The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 23, 1915, Image 8

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    Nows of the City
and the
Tho Luthoran girls will bo ontor
talncd Friday evening of this week
by MIbb Elslo Cohagcn.
Attorneys Halllgan and Crosby went
to Ogalalla yesterday to attend the
session of district court.
Miss Margaret Mcttln, fortnorly of
tho Callcnder Cash store, has accepted
a position In tho ten cent store.
Tho Powers garage received a car
load of Maxwell autos Saturday, tho
second shipment slnco tho first of
tho year.
Miner Hlnnian has received a ship
ment of tho 1915 model Saxon cars to
fill orders which have been placed
with him.
Arthur Jtush and II. L. Baker left
Friday night for Excelsior Springs,
Mo., whero thoy will spend a couplo
Rof wcoks drinking mineral water
and enjoying tho amusement features
offered by that resort.
Tho Holcombo cattlo company Is
moving six or eight hundred head of
cattlo from Maxwell to pasture lands
In Dickens precinct whoro they will
ho kept this coming summer.
Read Horshoy's advertisement a'
a closing out salo In this 'ssua. Iler
shcy tho hardware man. I2tf
Itov. MathowBon will return to
North riatto this week and will oc
cupy tho pulpit at tho Episcopal
church next Sunday. Ho will remain
nnd assist with tho services during
Holy Week.
For Sale Tailless Fox Terrier pups.
Thcso aro dandles. .Too Olascr, 1204
cast Fourth street. 18-3
Josh Barraclough, of Grand Junc
tion, Colo., formorly of this city was
called lioro tho latter part of last
week by tho Illness of his mother.
D, B. McNccol has been feeding 1400
head of cattlo on his ranch northwest
of town this winter. It requires an
avorago of fourteen tons of hay per
day to food this herd, so you can
easily flguro that during tho past nine
ty days tho boys on tho ranch havo
hauled conBldorablo hay.
T. C. Pattorson will go to Lincoln
today to attend a meeting of tho exec
utive committee of the stato league of
building nnd loan associations.
Tho Platto Valley aid socloty will
meet with Mrs. Frank Strollbcrg on
Thursday, March 2Cth. There will bo
an election of officers and ovcrybody
is cordially Invited.
A Kansas judgo has decided that
tlio federal law relating to tho killing
of migratory birds Is unconstitutional.
This decision Is hailed with n consid
erable enthusiasm by local hunters,
but thoy had hotter not nccopt It ns a
IIciwbo to go) out and kill .ducks
and gecso. Undo Sam Is not llkoly
to pay much attention to tho Kansas
Dear Madam: Havo you that charm
Ing and lovablo atmosphere about your
homo that makes your life worth llV'
ing? Lot us help you to solve some
of your dccoratlvo problems by fur
nlshlng you tho latest dccoratlvo ideas,
showing ,un to date wall nnners and
Just' how thoy should bo assembled to
creaio tho doatred effect. Como around
nrid see us at any tlmo nt our now lo
cation at 607 Locust street. Yours
vory truly,
Phono CC. ICtf L. R. DUKE.
George Austin, who Is a Knight of
' tho Shlllalah and attended the ban
quct Thursday evening, lias been mak
ing himself rathor "tiresome," to
Charley Ell by constantly referring
to tho Shlllalah orcanlzr.tlon and
what a wonderful people are
tho Irish. In order to counteract
Austin's constant gabble and havo
suDjeci mai no crrn "swell up" on
Charloy (whoso paronta were born
in Bavaria) proposes to organlzo tho
Knight of tho Kaiser, which ho
proinlsea will outshine tho Shlllalahs
ten to one.
juugo nnu luru. joitu urnnt re
turned. Saturday morning from their
trip to Florida, after an absonco of
about ton weoks. They not only visited
all sections of Florida, but , thoy
crossed over to Cuba and after upend
ing aomu tlmo In Havanna made a
clrclo of tho Intorlor towns of that
country. While tho trip was an in
teresting ono, Judgo Grant says tho
weather was so warm as to bo uncom
fortable. When ho loft Florida for
tho north tho temperature was at
For 8nlt.
My now doublo houso. This placo
1b two distinct 6 room houses, modorn,
full basements, 2 heating plants, 2
laundry and furnaco rooms, 2 coal
rooms, 2 cold storago rooms. First
floor finished In oak, built In buffots
and kitchen cabluets, bath rooms and
lighting fixtures latest design. Iualdo
must J)0 seen to bo appreciated. Will
mako a good home and also lnconio
from other half. Call 003 west Fifth
Btroot. F. C. LETTS.
Best Treatment for Constipation.
"My daughter used Chamborlaln's
Tablets for constipation with good re
sults and I can recommend them high
ly," writes Paul B. Babln, Brushly,
La. For salo by all dcalors.
Lectures on Childhood nnd Youth.
Arrangements havo been mado for a
oorlcs of lectures to the men nnd
women as well as to boys and girls
of North Platto by Gcorgo E Joy,
whoso talks will bo on social ethics,
child culture, adolescent sycology and
manhood. Thcso lectures will bo pre
sented at the Prcsbytorlan church
each evening beginning March 28th
and ending April 2d. No admission
will bo charged but a free-will offering
will bo taken.
Mr. Joy comes highly endorsed by
prominent men of Norfolk, Platts
mcju'th, Grand Island andf a dozen
other Nebraska cities in which ho has
appeared during tho past few months.
A full program of tho subjects to bo
treated will bo given in thcso columns
In a later Issue.
Daiicliifr Teacher Arrhes.
Mrs. Louis Taylor arrived from
Omaha yesterday and last evening be
gan Instructing a class In dancing at
tho Elks' home. Tho class consists of
twenty-five or thirty couples, tho men
members being exclusively Elks and
tho lessons are glvon at tho Elks'
home. All tho latest pollto dances
will bo taaght. Mrs. Taylor comes
highly recommended ns an instruc
tress. Iloiiglanil Elected President.
At tho election of officers of tho Ne
braska Legislative League nt Lincoln
Inst Thursday Ex-senator Hoagland,
of this city, was elected president.
This league Is composed of former
mcmbors of tho Nebraska legislature
and numbers among Its mcmbors
many of tho prominent men of tho
state. Tho presidency of the league
Is considered qulto an honorary posi
tion. Auxiliary Mnkos Donation.
Through a donation mado by the
Ladles' Auxiliary to tho Good Samar
tan Hospital, tho ofilco room of that
Institution Is now furnished in nn at
tractive manner. Tho articles dona
ted consist of desk, table, scttco and
threo chairs. Tho manager, Dean
Bowkor, feels very gratoful to tho
ladles for thcso gifts.
Tho Probable Line-up.
Hero Is tho probnblo llno-up of the
North Platto ball team at tho begin
ning of tho season: Pitchers Luby nnd
Jones, Catcher Danze, first baso Gott-
mnn, second Halllday, third Latora,
Short Stop Langford, left field Much
llnskl, conter Dullard, right opposlto
pitcher. Thoro Is qulto a field from
which subs can bo drawn If ncc
Arthur Oborfoldor, well known In
North Platto, will bo married In Den
ver on Wednesday evening of next
wook to MIbb Hnzol Marx, of that
city. Mr. Oborfolder Is tho Bon of
Josoph Oborfolder of Sldnoy, nnd Is a
manager for tho Redpath Lyceum Bu
Attond tho Easter Display of famous
Roglna hats, Wednesday and Thurs
day, March 24 and 25. McVldcer's
Mllllnory, at Tho Leader. lGt3
Judgo Grimes wont to Ogalalla yes
torday to hold a torm of district
court. Accompanlng him wero Re
porter Barron and Attorneys Wilcox,
Muldoon and Hoagland.
Tho stork vlsttod tho homo of Mr
and Mrs. W. D. Jodor Saturday night
and deposited a ntno pound girl
Mother and daughter aro gottlng along
nlcoly and 'grandfather Salisbury 1b,
of course, "fooling hlo oats."
Mrs. W. H. McDonnld loft last week
for Excelsior Springs, Mo., whcTo aho
will tako treatment for rheumatism
which affected her arm nnd shoulder.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos, of Kimball,
wero guests of Judgo and Mrs. II. M.
Grimes Sunday.
Ilryan Lacks Efficiency.
Tho exacting duties and responsi
bilities now developing upon President
Wilson more or less enlist tho 8ym
pathy of every truo American. Ho
has been sevorcly handicapped bo-
caiuo of a lack of ofTlcloncy by and
confidence of tho publtc in hla secre
tary of stato, but It Is plain that Mr
Bryan Is no longer dopended upon as
tho guiding spirit In that chair of tho
tablnet. Tho decidedly un-ncutral at
titude of tho secretary of stato In his
pro-British leanings had begun to bo
embarrassing to tho administration
and was beginning to crcato a storm
of protest which will nubalde either
with the practical retirement of Mr.
Bryan or a chnngo In his own atti
tude, of which latter thoro nro also
sorno Indications. Mr. Bryan can novor
wholly trecovor far tho democratic
party what ho has lost for It, but
there may yet bo tlmo and opportun
ity for tho President and his leading
advisors materially to do bo. Grand
Island Independent.
Recommends Chnmbcrlnln's Cough
"I tako plcasuro In recommending
Chamborlaln's Cough Remedy to my
customors becauso I havo confidonco
In It. I find thnt thoy arj pleased with
it and call for it when again In need of
such a medlclno," writes J. W. Sox
ton, Montovallo, Mo. For &alo by all
oca; rs.
Modern Sean-mri.
The new ship Iiiih ti'iiimformed tho
Bailor with Itself. He works among a
subtle and Intricate network of mn
ehtitcry. Ill brnln U quickened by the
effort to undeiKtiitid the new forces
nnd npplluniis that he controls. He is
drawn no loimor from the lower strata
of the population of our ports, but in
Increasing proportions from tho raiiUs
of skilled mechanics. The electrician.
and inaehlnlstM. who are, the urlstoc
racy of the crew, bring with them tii
notions which prevail anions the nri.
tocracy of labor out of uniform. Tin"
possess more rending nnd more Hclence
than did nine out of ten of the ofllc era
In the old days. They have n resjic t
for themselves nnd their class, whHi
lias revolutionized the morals and man
ners of the modern warship. The gratl
unl reform of tho service regulations
has sought to keep pace with tlili"
transformation, nnd olllcers Have beer
educated In n wholly -low conceptloi
of their relationship to their men. Tin
bullying nnd hectorlnv which was the
rule of tho Ben In the -Id days is todny
tho rare exception. I.'.stlnct nnd "good
form" condemn that kind of thing ns
severely as the regulations. Nation.
If an Ant Were as Dig as a Man.
All nnt can carry n grain of corn
ten times the weight of Its body, while
a mnn or horse can carry loads only
about equal to Its bodily Weight. It
Is not a fact, however, that the nut Is
greatly superior In strength. If nn nnt
should grow to twice Its original size,
still retaining Its geometrical and his
tological structure, Its volume, nnd ac
cordingly the weight of Its body, would
Increase eightfold. Although the mus
cles grow to twice their original di
mensions, the increase In length does
not Increase the sttvngth, which Is
proportlonnl to their cross section, and
the nnt would onl.v bo four time.-
f.troug ns before. As It now enrrlpi
but five times Its weight, however. It
Is relatively only half as strong, it
Is calculated that the same nnt ik-vol
oped to the size of a man would only
bo nine to carry one one-hundredth of
Its own weight Instead of ten times Its
own weight.
Thrashing Wheat In Cypru3.
Tho ancient Roman trlhulum. ns
used for thrashing, may still be seen In
tho Island of Cyprus. It Is a board
about six feet long and two feet wide,
studded with sharp edged Unices of
flint. In use It Is dragged by oxen or
donkeys over tho corn spread out on
tho hard earthen thrashing floor, sepa
rating tho grain and nt the same time
bruising and chopping up tho straw.
Thrashing tlmo Is enjoyed alike by
children nnd nnlmnls, tho former riding
on tho primitive Implement nud the lat
ter gorging themselves with a hearty
menl. for In Cyprus tho Biblical com
mand. "Thou shalt not muzzlo the ox
that treadeth out tho corn." la still
faithfully observed. Although tho go
eminent offers to thrash by machine al
nominal cost, tho conservative Cypriote
prefers tho old method. He snys that
tho nnlmnls will not eat machine chaff'
ed straw, and straw they must. eat. for
there Is no hay In Cyprus. Wide World
To the Housewife
Madam, if your husband 1b like most
men he expects you to yook after the
health of yourself and children. Coughs
and colds are tho most common of the
minor ailments and aro most llkoly to
lead to serious diseases A child Is
much nioro likely to contract diphther
ia or scarlet fever when It has a cold
If you will Inqulro Into tho merits of
the varlpus romcdlcs that aro recom
mended for coughs and colds, you will
find that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
stands high in tho es'.mntlon of. peo
ple who uao it. It is prompt and ef
fectual. Dleasant and safe to take.
which aro qualities especially to bo de
sired when a medlclno Is intended for
children. For salo by all dealers.
Will Pay tho
Bring Them In and get Your Money.
Aerial navigation
Is no loiig'er an experiment, 'Us prac
tlcablllty has boon proven and Is com'
Ing Into uao moro and moro ovpry day.
Our cigars have never been an ex
periment; they havo always boon
good, thoy havo borno tho mark of
standard for ovor twenty-flvo years
In North Platto. Wo mako a numbor
of brands ranging In prlco from
for 10 cents to 3 for 25 cents, Try
J. F. Schmalzried.
t m j
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Realdance Red C3G Office 459
A Groupe of American
Morn' at the Keith Theatre,
The "Next
fMursc baby yourselt, it possible, but, it not,
use the "Natural Nurser." It's the next best
tiling to natural nursing. The nipple resembles
a mother's breast, has a large soft yielding sur
face. The baby feeds naturally. No collapsing,
no choking. Sanitary bottle with wide, open
top. Holds eight ounces; has graduating scale.
Try one and note the improvement in baby's
Imam j n
Where the Panama Exposition Trip is given free.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Organized 1837.
Have plenty of money on hands to close loans
yill loan on North Platte City property for
building purposes or to assist its members in buy
ing homes or paying off mortgages. The monthly
payments on $1000,00 loan are on principal $5.00
and interest $6.00 or $11.00 in all and on other
sums in proportion.
Closing Out Sale
Hardware and Farming Imple
ments and Windmills at Cost.
Second Hand Well Machine at
a bargain.
Jersey Cream Separators at $40.
Sharpless Tubular Separators
at $50.
Other cream Separators at $20
and upward.
Gasoline Engines $40 upward.
Stughton Wagon 22 in axle 3
in. wide "Tire wheel $75 each.
Stoughton wagons 22' in axle
3 in. wide Tire Wheels $70 each.
Tiger 12 Disc Press Drills, Time
$65 or Cash $60.
Successor to
Drs. Rcdllold & Rcddold
Ofilco Phone C42 Res. Phono G76
Beauty chorus in "September
Wednesday March 24.
to Nature"
Hospital Phono Black C33.
Houso Phono Black G33.
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St,
one-half block southwest of the
Court House.
N'ojth Platte, Neb.
Let us show you our Wall
Paper Samples.
Phones Red 240, Black 570
Office phono 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Physician and Surgeon.
Specfnl Attention Given to Gynecology
uosioirics ana uuiiar,cn's Diseases.
Offlco McDonald Stato Bank Building.
uoruor sixth and Dowoy Streets.
Phones, Offlco 183, Resldenco 283
1008 West Fourth St.
MRS. 31. HALL,
Graduate Nurses In Attendance
Physician and Surgeon.
Physician i.d Surgeon
Office: Rooms 1 and 2
McDonald Bank Building
North Platto, Nebraska.
Office phono 82, Res. Red 302. Calls
answered prompty Day or Night.
Licensed Enibalmcrs
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black 588.
Physician nnd Surgeon
Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phone, Office, 83; Residence 38.
Order of Hearing on Pctitlou for Set
tlement of Accoont.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In the County Court.
In the Matter of tho Estate of Christian
Marquette, Deceased.
On reading and filing tho petition of
Frederick Marquettho praying a final
settlement and allowance of his ac
count, filed on the 27th day of Febru
ary, 1915, and for his discharge as ad
ministrator. Ordered that March 27, A. D. 1915,
at 9 o'clock a. m., is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to be held in
and for said County, and show cause
why the prayer of the petitioner should
not be granted and that notice of the
pendency of said petitibn, and the
hearing thereof, be given to all per
sons interested In said matter by pub-.,
lishing a copy of this order in thai.
North Platto Tribune, a legal semi-ih- i
weekly newspaper printed in saidwi y 4
County, for three successive weeks,
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated February 27, 1915.
m2-3w County Judge.
notice ron runiiiOATioar
Department of Interior
U. S. Land Omce at North Platte, -Neb.
February 24, 1915.
Notice Is hereby prlven that Rapn
vald S. L. Voss, of North Platte, Ne
braska, who, on December 7, 1911, made
Homestead Entry No. 05337, for W
and NH of NE and 8 of SE, Sec
tion 28, Township 12 N.. Range 31 W.,
6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice
of Intention to make final three year
Proof, to establish- claim to the land
above described, before the Register
and Receiver, at North Platte. Nebras
ka, on the 24th day of April, 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses: Carl
Broeder. D. W. Kunkle, O. L. "VVatklns.
Martin Hanan all of North Platte, Ne-
Urn8ka- J. E. EVANS,
ml-Gw Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Ofllce at North Platte, Neb.
March 10, 1915.
Notice is hereby given that Harrison
P. Esler, of North Platte, Neb., who, on
Sept. 14, 1911, made Homestead entry
No. 05255, for N of NEK, Section 22,
Township 15, N., Range 30, W 6th
Principal Meridian, haB filed notice of
intention to make final three year proof
to establish cUilm to the land above
described, beforo the Register and Re
ceiver at North Platte, Neb., on the 7th
day of May, 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses: Wil
liam Harrlman, Oeorgo Alexander,
Wllllnm Reynold, Dennis Breen, all of
North Platte, Neb.
ml6-6w Register.
Frobnto Notice
In tho Matter of tho Estate of E. W.
Crane, Deceased.
In the County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, March 11, 1915.
Notice- Is hereby given, that the
creditors of said deceased will meet
the administrator of said estate, be
fore tho County Judgo of Lincoln
County, Nohraska, at the County
Court room in Bald County, on the 9th
day of April, 1915, and on the 9th
day of October, 1915, at 9 o'clock a.
m. each day, for tho purposo of pre
senting their claims for examination,
adjustment and allowanco. Six
months are allowed for creditors to
present their claims, and ono year for
tho Administrator to settlo said es
tate, from tho 11th day of March, 1915.
This notlco will bo published in The
North Platto Semi-Weekly Tribune, a
nowspaper printed in said County, for
four weoks successively, on and after
March 12, 1915.
ml2-4w County Judge.