The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 23, 1915, Image 1

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    atte mi-'MMItt Settee
No. 18'
litis u Lead of Over Million and Hnlf
Over His Nearest Competitor.
Littlo Jlmmlo Muellor, who has been
a crlpplo nil his life and can get
around only with tho aid of crutches
was tho winner In tho pony contest,
receiving ono and, rne-lmlf million
moro votes than his nearest competi
tor. Tho total vote rccolvcd by each
of tho four highest contestants ijvas
as follows:
Jlmmlo Muoller .3,917,005
Alleen Llntz .'. .2.458.1GG
Charley) Eshloman 1.124,025
Francis Doiph ' 921,555
Tho next highest contestant was
Lawrcnco Hart with 528,740 votes,
there wore sovoral with an aggregate
of over 300,000, a number in tho 200,
000 class, and from this tho totals
ranged down to 25,000 votes. Tho total
number of votes cost reached tho
enormous number of 14,237,045.
Tho contest started with nearly ono
hundred contestants, but as tho voto
proceeded, many of theso practically
dropped out of tho running, and what
ever work tho dropped-out con
testants performed was la tho Inter
est of either Jlmmlo Muoller or Alleen
Lltz, who seemed to bo tho favorites
from tho start.
Tho fact that over' fourteen million
votes woro cast, Is ovldonco that tho
contest was a success.
Tho pony and tho outfit will be
turned over to Jlmmlo Mueller to
morrow, and no doubt ho will be a
very happy boy. Ho will unquestion
able tako pleasure in giving his
young friends a ride.
For Rent Seven room modern house
in good condition. 415 E. 3rd St. Phono
Red 440. 17-2
Grumlinn McWllllnius Injured
Grandma McWllllams, mother of tho
lato J. R. McWllllams, fell on an Icy
sldowalk yesterday morning while cn
routo to services at St. Patrick's
S iff.
church and suffered tho dislocation of
tho ieft hlpF Tho accident occurred
almost In front of tho homo of her
grnntt daughter Mrs. Qcorgo Voselpka
on cast Fourth street, whoro' sho was
Immediately taken and a physician
summoned. Mrs. McWllllams is
eighty-five years old, and tho injury
is thoroforo all tho moro serious on nc
count of her age. She Is reportod to
bo suffering greatl
llert Harbor Enroutc Home.
Bert Barber, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.
II. Barber of this city, who had been
in tho employ of ono of tho South
American republics ns an export
way of Asia and Europe, embarked for
way of Asia and Europe, embark for
for home at Rotterdam last Sunday.
Ho will land In Now York aboutv tho
first April, "but may decide to visit In
tho east for some time before coming
'to North Plntto,
Largest stock wo over carried. Tho
1915 patterns aro In. Last year pa
pers go at 10 Cents double roll, re
gardless of quality. Call and see for
One of (ho nicest little homes In
North Platte. Price bright and terms
easy. Other cheap properties, farms
n nd farm lands.
Mrs. A. F. Stroitz will informally
entertain eight ladles at auction
bridge tomorrow evening.
Charley Ell Buys Resilience.
A deal was made yesterday whoroby
Charley Ell becomes tho owner of
tho nlco resldenco proporty at tho
cornor of Fourth and Willow streets
formerly occupied by tho North
PlattH Gcnoral Hospital. The pur
shaso was mado of John Brntt. Tho
consideration was seven thousand dol
lars, Mr. Ell trading In his proporty
on west Second street Possession
will bo given at once.
Entertain for Mrs. Kockcn.
Mrs. A. O. Kockon, who In point of
years residence In North Plntto Is
ono of our oldest residents, was the
honor guost at a luncheon given Sun
day at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Wnltor Kockcn. Tho occasion wa3 hor
soventy-sccond birth anniversary, and
to bo so remembered mado tho day a
Joyous ono for her. Tho house was
beautifully decorated and tho event a
pleasant ono for nil participants. Good
wishes for many returns of tho dny
wero oxtonded to the honor guest.
Train No. 11 to Go Rack.
A Denver paper announces thnt No.
11, tho Denver train that was taken
off sovornl months ago, will bo put
back on about April 1st. It is under
stood that the train will reach hero
tho early part of tho afternoon, as
formerly. Tho east-bound train will
bo No. 14, but Its tlmo of arrival at this
terminal has not been stated.
A few tracts of good hay land close
in, houses, rooms, storage space nnd
snfo deposit boxes.
Tho Hendy-Oglcr garago expects a
shipment of six Ford and ilvo Dodge
cars In a fow days. Eight of theso
eleven cars have been sold.
I 19 15 - 19 15 I
ft 1
Begins Tuesday, March 23; 2:30 p. m.
We extend a cordial invitation to the Ladies of North Platte
and vicinity to visit our store during this occasion.
Come! Everybody Come! View the newly remodeled and only
up-to-date Ladies' exclusive Ready-to-Wear Store in the city.
Come and see our most beautiful Opening Exhibit of the sea
son's most comprehensive assemblage of Fine Apparel and Milli
nery, introducing tbe Authentic Spring Styles of 1915 in Suits,
Coats, Dresses, Evening Gowns, Skirts and Waists. Each garment
Full of Style, yet practical and "Popular Priced."
Special Offerings During
Opening Week
Come tomorrow, come any day this week. You'll enjoy your
visit and we'll enjoy your coming.
No other stock so vast, no other assortment so varied, no other
prices so reasonable. Your visit will prove pleasant and profitable
to you.
Ladies Outfitting Stoir'e
Fit EE
coonover & Co.
Clothing,' Hats, Shoes and Furnishings
Greater Values Than Ever
$15, $18 and $20 Suits
It is our purpose the present season to give to the MEN
AND YOUNG MEN of Lincoln County for their consider
ation, the GREATEST VALUES in Suits that has ever
been shown here. OUR MODELS for YOUNG MEN are
snappy and correct. For the CONSERATI VE DRESSER,
neat and in the conventional.
Spring Shoes Are Ready
Shoes for this season have
more variety than ever be.
fore and the best way to
get posted quickly is to vis
it our Shoe Department.
We not only have the style,
but also the values, the fit
ting service, and the deter
mination to satisfy you in everything.
Making over your own materials a
specialty at tho Parlor MllUncry. 18-2
Tho Episcopal guild will hold a
Boclal In tho guild rooms Thursday
Now Is tho time to buy u home. Lot
mo show you my lint of bnrgnlns. 0.
F. Temple. 1S12
Poland Glnn will return to- Perry,
Iojwn, th& wefck atcr vlslUngffhla
parents for somo tlmo.
Mrs. James Snyder cntortalned at a
kcnslngton Friday In favor of Mrs.
Qcorgo LoDloyt, who with hor hus
band will soon tako up a resldenco on
a farm.
Mrs. T. C. Patterson left yesterday
for Omaha where sho will Bpend two
weeks visaing . with hor daughtor,
Edith,' who Is employed oh teacher in
tho Benson schools.
Let mo show you tho best Electric
Vacuum Cleaner on tho market boforo
house cleaning time, For Balo or
rent, Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, phono red
104. 18-2
Bids for tho addition and alterations
to tho W. C. Reynolds' block were
oponed tho latter part of last week
but tho contract has not yet been
awarded .Tho bids aro somewhat
higher than expected.
Tho Socialist Study club will meet
with Mrs Howard McMlchael, 421 So.
Vino street tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. Brooks Meft this morning for
Gothenburg whero sho will visit rel
atives for sovcral days.
If you expect to build thin spring,
now Is the (lino to get your lot. I
have good residence lots In nil parts
of the city. Let mo show ilicm lo you.
-C. F. Temple. 1812
Tho Lutheran aid society will meet
with Mrs. Frank Martin Thursday af
ternoon on cast Tenth street. Mrs.
Martin will bo assisted by Mrs. John
Johnson and Mrs. Albert Steln-lmusen.
Wo tako pleasure In announcing our
oponlng display of Dress and Pattern
HaitjB, Wednesday1 and Thursday,
March 24 and 25. Wo extend to tho
trado a cordial invitation to attend.
McVIcker's Millinery, at Tho Load
er. , 10t3
Al Tift will ship his grading outfit
to Minnesota this week, whoro ho has
a contract for railroad grading that
will provide work until lato In tho
fall. Ho will tako eighteen of twenty
North Platto men with him.
Tho work of rc-paperlng and re
painting tho interior of tho Union Pa
cific hotel Is about completed. Every
room in tho building has boon re
decorated, adding much to tho Intorlor
Tho G. I. A. to tho B. of L. E. will
give a ten cent social at tho K. P.
hall Friday afternoon. All membors
aro urged to como and bring a frlond.
Weather forecast for North Platto
and vicinity: Fair tonight and Wed
nesday; warmer tonight, coldor Wed
nesday. Highest tcmporaturo yester
day 38, a year ago, 04; lowest last
night 21, a year ago, 22.
Under tho advanced Ideas and skill
of Mr. White, tho decorator, tha In
terior' of Tho Leader Js being hand
somely trimmed for tho Easter open
ing, which will ho hold Wednesday
and Thursday of this wook. Tho" color,
schomo Is lavoiidor and green, which
makes a very pretty,, combination. Tho
show windows reflect tho allowing of
spring styles to bo found within.
Ono of tho most enthusiastic sup
porters of paving is W. C. Reynolds,
who owns forty-four feet of busi
ness proporty abutting on Dowoy. Mr.
Reynolds during his lay-ovors aa en
gineer at Grand Island has Investi
gated tho advantages and tho benefits
and tho cost of paving in that city, and
is thoroughly convinced that 'North
Platto is throwing monoy away by at
tempting to) maintain our business
stroets with dirt or gravol Instead of
paving. Mr. Roynolds thinks there
should bo no dolay in paving both
Dowoy and Locust streots.
For Sale nt n Bargain.
Six rooom house, two largo lots with
outbuildings and ehado trees on both.
Prico $2500. Inquire of this ofllco. 15tf
Students' Recital.
Thoso students of tho Sutherland
high schoool who aro being taught
elocution and expression by Miss Alma
Woltemath, or this city, gavo recitals
Thursday and Friday evenings of last
wook and also last evening. Theso
recitals aro said id havo boon vory
successful, covering both dramatic
and humorouo'ojassos, and gavo ovl
donco of Miss Wnltomnth's ability as
i teaohor. Tho; .'program' wan inter
spersed vlth niuslcal -selections,' In
which Mrs. Harry Cramor, or this city
participated. ,v,
Rod River Early Ohlos for seed. Oct
your order? in, nlBo car of early Ohios
for oatng, ..Both cars duo to arrive
by 2Cth. R. N. LAMB.
Phono G7 North Locust Street.
Tho spoclal conforcuco committees
of tho two branches of tho lcglslaturo
got togcthor yeBtorday aftornoon and
agreed on Tuesday, April G, as tho
dato of adjournment. This queans that
tho clock will bo stopped at that timo
and tho two bodies will remain In ses
sion until tho work Is complotod, tho
bills engrossed and signed. All un
finished business will go to tho dis
card probably Frlflay night or Satur
day morning following.
Hides, Bones nnd nil Kinds of Junk.
Highest Market Price
A Call to Our
Will convince you that never before
For Sale ('heap
1 1 Five acres cultivated land suitable
ior cnicKcn rancu.
(540 acres grazing land with school
and telcphono Inc. School loaso G40
acres adjoining. O. II. THOELEGKE.
have such values been offered you.
REMEMBER everything in the house
has been knifed to the hill andj'every
ihing not- specially, priced, goes at
20 per cent off regular price;
Yellow Front
Shoe Store.
3rd St Phono Red 440 17-2