The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 16, 1915, Image 5

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Tho Pat Crowe orchestra of this
city-will give a dance at Maxwell to
morrow ovenlng.
After being cut off from the world
for Blx days, tho first train Into Calla
way unloaded fifty-six Backs of mall.
"Tho Spinster's Return" and throb
reels of good pictures at tho Kolth
next Friday and Saturday oveuings.
Prices 10 and 15 cents.
Tho latest dross buttons in gold
and silver, all sizes shown at Tho
Mrs. L. P. Jensen and daughter Miss
Ruth are visiting friends' in Council
Bluffs, having left last week. They
will, remain there several weeks.
J. E. Quinn, who had been em
ployed as a bollcrmakcr at Rawlins,
has moved his family back to this
city. Ho may re-enter tho service
of, tho company hcre.
Little Elizabeth Robinson daugli
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson,
was hostess at . a party Friday after
noon on tho occasion of tho second
anniversary of her birth.
A largo variety of imported silk
ginghams 25c per yard shown at Tho
In the county court) Friday Ted
Howard was found guilty of stealing
a' buggy tongue of Nels Forstcdt and
was fined ten dollars and costs.
Seo "Tto Spinster's Return" at tho
Keith next Friday and Saturday ev
enings. A laughable play presented
by home talent Also three reels of
pictures. Admission 10 and 20 cents.
Flounclngs for graduation and con
firmation dresses shown at- Tho
North Platto residents who are on
tho pension list of the Union Pacific
have received invitations to attend the
Second Annual Banquet" of tho Union
Pacific . Pensioners to bo - held in
Omaha May 1st.
Tlie Ladles' Auxiliary to tho B. of
R. T. will present a laughable comedy
at the Keith next Friday and Saturday
evenings in connection "with three
reels of exceptionally good pictures.
Admission ton and fifteen cents.
Our stock of spring hats and caps
for men and boys is now complete.
Be suro your Easter Bonnet is a Fried
Mrs. Laura Shaffer, of Dickens, has
accepted a position in the dry goods
department of the Wilcox store and
assumed her duties thero yesterday.
Mrs. Shaffor was formerly Miss Laura
Duggan, and lived in this city.
New spring bags, vcil3, auto caps,
boudier caps, now on , display at
Judge Grimes returned yesterday,
from Llncon, ,to which city he Jour
neyed Thursday night. While. ,in.1' the
capital city he transacted , business'
visited friends and at'ended a meet
ings of his Greek fraternity society.
Miss Helea, Welpley returned yesterday-
from a short visit in the east
..part of the state. Sho went to Lin
coln Friday night to attend a, meeting
of her soriorlty and .onroute home
spent Sunday with 'hefr mother in
Girls! Talking about waists; this
is tho storo for shirt waists! Hun
dreds of handsome new "spring wash
and silk .waists from 7Gq to $7.50, now
shown at Block's.
Ray Welbotn ,lcft last week for
Mancan, Col., to -visit his parents, and
as ho Is a .mighty hunUir ho may
conclude -to bag a-feiV of the Piute
Indians which havo ,l;oen out on tho
war path recently in that' section of
We take pleasure, in announcing our
opening display of Drono and Pattern
Hate, Wednesday and Thursday,
March 21 and 25. Wo extend to tho
trado a cordial invitation to attend.
McVicker'B Millinery, .at Tho Lead
er. 16t3
Tho rooms on Front street for
merly occupied by .Derryberry &
Forbes hardware and-furniture stock,
are being somewhat remodeled and
will bo used by the. same firm for tho
storage and assembling of farm
Nowest spring stylo silk and cotton
petticoats made in tho circular effect
98c to $6.00 now. shown nt BLOCK'S.
Among tho freight received yester
day was a carload of oranges which
will, bo otored and distributed as
needed by T. ,M. Cohagen. For sev
eral :monthfl past .the shipment of
oranges' havo averaged more than a
car a month.
Coats! Coats! For all ages for
grandma, for tho middle aged lady, for
tho miss, for tho schoool girl and for
the baby, as well, in tho very latest
'spring styles at prices to defy com
petition, now shown at BLOCK'S.
Tho local camp of tho Sons of Vet
orans will give a dance at tho Lloyd
opera house on tho ovenlng of April
15th. This was decided upon at a
meeting held a few days ago, and a
committee appointed to make tho nec
essary arrangements.
President Wilson made a recess ap
pointment of a score or more Nebras
ka postmasters Saturday but North
Platte was not among tho list. A
Washington dispatch said tho land
olllco appointments woul be made
somo time this week.
As It is our custom to carry over
no old suits, wo aro able to bIiow tho
garments and for the next 30 days,
best lino in tho city, tho Printzess
beginning with today, wo will givo to
each customer purchasing a suit their
choice of any of our waists. E. T,
Tramp & Son.
Mesdames L. E. Hastlugs, J. W,
Payne, J. C. Christie, Chas. Stamp, P.
M. Sorrensori, John Strahorn, John
Singleton and Will Dlener will enter
tain tho Presbyterian aid society
Thursday afternoon in the church par
lor. A special 15 cent lunch will bo
-served at 5 o'clock. Menu: Meat loaf
with sauce, potato salad, bread and
butter sandwiches, oatmeal cookies
and coffee. Friends of tho church aro
. IIousch, Rooms, Hay and Grazing
lands, Storniro Room and Safe I)e-
poBit IJoxch. HUATT & GOOIWAN.
Miss Hazel Lterk spent Sunday In
Grand Isand with friends.
Porry Buchanan, of tho Wlcox storo
was off duty yesterday on account of
Ray Murray, of Lincoln, spent Sun
day with his mother Mrs. John
S. S. Roynolds, of tho Maxwoll vi
cinity, spont Monday in town transact
ing business.
Ladies' skirts from $3.50 to S10
hown at Tho Loador.
Honry Kahlcr left Saturday night for
Milford, Nebr., to spend a couple of
days visiting his parents.
Representative Woodhurst camo up
from Lincoln Friday night and re
mained until Sunday night.
Mrs. H. M. Horstcdt, of Paxton, left
Monday for homo after spending a
few days in town visiting friends.
Mrs. Edwina Schatz, who has been
visiting friends in town for sovornl
days will return to Omaha tomorrow
Boys Semi-Norfolk Suits with two
pairs of pants at $4.00 and $5.00 at
Mrs. Louis Kelly, of Kearney, camo
Sunday and will spend a week or ten
days visiting with Mrs. Harry S.
All alterations free of chargo and
our Mrs. Keltncr is doing it. That's
all wo nccdo to say you know the rest,
Miss Mario Stack has accepted a
position in Tho L'eader department
storo and took up hor duties yester
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Stuart, of
Lexington, returned last night to their
homo after sponding several days In
town with relatives.
Larson Bros, will glvo a St. Pat
rick's ball at tho Lloyd tomorrow ov
enlng. Good music and a pleasant
evening Is promised.
Tho latest fads In ribbons and veils,
shown at The Leader.
Buchanan & Patterson shipped two
cars of corn-fed cattlo to tho South
Omaha market yesterday. This is
tho second shipment they have mado
this winter.
Architect H. C. Peters returned
from North Platto yesterday where ho
secured tho contract for furnishing
plans for a large residence. Grand
Island Independent. ,
Beautiful assortment of Children's
Dresses, sizes 2 to 14, best shades and
styles, from 50c to $4.50 at BLOCK'S.
Supt. Will Jeffcrs, of tho Nebraska
division Is expected to arrive tomor
row to spend the day with friends,
and will attend the St. Patrick's Day
Party in tho ovenlng.
At the meeting of tho Lady Macca
bees Saturday afternoon Mrs. J. W.
Boyer was elected delegate to the
state convention which will be hold In
Omaha April 19th and 20th.
Tho contract for tho construction
of tho now high school building at
Sidney was let to A. G. Ludwlg of
Arlington,, Nebraska, for $33,955.00
and will bo of native stone.
Mrs Horton Mungcr entertained the
domestic science department of tho
Twentieth Century club yestorday af
ternoon. Thero was a largo repre
sentation of the membership present.
Dresses! Dresses! for all occasions,
(or street, party or houso wear, In
the most boautiful styles and .shades
ovor shown in western Nebraska, now
on display at BLOCK'S. Prices range
$1.00 to $35.00.
It is staled that all Canadians who,
enlist in tho war must bring a written
consent from their wives boforo they:
will be accoptcd. Th's Is just recog-,
nilion of tho partnership that exists
after marriage. Tho wife should have
as much claim upon the husband as !
his country. Sho must suffer as much;
as ho when left to strugglo against!
povorty and tho awful uncertainties
that go with war; why shouldn't she
say whether or not ho should enlist? j
Beforo buying that spring suit or.
gown try our now spring back lace or .
lace front LaCamlllo corsets. Our
Mrs. Keltner will fit them right.
Enough said. BLOCK'S.
Mrs. Heeler's Address.
Owing to stago fright, I wna unnbto
to glvo my opinion on tho school prop
osition at tho banquet Thursday ov
enlng and, as I am groatly interested
in tho bettor school movomont In our
city, I would like to havo my views
I havo novor owned an anti-public
wolfaro hatchot. This is a froo coun
try as long as wo do not vlolnto tho
laws. I grant ovoryono n right to his
oWn opinion in regard to public af
fairs. May I not bo accorded tho samo
privilege? I very much favor tho
orcctlon of a school buldlng in which
may bo placed manual training, do
mestic sclcnco and athletics, every
thing which will bo for tho develop
ment of tho mental, moral and physi
cal of tho child. I also favor tho con
struction of additional buildings suf
ficient to rcllovo tho congested con
dition now existing in our schools. My
reason for favoring this Is not to
make more places to attract our chil
dren from homo, but to provldo good
places whllo from under tho Influence
of tho parent. It is not for tho pur
poso of having our chidren put In
moro hours of recreation, but that tho
recreation may bo of tho most bene
fit to them. I am not in favor of mak
ing a public social ccntor of our
school building.
Work is not play, but play is work,
but that kind of work which breaks
the monotonous routino in Ufa as
docs tho oasis in tho desert for tho
weary traveler. Wo need re3t, not in
activity and Idleness, but that rest
which is brought about by a change
of occupation. Thorcforo wo havo a
great need of wholesome recreation.
A statement from Superintendent
Tout showed that tho high school la
crowded but in splto of this fact tho
pupils in that department wero doing
excollent work; whllo Jn tho ward
buidlngs half day sessions and base
ment rooms woro resorted to under
which coudltion good work Is abso
lutely Impossible. According to tho
statement given to us from a member
of tho school.board, at present wo nro
not financially ablo to build all wo
need. If it bo impossible to meet all
the. needs of our school children, then
I am in favor of doing Just as much
ns is possible, and do that which is of
tho moat importanco which to my
mind is a building whorebf our young
er children may havo tho privilege of
a full session in tho school room and
well equipped, well ventilated rooms;
therefore, I favor a building which will
shelter our lambs.
But thero Is a way to solve tho prob
lem which will enable us to eventu
ally havo all tho buildings wo need,
fully equipped with sufficient funds
to maintain them. Lot us be a lit
tle moro kind to the assessor. When
ho calls, bo pleasant, Invite him Into
our home, show him our furnituro,
our silver, our diamonds; get out our
automobile, tako him to tho bank,
there unlock our safety deposit box
which contains tho deeds to lands that
wo so proudly boast of to our friends,
tell him of our cattle on a thousand
hills, conildo in him. Ho will keep
tho secret, and when no insists on go
ing, wish him a happy Journey and
safo return to us next year when wo
will havo increased JoyB for him. In
other words, to make a long story
short, and so plain that a "way faring
man though a fool need not err there
in," let us bo decently honest enough
to bo willing to pay a legal tax on tho
property that wo aro fortunate enough
to have under our control; thus tho
problem of means to amply supply tho
need of our children will bo solved.
Two pounds of Mparo ribs and one
quart of Miner krout for 25c cash nt
tho Jfartl ileal Market tomorrow.
Dear Madam: Have you that charm
ing and lovablo atmosphoro about your
htfmo that makes your llfo worth liv
ing? Let ua help you to solve somo
of your decorative problems by fur
nishing you the latest decoratlvo ideas,
showing up to dato wall papers and
just how they should bo assembled to
creato tho doelred effect. Como around
and seo us at any tlmo at our now lo
cation at 007 Locust street. Yours
very truly,
Phono 5G. 15tf L. R. DUKE.
For Sale.
AuBtln Triumph Rotary well mn
chino with derrick, rotary, and
pump and pipe tools. Enquiro at
Hershey's store. 11-S
There are holes and
seams in every axle, so small you can 't
see them but large enough to cause
friction and wear. They are filled by
the Mica in
axle urease
Made offinely powdered mica and high grade grease
stock. Kills friction will not run or gum.
Sold in 1 and 3 pound cans, galvanized iron pails, kegs,
' half-barrels and barrels.
Eureka Harness Oil
Feeds the leather. Makes harness
look better and last long,
Shnpliiff t'n a Hall Team
A irnod lin.Il toiim la nrnrMinllv na.
sured for tho 1915 season, provided
Ihp ways and moons committee is
SUOCOHSflll In n. nlnn whirl) linn lionn
decided upon, and which it Is bollovod
wm wont out satisfactorily. This plan
la to sell ono thnusnml nnnnnn Mo.knln
at two dollars oach, thus creating a
iimu or ?2,U00 for tho season. If this
1)1 An is BUCCCSRfllt it Will lift nifflV with
soliciting subscriptions to tho fund.
It la figured that not loss than twenty
games will bo played hero during tho
season, so that tho purchaser Will
really nav ton cents nop iriunn. muni.
iuy that ho attends all tho games.
Anticipating that this plan will suc
ceed. Holltdnv tlin Ktmilntmi nlfplmr
and Lubby a twirlor living at Glltnor,
havo been notified to hold themselves
In readiuoss to report for duty May
1st, nnd similar word has been sent to
L,aiorra, tho third baseman now nt
tendinc school nt Ilmililor. tn mlill.
Hon to theso wo havo Gcttmnn, Jones,
uanze, and a suillclont number of
"prospcctB" to swell tho number to
juicen, mus insuring a strong team.
AT 0. 31. NEWTON'S
Largest stock wo ever carried. Tho
1915 patterns aro in. Last year pa
pers go at 10 Cents doublo roll, re
gardless of quality. Call and seo for
Darling Comes Wednesday.
Nels Darling, tho community inter
est lecturer, or "town doctor" as ho
in moro frequently cnllcd, will deliver
a lecturo at tho Keith Wednesday ev
ening of this week.
Nels Darling has achlovcd a big
name for himself by doing aa In
tensely practically thing as a Chau
tauqua and Lyceum lecturer. Ha
goes about preaching tho gospel of
ueuer Towns, Hotter stores. Bottor
Communities nnd a grenter harmony
of all community lntoro3ts. In short,
ho is lighting tho Incessant growth
of tho big cities that aro becoming so
densely populated at tho cost of tho
smaller cities and country towns.
no is not only urcinir tho bovs nnd
girls to stay on tho farm and in tho
smnllor cities nnd towns, but tolling
them why it is bottor that thoy stay
out of tho crowded jam of tho big
Ho urges tho morhanta of tho
smaller cities to work in closer har
mony for tho tho better development
of their towns nnd communities.
Ho brings tho mercants and farmers
together and shows them how thoy
can work for tho best Jnterests of
town and farm.
Nols Darling was ono of our Chau
tauqua locturors two years ago, and
proved tho most popular numbor of
the entlro course.
The Talk of the Town.
i What? Thoso beautiful ladles' coats,
suits and dresses that Tho Leador is
Work orders were received Friday
for tho construction of tho Union
Pacific round houso sower which will
carry tho surpus water to tho North
Plnttto river. This will do awny with
tho nuisauco which the surplus water
has created.
Mlko Sullivan, living in tho north
part of Dawson county, has sued J.
F. Wilson, shorlff of Custer county
for $1G,1S3.60. Last Juno tho Sheriff
shot nt a rabbit and tho ball struck
Sullivan who was passing by in tho
Toad, In tho hip and permanently dis
abling him.
For Snlo Cheap
Flvo ncroa cultivated land suitablo
for chicken ranch.
G40 acres grazing land with school
nnd telephone Inc. School lcaso 040
ncros adjoining. O. II. T1IOKLECKE.
Tho Lutherans roport splondld eor
vlcos during tho Lenten season. Tho
chcilr under' tho direction of Mrs.
W. H. Cramor aro working on their
Easter sorvico and expect to present
a sorvico of high merit. Tho special
numbers at tho regular Sunday ser
vices rccolvo much comment by tho
largo audiences present.
Mir A
Dr. Wurtello wont to Suthernnd
Sunday to examino flvo applicants for
policies in tho Pcnn Mutual Insur
ance company. Tho doctor found tho
jqjiua, rather uliuqult to nnvlgato and
was forced to run "on low all' tho dis
tance from Suthorand to Herslioy. It
required over two hours on tho road
each way.
Mrs. E. M. Smith nnd Mra. J. D.
Wolback entertained tho Assembly
club I'Tiuay afternoon nt tho homo of
Mrs. Wolback. A largo crowd was
prcsont. Tho afternoon wns spent in
gnmes nnd contests and ovoryono
present reported a good time. Tho next
mooting will bo hold at tho homo of
Mrs. C. C. Willlnms.
Art Wortman, Tho Tribuno's report
er is certalny having his shnro of
trouble. After having submittted to
two oporations within a month at tho
Good bamnritlan hospital, he Is now
quarantined nt his rooming houso on .
east Fourth street with a woll do-J
volopcd case of small-pox. Tho phy-l
sicians oxnmlhcd him Sunday oven-1
ing and concluded that ho was a fit'
subject for quarantine. I
O'Lnrson, Mac Frlsto, Fltzbaker and '
a numbor of Othor puro-brcd Irish- i
men who nro associated together at
tno uungalow, will glvo n St Patrick's
Day colcbration Thursday ovenlng.
This organization is known as tho
Shilaly Club and this will bo its socond
banquet. On nccount of tho Darling
lecturo tho affair is given on tho
evening following St. Patrick's Day.
350 new spring skirts In all sizes,.
in all tlto latest stylos and shades,
prices range $1.98 to $15.00, now
shown at BLOCK'S.
Tho J. S. Davis Auto Co. say busi
ness so far this year Is a little ahead
of last year, two more cars having
been sold. "Tho prospects for good
business this year," said Mr. Davis,
"is exceptionally good; in fact aro
brighter than In any year slnco I
havo been in business. As soon
as tho roads got in condition, pros
pective buyers will begin yearning
for cars, and tho sales will then be
como active"
W, J. Tlloy has been notified that
grand olflccrs of tho Yeomen order will
como to North , Platto to further in
vestigate tho building proposition and
look over tho town and its future
prospects. Thoy do this to further
satisfy thomselves that they will bo
Justified in loaning tho local homestead
twonty-flvo thousand dollars to au-J
slst in erecting tho proposed building.
Tho fact that this visit is to bo mado
is ovldenco that tho grand olllcors aro
at least considering tho application
for tho loan,
A monster eighty-six foot locomo-
tlvo built at tho Baldwin Works, "Phil
adelphia, for tho Burlington railroad,
has Just been placed In tho Transpor
tation Palaco at tho Panama-Pacific
Exposition, San Francisco. It is tho
largest rond engine or tho non-nrtic
ulated typo over built, weight 280
tons, nnd carries 17 tons of coal and
10,000 gallons of water. This engine
is so big that it would bo impossible
for any human being to flro It, bo it
has been equipped with a Street auto
matic stoker, which carries tho coal
from tho tender to tho flro box. Its
flro box Is as largo as a homestead
shack and tho insldo of tho boiler is
seven feet four inches in diameter.
It took tlilrty-sovcn days to get
across tno continent.
Muslin Underwear Sale
20 Per Cent Discount
A large variety of Ladies' nnd Misses' Underwear of
all descriptions just arrived from New York. These
were placed on sale Saturday, and for a period of ten
days will be sold at a discount of 20 per cent.
This is a great opportunity for the ladies to se
cure these garments at one-fifth less than the regular
We are exclusive agent for the celebrated Kay
ser's Ladies' Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves in Italian
SilU and Lisle. Don't cost any more than the ordinary
make but the best fitting and best wearing in the
Exclusive agent for Skinner's Satins and Silkti,
none better made.
Evclusive agent for the Smart Style Ladies' and
Misses' Coats and Suits.
Exclusive agent for the G. C. Ladies' Costumes
and Dresses.
Exclusive agent for the R, & G. Corsets.
Exclusive agent for the Celebrated Crescent
Dress Goods.
We defy all competition.
Yours for great values and up-to-date merchandise,
n jki S9 ssy 1101 mr? m y
Lierk-Sandall Co.
. f
North Platte Agents,
Carof BoxApples, 5 pv0Tbeor $125 io $L5ft
Flaw, best patent, persack $1.'80
Grade Flour, per sack - -.$1.75 i
Sugar, per 100-pound sack . .J . , $6.80
Extra Nice Potatoes, Early Ohios, per bushel . . 75c
(Wc soli potatoes by weight.) i
Alfalfa Meal, per 100 pound sack $1.00 -!
Alfalfa Meal, 500 lb. lots, per hundred 90c ,
Crushed Shell for Poultry per 100 lbs 90c
The "Next to Nature"
Nursing Bottle
Nurse baby yourself, if possible. 13ut, if not,
use the "Natural Nurser." It's the next best
tiring to natural nursing. The nipple resembles
a mother's breast, has a large soft yielding sur
face. The baby feeds naturally. No collapsing,
no choking. Sanitary bottle with wide, open
top. Holds eight ounces; has graduating scale.
Try one and note the improvement in baby's
Where tho Panama Exposition Trip is given free.