The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 02, 1915, Image 3

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Time it! Pape's Diapepsin ends
all Stomach misery in five
Do coroo foods you cat hit back
tasto good, but work badly; ferment
Into stubborn lumps and causo a sick,
sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or
Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down: Papc's
Diapepsin digests everything, leaving
Vothlng to sour and upset you. There
never was anything so safely quick, so
certainly effective. No difference how
badly your stomach Is disordered you
will got happy rolief in five minutes,
but what pleases you most Is that it
strengthens and regulates your stom
ach so you can cat your favorlto foods
without fear.
You feel different as soon as 'Tape's
Diapepsin" come3 In contact with tho
stomach distress Just vanishes your
stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch
Ing, no eructations of undigested food.
Go now, make tho best investment
you ever made by getting a largo fifty
cent caso of Pape's Diapepsin from any
store. You rcalizo in five minutes how
needless it is to Buffer from indiges
tion, dyspepsia or bad stomach. Adv.
Ignorance Was Bliss.
A raid had been made on a negro
gambling house and a dozen inmates
arrcBted. In police court tho next
morning each of the accused was
heard In turn. The last In tho row
waB a large, scared-looking negro.
"Well," asked tho Judge, "what do
you know about this case?"
"Who? Wo?" asked the negro.
"Yes, you."
"Well. I Just tell yo All I knows
about dls caso Is dat I was dai!"
Green Bag.
More than 30 years ago Salzcr's Catalog
boomed Alfalfa, years before other seed
men thought of its value. Today Salzet
excels! His Alfalfa strains include Grimm,
(Montana Liscom, Agr. College inspected).
Baker's Dakota Registered No. 30 all
hardy as oak.
For 10o In Postage
We gladly mail our Catalog
and simple package of Ten Fa
mous Farm Seeds, including
Sneltz. "Tho Cereal Wonder:"
Rejuvenated White Bonanza
Oats, "The Prize Winner;" Bil
lion Dollar Grass; Teosinte,
the Silo Filler, Alfalfa, etc.,
Or Send 12c
And we will mail you our
big Catalog and six generous
packages of Early Cabbage,
Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce,
Radish, Onion furnishing lots
and lots of juicy delicious
Vegetables during tho early
Spring and Summer.
Or send to John A. Salzer
Seed Co., Box 704, La
Crooao, Win., twenty cents
and receive both abovo collec
tions and their big catalog.
Smallpox Stamped Out.
Of 3,164 deaths in tho great epl
demic In Montreal 85 per cent were
of children under ten years. It is est
tlmated that 60,000,000 persons died
of smallpox in Europe in tho eight
eenth century. Tho disease is prac
tically stamped out now In civilized
countries. Doctor Rotch reports that
In Boston In IB years there haB been
no death' from smallpox in children
(Take a Glass of Salts to Plush Kid
neys If Bladder Bothers You
Drink Lots of Water.
No man or woman who eats meat
regularly can make a mistake by flush
ing the kidneys occasionally, says a
well-known authority. Meat forms
urio acid which excites the kidneys,
they become overworked from tho
strain, got sluggish and fail to filter
tho waste and poisons from tho blood,
then wo get sick. Nearly all rheu
matism, headaches, liver troublo, ner
vousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and
urinary disorders come from sluggish
Tho moment you feel a dull acho In
the kidneys or your back hurts or If
tho urino Is cloudy, offensive, full of
sediment, Irregular of passage or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, stop
eating meat and get about four ounces
of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; tako
a tablpspoonful in a glass of water
beforo breakfast and in a few days
your kidneys will act fine. This fa
mous salts is mado from tho 'acid of
grapes and lemon Juice, combined
wilh llthla, and has been used for
generations to flush and stimulate tho
kldnoys, also to neutrallzo the acids
in urine so it no longer causes irrita
tion, thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts Is inexpensive and cannot
Injure; makes a delightful efferves
cent Hthla-water drink which everyone
should tako now and then to keep tho
kidneys clean and active and the blood
pure, thereby avoiding serious kldnoy
complications. Adv.
Tho golden rule is all right, but tho
(ono used by a lot of people is only
Millions of particular women now une
and recommend Red Cross Ball Blue. All
grocers. Adv.
It's impossible to suppress the man
who thinks ho can tell a funny story.
3ID1T$ .
Now Star May Be Placed on the American Flag
WASHINGTON. A now stato may be addod to tho Union. SUccb carved
from eastern Washington, northern Idaho and western Montana may be
joined to create the new stato ot Lincoln, in area and population about equal
to tho present stato ot Washington,
now comes Washington, which would bo tho chief loser, with a preliminary
tender of her blessing on the enterprise. If Washington permits it, Idaho
will bo tho moro willing to surrender her northern "pan handle;" and aftoi
that tho chanco of getting Montana to contrlbuto her western projection ol
territory will increase. Even with only Washington and Idaho consenting,
however, tho new stato could be created with ample area and population.
Thero Is only one precedent which can bo taken as bearing upon the
proposed creation of a new stato from already existing unltB. That precedent
is found in tho creation of WeBt Virginia, which was separated from the
present state at tho time of tho Civil war.
It 1b explained by members of congress who are Interested In the re
vived efforts on tho part of the residents of oastorn Washington and the
Idaho "pan handle" to form a state of their own, that the procedure followed
will probably bo prefaced by acts of the legislature of tho states of Wash
ington and Idaho, and of Montana, if the Bitter Root valley inhabitants wish
to enter the fight, giving the consent of tho various states concerned to tho
proposed legislation.
An "enabling act" would then be introduced in congress treating the new
itato, and If this act becomes law, through the signature of tho president,
an ofllcial proclamation would be mado, calling a constitutional convention to
organize a stato government. With this completed, the vote In congress for
formal admission of the new stato would bo taken.
Why Senator Stone Moved for Extra Session
AS chairman of the committee on foreign relations, Senator Stone's pre
rogative Is to move for executive sessions of tho 3cnato whenever busi
ness is to bo transacted behind closed doors. Recently during the debate
thero was a surpluB of oratory. Tho
discussion was prolonged and Sena
tor John Sharp Williams of Missis
sippi grew tired.
Walking into tho Democratic
cloakroom ho found Senator Stono re
clining on a lounge.
"Bill," ho said, "go in there and
movo for an executive session and
stop this interminable debate. . I want
to go home."
"Wait a bit," said tho Mlssourlan.
"It is only 5:30."
"No, do it now," urged Williams,
speech for two hours."
Springing from tho comfortable
chamber, caught the eye of the
ceed to tho consideration of executive
"There is an urgent reason why
once," he said, in a manner that caused
of dire 'things.
As tho galleries wero being cleared and the doorkeepers were locking
tho double portals, statesmen gathered
nature of tho problem confronting tho
Seeing tho excitement written on
Mlssourlan said:
"Calm yourself, gentlemen, tho
threatened to make a twd-hour speech
slon. You may now rest your fears."
What tho other senators said
Members of Congress May Have to Wear Badges
1 HE annoyance to congressmen cnused by reports that some of them were
i arrested in a raid on a poolroom at Myers Station, Md., may make it
necessary for senators and representatives to wear budges showing their
fm "S)L CZ2 ( SHOW
CONCRESS- fy?5 cp4 ME YfR
1AM sw&vK rt7W BADGE
discussing thev idea Mr. Carey said
among congressmen themselves to
"I don't propose that they should
Carey, "as a policeman would, for
does under tho lapel of his coat
men would ever be caught In a raid
ana show wiio no was. The counterfeit who would pretend to bo a con-
gressman couiu at once be detected
badge was not there, in tho pen ho
Should tho resolution meet with
sergeants-at-arms or tne senato and
able badge, which tho holder would bo
or omce.
Sammy April Is "Official
QAMMY APRIL describes himself
V Ho collects monthly Tor serving
Toft shook hands with me whenever
him was about a month after I
started to servo papers at the White
Houso. A man took me into a great,
big room and said, 'Mr. President,
this is your ofllcial newsboy.'
'"Is that so?' tho president said.
"'Yes; he's tho young man who
brings tho papers,' tho roan said.
"There were n lot of congress
men nnd others in the room, but
President Taft know my time was
valuable, and he made them wait
-v&llo ho talked with me. He told me
ho was glad to seo me and that ho hoped I would some day sit in the clialr ho
was filling. Ho said he thought I would roako a good president.
"I haven't met President Wilson yet. Ho knows me, though, and some
time I'm going in and shako' hands with him."
Sammy's father is a Russian and his mother a Roumanian. He goes to
school every day, is up at C a. m., sells papers until eight, goes to Hchool and
is out at tlirco, selling papers until 6 p. in, and Is in bed at 9 p. m. Ho does
not swear, chew or smoko.
one of tho biggest In tho Union.
For thirty years thero has boon
agitation within tho "Inland Empire,"
as tho peoplo of this aspiring region
ioiro to call their country, for tho cre
ation of a now state. Conditions of
transportation and natural relation
ships have long made nn appeal to
Consent of tho older states to
such a carving up of their domains
has been assumed as Impossible, but
"If you don't I'll go back and make n
lounge, Senator Stono hurried into tho
, mjw? ran Ym&
vice-president and asked that tho senato pro
we should go Into executive session at
other senators to suspect all mannei
about Snator Stone and inquired the
tho faces of all those about him) the
danger has now passed. John Williams
unle33 I moved for an oxecutlvo sos
was not recorded in the Congressional
official status. A number of tho men
arrested are said to have claimed
they were congressmen, and some
members have been subjected to in
cessant guying under the pretense
that they wore caught in tho raid.
Representative Carey of Wiscon
sin, who had heard that his name
was thus ruthlessly used, Introduced
a resolution expressing his feelings
on tho subject. Tho resolution re
quired senators and representatives
to wear badges to Identify them. In
thero would probably bo no objection
wearing such badges.
wear them conspicuously." snid Mr
Instunce, but as a secret society man
In caso of necessity not that congress
tho member could turn up his collar
by turning his collar up, nnd If the
would go."
favor In congress and bo passed, the
houso would Immediately preparri a suit
allowed to wear only during his term
' Presidential Newsboy"
as tho "ofllcial presidential nowsboy "
papers to tho vhlto House. "President
wo met," he sayB. "Tho llrst time I saw
( i think m wouldI Z3
mim nr nun rnn
wr m m tm
It is cruel to force nauseating,
harsh physic into a
sick child.
Look back at your childhood days.
Romembor tho "doso" mother insisted
on castor oil, calomel, cathartics.
How you hated thorn, how you fought
against Inking them.
With our children It's different.
Mothers who cling to tho old form of
physic Bimply don't rcalizo what they
do. Tho children's revolt 1b well-founded.
Their tender little "Insldes" aro
Injured by thorn.
If your child's stomach, liver nnd
bowels need cleansing, give only dell
clous "California Syrup of Figs." Its
action is positive but gentle. Millions
ot mothers keep this harmless "fruit
laxative" handy; they know children
love to tako It; that It never mils to
clean tho llvor and bowols nnd Bwcet
en tho stomach, and that a toaspoonful
given today saves a sick child tomor
row. Ask at tho store for a C0-ceut bottlo
of "California Syrup of Figs," which
has full directions for babies, children
of all ages nnd for grown-ups plainly
on each bottle. Adv,
Up to Mother.
Tho mother of thlrteen-ypnr-old
I'ago has a gift for rhyming and a
generous nature. Tho other dny Page
returned from school with tho an
nouncement that each member of her
clnss was oxpected to turn in a poem
on a cortaln given subject on tho mor
"Well, that's a very nlco subject,"
replied Page's mother.
"Yes, but, f mother," tho llttlo girl
asked, with, lhnocont assurance, "what
aro you going to any about it?"
Save Your Halrl Get a 25 Cent Bottle
of Danderlne Right Now Also
Stops Itching Scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair is mute evidence of a neglected
scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf.
Thero is nothing so destructive to
tho hair as dandruff. It robs tho hair
of Its luster, Its strength and Hb very
life; eventually producing a feverish
ness and Itching of tho scalp, which
If not remodiod causes tho hair roots
to shrink, loosen and die then tho
hair falls out fast. A llttlo Danderlno
tonight now any time will Burely
Bavo your hair.
Get a 25 cent bottlo of Knowlton's
Danderlno from any store, and after
the first application your hair will
take on that life, luster nnd luxurianco
which is so beautiful. It will becomo
wavy and fluffy and have tho appear
anco of abundance; an Incomparable
glosB and softness, but what will
pleaso you most will bo after Just a
few weeks' use, when you will actual
ly see a lot of fine, downy hair now
hair growing all over tho scalp. Adv.
His Point of View.
"Whut Is your idea of matrimony?"
asked tho fair maid who was still oc
cupying the anxious scat.
"Well," rejoined the wise chap who
had balked at tho hurdle, It's probably
all right for those who haven't enough
When Your Eyes Need Care
Une Murine Eye Medicine. NoBruartlnR Feel
Klne AftH Oulrkly. Try It for ltetl, Weak,
Hore Kycs ami Oriitiiilnlril K.velldn, Murine In
pompoiiiuloil by our OcnllHtH not a "Patent
Medicine" but lined In HucfeHHftil Physicians'
Practice for many yeurB. Now dedicated to
the. Public nnd mild by hikkIMh nt Kks per
liottle. Murine Kyc Halve In Arieptlc Tubes,
Ku and 50V. Write for Hook of tho Ey Free.
Murine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago- Adv
It's tho high spots that knock out
the rolling stones.
Winter Chills Bring
iA spell of cold, damp weather Ib
alwayB followed by a fine crop of kid
ney troubles and backache.
Colds and chills damage the kid
neys. Other troubles common to win
ter weather aro just as bad. Grip, ton
Bf litis, quinsy, pneumonia or any other
infectious disenso hurts tho kidneys
by overloading tho blood with poisons.
Tho kldnoys get worn, weak nnd in
llamcd trying to work It off.
It isn't hard to strengthen weak
kldnoys .though, If you act quickly.
At tho flrBt sign of backache, dizzy
spells, headaches, loss of weight, nerv
ousness, depression and gainful, irreg
ular kidney action, sturt using Doan's
Kidney Pills. Rest tho kidneys by
simplo eating, avoidance of overwork
nnd worry, nnd getting moro rest and
aleop. A milk dlot is fino.
This sensible treatment should,
bring quick benefit and prevent serl
oub kidney diseases like dropsy,
gravel and Brlght's disease.
Clip this advertisement and mall it
to tho address below for a free trial
of Doan's Kidney Pills, the best rec-
The United States Wheat Pro
duction Admits of 100 Mil
lion Bushels for Export.
Tho talk in tho press Bomo llttlo
tlmo back of placing nu embargo on
wheat, brought forcibly to tho minds
of tho peoplo of tho United Statos a
condition that may nt somo tlmo in
tho 'near futuro, faco them. 100 mil
lion bushels of nn export of wheat
means a splendid rovenuo to tho
country ob woll ns to tho farmer,
and If this wero assured year after
year, thero would bo reason for con
siderable congratulation. But Inst
year's magnificent nnd abundant
crop, which was estimated nt 891
million bushels, cannot bo expected
overy yenr. With a homo consump
tion of 77G million bushels, and a
production In many years of llttlo
moro than this, tho fact Is appnrent
that at an early date tho Unltod
Statos will have to import wheal. It
will bo then that tho peoplo of tho
United Statos will bo looking to other
markotB for a supply. And It Is thon
that tho valuo of WcBtorn Canada
lands will bo vlowed with consider
able favor. Tho great area of wheat
lands In Cannda will thon bo callod
upon to provide tho greatest portion
of tho old world's supply, nnd also, In
tho opinion of tho writer, that of tho
United States ns well. At present
there aro only about 12 million acros
of theso landB producing wheat. Thero
aro flvo times that many acres that
can bo brought under successful culti
vation. Apart altogether from tho
value of these lands as wheat pro
ducers thero is an increased valuo to
them from tho fact that tho soil Is
especially adapted to tho growing of
many other kinds of grain aB woll as
all manner of cultivated grasses,
vvhllo tho nativo grasses aro a won
derful nsset In themselves. Tho cli
mate Is especially fnvorable to tho
raising of llvo stock, such as horses,
cattle, sheep and hogs. All theso
bring into tho limelight tho adapta
bility of tho soli, tho climate and
all other necessary conditions, to tho
carrying on of dairy farming, in n
most profltnblo way.
There Is no question that high
prices for all thnt tho farmer can grow
or raiso will contlnuo for somo years,
and this is tho great opportuno tlmo
to tako ndvantngp of what Western
Canada offorB. LandB may bo had as
a frco grant. Theso aro mostly lo
cated somo llttlo dlstnnco from rail
ways at tho present tlmo, but sooner
or Inter will bo woll served by rail
ways that aro projected Into theso
districts. Lnnd mny nlso bo secured
by purchase at reaBonnblo price, and
on oasy torms from holders of snmo.
In many cases farms partly Improved
may bo ronted. A Winnipeg pnper
said recently: "Canada wants Ameri
can immigrants. They make good
Cnnadlnn cltlzons." And then Bpcak
ing of the erroneous impression that
has galnod somo publicity in a portion
of tho United States press, says: "It
cannot bo too forcibly impressed upon
tho American mind that in coming
to Canada thoy placo themselves un
der tho freest democracy tho world
knows, No citizen of this country,
whether nativo or naturalized, can bo
compelled to mllltnry sorvlco. Tho
only compulsion Is tho compulsion of
conBclenco and patriotic duty. That is
tho motivo that hns promptod thou
sands of Canadians to offer their Jives.
Thoy are fighting as freo men." Ad
vertisement. Its Accompaniment.
"I have an oyo for tho stugo."
"Then look out you don't got tho
hook too."
Occasionally a innn makes a grcut
hit by doing tho wrong thing at tho
right tlmo.
Anyway, wo admire a cheerful Idiot
moro than wo do tho othor kind.
Every Pictart
Jellt a Story"-
I'd be all right only for my lack. "
mi U0
WFWLTmr Till T c
A real
on roofing!
moles risk I to bay roofing
not guaranteed by a responsible con
cern. When you buy our roofing you
get tho written guarantee of tho world
largest manufacturer of roofing and
building papers.
Buy materials that last
our leading product Is guaranteed 3
years for 1-ply, 10 years for 2-ply and 15
years for 3-ply. We also make lower
Erlcetl roofinf, slate surfaced shincle,
uildinj; papers, wall boards, out-door
paints, plastic cement, etc.
Aafe viir itmlrr fnr timrlttcta made hv tin.
They are reasonable in price nnd we stand
behind them.
General Roofing Manufacturing Ce.
H"orlfa tanj-lmlt!Al''iirr of Roofing
and J)ulldinffiVirr
Nw York City Bailee Jrlttikcna
rMI.JilpM. Adaata CUvalaai D.lrait
St.Leati ClttUoill KaitajClty MImhmH
SaaFrtactaco Satin tnU llaalsr Srnty
is constantly growing in favor because it
Docs Not Stick to the Iron
and it will not injuro tho finest fabric. For
laundry purposes it has no equal 16 oi.
package 10c 1-3 more starch for same money.
DEFIANCE SfARCH CO., Omaha. Nebraska
Diplomatically Speaking.
"I want to answer Gwendolyn's lot
tor nnd say something that means
"Toll her you lovo her."
It 1b n whole lot hotter to howl be
fore you aro hurt than to howl In a
hospital. Philadelphia Tolcgraph.
The young widow begins to talk
about her iato husband rathor early.
KOW-SU11B, thasTrat tow ntillelne, has roch
wonderful tonic t
Mtonthairenltalanil dla-eatlva 1
onrsns ic? many row aiimeiua commonly recaru
k) m serious rn Im prarentMl or l
IUd. ICaw.Kur la Invnluabla tit trMl
! Ilm4. Itow-Kur. la laTrJuabla In trMlloc Aburtiua,
nna ran iMi nrarentetl or ttromn
RaUlnaj Afterbirth, DunnuM, MUk taar, Bcow
ds ana Aprxuia.
Bolil tr f Mtf diUra ari drautattj
oe ani ai.w. vai
Tba Cow rloetar."
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
uan quicRjy do overcome Dy
Purely vegetable
act surely unci
gently on uio
liver, euro
ache, T-l 1 - t
VIAAI- ' . ....
ncss, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature t
Qlven Prompt and Positive Relief In Every
Case. Sold by DruRRlttR. Price lim
Trial Package by Mall lOo.
WILLIAMS MFQ. CO,, Props Clevtlwid. 0.
A toilet preparation of merit.
Jlelpa to eradicate dandruff.
FoeReatorlna' Color anrl
Beauty toCray or Faded Hair,
arc. ana at. was urugginta.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 9-1915.
Kidney Ills
ommended kidney remedy in tb
world. You'll decide It worth a trial,
when you read this enthusiastic test!,
Whole System Affected
Disordered Kidneys Brought
Weeks of Intense Suffering
O. K. Booth, painter, Randolph Hott,
Randolph, Neb., eayi: "I was afflicted with
a arrloua cnae of kidney trouble and dropsy.
At flrit my back began to ache and tbtn
harp, dartlnir pains ahot through my entire
body. My feet and hands got cold and
numb. This wai followed by awelllnr of
my limbs and puffy spots appeared undir
my eyes, In fact, I was all bloated up, to
I cam 6 to tho conclusion that I had dropry.
I had tn neglect my business' for nearly a
month, f was all doubled up and at nlrht
could get no rrst. I had chills and often
had a high fever. At night in order to gtt
relief from the pain In my back I had to
lie In bed, propped up with pillows. I hnA
a constant desire to pais the kidney secre
tions nnd they wore scanty, painful and con
tained sediment. Nothing helped me until I
took Doan's Kidney Pills. They cured ma
and slnca then I have been free from 'be
1 fife
JBBBBBBn iun I I Tall
BVBBVBBBav I Efli ml i r
aflBMn I rik-'. I