The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 27, 1915, Image 3

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- Don't expect good fruit and plenty
of it unless you feed tho trees and
bushes accordingly.
Largo seeded grapes should bo dls
Ashes and bono aro first rate ferti
lizers. Bury all bones about tho roots of
vines and trees.
Strawberries may bo grown tho first
two years under the grapevines.
Make tho soil rich before setting out
tho vines and plants.
If a largo crop is wanted, give addi
tional dressings of fertilizers, ashes
and bono dust
Top-dress tho orchard and fruit gar
den, but keep weedy manure out of
the strawberry patch.
Give tho blackberries a corner of
cool land and cultivate for two years.
After that only cut back tho tops and
thin out tho old clvnes.
Trees in tho fruit garden should bo
headed low for reasons of convenience
and for other reasons affecting the wel
fare of the trees. Only dwarf varieties
should bo planted hero.
For tho fruit garden, tho advice not
to trim lsns bad as not to cultivate.
Jlt is tho business of tho tree to repro
duce itself, and tho moro limb, tho
more seed in tho fruit.
Mulching hill land that washes is
better, in many instances, than plow
ing. Plowing is but mulching by
throwing one portion of soil over an
other. Mulch with litter, boards,
boughs, or even rocks, where they aro
plentiful during 'tho hot weather.
Tho farm table may bo supplied with
fresh fruits from rhubarb time, on un
til lato grapes, outside, to bo fol-
When Second Crop Has Been
Cut Stumps Have Lost Vi
talityPlant Seedlings.
(By H. R. FLINT, Minnesota Collego of
Special effort should be made to se
cure tho reproduction of tho trees re
moved from tho farm woodlot during
tho cutting season Just passed. In
many cases sprouts aro counted on for
this reproduction and for certain pur
poses such as fuel, posts and shelter,
they can be relied upon to furnish the
desired mnterlal. When this second
croj) is cut in its turn, however, tho
old stumps havo lost most, if not all of
their vitality and unless some vigor
ous seedlings havo grown up in tho
meantime, tho value of tho woodlot is
greatly Impaired. Slnco it requires
many years to build up a woodlot
which has been allowed to run out, it
is a wIbo plan to insure the production
of somo good healthy seedling trees
each year by planting somo seed of
desirable species in tho openings cre
ated by the winter's cutting.
During early life tho sprouts, be
causo of tho advantngo of a previously
established root system, will outstrip
tho little seedlings nnd may deprive
them of tho requlslto amount of light
for good growth. Therofore, In tho
first thinning or cutting of tho sprouts
somo special consideration should be
shown the young seedlings.
Tho method of planting tho seeds
will depend upon tho species used.
Walnut, hickory nnd all of the oaks
can be planted about i,vo Inches deep
In a holo made with a dlbblo or spud.
Tho smaller seeds such as red and
white elm, maplo and ash may be
planted by removing tho coarser litter
from a small spot nnd putting on a
.few seeds, covering thorn very lightly
with fine boII and a little litter. .
In many cases it is better to raise or
buy seedlings of tho species having
smnll seeds and transplant them in
tho desired location.
Ventilation lo Necessary,
Ventilate tho cow barn or you may
expect to hnvo weakened and tuber
cular cows.
"Bo.tan" Plum.
lowed by the fall and winter orchard
fruits and tho surplus of tho gardens
preserved in various ways. Now is
tho time to plan your nqxt year's work,
Plum trees should not bo pruned un
til lato winter, or In tho Bprlng before
tho sap starts.
A patch of ground, even so' small as
tho eighth of an aero, planted with
tho different kinds of berries, including
currants and grapes, and given good
attention and cultivation will supply
tho average family with all tho small
fruit that can bo used, and enough
for winter besides. A few dwarf pears,
peaches, plums and cherries will vary
tho product in an agreeable way.
Tho common wild choke-cherry
bears a dark red fruit in .large clua
tors, which is much liked by some; is
an abundant bearer and a small tree.
In spring it yields numerous fragrant
white flowers, and is worth growing
for ornament if for no other purpose.
For'a yard fence, try tho hardy or
ange, Citrus trifoliata; plant in single
rows, 18 inches apart. Tho bush is of
dwarf, compact habit, making ono of
tho most ornamental hedges, covered
In spring with thousands of sweet
smelling orange blossoms, and in the
fall with a lot of llttlo sour oranges.
It does not'throw up sprouts.
Mako a map of your fruit garden as
well as of your orchard, drawing it
on stiff cardboard, or smoothly
dressed board, making every tree, bush
or vino, every row of small fruit, giv
ing the names of the varieties.
This will bo found of especial valuo
in case you wish to replaco with tho
samo variety any which may havo
died, or having found it particularly
satisfactory may wish for more.
Of High Value in Fertilizing Soil
When Given Suitable Sup
plementary Feed.
Tho greatest value of sheep in nn
orchard is found probably in their be
ing used as a means of fertilizing or
chards that aro bearing.
If put in somewhat early in the
spring and fed a suitable supple
mentary food with tho grass which the
orchard may furnish, it will bo found
that the sheep will thus convoy fer
tility to tho land, and they will do so
in a marked degree If fed on rich
kinds of food.
Such food may consist very largely
01 wheat bran which Is In itself a very
valuable fertilizer.
It may bo wise to encourage tho
sheep to eat freely, to add a llttlo
grain in tho form of oats.
A little oil cake will also Improve
tho food.
Tho droppings thus left In tho or
chard will tend very much to Its. en
richment. Tho outcome will bo that where this
system is persevered in during consid
erable portions of tho season tho or
chard will thus bo provided with a lib
eral application of fertility.
Nice Thing to Have Store of Ap
pies for Winter Use Care
for the Fruit Trees.
Tho short apple crop has its ad
vantages. Next year wo and tho buy
ing public will appreclato them moro.
It lsfa fino thing to havo a storo of
apples for winter use. They aro fine
food In various forms at all seasons of
tho year. They aro food of which wo
nover tire.
Care for fruit trees Just tho samo as
if there had been a largo crop this
year. Other fruitful years are com
ing and tho trees will need to bo In
condition to give high yields.
No Lady Blacksmiths Wanted on Washington Job
far ASIIINGTON. Tho Nntionnl museum wants a blacksmith and specifies
if that this blacksmith must bo n male blacksmith. No woman blacksmiths,
no matter how brawny, need apply. Tho National museum wants that male
blacksmith, nnd has announced it to
th wMEn
15 OUT vr
IT '
petitive examination for blacksmith, for men only." Therefore, tho dainty
young blacksmithess who knows how to grab tho off hind foot of a recal
citrant mulo, slap it into her lap and then hammer a hot shoo into place
on a hoof that would sink a dreadnaught, need not apply for tho musoum
Job. Not that sho wouldn't bo entitled to a place in tho museum for sho
would but they juBt don't want her over there. It's a rank discrimination
against tho fairest and most tender of our budding young girl blacksmiths,
hut tho hardened old scientists nt tho government's big aggregation of
Ueorgo .Washington's uniforms and" pterodactyllc bones don't want any fo
malo blacksmiths roughing up the iron to mako it look red hot. Not a bit of
It. Thoy want a man.
National Capital Quite
TO many minds tho national capital
let" without tho melancholy Dane,
in diplomatic circles, tho government
tho legislators. Of course, President
Wilson has not said that ho "Is glad
lo got congress off his hands," but
somo folks suspect somo folks sus
pect. So official Washington has been
as reconciled to the departures of
congress as "big business," that bug
aboo of imaginative minds, popularly
is supposed to bo.
First and foremost, tho various
executive) departments do not livo in
constant dread of legislation that
may turn them topsy-turvy. Criticism
on tho floor of congress of blindness to tho civil service, or other alleged sins
of commission or omission, is not to bo feared, and In other ways tho minds
of tho department heads nnd their aids aro greatly lightened.
Moreover, the heads of tho departments no longer are besieged daily
not to say nightly also, by regiments of statesmen In search of JobB for im
portunate constituents. Of course, thefo is no "closed Beason" for office
seekers, but the pressure is greatly relieved when tho statesmen hlo them
homo and got out of roach of the post office department, tho department of
agriculture and other happy hunting grounds for tlio self-sncrlflcing hordes
which aro willing to servo Undo Sam for a consideration.
Beyond this, tho pension bureau Is relieved of dally calls from congress
men, in person and qver tho phone. Tho army and navy no longer aro im
portuned for honorable discharges for men who had been discharged from
tho servico for every crime In the calendar, from cowardice to grand larceny
of which tho former is considered tho greater offense.
And so it runs on through each executive department; peace prevails
within tbclr precincts and opportunity '.n afforded to porform tho real work
fcr which they were created.
RIany Jobless View Rock Pile, but Few Tackle It
EVERY onco in so often a great philanthropy, cnrefully planned in advance
out of puro altruistic motives, curia up and dies in an unaccountable fash
Ion. Such an occasion is this Involving two District commissioners, a social
problem and a rock pile located at
n hzSgjrvElE ROCKS)
determination to becomo a pugilist at
at tho expense of his wife, had led to an intermittent acquaintance with Oc
coquan. He studied tho pile from various angles. He patted the concrete
with his hand. Then he sighed. All of tho concreto was equally hard.
"Ah'll go back to Jail," ho said, In a low, sorrowful voice; "do rock ain't
no ha'der dan dls and you gots fed free."
Ono man worked furiously so furlouBly that they went to him and ques
tioned him.
"You seem Interested In your work," thoy said.
"Not me," ho puffed, taking another torrlflc slam at tho concrete, "I'm
getting myself in condition so I can beat up tho guy that tipped mo off about
this job."
So tho rock pllo remains, a sllei t and sinister monument. And with it
remains tho problem of finding work for tho unemployed, or porhapB the
commissioners havo demonstrated there is llttlo or no real unemployment
In Washington.
Secretary Daniels Acts as First Aid to Cupid
SECRETARY OF THE NAVY DANIELS haB received numerous congratula
tions as to tho result of his assuming tho rolo of first aid to Cupid
through reinstating Josoph E. Austin ns a member of tho service. AuBtln,
an ensign, was dismissed from tho
service because ho married tho girl of
his choicp wliilo his ship waB in Hon
olulu harbor several years ago. At
that time tho naval regulations for
bndo tho mnrriago of Junior officers
becauso it was felt their salary was
not vnough for two to livo on.
Mrs. Austin, resenting 'tho sug
gestion that sho was a handicap to
hor husband, Interested Secretory
Daniels, and ho persunded congress
to DQRR n Iniv rnlriatntliirr Audi..
, ..... )u.t.u.i..uit) ..uailil,
Then, when criticized, ho declared If ho was In lovo with n girl and that girl
would marry ljim, ho would wed her no matter what tho cobL
Elaborating his views in his homo, tho secretnry said:
"When wo follow tho lodestar of lovo wo cannot go far wrong. In ovory
walk of llfo tho married man is far moro efficient than tho singlo ono. Tho
Inttcr has no distinct purposo in llfo. Uut tho married man lm. There aro
tho wife and Uio babies to think of. And ho must of necessity be moro
steady than the man who cares only tor himself.
"Ever Binco I havo been in public life I havo ndvocntod marriage. It is
Iho greatest steadier in life. And 1 want to say hero that no matter what
others may think, I do not bollcvo thnt men should bo refused thn right to
Abey the dictates of lovo by red tnpo regulations."
tho world through tho medium of tho
United States civil servico commis
sion, which will havo to pass on tho
points of tho candidates.
For fear that a whole slow of
woman blacksmiths will descend on
tho National museum, tho civil serv
ice annoucemcnt is headed in largo,
aggressive letters, "niaoksmlth
(Malo)" and then goes on to say:
"Tho United States civil service
commission announces an open com
Happy Without Congress
without congress may seem llko "Hnm
but it is not; au contrairc, as thoy say
goes ahead without appearing to miss
t0F ME
South Capitol and M streots.
In an effort to solvo tho question
of unemployment tho commissioners
decided to allow 30 men huBky men,
armed with tholr own hammers to
break up tho rock pllo. It was possi
ble, said tho commissioners, for a forward-looking,
earnest man to earn
about a dollar a day.
Among tho first to arrive was a
large colored man, whoso unalterable
The reasons for
Certain-teed Roofing
buy any old quality, put their labels on it, and
say it is the best. Our Ccrtain-teed label is backed by the
written guarantee of tho world's largest manufacturer of
asphalt roofings. It gives each buyer the assurance wanted,
and our unequalled facilities for manufacturing enable us to
sell it at a very reasonable price.
These are the reasons for
VVc invite every one Interested to come to our mills and see how we make the
goods. Wc know that our Ctrtaln-teed Roofing is the best quality that we can
make. It's the best quality that can be made to last and remain waterproof on the
roof. It is made with that one purpose in view. We also make cheap grade,
poor quality roofings to meet the demand for very temporary roofs, but the
Certatn-teed label goes only on our best quality, longest life product. It is the
grade which carries our Company name and endorsement and guarantee l-ply
5 years, 2-ply 10 years, 3-pfy IS years.
If you trant the right quality nnd want to be sure you are rettlnir what you pay for, Insist
on the Qtrtnln-feid label. The price Is reasonable. 'No one enn tell the quality of a piece of
rooflnir by looking nt It. The man is not living who con tnlce three klndiof roofing of dllter
ent qualities nnd tell with any degree of accuracy the length of time each one will last on the
roof, lie cannot icu uieir reiauve vnuies oy
looking nt them. Why take the chnuce of
guessing, when you enn get the safest guar
on tee on the beat quality goods nt a reason
able price.
If for nny reason you do not enre for the high,
est quality if you.wanta temporary roof, we
nlso make goods sold nt the lowest price on
the market, because we have unequalled fa
cilities, ami nremukingnpproximntcly n third
of the entire asphalt roofing nnd building
papers of the whole world's supply. Our
facilities enable us to bent all competition on
price goods ns wellas oaCertalrfUrti quality.
The difference between the total cost of the
goods, the freight, the laying, etc., between
quality goods and price goods is Insignificant.
It is much better policy to cut out the guesslu g
nnd let the manufacturer of real responsibility
Insure you on all the vitnl points. He knows
what he puts into the goods nnd what they
will do you can then insist upon getting
everything ns represented.
General Roofing Mfg. Co.
IIVrM's larcMf manufacturtrt nflioafiiiQ
and Huditlng 2Vixr
N.w York Cilr Battea CMcu PltuWia
rUUdtlpki Alluls CltttUnd Detroit St. Louis
CUclanstl K.nniCllr M;nnpjlli Sin Frsaciica
5ttl Union Hularg Sjdntr
An Art Suspicion.
"Truo art does not think of monoy."
"No,'.' replied tho grand opera man
ager. "I'm expected to do tho think
ing. And sometimes I think brain
work is ns poorly paid in tho art busi
ness as in another."
I'OBITIONH Without a supply of Allen's Foot
Esso, the) antiseptic powder to bo shaken Into tho
Shoes, or dissolved In the foot-bath. The Standard
Remedy for tho feet for 25 years. It tires instant
relief to tired, setting feet and prevents swollen,
hot feet. Ono lady writes: I enjoyed every mlnuto
of my stay st tho Expositions, thanks to Allen's
Foot-Ease In my shoes.' Get It TODAY, Adv.
Tho aviator who Is taken up by n
society leader can alwayB return tho
AI.1AI.I A SKKI, $0.00. Forms for sale on
crap payments. J. Mulhall, 8oo City, la.' Adv.
The fortuno hunter must act bb his
own guido.
It will pay you to come fo me foryour Dental work. 26 long years
of experience In one spot. Painless guaranteed fillings, crowns and
bridges. Plates that wear and fit. D'eased gums successfully
treated. Fillings from $1 up. Railroad fare for 50 miles allowed.
Send for Free Booklet. 921-22 Woodman of World, Omaha
to Feed the World'
Tho war's fearful devastation
crous has caused an unusual demand for vmln
from the American Continent. The
world must be fed and there is an unusual demand
for Canadian wheat. Canada's invitation to evenr
industrious American is therefore especially attrac
tive. She wants farmers to make money and happy,
prosperous homes for themselves while helping her
to raise Immense wheat crops.
You can get a Homestead o 160 acres FREE and
other lands can bo bought at remarkably low prices. Think of the money you
can make with wheat at its present high prices, where for some time it Is lia
ble to continue. During many years Canadian wheatiflelds have averaged 20
bushels to the acre many yields as high as 45 bushels to the acre. Wonderful
crops also of Oats, Barley and Flax.
Mixed farming is fuliv as nrofltable an industry as eraln raisintr. The excel.
lent grasses, full of nutrition, are the
lurxsc9. uooa scnoots, mniKuis
Mllltflnr ural la tint Mmnnlinrff.ln flinnils . tinf than, la at. J.m..4 ...
z . j laoor lorenisca ino manyyouni: raeu
eminent this vaar Is urelnc farmers to
Ttr.l.. , lit. .,, ..4
W. V. Benaeff, 220 !7lh St.,
wlfil)i kLksS Canadian Government Agent
Every buyer needs the proper assur
ance, when ho pays for the best
quality, that a second or third quality
will not bo delivered. The market
is flooded with too many brands.
Somo manufacturers with poor facil
ities too often meet competition by
cutting quality. Some wholesalers
lkt8 uoost ncsnrcss
Lroo Folltlra Storo Prosperity
Wo bod enougli starratlon business
enough of political "cnrs-alls" or crory party,
with their rmashlnf nnd busting anemia of
Iwlltltlana who promise economy and
n order to set Into oRlco and then practice an
heanlof itraTsgances and then pla for votes
or part r rather than for principle and rlstat, etc.
Ttiscost of IItIdj Is not solni down. I-evf to
after tood t Imf and make enonsh money to pay
forthoco.iofalllnr,ntateTerltraT be. Wo
don't want cheap tlTlm we want food buslnssa
and sood times for erery body and It we all pull
tof ether wo will tet them.
Tho same of tho politician Is to promlM erery
thins. Many of them ouilit to t proetruted
for fraud on account ot the dlSerrnce between
what they promlto nnd. what they dcllrer.
Ther'rs worn than the hu, Inee o man who orcr
adrrrtleeothaqualltyof his good. Lit the, bus
iness Interests, from tho laborer to tLo surln
tcnJcnt, from tbo ofllco boy to tho president,
from tho hired man on the farm to the owner of
the farm, rcraemtwr thai thrr hare a common
Interest In good buslnsM anu a square deal In
business. Stop llatenlni to tho faker, and let's
tiooit ounelrea back Into sood times. It ran to
done. Mo more knockers and false prophets are
wanted. We aro coins to be too busy to listen
to any except thoso who promlrc "tood boat
neea" lei Illation.
Florida Lands
For Sale to Settlers
iivtracts of ten acres and up
wards, in Volusia County,
adapted to cultivation of citrus
fruits, vegetables of all kinds
and general crops. Situation!
healthful. Send for circulars.
Write in English. Railroad runs
throughtract. Willsell on month
ly payments. Agents wanted1.
Florida Land & Settlement Co.
Care Ales. St. Cialr-Abrams, Attorney
615-19 Dyal-Upchurch Bldg.,' Jacksonville. FI
You know what you sell or buy tliroiiKh tho sales has nbout
ono clmnco In fifty to eBcapo BALB STABLE DISTEMPER.
"SPOUN'S" Its your truo protection, your only safeguard, for
as sure an you treat all your horses with It, you will soon
bo rid of tho dlsenpfi. It acts as a sure preventive no mat
ter how thoy aro "exposed." 60 cents and It n bottlo;
nnd $10 dozen bottles, at all good druggists, horso goodsi
houses, or delivered by tho manufacturers.
SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. Chemists and Bacteriologists. GOSHEN, INO., U.S.A,
Catarrh Can Be Cured
Dr. Cordon's Homo Treatment, wherever used, Is producing
results heretofore unheard of. Guaranteed to glvo satisfac
tion or no pay, Don't say It can't be done. TRY IT.
Hurry, my friend, act today. You cannot conceive how
much this means to you. Wo will send proof free. Drop
us a postal or letter today.
Home Remedy Company, Lincoln, Nebr.
of European
neonlo of the
only food required either for beef or dairy t
cuuvemeni, cumaio excellent.
woo nave volunteered lortna war. Thn r.nv.
out extra acreaca Into prnln.
.r.l,.,.l.r. a. ... . ..I, ... J