The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 13, 1915, Image 5

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    DR. 0. H. CRESSLER,
Graduate Dentist
Oflk over tho McDonald
State Bank.
Black Cat Hosiery, tho lino that is
always right, sold by Wilcox Depart
ment Store.
Quito a number of people wore In the
cly Saturday, many reporting the coun
try roads drying up In good shape.
For. Sale Baby buggy, 21G east Fifth
stroot. 24-2
Dr. W. T. Prltchard left yesterday
morning for Northport to spend a few
days looking after professional busi
ness. Airs Harold Wright who has been
quite 111 for several weeks, Is reported
slowly convalescing. Her condition
was qulto serious for a time
For Sale Fine- lawn manure, Jos.
Spies, phono black 1G1. 21-4
R R. Blosc, of 0mahaarrlvcd In tho
city yesterday morning for a short vis
It with W. It. Harcourt and other
am well. These tablets aro splendid
nono better." For sale by all dealers.
3Irs. Geoorge Shoup, of Sutherland,
left Sunday evening for Omaha to visit
her daughter, Miss Alma, who Is to
undergo another operation on her
Read Hershcy's advertisement r
a closing out sale In this issuo. Her
shey the hardwaro man. I2tf
B. "F. Seeberger has placed an order
with Minor Hlnman for an Overland,
and by its use hopes to tone up his
physical condition by tho inhalation
of rural ozone.
For Painting, paper hanging and dec
orating sco Landgraf & Crane. Reas
onable prices satisfactory work.
Phone Red 240 or Black 670.
' Miss Comfort Conway, of the Tramp
department storo returned Sunday ev
ening from Nelelgh where she visited
last week with her parents. She was
called there by tho illness of her moth
er, and she reports her mothear's con
dition quite poorly.
For Rent 2 largo front rooms for
housekeeping. 514 east Third St. 24-2
Attorney J. G. Beeler left Friday ev
ening for Abingdon, 111., called there
by tho death of his foster mother, Mrs.
Eastman. While he is sojourning in
the east he will also visit relatives
and friends at his old home.
Munslng Underwear for Men, Wom
en and Children, sold only by Wilcox
Department Store.
Wylio Walker, of Kansas City, son
of L. L. Walker of this city, is expec
ted shortly to make his home here.
Ho Is an expert piano tuner and hopes
to make this his permanent home.
Ho is' also a fine 'violinist.
A big shipment of new hats just re
ceived at
At The Leader.
Bishop Beeclier arrived in the city
Saturday evening and in the absence
of Dean J. J. Bowker Sunday ho had
charge of the services at the Church
of Our Saviour. oH gave some good
talks at both the morning and vesper
' services.
A well furnished restaurant for rent
at 310 east Front street. T. S.
Cover, Prop. 22-3p
' The young ladies composing the
Grlnnell college glee club arrived this
morning and this evoning will givo a
concert at the Keith. Tho ladies are
being entertained at tho homos of
Methodist church members.
Largest lino of. crochet and em
broidery threads in the city at Wilcox
Department Store.
Bert Barber and Miss Allco ,Birge
will bo united in marriago at the Uirgo
homo Thursday evening. Owing to
tho Illness of Mrs. Blrge, tho jwedding
attendants will bo limited to members
of the families and a few of tho more
intimate friends. Following tho cere
mony a reception' will bo hold at tho
homo jot Mr. and Mrs. Frank II. Bar
ber. For Sale Buggy tongue, double
and singlo harness, leather nets. Mrs.
Rock, 509 west Ninth. 21-2
The county commissioners have ap
pointed Clarence Arrowsmlth county
judge of Keith county with ofllce lo
cated at tho court house at Ogalalla.
Tho former county Judge resigned and
moved to Hyannis.. Judge Arrowsmlth
hold tho ofllce of county assessor in
Keith county for a number of years
and Is well qualified for tho position of
county judge.
For Sale House and lot. Phono
Red C38. 23-8
The choir of tho Episcopal church
was pleasantly ontertalnod Friday
evening by Mrs. J. J. McGraw and
Mrs. Edmund Dickey nt tho homo of
tho former. Thirty members of tho
choir wero present. A lovely four
courao dinner was sorved tho gucsta
at seven o'clock and following this
tho ovenlng was enjoyed with cards,
music and other social diversions. Tho
place cards at tho tablo wero unique.
Each guest was given a number and
they wero obliged to look up tho cor
responding number at tho table. The
occassion was much enjoyed by all
Rouse for Sale.
$2,500 buys a 5-room houso with
bath. Has' good outbuildings includ
ing garago. Best location in city; 4
blocks west of court house. Must sell
quick. Phono Black 189. 22-G.
Tor Sale.
Four Short Horn Bulls, all dark red
and good oneB; a fow Duroc Jorsoy
brood sows, some seed oats and a lot
of wild hay In stack. If in need of
any of these, act at once.
Miss Grace Ogler is visiting in Hast
ings, having left for that, placo tho lat
ter part of last weok.
Tho Davis Garago will rocoive two
carloads of Mitchell cars this wook.
Tho shipment will Include both fours
and sixes.
Mrs. Jack Sinclair was pleasantly
surprised Thursday evoning whon
about thirty of her friends walked In
upon her unannounced. After tho
surprise dancing was Indulged In and
at tho close of tho ovonlng a nice two
course luncheon was served. All pres
ent report a pleasant evening.
For Sale Plymouth Rock eggs for
setttlng. Mrs. Sprinter. 23-1
L. L. Walker, manager of the Gaston
music storo, returned Friday ovonlng
from nn extended business trip In
Scotts Bluff county. Ho states that
up there they did not have so much
rain last week as wo did hero and tho
roads aro In much better condition.
Mnny of tho farmers wero In tho flolds
doing their sl'rlng plowing.
O. W. Tucker employed at tho Marti
meat market Is walking nround on
crutches the result of an argument
with a largo pleco of ice. Tho acci
dent occurred last week when . Mr.
Tucker was Hilling tho Ice box. Ho
dropped a large cako of Lcc on his
foot and sprained and crushed It
Ir. and Mrs. Albert Muldoon wore
visiting In Pnxton Saturday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Pease.
They wont up to help Mr. and Mrs.
Pease celebrate their silver wedding
annnlversary, returning homo Sunday,
ovenlng for Denver to spend a few
ovenln for Denver to spend a few
days on business.
Supt. W. P. Snyder of the experi
mental sub-station was visiting in the
city Saturday and announced that tho
they would probably begin farming
this week. They have as yet mado no
test as to how deep the mo'sturo has
gone but ho Is certain tho ground Is
well saturated. Ho Btated that tho
roads aro beginning to be passable
out that way
Our Diamond
Values cannot be
bettor. See our
Show Window. U P WATCH
Workmen began Friday building
water guards on the Episcopal church
building to guard against another
flood. During tho recent rains the
basement was Hooded to the depth of
about five inches on acount of the con
dition of tho building. Tho arrange
ment of tho roof allowed all tho water
to go into the basement and tho lack
of a sewer In there made It hard to
get out. Tho concrete floor in the
basement will also be water-proofed.
Alfalfa seed for snlo nt York's Feed
Store. C. O. Wclngand. 21-1
Word has been received here from
Miss Alma Shoup in Omaha announc
ing that she is getting along nicely
and will probably be able to return
home soon and resume her education
al work here. Miss Shoup left about
six months ago for Omaha to have an
operntion on lier throat and her
throat got so bad that she wa3 Obliged
to give up her class in elocution in
this city.. She is now nearly recovered
from the effects of the operation and
Is taking treatment in Omaha. She
expects to return here this spring.
Frank Lily, fireman out of this city,
is laid up on account of sickness.
Bert Coulton left yesterday morning
for his ranch qiit in Arthur county to
get ready for spring work.
Conductor Will O'Conncll is off duty
on account of illness. He ha3 been ail
ing for several days and expects to
leave shortly for tho springs to recup
erate. Supt. Vickroy, of the Colorado dlv
sion arrived in tho city Sunday after
noon in a special car attached to tho
mail train and spent a fow hours In the
city looking after railroad matters.
Two special trains carrying passen
gers to tho world's fair at San Fran
cisco passed through tho city yester
day. They wero second No. 1 and sec
ond No. 5. They also carried special
cars occupied by passenger agents and
other officials.
Passenger train No. 20 yesterday
morning struck a traction engine at
Durham on tho fourth division and
killed a man. Tho man had started to
drive his engine across tho track and
got stalled while over tho rails and
was struck by tho train. He was kill
ed almost Instantly.
Hotel Inspector Paulson, of Omaha,
arrived In the city yesterday morning
to look after affairs hero. Ho Is also
Insi'ector of dining car service. Ho is
contemplating opening up a railroad
restaurant with dining car service in
tho west yards in the building erected
by C. C. Hupfcr.
A boy giving his name as W. II. Wil
son, and his address as Coffecvllle,
Kansas, had his foot cut off Sunday
afternoon by a freight train leaving
the Chappell yards. Tho boy Is but
eighteen years of ago and has been
bumming for somo time. Ho attempt
ed to board a moving freight at Chap-
poll and fell under tho wheels. Ho was
given medical attention at Chappell
and his parents notified.
J. T. Murphy announced yesterday
morning that he had received seven
teen carloads of flfteen-lnch sewer pipe
to Put In from tho new round house
to tho north river. Tho work of laying
the sower will begin shortly. Tho pipe
is being unloaded and will bo distrib
uted soon. As noon as this sower Is
laid, tho old trouble caused In that part
of tho city will bo remedied. Tho sew
er Is larger than any of tho city sow
ors and will easily carry tho waste
from tho round houso, which tho city
sower would not do.
Stomach Trouble Cured.
Mrs. H. G. Clovoland, Arnold, Pa.,
writes, "For somo time I suffered from
stomach trouble I would havo sour
stoning nd feel bloated after eating.
Nu'luag uonc"tcd mo until I not Cham
berlain's Tnbl i.i. After taking two
bottles of then T w as cured." For sale
Y, all V-'
Tho Methodist aid society will moot
at tho parsonngo Thursday aftornoon.
, Tho Episcopal guild will hold n bus
iness mooting In tho basomont of tho
church 'Thursday nftomoon.
O. E. Wood, of Lincoln Is spending
this week in tho cost part of tho
county organizing branches of tho
Farmers Co-opcratlvo Union.
Tho ladles' aid society of tho Pros
bytorlan church will bo ontortnlnojd
at tho church parlors Thursday aftor
noon by Mcsdamos Mlltonborgcr,
Prossor and Porrltt.
"Lids for Kids," Wednesday, April
14th, at.
At Tho Leader.
Mrs J. B. Hayes and Mrs. E. F.
Seeberger will entertain this ovenlng
nt tho homo of the forraor In favor
of Miss Hannnls Kcllher who leaves
Friday for Omaha to make her homo.
Brady went "wet" by sixteen votes,
and this in tho faco of very success
ful revival services which had been
In progress for a couple of weeks
prior to Iho election.
II Su I (, H ' l '
1 The Best Women's
at moderate prices
When ypu -consider that every material is
absolutely all wool; that every fabric lias been
selected because of its superior qualities, and its
correctness of style
When you examine the lining3 of the garments
i and realize that every piece of sill: is pure sill:
, When you sec how beautifully the garments
i are made, and arc shown with what care and
I thoroughness every seam is run, and every vital
I point of tailoring is executed
When you try on the garments and nee how
they conform to the figure, and how soft and
elegant they feci
When you realize the beautiful lines are not
I bolstered up by stiff canvas, but are tailored into
!a form which will retain its shapeliness, during
the life of the garmqnt
Descriptions of the Suits Illustrated
The suit at the left of the picture, No. 1709, is
adapted from a Paquin model. The effective
pocket flaps are scj on diagonally and outlined
,by closely-set buttons. The rolling collar i3
The Store 'That
, Copyright, 13H, ly The II. ISImIs Co.,
Mrs. J. E. SibnBtlan left this morn
ing for n weeks' visit with friends i
in Chappoll
Are you going to buy a piano this
spring? If so como in and soo us. Wo
have a Ono lino to solcct from.
GASTON MUSig CO. at Clinton's.
Tho street sprinkler was started
yosterday for tho first tlmo this spring.
It was nlso much needed. Tho pres
ent paving facilities seem to doom
North Platte to olthor oxtromoly
muddy stroots or oxtromoly dusty
Btroota. Tho muddy streets scarcoly
loavo until tho dusty strcots nrrlvo
and tho dust ronmlns until tho mud
Is over oiio's Bhoo tops.
G. Sharploy Thompson, of Hcrshoy,
transacted business In town yester
day and lncldontally voiced tho gen
eral sentlmont of Ilorshoy pooplo re
garding tho train service. Coming
horo In tho morning tho pcoplo of tho
west part of tho county aro compelled
to remain until ono o'clock nt night,
whereas tho company could without
Inconvcnlonco mako Hcrshoy and
Sutherland stops for train No. 17,
which loaves hero about six o'cloclc in
tho evening. Efforts will bo mado to
hnvo this train make tlicso two stops.
)Y special co-operation with the manufacturers of Wooltex7
i ....
tailored garments we have been able to assemble this
remarkable collection. The models are wonderfully
handsome, and in great variety. The materials are the popular
gabardines, serges, poplins, coverts and checks.
The illustration shows just four of the many superb designs?'
You will be amazed that garments of such
elegance, refinement and' general superiority can
be bought for such reasonable prices as are
marked on them.
Cltvclirul r
Houses Tor Sale.
Two story new house modern except
heat, S02 onst Sixth stroot, cheap.
8 room new houso entirely modern,
014 wost Fifth stroot, best .location
In towm
7 room house modern oxcopt heat,
5211 weat Fourth street.
CLABAUGH Room 4 Ford Garago.
Dick Ross who sufferqd a sprained
hip Inst weok wn ablo to return to
his work at tho round houso yostor
day. Raymond Tlgho spout Sunday visit
ing friends in Cheyenne.
Charles Dixon will entertain a. num -
bor nf frlnnda nt hln lintnn fin wmI.
Fifth stroot tomorrow evening.
J. E. Sebastian accompanied by G.
L. Stout, tho Big Springs banker,
loft in tho formor's car this morning
for Big Springs.
Mr .and Mrs. Ill Ballard aro suffer
ing from a sovero attack of tho grlppo.
Knabe, A. B Chaso, McPhall, Kim
ball, Smith and Barnes Price, Tcoplo,
Packard, Crown and many other flno
GASTON MUSIC CO at Clinton's Storo
Suits You Ever Saw
Wooltex, of
finished with tabs that button down on the jacket;
slightly diagonal front. New circular skirt, with '
partial over-yoke, trimmed with buttons like
the jacket.
The second figure, No. 1710, illustrates a suit
adapted from a recent Doucet model. A charming
effect is produced by the slash at each side of the
coat, finished with buttons and buttonholes. The '
partial belt from side to side across the back holds
in the fulness. Officer's collar, overlaid with
detachable washable collar. ;
No. 171 1 is a charming suit in youthful effect '
with a panel back, which extends below the line '
of the coat at sides and in front. The partial belt 7
around the back and sides nndh .nt- iho nnrml ;
front. Thc skirt flares moderately below the yoke.
The materials arc serge., box poplin, and black
and white checks.
Suit No. I720 at the rirrht ia ? n n emnrt- TV.!-.
effect, wcll cut on plain lines, with moderate
fulness; finished with smart pockets on both
jacket and skirt. Made in-checks, poplin and;
covert cloth.
Many other Wooltex models at $25.00 to $30.00 1
combine variety and excellence that arc absolutely
unequalled in this city. But you must see them
personally to appreciate fully their extraordinary i
value. V -J
When may we have the pleasure of showing)
tiicm to you? J
Sells Woo It "e
Notice (o TomiiHforH
All rubbish must be dumped nt tho
now dump which tho city hns provided
Just wost of tho south ond of tho
North Platto rlvor bridge, and tho rub
bish must be pushed ovor tho bank
into tho rlvor .
Street Commissioner.
The nice 7-ronm Charles Ell home,
12! west Second street, Terms, $2o(
cash, $2.10 In six months, $."00 ono
year, balance to null, 8 per cent Inter
est.. Discount of o per cent will ho
mado for all cash.. This Is n chance of
n life time to secure the prettiest and
most convenient homo In this city on
icnsy terms, sco
Mr. nnd Mrs Ray Lincoln's baby Is
sick this week.
Alipllcntlon for DrilKKl"! Permit.
'Matter of Application of It. S. Uakor
tor UruBKlst Permit.
Notlco 1h hereby Rlvoti that It. H.
linker did upon tho 12th day of April,
A. D. 1915, nio liln application to tlio
city council of "North l'lattc, Lincoln
county, Nebraska for permit to soil
mult, HplrltuotiH nnd vinous Manors for
medicinal and tncchnnlcnl purposes
only, nt 719 North Locust Street, In tho
city of North l'liitto, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, from tho 11 rut day of May,
191R, to tho tlrtrt day of May, 1910.
If tlicro bo' no olijoctlon, remon
strnnco or protest lllcd within two
weeks front April 12, 191G, said 'permit
will ho grunted.
11. H. HAKfllt, Applicant.