The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 02, 1915, Image 2

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Raid la Presumably In Retaliation for
Attacks on Paris French Report
Gains In the Champagne District
and Alsace.
London, March 29. French avia
tors raided tho Zoppclln sheds of the
Germany at Frcscaty, within tho bor
ders of Germany, bombarded tho rail
way station at Mctz and tho barracks
at Strassburg, and escaped In a hall
of shells and gunfire on Friday, ac
cording to tho French communlquo re
ceived from Paris.
Blight advances beforo St. Georges
in FlandorB and scattered Infantry
and artillery engagements on other
sections of tho battlo front aro ro
ported from Parts.
Tho ofllclal Btatomcnt Hays:
"In Belgium, In tho region of Nlou
port, there was artillery fighting dur
ing tho day. Further south wero car
ried and occupied a farm north of St
Georges, In front of our lines.
"In Champagno there was a bom
bardmont without infantry attack.
''In Lorraine, north of Bndonvlllor,
wo have solidly organized tho ground
gained since Murch 22.
"In Alsaco at tho Rolchackor Kopf
tho Germans have thrown burning
liquid on our trenches without re
sult. "Six of our aviators bombarded tho
Zoppelln Bhcds at Frescaty and tho
railway station of Mctz. Thoy threw
a dozon shells and caused a panic.
Thoy woro subjected to a violent gun
flro, but woro all able to return safe
ly. Wo also bombarded tho barracks
east of Strassburg.
Derlln, March 29. Tho French
havo resumed their nttompts to drive
a wedgo In tho Gorman lino extend
ing Bouth from "Verdun and cut off
tho German forco at St. Mihlcl. . Tho
war ofllco announced that strong
French attacks near Combroes, south
east of Verdun, had been repelled aft
or a tenacious strugglo.
U. 8. Roply to British Order In Coun
.ell WIN Go to London Within
Twenty-Four Hours.
Washington, Mnrch 2C President
Wilson, It was said at tho Whito
House, oxpects to forward tho Ameri
can roply to tho British order in coun
cil to London within, tho next twenty
four hours. Itoports that tho Japanese
demands upon China woro causing tho
presldont great anxiety woro denied
at tho Whlto House. A roply from
Japan to tho American Inquiry as to
tho demands la expected shortly. No
confirmation of tho report that tho
United Stntes has consulted both
Great Britain and RusbUi relating to
tho demands of Japan could be ob
End Comes to General Jackson's Help
meet at Charlotte, N. C. III a
Number of Years.
Charlotte, N. C, March 20. Mrs.
Mary Anna Jackson, widow of Gon.
Thomas J. Jackson, tho famous Con
fedorato leader, bettor known as
"Stonowall" Jackson, died at her
homo hero on Wednesday. Mrs. Jack
son had been in falling health for a
number of years. Mrs. Jackson was
born In Mocklonborg, N. C, tho daugh
ter of Rev. Robert Hall Morrison,
a Prosbytorlan mlnlstor. Sho mar
rlod Thomas Jonathan Jackson In
1857, SIX yearB later sho was mado
a widow, whon ho wns killed at tho
tr.ttlo of Chancellorsvlllo.
Correspondent Declares Emperor
Seeks Germany's Permission
to End Hostilities.
London, March 26. Tho Exchango
Telegraph's correspondent at s Tho
Haguo cabled hero on Wednesday ho
had learned from dlplomatlo sources
that Emperor Franz Josef Is endeavor
ing, through tho Vatican, to obtain
Germany's permission for Austria to
concludo a separate peace. Franz Jo
sot has had Bcvoral long lntorvlows
with a papal representative who ro
turned to Romo, tho corroBpondont
wired. Tho Austrian ompcror fully
oxpects Popo Benedict to act In Aus
tria's behalf boforo Easter.
Antl-Executlon Bill Passes.
Nashville. Tenn., March 29. Tho bill
abolishing capital punishment In Ton
nesseo was passed by tho senato
and now awaits tho governor's action.
Auto Kills and Malms.
Savannah, On., March 29. Mrs. Mar
shall of Wostport, N. V., was klllod
nnil Imp hnntinnri Hnlinrt Mnmlintl
.- ( . w u w V ...... OUUK, IftllU
their daughter, Mario, and Dr. H. H.
Martin ana Potor Pattoy badly Injured,
when an automobilo turned over.
Swedish Ships Are Seized.
Glasgow, March 29. Tho Swedish
steamerB Vera and Jearne wero seized
by a British cruiser. Under tho pro
visions of the order in council doclar
Ing a blockade of Germany, their
cargoes of rice were confiscated.
Carranza'a Enemies Are Marching on
Border Port of Matamoros, and
a Battle Is Near.
Washington, March 2C Gen. Luclo
Blanco, tho "Phil" Sheridan of tho
Mexican revolutionists, so denominat
ed because of his dashing qualities as
a cavalryman, has been executed by a
firing squad of Villa troops aftor trial
on a charge of treason to tho conven
tion government of Mexico.
Tho oxccutlon took placo January
27 at Aguascallentes, but tho facts
woro suppressed.
General Blanco was minister of tho
interior in mo caoinct oi uuiauo Gu
tierrez, and was ono of tho cabinet
leaders who accompanied tho retiring
provisional president when ho fled
from Moxlco City. Tho othero woro
Gon. Joso Ysobel Robles, minister of
war, and Jcso Vasconcellos, minister
of education. All started for Pachuca,
but Blanco fell behind and was cap
tured by Villlstas.
Advices reaching tho stato depart
ment lndlcato that tho Villa cam
paign ngalnBt tho border ports of
Mntamoros and Nueva Laredo Is prog
ressing rapidly. An attack on Mata
moros is expected almost momentar
ily. It appears that General Naffarato
has 3,000 men in tho garflson and that
tho citizens of Matamoros havo decid
ed at a mass meeting to help him do
fend tho port against tho 8,000 Villa
troops marching on tho placo.
London, Mnrch 25. Charged with
tho murder of threo women, George
Joseph Smith on-Tuesday heard Pub
lie Prosecutor Bodkin declaro In tho
How street court that ho had mado
away with threo of his wives, tho
crime In each caso bolng committed
shortly nfter ho had married. Each
of theso women was found dead in
her bath; consequently tho caso has
como to bo known as tho "brides in
bath" caso.
Prosecutor Bodkin snld tho accused
man had married flvo Times.
Now York, March 29. John Burko,
Panama canal commissary, has been
Indicted on new charges. Burko was
originally charged with coming into
possession of drafts aggregating $10,-
000. Tho now Indictment mentions
additional drafts raising tho nmount to
$22,000. RIcardo Bormudoz and Ja
cob L. Salas, tho latter d merchant of
Colon, woro Indlctod with him.
Prlco, Utah, March 2C Matthow
Bradley, twonty years old, son of Mrs.
Anna Bradley, who shot and killed Ar
thur Brown, former United States sen
ator from Utah, at Washington, In
1900, died hero on Wednosday of knlfo
wounds Inflicted In a quarrel by Ar
thur Brown Uradloy, his half-brother,
flfteon years old, who Is a son of tho
former senator.
Bootleggers With Sign on Wagon Foil
Authorities, Sell Liquor -v.
and Team.
Fairmont, W. Va.t March 2G. Rep
resenting that their ;wngon waB loaded
with nitroglycerin, bootleggers buc
ceedod In hauling a load of liquor from
Oakland, Md.( to Grafton, W. Va., with
out being arrested for violating tho
stato liquor law.
Drlvors of passing teams stood near
ly paralyzed with fear as tho outfit
passod with Its reckless drlvor bounc
ing on tho scat, whipping tho horses
nnd with tho wheels thundering over
tho rocks. He did not stop until ho
had arrived at a coal mlno noar Graf
ton, whoro twonty gallons of liquor
woro quickly sold. Tho drlvor then
sold tho team and wagon.
It Is Rumored That the Secretary of
the Treasury Has Suffered
a Relapse.
Washington, March 2B. Tho con
dition of Secretary of tho Treas
ury McAdoo Is "very serious," It
was stated at his ofllco on Tuesday.
ThlB gavo rlso to tho rowort that tho
socrotary Buffered a rolapso following
nis romovni 10 ins nomo from Provl
donco hospital, whoro ho was oper
ated on ror appendicitis. It was stated
that tho wound necessitated by tho op.
oration haanot healed and that tho op
eration waB porformed under unfavor
able conditions, as Mr. McAdoo had
held out against It too long and his
vitality was low following tho wlntor'H
hard work.
Tws Men Cremated.
Bristol, Tonn., Mnrch 29.Entrnppotl
by flameB, P. Leach and Georgo H.
Suitor, saw filers, woro cremated in n
blazo that destroyed tho mill of tho U.
S. Spruce Lumber company at Marlon,
Va. Tho loss is $75,000.
Boer Rebel Escapes.
Capo Town, South Africa, March 29.
Lieutenant Colonol Maritz, ringlead
er In the Boor rovolt against England,
escaped and has fled into the interior,
according to a dispatch received here
from Johannesburg.
Underwater Craft Submerged for
Hours Off Honolulu Without Any
Word Other Vessels Search Waters
and Locate Missing Boat.
Honolulu, T. H Mnrch 27. Tho
American submarine F-4 Is lying sub
merged at a depth of 120 fathoms two
miles off Honolulu harbor, and it is
feared tho crow has been suffocated.
Tho vessel was submerged at 9:16
a. m. Thursday and failed to como to
tho surface. Tho F-4, commanded by
Lieut. Alfred L. Edo. carried a crew
of 25 men.
Attompts to bring tho vessel to the
Burfaco with grappling hooks havo
failed. No signal bells havo been
heard from tho submerged craft, arid
this fact leads to fears that tho subma
rine's tanks havo burst, suffocating tho
crow with sulphuric acid fumes.
The thrfo other submarines of tho
"F" group stationed here, tho naval
tug Navajo and launches scoured tho
ocean for miles about tho harbor on-
tranco before traco of tho vessel was
found. Naval officials at first wero
hopeful that no sorlous mishap had be
fallen tho F-4, but as hour after hour
passed without any trace of it their
apprehension grew.
Tho little flotilla of submarines was
engaged In target practice. It wns not
regnrded as unusual that tho F-4 should
remain under water for an hour or
moro In tho courso of tho maneuvers,
but when noon enmo and tho vessel
continued submerged anxiety began to
be felt. This increased ns tho after
noon woro on. and tho othorsubma
rlncs began n systematic search.
Most of tho 25 men aboard tho F-4
are married and havo families.
Rear Admiral Charles B. T. Mooro,
commandant of tho Honolulu station,
said tho men on the F-4 would bo In
no dauger of suffocation ordinarily for
at least twenty-four hours, and that If
tho vessel's air apparatus remained
In good order the crew might llvo a
week submerged. Ho said, however,
that tho F-4 lacked food supplies.
Tho F typo is about 400 tons dis
placement, has a surfaco speed of 12
knots and underwater speed of eight
to ten knots an hour.
Lloutenant Edo was born in Novada
on July 4, 1887. He entored tho na.val
academy when eighteen years of ago
and graduated well up In his class
British Admiralty Believes Farr.ous
German Submarine Has Been
Sunk With Crew.
London, Mnrch 27. Tho admiralty
announced on Thursday that thero was
good reason to bollevo tho submarine
U-29 had been sunk with all hands.
Now York, March 27. If, as be
lieved by tho 'British ndmlralty, tho
U-29 has boon sunk with all hands,
tho English aro rid of tho most do
Btructlvo of all tho German undersea
terrors which havo been preying on
their shipping. On Mnrch 11 and 12
within thirty-six hours tho U-29 sunk
no less than six ships off tho Scilly
islands. According to a letter from
tho captain of the steamer Headlands,
ono of tho ships sunk, tho U-29 was
contmanded by Capt. Otto Weddlgcu,
who won famo and tho iron cross on
tho U-9 carltor In tho war by sinking
tho British cruisers Hoguo, Abouklr,
CresBy and Hawko.
Steamer Medea Sent to the Bottom By
U-28 Had Holland Papers and
Noncontraband Cargo.
London, March 27. Tho Dutch
Btenmshlp Medea waB Bunk In tho
English channol by tho German sub
marine U-28, ncording to nn announce
ment mado by the ofllclal press bu
reau on Thursday. Tho Medea was
carrying a cargo of oranges from
Spain. Tho crow was picked up by
tho British destroyer Tevlot. Tho
Medoa was a Dutch ship and was Hy
ing tho Dutch flag.
Zapata Troops Trampled Emblem In
Mexico City Act Followed Mur
der of John B. McManus.
Washington, March 27. Tho stato
department, according to Secretary
Bryan, has mado to tho Mexican gov-
ornmont demand of reparation for tho
IndlgnltleB to tho American (lag which
was pulled down on tho house of John
D. McManus when ho was murdered
nnd his homo looted by Zaputlstaa
two weeks ago.
Train Is Side-Swiped.
Johnstown. Pa., March 29. Several
passengers woro Injured In tho wreck
of passenger train No. 57, west bound
on tho main lino of tho Baltimore &
Ohio railroad, when It was sldo
swiped by a freight.
J. P. Morgans Reach London.
London, England, March 29. J. p.
Morean and Mrs. Morcnn and tho nth.
or passengers of tho American lino
BtoamBhlp Philadelphia reaches Lon
don. Their trip across the Atlantic
was uneventful
To Halt Teuton Raider United
States War Vessel Ordered to San
Juan by Washington.
Berlin, March 25. The following
nnnouncoment was mado on Tuesduy
by tho Overseas News agency:
"Cnptain Hnnssen and First Officer
Janssen, ' both American citizens, of
tho American steamer Olsson, while
northward of Scotland, on a voyage
from Savannah to Bremen with a
cargo of cotton, woro deprived of com
mand by officers nnd men of tho Brit
ish auxiliary cruiser Celtic, who board
ed tho ship
"Tho British declare their Inten
tion of sinking a German submarine. If
opportunity presented, by rnmmlng It
with tho Amerlcnn steamer"
Washington, March 25. Secretary
Daniels cabled- Admiral Fletcher on
Tuesday at Guantnnnmo to send a de
stroyer o San Juan
Admiral Fletcher's instructions wero
to placo tho destroyer at tho service
of tho collector of tho port at San
Juan, who asked for a warship to pro
vent violations of neutrality by tho
Ocrmnn liners Odenwald and Presi
dent, now In tho harbor there.
At the snmo tlmo Secretary Daniels
announced that ho had detailed the de
stroyer Parker for guard duty at Now
York, replacing tho Mohawk, taken off
for repairs
Tho prcsenco of tho Hamburg-American
liner President at San Juan was
first mado known to Washington by
tho request from tho commandant at
San Juan. Tho Oldenwnld's attempt
to slip out of the harbor was frus
trated only by firing on tho ship by
shore batteries
Many Vessels Hear Help Calls Sent
Out by Denver, 1,300 Miles From
New York Three Reach Scene.
On Board American Lino Steamer
St. Louis, by wireless, via Capo Raee,
March 25. Tho passengers nnd crow
of the west-bound Mallory line
steamship Denver, which was leaking
badly and in Imminent danger of sink
ing, 1,300 miles from New York, wero
rescued at four o'clock Tuesday after
noon by the Atlantic Transport liner
Manhattan. Once moro tho wireless
proved tho salvation of many lives at
Tho Denver, which was proceeding
from Bremen for New York, sent out a
wireless call for help, reporting herself
leaking and In distress.
Many steamers received the call and
hastened to tho point whera the Den
ver was supposed to be. Tho two vos-
sels camo up with the Denver about
four o'clock, the Atlantic Transport
liner arriving a few minutes before.
Ab soon ns tho Manhattan camo near
threo boats wero fowered from tho
doomed vessel and carried tho officers
and crow and tho fow passengers
to tho rescuo ship, which will tako
thorn to New York.
Also to Demand Apology for the Sink
ing of the Frye Ambassador Says
No Trouble Is Expected.
Washington, Mnrch 29. Having
now received all tho facts concerning
tho ownership and sale of tho cargo
of tho William P. Frye, tho American
Bhlp which was Bunk by tho convert
ed cruiser Prlnz Eltol Frledrlch, tho
United States government will send
to Germany in a fow days a noto ask
ing for reparation for the loss of tho
vessol and cargo and expression of
regret for tho occurrence. The Gor
man government has not given tho
stato department any Intimation as to
tho courso It will pursue. The Ger
man ambassador hero, however, has
expressed tho opinion unofficially that
tho caso will bo settled without diffi
Engljsh Merchant Ship Is Destroyed
In Kaiser's Favorite Hunt
ing Grounds
London, March 29. Within four
hours after admiralty officials had de
clared that Germany's submarine
losses would result In nn abandonment
of tho underwater warfare against
Engllsh.shlpplng news reached hero of
tho destruction of another British mor
chant Bhlp in tho English channel, fa
vorlto hunting ground of tho kaiser's
submarines. Tho latest victim of sub
marine campaign In tho "bread war"
wa3 tho British steamer Delmlra, a
vessol of 2,211 tons. She' wns torpe
doed and sunk In tho English chnnnel
Thursday afternoon by a German sub
marine. All tho members of the crow
wero saved.
Swedish Ship Is Seized.
Sunderland, England, March 27.-
Tho Swedish steamer Goosebrldgo was
brought Into port by a prlzo crow. Sho
was laden with Iron ore An armed
trawler 1b reported to have fired at
tho steamer Mecklenburg.
French General Killed.
Paris, March 27, Gon. Reno Joseph
Delarue, chief of a dlivslon of the
French army, was killed when ho was
struck in tho head by n bullet while
Inspecting a trench at tho front, was
announced horo.
Missing Craft In Which Twenty-one
Aro Believed to Have Perished,
Reported Found.
Brownsville, Tex. Grave apprehen
sions wero aroused among officials
hero by tho report that Villa officers
havo decided tho defenses of Mata
moras, opposite here, must bo re
duced, presumably by artillery. Tho
probability of artillery shells falling
In Brownsvlllo was Indicated by the
wounding of two persons In the rcsl
donee section hero by Btrny bullet3,
during tho first assault on Matamoras
trenches. This assault was a costly
failure of the Villa forces, in which
their loSses wero officially given at
100 killed and 400 wounded. Upon
order from Washington Colonel A. P
Blocksom, commanding the border
patrol here, stopped tho bringing of
Mexican wounded to this side and
placed jo. guard over those already
here. Thus far only two deaths hnye
occurred among the 200 Villa wound
ed hero.
Lost Submarine Located.
Honolulu, T. H. Hope of raising
tho U. S. submarlno, F-4, submorged
somowhero outside the harbor since
March 25, was again revived Sunday
when vessels enguged In tho rescuo
work reported thoy had finally located
the missing craft, in which twenty
one persons aro believed to havo per
ished. Heroic attempts to bring to
tho surface from a great depth an ob
ject that appeared to bo the subma
rine resulted In the discovery by two
divers that It was only an old anchor,
probably lost by tho battleship Ore
gon. The divers went to a depth of
215 feet, but failed to find any trace
of tho F-4. Refusing to bo disheart
ened by tho discovery, hundreds of
rescue workers, although tired by
their long work and without sleep
for many hours, redoubled their ef
fort when another body believed to
bo the F-4 was located. Portions of
a vessel's superstructure have been
brought to the surface by the grap
pling apparatus of the various boats
and it is this which makes tho res
cuers confident they aro from the
F-4. Air bubbles rising to the sur
faco were taken to lndlcato that at
least one of the F-4 s three compart
ments had burst It is believed that
the bodies of most of tho crew, will
bo found In the forward compartment,
the smallest and strongest of the
Italians Called to Colors.
Romo. All the Alplno troops of tho
first category, born In 1883, have been
called to tho colors by tho Italian war
department for forty-fivo days.
Tlio official military journal also
callu to the colors artillery and engin
eor roservo ofllcors for sixty days
from April 16.
1 he Alplno troops aro ' frontier
forces organized especially to defend
tho mountain passes leading Into
Tho engineers whoso reserve offi
cers are to bo called out April 16, are
organized "as six regiments, two of
them consisting of pioneers, ono of
pontoon troops, ono of telegraph
troops, ono of railway troops and ono
of miners.
Tho artillery arm of Italy's land
forces consist of 263 batteries, 110
companies and fifty-one depots.
Additional Demands On China.
Poking. Two more demnndB on
China, it is reported in Chinos of
ficial circles, are to be made by
Japan. Tho, Japanese ministers and
others now engaged In discussing the
twonty-ono demands mado somo time
ago, aro said to have intimated that
Japan will ask:
Substantial participation in admin
istration of Chinese customs.
Participation in tho salt monopoly
which', noxt to tho customs, Is the
man source of Chlneso revtnuo.
Tho cutsoms Eervlce now Is admin
istered by Great Britain under a loan
ngreemcnt. Tho salt irtonopoly is
controlled Jointly by a Britisher, Sir
Rohard Morris Dane, and the
Tho negotiations havo reached
what Chlneso officials consider peril
ous grounds.
British Steamer Sunk.
London. Tho stoamer Delmlra has
been sunk by a German submarlno off
Boulogne, in tho English channel. Tho
members of tho crew were given ten
minutes In which to leave the vossel
Ship Released After Search.
Romo A dispatch form Genoa asyh
tho steamer Finland which was ac
companlod there from Naples by cus
torn officials who suspected tho cargo
aboard contained' contraband of war,
lias been released aftor a flvo days'
seach, as no contraband was found.
Villa's Army Advances.
Washington. A telegram from
Brownsville, Tex., to tho Villa agoncj
hero, announces that tho main body
of Villa troops Is advancing to attack
Union had a $35,000 flro last week.
Tccumseh is planning for paving
;hls yenr.
A now hotel will soon bo erected
it Minltare.
Wlsner's now school building will
cost 830,000.
Cottonwood is to havo a now $8,000
Carneglo library.
A Jitney bus lino has been estab
lished at Harrison.
Chris Jeep will erect a now brick
building at Tekamah.
Humphrey is agitating tho question
of building a reservoir.
Contract has been lot for tho now
electric light plant at Lyons.
A civil and religious census is bo
lng taken of Plattsmouth.
Union will begin tho construction
soon of a $4,000 light planL
E. J. Alcorn was elected boys' sec
retary for tho Hastings Y. M. C. A.
Hastings' jltnoy service includes a
$6,000 Packard and a $5,000 Peerless.
Tho contracts havo been let for
building tho Lutheran hospital at
Flro destroyed tho opera houso
block at Broken Bow. Loss about
Tho peoplo of Liberty havo organ
ized a club to build a hotel in that
Sidney's now municipal heating
and electric light plant will cost
Tho Northwestern Railroad has
beon asked to build a depot at Irwin,
Chorry county.
Domestic science department of
Hastings high school will servo meals
twice a week.
Village of Dlrlk at coming election
will vote on question of purchase of
electric light plant
Sunday bas,obaIl and tho saloon
question will bo voted on at Burwell"
at the coming lection.
Three peoplo wero overcome by
coal gas smoke at tho Fremont City
'mission.. All recovered.
Kearney and Buffalo counties plan
to build a new bridgo over the Platte
rlv,er south of Kearney.
Stato Auditor Smith has registered
$13,500 of extension electric light
bonds for the city of Edgar,
Fred A. Clark was accidentally
shot In tho foot when he dropped his
Bhotgun at his homo in Fr,emont .
Two store buildings- and an Ice
house were burned down at Union re
cently. Tho estimated damage was
' Tho Shlckloy board of education
decided at a special meeting to add
a twelfth grade to tho schools at that
Sunlight will "be ho principal treat
ment at Htato tuberuclar home at
Kearney if plans for ne.w building
aro carried out
Alex Lowery, recently appointed
postmaster at Harrison, is contemplat
ing building a new postofflce and
office building.
' Rural Inspector C. A. Gregory of
tho state superintendent's ofllco has
been elected to tho superlntendency
of city schools of Crete.
Contracts have been lot for North
Bend's now $30,000 Catholic church.
Tho now $40,000 school house at
Madison, has been dedicated.
Dr. Kigln, acting state veterinarian,
has directed several head of horses in
Polk county bo put to death on ac
count of glanders, and has ordered a
number Jellied in other counties.
Farmers in Gage and Johnson coun
ties report that tho winter wheat has
gone through tho winter In flno
shape, and that about the- only thing
that would injure tho crop Is a hard
Tho question of burying tho body
of John O'Conner, Hastings recluse,
who died moro than a year ago, will
soon bo decided by District Judge
A petition is being circulated In
Loup City asking tho board of educa
tion to call an election to vote bonds
to tho sum of $30,000 to erect a new
high achool building.
Warden Fenton of the state penU
tontlnry has received a letter from
tho Lincoln Highway- association of
Julesburg, Colo., asking that Nebras
ka convlctB bo sent there to work
roads during aummor. .
Tho Commonwealth Power com
pany has lost its last chance to re
cover $3,435 filing fee It paid state
Irrigation board in hopo of obtaining
power rights on Platte and Loup
Tho lowest net rate on electricity
for cooking in Nebraska has brn or
dered for Hnstlngs patrons of tho
municipal plant by the council whon
tho present low rate of 4 cents per
kllowat was cut to 2 7-10 centB.
Blood poison, resulting from. Infec
tion of a face wound, nfter handl'ng
a corpse, threatened tho llfo""of Ed
ward Livingston, Hastings, under
tnkor nnd custodian of tho John
O'Connor remains.
C. 12. Dedrick, newly appointed
postmaster at Superior, will take
charge of tho office April 1.
The Lyons high school has estab
lished a monthly 'magazine to bo
known as "Tho Searchlight," and the
Lyons Mirror la getting out tho first
Charles W. B-jUn, brother of Wil
liam J. Bryan, has announced himself
a candidate for mayor of Lincoln and
filed a petition with tho necessary sig
natures entitling him t'o a placo on
the primary bJlot to bo voted for
AprU G.