The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 27, 1915, Image 4

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County Commissioner D. H. White
urrlvcd In the city yesterday to uttoiul
tlio tncotlngf of the hoard of county
MIsb KBthtr NorhorW a inil. Oil
ur - j i city, retur . IV'luy
irom Tryon v. here she ! 1 1 been cm-
jjli ( t :i man.
Ralph Starkoy was Saturday mom
The Indian Card Club will ho enter
tained tomorrow afternoon at tho
home of Mrs. C. M. Reynolds, 1021 west
Fourth street,
Prod R. Cllnn left the laBt of the
wools for the west to locate Mrs.
aitin expects to Join hm ns soon as
thoy dispose of their homo hero.
II. G, Knowles, pastor of the Chris
tian church, leaves Thursday for Lin
coln whore lies will spond a few days
at a meeting of tho state omclal uoaru
lnc crantcd a divorce from Clara of Hie Christian churches,
Starkcy In the district court. Die w Cramor la vlaltns this
grounds for divorce wore abandon-1 JXwlth relatives In St, Pauh She
mont. I went thoro from Kearney whore she
Mrs. H. A. Sawyer nnd Mr. and Mrs.' nttended the convention of women's
J. G. Sawyer, of Lincoln, arrived In club3 and read a paper on music.
thecltyHatunmycvoningiov.8, 10. a, , p, roturncd Saturday
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. from ft bU8n0HB trlp t0 Chicago and
II. Sawyer of this city. i 0,nftlm IIo ro(lo purt of tilc way from
Will Scaton of tho Wcllllect vicinity; Omaha In a new Duick six car he
drove over with a carload of people ( purchased through the J. S. Davis auto
Sunday ovening. ho announces mm w,
mo roaus noiwccn i cru u.m iv.uu Qco stl(f lcft Sundfty for
aro almost Impassible for a car. adtfforiflrir after vlsltllng
James Van6y, a car repairer, is off in the city for a few dayB with friends.
duty for a fow days with a oauiy
sprained wrist, in attempting to ciose
a car door ho caught his hand in such
a manner aB to sovorcly tear tho liga
ments. J. S Davis and one of his employes
went to Omaha tho latter part of last
week to drive up two Duick sixes, one
for Julius Plzcr, tho other for Frank
Barber. They encountered awful roads
and did not reach hero with the Plzer
car until Sunday evening, the Harbor
--ar arriving yesterday,.
Laura Perry was Saturday granted a
dlvorco from Chester F. Perry before
Judge Grimes In the district court.
Tho grounds of tho dlvorco woro cruel
ty and drunkenness. Mrs. Perry was
also given tho custody of tho child for
tho tlmo being.
I. Conant of tho Wcllfleot vicinity
drove over Sunday evening with Mr.
nniL Mrs. Dave Anderson and family.
They came to visit at the home of
William Anderson, resiuing in uic
fourth ward. Mr. Conant returned
homo yesterday.
$100 Dollnra
buys n vory
fino Diamond.
Sutherland Hanks Consolidate
Effective Friday morning, a consol
idation of the Sutherland Stntc bank
and tho Farmers bank of Suthorland
was announced. Tho new Institution
Is to bo known as the Farmers State
bank jind the cnpltal stock has bean
Increased to $2i,000, Each bank form
erly had a capital stock of $10,000. D',
An Incident of Early Days
About March 20th, 18715, three men,
Richard Hell, Frank Hellenbrand and
Eugene Leako loft Gibbon, N'eb., and
went to a trapper's cabin (or dugout)
on the south side of the South Loup
river, near tho mouth of the Muddy.
Tho place had been occupied the win
ter before by two trappers, Dr. Steer
C Wilson is named as president ancuand Arthur Leako, (older urotlier oi
C. A. Lau cashier, The Farmers bank Gene), Tho dugout was situated on
quarters will bo used.
Leakage of the Heart Is Fatal
After an Illness of but a few weeks
with malignant ondocnrdltls, Wayne,
tho eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs,
E. S. Hogg, residing on south Vino
.street, died Saturday afternoon short
ly boforo four o'clock.
Tho Httlo boy was taken ill very sud
the east side of a low bluff and facing
a creek that emptied Into the Loup
near the dugout. The writer spont
two nights in this dugout and one
night in tho hlls three miles southeast
of It In December, 1872, while on a
hunting trip.
Early on the morning of April 2nd,
1873, two Indians came to this dugout
and finding Gcno Leake getting break
fast, they killed him, then went up the
Willie in tho city she was entertained
at tho homos of Mrs. G. A. Iloltman
and Mrs. Guy Cover.
Miss Esthor Hayes, employed nt the
Vienna Cafe, was Friday afternoon tak
en to tho Good Samaritan hospital for
medical treatment. Her condition is
quite sorlous and It is feared that she
will require an oporatlon.
Traveling officer Weldman nrroated
a young boy'by the name of Robort
Lauton Friday evening on tho charge
of stealing n watch and other prop
erty from a passenger.. Tho boy was
lodged In Jail hero and will bo taken
away for trial.
Mrs. J. G. Heeler and Mrs. Joseph
Roddy returned tne lattor part of last
week from Kearney where thoy at
tended tlio state convention of tho
women's federated club3,. Mrs. Roddy
read a paper boforo tho convention
that was woll received.
J, Rlthlo and W. Voreman, two
young men who aro walking from New
York City to San. Francisco advertis
ing tho Yeomen lodge, stopped In this
city Thursday evening. While In the
city thoy wcro entertained at the home
of Mr. and Mrs,. W. J. Tiley,
E. B. aeddos, Lincoln correspondent
for tlio World-Herald and a confiden
tial employo of Senator Hitchcock,
was visiting In town Friday and look
ing over political conditions. Ho left
Saturday for Goring to represent the
Senator at an irrigation mooting
Gaston Music Co., the firm that
makou piano buying easy.
denly. He had always been n bright,
cheery, healthy boy and Ills untimely rivor a. short distance and killed Rich
demise was little suspected until a nr(i Bell, then went down tho river
few weeks ago. Tho funoral was held about half a mile and killed Farnk Hel
yesterday afternoon at 2:30 from tho icnbrand, shooting each of them In tho
Lutheran church, Rev. C. II; Harman ' back of tho head with a CO calibre
officiating, rifle. Thoy then took what things they
wanted, going on up tlio river to a
Autos to Roost Tabernacle Meetings.! point nbout north of Fort Mcpherson
Four cars carrying men from this ' station, men soutnwest over tne ui-
cltv left this mornlnc on an automo- vido to Platte Valley northeast of the
bile boosting trin in tho interests of i head of the White Horse creok, then
tho tabernacle meetings which aro to ' down the creek and over to Major
open hero next Sunday' with Evangel
ists Lowry and Moody In charge.
The trip wil extend aa far east as
Cozad and tho cars will st6p at all
towns on the way and distribute their
literature,. Tomorrow they leave west
and go ns far as Ogalalla. AH townB
onrouto will bo visited. The meet
ings will be widely advertised and it
may bo that special trains will be run
Into tho city to accommodate the peo-
plo in surrounding towns who wish
to hear Messrs. Lowry ond Moody.
Special terms on lots In Taylor's
Addition and Gracelnnd Addition to
close out tho balance. Monthly pay
ments of $5.00 to $10.00, Ituild a
home now while lumber Is cheap.
2,"8 Exclusive Agents.
License to wed was granted yester
day from the olllco of tho county Judge
to James R. Arnett, 2G, and Miss Elslo
Pearl Watts, 2C, both of North Platte.
Tim rrrnnm la n farmer and the bride
a teacher. Miss Wntta is a daughter , 511 Dewoy St. Clnton's Jowolry Store
of Mr. and Mrs. CharloB Watts of this The Entro Nous club was pleasant-
vicinity. , ly entertained Wednesday afternoon of
i last wools at tho home of Mrs. I. J
" . liinnim HrtHflH tfttr f li r illimra nn fnv
tho afternoon and tho honors woro
carried away by Mrs. Johnston and
Mrs. Stebblns. At tho close of the af
tornoon nice refreshments were
dint church will bo entertained at an
Indoor picnic Friday evening at tho
nonic of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Davis at
'.the experimental su-tatloiu 'Tho
members will meet at tho church Frl
'luv vcnlng at G:30 whero they will bo
supplied with Hat wagons to convey
Mif to tho Davis homo.
Mi J.-'etj Lillian Sicks and Maynic Mcr
. leturnud Friday from Sidney
lliey viaticd friends for n short
In company with II. N. Smith
)vo tho first of lant week to
.. -T In a oar. The roadi were
.- .n i imU. thoy. renort. Ruturii-
, found the roads in bad shape
epuKht in a rain storm. Fred
.I liufi' , Mann acoinpanUid
a i
served by tho hostess.
Plana-nnd, specifications for tljjnow
building" which is to lie erected by
V. R. Malonoy on east JJiftn street
were submitted to the eontr.ielora
Saturday Tills nmv amteinre will
join at llio roar tho building ow m
ruplod t,v Howe & Mulon.iy, .n d b th
win he-ucunlod by the arm. Th
i w i ulldlns viil cnntalij morsin-,
tAwv I ttnd HVt nnnn for th- uml"r-
. ' , u. an.' 'rU ) have Im
l I I i'l "' ' I.' v n( ''LI
" . r 1 1 m. ' ' V
The body of Mrs. J. W. Peters was
shipped Saturday afternoon to Spnrta,
Wisconsin, Tor uunnl. Short funeral
services woro hold Saturday from tho
homo on wost Twelfth streot. The la
dies of the H. of L. E., tho ladles of
the H. of L, F. &. E. and the Rebeknhs
wero present at tho funeral and ac
companied tho body on masse to tho
depot. Rev. J. L. Uarton. of the Bap
tist church conducted the funoral services.
For Sale.
Settings of eggs from pure bred
Barred Plymouth Rock chickens. In
quire of or address
1305 North Locust, PhoneRed 851.
RakloB Stathos, the Greek boy who
for somo tlmo was held in tho county
Jail for Insanity, was Friday evening
taken to Hastings where ho will bo
given treatment for his condition. He
beenmo so violent that tho local Din
col's could not handle him on account
of the nmount of time It took. He
required tho attention of one man all
tho time. It was thought ho might
recover his mentality nnd be ablo to
rosumo work, but tho longer ho was
hold tho worso ho got,
For Trade Model 17 five passongor
touring car in first-class running or
der Will trade for horses or any
kind of deslrabe stock.
Walker's ranch, at the base of Bald
Bluff. There they took a white horse
and stnrted back the way they came.
"Pony' Rodgers was taking care of the
ranch and seeing them going away
with the horse, ran to the stable, sad
dled bin pony, took his needle gun
and gave chase, overtaking them about
a mllo north of the ranch. One was
riding a mule, the other the white
horse. "Pony" commenced shooting at
them. They returned the fire, arid af
ter running a short distance one of
them started to fall from the horse.
The other caught hold of him and
pulled him over behind him on tho
mule, lotting the horse go. Th"b Indian
dropped a package which Rogers pick
ed up. It contained a memorandum
which Gene Leake had been keeping at
the dugout on tho Loup. Rodgers
gave up the chase for fear of running
Into a camp of Indians. Ho caught
V. S. W. V. Ciunp Is drowlnir
TTnrrv R. nrnwn Pnmn Nn. 11 11 s i tlio horse and returned to tho ranch
W. V., located In this city, Is enjoying a t'cn .to ,N?rth Plfltte nml r,ePI,ted
rapid growth In membership. They
started out with less than thirty nnd
iho camp now numbers forty-nine
members with five men making appli
cation. At each meeting new mombors
aro taken into the order and from all
indications it will soon be ono of the
big camps In tho west. It Is now
second in slzo in tho state.
Tho camp will hold Its next regular
meeting at tlio United States Weather
Bureau offlco on the evening of the.
first Monday In May. All men .who
saw service, either marine or military,
during tho Spanish-American war are
Invited to bo present. A number of
members will bo taken In at that
meeting and It Is hoped that new mem
bers will show themselves for mem
bership. For Quick Sale
Modorn home, except heat, deslrablo
location on west Second street. Mrs
Fred R. Ginn 408 west Second street,
Phono 127
what ho had done.
J. M. B.
Wind Causes Some Damage Sunday
A cyclono of small dimensions vis
ited tho city Sunday afternoon shortly
after three o'clock and did some dam
age. The wind blow pretty hard all
over the city for about two minutes
but no damago was done outsldo of
the breaking of a few limbs from trees
except In the cast end of tho city.
Tlio grand stand at tho baseball park
was blown over and a chicken houso
at tho homo of John Nelson was car
ried about a hundred feet. Tho homo
Fred Elliott was damaged some
what by a largo treo that was up
rooted and blown against tho house.
Tho grand stand was damaged vory
little and will bo as good ns ever when
U Is set upright.
In tho main part of the city several
automobiles woro blown about pro
miscuously and eovoral trees wero
damaged The wind was so strong that
U wns feared that ho tabornaclo would
blow down, but It stood the test well.,
Knabo Kimball, McPhall, Packard,
Price and Toonlo. H. S. Howard, Smith
& Barnes and many others. Player
pianos and vlctrolas.
Clinton's Jewelry Store
Union Services Sunday Evening.
The four churches behind the union
evangelistic movement, the Baptist,
Christian, Methodist and Presbyterian,
held union services nt the Presbyter
ian church Sunday evening. The
meeting was nddressed by Dr. Spen
cer of Kearney in the interests of the
meelngs that are to begin here next
ur. apencer spone in glowing terms
of Mr. Lowroy and his company and
the work they are dolus. Ho told of
tho conversion of 823 people In the re
cent meetings held by Lowry and
Moody in Kearney and of tho thor
oughness of their work. He also ex
horted all church people to put i
shoulder to tjio wheel and do all in
their power for the cause and not ox
p'ect the evangelist to do it all.
Mrs. Langston of tho North Platte
School of Music sang Kipling s "Reces
fslonal," music by DeKoven, and she
and Bruce Brown sang a duet. The
main room of the church was comfort
ably filled with people fr6m all church
es despite the rainy weather.
Ilretzer Property on West Eleventh
Street. For Sale nt n Hnrgain
Tho former Frank Bretzcr property
located on west Eleventh street, being
a seven room house; two full 06 foot
lots; chicken houses and yards'. Good
windmill on vacant lot for Irrigation
purposes, and in ANo. 1 condition
throughout. If sold at once, will bo
sold at a bargain. Inquire of
28t2 C, F. TEMPLE, Agent.
Relegates Leave for Ouinlia.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Shilling, Leon
ard Robinson, S. T. Claris and E. E
Moody left Saturday evening for Oma
ha 'to attend tho state encampmont of
tho U. S. W. V., department of Nebras
kn, which began yesterday and closes
today,. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Brown
Ed Scharmnnn, O, E. Garrison. Clias
Hanor A, E. Bell and Jno,. McKeag,
of Ogalalla, left Sunday ovening to rep
rdsent Harry E. Brown Camp No. 11
at tho meeting.
Ono bay inure 3 years old, ono prray
lioruo 5 years old, weight about 1000
pounds oacli, irom section zu-ib-au
Why Dob" i You Build
J A Home
Like This
Sulkey Cultivators at $25 or $27.
P & O Canton Sulkey Plows at $35.
P & O Canton Sulkey Lister at $40.
8 foot Wind Mills at $25-
Monarch, Malleable Iron Range with Reservoir $50
Monarch, malleable Iron Range with Water Front
Acorn Range with Reservior $40.
Cream Separators $25 and upward.
Hardware at and below Cost.
Bain Wagons 2 1-3 Axle, 3 in tire $65.
Bain Wagons 2 3-4 Axle, 2 in tire $70. .
Bain Wagons 3 3-4 Axle, 4in tire $65.
H r ic S
The Firsts-National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
nn ir icr
Sold by Rush Mercantile Co , North Platte.
Also by E. & W. Coker, Sutherland; Ganson & Ganson
Hershey; Jens Sommers, Maxwell: Jno. Fredrickson, Brady
ASIX-roorn, cozy home for a small
family, with Uv inu room (across
the entire house front), dimng- room,
den, kitchen, two bt d rooms, and
bath room.
She will be delighted with the ample
closets, also with the splendid bookc are
colonnade between living; room and din
ing room.
You ought to see this and other in
terior and floor plans. It will be a
pleasure for us 'to show them to you.
Stop in. Let us talk it over. This is
just part of the helpful service we give to
v ' VvC"?
1 1
o I
The original hammer-pTOof
If we were to tell you of all the abuse Chi-Namel
Varnish will stand withont being ruined, we wouldn't
expect you tobelieve us. But we're here to show you
any day in the week, that hard knocks cannot make
white spots on Chi-Namel or cause it to flake off.
20c per can and up.
We have plenty money on hand
to close loans promptly on good
farms and ranches.