The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 12, 1915, Image 4

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    DR. 0. II. CRESSLER,
Graduate Dentist.
Oflke over thu McDonald
Stato Bank.
Mrs. A. L. Mlschltc and children left
Wednesday for a visit with friends In
Now spring bags, veils, auto caps,
boudlor caps, now on display at
The Pony Contest closes at mid
night next Thursday. Help out tho
contestants by purchasing your bill of
goods prior to that time.
Mrs Ira L. Whlttakcr, of Meckllng,
South Dakota, camo Wednesday even
ing to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs.
P. M. Sorcnson for several weeks.
A largo variety of Imported silk
ginghams 2Cc por yard shown at Tho
Every Lady Maceabeo Is requested
to bo present at the meeting to bo held
tomorrow afternoon. A delegate to tho
stato convention to be held at Omaha
Apr, 19th and 20th will bo elected at
this mecctlng.
Claudo Wclngand says that all tho
former North Platto pcoplo ho met In
California seem to bo doing well ex
cept W. J. Crusan, whoso health la
poor. Ho says Otto Well expects to
mako tho. trip to North Platto In his
Ford car this summer.
Dcautlful assortment of Children's
Dresses, sizes 2 to 14, best shades and
Btylcs, from COc to $4.50 at BLOCK'S.
THo literary department of the
Twentieth contury club will meet
Tuesday with Mrs. Stcbblns, 419 west
Fifth streot. Mrs. Frank Buchanan will
'iiuvo chargo ot tho current events and
tho subject will bo "Made In America.
New spring muslin and crcpo un
derwear, princess slips, gowns, pet
ticoats, combination suits, corset cov
ers and chemise, now shown at
A largo numboro f friends and neigh
bors woro ontertn'ned Wednesday
evening at tho home of Mr. niul Mrs.
Ray Snyder. Games uut music were
tho entertaining feature:!, anil guesls
passed a very pleasant ev.yjlng. A
three courso liuicn was servoa.
V. W. nlnrltnr returned Wednesday
nlglit from Koystono where ho had
been looking after his business inter
ests for a weok. North of Koystono In
Arthur county travel Is practically
suspended on account of snow drifts
that are as much as eight feet deep.
Beforo buying that spring suit or
gown try our now spring back laco or
lace front LttCamlllo corsets. Our
Mrs. Koltner will fit them right.
Enough said. BLOCK'S.
Norfolk Is getting ready to have six
miles of streets paved and this reminds
us that about fifteen years ago Nor
folk and North Platte vied with each
other in tho claim of being the tenth
city of tho stato in population nnd com
mercial importance. But for somo rea
son Norfolk left us far in tho rear.
Tiio Fuel Without a Fault
Donald Newton entertained tho
boyB and girls' classes of tho Presby
terian Sunday-school Wednesday ev
ening at . a bobsled party, tho occa
sion being his thirteenth birth an
niversary. After soveral hours spent
slcd-ridlng an elaborate lunch was
served at the Newton homo.
At ft ECDOrnl mnnllnsr nf Mm Twenti
eth Century club Tuesday ovcnlng ut
tho library building, a paper on "Mu
nicipalities" was read by Mrs. Josepn
Roddy, "Play Grounds" was tho rubject
of a papor. by Mrs. R. F. Cottcrell, and
Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Duke read pa
pers oh "Public Libraries."
Mr and Mrs. W. J. Tllcy, C. II. Leln
lngor and other Yeomen returned yes
terday from Sutherland where they
assisted In itltlatlng a class of thirty
Into tho Sutherland homestead. This
finished a cIosb of seventy-eight ap
plicants that had becen obtained by a
membership contest bctwecen tho two
teams of tho Sutherland homestead.
Old Trusty and Poultry Lender In
cubutorM nnd Itroodcrn ut factory
price. SIMON BROS,
Kearney Is making ono last effort
this week to hold Its team In tho stato
ball league. Tho plan being tried out
Is to sell several thousand tickets at
two dollars each. Up to Wednesday
ovenlng two thousand of theso tickets
had been pledged. As fifty games will
be played in Kearney during tho sea
son, tho price per gamo to tho ticket
holder would bo four cents.
Now open for business nt 310 cast
Front street. James Kumelos, prop.
M North l'lattc, In tho Htfito 3f Nibraokn, at th6iclostrpf buHlnenH March, 4,
4tECK.s. Ji ML 1 & I
LoaiiH nnd discount' jCT.. v...t..j.u; .. j"h 447,34i'.96
Overdrafts, unBoouroil . .&LS S.feOFf'fO 82.91
U. H. bomlH deposited to secure circulation vlpirrYulU6). U . 100,000.00
IT U. I.nn.1. n T T C3 iln..n.l Ik . w. v. . ... 1 . . 1 flflfl
. ft,, uvuun flUIIKQU ll nouuiu W U UUIU.1IID I'tw VUIUUH Avv,
OUior bonds pledged to eocuro postal BavlngH . . 2Q,0pO.UO
Other bonds, aocurltlcn, etc., owned unpledged (other - .-. '
.than stocks), Including iiromlumvn .mine 31,390 ".'.D
Hubsorlptlon to stock of Federal Itoservo bhWk .$tr,000.00" y .
Less ninount unpnld , $0,000.00 3,000.00
Hanking houso, 118,400.00; furniture and fixtures $3500.00 ... 21,900.00
Duo from Federal lloservo bank . . V - T" " -J,"t53.3l
Duo from approved rosorvo ngents invceiilralroacrvocltlo8$.l,905,:i2 r "
Duo from npprovod rcservo iiBentn. Iii otHor , rosorvo cities fC,l,931. 72 03,837.04
Duo from banks nnd bnnkoru (other thnn Included In - I
1? or 13) .,,...tJ i 2,009,08
Fractional currency, nioU48inlMbi1lMp,.-. twwii-J J JS0.82
Checks on bankH In tho tn reporting ..'A.vjk.W
Notes of othor national 'baVikB .1 , .7.590.00
Lawful money rcrvo In bnnk) , . r
Hpeclc i $2G,910.tfo
' i-oftul-toitder notes I ... , 2,045.00 28,501. CO
Hcdomptlon fund with U. H. Tronsurer (not more thnri
G per cent on circulation) 5,000.00
Totnl ; $761,191.91
Cnpltnl wtook pnld In " $100,000.00
HuriilUH fund 50,000.00
Unillvldod prodtH $ '23,4(53.83
Lobs current expetiHOH and tuxes pnld.., $' 12.009.9S 10,853.88
Circulating notew , 100,000.00
Duo to bunks nnd bnnker(othor thnn Includertim.iDipr,?) 22,342,00
Domnnil dopoHlts: f "
Individual deposits subject to check X ....... $320,239.19
CertlllcntoH of dopoBlt duo In loss thnn 30 Mn'5 V$ 2U.lH2.90
CnBhler'H chocks outBtnndlnB. . . ..$ 4,241.41
Unitod Htnten deposits $ 1,000.00
Postnl BaylngB deposltH .' $ 10,037.00 371,400.50
Tlmo depoHlts:
Cor.tlllentes of deposit duo on or ivftor 30 dnya $100,534.87 106,534.87
i' Totnl , . ..$761,191,91
Htato of Nnbrnskn. County of Lincoln. h:
I, R U. Moonoy, Cnshfor of tho nbovo named bunk, do solemnly swonr that
uiu minvn nuiiuiMuiii. in iruo 10 mo iiQsi oi my. Knowioiigo nnu Donor.
. i,, F. L. MOONI3V, Cnshlor.
Correct Attest:
k. k. sinoinonoEH
Xflii ... . Directors.
, Kubacriod and sworn to beforo me this 9tli day or March, 1015.
lqpODMAN, Notnry labile,
? 1 i ;
March marks tho beginning of an
other year of -busy farm operations.
Wo particularly desire to remind
tho farmers of our community t)t, . tho
advantages, of banking hero. '
With good prices for all farm pro
ducts asBsurcd, with tho opportunity
for greater production than over be
foro, 1015 gives promlso of being a
remarkably prosperous year for tho
A strong, accommodating bank will
glvo him oven greater advantages in
carrying out his plans, in marketing
his crop to greater profit. Wo will
S bo pleased to servo you.
The Platte Valley State Bank
"The Safety FW&t Bank."
Forth PJ8fe Nebraska.
Two coaches on train No. 10 were
derailed Wednesday evening while be
ing BWltched In tho yards. Tho mishap
was soon righted.
President Mohler, of tho Union Pa
cific, will bo a guest of honor nt a
banquet to bo given by Grand Island
citizens this evening.
Traffic on tho Callaway branch was
resumed Wednesday. Tho towns along
that routo had becen without mall,
express or freight for six days.
Chairman Clias. Uocue, of tho I), of
It. T. protective board, returned Wed
nesday from nn extended stay in
Kansas City and Omaha where ho
transacted business pertaining to his
official position.
Railroad men coming up from
Orand Island yesterday reported that,
farmers between Shelton and Glbon
wcro opening tho roads with wedge-
shaped plows, drawn by ten or twelvo
head of horses.
Up at Nosthport thcro is talk thai
tho Burlington will build from Kcne-
saw to North Plaato this summer, and
uso tho Union Pacific track from
North Platto to Nofthport. ThlB is pos
sible but not probable.
Engineer Ralph Chamberlain, Pas
senger Conductor Liggett and Iirakc
man Blake, who wcro dismissed from
service somo tlmo ago, were re-instated
this week. They were dlsmlsssed
for failuro to est the air lioso when
pulling out of Sterling.
Pat Haggerty, who in confined to a
hospital in Grand Island, taking treat-
mcnl for Inflammatory rheumatism,
was expected homo this week, but
word comes that he has suffered a re
lapse and that he will bo confined
there for somo time yet.
A Second district engineer who has
been running on that district for twenty-seven
years, says this winter, tak
ing it nil the way through, has been
tho hardest ono for railroading that
ho has ever known. He further said
that not Blnco early In tho winter had
ho witnessed a day In Grand Island
when the weather was pleasant.
During tho snow trouble on the
Second district which continued for
soveral days, all passenger trains both
east and west bound vvera rua with
two engines, and notwlthssUng this
heavy demand for motive power, .Fore
man McGraw still had engines, in re
sorvo at this terminal. Thli is evi
dence that tho power supply Is equal
to any emergency.
1 1 .'tit!
Bank nt Dickens.
Tho First Stato Bank of Dickens is
tho latest financial institution in ,Lln-
jcoln county. Tho incorporators are
C. A. Lib ton, of Dickens, and F. C.
Plelstlckor and M. E. Scott, of this
city, with Mr. Llston ob president.
Tho bank opened last month in a
storo with Mr. Liston in charge, 'who
will have active management until a
cashier Is selected. As soon as the
weather will permit a bank building
will bo erected. Tho bank Is proving
a great convenience for tho pcoplelof
(He Dickens section- of tho county, i
Dear Madam: .Have you that charm
ing and lovablo atmosphere about your
homo that makes your life worth (ly
ing t j,eL us neip you iq ooivo homo
of your decoratlvo problems by fur
nishing you tho latest decorative Ideas,
showing up to date wall papers and
Just how they should bo assembled to
creato tho desired effect. Como around
and sco us at any tlmo at our new lo
cation at 007 Locust street. Yours
very truly,
Phono 5G. 15tf L. It. DUKE.
Demi Rowkcr Snowbound.
Dean Bowker returned homo the ear
ly part of tho weok from Hastings and
rolatcs qulto an oxperlenco as a snow
bound passsengor. He was desirous of
reaching homo Sunday morning, and
as tho Grand Island road was block-
aded, ho concluded to como via Aurora.
Ho reached tho latter place, whore ho
bonrded a caboose to which was at
tached thrco cnglnca and a snow-plow
that started out to clear tho road. Nine
miles out of Aurora the outfit struck a
drift Saturday at midnight and stuck
thoro for twenty-threo and one-half
hours. Tho greater part of the time tho
Dean amused himself walking tho lloor
of tho caboose.
Miss Zlta Donegan, who was oper
ated upon in an Omaha hospital for
appendicitis a couple of weeks ngo Is
reporled getting nlong very nicely.
An additional bhlpimiat of gas p.tovci
was received yesterday by tho electric
company. Tln-se stoves will supersede
gasoline stoves in hundreds of North
Platto homes.
Tho D. of H. will entertain tho A. O.
U. W. and their friends Monday even
ing in the K. P. hall. A program will
be given which will start at 8:30.
Lunch will be served.
Nels Forstedt filed nn Information
yesterday against Ted Howard, charg
ing him with tho theft of a horse col
lar, neck yoke and other articles. The
caso will bo called In the county
court today.
John McMichacl announces that he
has leased tho Empress theatre on
west Sixth street and will open it to
tho public In a fov days, probably
next Monday. His operator was duo
to arrive last night.
Tho lower houso of tho Nebraska
legislature favor muklng the term of
a county official four years, but do
not favor making It apply to tho offi
cials who were elected last fall. If
tho bill becomes a law It will become
effective with the officials who enter
office in January, 1917.
A littlo sunshine Wednesday nnd
yesterday and a rising temperature
started a thaw which promises to re
sult In a surplus of moisture under
foot. Thoroughly saturated ground in
the spring is a valuobto asset to tho
Lincon county farmer, even, though It
does not always result in a corn crop.
The Tllllkum Girls, a club com
posed ot about twenty girls of the
Episcopal parish, havo purchased a
piano for uso In the basement of tho
church. As tho new basement will
bo a meeting place for tho different
organizations of the church, the piano
will prove a pleasureablo addition.
The instrument was purchased of
Langlols, tho west Sixth street dealer.
Pay up your back subscriptions to
Tho Tribune and receive ono thousand
pony votes for every dollar you pay.
A republican mass convention will
bo hold at the court houso tomorrow
evening for tho purposo of nominat
ing a city ticket. Some of the repub
lican! are in favor of ondor.slng the
candidates nominated by tho demo
crats Tuesday evening, while others
favor endorsing only part of thoso
candidates. It has not been publicly
announced Just what action tho no-11-cense
clement will take as to placing
candidates in tho field.
Georgo Carman, who sold his land
southwest of town last fall will farm
tho Locust GroVo farm southeast of
town this year.
L. W. Walker, who for the past sev
en months has been presenting tho
Cody Indian pictures in South Dakota
and adjoining states, arrived homo
this morning for a few days' visit with
his family
For Sale Good fresh milch cow.
Inquire at Marti Meat Market.
A. E. Holtgren spent a couplo of
days at Grand Island this week.
While there Arthur contracted to
build two residences for Henry ShuK
on his farms in tho Platto Valley, ono
on tho farm occupied by Bert-Lilee
and tho other on another farm, near
by. Hershey Times.
Tho I)r; Ycuell Lectures.
Dr. Yeucll, who has a nation-wide
reputation as a Chautauqua and stags
lcqturer, will glvo a series of three
lectures at the Christian church Satur
day, Monday and Tuesday evenlng3,
March 13th, 15th and 10th.
His lectures will bo as follows:
Saturday, "Sunny Italy and Her Ro
mances." Moifday, "The Par,l8 of Napoleon and
the Paris of Today."
Tuesday. "Yellowstone Park The
Summit of America."
Ycuell is desorvlng of a great hear
ing in North Platto and tho low price
of 50 cents for tho three evenintrs or
25 cents slnglo admission makes it
within tho reach of all to attend.
Monday night the war situation will
be touched upon. Mr. Youell wa3 in
Paris Just beforo tho breaking out ot
tho war. His colleitlon of pictures are
unsurpassscd. Do not fail to hear him.
For Snlo
Tho place at 109 east Eleventh
streot, cheap and good. For price and
terms address, Mrs. waiter wnson, u
1 North Platte, Neb., or Phono 780F4. tf
1 am RED PEP
Live Wire Philosopher
Ive been hired for 52
weeks.Take iwadvice
each week be cheerful"
Appointment Soon lo bo .Made.
Advices from Washington Indicate
that appointments for tho federal
offices in North Platto will probably
bo mado within tho noxt week or ten
days. The commissions of Postmaster
Davis, Register Evans und Receiver
Bare oxplro next month, tho two latter
on April 20th.
Tho two leading aspirants for tho
postotllce aro A. F. Streltz and P."H.
McEvoy. Tho former has tho backing
of tho Senator Hitchcock contingent
nnd othor prominent democrats of tho
stato, whllo Mr. McEvoy is backed
largely by the Bryan clement.
For tho register of tho land office
J. J. McCarthy, or Ogalalla, and Editor
Eames, ot Maxwoll, aro the candidates
with chances for tho appointment of
tho latter. Frank Beelor, tho Hershoy
merchant Is slntcd for tho land offlCo
recolvorshlp without opposition.
Tho salary of tho postofflco Is $2,500
per year. Tho pay drawn by tho reg
ister and receiver of tho land olllco
hns dwindled down to abo'ut ono
hundred dollars a month and will con-
tlnuo to dwlndlo unless somo other
district is added to tho North Platto
district, as tho business In this district
lias about becen closed out.
To the Public.
II. II. Xandgraf and Wiley Crnno
have formed a partnership under tho
firm nnino of Landgrat & Crano. and
will cngago In all classes of painting,
papor Hanging nnd decorating. All
work will bo guaranteed satisfactory,
and under this condition wo respect
fully solicit tho patronage ot, the
Complete Contract For England.
Tho J, II. Haney harnoss plant at
Hastings has Just completed tho big
order, of war harness manufactured
for shipment to England for uso in the
war. Tho manufacturers had Uva
months In which to fill this contract,
Which was for 3,000 seta of slx-horso
team harness, but they will coaipleto
tho work in Just two nnd one-third
Watch this
space every
week for 52.
'Twill do
you good.
Town Doctor
Season Ticket holders have seats reserv
ed Monday, March 15. Others have seats
? reservedTuesday'and,Wednesday.
Darling willf tellji
tisTabont - -&s
Mutual Building & Loan Association
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Organized 1887.
Have; plenty of money on hands to close loans
promptly. ;''
.Will loan on' "North Platte City property for
building purposes or to assist "its'members in buy
ing homes or paying off mortgages; The monthly
payments on $10lp.00 loan are on'principal $5.00 ;
and interest ,,6.0 Oor $U.OOin all and on other
sums in'proportion.
Sold by Rush Mercantile Co , North Platte
i i r? o xxt " l O..M.1 i i. - o
Also by E. & W. Colcer, Sutherland; Ganson & Ganson
Hershey; Jens Sommers, Maxwell: Jno. Fredrickson,'Brady