The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 09, 1915, Image 7

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Brief Mention of What Is Transpiring
In Various. Sections of Our Own
and Foreign Countries.
Tho Gorman bombardment of tho
Jtusslan positions at Ossowotz, lu
Ilussian Poland, has been definitely
A concentration of TurklBh troops
t Adrlnnople, tho nearest Important
Turkish town to tho Bulgarian fron
tier, Is Interpreted In Sofia as a Tur
kish precautionary measure In tho,
ovent of war with Burgarla.
Twenty great battlo ships, clghl
powerful cruisers and a land forco,
estimated at from 40,000 to G0.000 are
concentrating at tho entranco of tho
Dardanelles for a grand assault upon
tho Ottoman defenses, according to
Athens dispatches.
All tho Alptno troops of tho first
category, born in 1883, havo been
called to tho colors by tho Italian War
department for forty-flvo days. Tho
official military Journal also calls to
tho colors all artillery and engineer
reserve officers for sixty days from
April 16.
Germany has agreed to throw open
lier military prison camps for an In
spection by an American commission.
United States Ambassador Gerard an
nounced. England is understood to
havo accepted the same offer, and tho
trips of Inspection aro to begin Imme
diately upon tho arrival of tho com
mission in Europe.
"So seriously has tho liquor traffic
Interfered with the successful prose
cution of tho war that King George
of England has offered to cease the
use of any alcoholic liquors and to
forbid drinking In the royal house
hold, If tho government considers that
Ills example would havo any effect
upon British workmen.
Fast and powerful submarines of
the German navy havo torpedoed two
more British steamers in tho waters
adjacent to tho British coast. Both
steamers, tho Falaba and Agullla, took
to flight at tho sight of the subma
rines, but were speedily overhauled,
with tho result that both vessels were
sent to tho bottom, with a loss of life
estimated at between 140 and 150.
n 11
Chllo and Urugay havo signed a
peace treaty.
Threo thousand union palnterB and
decorators of Chicago aro on Btrlko.
Former Governor Hodges of Kan
sas will lecturo on prohibition in Aus
tralia in 1916.
An uprising in Nlcarague, fomented
by Gen. Julian Irlas, minister of war
under tho Zel'ya regime, has been put
down by the government
More than 6,000 Polish relief badges
were sold on tho streets of Omaha
by fifty-two young women. Tho "tag
day" netted $770 for tho relief of tho
war sufferers In Poland.
Officials of tho Now York Contral
railroad announced that tho Chicago
Gary clearing yards, described aa "tho
largest railroad yards In tho world,"
and designed to handle 35,000 cars,
will bo built at Miller, Ind, Just enst
of Gary.
Tho nomination of Colonel William
Hayward qf New York, formerly of
Nebraska, as a member of tho Down
State Public Service commission, was
Bent to tho Now York senate at Al
bany by Governor Whitman and re
ierred to tho finance committee.
Wlion Cornelius Valkhoff went out
to his rabbit hutch In Lob Angek-B, to
procure a haro for a birthday dinner
ho stepped into a water puddle as ho
touched tho latch of tho hutch gate
and fell dead. An electric cable lead
ing to a nearby crematory had broken
during tho night and turned its 2,200
volt current Into tho wlro fence sur
rounding tho hutch. Later two othors
were killod and threo injured.
National prohibition in tho
United States within fivo years, If not
sooner, will result from England's
movement for prohibition whllo tho
war lasts, said Senator sneparu.
"Freshmen and sophomore years In
college should bo given to tho high
schools, thUB cutting tho college
courses to two years," Prof. Charles
H. Judd of tho University of Chicago
told 200 Kansns high Bchool teachers
at their annual meeting at tho Unl
verslty of Kansas.
General Vlctorlano Huerta, former
provisional president of Mexico, and
his family havo sailed from Cadiz,
Spain, for Buenos Ayres, Argentina,
according to a dlspath from the Fabra
agency at Madrid.
Tho Btato of Toxas Is BUlng Chica
go packing houses, charging violation
of anti-trust laws.
Chile has accepted tho Invitation to
take part In tho pan-American finan
cial conforonco In Washington.
Tho Standard Oil company of Now
York announced a further reduction
of 10 points In refined petrollum.
A convention of women delegates
from every state whore women have
been enfranchised will bo held In San
Francisco in September.
Tho contennary of tho birth of
Princo von Bismarck, Prussia's fam
ous statesman, was colebrated with
the utmost enthusiasm In tho Ger
man capital.
King George's orde.Mn-councll for
bidding trading with tho Germans and
Atistrians caused the failure of Bawo
& Dottor, Limited, nn English corpo.
ration in Now York, dealing In nnd
manufacturing chlnawarc In Germany1
and Austria.
Tho American government hn3 In
formed Japan, according to Toklo re
ports, that if Japan insists on the
right to be consulted by China In tho
selection of foreign advisers, It
might bo a violation of tho sovereign
ty of China.
Thomas II. Matters, found guilty on
nineteen counts in connection with
tho wrecking of a national bank nt
Sutton,, Nob., was sentenced to six
years in tho Leavenworth, Kas., fed
eral prison by Judge Frank A. Yoir-
mans at Omaha.
Two robbers entered the manufac
turing Jowelry establishment of W.
Bershteln in tho center of Philadel
phia, covered tho proprietor and his
brother with revolvers and took moro
than $3,000 worth of jewelry. They
escaped in an automobile
A telegram was received by Gover
nor Johnson of California from Secre
tary of State Bryan containing repre
sentations from the British ambassa
dor concerning claims that British
subjects, school teachers In Califor
nia, had been denied their salaries
becauso of non-cltlzenshlp.
All aVJUUlUUULU 1U1 ilr lUltd IIUU.
Governor Willis, the Ohio State Tax
commission at Columbus removed all
officials in charge of tho taxation
machinery In tho olght'y-elght coun
ties of tho state. Those removed are
all democrats who were appointed
under tho administration of Governor
By a vote of 92 to 32 the lower
house of tho legislature at Springfield,
111., defeated tho Kurtls' Joint resolu
tion, which provided for submission
to the eloctors of a proposition for
tho holding of a constitutional con
vention. Tho defeat means tho post
ponement of tho question for at least
two years.
George Steel, discharged from a
logging camp in Lewis county, Wash
ington, several days ago, returned,
shot and killed tho foreman, Joseph
Stortz, and two other employes, fa
tally1 wounded a fourth man and then
dived Into tho woods, where ho killed
himself. Ho is believed to have been
Tho agricultural department has
announced that thoro aro now no
known cases of foot-and-mouth dls
easo in the United States. It Is hop
ed to lift tho quarantino soon.
Attorney General Gregory has de
cided that tho now seamen's law af
fecting llfosavlng apparatus and other
equipment on ships, will becomo ef
fective for American ships on Novem
ber 4, 1915, and for foreign ships on
March 4, 1916.
Plana for reorcanlzlnc tho arm?
and laying before congress a basis
for a permanent national military
nollcv aro belnc worked out by tho
genoral staff assisted by tho general
officers of tho army, Secretary Garri
son announced.
Inasmuch as the desecration of the
American Hag Hying above tho homo
of John B. McManus, an American
citizen, murdered in Mexico City, wbb
tho act of lawless persons acting
without authority, tho United States
government has decided to make no
demand for an apology.
Secretary Daniels has awarded a
medal of honor and $100 to Telesforo
Trinidad, fireman, second class, lor
heroism In rescuing two shipmates
when flro room explosions on tho
cruiser San Diego, off tho coast of
Lower California last January, killed
nine men and threatened tho lives of
all aboard. Trinidad's homo is In
Cavlto, P. I.
Express rates on strawberries and
cherries in carloads from points In
Washington and Oregon to Helena,
Butte. Great Falls and Bluings,
Mont., wero found unreasonable and
discriminatory by tho Interstate com
merco commission.
Two cents, instead of 5 cents, will
hn the nostlnK rates on letters, begin
nlng April 1, between tho United
states and tho British colonleB of Bar
bodoes and the Leeward' Islands In
tho British West Indies, tho postoffico
department announced.
Special Election to Be Called By Gov
ernor Within Sixty Days After
Bill Is Signed.
Lincoln. At 3:31 o'clock In tho
afternoon of March 31. tho Omaha
consolidation bill becamo a law. Tho
measure was signed at that hour by
Governor Morehcad, nnd as It car
ried an emergency clause, beenmd
effectlvo at onco. Tho governor will
Issuo a proclamation calling for' tho
consolidation election, as provided in
tho Pnrrlott-Broomo amendment,
which tho Iioubo tacked onto tho bill
and which tho senato agreed to. Tho
pen 'which tho executive used was
given to tho Omaha Commercial club.
Senate Favors Annexation
Lincoln. By unanimous vote, tho
senate concurred In tho house election
amendment to Uio Omaha annexation
Tho action was unattended by a
roll call or other evidences of excite
ment. It enmo so suddenly and pass
ed so quickly that fow senators and
visitors behind tho lobby rail know
what wns happening. When they
found out that the last strictly legisla
tive step in this Important measuro
had been taken they were nearly pros
trated. !
Lack of fight on the bill at tho laBt
moment wns due, according to several
senators, to tho gontloman's agree
ment that tho Omaha charter bill,
House Roll No. 137, now pending In
tho senate, will bo amended so as to
provide for a postponement of tho
Omaha city election until nfter tho
consolidation election can bo held.
This will allow South Omaha, Dun
dee nn.d Florence men to file for tho
commission of Greater Omaha, and
will nlso give residents of thdso cities
and villages a chanco to voto on tho
men who will run their government
for tho coming three years. Wero tho
Omaha city election hold as now pro
vided they could neithor participate In
tho nomination nor election of such,
Tho plan, according to nn amend
ment reposing in Senator Qulnby's
pocket, is to defer tho city election
until Septembor or October. Ho wants
to put that dato "at a safe distance
past tho date for holding tho consoli
dation election."
Not less than thirty days from tho
day when tho bill becomes a law and
not moro than sixty days therefrom
the governor shall call a special elec
tion to bo participated In by Omaha,
South Omaha, Dundee and Florenco
for tho purposo of allowing tho peoplo
to decide by voto whether tho threo
latter cities shall becomo a part of
Should tho strip of land about four
Mocks wide lying betweon Omaha and
Benson bo made a part of tho city of
Omaha by ordinance before tho elec
tion, Benson shall bo included in tho
election and in tho territory to bo at
tached. Tho total voto of all tho cit
ies combined Is to settlo tho matter
for or against consolidation.
One Million Less
Stato appropriations for tho coming
blennlum as approved by tho houso
will bo moro than $1,000,000 less than
thoso made tw oyears ago. Tho total
will be about $6,850,000, compared to
moro than $8,000,000 In 1913.
The disposition of tho senato finance
commltteo, however, is to Increaso
tho appropriation considerably and
when they aro reported to tho sen
ate tho total number will bo at least
Tho house finance commltteo and
members, however, aro dotormlned to
keep tho appropriations ns low aB pos.
Blblo and will resist any attompt at
decided increases.
Tho governor has signed appropria
tion bills carrying $328,454, whllo tho
appropriations that havo passed the
houso aggregate $4,115,543. Thoso
awaiting finnl -passago by the houso
carry a total of $2,405,750.
In addition to tho appropriation
bills considered favorably bills aggro
gating nearly $6,000,000 havo been
killed In tho houso, where all appro
priation measures must originate. Ap
proprlation bills still pending prob
ably will all bo killed.
Tho Senato finance committee de
cided in about five minutes to reject
the provisions of the houso Btato nor
mal school appropriation biU and sot
aside tho full amount of tho levy,
eomo $760,000, in a lump sum for tho
board to spend. Tho houso reduced
tho amount to $565,000 and deslgnatod
how much each school should have.
Jackson Allows Warrants.
Speaker Jackson has lifted tho em
bargo on members' salary warrants
Little slips of groen paper, which In
dlcated that $200 awaited tho bearer
down In tho stato treasurer's offico
wore uisiriuuteu. ino cmnargo was
lifted because enough of tho members
Blgned a papor agreeing to stay until
tho last round was ovor to insure
passage of bills by a majority. Tho
speaker haB served In tho legislature
before and was well awaro of tho hard
work necessary to keep a quorum
when tho timo comes to adjourn.
Houso Finance Committee Also Post
pones Measure for Historical
Society Building.
Any action by tho present legisla
ture to provldo for a now building in
which tho Bupromo court, Btato
library, and Btato historical society
may bo adequately housed waa ren
dered lmprobablo by tho filing of a
report by tho finance commltteo of
tho house, Indefinitely postponing
houso roll 680, tho bill providing for a
lovy of Yt mill for two years to croato
a fund for that purposo. An attempt
will probably bo inndo to roverso this
action and bring tho bill out upon tho
floor, but it appears to bo foredoomed
"to failure. Tho finance commltteo
nlso recommended for Indefinite post
ponement tho Lanlgan bill, houso roll
546, appropriating tho sum of $125,000
to erect a stato library building on
ground west of tho capltol square.
.Direction of tho wind In tho stato
senate as to appropriations was shown
by lis action in almost unanimously
advancing to third rending tho normal
school appropriation bill hb amended.
Tho amendment strikes out tho en
tiro bill ns It left tho house, appro
priating an estimated total of $530,000
piecemeal specifically among tho four
normal schools, nnd In Its place tho
senate provides for the old blanket ap
propriation of 93 per cent of tho .85
mill levy. This blanket appropriation
thus gives to tho normals tho surplus
of tho lovy above $535,000, which
amounts to- about $185,000 more Tho
houso committee had gono on tho as
sumption thrtt this surplus, unappro
priated, would lapse back into tho gon
oral fund. Kohl of Wayne, chairman
of tho flananco committee, with many
others, went on record lu tho course
of tho debato on tho bill as unequivo
cally In favor of liberal appropria
tions for state institutions.
Pigs from lmmuno sowb aro not al
ways froe from tho liability of having
cholera, according to tho department
of animal pathology at tho University
Farm. Some litter may bo farrowed In
Infected pens and go past weaning
time without becoming Infected, while
others got cholera within two or
threo weeks after farrowing. Tho
pigs should bo closoly watched and If
any shown signs or cnoiora moy
should bo given serum alono. This
will usually carry thorn well past
weaning timo when they can be given
tho simultaneous treatment. If tho
herd seems to bo extraordinarily
susclptlblo to cholera, however, It
will bo necessary to glvo tho serum
alono more than onco In order tx car
ry them several weeks past woanlug.
In Merrick county a cow testing
association waa formed under tho di
rection of tho county agricultural
agont and tho dairy department of the
University of Nebraska. Of tho 349
cows tested for profit in milk produc
tion, 40 wero sold beforo a year's test
could be completed, becauso they
showed a Iosb In milk production. At
tho end of tho year thero wore still
cows showing a loss, and these were
practically all disposed of.
Tho proper distances each way bo-
tween tho different orchard trees, ac
cording to tho agricultural experi
ment station, is as follows: Cherries
and peaches, twenty foot; penrs,
twenty to twonty-flvo foot; and apples
thirty to forty feet oxcopt Whltnoy
crab, Duchess and other upright grow
ing varieties, which may bo planted
but twonty-flvo feet apart
Tho eight special appropriation bills
backed by tho stato board of control
wore advanced to third reading in
tho house without sorlouB opposition.
Ono bill sots aside $118,000 for estab
lishing industries in tho Btato prison
and will moan tho end of all contract
labor there.
Even Speaker Jackson was unablo
to savo tho $80,000 appropriation for
tho state fair hog barn in tho house
last week. Tho bill was killod. Tho
death of the hog barn appropriation
apparently means tho death of tho
$150,000 appropriation for a Hospital
in Omaha.
Tho prize fight bill Is likely to pass
Into tho discard along with ten or
more other bills now In tho hands of
tho sifting committee. According to
Representative William Chambers of
Douglas, who sponsored tho bill, tho
commltteo Is not In favor of report
ing it.
With two democrats voting ngalnst
tho bill and ono republican voting for
It, the senato passed tho public ware
house bill. Tho measure was drafted
by tho Joint agricultural committors
of the house and tho senate and su
persedes all pending bills along that
Tho house killed, by 51 to 32, tho
bill exempting manufacturing concerns
from tho present occupation tax. It
was backed by manufacturers.
Secretary of Stato Pool received
$2,289.18 In fees and penalties during
tho month of March. Tho largest Item
was $1,470.55 for filing articles of In
corporation, tho next largest, $441.10
for corporation permits Issued. Lie
enuoB wore Issuod for 421 now motor
cars and renewals for 1,385 cars. This
money under tho present law stays
with tho county treasurers
-- - - "
Applying Whitewash by
Whitewash Is ono of tho essentials
of poultry success nnd chicken profits.
Whitewash brlghtons up tho henhouso,
and lots tho light into all of tho dark
comers. And light is deadly to most
Not only docs it lot in tho deadly
light rays, fresh whitewash is in it
self a strong insecticide. It makes
llfo so lntolernblo to tho lice nnd
mites that thoy aro compelled to leavo
and tako up their quarters In some
darker nnd moro favored abode.
To mako a good whitownsh, add
one-half bushel of salt in hot wator to
one-half bushel of unslaked llmo, nlso
in hot water. Mix tho two thorough
ly and add threo pounds of rlco, boiled
to a pasto. Add also ono-half pound
of Spanish whiting and ono pound of
dissolved glue. If It Is desired to In
crease tho disinfecting power of tho
For Satisfactory Results One Must
Feed Wheat, Corn and Oats
Vegetables Help Out.
Grain Is high In price for thoso who
keep poultry and havo to buy their
feed. It Is causing Bomo small brccdors
some concern and tho question Is al
ready being asked, "How can I econo
mize In tho grain I feed to tho hehs?"
It is not possiblo to economize much
on grain to bo fed to poultry If you ox
poet satisfactory results. Tho staples
aro corn, wheat and oats, meat food,
green food, grit, charcoal and oyster
Bholls. These may bo varied and helped
out by green-curod clover and alfalfa
to bo fed after steaming, various vege
tables to bo fed raw, and other vege
tables to be fed cooked and mashed
nnd mixed with ground grains, like po
tatoes, turnips, etc., BayB a writer In
an exchange. Theso vegetables can
often bo purchased very cheaply from
tho growers after thoy have sorted out
tho markqtablo part. Cheap grains,
Hko Bhrlyelod grain or sweepings, aro
generally moro expensive In propor
tion to tho nutriment contained than
first-class grain.
Our advice is, continue to feed good
grain, if eggs aro expected, and econo
mize in tho way it is fed. By this wo
mean, do not give tho birds moro than
they will clean up. Many breodors feed
in a deep littor, and wo advocate this
practlco, but thoro must not bo threo
or four Inches of .grain and dirt under
tho littor as wo havo seen in soma
poultry houses.
Ample Number of Nests With Good
Supply of Nesting Material Should
Be Aim of Poultryman.
Poultry keepers may easily rcdnco
tho number of dirty or soiled eggs and
Iosbcs that result. First, an amplo
number of nosts Is, of courso, neces
sary, but an amplo number means no
moro than, and probably not as much
as, aro usually dlroctod by poultry
writers. Laying houses aro, ns a rule,
provided with enough nests, but where
the keeper falls down Is In falling to
supply enough nesting material and
floor litter.
Obviously, tho nesting material must
bo clean, or tho oggs becomo soiled by
contact, and It must bo sufficient In
quantity, or tho eggs are often broken
by dropping upon tho floor of tho noBt
In houses whoro tho dropping boards
aro abovo tho nosts, and tho custom is
to sand tho boardB, small stones often
drop into tho nest and breakage ro
suits when newly laid eggs fall upon
them. Tho condition of nests should
bo noticed dally, and tho nesting ma
torlnl replenished when necessary.
An amplo and clean litter on the
floor Is also very essential when an
A-l clean prpduct is sought. Particu
larly is this truo when tho hens aro
allowed outdoors during wot weather.,
Tho littor acts as a "oot mat for tho
lions on their way to tho nests.
Best Exercise for Hens.
ExerclBo 1b a flno tiling for laying
hohs but it Is hard cn egg production
when it Is takon in tho snow. It's
much better to let the layers work u
little In scratching among some litter
for their food or Jumping for a pock at
a vegetable hung Just abovo their
heads in tho hen houso.
Provide Plenty of Water.
Tho poultry must have plenty of
water. A thirsty hen will lay no
opgs, and chicks deprived of water
will get sick.
Means of Spray Pump.
mixture, add a quart of carbolic acid.
Mix tho mass well with five gallons
of water and let stand for five days
beforo using.
Tho best vny to apply tho white
wash Is by means of a spray pump,
such as Is used In orchards and in
spraying potntoes. Uso aa flno a spray
ob posBtblo, and uso forco enough to
penetrate nil cracks and corners. Ap
ply enough each timo to soak (nto tho
wood well, an1 apply ofton enough to
keep tho pests continually on tho movo
awny from It.
Whitewash is cheap. It can bo
easily made and still moro easily ap
plied. And It does tho parasites up
In business. Whitewash yoUr hen
houso today and keep it whitewashed
from now on. An ounco of preven
tion Is worth a pound of cur(! espe
cially when it Is a high-priced euro.
All- Varieties Are Good Sitters and
Only Ordinary Care Is Needed
for Profitable Results.
Ganders should bo sold at four yoars
of ago, as thoy bocomo cranky and un
productive them.
Thoro should bo ono .gander for
ovory threo of four gcoso. Goeso
should bo plucked about threo tlmos a
year, and should yield nn average of
ono pound of feathers for each bird.
Tho foathors should bo pluckod when
thoro 1b no blood in the end of tho
quills, or when tho feathers come off
without hard pulling.
Almost all varieties of goeso aro
good sitters and noed only ordinary
precautions in sotting them to Insure
favorablo results.
Aftor laying a dozen eggs thoy foath-
or their nests in a manner almost
ldontical with that employed by their
wild congeners, and at onco commenco
tho duties of incubation.
Aftor a fow day's trial tho oggs may
bo glvon tho sitter, and little caro Is
needod for tho noxt month, during
which sho will sit quietly, provided sho
1b not too much annoyed and inter
fered with.
At tho end of tho month tho goslings
will appear in good ohapo to begin life
on their own account.
For tho first day or two thoy require
only the same dlot of boiled egg and
bread crumbs ns chicks or any domes
tic fowl receivo, with, perhaps, the
addition of a little tender grass, cut
line, on tho second day.
In tho courso of a fow days thoy will
become strong enough to commence
investigation of tho near neighbor
hood, and may bo transferred from the
nest to a coop, slatted up so tho old
gooso will bo confined whllo tho open
ings betweon tho Bints will permit tho
gosllngB to pass In and out frooly.
When tho goslings appear to have
gained sufficient strength for longer
explorations, the mother may be given
her liberty, when sho will lead hor
flock all ovor tho pastures, and may be
trusted to caro for them unassisted by
her owner.
Geese left at largo in thlB way will
ttthrlvo and grow fat Blmply on what
tboy can pick up suited to their taste
on almost nny uncultivated meadow.
Grass and various wild plants furnish
their staple food from April until No
vember, at which time their young aro
ready for market.
Goeso should bo fed like ducks, the
animnl and vegetable food predominat
ing, with a small proportion 6f grain
food during the ralddlo of tho day.
Mashes of bran and cornmeal, with
cooked vegetables, should be fed morn
ing and night.
Grasses, groen rye and groen voko-
tables will bo of advantago to tho
Color of Eggs.
Tho eggs from fowls of tho Ameri
can broeds Plymouth Rocks, Wyan
dottes, in their varieties, and Rhodo
Island Reds aro sometimes quite a
dark browA, but tho eggs from aver
age fowlB of theso broeds aro not
deeply tinted, while practically all tho
nonslttlng broeds Mlnorcas, Leg
horns, Spanish, Polish, Hamburgs,
Houdans, etc., lay white oggs, though
occasionally some of thcao lay slightly
tinted eggs.
Discard Roupy Fowls.
Often a roupy fowl, if it rocovers, la
liable to bo attacked again. Fowls
that have had tho roup should nover
bo used for breeding stock, as tho
weakness Is transmitted to tho offspring.