The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 16, 1915, Image 4

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    i nc ociiii-n ccrxut i niDUhc, iiuntn fUl It, NttmAaKA.
Beginning Saturday, April 17th, we will give the famous "S &
H" Green Trading Stamps. Free Souvenirs in the Premium Parlors,
second floor, Saturday.
Beautiful, New, Sheer, Summery Waists in both long and short
sleeve models--and just the most extraordinary values will go on
sale tomorrow.
THE length of the sleeve in a Waist is merely a matter of comfort and of
personal preference, and not at all a question of style. Some women prefer
long sleeves and some short, and all are equally correct. We have here both
kinds in styles that arc pretty, attractive and appealing, in Wirthmor Waists
for only one dollar, on up at the various prices. Because of the comprehen
siveness ol our stocks the variety and distinctiveness of our styles and the
unusualness of the values that always ohtain here, our Waist Department has
quite generally come he regarded as the one hest place to satisfy Waist wants.
Tomorrow we will place on sale four unusually pretty models in
the ever desirable Wirthmor Waists. As always these Waists
are just
Car (iocs Into Ditch.
As the rosult of reckless driving a
young man by natno of Timmer re
siding south of the city lmrely escaped
serious Injury Tuesday evening when
his car turned over In the ditch one
mil" north of tlie experimental Ration.
A passing car noticed the automo
bilf turned over and lying In about
thrcf feet of water and a little further
aong discovered the young man,
murh'tho worse for association with
John Hareycorn and for the ducking
In had received when the car went
Into the water, lie stated that no one
was liurt, nllhough ho asked about a
friend of his. He was brought back
to the city where It was learned that
the friend had remained In the city.
He was sure some wet, but outside
of that he was none the worse off
and the car was undamaged.
The Assembly club met Friday af
ternoon with Mrs. J. J. Weaver and
Mrs. M II. Mlscho at he Weaver home.
A large crowd was In attendance. Af
ter several hours spent In games and
contests a nice lunch was served.
Everyone present reported a good
time. "
and always they are worth much more,
sold here and here only.
Wirthmor Waists are
Graduate Dentist
Ofiico over the McDonald
State Bank. 51.
Tho gynaslum classes at tho Chris
tian church wero unable to meet this
wcok on uccount of tho water In tho
Dean J. J IJowkor returned from tho
northorn part of tho deanory Tuesday
whero ho spent a few days on church
Mrs. J. H. VanCloavo and daughter
Ireno loft tho foro part of tho wcok for
points In Ohio for an extended visit
with relatives unit friends.
County Survoyor H, U Cochran and
City Engineer C J, McN'nniara returned
Tuosday from tho Wollllect vicinity,
where (thoy spout several days on en
gineering work.
Wallaco McLuno of Clarks, Neb., ar
rived, in tlie city Tuesday for u visit
with 'his brother, Chas. McLuno of
tho postofflco force Mr. McLuno Is
driving ncross the country from Clarks
to Sterling, Colo.
Mrs. Elinor Osborno, who was visit
ing In tho city at tho P. J. Dlonon
homo last week, loft this week for
Wallace whero slio will fimko her
homo. Mr. Osborno Is already there.
We write the best Insurance of nil
kinds. Our grenlesl specialty, "A
Sinmro Deal."
Mrs. II. G Knowlcs Is spending this
week visiting her slstor, Mrs. A. It.
Nichos of Gibbon,
Word has been received from "Hip"
Watson, one) of the fastest second
sackors in tho Western league, ask-
tllL1! cut In tho salaries in the leagues
oi'fectcd him and ho quit the team he
was with.
thoiforo part of tho wcck'toivislt her
parents lu Sutherand.
TMr. and .Mrs. Henry Waltemath and
son Harry will leave next month
for a visit at tho San Francisco exposition.
Thursday of next week will be Ar
bor day, another state holiday, and
tho banks and government oltlces In
tho city will be closed This Is a day
Mrs. J. II, Doncgan leaves today for that should be especially observed by
Omaha where sho will spend a few Nobraskans as it is in memory of a
days visiting friends, sho will .also Nobraskan that it Is observer!.
bo present nt tho state convention of
tho Lady Maccabees.
Tho April number of "Outdoor
Life" contains quito an article ask-
Mrs, Georgo Coatos left the early ing tlie readers to look forward to a
part of tlie wcok for a visit with 1 good story In the May number by Dr.
friends in Grand Island and Lincoln
W P Miles of Sidney was In town
Wednesday conducting a contest at
the United States land olllco.
Word was received here this week
announcing the death of Mrs. Snyder
at Curtis wild was formery Miss Sarah
G Trcbby. Mrs. Snyder had boon 111
but two weejes. Sho was known to
inuny in this city and was formerly a
music teacher.
Special terms on lots In Taylor's
Addition and (iniccland Addition to
close out the balance. Monthly pay.
incuts of $,. to $10.00,, Ilulld hi
home now while lumber In cheap.
!l"-s - "Exclusive Agents.
Mrs Sarah (""alburn, aged (57, died
Tuesday morning nt Paxton of heart
faluro. She dropped dead whllo sit
ting at tho breakfast table. Sho was
tho mother of Mrs. P. S. DcLoe, wifo
or tho Lutheran minister at that
Pay Lloyd and bride arrived homo
T. J. Kerr of this city. Dr. Kerr's
picture is in tho mngnzlnd and they
speak very highly of his interesting
accounts of big ganio hunts.
Xew Itcsldence Sold nt n Hnrgaiu.
Now six room houso situate on cor
ner lot, soven blocks east on Second
streot 5300.00 cash will buy the house,
balance to bo paid into Hullding &
Loan at $1G.50 per Month.
C. P. TEMPLE, Agent.
A. P. Deolor of Hcrshoy, aws visit
ing friends for a few days tlIs week.
II G Knowlcs, pastor of tho Chris
tian church leaves Sunday aftornoon
for Kearney whero ho wHll preach In
the evening at tho Christian church.
Mr. Knowlcs has also been engaged to
doilvor two lectures at the state Chris
tian church society meeting in Sidney
on way mi and &tn
The Motor Ago has the following
on the Ford:
"While summing up the dally and
monthly production of the different
factories there Is little use to com
pare Its (Tho Fords) output, with Hint
of nny other factory because there ts
no other plant in the world Hint can
show up to advantage when Are start
out by saying what Ford .is .doing.
.March production was i:!,S2!) curs for
twenty-seven working days an aver
age of 1,(!2.' cars per day. Ford buy
ers will surely get tho rebate."
Tnentlcth Century Elects Officers.
A general meeting of tho Twentieth
Century club was held Tuesday even
ing at the library building and officers
wero elected, except a president. The
nominating committee had failed to
report upon a presidential nomination
and for this reason tho election was
put off until tho next general meet
ing. Mrs. Heeler will hold office until
tho election.
Thermo was very little other business
transacted at tho meeting as tho tlmo
was short. Tho ladles wero com
pelled to finish their business early
us tlie city council mot after' their
Tho following officers wero elected:
Vice-president, Mrs. T. C. Patterson;
secretary Mrs Roddy; corresponding
secretary, Mrs. George A. Zentmeyer;
treasurer, Mrs W. W. Cumming;
Journalist, Mrs R. P. Cottrell.
Miss Clnnt Walker Weds lVcdncsduy.
A pretty wedding was solemnized
Wednesday evening at 7:30 when Miss
Clara Lenora Walker was united
in marrlago to Charles Oscar Balm
at the homo of tho bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Walker on west
Sixth street.
Tho wedding was a quiet affair,
only tho Immediate relatives and a
few friends being present. The cere
mony was performed by County Judge
Geo E. French Following tho wedding
a big supper and reception was given
at the Walker home to which a num
ber of friends were Invited.
This, wedding is tlie termination
of a romance out on a homestead in
Arthur county. Tho two young people
live on adjoining claims They left
yesterday for Melrose, Arthur county
to make their home on their home
steads. For Sale.
Settings of eggs from puro bred
Barred Plymouth Rock chickens. In
quire of or address
1305 North Locust, Phono Red 851.
foinciiHou of Federated Clubs.
Tlie annual convention of tho Sixth
District Nebraska Federation- of
Women's Clubs will bo hold at Kear
ney on Wednesday and Thursday of
next week. There will be morning,
afternoon and evening sessions each
day, and a program treating on all
tlie phnses of club work has been pro
Three North Platte women are down
on the program. Mrs. Joseph Roddy
will read a pnper on "Woman as a
Poace Maker," Mrs. Harry Cramer will
discuss "American Music," and Miss
Mabel Duko will liavo a paper on
"Tho Dovolopmont of die Public Li
brary." A number of North Platto
women will attend tho convention.
At the meeting of tho Yeomen lodge
Tuesday it was voted by the members
Hint they hire tho Lloyd opera houso
ror tho year. This will give them
much bettor rooorn for their drill work
Wednesday from St. Paul. Minn.. nd will afford them n niectliiK nlace.
whero thov woro. marled last wnnlr ' It was also decided at this nicotine
Aftm t'tulttfit. fi Mm ,U.. Hint. II ttlltnlinr nf iUn lrirml f w..1.m. I
Ati (mil Alvu Arimil 1uVntivi p, nnil ... . . Z ... , . . i
'".iiiiio inoy win go 10 jvoysione near,"""'"
lamuy umvuu u i mo uuy luusm y iu-vhoro tlioy will inako their hoi
Two Four Room Houses in Northwest
Part of Town Must bo Sold.
Two new four room houses sit unto
on wost Tenth streot, well located for
anyone working at the now round
house Houses brand now, never
have been lived in. These houses will
bo sold at once. Low price and easy
terms. C. P. TEMPLE, Agent.
Christian Science servico Sunday 11
a. m. Subject, "Doctrine of Atone-
Wcdnesday evening services
ternoon from Oakland, Calif., and will
spend somo tlmo here visiting Mrs.
McNaninra's parontu Mr. and Mrs, C.
S. Gllnton and othor friends.
Jas. Langley of Omaha, suporinton-.I"''ci,
dent of motor powor for tho Union Pa
cllld company, spout Wednesday visit
ing friends nnd transacting business
lu the city. Ho was taken out in tho
aftornoon for a trip about tho city.
home on even
Mr and Mrs. Geo. It. Scott, of Cuba,
111., arrived in tho city Tuesday for a
visit with tliolr boiib, M, E. and , H.
A. Scott, They woro onrouto homo
from tho world's fair at San Francisco
and stopped horo for a few days'
Dean J. J. Bowker, Bishop Boechor,
T. O. Patterson and P. E. Bullard loft
Wednesday morning for Kenrnoy to
upend u short tlmo at n meeting 111
tho interests of tho Koarnoy Military
academy. Thoy nro members of tho
board of directors of that school.
For Sale Pino lawn manuro, Jos.
Spies, phono black 101. 21-4
Word wits received this week by
Supt Tout of tho high school that tho
North Plutto high school has again
been accorded a. place on tho list of
uccredlted schoolB of tho North Con
trol Association of Colleges and Sec
ondary Schools. This is tho highest
authority in this country and when a
school Is approved by this association
It Is a sign that It is of high Btandlng,
a farm.
Old Trusty and Poultry Lender In
cubators and Brooders nt factory
'.'i'.' l. , Su,tllCrln",a Wednesday cvcry woeu at 8 o'clock. To these sor
ing to take in a class of candt-1 vicon a cordial invitation is extended
,to all. Building & Loan building
Dr S. J. Richardson and Rov. Fred
H. Johnson of llorshoy woro visiting
in tho city Wcdnosday. Thoy say tho I
roads aro getting worked down pretty
Binooth in that dlroctlon although
coming over tlioy woro stalled In a!
mud hole for about thirty minutes. I
Word bus been received hero onoun
clng that Juy Bruce, who for a num
bor of years was roprosontatlvo of
tho Standard Oil company In this city,
bus purchased the garage at Suther
land. Ho moved to that placo boiiio
tlmo sell oil and later decided
to entor Uir autoniobllo Hold. Ho also
Iiob tho agency 'for tho Maxwell cars.
For Sale Baby buggy, 21G cast Fifth
street. 24.0
Mr and Mrs. C M Haydon and daugh
ter of Wallaco arrived In the city
Tuosday ovenlng to visit friends. Mr.
Haydon returned Tuesday ovenlng but
Mrs. Ilayden and daughtor romnlned
to visit for tho rouiulndor of tho week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Pnrton loft tho
city Tuesday for Madrid whord thoy
will ninko their homo for tho summer.
Walls -Ceilings
von salt:
Hay and Alfalfa Stack Covers.
021 E. 7th Street,
mean solid comfort satisfying in
looks, warmth, cleanness and per
manence. Easily and quickly put
up. Moisture-proof.
Use Beaver Board instead of lath
nnd plaster in home, office or store.
Ask us for sample and information.
Coates Lumber &
Coal Company
phone 7
If you are looking for a
Clothing and
Shoe Store
A Real Store
'Some of these mail ordw
gVaftcw make Jesse Jawes
irjok like a gentleman'.'
A store where you can find the
BEST at the Lowest Pricea
store where you can, with a
small outlay of money walk
out dressed like a prince, read
this Ad and get wise. Your
trouble is over. Just drop
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars,
3r-ll JI 11 ir-ir-3 8
We are pleased to announce a reduction in
prices of Genuine
Edison Mazda Lamps
At the present prices you can not afford to
I burn anything but an Edison Mazda. Throw away
those old dead lamps and get the benefit of the
I current that you pay for.
North Platte Light & Power Coc
C. R. MOREY, Planager.
P & 0 Badger & New Century Cultivators
each $27 and upward.
Grand Island Hog Fencing, Barbs top and
26 inches high, stays 6 inches a part 27c
per rod.
Electric Weld Fencing same size 26c per
Field and Lawn Woven Wire Fencing and
Poultry netting at cost.
Gasoline Engines I 1-2 11 P. mounted on
Trucks $40 each.
I Bargains in Cream Separators, Sharpless
lunuiar $au, jersey $4U, JSiuebell $35,
Dairymaid $25.
Hardware and Stoves at low prices.