The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 06, 1915, Image 5

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    Dapper Suits for Young Men
UOERE'S a Peach of a; Suit"
Alsaicl a Young Man, whcii Call
ing attention to one of our new
Spring- Mddels.
There are plenty of "Peaches' in
our choice Collection of Young
Men's Garments!
Leakage of Heart Troves Fntnt
Wllllo Docbkc, olght year old son of
Mr, and Mrs. William Doobkc, passed
away Easter mornlngnt 5:30 at a lo
cal hospital, of lcakago of tho heart.
Ho had boon suffering with tho ailment
for sonio weeks and had also had
rheumatism for tho past threo months.
Wllllo Docbko was born November
20, 190G, In .this city and was eight
years, four months and fifteen days
of ago at tho time of his death. He
leaves to mourn his death his fathor
and mother and ono brother, besides
many relatives and friends in this city.
Tho funeral will bo hold this after
noon from tho residenco on west Elev
enth street and interment will be
north of tho city.
Many new colorings in
brown;' olive and gray Suit
ings. ' Soft roll, form-fitting
Coats. High cut Vests. Nar
row cuff finished Trousers.
Seme of the models are very
English.- i
Lots For Sate.
IJ. will cost you half your lifctlmo
and most of your earnings to grow
shade trees for your homo. I will
soil tlyj threo lots' west of my residenco
to some homo buildor. An npplo or
chard and "full grown hard wood
sha,da trees aro already thero for valuo
of tho vacant lots. Also vacant lot
In block west of the Presbyterian
church for sale. W. V. IIOAGLAND.
- The-Limit of Smart Styles
$15, $20, $25 to $27.50
See our Young Men's Clothes
and you'll. then know why we have
such a very large Young Men's
Scarlet Fever
City Physician Lucas reports several
cases o scarlet fever in town. Satur
day tho'L. "Purely residence was quar
antined because of tills disease, and
yesterday tho homes of Perry Buchan
an on west'Second street and Mr. Al-
llngsworth on west First Btreet were
placarded. In addition to these there
aro several other cases.
THK HOUSE OF kuppenhcimeh
You can find the Correct Style irWhe following lines to complete
Your Spring Outfit;
Mallory Hats, Cluett Dress Shirts, Superior Union Suits,
Holeproof Hosiery, Delpark Neckwear, Spear Caps,
Adler's Gloves, Ralston Shoes.
j. b. Mcdonald,
w. M. Baskln, of Stapleton, visited
friends and transacted business in
town , yesterday. - .
John Kootnz is' erecting an'.JSpG,
barn and garage on his premises on.
south Locust street.
Steve Baldwin left yesterday for Om
aha and' Council Bluffs to spend a fow
days visiting an transacting busi
ness. "" ' "
Tho ;G( I. A. card and social club
will be 'entertained by Mrs. Fitzpat
rick on Wednesday April 7th at the
nome or Airs..ssnwaiger.; igjH
At themorning service at the Pres
byteria'n church:, six or eight members
were added to the church membership
and several Infants were baptized.
Frank; Baldwin who attends the
Kansas City Veterinary College, Is
homo for a short vacation visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stevo Bald
win. Mrs. Eph Lloyd left Sunday for her
homo W Kcystono after spending a
few days in tho city. She was called
hero by the death of her 'husband. Mrs.
Lloyd expects to return here within
a few weeks to make her home.
Tho Et-a-VIrp club was pleasantly
ontertalned Saturday afternoon at tho
homo of Mrs. E. N. Ogier, who return
ed last week from California. Tho af
ternoon was delightfully spent with
kenslngton and social converse and at
its close a nice two courso luncheon
was served. Mrs. Ogier favored tho
ladles with an interestng account of
-her trip to California and showed
them somo nice films. She also pre
sented each lady with an orango from
a supply she brouglit home with her.
Attorney M. E. Crosby left this morn
ing for, Gothenburg to spend the day
attending to some legal matters.
Low Owens , of tho Sutherland vi
cihlty,, was visiting in the city yester
day. wUh friends and, transacting bus
'iness.t-,,, , . , ,
J J. Crawford and B6rt-Johnson,
salesmen' for1 "the J. S. Davis Auto Co.,
left yesferb'ay "on a business trip
west. "f. ' ' -
Charles Thompson, who Is home
from -his Studies at the university
school of music at Lincoln left last
jpvpnlng'fpr Denver to pttend the .wed
lmgpfpRoy 'L6Mcnw'h1ch"is io ;oc
ciir Thurs'day of this weefc
For Rent Tho Crane house at 714
west First street. Inquire of E. H
Evans, Admr.
Word has been received here an-
j nounclng that Roy Louden, a former
(North Platte boy, is to be married
Thursday In Denver. Ho was at one
time a druggist here but is now with
the Schultz drug company in Denver
Miss J B. Jeter and daughter Miss
Beryl returned tho latter part of last
week from California. MiB3 Jeter had
been teaching music in the Los An
geles schools, but on acount of ill
health was compelled to take a va
Dr. Elms homo and five acre tract
of land .close in on east Second street,
for sale or rent. Someone can make
$1,500.00 here easy. See Dr. Elms in
Looks Like a Dry Town
Judging from talk on the streets
last evening and up to noon today, tho
Indications aro that North Platte will
"go dry," or if license does carry
it will bo by the smallest margin ever
known. It is remarkable liow many
men 'who drink moro or less liquor
have nnnounced their intention of vot
ing against license.
. Tho indications point to the re-elec
tion of. Evans as mayor.
For Sale.
Fifty head of registered Short Horn
Bulls, from 18 to 24 months old See
them at City Stock Yards..
Genuine Red River Ohio's from Minnesota. This is one year
you should plant good seeds, feather conditions last year
makes home grown seeds a very doubtful proposition.
Case 24 can Standard Tomatoes per case $2.25
Case 24 cans Sugar Corn per case 1.70
Case 24 cans Standard Peas per case 1.70
10 lbs box of Dried Peaches 90c
10 lb box Santa Clara Prunes 1.25
Best Patent Flour per sack '. 1.80
Second Grade per sack . . . , 1.75
Chick feed 30 lbs sack 80c
Poultry Shell 100 lb sack 90c
Rock Salt, Sack Salt, get our prices on ton lots.
Alfalfa Meal per 100 lb sack 1.00
House for Sale.
$2,600 buys a 5-room house with
bath. Has good outbuildings includ
ing garage.- Best location In city; 4
blocks west of court house. Must sell
quick. Phono Black 189. 22-6.
I have choice residence lots In all
parts of tho city. Don't fall to seo me
if you are figuring on building this
22t2 .' C .F TEMPLE.
Berk "Barber returned home Satur
day evening from South America
where he went two years- ago in the
governmnet agricultural service. He
was stationed a greater part of tho
time in Buenos Aires, Argentine Re
public. He reports agricultural condi
tions there excellent but that business
is at a standstill.. Mr. Barber went
to South America by way cf I-ondon
and through France and Germany and
returned by the same route. He saw
the- country both before the war and
during the war and, ..describes some
of tho scenes, as more horrible than
can ,bo imagined.
Read Hershev's advertisement r
a closing out sale in this issus. Her-
shey the hardware man. tatf
: A Ford car story from tho Sabetha
Herald: A Ford owner started out
dnfc morning to take-friends into the
country. After ho li'ad been going
half an hour tho machine stopped. Ho
got out and pulled tho whing-whang,
but the Ford didn't move. Then he
tried tho doo-dod, but the Ford re
mained silent,. Finally ho raised tho
hood. "By 'George," he said, "the re
pair shop forgot to -put In tho en
gine." Tho car had run twelve miles
on reputation.
Alfalfa seed for sale nt York's Feed
Store. C. 0. Wclnguml. 21-J
Word has been received from Mrs.
A. Kunkel, residing south of the
city, hnnounclng' that sho will bo
homo soon. She was called to Pennsyl
vania several weeks 'ago by the seri
ous -iHness of her mother, who suf
fered a stroke of. paralysis Her moth
er improved ami she started home
and got as far as Buffalo.'N. Y where
sho was taken sick, Sho is now nearly
recovered and wljl soon start home.
Tho Excelsior Springs Dally Call
of March 31, said: "Among tho arriv
als at tho Elms aro R. L. 3aker and
Arthur Rush of North Platte Nebras
ka. This Is their first trip hero and
they wero surprised and delighted to
find a wide-awake town where they
had expected to seo only a spring and
a fow scattering 'houses. Mr. Rush
says ho has seen few resorts to
Excolalor Springs and none to surpass
Mrs. John McGraw and'Mrs. Edward
Dickey will entertain tho Episcopal
choir at tho homo of tho former Friday
evening of this week. There aro twen-ty-threo
singers and four musicians in
tho choir. This party is given to show
appreciation of tho faithful service
and excellent work of tho choir and
Is well deserved.
For Sale Fine lawn manure, Jos
Spies, phono black 101. 21-4
Henry Frels, living south of Suth
erland, transacted business In town
yestrfrdayv Ho bays fall wheat is
showing up fine.
Mrs. C. W. Shaw and daughter, Miss
Myrtle, of Sutherland, were visiting
in tho city yesterday.
For Snle.
Four Short Horn Bulls, all dark red
and good ones; a few Duroc Jersey
brood sows, somo seed oats and a lot
of wild hay in stack. If in need of
any of theso, net at once.
22-2 G miles west of North Platte
Wooltex Tailored Suits .and Goats
in Fullest and Finest Assortments now
IT is most gratifying to make the important selection of
a new spring suit or coat while our collections of
Wooltex garments are at their height; for naturally we
cannot undertake to keep continuously in. stock such a
large variety of models as is now on exhibition.
"Every day you wait shortens the
time of service which the new garment
will give you, and likewise every day
you wait takes off something df the
enjoyment of possessing the new styles
while they are at their height.
Women who have been to sec the
Wooltex exhibition express their de
lightover the moderateness of the
prices that are marked on garments o
such excellence and refinement.
The hand-tailoring at the vit;al points in
the apparel, which gives permanency to the
shapeliness of the garment, is a Wooltex
feature of added cost in the production, which
it seems amazing to secure at such moderate
If you nave not yet seen our full spring;
exhibition of Wooltex garments, come at the
first moment you can, whether you anticipate
buying or not. An equally hearty welcome
if you come only to sec the new styles.,
. ...
Suit No. 1720
THE picture itluitrtet Wool'
tcx luit No. 1720 a very
effective youthful model, which
ii equally becoming to all slender
women. The Jacket it in l'olo
effect, moderately full, with imart
pocketi on both jacket and ikirt.
Klaterlali are checks, poplin
and covert.
The Store That Sells Wooltex
li iburt
M lH ft.
(fopyriulit, J, l.y,7kf.ll. II!il,Co C'lntUml
For Sale Several second-hand
Foril Cars. Trices right. Hcnd-Oglcr
Auto Co.
Attorneys Multloon and Glbbs went
to Hdi'es Center ypsterday, making tho
trip In an automobile.
Judgo GrimOB; Tlnnortor Hnrrnn and
Attorney Halllgan went to Gandy yes
terday where a term of district court
is being held.
Dr. W. T. Prltchard went to Osh-
koslu this morning whero he will In
spect a bunch of horses that aro to be
shipped to Montana.
Tho Socialist Study Class will meet
tomorow afternoon with Mrs. Axtell,
405 west "Ninth street. Tho subject!
will bo "Prison,',' and It Is desired that'
a good number attend. i
Passenger train No. 10 was threo
hours late this morning on account of j
englno trouble on tho Colorado dlvl-.
slon. Passenger train No. 19 was two'
hours late on account of the floods In !
the eastern part of the state.
For Sale Thoroughbred Uarrcd
Plymouth Rock eggs 50c per setting, or
$3.00 per 100. Albert Hnspel, Phone
783F21, or address Route 1, North
Soveral hundred golden and ring
necked pheasants are- being raised
and bred at tho Watson rnncli near
Kearney. It Is stated by tho ranch
managers that an attempt will bo made
to ralso a vast Hock of theso graceful
birds and then give them tho run of
tho rango with tho hope that they
propogate and In time become com
mon. Attempts along this lino havo
been made by tho northwestern part
of Nebraska and It is said with somo
Lemuel, Toole, of this city la on
Joying a visit of his father and mother
from Lexington.
Raymond Miller and family, of Her
shey wero In the city over Sunday
visiting with Mr Miller's' mothor.
F. G. Iloxlo was down from Ogalalla
over Sunday with his family In this
clty. IIo announces that spring work
will start this week and kecep him
occupied at the ranch for the greater
portion of tho tlmo.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H JEycrloy, of Hor
shoy, woro, vlstlng friends In tho city
through Easter.
County Commissioner D. B. Whlto
was in tho city yestorday from Her
shey enrouto to the eastern part ot
tho stato on a business trip.
Friend Carpenter, tho liveryman
from Horshoy, was visiting in tho city
a fow days tho last of tho week and ro
turncd homo yestorday.
It's No Laughing Matter
to have your hous burned down; Ijut nt
the Hnnio time there Ih less reason for
crying when you know your loss will
bo covered by Insurance. It pnjH ev
ery Jioiiso owner and property owner
to have his possessions well Insured,
so us to be thoroughly protected In
case of accident.. I will writn-$0H a
good policy In n most reliable, Com
pany on Niiiall premiums. Yon'wi And
me a good person to know. Jf
4 Wl!!)mjlW
Ortlrr of lIcnrliiK on IVtldoii for Set
tlement of .Account
Stnto of NobriiHka, Lincoln County, hs.
In tho County Court?-
In tho Matter of the Ustnte of Freder
ick, W. Frelu.
On rending iinil flllng the petition ot
Henry T. KrolH, pruylntf a flnnl settle
ment and allowance of lila llnal ac
count, tiled on the Cth day of April,
Hi in, and for a decree of distribution
of the UBsetH of mild eHtatei
Ordered, That.April 24, A. P., 1015. at
9 o'clock u. in., Is aHBlKiicd for hearing
said .petition, when nil persons Inter
ested1 In nald matter may appear at a
County Court be held in and for
saliUCounty and show cause why tho
prayer of the petitioner should not lie
granted and that notice of the penden
cy of Bald petition, and the hearing
thereof, bo ulven to nil persons Inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this order in Tho North Platto
Semi-Weekly Tribune, n semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said County, for
inreo successive weens, prior io said
.in.. r 1. .1.,,.
Dated April C, 191C.
nCrJlw j County Judge
Walls Ceilings
mean solid comfort satisfying in
looks, warmth, cleannes3 and per
manence. Easily and quickly put
up. Moisture-proof.
Use Beaver Board instead of lath,
and plaster in home, office or store.
Ask us for sample and information
Coates Lumber &
Coal Company
71 HI
at 9