The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 12, 1915, Image 3

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Afternoon Gown of Blue Taffeta
Charged With' Issuanco and Circula
tion of Fraudulant Certificates On
Defunct Bank of Sutton.
RATHER difficult to picture 1b this
pretty .gown, for afternoon wear,
which 1b cut on distinctly original
lines. UJb for the young and slender
wearer, and flows about her figure In
loose-hanging and ever-changing folds.
It Is In a bright blue, something
deeper than turquoise, and Is made In
two pieces. There- Is a short under
skirt, only moderately wide, which la1
cut to flare at the bottom and Is ankle
length. A full, flaring tunic Ib at
tached to a short Jacket; together
they achlovo a coat effect In which
the waist line is entirely neglected.
The bodlco fastenB at ono side with
round covered buttons made of the
Thorp la a moderatoly high rolling
collar of the silk, with a collar of
dainty hemstitched batiste overlaid at
the back. The silk cuffs are almost
covered with hemstitched cuffs of
Although the skirt and overgarment
are two distinctly separate pieces
they are both attached to the same
plain underbodlce bo that the dress 1b
put on nil together. The neck is fin
ished with a covered silk cord termi
nating In small Bilk-covered balls,
Ono of the larger hats with wide,
flat, transparent brims and flower
trimmed, would bo a bettor choice in
millinery to be worn with thiB after
noon gown, than tho small tailored
turban shown In the picture. This Is
a season of beautiful colors in flower
and fruit-trimmed hats to correspond
with tho daintiness and sprlghtllness
of taffeta gowns, or those of colored
Collars and Combs and
HERE is a collar, mado of sheer
batiste and a very narrow fancy
edging, that will Interest every wom
an who appreciates the value of such
dainty and easily mado accessories.
Aside from their becomlngness they
protect the bodice at the neck, and
they cost next to nothing. This ono
is merely a graduated flounco of the
batiste, to which three towb of braid
huvo been stitched, mounted to a
straight band. This band Is basted
into the nock of tho bodice.
At the front the collar is sowed to
tho band without fullness, but it Is
gathered at the sides and back and
Stayed with Bmall wires which are
almost entirely concealed by the gath
ering of the batiste.
Collars of tho sheerest laces are
mado in tho same way. They aro
somewhat narrower and aro gathered
along their entire length into a nar
row band. Tho small stay-wires hold
them in the right pose about tho neck.
Ono of those long shell combs,
brightened with rhlnestoncs set in
rows that follow and outlino its pat
j 1 1 ' 1 1; ' ' '
net or tho lingerie gowns of midsum
mer. Plain or sombor or sovero hats
do not fit in with tho schemo of things,
except when the gown Jb tailored, and
it is tho somltallored gown which is
holding the close attention, just now.
of those who have learned to bo dls
Japanese Parasols.
From present Indications tho flat
Japancso types of parasols will play
an unusually strong part in this sea
son's parasol demand. Many novel
ties of this character are being of
fered. Some of the richest have dark
borders, with here and thoro a deli
cate bit of hand-embrpldery in gold.
Again, odd-looking velvet birds are
appllqued over the inside surface of
the parasol. This idea is effective
when developed in orango and blue
tones, says Dry Goods Economist
Handles are extremely long and In
most Instances harmonize In color and
design with tho ferrule end.
Fanciful Names.
Some of the new silk novelties re
cemble charmeuse and have fanciful
names. These wero all made in Amer
ica. There is a very attractlvo sand
colored' shade that is named "Palm
Beach sand;" others are "Delaware
peach," ."Arizona silver," a lovely
shade of gray; "Oregon green," an
olivo shade; "Rocky mountain bluo,"
"Newport tan," "Gettysburg gray,"
and "Piping rock," a very delicate
Other Accessories
tern, is shown in tho picture. These
aro very popular, thrust in tho coiffure
at any position or angle that becomes
tho wearer.
A pretty tie of narrow ribbon set
with Jot ornaments Is another, little
accessory that gives finish to the plain
est of toilets. Heavy grosgrain or vel
vet ribbons aro used for these ties,
and they are fastened with snap fas
teners under an ornament, in lieu of
a bow.
Pope's Vault.
Tho body of Popo Pius X, who died
last summer, has been placed in the
crypt beneath St. Peter's, in Rome,
ono of tho most " eelobrated burial
vaults In tho world.
A portion of tho crypt was in exist
ence long before the erection of tho
present cathedral, having formed part
of an ancient church. Tho flooring in
tho passages,, somo of which aro little
more than six feet In height, has boen
worn by tho feet of thousands of por-
sons who yearly visit tho place.
State high school basket ball
tournament, Lincoln, March 10
to 13.
Annual meeting of Daughters of
American Revolution, at Omaha,
March 15-20.
Missouri Valley Medical associa
tion, Omaha, March 22-27.
North Platte Valley Teachers'
Association Meeting, Alliance,
March 25-27.
State Press association annual
meeting, Omaha, April 19, 20, 21.
Meeting of State Nurses' Asso
' elation, Norfolk, April 20.
Mendelssohn Choir Fifth Annual
Spring Concerts with Chicago Sym
phony Orchestra, Omaha, April 26
and 27.
Meeting of Western Seedmen's
association, Omaha, May 10-15.
v Nebraska Elks' convention, Fre
mont, May 11-12.
G. A. R. State Encampment at
Fremont, May 18 to . 20.
State Gun Club tournament,
North Platte, May 18, 19 and 20.
Omaha. T. H. Mattors was found
guilty by a Jury in federal district
district court on nineteen of twenty
counts of an Indictment for violation
of the United States banking-laws.
Matters was charged with complicity
in tho issuance and circulation of
fraudulent certificates, of deposit on
tho defunct First National bank of
Sutton, Nob.
Judge Younxans allowed Matters'
counsel till March 22 to prepare a
motion for a now trial. The penalty
Is fivo to ten years.
Purely Accidental.
Kearney. A coroner'B Jury in the
investigation of the causo of tho death
of Conductor Nols Akeyson and Road,
master Johnson failed to hold any ono
man or corporation responsible for
what It termed an "unavoidable acci
dent." It found that tho delivery
cranb camd in contact with the car'
in some unaccountable way, plunged
through tho car window and struck
the two railroad men with such force
as to cause their deaths. Akeyson
and Johnson were killed at Gothen
burg February 12. At tho time of tho
accident some tests of a now mall de
livery and recoiving crane were being
made. On tho fourth and final trial
the-full speed possible to attain with
the engine was reached and tho crane
was to dollver and receive sixty moro
pounds of mail matter than had been
handled undor previous tests. It Is
believed, from tho testimony offered,
that tho swaying train with the com
bined additional strain on tho CTane,
caused tho latter to give slightly and
tho accident resulted.
Slaughter of Deer.
Anselrao. Somo years ago some of
tho men In this section "of tho Btato
mado strong efforts to preserve tho
various speckis of deer that formerly
roamed through these hills and game
las were enacted that absolutely pro
hibit tho killing of deer at any time
during the year On tho forest reserve,
near Halsey, these animals havo flour
ished and multiplied until quite a
herd is now making its homo in that
region. Thoy frequently stray out of
the reserve, and wander through the
hills and valleys along tho Dismal
river and here is whore according to
reliable information, the ruthless
hunter gots in his doadly work. Ranch
ers and others, it is alleged, think
that doer Is their lawful prey and
many deer havo been killed in that
section this winter.
Nebraska In Movies.
Lincoln. Though tho legislature at
tho last session refused to appropriate
fluids for a building at tho Panama
Pacific exposition in which to bIiow
motion pictures of Nobraska and its
Industries "and tho people did not
tako enough Interest to subscribo
funds, yot a portion of these pictures
will bo shown anyway, for tho Nebras-
ka Conservation and Public Welfaro
commission has made arrangements
to furnish 1,600 feet of film to the
government to illustrato the Path
Under dam, live stock, agricultural
and fruit productions of tho state.
Cavalry Troops for Blair.
Lincoln. Nebraska National guard
Is to bo augmontod with a troop of
cavalry, according to a decision of
Adjutant General Hall, He has issued
an. order changing the Blair Infantry
company to a cavalry troop. Uy tho
change tho National guard of this
state will get $25,000 extra from tho
federal government.
Tho Blair troop, which is company
F of tho Fourth regiment, will havo
Inspection March 23, instead of
March 6.
Through the clevor work of Now York detectives a hugo anarchist conspiracy was nlppod in tho bud. Thw
plot included the destruction of St. Patrick's cathedral and some of tho big financial Institutions and the kltllan
of Carneglo, Rockefeller and other wealthy men. Whllo 800 porsous were nt
Frank Arbano dropped a bomb and lighted tho fuso. It was lmmodlatoly extinguished by a dotectlvo disguised aw
an usher. Othor detectives, somo disguised as scrubwomen, placod the man under arrest. The plcturo shows Ute
Interior of St. Patrick's cathedral. At the top, on tho loft, is Detective Unmet, disguised as an usher. Bolow to
Frank Arbano, who placed the bomb In tho cathedral In tho center aro threo detectives, two of them disguise
as scrubwomen. At the top, on the right, is Inspector Owen. holding tho bomb, and below Is Charles Carbone, wbel
made tho bomb.
Contestants sprinting down Seventh avenue in an exciting contest hold in Now York recently.
Only 12 men aro loft In tho village of Brewster, Northumberland, England, and thoy are cripples or over
age. Tho vlllago Is comprlsod of 60 dwelling houses, and out of tho GO males in tho placo CO havo enlisted.
Tho magnificent and historic residence of tho duke of Marlborough, hus
band of Consuelo vanderbllt, has
number of wounded noncommissioned
been converted into a hospital whoro a
officers and men are bolug treated
early mass in St. Patrick's cathedral