The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 16, 1915, Image 3

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"California Syrup of Figs" can't
harm tender stomach,
liver and bowels.
Every mother realizes, after giving
her children "California Syrup of
Figs" that this is their ideal laxative,
because they lovo its pleasant taste
and it thoroughly cleanses tho tender
little stomach, livar and bowels with
out griping.
When cross, irritable, feverish, or
breath is bad, stomach sour, look at
tho tongue, mother! If coated, givo a
teaspoobful of this harmless "fruit
laxative," and in a few hours all the
foul, constipated waste, sour bllo and
undigested food passes out of the bow
els, and you have a well, playful child
again. When its little system Is full
of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache,
diarrhoea, indigestion, colic remom
her, a good "inside cleaning" should
always bo tho first treatment given.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a
teaspoonful today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Ask at the store for a 50
cent bottle of "California Syrup of
Figs;" which has directions tor babies,
children of all ages and grown-ups
printed on the bottle. Adr.
If a man is Is usually
because he thinks ho is.
Hippy is the home where Red Cross
Ball Blue is used. Sure to please. All
grocers. Adv.
German school children are taught
to swim by going through the motions
without entering tho water.
Attention, Mothers!
Write Wm. Wrlgloy Jr. Co., 1304
Kcsnor Bldg., Chicago, 111., for 28 pago
beautifully colored "Mother Goose
Jingle Book." Sent free to all read
ers of this paper. Adv.
Wanted Mors Help.
"To guide a key to a keyhole In the
dark there has been patented a V
shaped strip of metal to be fastened
lo a door with tho point surrounding
the hole," said the studious man.
"That's all right bo far as It goeB,"
replied the convivial one; "but who's
to be on hand to find tho key for
"This, then, Miss Fickle," Bald tho
young man as ho started for Che
foor, "is your final decision?"
"It is, Mr. Smlthers,'' said the young
jclrl firmly.
"Then,", ho continued, his voice be
traying an unnatural calmness, "there
Is but one thing to add."
"What Is -that?" she asked, toying
absently with the lobe of her Bhell-
like ear.
"It Is this," he muttered. "Shall I
return those black satin suspenders
by mail or will you have them now?"
Compliment That Went Astray.
"I lovo to hear you speak French,1
remarked tho sweet young thing.
"Indeed?" said the pompous youth
who plumed himself on his linguistic
ability. "And why?"
"Because It is so different from most
people's French," explained the young
thing. The youth plumed himself
some more. But only for a moment,
because tho sweet young thing con
"Yes, so different from most peo
ple's French especially French peo
That Causes all the Trouble
' When the house is afire, it's about
thn name as when disease begins to
show, it's no time to talk but time to
act delay Is dangerous remove th
eauan of tha trouble at once.
"For a number of years," wrote a
Kansas lady, "I felt sure that coffee
was hurting me, and yet I was so
fond of it, I could not give It up. At
last I cot so bad that I made up my
mind I must either quit the use of
cntte.R or Ala.
"Everything I ate distressed mo, and
I Buffered severely most oi tne lime
' with palpitation of tho heart I fre
quently woko up In the night with the
fflollnt; that I was almost cone my
heart seemed so smothered and weak
in Its action. My breath grew short
and tho least exertion set me panting.
I slept but ltttlo and suffered from
"Two years asro I stoDDed using the
coffee and bostan to uso Postum and
from the verv first I began to improve.
It worked a miracle! Now I can eat
anything and dlfeet It without trouble.
t ainnn like a. babv. and my heart beats
strong and regularly. My breathing
baa become steady and normal, and
mv rheumatism haB left me.
"I feel like another person, and It
in nil dun to oulttlDK co Boo ana using
Postum, for I haven't used any medi
cine and none would nave aono any
good as long as I kept drugging with
coffee." Name given by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Koaa
to Wellvllle," in pkgs.
Poftttim cornea In two forms:
Regular Postum muBt be well
boiled. 15c and 25 nackages.
Instant Postum is a soluble pow
der. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly
lin n eun of hot water and. with cream
and sugar, makes a delicious beverage
Inatantlv. 2 0o and 50c tins.
Both kinds are equally delicious.
and cost per cup about the same.
"Thera'a a Reason" for Postum.
-old. by Grocer.
Best Objective,
Sctfrltiy el Cofmpndiic Dtpartncst
Mood Bill latuiul. Quctfo
TEXT 1 presa toward tho mark for the
prlzo of the hlKh calllnc of God In Christ
Jcaus.-rhll. 3:14.
In seeking an objective, the prin
ciple that nothing should bo accepted
but the best,
should be adopt
ed. When men
were thinking
deeply, and the
great doctrines ol
the Protestant
faith were being
put into creeda;
form, it was de
clared that the
chief end of mar
was the glory ol
God, and nothing
has transpired
since to Bhow
that this was nr.
error, but every
thing has Bhown most conclusively
that the statement was justified. A
man who lives with tho glory of God
In view will not, cannot fall.
The Thoughtless Multitudes.
Nothing is much more disheartening
than to watch the multitudes, especial
ly In our crowded cities, who seem to
have no goal in view. They seem to
exist for the moment butterflies that
flit before you for an Instant and then
are gone. If other companies of peo
ple are considered, the fact still con
fronts one. If bread and butter can
be secured, there Is no more concern;
but tho swine get to that pojnt. Young
people in the schools may havo a
somewhat larger appreciation of their
mission or goal, but must go forward
with nothing in view.
In a small volume recently Issued
there is this quotation: "The world
stops to let the man pass who knows
whither he is going." That man has
an objective, a goal, commands unl
versal respect, and the world gives
him passage. If this sermon falls into
the hands of some young pcrs- ,
whether he is a Christian or not, let
him know that he must have a goal In
view or he will fall in life, and if the
goal is not one that relates him to
God the falluro will bo tho greater and
more deplorable. And, if a person has
a goal and resolutely keeps his eye on
It, he will not be diverted by anything.
If the goal Is that set before him in
Paul's "fullness of the stature of
Christ," he will not be diverted by any
of the many religions now seeking the
attention of people throughout tho
world. To him, the religion" of Paul,
Luther, Calvin and Wesley will be
accepted as reliable and worthy of fol
lowing until the goal is reached.
Paul's Objective.
In the text, Paul, who was a man
doing only one thing at a time, said
that he pressed toward the mark for
the prize of the high calling ia Christ
Jesus. Without considering the strict
ly theological bearing of these words,
let us note the source of tho call. Ho
who calls Is God, who knows man, his
capacities and possibilities, and sets
beforo him his best, and- ho calls to
him to mako the attempt to reach It
Every person, old or young, should re
member thai it's God that is calling
not man, nor the greatest of men
and when God calls who dare be Indif
ferent? To what is the call and what Is the
goal? It Is to the realization of Jesus
Christ in nil his fulness. Paul Bpcaks
In a certain plac of "tho measure of
the stature of the fullness of Christ,"
which is to say, Christ, In all that ho
is and may be to us. Presuming that
that fullness applies to all that Christ
offers, let us know that to attain this
two things at least must be kcpt in
Jesus as Savior and Lord.
First, the recognition and accept
ance of Jesus Christ as a savior, pep
sonal and sufficient. This Involves tho
surrender of the intellect, the heart,
and tho will; in fact, the surrender of
tho life. Second, it ia a recognition of
tho kingship, or lordship, of Christ.
Many seem to be willing, to accept
Christ as savior, but they do not rec
ognize him ns Lord. Tho failure of the
latter utterly vitiates the former no
savior unless Christ be Lord. This
carries us back to the realm of tho
Turitans, who saw that the chief end
of man was the glory of God, for man
who accepts Jesus Christ as savior
and Lord makes every thought, word
and action tend to his glory and lib
This will naturally lead to the reali
zation of man'r. goal companionship
and partnership with Jesus Christ.
The realization of Paul's prayer can
only partially be secured on this earth,
but the perfect realization will be
when wo are with him whore he is.
This should be the ultimate goal to
be with Christ
The goals of life which seem attrac
tive and in some senses worthy soon
pass llko tho chaplet on the brow of
the ancient athlete, but there is a goal
for everyone which, If reached, will
secure a crown, a golden crown, that
is precious and durable.
Havo a goal; havo a vision; secure
n objective; keep your eyes steadily
on It and you will reach it, and, by
all means, let the objective of all be
the attainment of the stature of the
fullness of Christ
There is no excellence without la
bor. Wirt,
Children Love
Don't Deny Them
Dentists affirm its helpful-
ness to teem ana sums.
Give the kiddies all they
want. Use it yourself
regularly. Keep it always
on hand.
Cultivate the saving instinct
with the United! Profit
Sharing Coupons around
each package, good toward
high-grade merchandise.
Have you seen "Wrigleys Mother
Goose" newest jingle book 28
pages in colors?
(Here Is a aasaple Terse jtad Uluatratlea)
There was an old Spear-woman lived in a sltoe
For her many young hopefuls she knew what to do I
She made them most happy with WRIGLEY'S for all
It kept them in trim at a cost very small!
The "Wrigley Spearmen"
want you to see all their
quaint antics in this hook,
free! Write for it today to
t304 Kmsnmr &(& GMcage
As Ever.
"Since the war .began the women
have been taking tho places of the
men on the Paris street cars."
"Well, they'd do It here, but the men
Are too ill mannered to get up."
No sick headache, biliousness,
bad taste or constipation
by morning.
Get a 10-cent box.
Are you keeping your bowels, liver,
and stomach clean, pure and fresh
with Criscarets, or merely forcing a
passageway every few days with
Salts, Cathartic Pills, Castor Oil or
Purgative Waters?
Stop having a bowel wash-day. Let
Cascarcts thoroughly cleanse and reg
ulate the stomach, remove tho sour
and fermenting food and foul gases,
take the excess bile from the liver
and carry out of the system all tho
constipated waste matter and poisons
in the bowels.
A Cascaret to-night will mako you
feel great by morning. They work
while you sleep never gripe, sicken
or cause any inconvenience, and cost
only 10 cents a box from your store.
Millions of men and women take a
Caecaret now and then and never
havo Headache, Biliousness, Coated
Tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or
Constipation. Adv.
Its Sort.
Prisoner I embezzled this money
because I am not rich.
Judge A poor excuse.
Mr. James McDanlel, Oakley, Ky
writes: "I overworked and strained
myself, which brought on Kidney and
Bladder Disease. My symptoms were
Dackache and burning
in tho stem of tho Blad
der, which was soro
and had a constant
hurting all tho time
broken sleep, tired feel
ing, nervousness, punV
ed and swollen eyes,
shortness of breath and
J. McDanlel. Rheumatic pains. I suf
fered ten months. I was treated by a
physician, but found no relief until I
started to use Dodd'a Kidney Pills, I
now feel that I am permanently cured
by the use of Dodd'a Kidney Pills."
Dodd'a Kidney Pills, COc. per box at
your dealer or Dodd'a Medicino Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household
Hints, also musio of National Anthem
(English and German words) and re
cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 aent
free. Adr.
People boast of their ancestors only
after the world has forgotten their
attest its aid to
and digestion.
Mother's Solicitude.
"May," he said, "what would you do
if I should die? Tell me."
"Please don't auggebt such a thing,"
said his wife. "1 can't bear the
thought of a stepfather for our little
boy."The Club-Fellow.
"If I were a former boy,r a boy with
out capital, and wonted an early compe
tency. I'd start right out growing Pota
toes'' said Henry Schrocder, the Potato
king of the Red River Volley, whoae ttory
in the John A. Salzcr Seed Co.'a Catalogue
reads stranger than a romance.
That advice of Mr. Scltroeder'i, the self
made Potato king, comes from a warm
heart, a level beau, a potato king!
Price Schroeder's Fnmoue Ohio, buhel,
$1.75; ten bushcle, 115.00.
Here's another advice of the Red Hirer
Potato king. He say: "Plant a plenty
when potatoes are plenty," or cheap. like
they were last Fall That's round doctrine.
Follow his advice this year and coming
July and August and all Fall look out for
70c and 00a and 11.00 Potatoes 1
Who placed
Wisconsin on
the Corn
map, way at
the top Sal
zer's crea
tion) in field
Corns. Bar
ley, O a t .
Sncltz. and
Clovers. Po-1
tatoes helped .-,'
do it.
We make a"ti
KTeat kpecial-'
ty of eeed
corn, listing
over forty;
splendid va-"'
r 1 e t 1 e i. '
among them the earliest, heaviest eared,
biggest yielders known.
For 10c In Postage
We gladly mail our Catalog
and sample package of Ten Fa
mous j' arm accus, iuciuuiuk
Spcltz, "The Cereal Wonder;"
Rejuvenated White Bonanza
OaU, "Tho Prize Winner;" Bil
lion Dollar Grass; Teosinte,
the Silo Filler, etc., etc.
Or Send 12o
'And we will mail you our
big Catalog and six generous
packages of Early Cabbage,
Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce,
Radish, Onion furnishing lots
ana lots oi juicy aeucious
Vegetables during the early
Spring and Bummer.
Or tend to John A. Sntzer
Scad Co., Box 704, La
Cross, Win., twenty cents
and receive both above collec
tions and their big catalog,
Unfitting Medium.
"Can't you play that round any bet
"Not on a square pla "
s?viiinadMsiiirarA ir. ar aa
- -
"Chew It Q) '
Gentle Hint.
He Onco for all, 1 demand to know
who Is master In this house?
Sho You'll bo happier if you lon't
find out. Philadelphia Ledger.
In Hard Case.
"That amateur farmer Is doing his
own sowing."
"So lo his wife."
I sJtoofiurag that 'must last!X I
I WYou can't tell fey looking at a roll of rooflaf hovtr 1
aW tinfl It Will 1 flit kak Miif aWtftft aaaikAasi OAt . H
.Bt tha guarantee ef responii-
Buy materials that last
Ask your dealer for prod
ucts made by us Uiey bear
our same. .y
A,p!iita Rooffaira
IM eradti end pritu)
SUu Suffused Sklagta
Upbftk Felt .
Ptdnln rka
Ttrrad Fll
1- p!y trorafiteed 5yesn
2- ply fiajaatecd 10 years'
3- yly Mrustcl 15 years
SiOU&if Taper
y General Roofing Manufactaring Company
Worlft larnttt matufatturtn cf Bottjtmo owl BtUHng IVptrt i
to Feed the World"
The war's fearful devastation
croDS has cansed an unusual demand for eraln
from the American Continent. The
world must be fed and there Is an unusual demand
for Canadian wheat. Canada's Invitation to everv
Industrious American is therefore especially attrac
tive. She wants fanners to make tnoneyand happy,
prosperous homes for themselves while helping her
to raise immense, wheat crops.
You can get a Homestead
other lands can be bought at remarkably low prices. Think of the money ytra
can snake with wheat at its present high prices, whero for soma time it u lia
ble to continue. During many years Canadian wheatiields have averaged 20
bushels to the acre many yields as high as 45 tmshels to the ficre, Woaaerfal
crops also of Oats, Barley aad Flax.
Mixed fsraiiae ic fully as profitable ca industry as trrala raisins?. The extel-
lsct grasses, Mi of nutrition, are the
purposes, uooa scnoois, marxets convenient, climate excellent.
Military terries U sot ceapalsorr ia Canada, bat t&ere is as extra dsaaaa4 Jtt tana
wdoi to ressaee in budt roues on
eraaust tais year is urciac laraun w
Write (or Uteratars aaa parttcaUrs as to reduced i allway sates to
W. V. leaattt,
B9 A a . t 4
Canadian ooverameat Ageat
I HI lin I Wert nfawMM. - am mi
UlKtltLK, lUdiKW. W.Cieae, 4vn,Cm
snl an bapf Always eropt, WrlU fuJ '
Inse booklet. BHs KlcMy Oo., Fiilrburr.NsU
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 10-191B.
Tha only
real test of
roofing quality
is on the root
afttta Imaktlni Papers
Asphalt Cmms
Keof CAauafl
ftsa class
of Earopeaa
seoulo of the
o 160 acres FREE and
only food required either for beef or dairy ,
who oar roiuButroa va iat war. m wrr-
put extra aere&ce uto stub.
221 17th St,
Si L
Watch Your Colts
For Goufbs. Colds and Dlttetoper, and at the Ont sjnptons of apy
ueb ailment, flva small dotes of that nondsrfal rttUMdy, bow Im
molt ottd In eiUtence,
(0 ents sod II a bottle) 16 and 110 tb doin of any drnsglat, tisratta
tttalsr, or dIUred It ' Hl'QIlN MtUJCAt, CO..
Chemists and Bacteriologist, Goshen, lul., O. 8. A.