The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 06, 1915, Image 4

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    DR. 0. II. CRESSLER,
, v Graduate Dentist.
Office over tho McDonald
Stntc Bonk.
.For Sale A threo-holo gasoline
stove, used less than GO days, cheap.
Phone Red 431.
The J. F. F. club will bo entertained
Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. N. Kursh,
709 west Third fltreet.
J. S. Davis returned Friday from
Omaha whore ho spent soveral days
on business matters.
Misses Myrtlo Heeler, Nanlnolddlngs
'and Florence? Wilcox returned to tho
stata university ysterday morning. '
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wood left the
latter part of last week for Denver
to spend ten days or moro visiting rel
atives and friends.
A few high grade Lowellyn puppies
for sale cheap. A. Coberly, 718 north
Locust street, North Platte.
Miss Hildcgarde Clinton returned
Sunday from a visit of a month in Lin
coln, York and other points In tho east
ern part of tho state.
A son wafl born last week to Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Dorr, at Sheridan,
Wyoming. Mrs. Dorr was formerly
Miss NoraMcOrcw of this city.
Mrs. Marlon Miller Is reported con
valescing nicely at her homo on west
Fourth street from an illness result
ing from a blood clot which formed
in her heart.
For Rent Uso of 800 aero ranch for
caring for small bunch of cattle. In
quire of Thoa. E. Doollttle. 21-3
Miss A, C. Kramph left Sunday ev
ening for Mllwaukeo whero sho will
spend two weeks or moro with her
sister. Sho was called thero by tho
illness of her sister's children.
Mrs. A. Van Wirt left Saturday for
nn extended visit to points in Okla
homa and through tho southwest. Mr.
Van Wirt accompanied her as far as
Denver, returning hero yesterday.
, Now Kcvcii room Bungalow com-
menced this week In tho Waldo block.
Watch tho now houses go up Id this
block thlH spring.
Ed Ogicr and County Attorney
Qlbbs wero out In a car Saturday and
found tho roads in good condition in
tho hllls"nbrth and west. However, In
tho valley thoy found them in bad
condition and thoy got stuck in mud
holes a few times.
Tho Washington school in tho Sec
ond ward was closed yesterday for
fumigation. Thero havo boon 'several
cases of scarlet fever dovolopin tho
school and tho board decided to havo
It .fumigated to guard against an epi
demic. For Salo Buggy tonguo, double
and Blnglo harness, leuthor nets. Mrs.
, Rock, GOO west Ninth. 21-2
Tho county commissioners will prob
ably go to Lincoln this week for the
purposo of taking some doflnlto action
on tho bridgo contract. Thoy will bo
accompanied by J. Q. Doclor who has
boon retained as counsel by tho board
In this Important matter.
Del Ronnor arlved In tho city Sat
urday to spend -Easter visiting with
hjs parents. Ilo attends tho univer
sity school of music In Lincoln. Ho
played -with tho Luthoran choir Sun
day and last ovonlng assisted Stamp's
orchestra. Ho returned to Lincoln this
Ed Salisbury of Staploton spent
Easter visiting relatives and friends
in this city ,
Mrs. C. II. Lelningcr and son left
yesterday morning for Loup City to
spend two weeks visiting friends.
Miss Abbic Patterson, of Omaha, ar
rived in tho city Sunday to ,vislt for a j
few days with Miss Hildcgarde Clin
ton. Norman Louden Is suffering with a
bad wisdom tooth. He has had lock
Jaw resulting from tho tooth several
Owing to dull business sixteen fire
men and llvo engineers on tho Rock
Island road at Falrbury wore suspend
ed Saturday.
R. L. Raker returned yesterday from
Excelsior Springs, Mo., whero ho spent
two weeks cDjoylng tho baths and oth
er treatment.
Tho flro whistle blow Sunday after
noon to call ohfc tho firemen to clean
out tho Lloyd opera" house for tho
danco last ovcnlng,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Herrod left yes
terday for tho MIko McFadden ranch
in Keith county wher6 thoy will visit
for ten days or two weeks.
Tho Klndman home, at 402 south
Elm street, was put under quaran
tlo yesterday for scarlet fever. One
of tho children is ill with the disease.
Sheriff A J.' Salisbury Sunday pur
chased a now Ford roadster. This Is
tho second ono he has had and he
thinks they aro the car for bod roads.
Tho work of remodeling tho Rey
nolds block began Saturday, workmen
removing tho partitions on tho second
floor anil unroofing tho rear addi
tion Mrs. F. W. Ericsson, of Brady, vis
ited in tho city ovor Easter at tho John
Burko home. Sho attended tho Easter
services at tho Luthran church Sun
day ovcnlng.
Street Commissioner Salisbury liad
the road drags at work on tho streets
yesterday getting them worked down
They havo improved tho streets to a
great extent and will mako travel In
tho city very comfortable.
Mljas Inna, Johnston' will return
Friday from an extended visit to Chi
cago. Sho was called thero two
months ago by tho death of her broth-
.er and remained 'for (a visit wlth'jThS
other brother", Ehroutb homo, -she
stopped off at Grand Island whero sho
.has-been visiting , friends for. a.Jtew
wjowjv ;
Word lias been received hero an
nouncing that Quy Grim, last year's
ppecdy hird sackor, has signed a
contrjictjl tp play with tho Columbus
stattneagtfc" team thre'seasbn; arimm
lias., a sensational reputation Ja. this
ond of tho state among tho semi-pro's
and ho will undoubtedly come through
tho stato league season with honors.
Word was received hero Saturday
from Holllday, tho solected second
sackcr for tho team this yoar, stating
that ho would try out at second' base
with tho Kcarnoy stato league team.
Ho stated In tho lettor, however, that
ho did not oxpect to go to Kearney to
stay and that ho would bo with North
Platto oven if ho did mako good in tho
stuto league.
Tho local baso ball management
lias received Inquiries from Colum
bus asking it it would bo possible to
play a scries of thrco baso ball games
hero between tho local boys and tho
stato league team of that city. They
want to como hero May 14, IB and
,1G. Tho local management will take
tho mattor up and attempt to nr-
rango for tho games. The stato
lcaguo season opens May 18th
Largo crowds at all services charac
terized tho Easter obscrvanco at the
several churches in the city Sunday
and tho music In all the churches wjfts
such that does North Platte credit.
At tho Catholic church Sunday morn
ing lmprcsslvo services wero held at
10:30 and a largo audience was In at
tendance. Tho choir presented "Mass
In G" by Mcntzel. Tho morning ser
vices at the Episcopal church werii
very good and wero largely attended.
Special music was furnished by tho
choir. They also held services at
three o'clock In tho afternoon which
wero attended by many communicants
and by tho Knights Templar who at
tended in a body. In tho evening
Bishop Bcccher was present and hclil
In tho afternoon tho Baptist church
presented a very pretty cantata,
"Christ tho Victor," by Dudley Buck,
at four o'clock. Tho Presbyterian
church. presented a nice program at
flVo o'clock which was well presented
and well attended. i
In tho evening special programs
wore given at tho Christian, Lutheran
and Methodist churches. Tho Christian
choir, assisted by a largo orchestra,
gavo a nlco program and their churdh.
was packed to overflowing. Tho Luth
eran choir gave a sacred musicalo tho direction of Mrs. W. H.
Cramer which was well received. The
Methodist choir under tho direction of
Miss Esther Antonidcs and assisted by
a largo orchestra presented "The
Easter King," by Lorenz. Tho churqh
was packed to capacity and tho music
was good, especially a solo by Miss
Antonldes. -i
Sint Shoot to bo Next Month
Preparations aro now being made
for tho stato shoot which will bo held
hero May 18, 19 and 20, This wjli
bring a largo number ol people into
tho city as every gun club in tho staled
will probably have ono or more reprj;
Tho shoot was held last year at
Columbus and tho local gun club senxl
a largo enough delegation to pull 'if
hero for this year.
Tho men aro beginning now to so-1
licit for funds to defray tho expenses
of the shoot and havo so far been
quito successful. They will need con
siderable' money as there is a great
deal of expense.
jlty that tho school was not closed
to let the children get together and
play, but so that they could stay at
iloniQ and not run tho-rlsk of spread
ing tho disease around tho city.
Wa! I
l)o you. know that tho lots In tho
Waldo block havo sower, six Inch
wntcr main in front or them! Will
havo eiiH In the nllej' this spring .and
only llvo blocks from tho court house.
Can ypti dupljcato them In, any dlrcc
tlon from town for less thnn $1,000.00
No you can not, and theso lots will on
ly cost you from $700.00 to $800.00 on
terms. C. F. TEMrLE. Aircnt.
Literary Society Holds Meeting.
Tho literary society of the high
school held a well attended meeting
Friday evening and a nice program
was given. AboW. thirty members
wore present and report a good time,
Tho program consisted of a vocal
number by George Thompson and
recitations by Miss Murjorlo Russell
and Miss Esther Kelly and a debate,
Tho dobato was upon tho question
"Resolved, that tho United States
should intervene in tho Mexican situ
atlon," and tho afllrmatlvo side was
uphold by Leslie Barp and Clarence
McCabo, whllo Jack Husband and
Georglana MacKay upheld tho nega
tive. Tho Judges gave a decision in
favor of tho nogattvo sldo. Tho Judges
wore Calvin Miller, Robert Louden
nnd Clarence Dny.
Children's Wearing Apparel
250 Children's Washable Dresses very nifty, in sizes from ';3'
to 4 in all shades, white included, some of these have, double
Children's Coats, sizes from 3 to 14, at
Sale commences Tuesday, April 6th.
Washington School Closes I Mrs. E, J. McNamar, of Paxton, was
Tho Washington sciiool was closed visiting friends in tho city yesterday,
yesterday by tho faculty and. board
of education on account of scarlet?
fov6r which treatens to become epi
demic. It will remain closed all this
week and longer if need be.
The parents aro advised by the
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Letts expect to
leave Thursday for a brief visit in
Harry Kelso and Hugh Scoonover
aro among tho latest purchasers of
board, the health officers and the fac- Ford cars.-
41. 4 1 J. .1 '
Annul Meeting of Episcopal Parish
The annual meeting of the parish of
the Church of Our Saviour was held
last evening.
! Very favorable reports were given
Old Trusty and Poultry Leader In-
price. SIMON BROS..
A daughter was born Saturday to
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spurrier, residing
near this city.
- Fifteen or twenty heifers or cows
to pasture and car'6 for; taking half
by all deDartments showlnc an texcel- of the Increase as my charge. Good
;lent condition In tho church Thd two Pasture, and water.
Sunday schools cave renorta that show
Li good Increase In both atendance and
interest. The best report given was
that of tho Guild which shows an
enormous amount of work done in the I
past year.
Upon recommendation of Bishop
Beccher Judge J S. Hoaglatid was ap
pointed official lay reader for the lo
cal church, and F. E. Bullard, Major
L. Walker and P. J. Gllman were hon
ored by election to a life membership
of the vestry, recognition of many
years of faithful service working for
iho.wolfaro of tho church.
Folowlng aro the officers who were
elected: Senior Warden, Chas. S.
Clinton; Junior Warden, Dr. Fred J.
Wur telle; Vestry, J. Guy Swope, T. C.
Patterson, J Q. Wilcox, F. W. Rincker,
Robt A. Armstrong, Dr. J. B. Redfleld,
and E W. Mann.
The ladles guild of tho Episcopal
church will hold a ten, cent social la
the church basement Thursday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H7 O'Connell and
daughter, Miss Anna, leave this week
for Excelsior Springs, Mo., to qpend a
Mr. and Mrs. Lawler, of Paxton, re
turned Saturday to their homeaftervt, .
visiting In the city a few days with
s ". ,i T .
Rheumatic Pnins Relieved.
Why suffer from rheumatism when
relief may bo had at so small a cost?
Mrs Elmer Hatch, Peru, lnd writes,
"I havo been subject to attacks of
rheumatism for years. Chamberlain's
Hnlnicnt always relieves mo Immed
iately, and I take pleasure in recom
mending it to others." 25 and 50 cent
bottles. For sale by all dealers.
191S Patterns Are In.
Larger Stock Than Ever.
Last Year's Papers go at
10 Cents
Double Roll Regardless of
Dewey Street.
tf North Platte, Neb.
James Langloy, assistant imperin
tendent of motive power of tho Ore
gon Short Lino, passed through In a
prlvato car Sunday In company with
other officials of that road. Mr. Lung
loy Is well remombored by our older
citizens, ns during the' eighties ho was
employed as a machinist in tho local
shops and ono of tho town's best ball
players. In 18SG ho was a member of
a semi-professional team managed
nnd financed by P. II. McEvoy, nnd
while it was a very strong team and
won nearly all its games, Mannger
McEvoy wn8 personally $G,000 to the
"bad" at tho end of tho season. Mr.
McEvoy and this wrltor met Mr.
Lungley at tho train Sunday and had
n nlco visit with him recounting epi
sodes of thirty years ago.
Henry C Andorcon of Sioux City,
said to bo tho last survivor of Amcr
enn railroad engineers who wore in
sorvices prior to 1858, who piloted tho
first trnln into Sioux City over tho old
Sioux City and St. Paul railroad, died
of heart failure at his homo Thursday
ovonlng, aged sovonty-sovon years.
During tho civil war Mr. Andorsou was
employed running n tralh between
Nashyillo and LogansporJ.'Jnd., carry
ing troops and supplies, to. tho fcdoral
armies. During those runs ho had
many narrow escapes from capture by
rebel commands.
Homesln nil parts of tho city and of
all kinds. All of them at bargain prices
and some on exceptional terms.
22t2 C ,F TEMPLE.
FInt Rate vs. Metro Rate
It beats tho Dutch how people be
como obsessed of certain views nnd
how tenaciously thoy cling to them
until something occurs that produces
ovidenco to tho contrary so conclusive
that thoy aro Anally forced to admit
thoy wero wrong. Take for instance,
when tho.clty proposed placing meters
nnd selling water by measurement
tho ohly equitable way of handing it
moro thnn hnlf the people rose up as
ono man and declared that to pay the
metro rato would bankrupt every
property owner or nearly every one.
Now what nro tho facts? Under tho
lint rate Tho Tribune man paid $18.80
a year for water at tho houso and $16
for wntor nt Tho Tribune office, or a
total of $31.80. Last year under tho
metro system his water bill at the
houso was $12.88 and at tho office $2.80,
a total of $15.C8, or n saving of $19.12,
theso figures Including tho cash dis
counts. And this was dono without
stinting wntor on tho lnwn"or garden;
in fact no effort was mndo to savo
wator. What is trim in this individual
caso, Is practically true all over town.
In this connection tho query arises,
can tho city operate tho plant at tho
present meter rates and keep from go
ing In "tho hole?" That's a question
that has not yet been fully demon
strated; it will require another year
to, definitely ascortaln Just whero wo
"aro at'f on tho water plant proposition.
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
3 1
Tho first degree Will bo conferred
upon a clas of candidates at a meet
ing of tho I O. O. F. Thursday oven
Tho ladles' aid society of tho Chris
tian church will meet in tho base
mont of tho church Thursday after
noon. Weather forecast Xor North Platte
nnd vicinity: showers tonight and
Wednesday; cooler Highest temper
ature yesterday G8, a year ago C3; low
est last night 43, a year ago 33.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Organized 18S7.
Have plenty of money on hands to close loans
Will loan on North Platte City property for
building purposes or to assist its members in buy
ing homes or paying of f mortgages. The monthly
payments on $10l0.00 loan are on principal $5.00
and interest $6.00 or $11.00 in all and on other
sums in proportion.