The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 27, 1915, Image 1

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    niu-Mlalsiij ritee
No. 28
mm Jtorth
TJie "Winning of Barbara Worth" Is
not .Motion Pictures.
Mrs. V H. Cramer returned yester
day from a visit of several days with
relatives in St. Paul and In Seward.
Judge John Grant, ex-county judgo
of Lincoln county, Is opening up a law
ofllce Intho I. 0. O. F. buldlng in tho
rooms formerly occupied by Attorney
M E. Crosby. Tho room Is being thor
oughly renovated and ho will movo
into it shortly.
Bo suro to tako advantage of our
prices on Suits and Coats. Just price
them, you'll bo surprised.
The Cathoic Girls' club' will bo en
tertained Thursday evening ati tho
libmo of Mrs. Perry Carson on east
Sixth street. - Mrs. Carson will bo as
sisted by Misses Ann O'Hare, Celeste
Katon, Bcsslo Smith and Edna. Sul
livan. John Den returned yesterday from
Cozad whero ho had driven with his
car. Ho started Sunday to drivo to
Arrapahoe and got as far as Cozad
whero ho gavo up tho trip on account
of tho roads and came back on tho
train. Ho says tho roads are some
thing fierce.
Tho Presbyterian aid society will
meet in tho church basement Thursday
afternoon and be entertained by a vol
unteer committee of tten ladles. A spe
cial 166 lunch wili bo served. Follow
ing is tho menu: Beef loaf and tomato
sauce, baked beans, pickles, bread and
butter sandwiches, cafo and coffee.
17 nufomobilcs "written tho dnj after
the lire, and S written every day since.
If your car Is not Insured, do not wilt
until there Is another Arc,. Insure now
and lie protected. C, F, TEMPLE,
28-2 The Reliable Insurance Man,
Geo. Fox, a laborer employed on the
Sutherland bridge, sustained a brok
en Jaw In a fall Sunday afternoon.
While removing one of the temporary
supports holding the concrete form ho
slipped and fell, striking face down
ward against tho abuttment. His left
molar bono was fractured and he will
be mid up on soft food for some time.
House dresses will bo sold all this
week at 98c, surely a bargain.
Tho water flowing through the
streets does not come from overflowed
irrigation ditches as many of our cit-;
izens suppose, but is tho drainage of
the territory between here and Bird-
wood siding. In fact tho Irrigation
ditches aro taking care of part of tho'
surplus water; clsd the volume through '
town would be 'greater. ,
Miss Lucille Kellar, a trained nurse
from Sioux City, was called hero this
week to do special duty at tho Good
Samaritan hospital. Sho is working
on the case of W. A. Brooks of Goth-.
enburg. Mr. Brooks, who was operat-j
ed upon last week for appendicitis, Is
getting along nicely. For a time ho
was quite low. i
Did you see the new houses build-,
lug In Taylor's Addition this yenrl
Only a few lots left.. ."We'll loan you
money to help you build.
Jlollhinn & Sebastian,
25-S Exclusive Agents.
Maurice Fowler, of Graud Island,
was In town this morning enroute to,
Sutherland to buy horses. I
Remember our Suits and Coata go at'
cost; alterations free.
E. T. TRAMP & SON. !
Sam Hemphill left Sunday for Ft.'
Morgan, Col., to nccept a position as!
linotype operator In a newspaper of-1
flee. !
L. A. Ham of this city underwent a'
minor operation yesterday morning nt
tho Nurse Brown Memorial 'hospital. '
Ho Is reported getting along nicely.
Tho big framo building on tho former
Hershey lots at tho corner of Locust
and Fifth streets Is being torn down.
The old lumber will bo offered for'
Forty members of tho local Rc
bekah lodge will leave tomorrow for
Sutherland where they will attend tho'
district meeting which holds there all
The North Platto ball team expects
to open tho season at Ogalalla Sunday, '
May Oth. It Is said the Ogalalla team
has a strong line up and a good gamo
Is expected. j
John J. Keith, who lived In North
Platto for soveral years prior to 1873,
spent a few hours In town this mom-,
lng while enrouto to Goring. Ho is.
now ranching near Hot Springs, S. D.
Miss Juldrea Lancaster of York
loft yesterday for hor homo after vis-1
iting In the city with Mrs. E. W. Mann!
and other friends. Sho stopped off
hero enroute homo from a visit with
her uncle in Sidney.
Clarke LeDloyt underwent a tonsl
lectomy operation at his home on west
Sixth street Sunday. Ho Is reported
getting along nicely. For some time
past he has been suffering with rheum
atism and ho hopes by this operation
to rid himself of tho malady.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Crosby spent
Sunday In Sutherland visiting rela
tives. The roads are awful about that
place, they say. Mr. Crosby stated
that his father has wator in his base
ment there for the first time since
ho can remember.
Many new gowns will bo worn by
ladies attending the Engineers' May
Party next Monday evening. The May
Party Is the recognized social func
tion of the spring seuson, and every
lady as well as tho men desire to ap
pear at their best.
Fred Fredrickson has in his posses
sion copies of tho Lincoln State Jour
nal published In 1874, Mr. Fredrickson
at that time being employed as a fire
man on BurlIngtonrroatrrsKt'thattlmo
tho Journal was a four page paper wh
about two columns of telegraphic news
in each issue.
A social dance was given last even
ing by tho B. P. O. Elks at their homo.
Music was furnished by Mr. ,Celcito
Marolda, who played last week at the
Pat. The music was not all that was
anticipated, but all present reported
a good time. Mr.Marolda also sang
one numebr and gave a piano selection.
ISrutt & Ooodimtn write tho best and
cheapest Insurance of nil kinds. Nev
er scale down an honest loss a square
deal and prompt settlement Is their
motto. Try them.
Ho i r
igh bigos
Extend your business! Your neighbors
know you already. An electric sign will
advertise you to everyone as far as it can
be seen and it will do it economically too.
The 5nd 10 watt EDISON MAZDA Sign Lamps give
from 4f) to 65 per cent more light than tho old-style car
bon lamp3 and cost only one-half as much to operate.
Our sign expert will gladly tell you more about this new
economy, and explain how you can get the best results
from electric signs for your business. m. S1
North Platte Light & Power Co
Congressman Kiiiknld In Town
Congressman M. P. Kinkald is
spending today in town while enrouto
homo from tho Irrigation meeting In
Goring, and while here Is looking after
somo government business. Judge
Kinkald had been to tho Pacific coast,
when ho was informed of tho Goring
meeting nnd immediately camo to" Ne
braska before finishing Ids visit on the
The Goring meeting was relative to
a now goverment irrigation canal
which will water 107,000 acres of land,
and will cost $6,000,000. Half of this
land is in Wyoming and half In Nebras
ka, and in working the appropriation
through congress Judgo Kinkald has
been ably seconded by tho Wyoming
members In congress. An appropria
tion of $800,000 has already been mado
for tho project and tho rcmnlnder will
be appropriated as needed.
During tho summer vacation Con
gressman Kinkald will bo kept very
busy looking after government matters
affecting 'his district, and ho Is not
llkoly to get much rest. However, he
is linpplost when ho is busy.
Quiet Wedding at the Watts Home.
A pretty and quiet wedding occurred
last evening nt 5:30 at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watts, residing
west of the city, when their daughtor,
Elsio Pearl, was united In marriage to
James, R. Arnott. Tho coromony was.
performed by II. G. Knowlos of this
city, pastor of tho Christian church,
and was witnessed by forty-flvo rela-
. f I 1' . . I , 1
lives aim menus.
i no nouso was neauimiuy uecorateu
for tho occasion with cut flowers and
foliage. Tho young people wore at
tended by Miss Zoo Watts, slstor to
the bride, and Thomas Waugh. Tho
full ring ceremony was used. Tho
bride was gowned in white crepe de
Following the ceremony a threo-
comsc wedding supper was served to
the guosts and a warm welcome was
extended to the brido and groom.
Many beautiful gifts wore presented to
the young people.
Tho bride has been a resident hero
for six years past and tho past year
Buo lias tnugnt in tno Baker school,
She Is a member of tho Christian
church of this city and ha3 many
friends in this community. The groom
Is a young farmer in tho valley and is
a young man of sterling qualities. They
win maKo tneir Home on his farm.
i'inc modern two story home, oak,
Jinisii, luu basement. Hot water heat
Ing plant, two lots, nice, hnvn and
many .shade lrces;'cemcnwnlks, drive
way and garage, situated In new east
part of city. Will trail e for farm near
Aorth Platte or accept other good
property in this city as part price.
The Club Nevlta will meet witlnMrs.
Emily Coates, 520 east Fifth street,
tomorrow afternoon.
The county commissioners hold a
session at tho court houso yesterday
to look after county business.
W. R. Maloney this morning pur
chased a new 1915 model Ford car of
tho Hendy-Ogler company for use in
his. work about the county.
The A. O. U. W. will meot at the
hall Wednesday at 2 p. m. to attend
the funera of our lato brother, James
A. Rannle.
All new spring styles in Tho Hender
son Fashion Form Corsets.
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity. Fair tonight and Wed
nesday, cooler Wednesday. Highest
temperature yesterday C3, a year ago
C4; lowest last night 4G, a year ago
Mr. and Mrs.. J. B. Elliott arrived
homo last ovenlng from Florida,
whore they spent tho winter. They
will spend tho summer In tho Banana
Bolt and again get acquainted with
their children.
The Robinson home at 923 west
Third street was quarantined this
morning for small pox. Tho health of
ficers had decided that they had the
disease stamped out. This Is now
about tho only case within tho city.
Lem Kldwell of the Wallace vicinity
was visiting in tho city yestordny with
friends. "Tho roads aro not in the
best ot shapo over our way," said Lem,
"but tho crops aro suro fine. Tho win
ter wheat looks better than ever be
fore." Tho ladles' aid of tho Methodist
church will meet Thursduy afternoon
with Mrs. S. W. Throckmorton, 302
south Ash street. A special 15 cent
lunch will bo served. As this Is the
last meeting until after the month of
May a full atondanco is desired.
Card of Thanks
I wish to thank tho neighbors and
friends, Odd Follows, Rebokahs
and Auxiliary to tho B. of L. E. for
their kindness and for tho beautiful
floral offerings nt tho sickness and
death of my wife. J. W. PETERS.
Wednesday, April 28,
s Premium Parlor.
We announce to the public that on the
abosre date we will give free to each caller
Green Trading Stamps
1 o m "0
Parlor 2d Floor.
Forfeits Komi of $."00. i
The bond of Sylvester Cormack was
forfeited yesterday arid ordered paid
Into court. Cermack was arrested last
fall on tho chnrgo of bootlegging and
was bound over to tho district court
under bonds of $500. He later ab
sconded. Tho authorities gave amplo tlmo for
tho bondsmen to recover by returning
tho prisoner but all efforts to locate
him were In vain. Tho bond was sign
ed by four men of tho Wallaco vicin
ity, nelgbors of the missing man, Thoy
are Charles B-allon, Jako Walters, Bert
Nation and Enoej Hruza.
We have a few choice gilt edge Real
Estate ilrst mortgages In sums of $200
nnd upwards, netting 7 and 8 per cent
Inturest payable' Kcnil-nnnuiUly, not
taxable. The best investment for
your Idle money. Sec
Twelve Patients at Good Samaritan
There arc now twclvo patients re-'
ceiving treatment at tho Good Samar
itan hoswltal. Several now patients
havo been taken thero during tho past
week which brought tho number up.
There were nt one tlmo fourteen pa
tients there: with that exception the
hospital Is now tho fullest It has been
since it started.
It requires fifteen patients to qual
ify the hospital for registration. As
soon as possible tho hospital will bo
reKlBtored with tho state department.
The blanks for registration have been
here for somo tlmo ready for uso as
soon as possible.
Conditions at tho hospital aro very
good except for tho damngo caused by
tho flood water. Tho wator como into
tho basement badly yesterday and filled
tho boiler room up abovo tho grates In
tho furnace, putting tho Are out.
Police Force Over-Zenlous
Our polk'o forco Is becoming ovor
zcalous In their efforts to meet tho red
hot nntc-electlon demands of tho Dally
Telegraph that gambling must ccaso.
Sunday night at 10:30 Oflleors Baker
and Bybco went to a room In a Sixth
street lodging house, knocked on tho
locked door and demanded that In tho
namo of tho law It bo opened. After1
lnnn i1 ...(.... .1 .. '
unlocked and opened disclosing tho
presence of llvo pious-looking and well
known citizens. On the cloth covorcd
tablo was a well worn blblo, on tho
floor a few bottles of unfermonted wlno
and thero was carpet dust on tho knees
of tho devout five. Tho officers retired
fully satisfied that thoy had not broken
up a poker game, but had intruded into
a meeting of prayer and meditation
preparatory to tho tabornaclo meetings.
County Commissioner E. II. Springer
of Brady Island arrived in tho city
yesterday to attend a meeting of tho
county board.
NIco offices In tho Now Modern Jlratt
imllillng, steam heated, bath, etc.
All Roboknhs who will attond tho
district meeting at Suthorland Wed
nesday aro to leavo North Platto on
passongor trnln No. 19. They aro re
quested to meet at tho dopot promptly
at 8:30 Wednesday morning. By order
of Noblo Grand, Edith Johnson.
A Cure for Sour Stomach.
Mrs. Win. M. Thompson of Battle
vCrook, Mich., writes: "I havo been
troubled with indigestion, sour stom
nch' and bad breath. After taking two
bottles ot Uhajnborlam's Tablots
iam well. Theso tablets aro splendid
nono better." For salo by a)l dealers.
Stomach Trouble Cured.
Mrs. II. G. Clovoland, Arnold, Pa.,
writes, "For somo tlmo I suffered from
stomach trouble. I would havo sour
stomach and fool bloated after eating.
Nothing benefited mo until I got Cham
berlain's Tablets. After taking two
bottles of them I was cured." For salo
by all dealers.
Wayno Cordcs Hogg was born In
North Platto March 18, 1907. Ho died
nrll 24. 1915 of leakage of tho heart.
He was aw'ays a bright cheerful child
and was a favorlto among his play
mates and his teachers. Ho was In
tho second grade In tho Washington
school at tho tlmo of his death.
Tho funeral was held yesterday af
ternoon from tho Luthoran church,
conducted by Rev. C. B. Harman. Mem
bers of tho B. of L. E tho ladles' aux-
lary of tho B. of L. E. and his class
In school attended and all offered nice
floral tributes. Six of his little play
mates acted as pall bearers. They
were Russell McMtchacl, Russell Dcr
ryberry, Stover Deats, Charles Eshel
man, William Elder and EiUynrd Iteb-
Let us show you
a flno Dlumond
for her,
It. A Miller employed by tho Union
Pacflc In tho local yards, is laid up
with a aovoro Injury to a foot. He was
working In tho ico houses Saturday
and whllo holplng Ico a car ho stuck
it olko nolo through his foot. Ho will
bo off a wcok or more by tho injury.
E. Crook of Norfolk arrived In tho
city Sunday ovenlng nnd will spend the
greater part of tho week hero. Ho Is
a heavy stockholder in tho Durland
Loan & Trust Co., nnd Is contemplat
ing opening an ofllco hero. In Nor
folk that company has a largo ofllco
Only Four More Days for Nnmo
Only four more days remain in which
to submit to tho baseball management
a namo for tho North Platto Indepen
dent team. Tho contest closes on May
first nnd thero will bo positively no
names entered after that dato. Tht
prlzo will bo awarded and notice of
tho namo chosen and tho prize winner
given on May 3rd. Get busy with your
Manager Gottman yesterday an
nounced that all tho now accoutre
ments havo nrrlvcd and are ready for
uso. Practice wll bo resumed as soon
as tho floods ccaso and the grounds get
In shape. Tho grandstand will also bo
erected anew as soon as possible.
"Wo nro Investing u good deal of mon
ey these days in gilt edged mortgages
on improved farms ami ranches so as
to net tho lender eight per cent. If
you have Idle funds or money not
bringing you that much come and sec
us about it.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention aivcn to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases
Ofllco McDonald Stato Bank Building
Corner Sixth and Dowoy Streets.
Phones, Ofllco 183, Residence 283
Tho Supreme Musical Show of the Season. v"
America's Favorite Prima Donna V
In John G. FislfeYs Colossal Production of the Big, Girly
Musical Gaicly Gonicdy
Twenty-three Original Musical Numbers.
Ten Modern Dance Numbers
Seat sale opens at the box ollice Thursday and Friday nights and
oaiuruuy unu monuay an nay.
PRICES 75c S1.00 $.180
A Line of Firemen
will never frighten you If you have
your place Insured against tho devour
ing clement. Even a better protection
than tho tiro department Is ti Policy In
u good, strong, reliable company. If
you havo not u policy upon your houso
and property como nnd sco mo without
delay, and let mo tlx ono up for you7U
costs so very little, that It Is positively
criminal to neglect taking out a policy.
Don't delay. Seo mo at once. Tomor
row your homo may bo burned.
Card of Thanks.
Wo doslro to thank tho many friends
nnd nelgbors for tho kindnesses ex
tended to us through tho Illness and
death of our son, Wayno. Also for tho
beautiful floral offerings.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hogg and Family,