The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 23, 1915, Image 3

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State Board Divides Up Prospective
Cash, Leaving $200,000 for .
New Buildings.
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to tho walks of business llfo, as is his present Intention. He is a native ol
Shelbyvllle, and a graduate of Christian university at Canton. Tho early
years of his life were spent in teaching school and In the practice of law.
Ho was prosecuting attornoy of Lewis county from 1889 to 1893.
Mile. Jeanne Perlchon, a blue
eyed girl of twenty-three years, has
the distinction of being the only wom
an whom King Albert of Belgium has
decorated with the military order of
Leopold, and tho medal was pinned
on her bosom for conspicuous bravery
which has seldom been equaled even
by members of tho stronger sex.
Mile. Jeanne Is a Red Cross nurse
who has actually done work In tho
trenches at tho front. She felt she
could accomplish more good there by
administering flrstald to the wounded
than by simply doing her regular du
ties In some field hospital, and by
special permission she was permitted
to go with tho surgeons to tho battle
lines. She is in America as the sec
retary of tho Countesa L. do Hemp
tlnne to aid in her' appeal to Amer
icans for help in rebuilding Belgium.
"Jeanne has Been actual fighting
in towns that were sacked and fired,"
tho countess explains. "She was at
Fort Waelhem, Antwerp, during tho siege, and for two weeks sho lived with
the soldiers In tho trenches east of Furnes, until her health broke down.
Sho was taken with fever and hnd to bo carried off to London, from whero
cho, accompanied mo here because sho thought sho could help by collecting
"Yes, I havo seen the war at close quarters," Jeaiino adds. "I have been
grazed by bullets and shrapnel mauy times, and I have seen bursting shells
fall in tho midst of my soldier comrades, tearing their poor bodies to
shreds to release their heroic souls. I shall return to the front as soon as
my health permits."
UW Hill
ball player, and a wealthy Phlladel
phlan induced him to enter Swarthmoro college, ngreolng to pay all of hla
ex'penses, in order that Swarthmoro might havo tho benefit of his prowess
as a grldironer. Rittman enrolled as a student at Swarthmore, taking up
chemistry. Ho made tho football team without any trouble, and in 1900
Swarthmoro won its first and only game over Pennsylvania.
One of tho most daring cavalry
leaders In tho western zono of tho
European war is Lieut. Gen. E. H. H.
Allcnby, who sliico tho contest began
has been promoted from major gen
eral and Is now in command of an
army corps. In several dispatches
Sir John French has taken occasion
to comment on tho skill with which
Allenby has turned to tho best ac
count tho good qualities inherent in
tho troops undor his command, tho
energy and hravcry with which ho
has carred out reconnolssances In
tho faco of great opposition, gaining
valuable information and holding in
check strong forces of tho enemy.
General Allcnby commenced his
military career with tho Innlsklll
Ing dragoons, and with this regi
ment ho served with tho Bechuana
land expedition. Ho was promoted
adjutant, Innlskllllng dragoons, in
1889, a position which ho held four
years. Ho served throughout tho
South African campaign, commanding
mentioned in dispatches, and received
"I havo never had a great deal of
personal ambition except perhaps my
desire to make tho best I could out
of public llfo, and to retire while tho
tldo of my popularity In my district
wub at Its height. I am gratifying
that ambition now."
So spoke James T. Lloyd, who for
20 years has represented tho Firs!
district of Missouri In congress, and
thereupon ho announced that at the
end of his term, on March 4, 1917, he
would retire from political life. The
step was entirely a voluntary one, ai
tho fact that ho received the blgges',
majority of his career at tho last olec"
tlon will verify, and there are hint!
that his admirers will insist on put
ting him up for a higher position tliar
he has held.
Although he Is- ncarlng tho three
scoro mark In ago, James Tilghmar
Lloyd is vigorous and hearty anc"
looks forward with a keen kind o:
pleasure to his prospect of roturnlng
Dr. Walter F. Rittman of the
United States bureau of mines, who
has developed a process whereby
much of tho waste in deriving gaso
line from crude oil may be eliminated,
and another .for tho extraction of
toluld and benzol, used to mako dye
stuffs and explosives, also from crude
oil, went home to visit his parents in
Sandusky, O., and received an ovation
from his admiring fellow townsmen.
In Sandusky Doctor Rittman Is looked
on as a second Thomas A. Edison.
As a youngster no one ever
thought that the "Rittman kid," as
Doctor Rittman was known, would
ever amount to much. He Indicated
a marked preference for play as a
schoolboy. In 1905 Rittman left the
high school, saying he was "tired of
going to school," and the next heard
of him ho was a stenographer for a
manufacturing company In Cleveland.
Ho had attained some fame as a foot
the Fourth cavalry brigado, was twice
the Companionship of tho Bath.
Tho Stato Normal board, nicotine
at tho statu house, has apportioned
tho amount of money to bo received
during tho coming blennlum by the
four normal schools of the stato for
the purposes of maintenance. Tin
school at Chadron will get $85,000;
the school at Kearney, $1G0,000;
Peru, $180,000, and Wayne, $120,
000. Tho normal school levy ol
.85 mill brought In $721,107.03 last
blonnlum. It Is anticipated that tho
regular iucrcaso in the assessment
roll of tho stato will bring this
amount up to about $750,000 for tho
present blonnlum. The total appor
tioned among the schools for main
tenance as outlined above Is $545,000.
This will leave about $200,000 for
new buildings, architects' fees and
expenses of tho board. Increase for
this blennlum is divided as follows:
Chadron, $10,000; Kearney, $10,000;
Peru, $15,000; Wayne, $10,000.
Members of the State School Law
Revision commission are not down
cast oyer the amount of school leg
islation that they got through tho
legislature. They assert that llvo
out of six of the Important recom
mendations of tho commission wero
enactod Into law. The bulky S. F.
107, containing the revision, was
salvaged for 'its Important recom
mendations and these went through
separately. What was lost was un
important nnd designed largely as
corrective. Tho one measure of im
portance that was lost was tho bill
providing for tho non-partisan ap
pointment of country superintend
ents. Members attribute its defeat
lo an attempt made not so much to
have this official elected on a non
partisan ticket ns to have him ap
pointed by a board of five chosen by
tho various school boards of the
county. The former might have gone
through; Tho latter had no chnnce.
Tho measures of Importance that did
go through were five In numbor.
First, tho county unit bill, which wns
much amended from Its original
form, but which, according to one
member of tho commission, does that
which it was originally designed to
do, namely, to distribute railroad
taxes equally throughout tho dlgtrlct3
of tho western counties. The bill for
tho reappointment of stato school
moneys aids tho western part of the
state; the bill for consolidated rural
schools, providing state aid of from
$150 to $300, according to the num
bor of rooms. Is designed for tho
benefit of the smaller districted east
em part of the state. The bill for
tho more effective organization of ru
ral high schools with stato aid on
the same plan Is designed - for tho
central counties. Tho vocational
training Mil anticipates national aid
and lets all children over a cortaln
ago, regurdless of other requirements,
enjoy the benefits of these courses.
Application of new llvo stock sani
tary laws was considered at a meet
ing last week of the stato Banltary
board. Chief among the new meas
ures in importance to tho board Is
the law that ad (1b to Its duties the
functions of the Btalllon registration
board, which is abolished as a sepa
rate body. The board authorized the
appointment of four men for the su
pervision of tho work of dipping for
scabies, making nine men altogether
engaged In thlB work. Two of tho
new men will bo stationed near Al
liance, one In the southern part of
Garden county and one in tho sand
hills. The board decided to continue
the pay of tho stallion Inspectors at
the same rate as given by tho old
board, $7.50 a day and an allowance
of $5 for team or automobile.
That its Crete branch is losing
$10,000 a year is tho plea made by
tho Missouri Pacific in an answer
filed with the State 'Railway com
mission to the complnlnt requesting
additional passenger service on that
branch. Tho branch runs from
Crete to Talmage, a distance of fifty
nine miles. The complaint wns filed
in tho -shape of a petition signed by
patrons nlong tho branch in question.
House roll No. 217, passed by tho
legislature, Is designed to protect rail
way employes from dangerous wlro
crossing over railway tracks in tills
stnto. It places detail of construction
of such lines In tho hands of tho
railway commission, and applies not
onjy to high voltago wires but wire
construction of every description,
whether such wires carry electrical
currents or not.
Tho legislature passed 308 bills.
During the previous session 1,3 IS bills
wero Introduced and 2G9 wero added
to the statutes.
State Auditor Smith has compiled
a statement showing 'that tho ex
penses of state offices and depart
ments, not Including stato Institutions
under the board of control, amounted
to $175,190.71 for the ijionths of Jan
uary, Februnry and March.
On tho advice of the attorney gen
eral, following the refusal of tho
Canton Bridge company of Canton,
0 to sign the contract awarded to
it as low bidder on tho North Platte
bridge, Stato Engineer Johnson has
rejected all old bids.
Below, General von Bulow (In cap at left) holding a consultation with his
a Gorman ndvanco guurd marching through the enow to PrzaBnysz.
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This picture, taken ut tho risk of tho photographer's llfo, showing nn actual charge of hussars on n battle
field in tho Carpathians. They are seen advancing to tho attack with their rifles clubbed. Dno of their number
has already been hit.
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This fine residence, formerly occupied by the Mexican embassy In Wash
ington, is now In tho IuuhIb of tho Carranza Junta, tho head of which, Senor
Ellseo Arredondo, Is shown In tho Insert. Though not recognized pfilclally
b our stato department, Senor Arredondo directs tho doings of nil tho Mexi
can consuls in this country.
Heroic elforts were mado to rescue the crow of tho American submarlno
I'-l which sank In Honolulu harbor. Tho photograph shows a diver being
lowered Into tho sea to search for tho vessel,
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staff officers In East Prussia. Abovo,
This tremendous shell Is ono of
thoso fired by tho giant4 42-ccntlmeter
howitzer of the Gorman' army. It fell
In soft dirt near Verdun without ex
ploding and was dug up by tho British.
Bosido It, on tho lett, Is a French 75
mm Hold gun shell, and on the right
a Gorman 77-mm shell, each of which
Is about three Inches In diameter. The
big shell Is llvo feet long and weighs
almost a ton.
Woman looking out of a roof win
dow in Paris during tho recent raid
of German Zeppelins on that city.
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