The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 26, 1915, Image 4

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    ' 44
While we have sold an unusually large nurhber of Ladies' Suits,
Dresses and Coats already this season, yet our assortment is getting
larger, as every day new arrivals are being received, and the satisfac
tory part to the ladies is that no two garments are alike. We feel
highly gratified with the compliments that have been paid our ev
ceptional goods and prices by the hundreds who have made purchas
es since our spring stock arrived.
The desire of The Leader has always been in the past and will
be in the future to conduct an establishment that has a reputation
for reliable and dependable merchandise at low prices, and we be
lieve that this end has been attained.
In all shades, all sizes, the Kayser
make, in all lengths, from 1 to 16
button, every pair guaranteed.
Out of TowrPatrpns
Residing within thirty niles ..of
North Platte who purchase goods
amounting to $15 and upwards will
have their railroad fare paid by us.
Our Show Windows
Depict better than wc can tell in words the won
derful showing The Leader is making in Ladies'
Apparel. In the displays that are being made,
you cannot help but conclude that this store is
the real headquarters for fashions in North Platte
that The Leader truly leads and others attempt
to follow. The show windows are only a reflec
tion of the wonderful stock we have.
Yours for Great Values,
Two good young registered Porchor
on StalllonB for aalo cheap. Thos. B.
Doollttle, route 3, North Plate. 17-0
Mr! and Mrs. Perry Uuchunan ex
pect to Bpond tho summer with rela
tives In California
Now Is tho time to buy n home. Let
mo show you my Hal of bargains. C.
F. Tcmiile. 1812
: p,
Mrs E. L. Spocht left a few days
ago for points In tho eastern part
o?tbp Btato to apond several weeks
wlfli relatives.
Mr. und Mrs. Milton Doolltlo, who
haVo hoen visiting for oovoral weolu
In California arc oxpoctcd to return
In tho near future.
Mrs. MUco McFaddon of Paxton, who
spent tho last several weoka with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Horrod
loft for homo Tuesday,
- Bo euro and bco tho Prlntzess Suits
"and Coats heforo buying. B. T. Tramp
& Son.
Tim innHier nml two hrothors of W.
A. Wright arrived on No IB Friday
anu spont uio romainuor ot mo uay
They arp enrouto to California.
L. W. Walltor left Monday night for
Minneapolis whero ho oxpects to lo
cate and enter business as a Joubor
and distributor ot motion pleturo
: Lot mo show you tho best Electric
Vacuum Cleaner on tho market boforo
houso cleaning tlmo, also tho hand
running Domestic. For snlo or rent.
Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, phono red 104.
Never havo wo been ao well pro
. parod to supply our patronage.
iota nun millinery.
Wallace will organlzo a baso ball
team and become a member of tho
1ilgh lino league, which includes May
wood, Curtis, Mooroflold and othor
llvo villages on that lino ot tho Hur
llngton railroad.
D. 11. IinhoiT, Elva Zulglor and W.
M. Falkor, of auldo Rook, and Ed Ray,
of Mt. Claro, arrived at Wallace last
week with . cars of stock and Imple
ments and each will locato on farms
In that section of tho county,
Havo you seen tho now thing in
pocket emblems for Elks, Masons, K.
of C Moose, I. O. O, P.? They pro In
our windows.
There Is talk of having Dickons
Incorporated as a village. A now
bank bus recently, boon oponod thoro,
a now school building and a two Btory
business block aro to bo erected, aud
other Indications point to tho future
Tho combination freight and pas
aengor train which runa over tho alb
bon branch leading from tho main lino
to Hastings, Is now made up In this
city Instead of at Kearnoy. This Is
in lino with policy outlined when tho
cut-off was first proposed.
, Eutitc& Suits!
For ladles and mlBscs, positively tho
largest assortment in tho city shown
at HLOCK'S. Prices rango from $12lC0
to $35,00. ,f
"September Morn" was presented
to a fair sized audlcnco at tho Keith
Wednesday evening". It is a snappy
comedy with tuneful music, a fow
good singers, extra good dancing,
bright scenery and costumes, and
somo chorus girls who don't wear
enough clothes to wad a shot gun.
Novor havo wo been so woll pro
pared to Bupply our patronage.
Practically all tho teachers of tho
city schools went to Gothenburg this
morning to attend tho West-Central
Nebraska teachers' association which
will be in session today and tomorrow.
Among tho local teachors who occupy
places on tho program aro Supt. Tout,
Miss Thea Hansen and Miss Nell Hart
man. Road Horshoy's advertisement o
a closing out salo In this issm. Hor
shoy tho hardware man. I2tf
In asking for a higher rate on llvo
stock tho wostqrn railroads contend
that thoro Is loss profit in handling
llvo stock than In many othor commod
ities that take a lower rate. Thoy do
claro tlmt.nioro cnra nro necessary In
handling stock trains, that tho trains
must bo moved at greater speed, that
damages and'clalms aro more frequent
and tho cost of transportation Is
greater than In other lines of trafllc.
Special Sale of Siiu-KIns Oranges.
Regular '15c sellers for 21 cents. llic
sellers for 20 ecu Is ami 00c sellers for
:i!)c Tlieso are e.tra fancy In quality.
Al Tift, who has been buying up
horses und mules for hlo grading out
fit, paid $22(i for u horse and tho same
sum for a mulo Tuesday. "I will glvo
you $150 for that team of mules ,"
said Tift to aifarmer who was driving
by. "No." ropllcd tho farmor, "I would
not walk across tho street to tako $500
for thatytopau." All this shows that
uio prico ror good horses and mules
has not materially dropped.
Directors First National Rank
Hold Scml-Anniinl Sleeting.
Tho semi-annual meeting of tho di
rectors of tho First National Bank
was held yesterday afternoon. Tho
business of the past six months was
revlowcd and found to bo satlofactory,
tho resources at thfs tlmo showing
over eight hundred thousand dollars.
This Increase of resources, the of
cers say, Is duo to tho service tho
bank Is rondcrlng to Its customers
nnd tho public. In order that this
servlco may bo extended to even a
greater degree, tho directors appoint
ed Miss Annlo C. Kramph and W. H.
Munger, Jr., n& assistant cashiers.
Miss Kramph entered tho services of
tho bank as book-keeper April 1st,
1904, and Tor several years past has
been auditor. Mr. Munger has been
teller sinco March 1909.. In making
theso appointments tho institution
will, In a manner, bo ablo to bettor
handlo tho growing business, which
naturally Increases ns North Platto
and Lincoln county dovclops. The
outers ana directors look with con
fidenco upon tho future growth of the
city and county, and, with a desire
to keep paco with this growth, aro
constantly adding to tho thorough
ness of their service, and in this man
ner they show their appreciation to
tho general public for their business
Intrusted to them.
Wo nre nrnnnrnd tn furnish nnv nnd
all who como, tho most stylish hats to
bo found In tho city.
Eurly Railroading on the U. P
On a cold night In tho winter of, 1880
we pulled out of North Platte with
emigrant train No. 7, cngino No. 117.
Frank Tracy engineer, Gcorgo Austin
fireman, Emmet Hammond conductor,
J. M. Beatty and Walter Papworth
brakemen. It being windy, wo could
not mako good time and was out of
coal by the tlmo we leached Ogalalla.
Took on four tons. Got to Big Springs
at 4 a. m., whero operator said "Chey
enne wants to know whiit's cause of
this delay." Tracy said: "Tell Chey
enne tho cabooso is too far from the
engine." The operator worked tho keys
a moment, and then wroto down: "Tell
that Nebraska grasshopper (Tracy,)
when ho gets back to North Platte
ho can tako a ten-day lay-oft" At Jul-
esburg wo took on four more tons of
coal, and reached Sidney four hours
Tho brakemen had to carry coal
onto tho engino up an inclined plank
In a box holding 250 pounds, I fell
off the tank ono night while carrying
coal by this method with Cochran Pat
terson aa a helper. I didn't brake any
bones, but felt pretty soro over It.
Whllo going back down the plank,
Cochran fell and the empty box landed
on top of him.
Thodo wero days when we worked
over tho division. All braking was
dono by hand, and all cars supplied
with link and pin coupling.
Easter Coats!
For ladles, misses, crlrls nr Mm limn
tots in the very latest stales and lead
ing shades, nov shown at BLOCK'S.
Ladles' coats w.00 to $30.00. GlrlB'
coats ?us to $8.50.
Six thousand packages of food havo
boon sent by ChlcnKoans to friends
nnd rolntlves In Germany within tho
last four nays by means of tho parcel
post, waterproof panor boxes con
Uilnlng flour, rice, noodles, tea, cocoa,
presorvos and othor foodstuffs. woIkIi-
ing not in excess of ton pounds, havo
boon proparca by a number of Btorcs
roady for shipment. Each packago
contnlnB nn assortment ot foodstuff
and thoro, aro nlno assortments. Tho
cost of tho packages Is from $1.90 to
$2.15 postpaid.
Girl Wanted.
Girl wanted for general housework.
Inqulro of Mrs. C, P. Teraplo, 220 eouth
vjgo street.
Harry Houston will leavo shortly for
MIsbsouH whero ho will engago In
Horton Munger goes to Omaha to
morrow nlcht to snend Sunday with
his parents.
R. L. Douglas expressed twenty
eight head of lino horses to New York
city Tuesday.
Dr. VoorheesLuca8 went to Omaha
yt'sterday to attend tho meeting of tho
Missouri Valley Medical Association.
Stamp's orchestra avIH render an at
tractive program at Dcrryberry &
Forbes' opening of their new store
Saturday March 27th.
McCook elected their teachers last
week for tho coming year and Miss
Elslo Johnson of this city was elected
to teach again at an increase in sal
ary. Tho latest additions to tho list of
small-pox patients aro Will Friend, and
Gpo. O. Troxler both of whom gave
unmlstakablo ovldenco of tho disease
yostorday and wore placed under
In a enrd to Tho Trlbuno E. N.
Ogler, in writing from Los Angeles un-
ucr tno uato or Mch. 17th says: "Wo
aro having a fine trip and havo soon a
number of North Platto people. Leave
horo Saturdry for tho San Francisco
Tho stylo center for ladles' Hats.
Tho number of cases of small-pox
in town averago around a dozen; when
ono nutlent Is released from nun ran.
tlno, somo ono olso is taken with tho
disease. It is believed tho disease will
run out Just ns soon as tho weather
turns warm.
Tho tlmo la now hero when we can
buy oranges by tho peck or bushel
Instead of by tho dozen. We don't
know how much cheaper thoy aro un
dor tho now selling plan, but It sounds
bettor to say llfty-cents a peck than
thirty cents a dozen.
.Mrs. Chas. W. Groves was hostess
at tho session of tho Entro Nous club
held Wednesday afternoon nnd enter
tained her guosts In a very delightful
mannor. Tho attendanco of members
was largo and each had an cnjoyablo
aftornoon. In tho card gamees tho
prlzo winners woro Mrs. Will Owens
and Mrs. Bert Brown.
An out-of-town correspondent
writes, "Judging from tho number of
North Platto snortsman that aro hunt
lng watorfowl each day, thoy must tako
It for granted that tho decision of tho
Kansas Judgo holds good. Gamo war
don 1 Whero aro you: Get busy nnd
put a stop to tho wanton slaughter of
our gamo birds. What Is tho uso of
having lawa if they aro not enforced."
"Winter llntrors In the Inn of
at least It did yestorday when sbnw
foil nractlcallv tho wholo dnv. nnd
though it was warm and much of it
molted as It foil, thoro was by ovenlng
a sufficient amount loft to cover tho
ground to tno uopth or ovor an Inch.
Thus do avo get mqro moisture to aid
In tho production of that bumper crop
wo expect una year.
Lectures Cancelled.
The lectures nn nhlldlinnd nnd vnnfli
which worn to linvn hnnn ilvon Iw
Georco E. Jov on rlntnn running f mm
March 28th to April 2d, havo been
cancoucu. Tins action was takon be
causo tho Presbyterian church, which
tho committft nrnsnmrd pnnld lm no-
cured In which to hold the lectures,
was needeed for Easter rehearsals. No
other place being available, tho woman
who acts as manager for Joy was notl-
neu tnat it was necessary to cancel
the dates.
Special Sale of Sun-Kiss Oranges.
Regular !l.c sellers for 21 cents. 4fic
sellers for 29 cents and (iOc sellers for
i))c. These aro extra fancy In quality.
JIt;ilK-SAiM)AIjIj CO.
Workman Adjudicated Bankrupt.
N. E. Workman, a former business
man of North Platte, but for several
years ipast, conducting a hardware
store at Bayard, Neb., haa boon ad
indicated bankrupt. Referee In bank
ruptcy Hoagland, of this city, has Is
sued notices citing creditors to attend
a meeting at Bridgeport April 10th
provo their claims, appoint a trustee
anil transact such other busine3T aa
may properly como before tho meet
Largest stock wo ever carried. Tho
1915 pattorns aro in. Last year pa
pors go ,at 10 Cents double' roll, re
gardless of quality. Call and seo for
Card. of Thanks.
I want to thahk my many friends
who havo worked so faithfully to help
mo win tno pony, as well a3 tho mer
chants who gave It to me. Tho pony,
buggy nnd harness aro certainly fine,
nnu i nppreciato them very much, nnd
certainly enjoy It.
Yours respectfully,
Red River Early Ohlos for seed. Got
your orders In, also car of early Ohlos
for eating, Both cars duo to arrivo
by 25th. R. N. LAMB.
Phono C7 North Locust Street.
Socialist Ticket.
Tho follOWlnir ticket 1ms boon nlnrml
in nomination by tho socialists of tho
city: mayor, l,ovi uuko, councilmen
First ward, A. R. Chrlstenson; Sec
ond ward. Phil Deats: Third wnrd
Frank Dowerhower: Fourth wnrd
Frank Martin; membors board of edu
cation, Mrs. M. II. Axtell, Mrs. Philip
Deats, C. H. Wilson.
For Sale.
My now doublo houso. Tills placo
is two distinct G room houaea, modern,
full basements, 2 heating plants, 2
laundry and furnaco rooms, 2 coal
rooms, 2 cold storngo rooms. First
floor finished in oak, built in buffets
and kitchen cabinets, bath rooma and
lighting fixtures latest design. Inside
must bo seen to bo appreciated. Will
mako a good homo and also incomo
from other half. Call 903 west Fifth
street. F. C. LETTS.
Avoid Trouble.
Don't tako a chance on having to ir 1
pay bills the second time, by pnying '
Paying by checks on this bank Is
the safe way. Avoids errors, disputes ,
and loss.
You can open your check account
hero any business day.
The . Platte Valley State , Bank
'The Safety First Bank."
Forth Platto, Nebraska.
oiJlQ. '
CJ VI.-!
$8.50 DOWN, $5.00 A MONTH.
NorthPIatteLight & Power
C. It, MOEREY, Manager.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
of Nortn Platte, Nebraska.
Organized 1887.
Have plenty of money on hands to close loans
Will loan on North Platte City property for
building purposes or to assist its members in buy
ing homes or paying off mortgages. The monthly
payments on $1000.00 loan are on principal $5.00
and interest $6.00 or $11.00 in all and on other
sums in proportion.
ml M-Uufi. L,
Lierk-Sandall Co.
North Platte Agents.
The "Next to Nature"
Nursing Bottle
Nurse baby yourself, if possible. But, if not,
use the "Natural Nurser." It's the next best
thing to natural nursing. The nipple resembles
a mother's breast, has a large soft yielding sur
face. The baby feeds naturally.- No collapsing,
no choking. Sanitary bottle with wide, open
top. Holds eight ounces; has graduating scale.
Try one and note the improvement in baby's
feeding. '
Where the Panama Exposition Trip is given free.