aaaoHsaoaaacia RED PEP'S PHILOSOPHY fivers Jo has his dew- the nights are reserved "for ike cats. They Look Like 50 They Go Like 60 Worth - - 25 and cost hut $17 STYLE -PLUS CLOTHES The kind that makes your friends ask where you got m. Strictly hand tail sored, made to measure. MEN AND DOY3 OUTFITTERS Tho Crowe orchestra will furulsli music for a dance in Go'henburg this ovenlng which is to bo given by the high school of that town. H. N. Smith received his new six cylinder Buick this week and has been trying it out. He. pronounces it some J car, and HI is nn expert judge. Michael McFaddcit, of Paxton, came down yednesday to visit his wife and baby, who aro guests of .tho latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Herrod. Mrs. John Sheffield, df Bancroft, la., will return home tho first of the week after visiting for three weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Con Walker. Miss Merle Thornburg is taking a course in telegraphy under tho sup ervision of Miss Myrtle. Richards, op erator in the Postal telegraph ofllce Bo sure and buy a dozen Banner oranges Saturday California Orange Day, Mr. and Mrs. Rpbert Weeks and fam ily of Cheyenne, have rented the Grace house on east Fourth street and will make this city their home in future. For Sale Household goods. 415 E. 3rd St. Phone Red 440 17-2 Mrs. George Lannin will loavo to day for a visit with frlonds in Grand; iBlnnd. j For Rent Soven room modern houso in good condition. 41G 12. 3rd St. Phono Rod 440. 17-2 The Rose Bros, have organized a four piece orchestra and will give a dance at the K. P. hall Saturday night. ' Tho mothers' club will bo entertain-1 od Monday afternoon nt tho home of; Mrs. C. Stewart, 715 south Chestnut street. t Mrs., Win. McGrath und daughter, of Omaha, have returned home. While ' hero they visited the former's sisters, Mrs. Rose Garrison and Mrs. Omar Huff. Sunday, March 21st will bo observed as Knights of Columbus and Lady For resters' Day at St. Patrick's church and these Catholic orders will attend tho morning services in a body. E. N. Smith, the local agent, has sold an Apperson four car to En gineer Will Voseipka. They will go to to Oirjaha to drive up the car. as soon as- llib roads asssume normal condi tions Mrs. Nicholas Klein who had been taking treatment at tho Good Samar itan hospital for two weeks is con valescing and was taken to the home of her daughter Mrs. John Baker, Wed nesday. A social dance was held by tho Zcnba club in tho Masonic halTucsday even ing, Music was furnished by tho Crowe orchestra and tho usual good timo was had by the largo number who attended. Stretf: C((tnmlsj3iont(? Salisbury started to drag the streets Tuesday, but found that while tho ground was dry on top it was too wet underneath. He, however, will renew the work nt the earliest possible time. A declamatory contest will bo held In connection with the Junior enter tainment given at the high school this ovening, which will decide who will represent North Platte at the district contest held at Gothenburg March 27. Mlllego Bullard returned Tuesday from Minnesota where ho had been employed for seven months assist ing in lfandling tho Buffalo Bill mov ing pictures. Ho has concluded his work in that line and will remain here. ; Tho St. Patrick's ball given Wednes day evening by Larson Bros., was an enjoyable affair and lurgely attend ded. Tho music by Stamp's orchestra was exceptionally good, and there were many evidences that it was appreciated by the attendants. Martin Cowee of Atwood, .Colo,, for merly of this city is -visiting, relatives Inpown. Mrs. Coweo was tailed hero severali, weeks ago by tho illness of her mother 'Mrs .jA S Chamberlain. Mrs. Fred Rasmusson and two chil dren of Hershoy who had beon visit ing. ,the Martini famly. in Omaha for several weckes spent Sunday .In this city with relatives and friends on routo home. The lady members of tho Yeomen lodgo held an enjoyablo kenslngton at the homo of Mrs. Edmund Dickey Tues day aitemoon. A nice lunch was ser ved. Assisting Mrs. Dickey in enter taining wero Mesdames James Dorram, Sam Soudcr and Lottie Croncn. J. F. Snyder, of Maxwell, was a Tribune caller Wednesday. Mr. Snyder who is one of the early settlers of the Maxwell section, pronounces tho past winter the most prolonged as to con tinuous snow and cold that he has over experienced jn Nebraska. Mrs. Earl Stieger and. baby, of Vic tor, Colo.,, who visited her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Antony Jeffers for several weeks, loft for home a few days ago. Mrs. Stieger was for mery Miss Anna Scharmann of this city. North Platte lodge B. P. O. E. is planning on attending tho state conven tion at Fremont tho early part of May in considerablo numbers. If plans now under consideration mature tho ntten dants will secure a special sleeper in winch they will make tho round trip and use it as home while in Fre mont, I ENJOY LIFE, AND SAVE. Don't frittter away all the .money you earn this month just because you have money to spend, THINK! SAFETY FIRST! You may Ioso your Job, fall ill, meet an accident. Better provide for mis fortune by opening n bank account ifr' 4i10ro Then bank often.v-whnt you - -can. It pays to Save, and bo Safe. The Platte Valley State Bank "The Safety Jrirat Bank." Forth PJoff e, Nebraska. L. To be the First to Wear the New Fashions Confers a Social Distinction IN every community there are women of taste and refinement who are leaders of style, upon whom other women rely for the fixing of fashions. In catering td the requirements of these women who enjoy possessing the new garments at the earliest moment possible, we nave planned this advance spring showing of smartly tailored Wooitex Coats and Suits presenting a wonderfully attractive collection of distinctly new garments; correct in style, refined in character, beautifully made of the most fashionable materials of the new season. Now is the Best Time to Wear and Enjoy Them The jackets of the new suits vary in length, some being even alt around, some short in front, longer at the sides and still longer in the back. Some arc form-fittingj' some have straight lines to the waist with the graceful rippling flare below. The military motif is one of the influences of the new season. Many of the coats arc braided and trimmed with buttons In distinctly original effects. In every coat and suit the collar plays a most important part, supplying one of the main features of the style of the garment. The rolling military effect is most widely seen. Practically all of the coats have detachable over-collars of pique or silk. The picture ohows one of the charming new Wooltcx coats. While the back is plain, the front shows a partial yoke effect. The rolling collar may be worn opened or closed. On some coats in this style, collar is piped with striped clotlu The godet under the arm, below the waist-line, produces a wonderfully smart wing-like flare which seems to spring out on each side of the coat. The coat is 40 inches long and is full-lined with pcau de cygnc. Price $18.50. It is a particularly handsome model for large women. There are many other equally attractive models at the same popular price, $18.50. Other Wooltcx coats at $16.50 and $20. Wooltcx suits at $25, $30 and $35. If you have not yet seen the new collection, we cordially invite you to Coat No 1311 bAiw 6 w t jr uui wtuuwuk vvs viuvuvwi WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. The Store That Sells- Wookex iiiHimMir Copyright, 1915, by The 11. Mack Co., Clntbml J1' k . lllllllll Illlllllttllll V.lliM.lih'h, J I I .!'!; ill,: .pUM!;,, i in. I" M i n ; . i ii i .i.n hi , . mmimimi iwtigui mi,..,-I Mooso Elect Officers. At a meting of tho Moose lodge Wednesday evening, tho following of ficers wero elected for the ensuing year: Dictator T. M. Collagen. Vico-DIctator S. T. Clark. Prelate Ed SteiiBVoad. Treasurer J. C. Den.' Inner Guard J. It. Smith. Outer Guard M. A. Sheedy. Trustee J. A. McMichaol. Open Kids for Bridge. Bids for tho construction of tho pro posed bridge across tho North Platte river were opened by the county commisssionors Wednesday In tho presence of State Engineer Price. Ten bids were submitted somo of which wero outside tho limit of tho $G0, 000 and could not bo considered. These bids varied ?9,000, the lowest for tho cement span 20-foot roadway coming from a Canton, Ohio, brldgo company. This bid was for $3G,000, oxclusivo of tho fill on each end, the co3t of which Is estimated at $8,000. Tho Canton company did not caro to handle tho fill, and therefore did not mako a bid for that work, whilo the award has not at this writ ing beeen made, it is considered that .tho bid of tho Canton company Is tho lowest and best. miS. C. 31. NKWTOK'S HAIIt DIIESSINO I'AKLOltS. Everything sanitary and up-to-date; all electrical appliances; white enamel fixtures. Shampooing, hair dressing, high frequency electric mas saging, manicuring, childen's hair bobbed, ladies hair bobbed. My business has increasod to such an extent that it was found necessary to have an assistant, and Miss Lillian Sicks has accepted a posit on In my parlors. I am now able tc. do work that I was compelled to turn away heretofore. Will be In my parlors from 9 a. in. to 12 m., and from 1 to 5:30 p. m. Phono for your engage ments or call. MRS. C. M. NEWTON. G04 Dewey Street Phono 2C1. Tickets Now on Sale. Tho base ball season tickets pro now In tho hands of the committee for salo and distribution, As was stated in Tuesday's issue tho purpose is to Bell 1,000 tickets at two dollars each, tho amount thus to bo realized being Just sufficient to carry tho team as planned through tho season, and providing for at least twenty names. This season ticket plan Is being tried in Kearney, tho fans of that town hop ing to dispose of 3,000 at $2.00 each. It Is almost useless to flguro on send ing a reasonably strong team through tho season on less than a ticket guar antee of ,$2,000, and unless those In terested In tho sport develop tho booster spirit, and subscribe for the necessary number of tickets tho ef forts to have a team this season will "dlo a-bornln." For Sale nt a llnrgaln. Six rooom houso. twn tnrcn lnfa with outbuildings and ehado trees on both. Prlco $2500. Inquire of this office, 15tf NcIh Hurling 1'IeasoH Audiences'. Nols Dnrling, lecturer, town export anu community uuinier arm ono o: the most entertaining speakers North Platto lias ever heard, more than pleased a largo audience at tho Keith theatre Wednesday ovenlng. Ho also delivered an address beforo a gather ing "of- business men at tho llbrnry building In tho afternoon, and at.G:30 spoke to a delegation of business men from Gothenburg who aro planning mo lonnation or a community emu. Darling is a lluont talker, an actor,' and his messngo to bin audience Is cleverly told. He makes statements j that have a sting, but the thrusts aro taken cheerfully by thoco whom thoy affect. In his sharp polntob Bhafts ho spares neither saloon or church, schools or civic pride; ho is a" critic of each and all and his criticisms are at. limes so severe as to cringo his hearer. Ills lecture lu made up for all sections of the country, and somo of his suggestions may therefore bo impractical to some localities, but on the whole he advised many things that North Platto could with profit ndopt. Tho criticism or objection Tho Trl buno makes to Mr. Darling was the, overdrawn statement ho mado con corning the morality of North Platto. Wo question whether "ho met four or flVo drunken men on the streets, saw crowds of boys standing" on tho street corners cursing and swenrlng," or that ho "passed women who made eyes at him." Ho drew on his Imagination when ho mado theso statements, sup posing that what was truo In certain towns would apply to North Platto Saturday In Orange Day. Saturday is California e-ango day. llo sure nnd have a dozen Green IJan nor oranges sent home. Sold by all grocers. North Platto Lokch Debate. Tho North Platto high Bchool team lost fho decision in the dobato with tho Kearney high school team at tho latter placo Tuesday evening. The question of tho evening was: Resolved, That tho United States should adopt government ownership and operation of railroads. Tho North Platto team, composed of Katherlno Johnson, Major White and George Thompson, took the negative sldo of tho question, and In tho decision of the Judges the voto Btood two for Kearney and one for North Platte. Tho North Platto team In the pre sentation of its arguments proved su perior to their opponents, Major White appearing especlallylBtrong, but when It came to rebuttal they wero not as strong as their opponents and this weakened their caso. The team was highly complimented by tho audience on tho efforts mado, and yesterday a icuer was received rrom Kearney from a well-known educator bearing additional compliments on tho splen did arguments thoy had made. Though falling to secure tho decision, we havo reason to feel proud of tho showing mado by tho North Platto team. Tho quarantine for small pox was lifted from tho Cross homo this week. The "Next to Nature" - Nursing Bottle iS'urse baby yourself, if possible. Bui, if not, use the "Natural Nurser." It's the next best thin,' to natural nursing. The nipple resembles a mother's breast, has a large soft yielding sur face. The baby feeds naturally. No collapsing, no choking. Sanitary bottle with wide, open top. Holds eight ounces; bos graduating sqa&. Try one and note llic imnrovement in feeding. R EACH COMPLETE 25c. ; STONE DRUG STORE Where the Panama Exposition Trip is given frefc! MIUMlUlMMKWul Ml Til THEATRE, il lAf&A IVf a tin Wed.9 March ROWLAND nS9 Ull, QPtiMHYjsa -it r 17 rv-rvrv m ik. ih hi hi CUFFORJDtf IN THE ta wan XtfK$& HIT! IKS? V v t- 1 am s Sard II i I In II W II I I il i II I .R MUSIC 3Y zr?i$ or STAGED BY F&MR TAW5HM GJ&AT TANGOESQUR'QmWAZ JZOSJUWES , A ROT ty COL OPJ Prices, 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 - ' Seat Sale Opens Tuesday I