The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 20, 1915, Image 1

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    mkt Jjortlt
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4 & a. a
No. 26':
CI Iv iy
Attorney Reed Balks on
Indemnifying Clause.
WJH Ho Compelled to Jte-ndvertiscc
For Now Bids Slate Engineer Is
Working on Now Pans.
New bids will haYo to bo called for
betoro North Platto and Platto precinct
will havo a chanco for tho new bridge
on the proposed Lincoln Highway,
for which bonds woro voted last Aug
ust. Such Is the report returned from
Llncon by tho committee appointed
by tho Chamber o Commerce. They
returned this morning from a two
day session with tho stato board of
Irrigation and public highways.
Tho difficulty arises over Attorney
General Reed's Indisposition to agree
and he virtually controls the stato
board. He refused absolutely to Blgn
any contract that would In any way
Indemnify tho Canton Bridge company
against paying tho royalties. Through
his influence the other members of tho
stato board also refused to sign such
a contract.
Every possible effort was made on
the part of the county commissioners,
tho county attorney and the commit
tee, composed of Attorney W. V. Hoag
land.A. F. Streitz and Butler Buchan
an. Attorney J. G. Beeler accompan
ied them and interceded for tho bridge,
but all to no avail, owing to the bull
lieadedness of the attorney general.
The committee suggested that the
concrete bridge bo laid aside as an
impossibility and that they build a
steel bridge instead. This tho stato
board also refused to do as they have
their hearts set on a concrete bridge
as per plans submitted by tho former
stato engineer.
Mrs. H. S. Whlto goes to Omaha to
day for a week's visit.
A girl was born yesterday to Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Kotchum, residing in tho
first ward.
Jess Fitch, of the Dickons vicinity,
wnB a business visitor to tho county
seat yesterday.
Attorney Jas T. Kccfo left Sundny
evening for Omaha (o spend a short
tlmo on busiucssfl
Attorney J. J. Halllgan left this
morning for Kearney to ripond tho day
on professional matters.
Mrs. Georgo Finn arrived In tho city
this morning from Denver whero she
was visiting for a short time.
and lot.,
Tnbcrnnclo WH Not Ho Moved
According to a decision of tho build
ing commltto niado yesterday noon tho
tnbcrnaclo will bo built where first
planned, between tho Kolth theatre
building and tho Hendy-Ogler garage.
It was thought for soino time that they
would bo obliged to move It.
Yesterday morning II. A. Gnrman
aorved notice on tho commlttco that
he would file injunction ngalnst tho
committee If thoy attempted to build
tho tabernaclo In that placo on ac
count of endangering his plcturo show
on account of fire. Tho committee
then woro planning to build on the va
cant lots on lower Dewey street and
had made tho necessary arrangements
when they got word that eight mem
bers of the city council had pledged
themselves to suspend tho lire ordi
nance for this occasion.
Tho work was somewhat delayed
Tho woman's socialist study, class ' yesterday on account of tho difficulty
will meet .tomorrow afternoon with but the mcn nmdo Sod headway. Tho
Mrs. Frafik Martin, 304 cast Tenth ' studding around all four sides was
street nil erected yesterday and tho men are
' at work today bracing It up and gct
You can get a Prlntzcss Suit now tlng lt ,n 8hap0 for puttlnB tho rc.
at cost; sureiy an inducement, ja. t. maimlcr of Ul0 building up
Tramp & son.-
For Sale House
Red 538.
Mrs. Milton Doolittlo, of Long
Beach, Cal., who is now visiting In
Illinois, will visit North Platto friends
nrvrt mnntli wlilln nnrnntn linmn. I
Ilininaii Will' Start Again
Miner HInman, who was burned out
, Sunday evening when firo caught in
his garage, announces that ho will
I start again If ho can get a room. In
Mrs. W. V. Hoagland hns been Bpend- an Interview with a reporter ho stated
Ing tho past ten days In the cast part yesterday afternoon that while ho was
of the stato making official visitation to ( badly crippled by the firo ho would try
lodges of tho Rebekah degree. : and get things straightened round as
Wanted A crowd at 303 west Sec- soon as Possible and. open his. gar-
ond street at tho hospital tea this week aBQ again.
at tho homo of Mrs. Julius Pizer, as
slsted by Mrs. E. A. Garllchs.
All candidates for tho 1015 team are
building that will afford room for his
machine shop and stbre room. The
nart of the buildinir left is not Inrcc
to practice each evening at tho base enough to accommo(lato a machine
ball park. Do not wait for written In- ; shop but win do vory well for a fihow
vitations to Como but report each ov- m Ho may bo obge(1 to start ,n
ening wunout lurmer nonce. j jj. agajn-
Weather forecast for North Platto
i . . i . ti i I Jcnver- branch sold G5H cars first IB
day, warmer tonight. Highest tem-r, . , l3l,n. , . .
I i , , n a r n . ij " v. . . i i . i . uiv ... iriuiiu i n int.
Tho proposition ,ow Is J got the - 11 ln nnred. Only a few tourings orf
bids advertised for and the- contract " lumdjit the present: Let ns linvo your
let before August 31st of this year. If Wq havo all tho nQW spring models , order today.
this is not done wo will be without a in the Henderson Corsets. E. T.l HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO.,
bridge entirely. State Engineer Tiiomp- Tramp & Son. Corner 1th and Dewey
son is now working on plans for a new . T; Grc(m apf lved ,n th(j lost
bridge and states that he has hem al-, eve fpom c caUcd
most completed. As -soon as they aro lho t Qf thQ flre destroyed
complete they wll be passed upon ana automob0 nlg car WftS Insuml
bids will bo advertised for. I fop t of lta value
Mr. Owner of that car let Hratt &
Goodman write you a policy on vour
car. Ilon't get caught without on -
our policies. They nrc tne nest and
eltpiiiifsl ivriniii. All losses itnld t
promptly by
Will Wilkens arrived in the city last
evening from Scotts Bluff and will vis
it lierq for. a few days. Ho has been
operating a bowling alley at Scotts
i $2,500 buys a 5-room house with
bath. Has good outbuildings Includ
ing garage. Best location In city; 4
blocks west of court house. Must sell
quick. Phono Black 189. 22-G.
A special meeting of tho vestry of
the Church of Our Saviour was held
last evening for tho purposo of talk-
Married At Eight O'clock
' A pretty church wedding was sol
emnized this morning at nuptial mass
at St. Patrick's church when Thomas
Muchlinskl ahd Miss Bertha S. An
derson were unucu in marriage, uev. ,ng oyer church flnances and planning
Father McDaid officiated. Tho core-' ,., wnrU
mony occurred at eight o'clock,
The brido was gowned in a sky blue
traveling s,ult with hat to match and
carried a bouquet of roses. Tho full
ring ceremony was used. After the
ceremony they left for the Jlershey vi
cinity whero they will visit today and
this evening thoy leave for eastern
points for a wedding trip.
Tho bride has been a resident of this
city since childhood and has a number
of friends within tho city. She was
untl recenty employpd In tho Callender
Cash Store. She is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel G. Anderson of this
Tho groom has lived hero about six
years, coming hero from Plattsmouth.
Ho is empoyed as a bollermaker intho
Union Pacific shops and has a host of
friends here. Upon their return thoy
will make their homo in this city.
Tho good wishes of the many friends
of both young people are extended to
A social meeting of the Episcopal
guild w'll bo held Thursday afrnoon
in the basement of the church. All
members and friends of the guild arc
cordially Invited.
I have the Reliable electric and Do
mestic vacuum cleaners for salo or
rent. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, Phono Rod
104. 25-2
Word has been received hero from
"Posey" Pierce, who held down fir3t
base last year, asking to como for tho
1915 season. Ho is now located at
MargaxetUv Calj. Tho management
announces that they will not be ablo
to uso him this year.
The best Is always the cheapest.
I!ratt & Goodman write It.
Workmen are now putting In a side
track and a dopot at Gandy. Thus af
ter thirty years Gandy Is to 'have di
rect connection with tho outsldo world
Tho Lutheran girls will meet Jrlday
ovonhiEr in tho narish housou All
mombors aro urged to be present
ss acres of bottom land, close In,
price 6:12 per acre; easy payments
Ear Mile or exchange, good section of
land fenced, well and wind mill, only
"12 miles from city. Will trndo for n
irootl liouso in North Platte, other
snaps, Seo
Rip Watson, a fast second sacker
from tho Western league, has been
signed to play with tho North Platto
Independents this season. Ho will re
port for duty on May first. Watson
comes hero from St. Louis. Ho Is now
barred from organized base ball be
cause ho refused to play for a cut
in salary and was let out. Ho will bo a
valuable acquisition to tho North
Platto team.
Tho ladies of tho Christian church
will hold a Cinderella social Thurs
day afternoon at tho church basement.
Thoro wll be a numbor of contosts and
other interesting events. Among tho
contosts will bo a thlrty-twa Inch dash,
a shoe-buttoning and lacing coutost,
tho Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe,
and Hovoral others. Refreshments will
be served and overynody Is Invited to
The civic department of tho Twenti
eth Century club was pleasantly en
tertained last evening at the homo of
Mrs. J. J. Halllgan. A pleasant even
Ing was enjoyed and much business
transacted. Officers for tho ensuing
year wore elected as follows: Mrs. W,
H. Blalack, chairman and Mrs. Wilson
Tout, secretary. The retiring officers
were Mrs. J. J. Halllgan, chairman and
Mrs. M. F. Hosier, secretary.
Remember our Suits and Coats are
going at first cost, alterations free. E
T. Tramp & Son.
Word received here this morning
from Chappell announces that a son
was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs
Hllmer Thompson. They aro. well
known here, having lived In this city
before tholr marriage. Mrs. Thomp
son was formerly Miss, Marie Gold
A man giving his name as LaRue
was arrested last evening on tho
streets for being drunk and disorder
ly. Ho appeared before tho police
Judgo and received the usual fine.
Dr. C D. Jackson and his brother,
Dr. C T. Jackson, of Denver, arrived
In the city Saturday to visit their
mother, Mrs. J. D. Jackson and brother
F. C. Jackson.
Havo you seen our now Middy
Blouses at 50c each; they aro surely
bargains. E. T Tramp & Son.
Tho Zenda dancing club will give a
dance at tho Masonic hall this evening.
Modern Residence Lots
All banks In the city will oe closed
Thursday for Arbor Day.
Fine modern two story home oak
finish, full basement, hot water heat
ing plant, two lots, nice lawn and
many shade trees, cement walks, drive
way and garage, situated In now cast
part of city . Will trade for farm near
North Platte or accept other good
property In this city as part price.
By modern, residence lots, it is meant, lots having every convenience, so that the most
modern homes can be built without waiting for city water, sewer, sidewalks gas mains, electric
wiring or graded streets, but lots where these improvements already exist and are furnished
with the lots, without extra expense. Such are the lots in the
Trustee's and Riverdale Additions
The location of these lots is also the very best, situated as they are between the Union
Pacific Railroad and the right of way purchased by the Burlington Railroad. They' are also
close in, to the business distiict, all lying within a distance of 7 to 10 blocks.
The prices, too, are the lowest for any such lots. On the map below, the prices are
indicated, on each of' the lots, which are still for sale. A 5 per cent discount will be given
for cash, or the lots will be sold on easy terms.
-"!;; W. E. SHUMAN. ' '
6 S 3 Z I
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Foit sale on theaim:
The pretty Chas. Ell 7 room house,
$2.0 cash, In one year, balance
time or will trade for valley farm.
Your chanceKNce
Artificial lee
Call on
The Old Ice Man.
Phone Black 161.
3 RD ST.,
& a 3
7 & 9 10 II IZ
2 ND
Wlllnrd Holmes In proving himself
tho man to subduo tho waters of tho
Colorado and conflno them to tho can
als that woro to carry thorn to tho des
ert, proved himself worthy of Bar
bara. Worth, tho,wondorfully fascinat
ing contrnl llguro In tho dramatization
of tho novol of Harold Boll Wright,
which Is to bo soon at tho Kolth tho
atro Tuosday, April 27th.
At tho tlmo of hlB Introduction to
tho dosort, Holmes was to bo rated
as something of a snob. H1b school
ing ho rated as ontltllng him to speak
tho last word In engineering. Ho had
to go up against llfo In Its fullest
sense, prove himself-a man, start all
over again and ovolvo from snobbery
Into full manhood beforo ho could
hopo to win tho woman lit to become
his wife.
Holmes had to make good on one of
tho biggest engineering achievements
recordod In tho winning of tho west.
Author and playwright havo wisely
choson this battle with tho wator of
tho Colorado river, which wa3 made by
tho Southorn Pacific railroad com
pany's onglneors In defonso of tho
farms and homos of tho Bottlers In Im
porlal Valloy, for tho crucial tost of a
man who had sot hlmsolf tho task of
winning tho heart of a woman of won
derful strength of mind.
In "Tho Winning of Barbara Worth"
tho winning of tho now untrammeled
west by the scions of the older eastern
families Is ro-cnactcd. It la tho his
tory of America put in tho best dra
matic form. Tho fnsrlnatlng story on
which tho play Is founded Is full of
symbolism. Barbara Worth, a child
found allvo In "Tho Hollow .of God's
Hand," stands for tho now, tho un
tainted, tho untrnmmoled west em
bodied in a woman.
for Sale.
Used Typowrltors, all kinds, all
prlcos. O. B. James, Grand Island Nob.
Mrs. Danl. Burko has begun tho
orcctlon of a house- on her fa'rm a doz
en mllos cast or town. It will ho oc
cupied by her son John Burko, who
has been living on tho placo for a year