The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 02, 1915, Image 1

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No. 12
Arthur Tramp In Orchestra
Word has ben received hero an
nouncing that Arthur Tramp of tuts
city Is winning an envlablo reputation
In the Midland college orchestra at
Atchison Kansas. Mr. Tramp Is ono
of tho leading soloists for tho orches
tra. A recent lssuo of the Atchison Globo
gave nearly a column wrltoup of tho
orchestra and Mr. Tramp's namo was
mentioned very favorably. Tho or
chestra Is now making a tour of Kan
sas and Nebraska advertising tho col
lego and they aro having great suc
cess. Somo of tlio local enthusiasts
aro attempting to get them to come
hero. Every year they come up Into
Nebraska and generally Jump from
Grand Island to Lincoln but It is
hoped this year ttioy will como hero.
Mr. Tramp is soloist on both tho
.trombono and tho euphonium which ho
plays with great clllclcncy. His ap
pearances on program in tho musical
circles of Atchison Is a big drawing
Suffrage Association Meets
Tho equal suffrage association met
Friday afternoon In tho basement of
the Baptist church to transact their
regular business and at this meeting
they planned to give a motion picture
piny in the near future.
Tho play which was decided upon at
tho meeting is entitled "Your Girl and
Mine." It lo a suffrngo play and" is
having a good run in tho east and it
strongly presents tho principles of
equal suffrage.
On account of the Incemcncy of tlio
weather thoro was a small attend
ance at thlc meeting and tho election
of olllccrs was postponed until tho
next meeting which will bojicld Fri
day. March 5th. in tho asemcnt of tho
Baptist church. At this meeting a
"Universal" Peace" program will also
be presented by tho membership.
Mrs. Fred Barraclough was taken to
tho God Samaritan hospital yesterday
to receive medical treatment for a par
alytic stroko which she suffered yes
tordav morninc. This is tho second
stroko slie has suffered within tho past
few months, she having been afflicted
last Juno. Her condition is quito
At tho mooting pf tho board of edu
cation last evening in tho olllco of O.
E. Eldor it was reported that tho
treasury of tho city schools is consid
erably depleted. With a number of
bills on hand to bo paid and tho month
ly pay roll to meet In tho near future
there Is but a small amount of money
In tho treasury which Is by far lnnd
cquato to meet tho expenses.
Ono member of tho board explained
tho status of affairs waB duo to tho
fact that a largo amount of taxes was
tied up on account of tho Union Pa
cific company paying somo of their
taxes under protest nnd not on ac
count of any extravagances of tho
board. Ho explained that this was tho
first tlrao they had found thcmsolvos
"broko," nnd that they would bo all
right again as soon ns they could
draw some of tho taxe3 duo them from
tho county.
At this meeting several matters of
routlno business woro dispensed wun
and somo other mattors wero ttaken
up. A committee from tho Chamber of
Commorco called to advlso with tho
board rogarding the new Junior high
school project nnd Superintendent Wil
son Tout gavo a nlco talk on his re
cent trip to tho national meeting of
city superintendents which was hold
at Cincinnati.
Houses, Kooms, Hay and Grazing
lands, Storage Space nnd Safo Deposit
While attending the fire in Hie fur
nnco at his home in tills city last
evening Major L. Walker in somo way
threw his watch Into tlio rurnaco and
did not discover the loss until the
watch was burned up. Ho thinks that
in somo way he caught the chain on
some kindling and throw it in tho fur
naco along with tho kindling. The
watch was melted nnd warped out of
shnno nnd could scarcely bo recog
nlzed as a watch whonho found it In
tho ashes.
A hospital tea will bo given Friday
afternoon by Mrs. E. F. Seobergcr, as
sisted by Mrs. A. P. Kelly.
Sale Extraordinary
THE condition of the cotton market
caused us to buy an immense lot of
Mattresses; and as the Worth Platte Furn
iture and Hardware Co. done the same
thing we have an overstock which we are
going to sell away below what the same
Mattresses have retailed for and as you all
know we have never been in the habit of
advertising anything that was not absolutely
to the letter as advertised; so will you find
this sale.
Nation-wide Special Sale
uii uii i - ui 1 1 ii 1 1 i ii i ri i ji ! i in 1 1 ht -cirv - m i
To He Held Thursday Eicnlug of Next
Week All Persons Interested Aro
Asked to Attend.
SovoJnl representatives from the
board of directors of tho Chambor of
Commorco ntended tho meeting of tho
city board of education last evening
and after somo discussion with that
body it was decided to hold a got-
together meeting tor tlio purposo or
discussing tho Junior high school project.
It was decided to bold tlio meeting
on Thursday evening of next week
nnd to Invito nl pcoplo Interested to
attend. Tho members of tho Twentieth
Century club will bo especially invited
and all pcoplo interested aro asked to
bo there.
At this banquet, for bucIi It Is
nlnnned to bo. tlio many phases of tho
school problems of tho city will bo
discussed and it Is hoped tnat a rep
resentatives body of citizens will bo
present. In addition to tho regular
sneakors who wii Do on tno pro
gram the meeting will bo open to gen
eral discussionu.
Tho ciucstlon that Is now con
fronting tho people of North Patto
In tho matter of school facilities Is a
gravo ono and somo of its phases woro
brouuht out in tho meeting last oven
ing. Somo of th members of tho board
spoko regarding them ns well us oth
ors nresent. Tho question of holding
tho election waB also taucn up ami it
wns deemed best to postpono It until
a special election nnd not hiako it an
issue at tho approaching regular
spring election on account of tho short
time Intervening between tlio present
tlmo and tho date of tho coming elec
tion. It will, however, undoubtedly bo
put before tho people in the near fu
turo so that the now building can be
ready for occupancy by January 1,
Tho project as now talked is to
build a school building at tho cost of
about forty thousand dollars, which
Is twice tho amount paid for the now
Jefferson ward building and is sum
clent to put up a nlco building on tho
grounds north of the present high
school building. This would furnish
adequate room to bring tho seventh
and eighth grades in from tho ward
schools to tho central school building
and thus make tho present facllltlcsc
sulhcicnt in tho ward schools, both for
tho present and for years to come.
Tho matter of tho bonded indebted
nos of tho city of North Platto was nl
so brough up and It was shown that
unon tho 1914 valuation tho indebted
ness wns sufficiently low to allow a
good margin. And this indebtedness
wll be lowered next fnll by tho pay
ment of somo of tho bonds.
This mater will, however, bo thor
oughly gone over at tho get-together
banquet next week. Tho secretary of
tho Chamber of Comerco was last ev
ening instructed to get busy and ar
range for this meeting which will be
dono as soon as possible.
Mo (lorn 10 Koom House, best locn
tion in the city, at cost. Smaller
clear property considered In exchange
Other nouses, Lots, I'lirins aim i-nnn
land nt low prices and on ensy pay''
meats. Section of land, fenced, well
and wind mill, somo broken, for trade
for North FIntto property, see
"MIT ill 1 Br"- utTli.QurU'al
Regular Fall Size 6 ft, 3 in. x4ft.6 in.
i SO All built (not stuffed) layer-wise, in the
Ostermoor way, ana are mucu ueuci even
than the regular
Ostermoor Mattress. Weigh 50 pounds,
5 pounds more than regular, and are even
more luxuriously comfortable. Coverings
are the most expensive Tickings made,
both Dust-Proof Satin Finish and French
Mercerized Art Twill. One of the biggest
opportunities ever offered our customers.
$15 Felts, Snow Flake
Arrested on Forgery Charge.
As tho result of passing a worth
less check on the firm of Harcourt &
Jensen of this city James A. Leonard
is .low being held by the officers In
Omnha to bo brought horo to faco
charge of forgery. Complaint against
the man was filed In tho county court
this morning, with Eugene Delatour,
president of tho Lowellen bank as the
complaining witness
Tho man camo Into tho Harcourt &
Jonsen store about Februory 18th and
gave them a check for $32.25 to pay
I 9 nut vm visit nnillan f Ii rwl nil r I n ci rw 1
Ho slgued tho namo of H. M. McCon
ough to tho check. Tho banker at
Lowellen was called on tho telephone
and asked If the check was good and
answered that It was. It was accepted
and was later discovered to bo a for
Sale Price
$1 .50
S10 Felts Crown
$5.50 Combinations
$3.00 Cotton Tops
The precipitation last month, as
Bhown by tho monthly summary of the
local weather bureau, was 1.11 inches
tho heaviest in any February since
1910. Tho average for tho month is
but forty one-hundredths of an Inch
Tlio mean temperaturo for tho month
wns five degrees higher than tho av
Mrs. J. H. McKule and her Bister,
Miss Silvia do Stwolnskn, leave to
morrow for Kansas City whero they
will visit their parents. Miss do
Stwolnska has been visiting her sis
ter here for somo tlmo and will return
homo and Mrs. McKalo will remain
thoro for a visit of ten days or moro.
Word was recently received from
Milledgo Dullard announcing that ho
would soon bo homo to stay. For
somo months past he has been travel
Ing through tho northern states ex
hlbitlng tho Buffalo Bill Indian war
Word was received this week from
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Wolngand and fain
lly, who aro sojourning In California
announcing that thoy would bo homo
In about a week. Thoy havo been en
Joying a fine trip through tho wost.
Tho ladles' blblo class of tho Pros
bvterlan church wll hold thoir rogu
lar business meeting and election of of
ficers at tho homo of Mrs. C. J. Uownu
on west Sixth streot Friday afternoon
A largo attendance Is desired.
Mrs. Vanl'olt is reported oulto 111
nt her homo in tho fourth ward.
Tho N'ovita club will meet with Mrs.
Harry Samuolson tomorrow nftornoon.
Tho J. S. S. club will meet Wednes
day afternoon with Mrs. A. N Dur-bin.
Francis Dunn of tho Nyal drug storo
as visiting Sunday nt his homo In
Wood Itlvcr.
A special mooting of tho Tllllkums
will bo hold In tho basement of tho
church this ovonlng.
Tho mombors of tho Study club met
at the homo of Mrs. M. 13. Crosby last
ovening and enjoyed an interesting
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Sturdovnnt re
turned this morning from nn extend
ed visit with relatives nd friends at
points in Ohio.
Tho civic department of tho Twen
tieth Century club will hicct with
Mrs. M. E. Scott, 220 west Second
streot, Thursday afternoon.
Miss Bortha Lawson, employed at
the Gem Candy Kitchen, left this morn
ing Tor Central City to spenu iwo
weeks or moro visiting friends.
Mrs. James Guyninn and children
left Saturday for Grand Islnnd to
nend somo time visiting Mrs. Guy-
man's parents and other relatives.
Willis Todd, president-of tho North
Plato Light and Power Co., nrrlvcd
In tho city this morning to look after
business matters In connection wun
tho work hero.
tralnlond of sheep ami cattlo
passed through tho city this morning
enrouto to tho eastern markets. A
number of tho western misers aro
shipping at this season.
, Tho ladles auxiliary of tho Baptist
church wlll meet in tho church par
lors Thursday nlternoon ni j:id lor
their regular monthly business meet
ing. A ten cent lunch wlll-bo served.
Tim nartv who took my blcyclo
Thursday ovening from tho Gono Plc-
ard residenco on west sevemu sircoi
will obligo mo by returning It to 320
south Chestnut. NORMAN LOUDEN.
Attorney J. J. Ilalllgan returned last
ovenlnc from Lexington whero no
spent tho day looking after legal mat
ters before the district court which
16 holding forth at that paco tins
School in tho Central building was
fllsmlssod this morning In order that
.Mm rooms mlcht bo thoroughly rum-
pox of mild form dcvciopeu in mo
Robert French, of Kenrnoy, arrived
In tho city last ovening to spend tho
night horo to look after business mat
tors'. Ho is well known horo, being
imnt trrnnd master of tho Masonic or
der In Nebraska and at present grand
Tho Lutheran aid Boclety wll bo
entertained Thursday afternoon uy
Mrs. Itoy Bunnell, G21 west isinin
street. She will bo assisted by Mrs.
'Yank, Bretzer nnd Mrs. Ainert
Weather forecast for North Platto
nnd vicinity: Rain or snow tonlglit
and Wednesday; colder Wednesday.
Fresh winds. Highest temperaturo
estorduy 3G, a year ago 4G; lowest
last night 29, a year ago 25.
Vi. a. Frasher. tho traveling sales
man who waB Injured In tho local
yards last week, was able to leave
yesterday and return to his homo In
Lincoln. Ho was laid up in mo cuy
with his Injuries for several days.
A. A. Schatz Is suffering with n bad-
lv Hnrnlned back as the remut of
cranking an automobllo for a friend.
Tho englno kicked back and wrenched
him In such a manner as to sprain his
back auito severely. Ho wll uo iniu
up for several days.
Wheat dronned five cents on the
Chlr.nco market yesterday, may uo
livery selling for $1.48 and July at
si. 23. Thii dron was out to mo
nrmrrnss or mo allies nuei up uiu
Dardonellcs, tno success oi hub hjuvo
to result In releasing tho surplus
wheat of Russln.
Liulor tho present management tho
local mill Is turning out auout ono
tiimmnnil barrels of Hour per weoK.
and tho product is of such standard
nn lo flml a ready market. Whether
tho lessess will oporato tho mill alter
thnlr now mill at Lexington is com'
plcted wo arc not advised, but wo hopo
that thoy or somo other equally ener
getic company will keep tho wheels
For Salo A now barn suitable for
an automobllo. L. E. Hastings. 7tf
n. n. Goldsmith barely escaped ser
ious accident yesterday in this city
near tho Tramp grocery storo wnen no
almost ran oyor a live wlro which was
down. Tho electricians woro working
on tho lines and had cut tho wlro and
na ii inv uniittnrlnir on tho ground mr,
nniiitmiHii nnariv drovo over u. no
wn nrl vine a rather spirited team
and they became frightened and ho
had somo trouble getting away wun
out driving over tho wire.
Wo uro mldlng many new features
to our popular l.(M winnow.
DIXON, The Jeweler. Kid well, of Wallace spent yes
torday in town transacting business
inul vlHltlnir friends. Ho says Wallaco
ls'n very prosperous village, made so
by tho fact that hundreds of cattlo,
lw.rui.H inul hours and thousands of
bushels of corn and wheat nro being
shinned out. "Even half a crop on
Mm fnrm makes buslncHB lively in
Wallaco." snld Loin, "Just imagln
what It will bo somo of those years
when wo grow a full crop.
When You Want a Good
Corset Purchase a
And you will get a Corset that is un
surpassed by and other corsot made;
these corsets excel in style, beauty
quality of materials and workmanship.
Our Corsot department offers the season's
newest styles of Henderson back nnd Front
Laced Corsets, and wo have carefully select
ed and recently placed in stock a large
variety of models lo meet the demands of
the ultra fashionable tastes, as well as the
requirements of those of a more conserva
tive preference.
Particular attention is called to model 694,
which is a practical and satisfactory low
bust corset, for avcrago full to stout figures;
the graduated clasp is particularly effective
for this style of figure and tho plastic lac
ings, each side of the clasp, permit tho per
fect adjustment of the, kirl to the body in
any position.
Price only $2.00.
E. T. Tramp. & Son.
Mrs. H. L. Schull nnd baby woro ablo
o leavo the hospital yesterday for their
homo in tho Brondwator vicinity.
Clarence Smith, of thld city, under
went a tonsllectomy operation yostor
day at tho Good Samaritan hospital.
Mrs. Floyd Jones is expected homo
today fanm. Broadwater whoro alio vis
ited relatives and friends for sovoral
Paul Witt, ohof at tho Vienna cafo
was recently ablo to leavo tho Good
Samaritan hospital aftor having boon
conflped thero on account of a severed
artery In hand.
Mrs. J. A. Rlcheson left Sunday for
western points whoro Bho will spond
somo weeks on a visit. Sho will go
to California ultimately but will stop
for visits enrouto thoro.
Mrs. Knox wns ablo to leavo tho
Good Samaritan hospital Saturday af
ter having been contlned thoro for sov
oral weoks for mcdllal treatment. Her
condition Is much Improved.
Flovd Jones was called to Now York
stato last week by tho death of his
mother. Ho left for that placo tho lat
ter part of tho week to attend tho fu
nornl and 1b expected homo. thiB week.
Miss Alta Seaman loft yesterday for
tho Lowellen vicinity to tnko a pri
vate nursing case Tho call whb rc-
colved at tho hospital Sunday and
none of tho nurses thoro was ablo to
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morsch leavo
noxt Saturday for a visit In different
cities In California.
Mrs. A. E. GarllchB was ablo to bo
out lttBt week for tho first tlmo after
having boon confined for somo tlmo
with gall BtoncB. Sho was at tho Good
Samaritan hospltnl for somo weeks nnd
uftor sho was out of thoro sho was con
fined to her homo for somo Uino.
Tlio mdisslonnry" B6cioty of tho
Christian church will meet Wednes
day afternoon at three o'clock at tho
homo of Mrs. A. L. MlBohko, 615 wost
B street. Kvcry mombor Is requested
to bo present, na this meeting closes
tho nunrtor. All aro asked to read
tho book of CollosianB. A warm wel
come nvalts tho visitor.
Emll Woil, son of Mr. nnd MrB. Hen
ry Woil is now nblo to bo out nftor
having boon contlned for sovernl weeks
with a serious operation. Ho was op
erated upon somo weoks ago at tho
Good Samnrttan hospltnl and after
his operation ho Biiffored complica
tions. Ho is now feeling qulto woil.
Last wook Maxwell voted ?0,000
bonds with which to Install an electric
light plant. Tho vote stood forty
three for and ono ngalnBt. Maxwell
pooplo will Jlnd electric lights a great
convenience, nnd tho fact that tho vote
was practically unanimous Is ovi
denco Hint thoy havo tho spirit of
If looking for tlio bent nnd cheap.
New Location
On account of the increase in business
and the limited space in our former
quarters, we have moved our shoe store
from the Building & Loan Building
basement into new quarters in the
room formerly occupied by the North
Platte Electric Company.
We now have more space to accommo
date our trade and will be glad to see all
our old customers as well as new ones.
Yours for Better Shoe Values,
First Door South of Keith Theatre.