THE SeMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. N6RTM PLATTE, NEBRABKA. 3 WARSHIPS SUN SOME OF THE LARGEST BATTLE SHIPS IN FRANCO-BRITISH FLEET L08T. 630 DIE ON FRENCH SHIP British Admiralty Admits Heaviest Blow of Naval War In Sinking of the Dreadnaught Irresistible, Ocean and Bouvct by Mines. London, March 22. Tho greatest blow Buffered by tho allies on tho seas since tho war began was administered by tho Turks Thursday, when drifting mines in tho narrows of tho Darda nelles blow up and sank three of tho largest battleships In tho Franco Turkish licet whllo the ships wero bombarding eight of tho Turkish forts. Tho ships destroyed aro tho 15,000 ton British second lino battleship Irre sistible, tho 12,500-ton British butt I o Bhlp Ocean and tho 12,205-ton French battleship Bouvct. In addition, the British dreadnaught cruiser Indexible and tho French battleship Gaulols wero damaged by tho gunflro from tho forts. Nearly every man of tho G30 In tho crow of tho Bouvet was lost with tbo ship, but almost tbo cntlro crows of tho Irresistible and tho Ocean wero saved. This tremendous loss was admitted In ail official statement given out by tho admiralty. Official dispatches telling of tho sinking of tho Bouvet fr. n.BM.,i vt Twiin i,n- nf,lna n!1l f 41, 0l1,tn- nf M.n linn. o.i i.. n, fWiHn.i , "put out of action," also claim that a British torpedo boat was sunk, but tho English admiralty has not con- firmed this fact. Tho admiralty's statement Is as fol lows: "Mine sweeping has been In prog ress for ten days Inside tho straits. A gcnoral attack by tbo British and French fleets was opened on tho morn ing of tho 18th ngalnst tho fortresses In tho narrows. At 10:45 n. in. tho supordrendnaught Queen Elizabeth and tho battleships In floxlblo, Agamemnon and Lord Nelson bombarded forts J L T., U. and V., and tho battleships Triumph and Prlnco Goorgo bombarded batteries P., E. and II. A heavy flro was opened on tho ships by tho enomy howltzcro and field guns. "At 12:22 p, ron, consisting of tho battleships Suf fren, Gaulols, Charlemagno and Bou vet, advanced Into tho Dardanelles nnd engaged tho forts at closer rnngo. Forts J., U., F. and E,t replied strong ly. Tholr flro waB silenced by ton battleships lnsldo tho straits. All tho ships wero hit several times dur ing this part of tho action. "At 1:25 p. m. all tho forts ceased firing. Tho battleships Vongcanco, Ir- rosistlbfe, Albion, Ocean, Swittsuro "ami Majestic thon'ndvunco'd to rollovo tho Bix otd baltlCBlilPS. which woro in- nldo tho straits, u. "M thO French squadron, wlitch had ei.gagcu uio iors in mom uruuuut fashloh. wan passing out, tho Bouvet vas blown up uy a uniting mino anu t . . ny t h Anil, I snr.K in oo miliums ui wuiur nunu ui tno VliinRO 01 Aren hi ivaa uiuu thrco mlnutoH. , "At 2:30 p. m. tho relief battleships renewed tho attack on tho forts which .rcnowcu tno nitacic on uio ions, w men Z i.n7n ,!ii',n nH,nnln -' i " v-.-.i- iblo quit tho lino, listing heavily, nnd nt C:b0 p. m. sank, having probably Btrucu n arming nunc, ai u;vo p. m. 1110 UaUlCSnUl UCCnn lUSU WUO BirUKU by a mine. Both vcsscla snnk In deep WUUr uu ...ui;V.v:u.., u.u v..u.U u, tho r crews woro removed to safety 4Un.!f.n- i , 4" t'r.enca "nu,CB" p u"" .? v"8 damaged oy gunuro. i no uruisn oai- 1 1 . I . . T.n.ll.l i.nn 1.1. 1... n llAflVV tlcBhlp Inlloxlblo was lilt uy a ncavy shell, damaging hor forward control position, which requires repair. "Tho damngo to tho forts offoctod by tho prolonged direct flro of tho very powerful forcos omployod can not yet lie estimated. Tho lossos In ships wob causod by mines drifting with tho current, which was oncoun tered In nrcaB hitherto swept clear. "Tho British casualties in personnel woro not heavy considering tho Bcalo of tho operation, but practically tho wnoio oi mo crow oi uiu iiuhvci wna lost with tho ship, nn Intornal explo sion having apparently suporvoned tho oxploslon ot tho mlno, "Tho battleships Queen nnd Implac nblo, which woro dispatched from Eng- ln.i.l in rtnnn nlilnn ilntnnfvntl nnil Ktl.U HI .wi'Mtvw v.-.t.0u.. ...... casualties Buffered In anticipation of this operation, are duo to nrrlvo inv mediately, bringing tho British Hoot ngnln to Its original strength. "Tho operatlops are continuing n6 nmplo naval forces aro available. 'On tho 10th Vlco-Admlral Cnrdon, .!, I,-. I l,nn Itmniinnl tnl nil livlllnoBO was succeeded as chlof in command by Rear Admiral John Michael Doro- Illld, 1,1 tll Champagno district, no beck, acting, with tho rank ot vlco-ad- cording to unofficial reports recolved mirnl.' Rlavnr Kllla Belf. I.nxlncton. Kv.. March 22. Ellas A. W..1.1nn wlm nnt iiiul Itlllo,! .TnHnnh " . M. Skaln, manager of tho Phoonlx ho- tel. and flred a bullet Into his own body, died in u local hospital on Frl- day morning, Governor Osborne Recovering. Baltimore, March 22. Chaso Salmon Osborno. former governor ot Michigan, nn irriilnv nftnrnooti was ronortod ro. covering from thoSffects of nn opera tlon performed at Jonns nopmns noa Pltal. AMERICAN GOODS SAFE ALLIES LIMIT BLOCKADE OF GER MANY TO WAR ZONE. Won't Confiscate Cargoes State De partment alj. Washington Makes Public Answers to Notes. Washington, March 19. In notes of similar tenor mado public on Wednes day by tho stato department, Great Britain and Franco mnko tho dcflnlto assertion to tho United States thatthoy hnvo established and aro enforcing a blockado of tho ports of Germany, but that tho nlued governments will "re frain from enforcing tho usual penal tics of a blockado." It Is further explained that neu tral vessels aro subject to seizure only when presumed to bo carrying contraband, and In tho words of tho French note, "tho discharged cargo shall not be conilscatcd. Merchandise belonging to neutrals shall bo held at tho disposal of its owner to bo re turned to tho port of departure In caso tho owner of tho goods is a,Gcr mnu, they shnll simply bo sequestered during tho wnr." These notes wero In answer to tho American representations mado to tho allies recently asking an expla nation of the method to be adopted in enforcing tho blockade, and pointing out that sonnof tho provisions in this blockado plan were pnradoxlcal. The American noto was mado public by Secretnry Bryan simultaneously. Tho roply of Great Britain to tho recent American noto proposing a method of agreement between Great HHtuln and Germany for thO prOtCC- "on or neutral ships in tno Bca war zono - an suggesting Hint Great Brit- voium w wnimum ut " l Gorman civilians in return for Uio ..uuiiuoiiinent oi .mnu u.m ;"' wariaro, aiso was mauo puonc. has already been announced in tho nowspapers, tho British reply is a com ploto rojectlon of the proposal. Ger many's conciliatory roply already has been published. TELEGRAPHIC NOTES Tllntnn 1 T7r Mnrili 10 Win tn quest into tho deaths of tho 109 mln- ers who perished In tho Layland mlno of tho Now River and Pocahontas Coal company two weeks ago, waB begun hero. Bremen, March 18. Tho American uarK l'ass or uaimana is roportoa wrecked noar Sylt island in tho North sea. Tho vossol was bound from Now York -to Bremen with a cargo of cot ton. Boston, March 19. Federal Judgo Putnam handed down a decision dls- missing tho government's rait to dls- olvo tho United Shoo Mnchinory com- WW nB nn unlawful monopoly undor 1,10 Sherman act. 0LDFIELD WINS AUTO RACE , , . veteran Victor In 301-Mlle Grand Prl 0ver Venice Speedway at r w ( l08 ngee8i Los Anircles Cal March 19 Out of J. most dromlS and thrlH- ? -, , uramntic and thr u- ,ng flnlBUCB ovor witnessed in south- inLJ uiunciu came io viciury wunoui a siop , f,,ft ani.miin Ornmi ph in liin Maxwell ovor Jho 'now Venice speed- way on Woanosdny, ni.lflnl.l'a H,n nc .1 lmnn f)J mln. utogf 0 BecondBi au uvorago of G7 mUoa m j,, R m,nuto boh,nd 0U,, floW WM mmm Car,Bon ,n a dupl, cato Maxwell. Then came G, E Ttuck' otoll in hla Mercer for third honors. t- 1 '' .. KILBANb Utr-tAlb WILLIAIVlb Featherweight Champion Outfought uaniamweigni i menomor or xne World at Philadelphia. Phlinaoipiun, rn wnrcn 19. Johnny . . . . . Kllbano, featherwolght champion ot thO world, OUtboxed and OUtfOUght Kid Williams, world's bantamweight tltloholder, in n furious six-round con - tost on Wednesday night. It waB Kil- oano s coiucsi irom man 10 iiniBn ai- mougii ins younger opponent mauo n plucky bnttlo. 50,000 FRENCH ARE SLAIN . , ... ., n , , ,, , "Hri noceiyea in ucriin Say's Enemy Lost Heavily In Champagne Fighting. Berlin, March 19. More than 50,000 French soldiers lmvu been Killed slnco early February and 25,000 now Ho un- burled between tbo lirlllg lines in tllO "; strip betwoon Perthes nnd Ac-venusis' Leader lo III. urooK, mien., Mnrch 22. Mrfl. Ellpn G. White, folllldor, PrODllCt- i .,., . , !.,,. , V,.-..,.. voa ""u i iu owveuui "u,u""0"" ounuiiBiy m ui uer "0," mtb. wnuo recently leu, miciurmg iior mp. Daring Mall Houoery in Italy. Homo, Mnrcn a, a daring train robbery waB reported horo. Two bun- drod und twenty-flvo bags ot Unltod - States mnll, most ot which was con - ,w ., uuu mu Balkan states, had been rifled. BRITAIN LOSES FIGHT GENERAL HAVLEY AND 2,000 MEN KILLED BY DERVISHES IN SUDAN. WERE ATTACKED BY 40,000 All Prisoners Are Decapitated, Rail roads and Telegraph Wires De stroyed and Conquest In Egypt Kept a Secret by England for Months. Berlin, Germany (by wireless to Snyvlllo, L. I.), March 20. A German morchant who lias returrncd from Egypt Is authority for tbo declaration that tho whole of tho Sudan, Includ ing Khartum and also parts of Nubia, 1s in possession of tho dervishes. Tho statements of this traveler aro published In tho Vosslscho Zoltung. Ho describes also an engagement near Fashoda last December, in which General Hawly of tho British army and n number of other officers, with nearly 2,000 men, lost their lives. Tho morchant relates a story of tho nlleged uprising of tho Senussi tribesmen in November. Ho declares that they destroyed an Australian camp near tho pyramids November 19, killing 200 Australians and cap turing guns and provisions. Later, in largo forco not fower than 80,000, thoy overflowed tho entire provinco of Fayum and destroyed all railroads, including tbo Calro-Assuan lino. December 1 thoy destroyed tho Aloxandrla-Calro railroad near Danlan- hll Tlimonmlo nf trllmninn rnnnnnnPfl Dccombor 13( 40(000 0f them marched ,n tho (nrccton of Fashoda. on tbo Whlt0 N0 whoro Gcnoral nawiey opposed them with 0,000 troops. Of tll0 mon undflf IIawloy all tho nativo BohHora deBorto,i to tho dervishes, leaving them only 2,000 men Most of this contingent was killed and General IIawloy and all his offi cers fell. Nabur-El-Asl. commanding tho dervishes, had all his prisoners decapitated. As a result of this victory all tho native chiefs Joined tho dorvlshos, who, January 1, took possession of tho Important military post at Nasser, in tho district of Sennar. Tho merchant also declares that tho dervishes destroyed all tho telegraph lines In lower Egypt No word of tho conquest of tho Sudan has been al- lowed to leak out. DIGGS AND OAMIIMETTI LOSE Both Men Must Go to Prison In tho California White Slave Case Wero Convicted in 1913. San Francisco, March 20. Tho con victions of F. Drew CamlnottI, son of Anthony CamlnottI, United States com- mlssloner general of immigration, and Maurlco I. DIggs, former stato archl- tect, under tho Mann vjhlto slave act, woro affirmed on Thursday by tho United States circuit court of appeals. Dlggs and CamlnottI wore tried and. convicted boforo District Judgo Wil liam C. Van Fleet in 1913 for tho trans portation of lola Norrls and Marsha Warrington from Sacramento, Cal., to Reno, Nov., for Immoral purposes, ' ' v"'mv. DlBfr w"?, B."tonce,d to prlsonmeut on McNell jslnnd for two yoar8 and nnoi, o nno. nnminnti , aontnn,i to 18 months' Imprisonment and a fine of J1.C00. Tho enso wna taken to tho higher court on a writ of error. ENVOYS ASKS CURB ON VILLA British Embassy Wants U. S. to Pre vent Levy From Foreigners at Monterey. Washington, March 20. Tho British embassy after receiving advices from Monterey, asked tho state depart- mont on Thursday to protest against villa's special lovy of 1,000,000 pesos unon foreigners nt Monterey. The 'licht and nowor coninnnv thoro owned bv British canltnl wna tn.tii $3!i.00n I " ----- ' T , - - - WttsblnGton. March 20. a nmtnnt wna sent to tho tttiltmi Rtntna Thiirmlnv nvnnlnir tn nnnnrnl Vllln ncniimt tim onllnnMnn fmm Amnri,,. 1 nr nthnr Pnrniminm nf nnrf nf DnMni tax ot i.oOOJOOO posos lovlod at Monte- rnv SHIP SEIZED IN BLOCKADE SvVedlsh Steamer Carrying Provisions to Germany Is Taken Into British Port. London, Mnrch 20. Tho first seizure mado by Great Britain undor tho pro vlslona of Its recently announced blockado of tho Gorman coast was mndo on Thursday when tho Swedish Htnnmnr nnhnlnml n.-ionfi. onrrvln Cnrg0 o( provUlonB Intended for n Gorman port, waB hold up and brought Into Loo In tho custody of n BrltlBh patrol boat. Many British Officers Slain. Berlin, March 20. Information glv Ln nut v thn flvorunn Mnvva A.,.. . ' . ..ftwu-j nnd attributed to tho Ixindon Dally citizen enumoratos SiS officers and 15,330 prlvntcs ln n partial list of Brit jsh dcad Prlbllof Islands Are "Dry." WashlnEton. March 20. Tho Prihi, lof Islands havo gono "dry." Itogula tlons announced by Secretary of c.nm - morco Ucdflold prohibit tho taking of 1 uicoiioi or aiconona liquors on tho Islands TO RESCUE AMERICANS ALARMING REPORTS REACH WASHINGTON FROM PROGRESO. Gunboat Brutus Sent to Mexican Port From Vera Cruz Panic In City of Mexico. Washington, March IS. Most alarm ing reports which reached the stato tnd navy departments during tho day concerning danger to Americans and other foreigners at Progreso caused the secretary of the navy to send an additional ship, tho BrutUB, from Vera Cruz to that port. Tho Des Moines Is already there with instructions from Admiral Caper ton at Vera Cruz to glvo asylum to Americans nnd foreigners who may wish to como aboard. Authentic reports aro that, notwith standing assertions of tho re-establishment of order, thoro is panic among foreigners to got out of Mex ico City. Tho "new government" 1b undor control of Itoquo Gonzales Gar za, who was elected provisional presi dent by Mexican generals on Janu ary 17. Secretnry Bryan referred again to Americans and other foreigners who have told the Brazilian minister that thoy want to get out at onco. The Brazilian minister Is arranging for their doparture. Tho only detailed news concerning conditions In the city comes through hore, nil of which descrlbo them as deplorable. Sweden has a caso against Mexico similar to that of tho United States in tho McManus caso. Sweden as sorts that ono of her citizens, Johan Eklund, was murdered by Obregon's troops Just boforo Obregon left Mexico City. Tho Swedish minister reported that tho homo of Gustav Lundholm nnd that of another Swedish subject had been looted. Tho department is still solicitous about tho safety of Americans and other foreigners at Manzanillo. Tho United States is relying on tho cruiser Cleveland, which is off tho port of Manzanillo. FRIEND OF BEACHEY KILLED Frank Stltes, Aviator, Dashed to Earth In Flight at Universal City. Los Angeles, March 18. Aviator Frank Stltes fell 200 feet with his machlno at Universal City on Tuesday and was fatally lnhired, dying halt an hour later In a hospital. Stltes was a close friend of Lincoln Beachoy and was greatly depressed over Beachey's fatal fall at San Francisco. Sunday ho made an unsuccessful nttempt at a flight and afterwards remarked to a friend that ho had lost his nerve. While making tho flight Stltes appar ently lost control of his machlno and being too close to ground to regain it was dashed to earth. He sustained broken leg nnd Intornal injuries, the latter causing death. DEAD MEN ON POLL LIST Witnesses Jn Terre Haute Fraud As sert They Found Many Persons Registered From Vacant Lots. Indianapolis, Ind., March 18. Dead men woro placed on tho registration books in Terro Hauto last October, ac cording to Ira Wellman, Silas R. Brew er nnd Joseph G. Elder, who testified on Tuesday in tho Terre Hauto elec tion fraud caso. Tho throo mon said thoy had verified the poll nB taken from tho registration books and found many registered from vacant houses, impossible numbers and addresses out side of tho precincts in which thoy woro working, In addition to several hundred names ot men who could not bo found at all. JUDGE DENIES THAW MOTION Slayer of Stanford White Ordered Back to Matteawan Habeas Corpus Act as Stay. Now York, Mnrch 18. Holding hat tlio mandate oi tho Supremo court of the United Slates did not hold good now thnt tho trial for conspiracy was oVe'r, Justice Pago in tho supremo co'iirt 'oti Tuesday denied tho motion 6f rtarry IC. Thaw's attorneys to baVo him returned to Now Hamp shire. Tho writ ot habeaB corpus, however, sued out by John B. Stanchfiold, acted as a stay to Thaw's return to Mat teawan, nnd ho wns remanded In the custody of tho sheriff until ho appears bofore Justlco BIJur. Child Killed by "Ripper." Now York, March 20. Lonorn Colin. flvo years old, was killed by a "Jack the-rlppor." Her body, mutilated with a knlfo, waB found In the hallway ot hor homo. In tho fingors Of hor, left hnnd wero clutched several strands of short gray hair. Villa Defeats Carranzlstas. El Paso, March 20. Goneral Villa's army defeated Carranza troops at Ramones, Nuovo Leon. Two hundred Carranzlstas wero klllod and 300 wounded boforo thoy lied In utter rout from before Villa's men. Nobel Prize for Wilson. Mobllo, Ala., March 22. A recom mendatlou that tho Nobel peace prize bo given to President Wilson was con talnod ln a letter which Rev. A. Kiel land wrote to tho Nobel committee at ChrlBtianls, Norway. HOUNDS UP iiS SCOTT WIRES WASHINGTON HE IS BRINGING IN PIUTES. GARRISON CONGRATULATES HIM After Posse Had Been Driven Off By Indians, General Scott Went to Scene Unarmed. Washington, D. C. A laconic telo grain has been received at tho war department from Brigadier General Scott, chief of staff at Bluff, Utah, announcing that tho general was bring ing in tho four Piute Indians, who recently led a band of their tribe on Uio war. path, when the federal authori ties attempted to arrest Tse-Ne-Gat for murder. The mesBago addressed to Secretary Garrison, said: "Successful. Havo four Piutes da sired by Marshal Nebecker and am, at their desire, personally conducting Brigadier General Scott. them to Salt Lake to turn them over to Marshal Nebeker. Am leaving everything peaceable behind us In southern Utah. Garrlson'o Reply Secretary Garrison replied: "I heartily congratulato you on ob taining success in circumstances which seemed to make it impossible. I appreciate your work in the highest degree." Newspaper dispatches tell of General Scott's arrival at Bluff with tho four Indians, Tse-Ne-Gat and his father, "Old Polk," chief Posey and the lat her's pon The party rode in just ten days nfter General Scott, unarmed and accompanied only by an orderly and two Navajo scouts had started off on a snow covered mountain trail for tho distant hiding place of the Piutes. The general went to the scene after tho Indians had driven off a posso, headed by Marshal Nebeker, which undertook to arrest Tso-Ne-GaL Ono member of tho posso and two Indians wore killed in Uio battle.' Throughout a long and distin guished career, tho general has boon noted for IiIb astounding success as a peacemaker both with tho Indians of tho west and tho fierce tribesmen of tho Philippines. This is only ono ot many times that ho had gono un armed to seek out and bring Into camp a fugitive savage,, who though willing to fight to tho death for liberty against a troop of cavalry, promptly succumbed to tho nersuaslon of tho eloquent "White Chief," Advised to Leave Italy. London. Tho relations between Italy and Austria are believed to have reached an acute stage. A dispatch from Rome says Austrian and Ger man subjects have been advised by tho consuls to lenvp Italy ln tho short est posslblo time and that a number cf Germans who recently arrived in Italy aro being waichod becauso of tho suspicion that they are military spies. Thoro havo been reports for some days that Gormnny'B efforts to secure tho continued neutrality of Italy by inducing Austria to cedo Trent and other territory to her woro not meet lng with Biiccess. Italy, It was raid was demanding that tho territory bo handed oyer to her at onco, but tho Teutonic allies, desired to make tho transfer after Uio war. Folowlng this camo reports that Austria had commenced strengthen lng her southern frontier Zeppelins Shell Paris. Paris. Zeppolln airships raided Paris early Snnday and dropped a dozon bombs, but tho damage done was unimportant S,ovon or eight per sons wero Injured, ono sorlously, Four of tho aircraft started for the capital, following tho valley of the Olso, but only two reached thou goal. Missiles also woro dropped at ComnleKnc. Rlbecourt and Dreslln court, but without serious "result. Residents of tho city exhibited more curiosity than fear as to thf aerial Invasion. iOHMftiki CONDENSED NEWS OF INTEREST TO ALL. Whooping cough is very prevalent at Salem. Jitney cars will begin running In. Norfolk, April 1. Tho Leflang elevator of Cozad was-. destroyed by fire. Fremont's now $75,000 theater ha list been completed. Eight candidates are ln the field for postmaster nt Schuyler. Cass county paid $16 to have Ita all guarded for a week. Sldnoy's now high school building; will cost nearly $36,000. William' McFarland of Syracuse re cently sold a hog for $302. A civil nnd religious census is be ing taken of Plattsraouth. South Sioux City will vote on tho license question this spring. Salaries of Grand Island teachers have been raised $5 a month. Flro destroyed a harness shop and merchandise store at Alva. A community commercial club has been organized at Coleridge. Frank and George Kofton killed ;w large Canadian lynx near BassetL Prof. H. D. Sargent has been re elected head of the Salem schools. John E. McCluro won tho postmas , tor preferential primary at Axtell. Two cases of smallpox havo been re. ported, five miles north of Axtell. William Marling, many years resi dent of Hastings, recently died In. Boston. S. G. Fransworth has sold his drug store at Unndilla to Ralph Lincoln oC Dunbar. Frank Howard' has succeeded Charles Miner as postmaster at Ra vonna. ' , Broken Bow will vote on pool halls- and Sunday baseball at tho coming election. Fnrniers' Co-operatlvo Elovator com pany of Harvard has mado a bank ruptcy petition. Alnsworth has closed tho schools and all public gatherings on account of scarlet fever. A. M. Strunk has resigned his posi tion as cashier of the First National bank of Beatrice. W. P. Truman was nominated for- the office of mayor of Auburn at a. caucus held recently. H. M. Wiltse, first homesteader ln ogan Valley, died at Soldiers' Homo at Hot Springs, S. D. Walter, Cuff and Charles Groves of r.ostwick havo purchased the Horton cigar storo at Superior. Stato Auditor Smith has registered 22,000 worth of sewer bonds for thei illage of Ravenna. Tecumseh won a debate with Paw nee City. Tho question was, "Govern ment Ownership of fTailroads." John T. Culllvan, who lost his suit for estate of late John O'Connor of Hastings, says ho will appeal case. Tecumseh city convention votes not to put wet and dry question on ballot this year, and city will remain dry. Fremont claims tno state record for snowfall. More than nlno feet has been piled up in that city this winter. Tho 30th annual encampment of tho Nebraska department of the G. A. R. will be held In Mlnden, May 18- 19-20. At Syracuse three propositions will be submitted at tho spring election. Water extension, electric lights and sewers. Governor Morehead has announced the appointment of John W. Tcellng of Hastings as a member of the staff of colonels. The city council at Schuyler reject ed a petition signed by 300 men and women asking that picture shows lie closed on Sundays. Rural Inspector C. A. Gregory of the state superintendent's office has been elected to the superlntendency of city schools of Crete. Mrs. Frank Dufack, recently ap pointed postmistress at Elk City, has received hor commission and has taken chargo of tho office. Eighty-six head of exxceptionally fine Hampshire hogs woro sold t a total of $3,451.50, or an average of ovor $58 per head, at a Syracuse hog sale. A sneclal election will be held at Leigh on March 2G to submit a propo sition of issuing bonds in tho sum of $10,000 to bo used for an electric plant for tho city. An effort to avoid a nam lougni mu nicipal campaign at Geneva Is meet ing with littlo success, tho "dry element approved a harmony ticket, but tho "wots" have refused to prom- Iso their support. Secretary W. R. Mollor of the No branka State Board of Agriculture,, ln a recent Issue ot tho Now York Clip per, a theatrical magazine, Is warmly commended for his work in connection with tho Nebraska fair. Fred W- Boyd touched a match to a leaky gasoline stovo in the rear of his restaurant nt Snlem, It exploded and throw him across tho room, Bet fire to tho building nnd caused $1,000 damage. Boyd was slightly injured. Tho jury for tho April term of the district court at Beatrice will report April 12. Seven criminal cases are on tho dockot. Tho question of burying tho body of John O'Conner. Hastings recluse, who died more than a year ago, will soon bo decided by District Judgo Dungan. "Tho" old Exeter high school build ing was destroyed by fire last week. Only hard work by fire fighters saved tho now high school, Just completed. Alnsworth wis visited by a $6,000' fire last weok.