD LUMBER. PHONE 7. COAXES LUMBER AND COAL CO.