A Mysterious Disappearance By MARJORIE CLOUGH The Incendiary By EVERETT P. CLARKE There wua anxiety In the Alary wcathor family, Susan, tlio eldest daughter, aged eighteen, was mlssliitf. She had gono out during an afternoon, telling her mother that she would go to tho library nud do somo shopping. Sho had not returned to supper, and her mother was very much worried about her. Mrs. Marywoathor tele phoned to various friends of Susie's, asking If sho was with them, and re ceived negative replies. Tho next day an Investigation was inado as to where tho girl had been during the previous afternoon. She had been to tho library, whero Bho had taken out a book, the uarao of which tho librarian did not remember. Sho had not been at any store. Tho pollco wcro notified of tho dlsappcaranco; In quiries were made at pollco stations In neighboring towns, but without elicit ing nny Information. Melllngton. whero the Maryweathers lived, was on tho bank of a river. On the third day after Susie's disappear ance, nt a point on the river four miles abovo tho town, whero a boat watf kept for ferriage, n book was found on tho shoro bearing tho stamp of the Mel llngton library. It was returned to tho library by a boy, who told how ho had happened to find It and where. Tho librarian reported tho matter to Mr. Maryweather, giving It as his opin ion that It was the book his daughter had taken out of the llbrnry. Deyond tracing Suslo to this point on tho river the find nvallcd nothing, for thoro was no other clow by which sho could bo traced further. Meanwhile every person who heard of tho disappearance formed a theory concerning it. Tho greatest number bollovcd that Suslo had been kidnaped, but when a week had passed and no application for ransom had been re eelved many doubted this explanation. Thoso who adhered to It were of oplu Ion that tho kidnapers had found It nec essary to their safety to kill their vic tim. Another theory was that Suslo had drowned herself under an attack of temporary insanity. No such men tal ailing had appeared In tho Mary weather family, and Susie had always been considered healthy In every re spoct. The only symptom that had been noticed was an apparent prcoccu patlon. Ten days passed and no clow to tho disappearance, other than tho book, was found. Then a man fishing In n boat near tho middle of tho river ten miles below Melllngton caught his hook In something that he pulled to the surface and found It to be a plaid dress. The body of a woman was taken out of tho water that had evi dently been there a long while. It was very much swollen, and tho features wcro unrecognizable Tho hair tho only fcaturo unchanged was of the most ordinary color. A portion of tbp dress was scut to Mrs. Mnryweathor, who at onco Iden tified It ns one belonging to her daugh ter or had belonged to her. Tho moth er was positive that Suslo had not worn It the day sho loft homo nor for u long while previous. Sho overhauled her daughter's old clothes, but did not find (ho dress Indicated. Tho pollco formed a theory that Su can Maryweather had gono nway for somo reason not known to her parents; had provlous to nor departuro sent or taken certain clothing, by wearing which her Identity could tho hotter bo concealed. While wearing tho plaid dress she had committed Bulcldo by drowning. This was a rcasonablo the ory and disposed of tho case, so that tho pollco would not need to trouble themselves further about It Mr. Muryweatlier believed that tho body found was that of his daughter; but, not wishing to destroy all hopo In his wife, he did not press his opinion upon her. She took tho ground that tho theory of tho iwllce wos absurd, but she was unable to account for tho dress of tho eaino pattern as ono her daughter had owned being on tho body found in tho river. Tho only hopo sho had was that somo other woman had worn n dress made of material of a similar pattern. No claimant for tho body appearing. air. Marywcatner disposed of It with out revealing what ho had douo with It It was not treated as tho body of his daughter that Is, no funeral was hold slnco thero was no certainty ns to Its Identity. Tho day after It had been put away a carriage drove up boforo tho Mary weather homo, and who Bhould step out but Susie! She ran Into tho house, flung herself Into tho arms of her par ents nnd announced that sho had been marrlod. Her husband was without nwnltlng tho result of her confession, Neither ho nor sho know that sho was supposed to bo dead. Suslo's affair had been kept u secret becnuso her lover's parents opposed his marrlogo. Tho day of her disappear anco ho had met her nnd persuaded hor to go nway with him and bo min ded. They had crossed tho ferry, and Suslo had accidentally dropped the book thero. As soon ns their marriage had been confessed to tho groom'i parents and they had boen forgiven they returned to Suslo's home. It turned out that Susie had long before given amy. tho plrtd dress, nnd It had found Us way to n town some miles up tho river ami fallen Into the .hands of n girl who had committed sul t-ldo. Tho body had llonted down with tho current past Melllngton before bo Ing recovered, I was In a criminal courtroom ono day among tho spectators when 1 saw a man sentenced for Incendiarism for flvo years. Ills wlfo was in court, nnd tho sceno between them nftcr tho sen- tenco had been passed was heartrend ing. I saw tho man's fnco but a fow moments, nnd It was distorted by ago ny, but It was Impressed upon my mind. Tho crlmo had been committed In tho town of niltou, which was tho county sent I lived In Hilton, but had no. acquaintance with tho convict Sov oral fires had occurred at s,hort Inter vals. Ono night n citizen saw n man setting flro to tho building, lly tho light of tho nowly kindled flamo tho citizen got n glimpse of tho Incondl nry's face, but boforo he could reach him ho had disappeared In tho dark ness. A few daya later ho met tho man Mansfield I had seen sentenced In tho street nnd recognized him for tho firebug. Tho result was conviction. Within n few months after Mansfield had been taken to tho penitentiary n scries of fires occurred In Allanvlllo, somo twenty miles from Hilton. I had mcnnwhllo removed to Allanvlllo and was interested in tbcso fires, naturally connecting them with thoso thnt had occurred In Hilton, nad 1 not seen tho perpetrator of tho Incendiarism In Hilton sent to prison for flvo years I would havo connected him with tho fires in Allanvlllo. Indeed, 1 mndo In quiries ns to where Mansfield wa3 nnd wns told that ho was serving out his time. A number of citizens of Allanvlllo volunteered to watch at night, and I was ono of them. There wero twelve of us, nnd we divided our number Into threo watches of four each. Ono night or. rather, morning, for It wns 2 o'clock, I saw a man walking some distance nhead of me. I followed him, but before I caught up with him I met one of the watchers. On asking him about the party ahead of me, whom he must havo passed, ho said that ho know him well, ills nnmo was Simp son. Ho was troubled with Insomnia, a:id. not being ablo fo sleep, ho would go out und walk tho streets. I was perfectly satisfied with this explanation and went back to my bent Notwithstanding our vigilance tho tires continued, nnd wo failed to bo on tho ground when they were lighted. They wcro not very frequent, nnd some of tho watchers began to think that occurring ns they did was merely a coincidence. Ono after another gavo up watching till thero wero but half a dozen of us loft I met Simpson on several occasions, but never in sufficient light to see his face. One night when walking with n fellow watcher Simpson passed us My companion bado him good evening. spoko n few words to him, and wo passed on. Wo wcro near a street lamp when wo met him, and I got n glimpse of his partially lighted face. Something within mo, somo psycho logical working, seemed to connect Simpson with tho fires. I said nothing to my companion of my feeling, but resolved 'that I would dovoto my fu turo wotchlngs to Mr. Simpson. Hut I asked questions as to who and what he was und was told that he was a good citizen and tho father of n highly respected family. Acting on an impression for which 1 could not nccouut, I spent sovcrnl of my periods of watching near Mr. Simp son's house. On tho third night 1 saw him co out and shadowed blm. Ho walked nbout aimlessly for awhile, thon returned to his homo. I wns bo far satisfied that ho was what he was considered to be that 1 gave up my purpose of shadowing him. But I could not get rid of the impression I had received. Ono morning nbout dawn when was about to go homo from my watch I saw ono of our party coming with n policeman who had a man by the arm. I waited till they came up, and, bo- hold, tho prisoner was Slmpsonl I was told that ho had been caught setting flro to n building. Tho town of Allanvlllo wob greatly Hhockcd to learn that Its respected fellow citizen wos n firebug, no was tried for his crime nud adjudged In sane on tho testimony of alienists, who considered his Insomnia tho causo of his Insanity. Ho wns acquitted on the promise of his family to sond him fo n prlvnto sanltnrlum. When I first saw Simpson In tho light I recognized or thought I recog nized Mansfield, who had been con victed of tho uamo crlmo nt Hilton. Then I began to suspect that Simpson was a different person and was tho real criminal In both cases. I asked If he had evur lived at Hilton and was to)d that ho had been staying tlion temporarily at tho time the fires had occurred thero. This settled tho mi'ttor In my mind. 1 went at once. to Hilton, called on Mrs. Mansfield nnd told her that thought I had proof of her husband's Innocence. Tho happiest moment of my life was when, on tolling hor my Mtory. 1 saw her faco light up with n mingled relief nud J07. Mansfield, on his Innocence being es tnlillxhod. was pardoned by tho gover r..T of the state, which was a qulckor tvn.f V jset lmi free than n now trial. If tho sceno of Mansfield being torn fi:u his family was heartrending, my happiness nt having reunited him with li( family was ecstatic. Wo nro nil imiv Iiiimiiii friends. Yom Tho Times: . A. H Harvey has purchased tho Loren Sturges property In east Hcr- shoy formerly owned by W. E. Funk houscr. Ho will occupy same with his family soon ' Dr Prltchard who has been Inocu lating tho Wm. Leypoldt hogs with tho cholera 'serum has succeeded In staying tho dlseaso. But very fow of tho hogs have died with tho disease Inco wo reported last week. IIKItSHKY NK1VS It. A. Framo ono of our valley far mers, who last year raised about 1200 head of hogs, Informs us that ho has already about GOO "younstor piglets" out at his ranch and lie expects to have at least 1000 this spring. Roland Is ono of the heaviest hog ralsors in this section and inado good last year. Tho Japanese boys in tho O'Fallons nelghborhoood have erected a splen $300 monument In tho Hcrshoy ceme tery In commcnoratlon of their young countryman, S. Koatkusku, who, It will ho remembered drowned In tho North Platte river last September while driving somo catttlo across the river. It Is understood that the expense In curred by erecting tho monument was defrayed by local contributions of the Japanese In tho neighborhood. The base ball team havo filled in tho ball grounds and fixed up same in splendid shape. Just as soon as thoy get It smoothed up nicely Manager Show Informs us they will get dow.n to practicing. Tho contest closed Monday evening on selecting their name for the season. Thoro were names galoro In the box, everything from tho "Dirty Twelve" to tho "Ak-SarBcns" but the udge3 decided that they would retain their old name, that of "Tho Hershcy Giants.". Two contestants had this namo In, Miss Mlldcrd Wllberger and Jess McKean. Upon drawing straws Miss Wllberger won the season ticket. Tho sale of tho season tlskets Is not progrcssslng as fast as some would like but Sunday ball Is the contention Educational Kxhiblt nt High School. The North Platto high school build ing has been selected by Co. Supt. dantt for tho educational exhibit and patron's meeting which will bo held May 1st. This meeting Is to comprlso every school In tho county and It Is strongly hoped that oacli school will bo rep resented both by displays of work and by delegates. Parents of all the chil dren are cordially Invited to attend nnd Inspect tho work of tho pupils far this year and offer suggestions for betterment In every line. Prof Oscar Nealo of tho Kearney stato normal school will glvo tho prin cipal address of tho day upon school work and school management and his address will bo supplemented by talks from several of the- teachers In the county. Opportunity for a general discussion will also bo given. Tho entertainment features offered aside from tho addresses and displays of school work will ho musical num bers by tho glrl3 gleo club of the North Plattto high school Thoy will sing soveral numbers. Arrangements havo also been made with ono of tho plcturo shows for a matineo program to be given immediately after tho program. Good pictures will bo shown and one educational film will bo put on. Everyone is asked to attend this meeting and contribute to Its success Miss Woodgato of BIgnell is re ported quite ill at tho home of hor father, F. H Woodgate, on cast Fifth street. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Offlco: Building and Loan Building;. pl. I Offlce 130 Phoneg f Residence 115 Atitillrntlnn for I.tnnor License Matter of Application of Charles T. Wholnn for Liquor License. Notice In hereby Klven that Charles T. Whplnii. illil 11D011 tho 12th day of April. Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor. UityVun'ch o? $o&V$tiT uVti county, Nebraska, ror license to Ben F. J. menei: & CO. Ileal Estate nnd Insurance Como and sco uu for town lots In dlfforent parts of tho city. Good In vestments on easy terms.. Houses for sale and rent. Wo havo also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey Sts.. upstairs. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D., Physician and Surgeon DERRYIJEItRY & HORDES, Licensed Embnlmers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black 688. Phono, Office, 83; Resldcnco 38. 'nalti spirituous niul vinous liquors on iiu. iu III1U iiu. .uo uaoi UblUt, in tho city of North i'latte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, from tho llrat day of May, 1910, to the first day of May, 1916. If thore bo no objection, remonatranco or protest Hied within two wooks from April 13, A. D. 1915, said llcenso will bo granted, z CHAHL.ES T. WHELAN, Applicant. Application for Liquor Llcenae Matter in thn Annllrntlnn of Luke F. Haley for Liquor License. . B. REDFIELD. Haley did upon tho 12th day of April, A. inrvornnv r imniTiAv 1J1." 1110 his application to tho city PHYSICIAN & SURGEON council of tho city of North Platte, c, . uiiicuin county, xseurasKn, ror license to Successor to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL known as Tio" Vast Sixth Street in the uiijr ui ii or in x-iaiie, Lincoln county, neurasKii. irura mo nrst day or May. 1915, to the nrst day of May, 1916. Drs. Rcdfleld & Rcdflcld Ofilco Phono G42 Res. Phono 676 If there be no Objection. rnmonstrnnrft or protest filed within two weoks from April 13, A. D. 1913, said llcenso will be granted. LLU4.JU i. HALEY, Applicant. ADtillcntlon for Druarirlat PnmK Matter of Application of Kred W. Nothing So Good for a Cough or Cold. When you have a cold you want tho best medicine obtainable so as to get rid of it with the least possible delay. Thore are many who consider Cham berlain's Cough Remedy unsurpassed. Mrs. J. Boroff, Ellda, Ohio, says. "Ever slnco my daughter Ruth was cured of a severe cold and cough by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy two years ago, I havo felt kindly disposed toward tho manufacturers of that preparation I know of nothing so quick to relieve a cough or cure a cold." For sale by alldealers. Annllcntlon for Drunrscliit Permit, Matter of Annltcation of It. S. linker tor uruggist rermit. Notlco is hereby irlvcn that It. a. Raker did unon tho 12th day of Anrll. a. u. i'jiu, me ins application to tlio itincKer ror Druggist Permit. city council of North Platte, Lincoln Notice is hereby given that Fred W. county, ixouratiKii lur permit to sen I luncKor cnu upon 1110 lZtll day of April. mnl, anlt.lf.ir.iiB nrA tflnniia llnim.a ,n A 11 1DIE .1 1 li- 1 1 i . . , medicinal nnd mechanical purposes city council of North Platte, Lincoln only, at 719 North Locust street, in tho county. Nebrnakn. for nnrmlt In nr.lt city of Nortii Platto, Lincoln county, malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for ixcurusKa, irom mo nrst nay oi may, meuicmai nnu mechanical purposes 1915, to tho first day of May, 1916. only on 508 N. Dewey street, in the city If thero bo no objection, remon- of North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne- atranco or protest nled within two braska, from the 1st day of May, 1915, wueita iruiu jipm id, xaiu, saiu permit I iu mo isi uay oi iuay 1U1U. Will lio irr.intml. I If there be no nh1r.rtlnn. ' roinnn. ll. K. l akeii. Annllennt. sirance or nrotest nir-il with n two woeks from Anrll 13th. A. n. laifi. tmlfi urupr oi jicnnnpr on i-etition lor aei-i I'umiii win u Kranxeu. tlemcnt or Account viimu w. uiNCKUH, Applicant. State of Nobraaka. Lincoln County, ss. ..,-, ... T. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Freder- . .Mattor- of Application of II. J. Reb- ICR V. 1 TOIS huuochi .ui tiiquui Jjiuuiiai;, On reading and filing the petition of ,'s ,V?r?b Klycn,Ha' Henry T. Frols, praying a fihal settle- R auAse a?r 1 ,V10 12J 1 ment nnd allowance of his Hnal ac-UPrU'..A- D- , ". his applies o pOB- fry f mtf&'ii "1 mmiBBmm R V. . Notice is hereby Riven that II. J. 12th day of .millnntinn tn "IV.I1 k. ilUU tw W 1 UllVU -4. itia until 4- x ' ' . , . " - - . - - count, nled on tho Cth day of April, H ,.cltyT council o. tne city of North 1915. and for a decree of distribution f,!,atte' Llncoln county, Nebraska, for of tho assets of said eatate. license to sell malt, spirituous and ordered, That AprU 24, A. ., 1915, at ;1'""u. ',lli"i'T0 ."5". "owey Bireet, in n'nlnntr n m la oaulrrnn.l fn I tllQ City Of NOTtll 1'lflttO. TjlllCnln COim- sald petition, when all persons Inter- U.N,b7iia.kav, fr?,m 'J10 "I8,1, daY f ested In said matter may appear at a Mliy' A?15' to, the flrst,"ay ?f May, 1916. County Court to bo held in and for thero e no objection, remon- said County and ahow causo why tho strance or protest nied within two prayer ot tne petitioner anouiu not be T,! "i"" xvxa, earn granted and that notice of tho penden- "cense lll be granted. cy oi sain pennon, ana uio Hearing i ..M'piiuiiiii thereof, be given to all persons inter ested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order in Tho North Platte Annllciltloil for I.lmior T.lnino Application of A. E. Tlmmcrman for that A. E. Semi-Weekly Tribune, a semi-weekly Lla.uo.r License. nnn'onnnn nflnta.l In o,. 1.1 Pnnnlu tn- I ISOtlCO IS heTObV I?IVfn tnree successive wecKs, prior to saiu t " , uf'."" .L,lu "i m day of hearing. A,pr,I.A' D- 19.6'Jfi his application to Dated April 5, 1915. the city council of North I'latte, Lincoln i T-r t- nntt f f 1 1 Tl TV VnM o Vn ffr 1 1 nnnon n unit a6-3w GEO. E. FRENCH, county, Nebraska, for license to sell County Judge. I V."wl' l"B'"'u wu vinouu liquors on NOTICI-2 l-OIl PUBLICATION Department of Interior tho cast 33 feet of lot 1, block 103, In the city of North Platte Lincoln county, ncuraa, ironi mo IBt uay Ot Aiay, m iu me iBt uay oi nioy isiu. it mere ue no objection, Temon- U. b. Land oinco at Nortn iiatto, fteb. 8trace or protest nied within two Notice is hereby JlvMtnat hapn- f,fb8effal1rU 13' 1915' sa,d 1Iccn8e .S- VOS8. Of North Platte, , Re- nlU aI'r TIMMEIIMA!J. Annllrnnt. vald braska, who, on December 7, 1911, made Homestead ii;ntry o. utiii i, ror w Vi nnu N'A or wivi anci m or ani'l, hoc A. E. TIMMEItMAN, Applicant. Appllentlun for DrngglNtn Permit Matter of Application of. Jos. H. t PERFl&TlON L 1 NowServing 2,000.000 Homes" tlon 287 Township 12 N.. Range 31 W.. L-inn. lfZ n,.,PV.-ii?mi?: PrlnMnol rrl.llnn lino flC.,1 BB fOr DrUgglBt H Permit. of intention to make Hnal threo year o,?""110,0, ',v.in ,that ,JaS- ,f Proof, to establiah claim to the land ?one &la ,uPon th.e. day of April, abovo described, before the Register if5' ,V,e, hTls ,nn,p,uat,0Tn1 to, tne Lty nnd Receiver, at North Platte. NoTjras- council of North Platto, Lincoln county, ka, on the 24th day of April, 1915. Nebraska, for permit to sell malt, splr- Clalmant names ns witnesses: Carl itupus and vinous liquors for medicinal Rroeder, D. W. Kunkle, O. L. Watklns, and mechanical purposes only at CIO Martin Ilanan all of North Platte, Ne- N; Dewey street In the city ot North braska. I'latte, Lincoln county, Nobraska, from J. E. EVANS. l 1Hl uy ' iay, ivib, to tne 1st day ml-6w Register, of May, 1916. it mere ne no objection, remon- NOTICE Foil PUBLICATION strance or protest tiled within two weeKs irom tne i3tn uay or April, iib, 1 . i.i i . .. : .1 ' Ileimrtmcnt of the Interior "K'""VV",u'i'.l.iu- . U. S. Land Olllco at North Platte, Neb. uwo. xi. oil, iippuumu. ....... . .....i?;?" .Vl i.'i" Annllciltloil for DruirirlHt Permit Sept. U. 1911. mode Homestead, entry I0koliiHhrih ivVn thnt nhn t. frltanl; MH. ha. Mea noli ot Sincll M SS'0finVl,';,,;','v!' LOOK FOR THE NEW PERFECTION GIRL You1 11 see her in the windows and on the counters of hardware, furniture and department stores everywhere. She stands for the NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE, which has made cook ing easier and kitchens cleaner for over 2,000,000 housewives. Made in 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes. Ask your dealer to show you the NEW PERFECTION with the flreless cooking oven NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION rrniiriiieiit of the Interior U. S. Land Olllco at North Platte, Nob. intention to maKO iinai tnreo ,year P"f Nebraska, for neVmlt to eil molt Tnlf: dcaerlbed before th TReglater and Re- ,tuous an,d v.lnbu8 1Ifluors for medlclrial celvei--at North Platte Nob on thVra and mechanical purposes only at 523 day of May 191D.- 5j0rth ,Dewcy street, In tho city of , . -YialnJani.,i.ames a?.w-nes.s.18: from the" flSt day of Mav 'i9 5' the will am itoynoiu. Dennis ureon, an or tiz -jr' nn rmn. North i'latte, nca. AXTO strance or protest nied within two mlC-6w - " Register. JJf,,?'!" April 13, 1915, said permit C1IAS. TIOHB, Applicant. Annllcntlon for Liquor Llcenne T i t ii nt iiiiillnntfnti rt Tnli n T- n.n -n ' ft, c I . ..v. ji.i...v,.iui. j . w.. itiuruil aa jtfiu. I inr llnllnr . Pdnnp. Notice Is hereby given that Frank Vntfno VT. Steel, of North Platte. Nebr.. who. on r wlT r. '1019 o ,1 Hn.l.flVl ntrv I ".. Zr?':S"?"'"Xt'V."'.tV- ;. "'nr.; . ' Wir i ifii 5 ,i .4 i9iii me nia application to tne city No. 053C8, for E of E, Section 22.. COuncll 'of North Pldtte, Lincoln county, Township 14, N., Range 29, Wj' 6ift Nebraska, for license to sell malt, splr- lrn3?i MdJSninSiai,5dv?n0rt P?Sf ,tuous nous llauors on the corner intention to make Jlnal three year Proof ot Front nnd Dewey streets, bolng Num. ..thi)iUBhVait,U?tlarnXnrtb ber 200 East Fra"t Street, in the city 2is,?f!bedt HSSrS flf8 vif a2n Min ot North Platte. Lincoln county, Ne- ce yer. at North Platte, Neb., on the braska. from thn lrat ,lnv of Mnv. l9lK. riMmnnt namoi a, wltneasea- Jess t0 tho nrst day of May. 1916- Fonm Phri". soificv Fd Steven C O If there 00 no objection, remon- pSSSn nil nf Softh Platte Neb strance or protest nied with two weeks Cumpston, all of North Platte, Neb. from A 13 jj 191B BaId license itegiater. JOHN C. DEN, Applicant. NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION a....ii-..i i i Tlennrtment of the Interior- I ArnffAi nf Annlfnntfnn nf WrnnnlN .T. U. S. Land Olilce at North Platte, Nob. Dunn for Druggist Permit. March 27, 1915. Notice is hereby given that Francis Notion In horobv crlven that John II. I I rnnn n.i imnn thn i9Hi ,inv nf Anrll. Crandoll, of North Platte, Nob., who, 1915 fue his application to the city on January 10. 1912, made Homestead council of North Platte, Lincoln county, entry No. 05355, for the E and NWU Nebrnska, for permit to sell malt, splr Kectlon 14, Township 12, N., Range 31, ituoua and vinous liquors for medicinal W. 6th Principal Morldlan, has nied no- and mechanical purposes only at 603 tlco of intention to make final three n. Dewey stroot, in the city of North year proof, to establish claim to tho Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, from land abovo described, before tho Regis- the first day of May, 1915, to the 1st tor anu ueceiver, at noruiu riuuciaay or way, laiu. Nnk. on thn 21at dav of Mav. .1915. it thnrn tin no nhlrtlnii mnn. ninlmant names na wltnossoa: W. C. ntrnncn or nroteat fllnd within turn Aiaaters, iiugn eonger, i;an uroeuor, weeks rrom April lath, 191D, aald per jonn v. ruwicr, uu ui nuiiii x iuiic, 1 nut win ue grantea Nob. m30-6w J. E. EVANS. Register. FRANCIS J. DUNN, Applicant. Application for Liquor License r . . n m . 11 . . 1 ti . . . ... , , iiii in I ivpiuicutioii 01 rrcu vyuiib- Ordcr of lleurinpr on rctltlon for Ap- math for Liquor Llcenae. nonce 1a norooy given tnat irea Waltemath did upon the 12th day of April, A. D. 1915, file his application to "ointment of Administrator. PER Oil ION fES Stnto of Nebraska, Lincoln Count, bs the cJty COuncii of North Platto. Lin In tho County Court. coin county, Nebraska, for license to t ti, Mnttnr nf thn EntutG of Cor- 8el1 malt, aplrituous and vinous liquors In..Ul o r,a. ibiuio 01 vut on north 23 feot ot ot B block 103 noltus Sullivan, Deceased. being No. Cll North Dewey street, in On reading and tiling tho petition the city of North Platte, Lincoln coun- of B. S. Dawson praying that Adntah tStt lstraHon of said estato bo gi anted to m; W. R. Fitch as Administrator. If there bo no objection, remon- Ordored that April 16, A. u. iaio, at "SirfrSn'XSrTiaVi.! n 1 'o' V.. ror near- ncenso will be granted. FRED WALTEMATH, Applicant. STANDARD. OIL COMPANY (NtbruU) Omaha 9 o'clock a. m. Is assigned Ing said petition, when all porsons , ' rrt"L Application for Liquor Licence Ul U cuuhij tuuii, iu uu iiuiu .y. u,tr of Annllcatlon-of A. T. Vnr. said County, and show .causo why tno tor & Co f0r Liquor Llcenae. nnivor nr nntlllnnnr Rlimilil not no l Notice is lieroDy given that A. T. Ynr- L,,ini. n,,rt tlint nntlco of tho non- ter & Co- 1,,tl uPn tho 8th day of April, granted, aua umi nouco 01 uio puu me thcr ftppUcaUon to tl dency of Bald petition and tho hear- inRe' uoard of Trusteea of Brady, Lln- tn tlmrnnf lin trlvon tn nil norsons coin county. Nobraaka. for llcnnnn tn .-.1 1.. nttn. 1,.. n,,hiiah. sell malt, spirituous, vinous, mixed nnd uuuiCBiuu in mini muiwi iiu. frmntnil Intnvlontlnn- lln, 7. t i nt ti, n nnu. in thn Mnrtn 1 ..".-"". I--, .J- iub " mo u.uu. ... ..v. i tan, during tne municipal year, com- weekly nowspapor printed in said ? j ".,n0 " "nJ Pnnntv for threo successful weeks. in,llc.6.. n ?.-Y' ?BO of lirady,, - - , , i i . u 1 1 1 vuu.tt, ,iaui iionil. prior to Bnm nay oi nuiwuiK. n mere ue no objection, remon- Dated March 23, luio. fl"l B, ",r VESSfV l"e .w'i'. two OEOROE E. FRENCH. ' AO earn h- ' iciion n in rt uniiitnii. 1U2C-3W County Judge. A. T. VARTER & CO.. Applicants. r