THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. llsriltoohng that 1UUOI 1UOI You can't tell bv looking at a roll of roofing how long it will Inst on the roof, but when you get the guarantee of a re sponsible company, you know mat your rooting must give satisfactory service. Buy materials that last Certain-teed Roofing Our lending product U guaranteed 5 years for 1-ply. 10 yenrs for 2-piy and 15 years for 3-ply. We nlso make lower priced roofing, elate surfaced shingles, building papers, wall boards, out-door paints, plastic cement, etc. Asle your dealer for products made by us. They nre reasonable lu price and we stand behind them. General Roofing Manufacturing Co. Worlfi larartt tnanufaelurtrt ef Kocflna ami llulldiHa l"aptr$ New York Cltr Boitia CUct Ftttitwik PkiUdtlAU AlUala Clmtia4 Detroit SI.Lnli Claclnnitl KautaCitj KiMtpeti gta Fnnflco Seattle l.ndea lUmtnn Srdaer Submerged Timber. The strength of a hemlock stick a foot square that had been in water for almost forty years wan recently test ed in tho G00,000-pound testing ma chlno at Rensselaer Polytechnic insti tuto nt Troy, in New York. Tho tim ber, which was 1G feet 9 inches long, had formed part of ono of tho piers of tho Congress street bridge at Troy. When tho pier broke down after tho flood in the spring of 1913, the timber was turned over to ono Qf tlie lnajq-rial-testing laboratories of the insti tute. I was kept in the onon air $-i&?U?lSife n,j4 lIr pniced'In a dry room foTa lFCiio more than nine month's. "When pjneed In tho testing machine, tho"calumn failed under a load of 384,000 pounds; that is, tho long-submerged wood showed an ulti mate strength of 2.G70 pounds to tho Bquare Inch. In the opinion of Prof. T. It. Lawson, who conducted" tho test, tho romarkablo strength of this piccj of hemlock seems to show that be ing immersed in water for a long time does not decrease tho column strength of timber tbit is subsequently permit ted to dry out. Youth's Companion. Couldn't Get It, "I llko this quaint little mountain vlllago of yours, wnlter. I suppose 1 enn got plenty of oxygen hero?" "No, sir; we've got locnl option." Sacred Heart Itcvlow. THE PROFESSOR'S STATEMENT. Prof. Aug. P. W. Schniitz, Thomas, Okla., writes: "I was troubled with Backache for about twonty-flvo years. When told I had Brlgbt'u Discaso in its Inst stages, 1 tried Dodd'c Kid ney Pills. Aftei using two boxes I wns somewhat re lieved and I stop ped tho treatment In tho spring of tho next year I hml nnnthor nt. Prof. Sehmitz. tack. I went for Dodd's Kidney Pills and they relieved mo again. I used three boxes. That is now thrco years ago nnd my Back echo has not returned In its severity, and by using another two boxes a lit tle later on, tho pain loft altogether and I have had no trouble since. You may uso my statement. I recommend Dodd'a Kidney Pills when nnd wher ever I can." Dodd's Kidney Pills, 60c. per box at your dealer or Dodd's Medi cine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. Cruel, Too. "I'm saddest when I sing." "You're a durn fool to sing thorn." Boston Evening Transcript. How She Considered It. lie So you arc going to consider my proposal? She I do consider it a joke. school J A Good Heart. "George, where aro your books?" "When notices appeared that books were wanted for tho wounded, I gave mine to them." Humorstlcko Llsty (Prague). The Reason. "Young Mrs. Millyuns certainly did prove a devoted nurso to her husband In his critical illness. She must lovo him, after all." "Love him, rot! She knows she looks ilerco in black." Too Much Singing. Bill I see n clock built by a Call fornla electrician plays a different tune on a series of pipes for every hour. Jill That may bo nil right for a man to sing at his work, but when it comes to a clock I draw tho lino. Nother Testimonial. Gyer My brother has been greatly benefited by patent medicines. Mycr So? What klnddld ho take? Gyer Oh, ho didn't take any. He's a druggist. Its Only Meaning. Uncle Roger had been po'ly for some time, and had tried with alacrity every sort of patent medlcino he could secure. An old acquaintance hailed him with: "Hello, undo. How aro you'all now adays?" "How Is I? W'y, baw8s, fo mos'ly six munts a meal's vlttles aln' mean nufiln' t' me, 'scusln' somepin tuh tako medicine atter!" Judgo. f Big Jobs are gained largely by doing common tasks uncommonly well. But to do unusually good work of any kind, fitness of body and mind are required. Food plays a big part in this matter food that contains true nourishment. And true nourishment be it remembered must include certain important elements which unfortunately are often lacking in the ordinary dietary especially in white bread. These elements are phosphorus, iron, lime, sulphur, etc, stored by Nature in her field grains, and absolutely necessary for building strong, vigorous bodies and active brains. Grape-Nuts FOOD made of choice wheat and malted barley, affords all "the nutriment of these grains, including these important mineral elements, in form for easy, quick digestion. Grape-Nuts food is always fresh, crisp, sweet and ready to eat with cream or milk. Thousands have found that a ration of Grape Nuts each day makes for real progress towards the bigger things of life. "There's ' a Reason1 99 Mm. A 3 EMI Plans of Washington Hostesses Are Disarranged ASH1NGTON. The usual bugbear of Washington olTlclnl life has raised its head again, and tho hostesses of that circle aro in despair over the upsetting of their social affairs. Tho dispatching ot Secretary Lane, for In stance, by the president to represent him at the opening of tho California exposition upset many a dinner list, Tho Btory told by Mrs. Daniels, wlfo of tho secretary of tho navy, anont her own troubles In that way, istsomo consolation to tho disappointed hostesses. Mrs. Daniols tells tho story on herself, and nbout a dinner she gnvo last spring for a diplomat, who was Just urrlvlng or departing from this post for another. Invitations woro out nnd arrangements for tho dinner nil completed, whan Secretary Daniels was obliged to lcavo town on official business. Mrs. Daniels called up Mr. Bryan, secretary of state, and told him her predicament and asked him If ho would not play tho part of host for her. Ills reply was most dlsconcortlng, for he confessed that not only would It bo Impossible for him to como, though he had already accepted the Invita tion, but that it was going to bo his painful duty to tako her guest of honor off to the White House. Other regrots followed, and nt last on the night of the dinner only threo quests arrived and they had to leave after tho second course, and Mrs. Dan iels, who Is, by tho way, the soul of hospitality, found herself not only hostess, but the whole company at her dinner tnble. No Change. Pollco Magistrate So you belong to tho Smith tribe, oh? Whnt's your full namo? Prisoner John Smith, your honor. Snmo as when I'm sober. Tho American mnn's tobacco Inst year was $1,200,000,000. COLDS and Catarrhal TtoubUt Cured by Pe-ru-nn A cold If aeute catarrh. Parana la n rccognued standard remedy for catarrh. f III. .C I If." r,... Tho Parunm Co. Columbus, O Beautiful- Pottery From a Valley in New Mexico N tho latest publication of tho Smithsonian Institution Dr. J. Walter Fowkes of tho bure'nu of American ethnology litis described nnd figured a collection of beautiful pottery from the Mlnibre3 valley of New Merico dating back to prehistoric times. This ancient pot tery is tho first ever brought from that valley to tho United Stntcs Na tional museum, and is unrepresented In other museums. Its importance lies in tho fnct that a comparatively largo number of specimens have hu mnn and other figures painted upon them and that they resemble those on triQ popery from Cuaas Grandes, in Mexico. '!-J;".7. 'i - - As the former inhabitants of tho Mimbros vallov have loft no tracoablo descendants and as there uro no historical records concerning them, It Is necessary to rely on a study of tho' archeologlcal remains for knowledge of their culture. The early dwellers of this land were Ignorant of writing, although they cut on tho rocks pictures or plctographs, many, of which occur In tho Mim bres valley near tho sites of old ruins. The animal and human figures painted on tho pottery bowls aro very realistic, and remain todny practically little changed In design and color oven after tho lapse of centuries. Tho art shown in these figures was well ad vanced; the drawings represent human figures, although there are many mammals, fish and birds. The delineations of tho birds aro especially truo to nature, and at the same timo quite realistic, though somewhat conven tional. Geometric designs as well as symbols are characteristic and highly instructive. Ono of the bowls collected bv Doctor Fowkes shows thrco hunters follow ing a deer, another depicts a hunter with a curved stick, evidently an archaic weapon resembling tho throwing stick. Tho stone tobacco pipes of tho Mimbros aro tubular In form llko tno cloudblowers used in certain Pueblo Indian ceremonies. Thoy are mado of stono and shaped llko our cigar holders. By sympathetic magic a cloud of smoko resembles a rain cloud, and tho creation of tho former ceremonially brings rain. A priest using the cloud-blower Is illustrnted on the Interior of one of tho painted bowls. Tho stono idols or fetiches collected In tho MImbres valley havo tno form of frogs, bears and mountain lions, and aro similar to thoso found In ancient ruins in Arizona. . sold by Grocers everywhere Wiley Boy Never Tasted Candy; Doesn't Want To rp HERE is a little boy In Washington, tho son of ono of tho best-known men JL in the United States, who has never tasted candy, Ico crenm or cako. When he goes to parties, llko nil other little boys and girls ho' takos several graham crackers and when his com- lanlont. eat candy and cakeB nnd Ico cream, ho eats crackers. And this boy oes to Bcores and scores of parties. Ho has never been HI and is strong and healthy, with "hard muscles," according to his father. This little follow with thlB uniquo record is tho two-and-oue-half-year-old son of Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, former chief chemist of tho United States de partment of agriculture. And, be sides, Master Wiley doesn't want any of these delicacies. "Last May the Northern Pnclflo railway sent him an eight-pound fruit cako with two gold-plated candles on 1U" said Doctor Wlloy. "i cur. a smalt piece anil asKeu nun tr no some. " 'No, daddy,' ho said, 'cako not good for your boy.' " Doctor Wiley said ho was strongly opposed to feeding children sweets, such as candy, Ice cream and enke. "It makes children fat and It's a sin to bo fat in babyhood. We get that way soon enough," added this big, stout man. When the boy attended his first party, Doctor Wiley said, ho wont along and when tho other children had lunch ho told his boy thnt sweets were not good for him and that ho Bhould not eat them. The lad agreed, Bald Doctor Wiley, and ate graham crackers Instead. Irl (candy, FRUIT bill I Those of Middle Age Especially. When you have found no remedy for the horrors that oppress you during change of life, when through the long hours of the day it seems as though your back would break, when your head aches constantly, you are nervous, de pressed and suffer from those dreadful bearing down pains, don't forget that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the safest and surest remedy, and has carried hundreds of women safely through this critical period. Read what these three women sav: From Mrs. Hornung, Buffalo, N. V. Buffalo, N. Y. "I nm writing: to let you know how much your mctlictno hns dono for mo. I failed torribly during tho last" winter nnd summer nnd ovory ono remarked about my appearance. I suf fered from a female troublo and always had pains in my back, no appetite and at times was vory weak. "I was visiting at a friend's houso ono day and she thought I needed Lydia & Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound. I took it nnd havo gained eight ixninds, havo a good appetite and am feeling bettor ovory day. Evorybody is asking mo what I am doing and I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound. You may publish this letter if you wish and I hope others who havo tho samo complaint will boo it and get health frbm your mcdicino as I did." Jlrs. A. IIohnuno, 91 Stanton St, Buffalo, N. Y. Made Me Well and Strong, Maoedon, N.Y. "Iwns all run down'and vory thin in flesh, nor vous, no appetite, could not sleep and was weak, and folt badly all tho timo. Tho doctors said I had poor blood and what I had was turning to water. I took different medicines which did not help mo. hut Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vcgetablo Compound mado mo wolf nntl strong, and I am recommending it to my friends." Mrs. Fhee Uhaois, ii. sso. Aiaccuon, JN.l. The Chance of Life. Beltsville. Md. "By tho uso of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo (impound I havo successfully passed through a most trying time, tho Change of Lifo. I suffered with a weakness, mid had to stay in bed threo days at a timo. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound restored mo to porfect health, and I am praising it foj tho bonoflt of other women who suffer as I did." Mrs. W. S. Duvall, ltouto No. 1, Boltsvillo, Md, For SO years Lydia E. Plnlclmm's VogetaWo Compound has boon tho standard remedy for fo mnlo ills. No ono sick with woman's uiltuonts does justice to herself if sho docs not try this fa mous modicino mado from roots nnd herbs, It has restored so many Buffering womonto health, MgeWrlto to LYDIA E.FINKHAM MEDICINE CO. SVF (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for ndvico. Your letter will ho opened, read and answered by a woman and hold in strict confidence, Catarrhal Fevr S to 0 doses often rare. Odd M-eent bottlo Hl'OIIN'H guaranteed to enre a cats. Hafo fornnr iiinro, lmraoorrolu Doien bnitlos 16. (lot It of druggists, harness dealers or direct ira manufacture!?, express paid. Bl'OHIS'M 1 tun best prsTcntWo of all forms ot distemper, Hl'OHN JUKI) I OA I. CO., Cbomlits and ltaotarloluclsta, (Jojhen, 1ml., U.B.4U. J 4 ill Known Something of tho Sea. Naval ltoorultinB OIHcor (to actor who lias applied to Join tho naval re serve And what oxporlonco hnvo you had? Actor Quite considerable, I wns two years a midshipman In II. M. B. Pinafore, a lieutenant In half a dozen plays and an admiral in the Chinese Honeymoon. Ixmdon Opinion. Really Reliable. "Is your mnld trustworthy?" "Trustworthy? Why, J even her the key to tho bread box!" glvo Uncle Sam Starts War Against Adulterated Time NCLE SAM has launched a pure watch movement. Henceforth If youi time is adulterated It is your own fault. Out at thu bureau of standards a uniquo serien of tests of watchon has been going on for months, but tho first results havo jUBt beon tubulated and the announcement that any watch may bo tested at Uncle Sam's timepiece laboratory has been madt And lest sny friends jjrow sus picious over your missing watch, while tho bureau experts are putting it in cold storage, in a hothouse, and placing It on lis back, upside down mid in other unusual positions to seo If It stays on tho Job, Uncle Sam will glvo you a receipt for it. After tho test Is completed ho will hand you a certillcato to show whether your watch Ih in Class A, Olaes H, or whethor It tails to class at all with tho bureau's standards. Uetter yet, it soon will bu possible, according to bureau plans, to ask for a certillcato when you buy a watch Manufacturers already aro arranging to send higher-priced watches to tho bureau of Btnndards, so that they muy use the certificates thus gained as an Inducement to customers. Hut this is strictly u proletarian movement so far as Uncle Snm Is con- corned. Ho in not trying to Improve tho breed of watches ut the expense of tho average man who must havo one, so his next step will to collect n num ber of cheaper watchos and see how thoy stack up with tho more oxpenslvo kind. Not only will Undo Sain test your watch, but ho has got out a circular, entitled "Measurement of Time nnd Tests of Timepieces," Bottlng forth results of recent teats, and giving careful directions about tho caro of watches, their proper winding, carrying, adjustment, placing when not, lu uso, nnd even suggesting which Docket is best to carry your watch In. Important to Wlothero Examine carefully ovory bottlo ot CASTOniA.asnfoandBuro romody for infants and children, and seo that it riniirfl thn r, . signature or KV ,&S,JZJA In Uao For Ovor 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castpria Flashes of Humor. "Why aro you wearing glasses, Blinks?". "I waB noarly blinded by my daz zling wit, Jinks." Many a man who thinks ho Is wed' ded to tho truth is a grass widower. Don't Persecute Your Bowels Cut out cathartics nnd purgatives. They sr uruiai, naran, unnecessary, i ry CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act gently on tho liver, eliminate one, nm sootho the delicate. membrane ol the. bowel, cur coattlpallon, Biliousness, Slek MeiJ. sche and Indlftstlsn, aa millions know. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature IBUHn I LIU BBSBBBBBBBBP I BJiiiFn i JMH I PILLS. I I9 WHY NPT TRY POPHAM'S ASTHMA MEDICINE! i Given Prompt anil Positive nellefln Every f Trial Package by Mall 10c WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Props., Cleveland, 0. ar JVatioi li. Coleraup, l'atent .Lawyer, Washington, VMn reasonable. Highest relereners, lleateerrtuesu W. N. U.( OMAHA, NO. 12-1915. Yes, waiting for every farmer or farmer's son any Industrious American who is anxious to establish for himself a happy home and prosperity. Canada's hearty in vitation this year is more attractive than ever. Wheat is higher but her farm land just as cheap and in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta 160 Acre Homesteads aro Actually Free to Settlors and Other Land at From $15 to $20 por Acrs The people of European countries as well as the. American continent must be fed thus an even greater demand for Canadian Wheat will keep up the price. Any farmer who can buy land at $15.00 to $30.00 per acre get a dollar for wheat and raise 20 t6 45 bushels to the acre is bound to mako money that's what you can expect in Western Canada. Wonder ful yields also of Oats, Barley nnd Flux. Mixed Forming is fully as prof itable an industry as grain raising. The excellent grasses, full of nutrition, arc the only food required either fo beef or dairy purposes. Good schools, markets convenient, climate excellent Military scrv'ce Is not compulsory In Canada but there ii an unusual demand for farm labor to replace the many young men who have volunteered for service in the war. Write for literature and particulars as to reduced railway rates to Superintendent Immigration. Ottawa. Canada; or to VV.V. Dennott, 22017(h St., Room 4, Uee Uulidino, Omaha, Nebr. Canadian Govcrment Agent.