The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 13, 1915, Image 1

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    -IBMttg Intone
No. 24
mh JJoiih
Mrs. It. W. Smith spent tho latter
part o last week with relatives In
John Nolcs left tho latter part of
last week for a visit at the San Fran
cisco exposition
Tho Woman's Homo Missionary so
ciety will meet with Mrs. J. G. Beelor
Friday afternoon.
Louis Harris, of tho Leader depart
ment store, was visiting "friends in
Cheycnno over Sunday.
Five Dodfjo cars Just received. Wo
have ono left for sale. Who will he the
lucky one Hcmly-Oglcr Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Scott of Cuba,
111., will arrive tonight for a visit with
their son, M E. Scott, and family.
Will Friend has recovered from his
attack of small pox and the quarantine
has been raised on tho Fllllon home.
E E. Brownflcld of tho Hcrshcy
bank, waB visiting friends and trans
acting business in tho city yesterday.
For Itent Small apartment closo in.
Gas, bath and lights. Phono Black
575, 108 west Second. 24-1
Tho Club Nevita will bo entertained
Wednesday afternoon at tho homo of
Mrs. Walter Kochcn on east Third
Mrs Wood W. White leaves today.
for Omalia whdre she' will take
treatment of Dr D.
some time.
T. Quigley for
Special display for Misses and Chil
dren Wednesday, April 14.
At Tho Leader.
Miss Abbio Patterson left last oven
ing for her home in Omaha after visit
ing in tho city for a few days with
Miss Illldegardo Clinton and other
Louis Thoelccke and daughter Miss
Bertha, of Omaha, will arrive Friday
and spend a day in town while en
routo to tho lattcr's liomestead in Ar
thur county.
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Fair tonight and Wed
nesday; wormer tonight. Highest
temperature yesterday 01, a year ago
C8; lowest last night 37, a year ago 37.
The Eastern Star will hold a spe
cial meeting for initiation Wednesday
April 14th, at 8 o'clock sharV. Mem
bers aro requested to be present. By
order of Mrs. Cummlnga, W. M.
. Mrs, Hosier, secretary 4
Supt. Jeffors came In from Chey
enne this morning having accom
panied that far west a special train oc
cupied by President Shaughnessy, of
tho Canadian Pacific, who was ac
companied by his wife.
One Second Hand Ford for Sale.
Hcndy-Oglcr Co.
A special train of twelve cars con
veying to the Pacific coast passenger
agents of the eastern railroads, made
tho run yesterday from Grand Island
to this city without a stop and from
here to Sidney without a stop. This
Is a rather unusual occurrence on
Union Pacific, a run of 258 miles with
but' ono stop.
Work was begun yesterday at the
weather bureau office removing tho
old flagpole which was broken down
last winter A now ono will replaco it
as soon as possible. The polo was set
In a largo concrete base and It was
quite a task to remove It. The old
polo Was' broken down last winter
when tho weather was cold and tho
water which nearly filled the "hollow
polo froze and burst it.
Houses, Rooms, tho nice storo north
of McCnho's Dniff Store, Storage room
and Snfo Deposit Boxes.
TrplS V
Z-'"w' ft HI I
".2 M IT
. .V -
Practicing on tho senior play was
started this week by tho Senior class
of tho high school under tho direction
of Principal M. M Rcdenbaugh. The
play is entitled "A Peaceful Valley,"
and is full of both pathos and humor.
It is a play that lias been given but
a few times, but it is noverless enter
taining and ono that can bo well
handled by tho talent In tho high
Eleven people aro in tho cast and
thoy have already been chosen. The
play wl'l be given the lattei par; of
next month, either iho ovenln; of tho
21st or o- tho 28t'i. Following Is tho
Hosea Howe, a self-educated country
boy Robert Louden.
Wilson, a waiter Walter Iloxle
Mr. Rand, a wealthy hotel keeper
Ilary Huffman.
Jotham Ford vuest at tlio summer re
sortCody Boal.
Ward Andrews, guest at tho summer
resort Calvin Miller.
Jack Farqhar, a jolly good fellow
Major White.
Charles Rand .son of tho hotel keep
er Ralph Clabaugh. '
Phyllis Howe, mother of Hosea Ida
Martha, Hosca's sister Nina Elder.
Niobo Farqhar, sister to Jack Esther
Vlrgle Rand, daughter of tho hotol
keeper Elva Day.
Fine modern two story home, oak
ilnlsli, full basement, hot wafer heat
ing plant, two lots, nice lawn and
many sliifdc trees, cement walks, drive
way and garage, situated in now cast
part of city. Will trade for farm near
North L'latto or accept other good
property in this city as part price.
Harry. E. Brown Camp, United
Spanish War Veterans, will hold their
first annual ball at the Lloyd opera
house Thursday evening of this week.
For this event the members have
mado great preparations, and a pleas
ant evening Is assured for both danc
ers and spectators. Stamp's orches
tra will furnish the music. Tho pro
ceeds will bo devoted to bearing the
expenses of the delegates to the state
convention to bo held in Omaha, and
in making an effort to secure the
state meetln for North Platte next
E. M Smith has secured the agency
for the famous Cheviolet Motor car.
There aro four cars in light models.
Anyone on tho market for a light
car will do well to Investigate befor,o
buying. 24-1
The birthday kensington of tho
ladles' bible class of the Presbyterian
church will bo entertained at the home
of Mrs Will Eshelman, 118 south Sy
camore, Friday afternoon. All mem
bers of tho class and teachers of the
Sunday school aro Invited to bo pres
ent. Ed' Rannlc, of Portland, nnd Dick
Rannle, of Rawlins, arrived Sunday
for a visit with their parents.
Making over of your own materials
a specialty at the Parlor Millinery.
Hospital tea Friday, the ICth. Mrs.
W A. Kochen assisted by Mrs R. F.
Cotterell, at the home of the former,
811 east Third street.
One of tho best 7 room houses in tho
city, only $2."0 down, balance easy
Ofllco hours to G p. m. Sunday 2 to
4 p. m. J. S. TWINEM, M. D.
It Tells You How
to Build Them
The kind of home you want
is a homelike home not just
a house. Well, here is a bcau-
ritllllir 111 11CT r:l 1111 1 1 f II 1 k. 1 r I . I ;ii IIII
"Homelike Homes," that shows
U floor plans and interior as well
as exterior views of marry such
We want to help you with your home-planning.
Don't you want a copy of "Homelike Homes"?
It is free. This is a little book you will value
highly ; it is wortli keeping. Talk over your plans
with us. We can help you and will gladly do so.
Tho city council met last evening
and mado an official canvas of tho
votes cast at tho city election lost
Tuesday and found that Mayor Evans
was re-elected by a majority of 92
votes instead of SC City Clerk Tcm
plo's majority was also found to bo
five nioro than tho unofficial count. Ll-
conso carried by 87 instead of 86.
Following aro tho totals of tho voto
For mayor, E. Ii. Evans 523, San-
ford Hartman, 431
For City Clerk, Chas. Templo CG3,
F. J. Diener, 333.
On license, for, 512, against, 425.
For school board,' Dr. N. McCabo
701, O. E. Elder 793, Mrs. P. O. Deats
177, Mrs. M. II. Axtell 2C4, L. C. Ras
kins 807, Charles Wilson 1G6.
For water commissioner, Hcrshoy
Wolch 912.
For City treasurer, F. L. Mooney
For councllmen, first ward, L. F.
Simon 234, A. R. Christenscn, 47; sec
ond ward, F T Redmond, G9, P. O.
Deats 21, J. II. Van Cleavo 111; third
ward, Joseph Stone 217, Frank Dow
hower 59; fourth ward, Victor Von
Goetz 110, Frank Martin 59, Thomas
Jeffors 90.
School Notes.
The Jefferson school has not yot
been opened and it is not known Just
when it can be opened. Tho high wat
er of last week which still continues
overflowed the sewer and forced sov
oral Inches of sewage Into the base
ment. This with tho seepage water,
made It Impossible to hold school
there. As the water goes down tho
floors will bo cleaned and disinfected
and then school will open. On the
morning of tho day whon school opens
tho American flag will bo raised to
tho flagstaff on the roof of tho build
ing and this will bo tho signal.
Tho Washington school opened Mon
day with a good attendance. But ono
case of scarlet fever has" developed
during the past week and that Is, at
tho 1iomo of A. C. Combs on ftwcst
Front street. It .is not known that
thero wcro any exposures to this case.
Contracts wcro signed this week
with the Omaha High School author
ities for a gameof foot ball with the
team from that school at North Platte
November 12, 1915. This will bo the
third game of tho scries with tho Oma
ha High School and will bo a good ono.
The graduation exercises of the
North Platte high Gchool wjll bo hold
Wednesday evening, May 2Gth. Thero
aro thirty-five members in the class.
All are working luifd to complete tho
wojk of the senior year with credit.
The high school cadets will go on
their annual encampment on the morn
ing of May 27th.
The grade schools will close Friday,
May 28th.
Transfers of Real Estate. '
Tho L. B. Dick property, being lot
2. block G. Taylor's addition, to O. A.
Carlson. Consideration $1700.
Lots 9 and 10. block 1K. Pnilv'n ml.
ditlon, to C. C. Drake. ,
Dr. J. S. Twlncm purchased the
southeast quarter of section 13, town-
snip 12, range 30 west from Guy W.
Edis. Consideration $5250.
All of the abovo transfers were made
through the C. F. Templo Agency.
Money to Loan on Kcnl Esfafc.
Lutherans Will Hnve Baseball
Tho men's limtliorlinnri nf Min T.nlli.
eran church held a well attended nicot
ine last ovonlnir nr. lh linmn nf w w
Hansen. Forty men wore present and
a pleasant evening was enjoyed. Mat
ters of business were discussed and
among them was tho proposition of
getting a baseball team into tho Hold
this spring. This they voted to do
and elected A. W. Shilling manager.
They expect to put a strong team in
tho city league.
Tho men also voted last evening to
do away with tho promiscous contri
butions for tho support of tho organi
zation and decided to assess each
member $1.25 per year for member
ship and thus take care of tho expens
es of the organization systematically.
288 acres bottom laud near North
I'lattc, only $32.00 per acre
Tho meeting of the civic department
of tho Twentieth Century club which
was called for Thursday of this week
has been pjostponcd until Monday ev
ening, April 19th. All members aro
urged to attend as officers will bo
elected and other Important business
will come before tho meeting. The
meeting will bo hold at th homo of
Mrs A. P. Kelly.
Hay and Alfalfa Stack ('over.
21 E. 7th Hired.
W. R. Malonoy loft this morning for
Paxton-'to spend tho day on profes
sional business.
Nebraska, California and New York.
10 Cesits Eacti
Kaufman & Wernert Co,, North Platte,
Tli & Th dllAH QVl ft
JL AJLW JL. -k-7
North Platte, Nebraska.
Building 6 Loan Building
At the regular meeting of tho B. P.
0. Elks last evening tho olllcers elect
for the coming year were duly in
stalled by tho lodgo and tho appoint
ments were announced by the nowly
olectcd Exalted Ruler.
Following tho Installation work sev
eral matters of Interest wero taken up.
C P. Clinton,, retiring Exalted Ruler,
was called . before the lodgo and was
presented with a lodgo Jewel In ap
preciation of his year's work at tho
head of the lodge J. E. Evans mudo
tho presentation and Mr. Clinton
responded very nicely.
Reports of various committees wero
given and they show a prosperous
year within tho lodge and aro alto
gether encouraging for tho lodgo and
the new administration. Some now
.Ijtcas for enteftainmont were njl
vanced by tho new committee.
The following olllcers were Installed
last evening: Exalted Ruler, C. M.
Fristo; Esteemed Loyal Knight, Will
Klenk; Esteemed Leading Knight, J.
T. Keefo; Tyler, L. C. Sturges; Trus
tee, J. B. McDonald; Secretary, F. T.
Redmond; Treasuror, Harry Dixon.
The following appointments were
announced: Esquire, A. B. Hoagland;
Chaplain , T. C. PatteT'BOTr-Hi Inner
Guard, P. R. Ilalllgan; Pianist, Prof.
Garllchs; Committees: Entertain
ment, Dr. F. J. Wurtelle, F. J. Dunn,
H. Scoonovcr, J. J. Horrlgan and W.
II. Mungcr; Investigating, W. J. O'Con
nor, Geo. N. Glbbs, and 0 H. Thoe
lecke; Feed, J. 13. Sludor, Charles
Templo and Jack Stack; Sickness, J.
E. Evans, Dr. II. E. Mitchell and C.C.
Hupfer; House, J. H. Stoiie, P. J. Nor
ton and Corbln Jones; Auditing, F. N.
Buchanan, A. W. Plumer and W. V.
Mr. and Mrs. E M. Smith returned
homo Sunday afternoon from Sterling
and Denver where they spent tho week
transacting buslnss.
Gaston Music Co. at Clinton's Jew
elry storo Is a good placo to buy a
planb. A big lino to select . from,
prices right and payments if desired,
Como in and see us.
Hats especially designed for misses
and children shown Wednesday, April
At The Lcador.
Tho C. W. B. M. of tho Christian
church will meet Wednesday aftor
nono at tho homo of Mrs. J, W.Shop
hord G13 south Dewey. Every membor
Is urged to bo present and friends in
vited. Refreshments will bo served.
Peoplo between BIgnoll and tho end
of tho bridge south of Maxwell have
organized to build a telephone lino
about four and a halt miles in length
It is to bo tho main line and its ob
jective point is Maxwell. Wo under
stand that phones woro ordered Sat
urday. Maxwell Tolcpost.
F. .7. DIENER & CO.
Real Kslalo nnd Insurance
Como and seo us for town lots In
different parts of the city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
salo and rent. Wo have also good bar
gains in fannB and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowey Sts.. upstairs
Front Laced Corsets
feature as the ventilated back section, ventilated soft tongue
under lacing and elastic sections in the skirt for the perfect
"adjustment of the coiset to the figure.
We Jave these models ranging 'from medium low to medium
high bust and for all styles of figures at prices, most reason
able. One of the most attractive 'models, among the many we have
in stock is style No. 770, designed for average figures, has
strong supporters, dainty trimmed with embroidery and pro
duces satisfactory figure line of the present mode.
ONLY $2.50
E. T. Tramp & Son.
Genuine Red River Ohio's from Minnesota. This is one year
you should plant good seeds, weather conditions last year
makes home grown seeds a very doubtful proposition.
Case 24 can Standard Tomatoes per case ' $2.25
Case 24 cans Sugar Corn per case 1.70
Case 24 cans Standard Peas per case 1.70
10 lbs box of Dried Peaches tmt 90c
10 lb box Santa Clara Prunes 1.25
Best Patent Flour per sack , , , 1.80
Second Grade per sack 1.75
Chick feed 30 lbs sack QOc
Poultry Shell 100 lb sack ' '. 90c
Rock Salt, Sack Salt, get our prices on ton lots.
Alfalfa Meal per 100 lb sack 1.00
R. N.
We have plenty money on hand
to close loans promptly on good
forms and ranches.
We cordially invite
you to come here
Friday and Saturday
and select one of
these high grade
sample dress skirts,
sold up to $8.50, all
sizes, at
75c Middy Blouses 45c
$1.25 " " " 95c
try "US" First.
The new models! of these most de
sirable corsets arc designed in accord
with the new styles of dress.
Anticipating a remarkable demand
for these corsets this season we have
just placed in stock an unusally large
and comprehensive assortment of
IIcndci-soniLalitu La . Princess...,
front laced models.
Every exacting requirement of
fashions is incorporated in this sea
son's mnilpls. iiipliifiitifr sneli cnrninl