THE RFMI.WEEKLY TRIRUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES TO Tailored Costume Has Won Approval CALIFORNIA'S EXPOSITIONS AND THE PACIFIC COAST WAOT(JIPW 1nr) , n. Covert cloths, shepherd's-checked and striped suitings scorn to bo divid ing honors in tailored suits for spring. It is hard to say which is most fa vored. AH of them nro doveloped in many smartly cut and perfectly tail ored plain suits that are far and away the most elegant of all street drosses. Somo of the new models' are what may bo called severely plain, allowing themselves only machine stitching and buttons by way of garniture and finishing touches. Buttons this sea son aro made of the fabric of the gar ment in many elegant suits, but in unusual shapes. In an equal number of designs they are selected from the varlouB composition, bono or pearl de signs. But severe lines and finishing do not characterize all the new spring tailor-mades. The coat-suit shown in the picture belongs to tho plain well-tailored class that should be found in every woman's wardrobe. It is just right for .the busi ness woman, tho traveler, or for street wear where ono finds need for only ono new tailored costume. Tho skirt is cut with wide over lapped side scams forming a sloping panel down the front. It is cut with a sufficient flare and is ankle-length. In many of these skirts tho waist lino is high, and Buspender tops and pockets at tho sides give them an air of util ity that is very snappy and smart. Tho coat in this suit follows tho lines of tho figure rather moro close ly than is the rule in spring styles. It has a panel back and plain coat sleeves finished with a band nnd two buttons at tho wrist. At each side -of the front an applied strap, pointed at tho end and decorated with a button and simulated buttonhole, suggests a belt. NTho suit is worn with a soft silk waist having a square turn-over collar at tho back. This has a "V"-shaped opening at thp front showing a dainty collar and vestco of lace or net worn under it. Cloth-top shoes and a pretty hemp hat with trimming of ribbon and cherries complete a spring costume that merits no criticism. L Revealing Charm of Classic Coiffure flow Income Tax Law Hits Members of Congress RJT ASHINOTON. There isn't tho slightest doubt that If tho last congrosf W had it all to do over again it would nail fast a provision to tho income x law allowing senators nnd representatives to deduct tholr election ox ponses from their Incomo in making up their incomo tax returns. Mem hers of congress havo awakened tc the fact that thoy miut allow tho ser-genntsat-arms of both housos to de duct tho Incomo tax in advance from congressional j?ajarics without taking campaign oxponses Into consideration Thus thero nro Bovoral congressmen who havo paid out largo amounts tc bo re-elected who must still pay in como tnxcLt on tho money thoy Bpent ' Tho Incomo tnx division of tho in tornnl revenue bureau will not give help; It has ruled that campaign expenses aro personal, nnd aro, therefore, returnable as a part of not incomo nnd sub ject to tho tnx. This decision, it is said at tho treasury, might bo altered if congressmen appealed to tho secretary of tho treasury and could show a basis for an Inter pretation of tho law moro favorable to their desires and pockotbooks. Congressmen, It Is explained, havo hesitated to tako thlB course for two reasons; first, because such an argument has been difficult to invent, and second, because It might prove embarrassing to nny congressman adopting such a course. Tho treasury department officials hint that n decision fa vorablo to congressmen might also put tho secretary of tho treasury In n bad light. I It remains now for somo congressman bolder than his fellows to Intro duce an amendment to the incomo tnx law allowing campaign expenses to be deducted from net congressional Incomes. In tho house, it is learned, those responsible for tho incomo tax law havo steadily opposed any such chntiKo. "In reply to your verbal inquiry," says tho nearly stereotyped reply ol uio income tax division to tno many applicants for information, "you are advised that tho expenses Incurred by a member of congress In conducting a campaign for re-election aro regarded by this ofllco as purely porsonnl in character, and, therefore, not deductablo in a return of your incomo under ,tho provisions of tho Incomo tax law." Tho treasury will not divulgo tho names of tho thrifty legislators who have telephoned nnd written lettors on this subject, but it is a matter of wide comment and gossip at tho capltol; so tho treasury ruling hnB been Bprcad about from ono congressman to another. "Low round trip fares nro now in effect via tho Scenic Highway of tho Northern Pacific Ry. to California's Ex positions via tho North Pacific Coast. Thcso tlckota pormtt liberal stop-overs and onablo tho tourist to lncludo both Expositions ns well as a Btop-over at Yellowstone National Park via Gardi ner Gntoway. If yon will advlso when you will plan your westorn trip; I will bo pleased to quoto rates, send a copy of our hand somo Expositions folder as well ns Ycllowatono Natlonnl Park and travel llteraturo, and nsslst you in nny way poBslblo in planning your 101G vaca tion trip. A. M. Clolnnd, General Pas songor Agent, G17 Northern Pacific Uy., St. Paul, Minnesota. Adv. Whon tho avorago man has occa sion to boast of his past ho selects a part of it that others havo forgotten. Tho mnn who doesn't secure tho services of that creat teacher, exnorl- enco. may llvo to n green old ago. Give Yourself a fair chance The thrill of health and vigoi can only be experienced when the digestion is normal, the liver active and the bowels reg ular. Any disturbance of . these functions should suggest an immediate trial of HOSTETTER'S TOMACH BITTERS It is a tonic, appetizer and strength maker of well known ability, and will help Nature restore health and vigor to the entire digestive system. Km i English Sparrows Are Still Considered Aliens N the recent bird census conducted under the supervision nnd inspiration of tho department of agriculture with tho aid of bird lovers and en thusiasts throughout the United Slates no consideration was paid to that bird which In popular parlance Is called the English Bpnrrow. It might seem that enough generations of this bird have como into being nnd have passed away in the United States to havo it looked upon as naturalized, but still people interested .in birds continue to lcjok upon this species of the sparrow ns aliens. In tho census enumeration tho numerous sparrows marked as native species were taken Into account. It may bo that ono reason for tho evident slight to tho English sparrow was bocauso of tho difficulty of making a census of him and her or them. The ostlmato reached by tho department of agrlculturo was that our native field bird population is something over two billions, oxclusivo of spar rows, or about ono thousand to the squaro mile of land not planted to crops. The most numerous of these birds were tho robins, estimated ns averaging fifty pairs to tho squaro milo east of tho Mississippi river. Tho highest average of field birds, seven pairs to tho acre, was reported In tho suburban area of tho District of Columbia, and tho lowest estimate was ono pair for every three acres In Montana, tho forest birds being much less numeroua than the birds which dwell in open lands. Tho history of tho English sparrow in Washington goes back to 1872, In which year, undor tho supervision of Col. O. E. Babcock, In chargo of public buildings and grounds, about ono hundred pairs of thcso birds were pur chased and set freo in the parks of Washington. I CAN'T) THEY LEFT ME OUT OF THE" GIRD CENSUS 4- A coiffure which is beautiful from tiny point of yIgw is not mot with ev ery day. Hero Is one which 1b oxquis ito from whatever side you look upon it. It convinces ono that there is nothing quite so pretty as curls, and should provo that tho classic lines, which it follows closely, have never been Improved upon. Tho hair for this coiffure Is waved and parted at tho loft sldo. Tho short hair about tho forehead and temples is curled Into very short ringlets. Tho back hair is brought to tho top of tho crown and colled In a looso soft coll. Tho waved front hair la brought back to tho coll nnd pinned to It, leaving tho ends free. Theso ends nro sepa rated into strands and curled in short tight curls. Thoy nro pinned closo to tho head about tho coll. Finally a narrow band of silk or velvet rib bon is fastened about the head to sup port tho waved hair and keep tho ring lots nbout tho face in place. Hut one's hair must bo naturally curly In order to make successfully tho short ringlets about the coll. Also thero must bo no ond of tlmo to give to halrdresslng. When neither of thcBo requisites Is present, plnned-ln curls aro to be used. They savo tlmo and stay in curl better than tho natur al hair. Thoy may bo bought In any length needed and aro always ready. Even ono who cherishes a projudlco against acquired hair will forgive Its uso when it is impossible to detect It and when n coiffure io as adorably pretty as that ono described and pic tared hero. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. iNMYjiJDcnEnrj J ANCvACR MUSTBF no Legal Education Is Paramount at the Capital f EOAL education is paramount in Washington and court vernacular is com- u mon. Thero nre many clerks here who tako a law courBo in collego as a diversion, and moro lawyers are graduated per capita in tho national capital than in any other city In tho country. Tho law courso is especially attrac tive becauso tho distinguished mem bers of the Supremo court deliver lectures from tlmo to time. Justice Hrewer and Justice Harlan wero very popular with their law classes, and legal education 1b so prevalent that oven In drawing-room conversation young ladles cautiously atato, "In my judgment this procedure should bo so nnd go," or "Whereas tho parties dif fered, the facts were sot forth In this manner," and tho young swain Insists on her direct answer "Ye3 or no" whon tho proposal of marriage Ib made, leap year or otherwise. At a quick lunch you may hear tho expression, "Give mo a potato, or potatoes, with poolings attached thereto." "In detail ntato to tho best of your knowledge and belief tho component parts of the hash as sot forth." When a lawyer. ieads a document tho linos aro perused by words, differentiating the various shades of meaning with all tho ndjrctlvcB known attached, so that thero may lot bo any loopholes for an extra word. Many a studpnt dreams of tho dmo when ho may come back to tho capital a full-fledged lawmaker, insist ing with- tho confidence nnd exuberanco of youth that ho can make bettor laws than thoso over which ho was compelled to pore whllo n student in Washington not to except Blackstone or nny other authorities cited. Na tional Magazine. t a? ,13 P til CO 51 ft KSIN m row m ml i ASTORIA ALC01IOL-3 PER CENT AYcrjclable Preparation for As similating iheFoortanrinegula .Itog the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcslion,Chccrful ness and Rcst.Contains neither Opium.Morpliinc nor Mineral Not Narc otic Pttipt erotii DrSAHVlimffEt tunplln Sua .r Stunt -A'hlttSltl dnitt St i J iptrmint JiiCrtrimaUSita Morn SrtJ -Clarittt Suy Wnttrjrttn Ftivott- Aperfcct Remedy forConsllpa lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jcvcrish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP.- Facsimile Signature of Tire Centauh Company, NEW YORK For Infanta and Children. UMWHMMMfMMMMMnnBHWMKMfl Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of cr 3 WA4 Am Bears the fff Signature yjr , ft ilft In Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years TDM THE OINTAUR COMPANY, NCWTORH CfTY. AS hipping Fever Inflneni. pink ojo, epltootlo, dlitemper, and all noae and throatdlaeuea cored, nnd all others, no matter bow "expound," kept from hfcYlng nnjr of theia rtlaonaoa with HVOIIN'H L1UOII) MHTKMFUlt CUHK. TUreo to air doaea ofton onro a caao. OnelO-cent bottle guaranteed to do so. ior urooa marcs, acis on ine Diooa. wa ana i a Dome. aorrn hottiea. iirnggiata and narneai ihopa. DUO UUUUUIOtOi ileat thin e. IS and 110 I Ulatrlbmon-ALXi WUOUH .8POI1N MEDICAL CO., Chemists and BaoterloloeUU, tlontion,Xnd., U.S. A. Rheumatism Muscle Colds "It is easy to uso and quick to rcsnond. No work. Just apply. It penetrates without rubbing." Read What Others Sayt "Havo used your Liniment very successfully in a caso of rheumatism, and always havo a bottlo on hand In All Original Plantation Restored to Monticello ra iia'uiuaiSiNTATlVB Jijl FISRSON M. M3VY of Now York Is entitled to a l voto of Gratitude for his preservation of Montlcollo, tho revolutionary homo u Jefferson, which perches high on tho bldo o' tho rrountnln overlooking Jharlottesvlllo and tho University of Virginia. There Is ono feature of Montlcello A'hlch has bo far escaped most nnr ators, nnd that Is that under the louse, which crowns a high knob on tho western side of tho mountain, Is i subterranean passage through which, It Is said, Jefferson escaped once when tho British cavalry ofllccr Tarld on raided that section. Tho grave of tho author of tho Declaration of Independence Is at Montlcello, but tho spot Is still owned by the descendants of Jcfforson, as that stipulation was made In tho sale. Mr. Levy's affection for tho place and his wealth havo restored to the plantation all of Its original land belong ings, so that now tho estate comprises 730 acres, tho farm Just as it was awned by Jefferson. The Iioubo atands-'almoBt an exact dupllcato or wnat it was iou yoara jgo, the colonlnl furnlturo being reproduced' when tho original could not bo found, but most of the things, especially thoso of great value, wer thoso usod ty Jefferson. caso o! a co'.d or eora throat. I wish to say I think It ono of the boat of household remedies. I would not have used it only it was recommended to mo by a friend of mine who, I wiali to say, is one of tho beat boosters for your Liniment I over saw,", IK. Fulltr, Dtnttr, Col. "Just a Una in praise ol Eloan'a Liniment. I have been ill nearly fourteen weeks with rheumatism, have been treated by doctors who did their beat. I had not slept for the terriblo pain for several nlehts, when my wlfo got me a small bottle of tho Liniment and three appllca catlons kivo me relief so that I could sleep." Jottph Tamblyn, SIS Cot tens Street, SIcKteiport, Pa, LOANS LINIMENT Good for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Sprains and Bruises. All Dealer 25c Send four cents in stamps for a free TRIAL BOTTLE. . EARL S. SLOAN, Inc. DePt.B Philadelphia, Pa. DR Catarrh Can Be Cured J FREE PROOF TO YOU Dr. Gordon'3 Homo Treatment, wherever used, Is producing results heretofore unheard of, Guaranteed to glvo satisfac tion or no pay. Don't say it can't bo done. TRY IT. Hurry, my friend, act today. You cannot concetvo how much this means to you. We will send proof free. Drop us a postal or letter today. Home Remedy Company, Lincoln, Nebr.