CITY ANi COUNTY NEWS Mrs. J. II. Hcggarty loft this week for Denver for a vUlt of two wceka or more with her parents. She form erly lived In Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Baldwin loft Wednesday evening for Omahu to spend a few days visiting friends and transacting business. Miss Mabel Carroll lias resigned her position In tho ten cent storo and will leave shortly for Sidney where she .has nccopted a position, Mrs. D. B. White, of the Sutherland vicinity, was visiting in tho city Tues day evening to attend tho Yeomen meetjng. Mrs. White was initiated Into tho lodge here on that evening, George Shoup and S. A. Thomas, of tho. Sutherland vicinity, wore down Tuesday ovenlng to attend tho Yeomen Initiation work at the I. 0. 0. P. ,liall. They report a fine time at the meeting. The Coal THAT SATISFIES. Clias. B. Wood, the Sutherland merchant was a pleasant caller to The Tribune Wednesday and renewed his subscription. Ho drove down from Sutherland in his car and announces that the roads are In pretty bad shape. At tho meeting of the B P. 0. Elks last evening the matter of holding a dancing class for tho members of the lodge was taken up and It wns voted by tho lodge to permit the uso of the dance hall and the piano 'for holding this class. Miss Maymo Plzer returned Tues day night from a fourteen weeks' visit with friends in DesMoincs and Chicago. Miss Plzer says she had a very delightful visit In those cities, and returns almost worn out by social activities. Gustaff Gall, 26, of this city, and Miss Clara Henry, '22, of St. Joseph, TWo., were united in marriage Tuesday afternoon at tho court house by - County Judge French. The groom is i-l-l-i l II.. 1 1 ,1 l the bride bill recently came hero where she was emnloved as a do- niniMn T linv will mnlro fliplr hnmfi in North Platte. Queen Incubators st Hershey's Hardware Store. Richie Ugal began yesterday morn ing putting down a well for irriga tion purpose on his twenty-acre tract of land at the extreme east end of Second street. Ho Intends irrigating the tract this summer for a truck patch and will use pump irriga tion. The well will be a twelve Inch bored well and will go down to sheet water whicli will insure a sufllcient supply for irrigating the entire tract, It Willi be located at the high corner of the tract to give a good flow of water over it all. Julius Pizer returned Wednesday from a three weeks' business trip In tho east, tho greater part of tho time having been. spent in-New York City. Ho found among the jobbers and man ufacturers unanimous complaint over business conditions, and reports tho army of unemployed In New York as something endrm'ous'. Tho "bread- line" Is increasing and the number of those on streets asking for a dime to buy something to eat number thousands. These aid solicitors are not bums, says Mr. Plzer, they ore men who have held all classes of positions and through unemployment have been re duced to actual destitution. Business men are not optimistic as to business improvement in the near future. Attorney Bcclcr transacted business at Belmar yesterday. ..Mrs. Arthur McNamara and children of Oakland, Cal., aso planning a visit to North Platto at Easter time. T. C. Patterson left Wednesday ovenlng for Lincoln to spend a few days looking nftcr some business matters. Frank Piolstlcker went to Arthur yesterday on business connected with tho new bank which Is soon to bo opened there. Jack Stack returned Wednesday evening from Lexington whero ho spent Bovernl days visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. John Bratt returned Wednes day from Hastings, whero sho went to visit her mother. Mrs. Burke, who had been ill. Her mother returned with hor. Tho music department of SEVEN HERSHEY MEN ARE ARRESTED FOR GAMDLlNG Seven men. residents of Hornhoy and vicinity, were yesterday served with warrnnts charging them to ap pear beforo tho county court to ans wer to tho charge of gambling. Com plaint was filed by 0. E. Gorde". shoemaker of that city, who alleges that they gambled over a "crap" gamo to tho oxtont of fifty dollars. The men charged nro Geo. L. Mudd, Clar ence Trent, Jeff Mclntyro, John Mur ray, Llgo Montgomery, James Mont gomery and a man by nnmo of Flynn. In tho complnlnt It Is alleged thattho men wero gnmbllng on or abont Feb raary 20th. Golden tells tho story that ho sat In tho gamo with them and won from them something over fifty dollars Ho states that they tried to get him to glvo some of tho money back and that ho refused to do so. Ho then left the nlaco whnro they wero alleccd'to have 1110 1 been gambling and started homo. On S UR. 0. II. CRESSLCR. I i Graduate , Dentist. e ? OlVw iuur 'fi- lHiiinM 5 Thos. L. Greeno leaves Sunday for Chicago to spend a few days looking after business matters. Ho goes to look after buslncsss In connection with tho now plcturo slldo advertiser in which ho Is interested. Ho has ar ranged to havo tho machino demon strated in ono of tho big picture shows there Twentieth century club will meet this wny homo he tc,lg tlmt 8om0 of nfternoon with Mrs. E. II. Flowers thcm waylald hlm ami tried to take Two programs from the year book will tho monoy awny from hi,n nnd beat bo presented at tins meeting. hlm UD nrcllv btuuy. nis fac0 show- Twenty members of tho Phllathea cd the signs of a hard drubbing when class gave a surpjrlse on Mrs. Lovi ho appeared beforo tho county at Stryson on Wednesday afternoon. A torney to fllo tho complaint and his delicious luncheon was served and a eyes Wero both blacked. Ills face was good time was enjoyed by all. Driving For Sale First-class Horse. Phono Black 22D. Mrs. Roso Keltner, who recently rc hIihpi1 linr nnnltlnn In tho alteration lenartment of the Wilcox Denartmcnt S"crlfC Salisbury and tho men will Store, has taken the alteration depart- probnbly lo arraigned today or tomor- mcnt of tho Blocks's Ladles' Outfit- row- lltorally covered with bruises Golden filed tho complaint nnd swore to It and ho will appear against them and turn state's evidence. Tho warrants were served yesterday by ting store. Mrs. Keltner lias been In this city for several years In that busi ness and her ability is well known by her many friends and customers. Mrs- Harry Block, of the Block Complaint wns also filed in tho coun ty court and sworn to by Dorsey Ley- poldt charging Jake and Walter Rouche with permitting gambling in private premises. The two men were asked to bo witnesses In tho other Ladles' Outflttting store, Is expected d refusetl to do so nml tho com homo next week from the cast where pla,nt wng 8Worn out ngnlnst them, sho spent two months buying goods Tuo Bnrabllng it ls nnCBed, was per- for tho store hero and enrouto home mltted ln t1iclr cook shack whIch la sho stopped to visit relatives and used ag a prlvate dwelling. They will friends. Mrs. Block spent four weeks In fllso b), arraiBIlcd soon t0 answer to New York City picking out goods for tho cnargCi : tho store hero and enroute homo sho stopped to visit relatives in Montreal, Pleads Not Guilty to Forgery Canada, Syracuse and Rochester, N. Charged wjth obtaining monoy un- Y., Chicago, Omaha, Fremont and Hast- der false pretenses II. G. Westfnll, who ings. Her parents live at Syracuse. N. gave his address as Paxton, was ar ,Y. She. was accompanied by her sort rested Wednesday morning and was Lawrence. i'esterday morning arraigned beforo , , ,. , , Judge French nnd entered a plea of I have a few (Choice., Single Comb, ... T1. . . . , Tain,i Ho.i fwwoia frnm not guilty. His hearing was set for Rtnok fnr Rlile. Also eccs March 4tll for hatching. Ray W. Hoats'on, Sutli- Westfall had been visiting in the city' erland, Neb. Jti seV0ral times and was known Uo A John TIghe, who had been visiting few of tho residents. Monday evening for some time with relatives and ho went Into the Vienna Cafo and1 nfftr friends in tho Lexington vicinity, re- ordering a big supper suddenly, dls; turned homo Wednesday evening, we covered that ho had no money to pay was suspended some time ago from his for it. Ho wrote a check and It was, position as fireman along" with eleven refused. Ho stepped outside where others on account of slack business ho met ono of the men he knew and and lie was instructed this week to re- 'ho asked this "friend" to identify hlm. turn and go to work. Work is picking Tho friend stated that he could Identl up on the road and a few of those re- fy him but would not vouch for the cently suspended are being put back check. Ho also volunteered to pay for An At tractile Store. The alteration and changes ln the Block Ladles' Outfitting Storo woro completed this week, and this popu lar business house now presents in very attractive npearancc. Tho bal cony erected ln tho rear of the room considerably Increases tho area, and provides space for tho mlllncry depart ment which will bo in chargo of Mrs. Sailor, the alteration room presided over by Mrs. Keltner formerly of tho Wilcox Department Store, and a prl' vnte ofllco for Mr. Block. Tho rcmov. al of. theso departments from tho main floor creates much moro space for tho display of the stock, and this apace has been absorbed by additional hand some glass front cases and small counters with drawers. Theso en closed cases aro dust proof, thus practically eliminating tho possibil ity of soiled goods. All tho furnish lugs havo been rovarnlshcd, tho cell ing re-pnlnted and tho walls rcpaper- cd, giving everything a tone of new iiess and freshness that Is pleasing to tho eye. In tho renr of tho Btoro Is a well-lighted rest room, furnished with rugs, rocking chairs, telephono and writing desk, whoro lady patrons from tho country and others can tako advantago of tho conveniences offered. Tho Block storo ls now receiving and placing on display all tho nowest things in ladles' ready-to-wear gar ments, and tho linos aro so cxtonsivo as to meet tho requirements of all Certainly iri'i . on the list. The sale at tho J. C. Wilson farm Wednesday attracted more than two lmnilrpil inpn. Rome of whom were ac- comnanled by their ladles. The sale tliat tho man was not. known. A war tho supper and did so. Later on ho wroto a check for nineteen dollarq which was honored and It was sent to Paxton whero word was sent back JtUKAL VISITOItS D. E. Lawrence, of the Mayflower vl clnlty, was a business visitor ln tho city yesterday. Mrs. Mary Sale of Paxton, Is visiting In tho city this week with hor sister. Mrs. Glenn Ferguson. Dr. L. A. Carter of Tryon, wns vis Itlng friends and transacting bus! ness Int ho city yesterday. L. E. Johnson, of 'Ringgold, was down Wednesday and yesterday visit ing friends and transacting business. v. . g O. P. East was a business visitor ln the' county seat yesterday, polnlng TOo.wn from his. homejn. tho jSuhef land vicinity. . C- T. CHnc, banker'- .from Tryon was visiting in tho city yesterday with friends and looking after, business matters. - Col. Dave Lovo, of Sutherland, was visltlntr in the city yesterday. Ho came down to attend the sale of Tiir pio Bros., at which ho was tho auc tloneer. was ono the largest over held In this rant for his arrest was sworn out and ... . . , ho wna eaiicrht Wednosdnv moraine at county, consisting or nuy-seven neau --- ; , , 7 ' , ., " of horses and mules, 1GG head of cattle Mawc11' havl"B loft on No 10 for 100 head of hogs and a large amount of ea8tf Pnts-, , Slier,lff ( Salisbury farm machinery. Bidding was brisk went th aft-er h,m aml returne,d ,im and the stock sold at fairly good prices Buyers were present from Keith coun hero. Ho was unablo to furnish bail and is being hold it tho county jnll to ty and from different sections of this awalt hearlnB county $25.(10 Howard. Will lm nnlil fnr Infnnnntlnn Innd. Events nt the Koller Kink This Week. jng to tho arrest and conviction of Saturday evening Carl Larson will tho party who stole ono English Mar give an exhibition of ckating on stilts rorcupt rooster and three hens from and will do tho slide tor llio down a my pen Sunday nignt. nlank a foot wldo from the balcony. ' W S. DOLSON. Admission 10 cents. Miss Laura Nielson has recently en fcrcd tho Nurso Brown Memorial hos pltal to take tho training course. Mrs. William Bcddell, who was op crated upon recently nt the Nurso Brown Memorial hospital ls reported recovering nicely. Mrs. Walter Shepcrson, who under went an operation at tho Nurso Brown hospital two weeks ago was ablo to leavo the hospital yesterday. How to I'rcrcnt Bilious Attacks. "Coming ovonts cast their shadows boforo." This ls especially truo ofJ)ll ious attacks. Your appotlto will fail, you will feel dull and languid. If yoil nro Bubjcct to bilious attacks tako threo of Chamborlnln's Tnblets oil soon as theso symptoms appear ard attack may bo warded off. For sa.lo by all dealers. . For Snle. Austin Triumph Rotary well ma chlno with derrick, rotary, and pump and pipe tools. Enquire at Hershey's store. 11-8 We Venture to Say it is not because of tho cost that your valuables aro not secure in one of our Safe Deposit boxes. Aren't wo moro corect in saying thaty you do not feel any risk ln keeping theso valuables about tho home. , But a burglary, a fire, or half a dozen other possible mishnps, would Instantly bring homo to you tho reason why we maintain Safo Deposit Boxes for your Security. At a cost of less than lc a day, they offer permanent Security for your valuable possessions. Don't delay. The Platte Valley State Bank "The Safety First Bank," Nfrth PJatt?, Nebraska. J Have You Seen the New Styles Henderson Corsets? THEY include all of the latest and best ideas known to the corset makers art. These magnificent corsets merit the admiration and approval of the best dressed women in our city and vicinity. Constantly in creased demands for these corsets prove this. ' STYLE 966 This superb corset is only one of the many that we carry in stock. It is partic ularly designed, for average full, to stout figures. Has low, medium full bust, and has ak graduated clasp that is very effec tive for full figures. The elastic gores in front and back of the skirt moke this corset self-adjusting and extremely com fortable. PRICE ONLY S3.00 Our corset department has. Henderson Corsets for every figure, slight, average and large. E. T. Tramp & Son. Goes After the Dirt and gets it. Tills Is (lie most powerful clean er on tlio market for nnywhero near tlio price, $1 8.50 To show our faith in tho ma chine wo give you a year's freo maintenance. Ask us for a demonstration. NorthPlatteLight & Power COMPANY C. It. MOEREY, Manager. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -of- XOHT11 1X,A.TT1S, XB Jilt ASK A. Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAPITAL, AND SURIZ,USt One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HA YE KEEN THE FACTOltS IN THE GROWTH OF THIS HANK, AND THE SAME CAltEFUE ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMAIili ACCOUNTS ASi IStJJIYEN, TQ LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Carbf Box Apples, 8 $1.25 to $1.50 Flour, best patent, per sack $1.80 Grade Flour, per sack - $1.70 Sugar, per 100-pound sack $6.SO Extra Nice Potatoes, Early Ohios, per bushel. . 8 Be (Wa sell potatoes by 'weight.) Alfalfa Meal, per 100 pound sack $1.00 Alfalfa Meal, 500 lb. lots, per hundred 90c Baled Alfalfa, per bale 5 Be a bale. R. N. LAMB, i PHONE 67 NORTH LOCUST STREET. Oueen Butter It is Aiwa 's Fr&sh and Sweet Can be Bought Anywhere in North Platte. Made by the North Platte Creamery We also sell Good Clean Buttermilk. Phone 62. Forstedt & Sheedy call attention to their complete line of HOME MADE HARNESS the kind that wears well, looks well and of the best of workmanship. We pay special attention to all kinds of repairing, and also the oiling of harness. We carry everything in 'the saddlery and harness line. Forstedt & Sheedy, 512 locust Street. North Platte, Nebraska.