The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 23, 1915, Image 6

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-,toy, Nii,iiml:
Above, Canadian artillery marching past tho reviewing stand at Salisbury Plain. Uelow, an Infantry brigade
from Canada. In both photograplia King Gcorco and Lord Kitchener aro to bo seen In tho reviewing stand.
Alaskan Bruin Slays Them for
Food and Sport.
an Eat 600 Pound at One Meal
Gulls .and To rim Alto Among
Causes for Waning Fish Sup
ply In Northern Rivers.
Bears that flsh In shallow water and
gulls and terns that pluck out the eyes
of their prey aro destroying millions
of Alaskan salmon, according to E.
Lostor Jones, deputy commissioner of
tho bureau of fisheries, who was sent
to Alaska last summer to Investigate
tho causes of tho waning salmon sup
ply. Tho bears, ho says, aro tho worst
offenders, becauso thoy haunt the
shores of streams during tho spawn
ing soason, and, besides killing hugo
quantities for food, alny muny thou
sands of others just for tho puro Joy
of tho sport.
Tho commissioner In his report tella
how at Black Bear creek in the Clovo
land peninsula ho found tho shores for
ICO feot on both sidoB littered with
hundreds upon hundreds of humpback,
silver and chum salmon that had been
tossed out of the water by bears,
Hardly any of the fish had been mu
tilated except by tho marks of tho
bear's claws on their backs. All that
wbs eaten was tho "cheok" of tho sal
mon, the boar, according to Commls
loner Jones, bolng very fastidious and
preferring that part to any other.
As the bears in Alaska aro the larg
est in tho world and aro noted for
tholr ravenous appetites, it is, easy to
realize how much damage thoy can do.
On Kodlak island, whore tho full
grown bear weighs three-quarters of
a ton, tho deputy comihlsBlonor
learned from a natlvo that one of
these giants could eat n third of his
own weight in salmon In a single day.
"As In other parts of tho territory
Mr. Jones remarks, "this bear also
IhrowB considerable numbers of flsh
out of tho water, many of which it
may never caro to touch for food."
While wolves and even eagles aro
also doing much harm, Mr. Jones
found that still greater destruction
was caused by gulls and torns. Do
acrlblng his visit to Sierra creek on a
rainy day at low tldo, ho snyB:
"My attention was first attracted by
a movement of blrdB In the watorand
America's first (and only) "Twilight
Twins" had their initial rido in an Au
tomobile, when their mother, Mrs.
Bosslo McCann of Brooklyn, took them
to a "Twilight Sloop" lecture held at
the Brooklyn Academy of Music, un
der tho auspices of tho Twilight
Sleep association. The "Twilight
Twins" aro both boyBnnd two mora
healthy boyB cannot be found. They
were born in tho Kings County hoa
pltal a month ago, while their moth
r was under the influenco of tho now
fruethod as practiced by tho Freiburg
peclallstB of Germany. Tho associa
tlon la planning a tour of tho more
Important cities In the United States
In order to educato women to tho ad
vantages of the Twilight Sloop and
sea that physicians uso nono but tho
approved method in administering tho
Bcopoamln-morphln treatment Twi
light mothers will be tho principal
1 , -A..., ....... i.,. i i'.,. . i i.r. ' ' W
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Mrs. S. W. Oroto loft Now York re
cently on tho Bteamer Hollg Olan for
Riga, Russia, whore, in fulfillment of
her husband's last request, she will
uprlnklo hia ashoB on his old homo
stoad. Twelvo daya after tholr wed
ding Oroto, fearing tho tlmo might
como when sho would no longer lovo
him, ondod tho honeymoon by suicide.
Her husband was tho brothor of
tho Imperial physician of tho czar's
court. Mrs. Orote, who is known as
Doctor Orote, 1b a woman of unusual
churm and is of Swedish birth. Oroto
loft all his proporty to his wife.
along tho banks. As I drew nearer I
saw thousands of salmon fighting their
way up tho shallow atroam, and
among theso llBh were tho gulls, pick
ing out first ono ovo and then tho
other. I flushed this enormous hordo
of gulls, which I bellova nurabored at
least 10,000. Going closer to tho
stream, I found humnback salmon
flopping overywhoro, with tholr eyes
gono and othorwlso mutllatod from
Uio picking and clawing of these
birds. I estimated that on this crook
alono thoro wore within Bight 5,000
fish either dead or dying that had
never Bpawned."
To remedy thin condition Mr. Jones
makes several novol suggestions. Tho
ease with which tho bears and gulla
prey upon salmon, ho says, is duo in
largo moasuro to tho number of ob
structions in Btreams which thoy fre
quent in tho spawning Beason. Bo
sides tho falls and other natural bar
riers, some of tho rivers have not
been kopt clear of tlmbor and otho'r
obstructions, and aro consequently
providing ideal fishing grounds for the
natural enemlos of tho salmon. Wholo
schools are halted on their way up
stream by those obstructions, with tho
result that tho flsh fall back exhaust
ed into shallow wator, only to be
preyed upon by bears and gulls,
Tho commissioner mentions a num
ber of Btreams whero this is especially
truo, and urgos that tho government
approprlato sufficient mouoy to havo
tho worst obstructions removed, The
fnlld in mnny places, ho saya, could ona
ily bo blaBtod to glvo tho salmon a free
pasBago. In other pIucob, whero dyna
mito is Impracticable, tho construction
of "flsh laddora" 1b rccommendod.
"Tho Investment of a few thousand
dollars on all of theso streams," saya
tho commissioner, "would mean n
groat return in tho future as tho roBult
of oponlng up additional natural
spawning grounds as yet almost whol
ly untouched."
Farewell to White Bread.
Berlin. -Tho proprietor of a promi
nent Berlin restaurant recently gave
n "white roll" bauquot at which tho
whlto bread waB nerved for tho last
time, its consumption bolng forbid
den. Germans Confiscate Copper,
Amsterdam.- To provide against a
copper famlno in Germany tho kalaor's
troopB aro said to havo confiscated
all brass doorknobs, chandeliers and
other brass ami bronze, fixtures In Bel
Elan cities.
Weary German Soldiers Forage
for Starving Little One.
Sturdy Warrior With Pitcher of Milk
Plays Nurse and Scolds While
Tears Roll Down His
Berlin. How German soldiers
Baved tho Hfo of a French baby Is
told In a letter written by an alder
man of a West Prussian city who Is
serving as a battalion adjutant at tho
front. ,
"Wo had taken the village by
storm," ho writes. "Tho enemy had to
bo driven from overy single house,
every bam and overy shed. Still wo
woro within tho reach of tholr Held
guns and so It was impossible for our
commissary department to furnish us
anything to eat. Wo had to subsist
on what wo could And in tho village.
Luckily wo discovered a cow in ono
of tho barns, somo of our men were
fortunate in cnpturlng two plga and
the following night two steers wcro
brought In from the pasture outsldo
the village So tho meat question'wau
solved for somo days to come.
"But wo had hardly anything to
drink, tho water was dirty and scarce.
Besides, our men expected something
bettor and strongor.
"Wo searched overy house, went
into ovory cellar, cropt through every
garret and found nothing. Finally
ono of our mon called my attention
to another houso which wo had
missed. It was badly damaged by
shells. Tho stables wore mostly
burned down. Tho yard was covered
with French uniforms, bloody cloth
ing, guns and the remnants of slaugh
tered animals.
"In tho cellar of this houso we dis
covered human beings. Thero wero
six women and eight children hud
dled together. I askod them whether
thoy had had anything to eat and
they told mo tho Gorman soldiers had
given them bread, soup and somo
"Whilo talking to tho women I
hoard tho faint cry of n baby, and in
looking around I discovered In ono
of tho cornora a young mothor hold
ing n six months' old child to hor
breast. I Inquired whether tho child
was sick and tho mother told me It
was starving. It had not had any
milk for two days.
"It soemB tho women had told our
soldiers about tho baby, but thoy had
not understood what wbb wanted.
Then I remembered wo had kopt tho
cow wo found two days ago in our
barn. So wo wont for the cow.
"Ono of my men volunteered to
milk and got busy. But thero was no
milk. I ordered another soldier to
milk, but tho result was the samo
negative. Tho Idea struck mo that
where bo many soldiers wanted milk
for their coffoo tho cow might have
boon milked dry. So I placed a
guard In front of tho cow's stall and
ordered him to let no ono como near
tho animal.
"Three hours later wo tried again
and wore overjoyed when wo obtained
a pitcher full of milk. Immediately
wo mado hasto Tor tho cellar whero
tho baby wbb still crying. It did not
cry very much longer.
"Tho womon wero profuBo In their
thanks and ono of my mon who car
ried the pitcher scolded them for
making so much noise. Ho was mad
becauso tears woro rolling down his
cheoks. Ho hltnsolf la u father of
several small children."
Girl Fights In Many Battles.
I'otrograd. Olga Krasllalkoff, a
nlnotoen-ycar old girl, fought In ID bat
ties in Poland before alio was wound
ed In tho foot and hor box was dis
covered. A fourth degreo St. George's
cross has been awarded her In the
Mobcow hospital.
Use New Shield,
l'etrograd,- Tho RusalanB aro using
a new form of shield which runs on
wheels, covorB six men abreast and
stops rlflo and Maxim bullets.
Feathers for Relief.
Each South African ostrich farmer
will give one pound of ostrich feathero
to tho British and Belgian relief fund,
Do you nk, I'lillaonls, why 1 often
rotnpubroail with ptnUter on my chin,
or with my Hps covered with salve
wlion nothing: alls them? I do not
wish to kiss you. Murllul Kplgrnins,
A nice, warm gingerbread, served
with applo sauce and cottage cheese
makes a desirable,
and economical
dessert. Served
with, whipped
cream, with
grated cheese
added enough to
glvo flavor, is an
other wav of nerv
ing It. Bako a gingerbread In a sheet
and when hot. cut In halves and
spread ono half with a generous layer
of marshmallows, cover with the oth
er half, put into tho oven and bako
five minutes. Remove and serve with
whipped cream.
Ginger Pudding. Cream a half cup
ful of butter, add gradually a quarter
of a cupful of sugar, two eggs well
beaten, ono cupful of milk and two
and - half cupfuls of flour, mixed and
sifted with three teaBpoonfuls of bak
ing powder; add a fourth of a cupful
of canton ginger cut In bits, turn Into
a buttered mold and steam two hours.
Servo with whipped cream, flavored
with tho ginger sirup.
Lemon and Orange Sherbet. Take
a half cupful each of orango Juice and
lomon juice, two cupfuls of sugar arid
a pint of thin cream, freeze and serve
In sherbet glasses.
Coffee Sponge. Mix one and a half
cupfuls of cofTee Infusion with a half
cupful of milk and one-third of a cup
ful of sugar, add a tablespoonful of
gelatin which has been Boftencd in
a little of tho coffee; put Into a dou
ble boiler and add tho yolks of throe
eggs, slightly beaten, a pinch of Bait
and a third of a cunful of silcar
When cooked to coat tho spoon re
move from the heat and fold In tho
beaten whites of three bcsts and a
teaspoonful of vanilla. Turn Into in
dividual molds, dipped in water and
sot away to chill. Serve with whipped
cream flavored with vanilla.
Whipped Cream Cake. No more
delicious dessert can be Imagined
than a good layer cako of two layers.
filled with Bweetoncd whipped cream
and tho top covered with it. If one
wishes to havo the cake more elabo
rate, bananas, plnoannlo or candled
chorrles mny be added to tho cream.
However, it is sufficiently satisfying
with plain whipped cream.
When he to whom one speaks does
not understand, and he who sppnks
himself- does not understand, this Is
Metaphysics. Voltaire.
Sorrows are like thunderclouds In
the distance they look black, over our
heads scarcely gray. Jan Paul Wch
Try this Spanish dish for the men
people and see if thoy won't ask for
more. Fry until crisp
three strips of bacon.
add a third of a cunful
of rice, browned in the
bacon fat; four large to
matoes, sliced; one large
pepper and a medium
sized onion, all cut up
and poured over tho rice
and bacon. As It cooks
add water onoueh to
ktiop it from sticking, and cook slowly
ror tnreo-quarterB of an hour; ndd salt
and n small piece of butter when
ready to serve.
Apple Dumpllnas. Take two cun.
fids of chopped apple, a cupful of
sugar, a tablespoonful of butter and
two cupfuls of boiling water; when
boiling hot, add the following dum
pllngs, made by taking a cupful of
flour, two teaspoonruU of baking pow
dor, a dash of salt, and three-fourths
of a cupful of cream; mix and drop by
spoonfuln In tho applo sirup. Cover
and boll 20 minutes without lifting the
cover. Servo hot.
Corn Waffles. Sift a pint of flour
with two tablesnoonfuln nr
powder, add a teaspoonful of salt and
a 'cupful of milk and two well-beaten
eggs. Beat the batter until light and
stir in a can of corn; bako in waffle
Irons. Serve hot with sirup.
Chicken Loaf With Peas. DIbboIvo
a teaspoonful of gelatin In a cupful
of chicken stock. When tho mixture
begins to set beat until frothy nnd add
three-fourths of a cupful of heavy
cream, which has been beaten stiff,
then ndd a cupful and n half of chicken
cut In dice. Season with popper and
salt and, put into an angel-food pan
with a funnel. When molded, turn
out on a platter lined with lettuce
leaves and fill tho center with sea
soned cooked peas. Servo with a rich
Couldn't Do It.
"I'm sinking Into a Btato of despon
dency, doctor."
"You can't be, my dear sir."
"Why not?"
"Haven't you Just told mo your
head's swimming?"
Dally Thought.
The mind that is cheerful In its
present stato will be adverse to all
solicitudes to tho future, and will
moot tho bitter occurrences of llfo
with a placid smile. Horace.
boiled salad dressing or with a may
Oysters and Corn Bread. Frv nv
sters In hot fat after rolling them lr
corn meal, well seasoned. Servo wltl
n sauce made of half a cupful of catch
up and tho juice of half a lemon, snn
soned with sugar, salt nnd pepper
berve hot corn bread with tho oysters
When you try to conceal your wrin
kles, l'olln, with paste tnuilo from
beans, you deceive yourself, not me.
Let n defect, which Is possibly but
Btnall, appear undlsKUlsed. A fault
concealed Is presumed to bo great
During tho senson of Lent thoro is
any number of wholesome dlshee
which arc sulta
bio for any moal
and take the
placo of meat.
Tho combination
of eggs (hard
cooked), macaroni,
cheeso and white
sauce is especial
ly well liked and Is not only appetlz
Ing but highly nutritive.
Rice and Egg. Put a quarter of a
cupful of rice with two tablespoonfuls
of hot fat into a frying pan. cook un
til tho rico Is brown, then add enough
water to simmer slowly until tho rice
Is tender. Add three or four eggs
and a half cupful of milk to the rlco
and stir until well mixed and the eggs
delicately cooked. Soason with salt
and a few dashes of paprika and serve
with hot buttered rolls.
Pepper Rarebit. Cook one table
spoonful of butter with two of
chopped green popper and one and a
half tablespoonfuls of chopped onion
three minutes, stirring constantly,
Add a half cupful of tomato put
through a ricer, cook two minutes;
then add a half pound of rich cheese,
cut In bits, and, when nearly melted,
stir In ono egg benten lightly. Servo
on salted wafers or toasted buttered
Parsley Potatoes. Cut potatoes
with a cutter into Bmall balls, cook
In boiling salted water, drain and
shake in a dish of melted butter, with
finely chopped parsley. Salt and a
few dashes of red pepper are added,
then serve as a garnish to a platter
of poached eggs.
If your slave commltH a fault, do
not smash his teeth with your fists;
Klve him some of the hard biscuit
which famous Rhodes has sent you.
Martial's Epigrams.
A cook should double one sense have;
for he
.Should taster for himself and master
A pound of mutton which hns been
browned In hot fat after cutting In
small pieces and rolling
In seasoned flour will,
when carrots and a slice
of onion have been added
and boiling water to
cover, serve a family ol
live. Simmer for two
hours on the back part
of tho stove. The vege
tables will be well sea
soned with the mutton
and a generous helping of them and
a Bmall portion of meat will make a
satisfying meal. Seo that tho skin is
all removed from the mutton and If
It has been properly dressed, It will
not tasto woolly.
Fried Salt Pork. There is no more
appetizing meat dish when well pre
pared than tho following: Parboil
slices of pork in boiling water, then
roll in flour and fry until brown. In
tho fat which haB been tried out, stir
flour and cook until brown, then add
milk and seasonings and serve with
baked potatoes and the fried pork.
Hamburg Roast. Take a pound and
a half of hamburger, add two Bllcea of
salt pork chopped, one cupful of
crumbs, ono egg nnd a teaspoonful of
salt. Shape In a loaf, and lay on
strips of pork, and cover with a strip
or two. Roost In a hot oven, basting
often with a fourth or a cup of hot
water added to the pan when put Into
tho oven. Strain a brown sauco round
the roast when serving.
Smothered Steak. Brown a piece
of round steak In a hot pan, add a
chopped onion and wnter to simmer
gently for an hour on tho back of the
stove, Season well and dredge with
flour when half done. A sauce may
be madq to servo with tho steak by
melting two tablespoonfuls of butter,
add two of flour and when cooked ndd
tho liquor from tho steak. Pour
around It and serve hot.
A Hint.
"Do you think your bashful friend
was offended at the dinner wo gave
"Why should ho be?"
, "Well, you know, wo had sheep's
head flsh."
Too Tender-Hearted.
"Somo men," said Uncle Eben, "la
bo tender-hearted dat dcy Is almost
wlllln' to mako trouble fob i friend,
Jea' to show how kind an' sympathize
in' dey kin be."
Finally Restored To Health'
By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Bellovuo, Ohio. "I was in a terrible
state beforo I took Lydia E. Pinkham't.
Vogetablo Com
pound. My back
ached until I thought
it would break, I had.
pains all over me,
nervous feelings and.
periodic troubles.I
was very weak and
run down and was
losing hope of ever
being well and
strong. After tak
ing Lvdia E. Pink-
ham's Vogetablo Compound I improved
rapidly nnd today am a well woman. I
cannot tell you how hnppy I feel and I
cannot say too much for your Compound.
Would not bo without it In the houso it
it cost three times the amount." Mrs.
Chas. Chapman, It. P. D. No. 7, Belle
vuo, Ohio.
Woman's Precious Gift.
The one which she should most zeal
ously guard, is her health, but it is
tho ono most often neglected, until
somo ailment peculiar to her sex has
fastened itself upon her. When so af
fected such women may rely upon Lydia.
E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, a.
remcdv that has been wonderfnllv nun.
cessful in restoring health to suffering:
If you havo tho slightest doubt
that Lydia E. Pinkimiu's Vegeta
ble Compound will help you, write
(confidential) L.ynn,Mass., for ad
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered b3 a woman,
and hold in strict confidence.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver Is
right the stomach and bowels are right.
gently butfirmly com
pel a lazy liver to j
Co its duty.
Cures Con-.
Upation, In
atad Diitreca After Eating-.
Genuine must bear Signature
KOW-KUKK, b th well-known cow nwdieta
inai ui lor over twenty yean mo makJaz (rood
producer out of backward cowi. It U a tried
and proren remedy for the prevention or treat
ment of aucb Ills aa Abortion, Milk Fever, Scour
ing am u Appetite.
Tryapaokaieof KOW-ROKEonToorpoorett I
milker and note remits. It ia sold by drasirUts
Write ni for valuable free hoolr. "The Cam i
Dairy Association Ca.
A toilet preparation of merit.
Help to eradicate dandruff.
FapRestorltter Cinr mnA
Beauty to Cray or Faded Hair.
ww. ana iLuustunicxuu.
Sudan and Billion S Grass
OropatnlOOdaysfrotnseedlngl I'rodaeesenormonslr.
PosIUts cure for say shortage, liia CATALOG Fuss.
John A. Salter Seed Co., Box 704, La Crotte, Wis.
New Cancer Serum.
Tho results of tho work of nearly a
year by physicians, surgeons and labor
atory staff of the General Memorial
hospital of New York, tending to show
the success of a new cancer serum,
are expected to be published soon in
an official report of the medical board
of tho institution to announcements
mado today. The report will contain
the name of the discoverer of the new
serum, its composition, the details of
tho preliminary laboratory work and
tho Individual medical histories of the
patients bo far treated in the hospital.
Tho announcemonU forecast this re
port aB one of tho most Important con
tributions to science emanating from
tho medical professions in this coun
try. Tho serum Is used by injection.
Tho cancerous growths break down.
disintegrate- and disappear, It Is as
Up and Down.
Even though a woman consldei i a
man a bore, she always believes that
he considers her interesting.
Wafcli ilav in urn i!? (lav if vou line lied
Clous Hall lllue, American made, therefore
the uebt niatle. auv.
lloth salt and fresh water flsh arsj
caught in Lake Maracalbo, Venezuela.
tP 44 branulalcdi Eyelids,
will tfj. Eyes inflamed by expo-
sure to Sub, Dusl and Wl
uickly relieved bv Merlna
ye Beaedy. No Smarting.
lust Eve Comfort At
Your DruRsbt's 50c per Bottle. Murlsc Eve
Druggists or nunae eye Kernes u Chicago