The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 23, 1915, Image 3

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'Tape's Diapcpsin" fixes sick,
sour, gassy stomachs in
five minutes.
Time It! In flvo minutes all stomach
distress will go. No Indigestion, heart
burn, sourness or botching of gas, acid,
or eructations of undigested food, no
dizziness, bloating, or foul breath.
Pnpo's Diapcpsin is noted for Us
speed In regulating upset stomachs.
It Is tho surest, quickest and most cer
tain Indigestion remedy In tho wholo
world, and besides it Is harmless.
PleaBo for your sake, got a largo
fifty-cent case of Papo's Dlapepsln
from any store and put your stomach
right. Don't keep on being mlscrablo
lifo is too short you are not hero
long, so make your stay agreeable.
Eat what you like and digest it; en
Joy It without dread of rebellion In
tho stomach. '
Papo's Dlapopsln belongs in your
home anyway. Should one of tho fam
ily eat something which don't agroo
with them, or in case of an attack of
Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or
stomach derangomcnt at daytlmo or
during tho night, It is handy to glvo
the quickest relief known. Adv.
The Worm Turns.
Hubby You're not the cook
mother was.
Wife For which you should bo
thankful. Your father died of dyspep
sia, you know.
Girls! Try This! Makes Hair Thick,
Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful No
Moro Itching Scalp.
Within ten minutes after an appli
cation of Dandcrlno you cannot find a
Binglo traco of dandruff or falling hair
and your scalp will not itch, but what
will pleaso you most will be Her
few weeks uso, when you new
hair, fino and downy at first yes but
really new hair growing all over tho
A littlo Dandorlno immediately dou
bles tho beauty of your hair. No dif
ference how dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with
Dandorlno and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. Tho effect Is amaz
ing your hair will be light, fluffy and
wavy, and havo an appearance of
abundances; an incomparable luster,
softness and luxuriance.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's
Dandorlno from any store, and prove
that your hair Is as pretty and soft
as any that it has been neglected or
injured by careless treatment that's
all you surely can have beautiful hair
and lots of It if you will Just try a lit
tle Danderlne. Adv.
Overhead Charges.
Church "The overhead charges In
this country are something awful.
Gotham I should say bo. I Just
read that American women yearly buy
more than $10,000,000 worth of mil
linery supplies from Prance."
Seizor's White Bonanza Oats.
Made C. J. Johnson of Lincoln Co.,
Minn., famous in growing 243 bushels from
2V6 bushels sown last spring. Can you
beat that in 1015? Wont you try
This great
Oat has tak
en more
prizes and
given bigger
and larger
t h r oughout
tho United
Statee than
any Oat
known. It's
e n o rmouBly
prolific. Just
tho Oat for
Iowa, Minn.,
Wis.. 111.,
Ind., Mich.,
Ohio. Neb.,
Pa., N. Y., Kansas and Missouri.
We aro America's headquarters for
Alfalfa and Potatoes
I Timothy, Clovers and Farm Seeds.
For 10c In Postage
We gladly mail our Catalog
and cample package of Ten Fa
mous Farm Seeds, including
Speltz, "The Cereal Wonder;"
Hjuvenated White Bonanza
Oats, "The Prize Winner;" Bil
lion Dollar Grass; Tcosinte,
the Silo Filler, etc., etc.
Or Send 12c
And we will mail you our
big Catalog and six generous
packages of Early Cabbage,
Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce,
Radish, Onion furnishing lots
and lots of juicy delicious
Vegetables during the early
Spring and Summer.
Or seqd to John A. Salver
Seed Co., Box 704, Li
Crosne, Wis., twenty cents
and receive both above collec
tions and their biff catalog.
Necessary to Know.
"Do you think she is too fat to be
"I don't know her woli enough to
pass an opinion. Is her father
Red Cross Ball Blue, made in America,
therefore the best, delights the housewife.
All good grocers. Adv.
One touch of spring fever would be
a welcome relief.
City Called Washington Is Not Known to the Law
WASHINGTON. It cannot bo proved by the census office thnt anyono lives
in a city called Washington. Congress convenes there, but knows the
city not. Verily, Washington Is a literal example of what a wit once called
vV7fc AW2f
ty, no citizens; that tho city, which
was dreamed of In tho early days as a memorial to tho first president
of the United States, Is called Washington only by courtesy.
There aro only two business transactions that concern the city ns a city?
you can buy n railroad ticket or mall a letter to or from Washington. '
People will tell you offhand thnt Washington is coterminous with the
District of Columbia. That Is a resonablo conclusion but It is not supported
by nny legal definition; and, moreover, thero Is no specific authority for tho
origin of this name as applied to the federal territory.
It is understood thnt legislation is about to bo introduced to chango all
this, fathered by one who contends that It was Intended from the vory begin
ning that tho federal capital bear tho name of Washington; wherefore, if
tho District of Columbia and the federal capital are synonymous, the former
term Is a corruption which has crept In nnd should bo discarded.
Tho idea Is to formulate n bill demanding that the words District of
Columbia shall be struck out of all legislation concerning tho federal capital
and tho words Washington City bo inserted In their place.
"Made-in-America" Flags for the Coast Guard
" rV? ADE-IN-AMERICA" flags may be substituted for tho bunting that now
1Y1 Hies from coast guard cutters and stations. Tho coast gunrd Is ex
perimenting with flags of cotton material, with the possibility of substituting
cotton flags for the bunting flags
bearing the devices of the revenue
cutter and life-saving services, as
fast as they wear out and nre retired
from service. The cotton flags may
also replace the signal flags on coast
guard cutters, if tho tests being made
meet with approval.
The bunting flags, when wet and
frozen, conditions that aro accom
panied by strong wind, are frazzled
out on the ends quickly, and are soon
unserviceable. It Is claimed for tho
cotton flags that they will weather these
over. Also, the cotton flag costs about
considerable item of expense, whero
many more In shlpholds nnd station lofts, nnd also 17,000 signal flags, count
lng sets In use and those in reserve, owned by the coast guard.
There are 44 coast guard cutters in service, and most of them having
one or more extra flags besides tho one flying from the peak. A flag is flying
dally from each of tho 285 coast guard stations on shore, and perhaps as
many moro are hold in reserve. Each
twenty-six signal flqgs of tho international code, making a full Bot.
The flags of the former revenue cutter and life-saving service will con
tlnuo In use on cutter and station until
boar the title, "United States Coast Guard," instead of tho former appella
tions. It may be years before the last flag representative of the older serv
Ices is disposed of.
Post Office Inspector on
POST OFFICE INSPECTOR E. P. SMITH walked Into the ofllco of Chief
inspector Joe P. Johnston the other day as the head of thopostul secret
Bervlce was perusing the list of post offices that had not been checked up.
m, s0R& (THIS WILL
. t 1 ' KmVa?
d- II Vv UM- 'aSFv '
"Neglected who?" Inquired Smith.
"Guam," repeated tho chief. "How long will It take you to get ready
to go thero?"
"I am ready," answered Smith, figuring that he was to be dispatched
on an ordinary Journey. "Whero Is it?"
"On the other side of tho world," said Johnston, without cracking a smile.
''Better go homo and pack up. You will need a trunk for thiB trip. You
will cover about twenty-five thousand miles before you get back."
Smith, like a good reporter, did as he was told., "When ho returned In
the morning ho was accompanied by a pretty little woman.
"My wife," he Bald, Introducing Mrs. Smith to his chief. "If you have no
objections I will take her with mo. I will pay her expenses. We never havo
had a real honeymoon trip and this looks like a real chance."
Chief Johnston gave his consent and in a few minutes the gleeful Smiths
were on tho way to Union station.
It probably will take Smith about one day to check up the accounts of
Postmaster B. F. Duarte of Guam.
Uncle Sam Will Conserve the Thanksgiving Bird
(F the American turkey is to play as Important a part In the Thanksgiving
and Christmas feasts of the future us it hns in tho past, people of the
United States must learn more about the methods of raising this great
domestic bird, according to the ex
perts of tho United States department
of agriculture. At the present tlmo
tho turkey Is considered ono of tho
hardest of any of the members of the
poultry family to raise. Disease kills
off many every year, and this fact
Is said to bo tho principal cause for
frequent shortage of supply and tho
variation In prlco which Is observed
by housewives when conducting their
Tho federal bureau of animal in
dustry hns sent Andrew Welant, one of Its scientific assistants, on a survoy
which will cover the whole country and which will Includo a thorough study
ot methods of management, not only of turkeyB, but alBo of guinea fowl. The
guinea fowl la occupying a more and moro Important place as an article of
food because of tho fact that it has taken tho place of game in many parts
of tho country where wild game birds have become scarce.
Mr. Weiant will travel through all tho sections of the country whero
turkey raising hns been developed as an industry. Tho government's expert
will study not only methods of management in tho different sections, but will
look into the cause of tho great loss In turkeys. The principal cause, It is
generally known, Is tho peculiar disease known as "black-head," and tho
agricultural department's expert will study Iho methods of management
which have been put into operation to check the spread of this disease.
Hoston, "a state of mind," and only by
a man or a postal guldo can its ex
istence bo proved.
Tlmo was, however, when there
wan a Pltv of Wnshlneton. with tie-
flned limits, a charter and a city gov-
eminent, but since the abolishing or
the charter in 1S71 nnd tho establish
ment of tho territorial form of gov
ernment In tho District It Is nn actual
fact that Washington has no legal
existence, no government, no proper
conditions and bo nearly as good as
half bb much as the bunting flag; a
there aro 329 flags flying dally, as
coast guard cutter carries at least
they wear out. All tho new Hags will
a Long Honeymoon Trip
In the list the chief found the
fourth-class office on the Island of
Guam, tho only federal postal station
in this insular possession. Investlga
tlon had disclosed that no inspection
had been made of tho ofllco slnco
J JUH B1X yearB. Aitnougn n is a
small office one of tho very smallest
in me cnain or tuousanus, tne law re
quires that the postmaster bo checked
up annually.
"It seems that wo have neglected
Guam," mused Johnston.
jsmr i
Put Off Old Age
Some old folks are bent nnd shaky.
Others are straight and strong. It can't
be merc"oldness" that workt such havoc.
No it's too often uric acid. Fight ofl
this life-sapping poison. Help the kid
neys take it from the blood. To aid
them, live carefully and stimulate their
action with the old reliable medicine,
Doaa's Kidney Pills.
An Iowa Case
"XntrnamtMmluo" Mrs. A. A. Smi
ley, iv. Clinton hi.,
Alliln, Iown. says:
"I lmd severe at
tacks of buekrtcho
utnl otlior kidney
ailments. I felt
mlscrablo in every
I way, when ono of
my family told mo
to get Doan s Kid
ney Pills. They
were Just wlint I
needed, llxlns mo
nn nil rlKlit. There
j is nit irniso too
15 strong for tills fine
Gel Dout'a at Anr Stow, EOo a Dos
Some Going.
Mrs. Styles, from tho tonnenu of
her automobile I wish you wouldn't
go so fast over tho rough places, Jen
kins; you nearly pitched me out a mln
uto ago.
Jenkins Why don't you hold on to
your husband, mn'nm?
"My husband? Goodness!. Ho went
out ten minutes ago, Jenkins!"
And Lose Your Hair. Cutlcura Pro
vents IL Trial Free,
Cutlcura Soap shampoos cleonso
and purify tho scalp of dandruff whllo
tho Ointment soothes nnd heals tho
Irritated scalp skin. Dandruff and
itching are hair destroyers. Got ac
quainted with these suporcxeamy emol
lients for the skin and scalp.
Samplo each freo by mail with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY,
Boston. Sold overywhero. Adv.
A Wrong Impression.
A Gerinnn looking for a person by
tho namo of Dunn, who owed him
money, naked a young fellow near
Sweeny's eating house where No. 66
Chatham street was, as ho "wished to
And Mr. Dunn."
Tho fellow told him to go Into
Sweeny's eating houso and the man
near tho window was Mr. Dunn. Tho
Germnn went) Into tho eating houso
and went up to a man who happened
to bo an Irishman.
"Are you Dunn?" said tho German.
"Dono?" said Pat. "By my soul, I
havo just started." Philadelphia
Keep Your Looks Youthful, Dark,
Glossy and Thick With Garden
Sage and Sulphur.
When you darken your hair with
Sago Tea and Sulphur, no one can
tell, becauso it's done so naturally, so
evenly. Preparing this mixture,
though, at home Is mussy and trouble
some. For CO cents you, can buy at
any drug store tho rcady-to-uso tonlo
called "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur
Hair Remedy." You Just dampen a
sponge or soft brush with it nnd
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a tlmo. By morn
ing all gray hair disappears, and, after
another application or two, your hair
becomes beautifully darkened, glossy
and luxuriant. You will also dis
cover dandruff la gone and hair has
Btopped fulling.
Gray, faded hair, though no dis
grace, 1b a sign of old age, nnd as we
all desire a youthful and attractive ap
pearance, get busy at onco with Wy
eth's Sago and Sulphur and look years
younger. Adv.
The Heated Kind.
"You say he's a famous German air
"An aeroplane expert, eh?"
"No. He has charge of u publicity
Church I see tho letter carriers In
Portugal save themselves much walk
ing on Sunday by delivering letters at
Ootham Put I should thing tho de
livery of tho letter carrlor would In
terfere with that of tho preacher.
5 tfra
MEN'S 2.SO 3 3.50 '4.00 '4.50 5 '5.50 SHOES
WOMEN'S 2.00 '2.50 3.00 3.50 & 4.00 SHOES
BOYS' 1 .75 '2 '2.50 3.00 MISSES' 2.00 & 2.50
VP. I Douelns .Hoes aro made of
learner., on mo jai.t moaeu, careiuuy oou.iruciea oy me mil
expert last ana pattern muun in
of equal prices, can compete wltn W. I- Douglas allocs lor style
vrorkmanahlp and qualltr. As comfortable, easy walking
iqwi tncj are
The S3.0O, C3.SO and S4.00 aho.s
as otuer makes coating ax.oo to atm The at ,oo,a.oo ana
U5.SO shoes compare favorably with other makes costing
vunu iaj -70.1vi. w u.rrvar you iitb
and if omen wearing- v.iiioujjia. snoe.. uon.alttnam
and they will tell you that W. . Douglas shoes cannot
De cxceusu tor tne price.
If you could visit the V. T.. Douglas
Brockton, Mass., anil see how carefully
aro inaue. ana tne nign graue icatners u.ea.
you would then understand why they look and
lit better, hold their shape and wear longer
thau other makes for the price.
It your dealer cannot supply you, write for Illus
trated Catalog showing how to order by mall.
W.Ii.UougUs.UlO Spark 8t.,llroclUon,Maja.
Man Who Knows Points Out That
Scientific Discoveries Are Not
"Thero Is n widespread but errone
ous bollof In official circles, nnd umong
wealthy philanthropists," writes Sir
Ray Lnnkostcr in tho London Dally
Telegraph, "to tho offoct that you can
hlro n scientific discoverer and then
say to him, 'Discover mo this' or 'Dis
cover mo thnt' (naming to him n pos
sible and greatly desired pleco of now
knowledge), nnd thnt ho win there
upon proceed right nwny to mnko tho
discovery which you want. . . . But
valunblo and Important scientific dis
covery cannot bo produced directly In
rcaponso to orders given nnd, money
"You cannot manufacture scientific
discovery like soap. Tho great diffi
culty, In tho first plnce, 1b to catch
that rare and evaslvo creature n
scientific discoverer nnd when you
have found him you havo to humor
him and let him do nn ho fancies.
Then ho will discover things, but
prnbnbly not tho things which either
you or ho wanted or expected."
Awgctablc Preparation for As
similating llieFoodandncgula-
ling the Stomachs and Dowels or
Promotes Digeslion,Clieerful
ness and Rcst.Contains neither
Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral
Not "Narcotic
AvrvJirut Suit w
Win Jit4
Hinkyrttx ttovtrt'
Anrrfrinemctlv for Conslipo
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Toe Simile Signature of
Tire CtNTAun Company,
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Their Name Is Legion.
"I usually take the Into train
"1 know; but which ono?" Phllndel
phla Public Lodger.
Beautiful Recipe Book For Every
We have been asked by the Calumet
Huklnc l'owiler Company of CIiIcuro to
anuouiicq through tho columns ot this
publication that they have Just gotten up
one of the best Itocliie UooUb over pub
llHlird, 1G paces of which aro beautifully
Illustrated, showing In the colorn a lot of
dainty dishes and good things to eat that
inn bo prepared with Culumet Halting
In addition to this there aro 2S2 valu
able reclpcH and numeroun household hints
prepared by the most noted Domestic Sci
ence tencliiTH and Cooking ISxpcrts,
We know you will find this u very valu
able book, an you will have uso for It
almost every day.
All you have to do to get one Is to take
the slip that you find In a pound can of
Calumet nuking Powder, nil In your namo
nnd nddress according to tho Instructions
on thu slip and mall it to tho Calumet
linking Powder Company, Chicago, HI.
If you are not already using Calumet
Tluklng Powder, wo would suggest that
you try It today. You will find It whole-,
some nnd economical to use.
You will find It a Daktng Powder of un.
iismil merit and the recipe book one of
tho most beautiful and useful books of
thin kind that you have ever possessed.
Tho devil doesn't euro how often n
man goes to church on Sunday, if ho
can use him the rest of tho week.
Stubborn Throit troubles are eaillv re
lieved by Dean's Mentholated CourIi Ihxp.
They act like magic c at all Druggists.
Nervo and ability work in the samo
direction, but nerve usually guts thero
first. Macon Telogrnph.
tb best domestic and imported
mu country, no otuer max
will rl e as good serrloe
uivr. n idut ids.
factory at
the shoes
m"Aitimimj . n-ve imiirriii liu wArtuu m l'viv
I II I J 1
Mr. Andor Kiss, No. 31S
Clinton Place, Kansas City,
Mo., writes! "1 cannot
thank you enough for being cured.
For seven Ions years I doctored
steadily for my catarrh and cough,
which cost fno hundreds ot dol
lars. But my catarrh gTcw worse
all the time. Even though I was
under the treatment of some of
tho most famous doctors, I still
had terrible cough and thought
sometimes that I would choke.
I could ret no air. I then
bought a bottle of Peruna, and
that evening and all night my
wife gravo It to mo according
to the directions, nnd I felt bet
ter the following- day already.
Three days later I felt much Im
proved, and today, after the use
ot the fourth bottlo, I feel en
tirely cured. I can conscien
tiously recommend this Brand
mcdtclno to every citizen."
A Good Cough Tablet.
Thero are pcoplo who object
to taking fluid medicines. For
such people tho Peruna Tablets
are especially valuable. They
are convenient to carry in tho
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over,
Thirty Years
A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed
For Douches
In the local troatmont of woman's illL
such as loucorrhoe and inflammation, hoo
douches ot Paxttne are very efficacious.
No woman who has evor usod medicated!
douches will fall to appreciate tho clo&n and
hoalthy condition Paxllne produces and the
prompt rollof from aoroncsa and discomfort
whloh follows Its UBO.Thls is bocause Paxtln
possosses superior cleansing, dhuafttot
lug ana ncniing proporues.
For ten vonrs tho Lvdla E. i
Plnkham Medicine Co. Las rec
ommended Paxtino In their
prlvato correspondence with wo-
mon, wnicn proves its superi
ority. Women who have been
relieved say it is " worth its
weleht in cold." At druinrlits.
COo large box or by mall. Bampla free.
The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Massy
is constantly growing in favor because it
Docs Not Stick to the Iron
and it will not injure tho finest fabric. For
laundry purposes it has no equal 16 ox.
package 10c 1-3 more starch for same money.
Nebraska Directory
Omaha. Naanuka
Illkl aTXAl IU11 riinnpriM
Kooata irom nm up single, to cent up double
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 11-1915.
When burlci W.L.Doui
.noes loos icr eu ham
AND flliuis lumped ou
the bottom. Shoe tbus
tamped at. alw.r. worth
me price ruua lor intra, rot
ti yean w V. potuu bxt
(uaraoteed tlmlr vuue and
protected lb. weuer ualiut
hlsn price, for Inferior .boea
LlOlfi .tmiDed on tha bot
tom before they leato lbs
lutorr.Do not be Denuadad
lo take eoma other malis
claimed to be uil as loexl.
You art DsyUit. your money
and are enuUea to the best.
VV. L. Douaiaa
shoes are sold
through BO
itoreo In the
largo eitiaa
and snoe
M whire.
mr m. -wnen puyus w.idouhm
. ItW lahoe. look for hi. HAMS