The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 23, 1915, Image 4

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Wednesday and Thursday
March 24th and 25th, 191
OW comes, the Supreme Fashion Event of the Spring Season. Our Full Showing
of New Styles. This week's display of new Spring garments affords opportunities for choos
ing, such as the women of North Platte and the surrounding territory have never before known".
Come in Wednesday and Thursday. Try on a few garments and see how becoming they are.
See how easily they fall into place as naturally as though made just for you. You owe it to
yourself to see The Leader's Coats, Suits, Dresses, etc.
' Certainly the Spring stock on display at The Leader is worthy your inspection; certainly a
more complete line of goods that are more up-to-date, that are the real fashions, or that . are of
fered at lower prices have ever been seen in . North Platte, Omaha or elsewhere. Whatever
fashion dictates, whatever is dependable, will be, found at The Leader and will be found in almos
endless profusion. ,: ! ' L
Kayser's Italian Silk '"&
lisle underwear in union
or separate garments.' '
r Eli:
Easter Kid'QloVoS; Every pair -guaran-
antec'd. In,, all .shades (ttjd sizes.
LAn up-to-date silk petticoat WiU'be' given "1 away with
evielyi 'suit or dress sold from $15 up on the two open
,.inj 'days, and not on sales made previous.
them iit(4;cxpf
cjjcc linf proved
them the bct
Uk clove made.
Ak for them ut
our Glove
Short"KAYSER"SllkQlovc8 50c to $1.25
Long "KAYSER" " " 75c to $2.09
Yours' for Great Values and Up-to-Date Merchandise,
Itoadmnstor. Sousor In In Omaha ou
business connected with his ofllclfil
TralnmaBtor Wirt returned Sunday
from Chicago, whoro ho was called
last' w6ek on business,
-Mrs. Charles Groves will onterjtaln
tho'En-Tro-Nous club tomorrow nftor
npon, 120 west Nlnuth street.
,C. B. McLano, of tho postomco force
resumed work this morning after be
ing d small pox victim for thrco
ljjrs. Thll Doata is Buttering sovoroly
from erysipelas of tho face, which
scorns lp havo resulted from having
teeth oxtractod
' MrB. Chostor Macombor, who was
oporated upon at tho Good Samaritan
hospital Tuosday of last week, will
return to heir homo tomorrow.
Col Dcatty, of Brady, was In town
yoBtorday, coming up to attend a caBo
In tho county court, which howovor,
was continued for thirty days.
' Tho Grlnnol Collogo Girls Glco
club, consisting of twenty-four glrlB,
under tho auspices of tho Methodist
ladles, will glvo a high class concort
at tho Keith thoatro April 13th.
Attend tho big EaBtor ealo April
3d at Derryborry & Forbes atoro and
buy your Easter presents and good
things to cat for your Eastor dlnnor,
Thcro will bo baked beanB, rolls, cako,
colored oggB, etc.
Miss Elslo Anderson, of Brady, whb
In town ycBtorday shopping. Sho will
be united In raarrlaga tomorrow to
Charles Bruggcr, of Lexington, und
aftor a wcdddlng trip will mako tholr
homo In that placo.
Hull road men say that ducks and
geeso are- vory plontlful along tho
South Platto river between Julosburg
and Sterling and that many aro bolng
killed regardless of tho federal law
Mrs. Gcorgo E. Brown was operated
upon at tho Good Samaritan hospital
yotV"day for serious abdominal
trouble Tho oporatlon was success
ful and tho condition of tho patient Is
roported satisfactory.
Mrs. A. C. Young, of Washington, D.
C. arrived last ovonlng and will bo a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Shilling for
several wcoks. Mrs, Whlto Is enrouto
homo from Colorado, whoro sho had
boon visiting for somo tlmo.
Ed Dlckoy returned yesterday from
Omt'Jia whoro ho attended the stato
convention of tho state laundrymon.
Ho roports a big attendance, tho trans
action of much business of importance)
and a flno banquet at tho close.
Judgo French Is writing a decision
to tha illhotocn objections filed against
thojallowonco of claims against tho
ostato otiW. D. Lylo. Tho greater part
of tho objections rolato to court costs
In proving tho Identity of tho Scotland
Last wook nt tho Applo Car.
Tho committee handling tickets for
tho Flro Department ball on April Eth
mado a partial canvass of tho busi
ness section. Friday and disposed of
230 tickets. Tho committee is still at
work and hopes to swoll tho nombor
to near tho GOO mark,
Capt. Hardy nnd Goorgo Cartor, two
of tho well known trap ehootors of tho
wost, and Miles Marcott formerly of
this city but now ranching In Garden
county, woro visitors In town Sunday.
A trap shoot had been scheduled for
aftornoon nt tho gun club grounds,
but tho woathor proved too chilly.
Englnoer Bort Chamborlam re
turned tho latter part of last wook
from Excolsior Springs, whoro ho had
boon receiving treatment. Ho re
turns fooling much bettor. Ho has
boon out of service einco tho early
part of Decombor, but is hopoful that
ho may bo ablo to resume work boforo
Tho high Bchool ball team Is lined
up ready for spring practice and tho
boys aro eager to get out on tho dia
mond. They essayed to do a little
practlco work last week, but tho woa
thor was too cool to permit of much
Scats for "September Morn" went
on salo this morning and tho rush
with which they start Indicates a big
houso. Musical comedies aro favorltCB
with North Platto audiences, and
"September Morn" Is said to bo ono
of tho season's best offerings.
Tho Inst Installment of "The Million
Dallnr Mystery", solving tho mystery,
will bo shown ut the Keith Thursday,
March 25tlt.
A farmer living twclvo miles south
of town tolls us that ho has petroleum
delivered at his door at six and throo
quartor cents per gallion In barrel
quantities, Tho oil wagons from town
mako trips that far out In tho hills,
It looks to us as though that Is getting
coal oil pretty cheap, nnd It looks as
though tho Standard oil company Is
not ns greedy as pictured.
T. J. O'Brien, tho bonlfaco ot tho
Henshaw Hotel in Omaha, visited
friends in town Sunday. Ho was en
routo homo from his ranch north ot
Paxton, whoro ho Is wlntorlng a big
bunch ot cnttlo. Ho ran out ot hay
on tho ranch and was forced to buy
Bovoral hundted tons, part of which
ho- was dompdllcd to haul twenfty
Miss Mary Bakahr and Miss Francis
Wyman, tho instructors for tho
woman's short courso In household
oconomlcs, arrived yostorday morning
from tho cast. Tho short courso
opened tills morning at nlno o'clock
In tho bascmont of tho Baptist church
with a larfgo attendanco of ladles. Tho
courso will continue today, Wednos
day, Thursday and Friday with ses
sions during tho foronoon and aftor
noon ot each day, with practically i
dtfforont program at each sosslon.
Fred J. Dlener, tho real estate agent
with offices in tho McDonald block
at tho corner of Front and Dowey
streets, has filled his petition as a
candidate for city clcirk Mr.
Will Make Bridge Award Today.
Tho county commissioners will
meet In session today, with Stato En
gineer Price present, and will mako
the formal award of tho contract for
Dlener is an'old Tcsldent of tho counr building tho now bridgo east of town
, ,1 nw. 1 ln , 1,. .... timi. - t - I , . . . . . .
ty and city, and is well known In
town. Ho has been ono ot tho city as
sessors for several years.
Spring "has came," that is tho al
manac designated Sunday as tho open
ing of tho spring senson, but tho
weather with Its snow squalls, its
chilly winds and tho cloudy sky, did
n't Indicate much spring. However;
wo feel convinced kthat spring weather
is now duo, and firm in this belief, wo
shall put in our onion sets and plant
our sweet peas.
Mr. and Mrs. York HInman, daugh
ters Betty nnd Dorthy and Bon Junior
loft Sunday morning for California
where they woro called by tho illness
of Mrs. Hinman's father, W, J. Cruseji.
A letter was received Saturday telling
ot his serious illness, and this was
followed by a telegram saying that Mr.
Cruson was suffering from congestion
of tho brain and that death seemed
Last week at tho Applo Car,
Tho AnglQ-French contontion that
tho allies havo tho right to declare
European waters and tho Medltorran
can a blockado zono may bo nccoptcd
in prlnclplo by tho United States,
but this government will in
sist that such blockado must bo de
livered againBt only cargoes and ves
sols intended for German porta. In
torforonco with American commerce
en route to or from neutral ports will
bo strenuously objected to. That much
has already been decided upon by tho
president and his adlvsors
Tho commissioners practically decided
last Friday to let tho contract to tho
Canton Bridge Co. because its bid was
tho lowest, but the atttorney-gcneral
insisted that it was his prerogative to
look over tho bids, and to satisfy him
tho bids were taken to Lincoln by
Stato Engineer Price for his inspection.
Real Estate and Insurance
Come and boo us tor town lots in
different parts ot tho city. Good in
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
salo and rent. We havo also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Sts.. upstairs.
The Kearney ball team has posted
its $500 forfeit money and will enter
tho Nebraska stato league. Nearly
$5,000 was raised by tho salo of sea
son tickets at two dollars each.
Wanted Two extra experienced
seamstresses in tho alteration depart
ment at Tho Leader.
Sanford Hurt man filed his petition
as a candidate for mayor Saturday
with city clerk Temple. Tho petition
contains Uio names ot 496 of our cit
izens, or nearly ono-half the full vol
ing strength ot tho town.
Two good young registered Percher-
on Stallions for sale cheap. Thos. E.
Doolittle, route 3, North Plctto. 17-G
Przemsyl, tho Austrian fortress,
which had been under continuous
siego since last .September surren
dered yesterday, with 50,000 prison
ers. This automatically releases a
Russian army of iCO.000 for action in
Poland and along tho - Carpathian"
frontier. v
Our success In this, Is becnuso of our
reliability -promptness In settling
losses and square dealing -with nil
onr pntrons.
nennrtmeut of the Interior
U. S. Land Olllco at North Platte, Neb.
xt . . March 22,, 1915.
A?.tlc? is hereby given that Frank
W. Steel, of North Platte,- Nebr., who. on
eb. 5, 1012, made Homestead entry
ii,.; n., KanBe-i2, w., 6th
Intention to make final three year Proof
to efltabllsh clnim t
described, before the Register and Ite
cetver. at North Platte, N6b., on the
17th day of May, 1915,
Claimant names as witnesses: Jess
Umg, Chris Schick, Ed Stevens, C. C.
Cumpston, all of North Platte, Neb.
m23-6w Register.
Our Easter Display
Pattern Hats
occurs "
Wednesday and Thursday
You are Invited.
McVickers Millinery.