The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 30, 1915, Image 4

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    V J0 V V sVS 3TI a a'JW V'"' w" " ir
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Machinist P. S.
Evans nnd wifa rc-
turned yesterday from
n vlfllt In
Attorney W. V. Hoagland and J. J.
llalllgan aro In -Sidney attending dis
trict court.
Mrs. J. M. Ilannlo was called to
Omaha Thursday by tho serious Illness
of her daughter.
Jas. Smallwood wont to Sutherland
yojstorday whero ho secured tho con
tract for plastering a houso.
.Mrs,, J. J. Haaso loft a fow dayB
ago for Lincoln whero sho will visit
friends for a couplo of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Uoy Muvorlsli, of
Sutherland, were visitors at tho homo
of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Frazlcr last
Ro v. J. L; Barton returned Saturday
from Grand Island whero lie attended
a meeting of tho stato Baptist associa
tion. Mrs. Carson, of Grand Island, is
visiting her parontB, Mr. nnd MrB. G.
M. Smith, having arrived Sunday
Mrs. Frank Larson, daughter Frcd
abello and son Carl loft for Grand
Inland a fow days ago whero they will
make their home.
Alhort Schatz wont to Hastings yes
terday to attend a banquet given last
ovenlng to tho selling ugulits of the
Gaston. Music Cq,
Ed Searlo, of Ogalalla and O. M.
Ounnell, of I'axtqn, wero In town Run
day, having bocn called hero by the
death of nr. LyKoni
V 4 jn our 8tock you will find, Tipperary boots in black, sand and grey tops,
LaValicrs, Colonials and strapless Pumps, Fancy strap effects, Baby Dolls,
; etc., in patent kid, dull kid, French kid, bronze and gun metal. The price
is not $4.00 and $5.00, but
all sizes
Harry's Shoe
41 J. .
IpLuthoran girls, met Friday even
ing Avith Mis EIslo collagen anu speni
n delightful evening In games. Re
freshments wero served
Novcr ,havo wo been so well pre
pared to supply our patronage.
Dr. C. C. "Wnlllngsford, who has been
a pract'clnj, physician of thlu city
tor six months, loft yesterday for Ogal
alla, whero he wil locate.
A policy written by uh for cither
risks will be written nt the lowest liv
ing rutcH nnd the Iosh paid promptly by
11 R ATT & (J00RMAN.
The county commissioners went to
Lincoln Sunday night on business
connected with tho awarding of tho
contract for tho new brldgo enst of
Tho stylo center for ladles' Hats,
Gorrlt Fort, passenger trallle man
ager of tho Union Pacific, will bo
transferred,, April 1st to Chicago and
his Jurisdiction extended so as to In
cludo tho Union Pacific lines in tho
Let iik help youi
IMim your liouso"
1 Thnt'N our business
llonujo VanBuskirk, who recently
purchased tho Henry Well farm bIx
nines wosi 01 town, sow uio innu iasi
woolc to J. C. Wilson at a reported
advancq of $4.50 per acre, or nt tho
rato of $104.50 per ncro. Tho Well
farm adJoiiiH land owned by Mr. "Wil
son and tho latter was anxious to get
possession of It.
tf8.r,0, DOWN, ?5.00 A MONTH.
NorthPlatteLight & Power
C. It. 3I0EREY, aituingor.
We are offering the people of Lincoln County a line of Footwear that is
not eclipsed in our eastern cities.
The stylet, patterns, lasts, and 'leathers are the acme of the world's fash
ion shoe designers.
L A. D I
ana .t?o
J. H. Stone, of this city, has sold
his drug store at Staplcton to W. H.
McLeay, of that town- This store
was first started at Gandy under tho
Stonc-Nealo Co. When Staplcton be
came a town, Mr. Stono purchased
Nealo's interest and moved tho stock
to Staplcton.
Tho Assembly Club was entertained
1... n-. ti,. . T1T1 1 1 1 .. . . . i
by Mrs. Harry Williams at her homoh
nt 514 Smith ATnnln RtrrW Prlrtnv nf.lfi"
at 214 South Maplo Btroct Friday af
ternoon Tho houso was prettily dec
orated in Easter colors and tho place
cards wero rabbltB and Easter eggs.
A dainty lunch was served and all
present enjoyed a good time.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Shuman and Mrs.
Bedell and Parker spent tho latter
pnrt of last week In tho city visiting
their cousin Mrs. Annla M. Church.
Thoy wero enroute from California
whero thoy had been spending tho win
tor to their homes In Washington, la.,
and Baltimore, Maryland
Tho greater part of tho North Patto
contingent at tho stato university ar
rived homo Saturday evoing to spend
tho spring vacation. Among tho ar
rivals were Misses Nanlno Iddlngs
and Myrtle Bcclor, Leo Bird, Bob
Gantt, Goorgo Weir and Clnrenco Day.
Pat Norrls will bo homo Wednesday.,
Sunday was a bright beautiful day
and we wero all congratulating our
solvos that tho season of sunshine had
agnln dawned, when lo, nnd behold,
tho orb of day did not onco show him
self yesterday. Howover, wo are still
hopeful that wo will havo a period
of sunshlno not later than May first.
It now develops that Arthur Rush
and Dick linker did not go to Excel
sior Springs to drink mineral water,
hut rather to got in training for tho
golf season, with tho expectation of
showing Rov. McDaid, Keefe, Plumor,
Whclan, Scebcrgor nnd others a fow
advanced points on tho gamo and Incl
dcntly demonstrate how llttlo tho lat
ter gentlemen know of tho game.
Tho committee nppolnted for tho
purposo of drafting a contract for
street lighting that will bo for tho
best interests of tho city and at tho
samo tlmo provo satisfactory to tho
electric company will bo ready to re
port In a short time. Much data con
cerning contracts, lighting systems
and other information lias been ob
tained from cities of North Platte's
class, tho committee has hold a num
ot meetings, and has also met in con
ference with Mr. Todd of tho electric
company. Tho contract so fnr out
lined is believed to bo ono that will
provo satisfactory to tho pcoplo and
that it will ho adopted nt tho olectlon
to bo called for tilt purposo.
Springtime Is Hero Onco More,
You will likoly want your houso re
painted or tho walls rcpapored or
decorated Sco Landgraf & Crano bo
foro letting your work ns their prices
aro reasonable and workmanship first
class. Elegant lino or wall papor sam
ples to select from. Phono Red 240 or
Black G70 and wo will call
Closing Out
All flowers, braids and millinery
trimmings below cost at tho Parlor
Millinery. 20t2
? 1 fk -A
. J 1 6
fcV -V
3 VJ.? -
U. l' Provides Emergency Ward.
A letter received yesterday from
General Manager Ware announced
that tho Union Pacific will provide and
maintain an emergency ward at tho
Good Samaritan hospital In this city
for the use and convenience of em
ployes. This action was taken at the
request of tho four railroad orders
of this city, who appointed a commit
biuo Will uiiuuuutu t iuilliuil-
, . ' ' 1 mattcr wlth Mr
- .0 10 lUKl" U" Ule nlaller wu fllr
In providing this emergency ward
tho Union Pacific shows a spirit of
consideration for tho welfare of Its
employes. Heretofore when a serious
accident occurred to an employe first
aid was given, then tho ono injured
must wait until tho arrival of a train
to tako him to Grand Island or Omaha
boforo tho operation, if needed, could
bo made. In tho future tho injured
cmployo can bo taken to tho Good
Samaritan hospital, tho needed oper
ation performed and havo tho services
of competent nurses, thus saving tho
misery which ensues 'u tho transpor
tation to other points.
Clmido Dclaucy ns a Hog Grower.
Clnudo Dclanoy, formerly of this
city, now general foreman for tho
Union Pacific at Northport, is reported
by tho Bridgeport Blade as tho coming
hog king of that section of tho state.
Tho Blado says: "Today on tho site
whero Northport, when first laid out,
was to have n 100-room hotel, Mr. Dc
lanoy has his breeding pens. A hun
dred big brood sows occupy quarters
there, a"d in tho near future several
hundred llttlo piglets will bo gambling
on tho slopo to tho river. Mr Dolaney
1b not counting his chickens beforo
thoy aro hatched, nor his pigs clthor,
but while tho editor was admiring tho
porkers Inst Sunday ho could help
making an estimate. It ran this way:
If ono hog is wortli $25, fivo hundred
hogs should bo worth fivo hundred
Umes ?25, or ?12,G00, and that is
about what Mr. Delany should clean
up tills year on his hog lot.
Tho Elks dancing school closed
Saturday evening and Mrs. Tayor, tho
Instructor, returned to Omaha that
night. As an appreciation of her work,
tho inon of tho class presented Mrs.
Taylor with a bunch of American
Beauty Roses.
Methodist Aid will hold a special
business meeting at tho homo of Mrs.
M. E. Scott 220 west Second street
next Thursday aftomoon instead of tho
regular social meeting and tho serving
of lunch. All members aro urged to
bo present nnd help on tho unfinished
work for tho sale.
Coming as tho first public danco
after tho Lenten season, tho annual
ball of tho flro department next Mon
day evening promises to bo very
largely attended. If you havo not
yet purchased a ticket it is not too
Into to do so, and thus help out tho flro
Mrs Chas. Johnson, who has leased
tho second Hoor of tho now Pizer
building nnd will conduct a rooming
houso, roturned Snturday from Omaha
whero sho went to solect tho furnituro
which sho buys through Howo & Ma
lonoy. There aro fifteen rooms to bi
Shop i
Mrs. J. H. Fonda left tho latter part
of last week for a visit with, friends
Jn Qmaha
E J. Rebhauaerl is confined to his
room with a threatened attack of ap
pendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Merrltt, of Stap
leton, spent tho Aveek end in town vis
iting relatives.
Mrs. Roberts of Cheyenne, is visit
ing her son Dan Roberts and family
of this city this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clahaucrh nnd
Mrs. Moso McFarland were passengers
on the bra"ch train yesterday.
Tho employes feel very kindly to tho
Union Pacific officials in consenting
to provide this emergency ward.
Tho Hendy-Ogier Co. received two
carts of Fords yesterday, tho shipment
Including both touring and runabout
cars. '
bis Bungalow Book
'Will Help
- . ,
--k- plans, extei'ior
homes actually built, and within reasonable
cost limits.
This, book lives you ideas or helps vou clar
ify your own ideas.
design you want, designs that you can adtfot to
your needs, or designs
This is a real "first
norae Duilcler.
In selecting the material
for your home, you -will find
our experience in assisting
other homebuildera o helpful
service to you.
With you building is a once-
a-lifetime affair, with us our
daily bread and butter. You
might as well get the benefit of
ouradvicc. Let ua "out our heads
together" so that vou will have
a home that you and the
town will be proud of.
This book ia expensive
one you will enjoy studying.
You may have one free. Let ua
get one for you. Ask
we'll db it.
r " ''y 5ot5- '
Frank Hoxie returned to his Keith
county ranch yesterday after spending
Saturday and Sunday with his family.
The Methodist ladies will havo a
nice display of aprons and woven rugs
at tho Easter sale to be held at Derry
berry & Forbes store April 3d.
Five dollars reward will bo paid for
tho return pf or information leading
to tho recovery of my bicycle which
was stolen from my homo on March 19.
Del Bonner who has been studying
violin and piano in Lincoln will spend
Easter with his parents and while
hero will assist Stamp's orchestra at
tho Firemen's concert i.nd danco April
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morsch, who
are sojourneying in California are en
Joying tho change in climate and scen
ery. Thoy will visit tho San Diego and
San Francisco expositions beforo re
turning. Your Planning
o ' -
and interior views of
You mav find the verv
you can improve upon,.
aid" to the intending
ua and