Semi-Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. HTinHPnit'TiriM uatrh? i t.. n i.. at o. I addition Oiio Year hr Currier In Advance' 8l!Ho of o first mngnltudo but Is also nn Oiiolcnrnj turner in AUnnce..Ju outflotlor nml ft hU(jr of nQ sm(ll, J. Qottmnn as a certain addition to hold down the first Buck and Holllday and Grimm for second and third the Infield Is well fitted out. In addition to those players the local mnnagomont now advise that thoy may get Pitcher Holland, who played last year with Omaha and Grand Island, as an extra He Is not only a pitcher CITV AND COUNTY NEWS Entered at North Platto, NobraBka, Postofllco as Second Class Matter. Negotiations nro also still go- with Pitcher and outfielder TUESDAY, FEU. 23, 1915 3fKBI OF A COMMUNITY CHNTKIl All candidates who nro to be Initia ted Into tho Yeomen order tills evening nro asked to bo at tho I. O O. F. hall ,,. ,,, . ,...,, , early. On account of the largo class , i n v J Z), ih 1 in la I "iero may bo some confusion and all Brady, was visiting In the city on busl- nrn naUJ tn . , nrw, ln ,, nos a Saturday. 11. L. Maker left Saturday time. fame. Ing on Artley, All fans and enthusiasts nro asKeu to bo out to tho mooting Thursday evening nt tho Carson & Landgraf shop for the purpose of talking over tho prospects for the 11)10 season and a good meeting is anticipated. Such Would' Ilo Found .,, a WclN M. KHITII gKVILLK AT i.uuijuiuu Wwr(1 wng rcccVC( m8t WCek from Now-n-duys It Is very generally roc- m. ifnitii Vnvflln who I Hnlouriilntr In ognlzed that education Is thrcofold- Flnrlda for thn winter announcing mental moral and physical. Tho only I Hint ho had been elected president of points on which peopio umor is mo t, gt, pctorsburg, (Fla.) Tarpon club, prominence that should bo given to ono 0f n10 most popular and cxculslvo any ono theso three phases. Bxporl- ciuim 0r tho south. The olllcors are once, howovor. seems to teach us that i,,rtn i,v 11m hIzo of tho fish thov ovory cniKi is enuueu 10 navo a Bounu, eatei! and tho ono who catches the Well cultivated mind in a sound, won- inmost fish Is olected nresldont. I controlled body. To secure this happy qi)l0 gt. Petersburg Dally Times of Btnto of affairs for every child in tho ft rccont Issue gave a full column nc Unlted States is tho reason for tho ox- count on ul0 frot j)nge telling of the Istonco of tho public schools, the ono election of M. Keith Novlllo of "Pas-a- Instltutlon in America oi which ur. arnic anti ot Kortli Platte, Neb." He Stolnor tolls us we may bo Justly )8 mentioned always as being a resl- proud. Tho public school system Is (let 0f both towns, not porfect. It Is Btlll In the making. At tt nicotlng at which Mr. Novlllo In some localities tho mental and mor- WUB oi0cled to head H10 club he was al dovolopmont of the child has been ttWttr(Iod the Tarpon club cup nnd tho looked after carefully and well but tho Consolation cup, having caught the physical development has received lwo nrgest fish. Tho tarpon ho caught but scant nttontlon. Whero it Is pos- Welghcd ono hundred ten pounds and Blblo to obtain It, physlcnl woll-bolng miotilt.r ono hundred nihn. At this is ns ossontial as mental wcll-boing. mooting Mr. Neville was also up- North Platto is rather backward In her ,)()rit0,i tuo committee to arrange uuuiiiiuu hi uio i iiyniuiii uuvuiui Hum for thc annual baimuet of tho club, and education of her children. She Is Thu tarpon club Is a fisherman's justly proud of her public schools, but clu,, nnA tllfi ,ombershlp Includes 10 maKo uio education in nor unwruii nmny of tll0 leading nimrods from nil better rounded and more nearly por- 0V(;r tho United States. Tho cluli feet sho should give more attention to ,vog a tarpon button to each of Us uiui. iiiijoiLui uuutKiiuii. members. This year they have also yo need a wcll-caulpped, woll-di- tt(1(lotl n kingflBh cu IVnd thoy will rocicu gymnasium very uuaiy. apo- lnclutlo tho Klimoy klngflsh In tho club radlc attompts are made from time to honor8 ns woU n8 u.o tarpon. Last umu iu uu huiiiu win iv miiui.B uiu miu A, Mnv n nnilirhl KOinn nriro and girls along the lines of proper physical dovolopmont. In tho high sqhool It lias fallen to tho lot of some ono or two teachers to try to help in proper athletic work. With this work kingflsli. For Hnle lit n Hargitln I am offering my half section hill farm located one-half mile west and ihoro has been a hearty co-operation 0no mile south ot Fort Phorson Nn an tho part or a number or mo young- tlonnl cemetery, for S10.00 por acre. or men In tho community. One group This plnco Is Inhabitable, having a of young men ban done somo vory e- H0( house, stable, corn crib, grancry, cellcnt work with tho vory limit 3d chicken house, cement cave, good woll numbor of boys and glrlB who could be nnd windmill, and Is all fenced and gau.orcu into 1110 uascmuui oi ono in cross-fenced. ou- clnircl.of and ono or two other Thorn Is about fortv acres under cul- .nurcnes nave ruccnuy suirieii oniiio tlvatlon and much more can bo farmed; gymnastic cmsHes among uiuir young n ncres of alfalfa people. Tiieso onorts aro nil very An adjoining 80 ncres not bo good commcdablo and a conBldornblo meed H0i(i rCceiitly at $13.00 por acre. An- or praiso is duo lo tno men and worn- oti,0r ndjolnlng 160 touching tho val- on wno uuvo given m uiuir uiuo uim M0y changed linnds at SG5.00 per acre their money to make those small ef- Thn nhnvn tirlnn la fnr IrmnoiHntn no. forts possible. The results of their Coptnnce only, as I must raise somo ""'L iXJ N7unk and dlsort work show that thoro Is a great de- monyi ulck. r IniK,lt arrnB0 to fur- V0"?,, Li arrest tC nrst of mand for a properly equipped gyin- IUBh purchaser a hunch of cows to J?!1;? ,'?flt ttn.n ,k (l rnn iiiir urn undfir iho control mid irn hi. ...m. .i..i.. .i..i.i tio month and at that time took a con- nnco of a well nuallfled physical di- morn- Ing for Oconto to spend a short time looking after business matters. Frlond Carpontcr, thc from Hershcy, was visiting friends In this city for a fow daya last weak. It is said that F. W. Hermlnghausen Is Incorporating Into a book of 300 pages tho history and evldenco of thc Hoborts-Connett case. . 1 E. J. Marcott of Kunsas City, arrlvc?d ln tho city Saturday to spond a few days visiting frlonds nnd looking after somo business lntorests. Louis KiiBtoror, ot Soattle, Wash., arrived In tho city Friday for a visit with his sister, Mrs. C. S. Clinton and family. He stopped olf nero onrouto home from a visit In Springfield, 111. Miss Fllzaboth Hlnman spent Sun day visiting "In Lodgepole with Miss Jeanetto Aldcn, a former North Platte girl who Is now teaching In that vicinity. That "girl" born to Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker last woek happonod to be a "boy." Wo know John wanted a girl and presumed ho had recolved what he desired. Tho Panama-Puclflc exposition at San Franmlsco opened Saturday with much enthusiasm and a crowd said to be greater than ut the Chicago or bt. Louis expositions. Miss llosslse Nichols left yostor .ay afternoon forlier home iu Omaha after visiting In thc city for a lew days' -with her sister, Mrs. Hay Pritchard of the Nebraska Telephone ofllee. A girl baby was born Saturday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mc Faddon, of Paxton, at the home or the mother's parontB, Mr. and Mrs. John Horrod, In this city. All Interested aro reported to be getting along nicely. A large crowd attended tho nins quorado which was held Friday even ing at the rink, About seventy-five were masked and besides thoso the balcony was full. All report a pleas ant ovening. Prizes for the most uniquo costumes wore won by the fol lowing: Lydin Amen, first prize $2.00, Irene Canrlght, second prlzo $1.00 nnd Roland Hall third prize, $1.00. Tho North Plntto Light & Power company began last week moving their olllco from tho Keith theatre building into the building south of the Ulock storo which was recently oc cupied by the George G. McKay., dry goods store. The rooms there i have been suitably fitted up and aro In line shape for a store and display room. Joo Wagnor was Friday aftornoon lined twenty dollars and costs in po- '03 tlHMHM T 'A Itcul Fstnto and Insurnnce Hnmn and rod iim for town lots in liveryman different parts of tho city. Good in vestments on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent. Wo hnvo also good bar gains ln farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dowey Sts., upstairs, All those needing monuments or oth er cemotory work will do well to call and inspect our stock and prices be foro placing orders. Wo carry a large stock and can save you money. W. C. RITNEIt, Ofllco and Shop in rear of tho Itltner Hotel. NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 West Fourth St. nnts. ar. HALL, Superintendent. Graduate Nurses in Attondanco JOHN S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. lOtf Maxwell, Nebraska. rector who can dovoto all ot his time to tho -work. Tho tlmo lias como when North Platto ought to make a com munlty effort to supply this very (1y a;t0rr.oon for Co?nd to upend a h.v..- v (,......k,.u... m.u.yi. u anort,. Umo looking alter some legal uiuuiuu iu wiiiun winy uujr uim h" matlcru In tho cltv could havo access and In which they could rcColvo nronor nhvs- M". nnd Mm. 10. E. Jackson, of Mny. leal training nnd education. In look- flower, were visiting friends nnd mini, miring uio BUUBUii u iiuauuu. ,, , i1ii ,tn, ,i,.t,l. s a nuvvni no ...... j. .. , nniiixiR r Address, eiiness, resisting an oflK-cr and abus ing a horse, but tho lnt.rr chargc.i wore withdrawn, lib um und cqsts ,', . , tiiii i p. ,., wore withdrawn, m.i um und costs , amounted to 37.50 which ho eloped lo lay out In the county Jul! rathor than part with the cold clammy. Last summer ho laid out a fine of ten dol lars and coats on tno came chnrgo and at tin'.' time thn olllcora warned him Ing ovor tho situation it would seem tiaiibactir.g buslnew In town Friday against again abusing his horse or be- that tho boat and most practicable way ""d Hatu unv. ing nrougi.t into court. to bring this about would be through tho medium of tho public school sys tem. It Is tho ono thoroughly dome crutlc Institution, thc one Institution supported by every person In the com munity and a gymnasium dovolopcd by tho public school would be tho prop, r- ty or ovory ono In tho community. Tho solution of some of North Platte's problcma in connection with hor young peopio lies ln tho develop ment of a proper community center whero thoy may gather, under proper restrictions, and work off Bomo of thHr surplus enorgy (which is now oc casionally mlB-dlrectod) in healthful' oxorclse. Tho self control which it Is possible to devolop through a prop erly administered gymnasium lo an almost Invaluable asset to the boys and girls. To make this gymnasium possmio ovory ono in the community will hnvo to work together and null for It as ono of tho things that "Great er Norm Platto" must have. XX "WILL NOltTlt PLATTK lV. IN TIIK STATU LKAM Ul look ovor the W.m4f?0 ho probabilities fc A ork both wish- iifrvB.ii'r"Vt&& 11 il?ll?IJL:l UN Tho (luestlon of state league base ball for North Platto bus arisen again this spring nnd at a mooting which will bo hold Thursday ovening at tho Garson & Lnmlgrnf harbor ahop that question will bo thoroughly threshed out. , Mr, Vastlno, iv state league playor who travels on tho road during tho winter months for a cigar house, ar rived ln tho city yesterday to fool tho local puibo regarding tho possibilities MivftvSK; of a Btnto lcaguo team. Ho was Bont WwCwrt'V linxo 1... Ilvnnl.lniil f T Mllno 1 .1 .... 1 I BMA'3 f 4 of tho stnto league to look ovor tho ground and ascertain tho probabilities of getting North Plntto With Kearney and York Ing to lot go of their franchises appears that North Platto would havo llttlo trouble ln getting a borth in Uio league. Last year tho local fans mado a strong attempt towards landing said borth and woro rofuBed on account of tholr remoteness from tho other towns having stato lcaguo teams, This your, liowovor, tho proposition has taken another turn and It appears that tho stato league nows wants North Plntto Tho mooting Thursday ovening will bo to decide whnt will bo dono ln the baseball Uno for noxt year. Many of tho faiiB aro of tho opinion that North Platto can and will support a state league team and some think that it will bo an Impossibility. The board of directors of tho local association aro rathor undecided in their opinions. In tho event of n stato lenguo team or an Independent team North Platto is well provided with players. In case olthor of tho stuto lcuguo franchises should como to this city they would undoubtedly bring with them a good string of nintorlal and Unit would bo in addition to tho material on hand. Jimmy Danzo has dellultely decided to remain hero for tho season which assures a good back stop as well us a Hold manager If necessary. With J. MONUMENTS Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Buildlnpr. Phones Office 130 J Residence 115 DR. ELMS, Physician and Surgeon Specialty Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Glasses Fitted. New Office in McCnbe Buildinsr, PHONE 3G. I PURITAN i XOTICK Notice 13 horoby given that the fol lowing resolution was passed by tho Mayor nnd City Council at tholr last regular meeting, held February 2nd, 1015: "Whereas, O. E. Eldor, F. W. Ilor- minghauson and victor Von Goetz, np pralscrs appointed nnd duly qualified for tho purpose of assessing damages and costs of condemnation, in tho mat tor of appropriating private proper ty for street purposes within tho City of North Platte, Nebraska, as provided in Ordinance No. 68, duly passed and approved, havo mado report of their doings and said appraisement la be fore the Council for nctlou, And, Whereas, the Council of the City of North Platte find said ap nraisement to be in all respects due and regular, and just nnd fair, twld council meeting In regular session, And Whereas said Council of said City deem It expedient and best that the damages and costs of condemna tlon for said a appropriation bo as sossed against the real property front ing upon said proporty so approp riated and tho property nearby that may be especially benefitted thereby and that there is such properly espec ially benefited. Therefore, BE It RESOLVED, UY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NE BRASKA: That tho property appropriated by Ordinanco No. 58 of said City bo paid for by damages levied and assessed upon tho real property fronting upon said property so appropriated and up on tho real proporty thereby especially benefited by such appropriation, nnd that said Council sit as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of equa lizing said damages and costs of con demnation and levying said tax against such properties nt tho regu lar meeting of the council to bo hold on March 2nd, 1915. And bo It further resolved that in addition to tho property fronting up on said property so appropriated that the following described lands situate nearby nro especially benefited, all situate In tho City of North Platte, to wit: Lot A; Lot B; Lots 7, 8, 0, 10, 11 and 12, Block 11; Lots C, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Block 12; Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Block 13; Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Block 14; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4," 5 and G Block 15; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, C. Block 10; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Block 17; nnd Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and (J, Block 18, all In Bellovuo Addition to said City; Also lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 und 0, Block 1; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and C, Block 2; Lots 1, 2, 3 4, 5 and C, Block 3; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 nnd G, Block 4; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G Block 5; Lots 1, 2 3, 4, 5 and G, Block G; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G, Block 7; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G, Block S; nnd Lot 1, Block 9, all in Dolson's Addition to said City. Also a tract of land described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point whore a lino twenty-threo (23) feet North of and parallel to the center lino of 9th St., In tho City of North Platto, Nebr. Inter sects tho east lino of tho NEU NWV4 of Section Thirty-two (32) Township Fourteen (14) North of Range Thirty (30) West of tho Gth P. M. in Lincoln County, Nebraska, thenco north along said cast lino of said NEVl NW .of Section 32 to a point 11.5 feet south of tho NEVi of tho NW'i Corner of Sec. 32. T. 14 N., R. 30 W, thenco west par allel with tho north lino of said Sec tion 32 a distance of 990 feet, thenco south parallel with tho east Uno of tho NEVi NWft of said Section 32 to tho point of Intersection with a line parallel to and 23 feet north of tho center lino of 9th St. produced, thenco S. 80 degrees E. parallel to tho center Uno of 9th St. to placo of beginning. Beginning at a point whoro a lino twonty-thrco (23) feet south of and parallel to tho center lino of 9th St. in tho City of North Platto, Nobr., in- iuioui.1.0 iiiu una I. 1II1U UL U1U 1NEJ i v 'i of Section Thirty-two (32) Township Fourteen (14) North ot Rango Thirty (30) West of tho Gth P. M., In Lincoln County, Nebraska; thenco south along tho east Uno ot NEVi NWV4 Sec. 32, a distance of 453.5 feet; thence N. 80 de grees W. parallel with tho center Uno of tho Union Pnclflc Railroad Original Main trnck 1005 feet, thenco north parallel to tho cast Uno of tho NEVi of said Section 32 to tho point of In tersection with a Uno 23 feet south of nnd parallel to tho center Uno of 9th Street produced, thenco S SO degrees E. parallol to tho center lino of 9th Street to point ot beginning, all ln tho NEV4 NWV4 Sec. 32, T. 14, N., R. 30, West of the Gth P. M. Also Lots G, 7, S, 9 and 10, Block 1; Lots 7, S, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 2; Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 3; Lots 7, S, 9, 10, 11 nnd 12, Block 4; Lots 9, AO. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 1G, Block 5T Lots 1. 2, 3 4, 5, G and 7, Block G; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 nnd G, iiiocic . ; i.ots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G Block 8; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 nnd G, Block 9; nnd Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 nnd G, Block 10, Scout's Rest Addition to said City. Passed and npprovod this 2nd day C. C. WALLINGSFORD, Physician nnd Surgeon Office: Rooms 1 and 2 McDonald Bank Building North Platte, Nebraska. OfTlco phono 82, Res. Red 302.' Calls answered prompty Day or Night. Office phono 2-11. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bnnk Building. DR. J. S, TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Ofllco McDonald Stato Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dowoy Streets. Phonos, Ofllco 183, Rosldcnco 283 J. . JiEDFIELD. 1'HYSICLVN & SUHGEON Successor to IIYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Rcdflold & Rcdflold OfTlco Phono G42 Res. Phono G7G " T. H. WATHEN Auctioneer Live Slock and General Auctioneer Graduate Missouri Auction School North Platto Rural Route 2. Phono Edmlston Ranch. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. p., Physician nnd Surgeon Ofllco B. & Li. Building, Second Floor. Phone, Ofllee, 83; Residence 38. DEKItYBEKRY & FORBES, Licensed Enilmlniers Undertakers und Funernl Directors Day Phono 284. Night Phono Black 588. Hospital Phono Black G33. House Phono Black G33. y. t. ntiTOHAiti), Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-half block southwest of tho Court House. Noith i'latto, Neb. KODAK WORK, VIEWS. PARTIES. HOME PORTRAITS AND ENLARGING BEST PAPER USED Phono G12. 723 North Locust. FOR CATTLE HIDES Not Frozen vro pay lili Cents Up. NORTH PLATTE JUNK CO. Phono 101 ' Phono 8 G. W. CRONEN Graduate Veterinarian Offices Star Livery Barn, Phono 101 Nyal Drug Store, Phono S Calls promptly answered day or night. C1J 1 TJL nn n .i r; .. ooia dy misn mercantile , iwtn nacte ot February, iois. Also by E. & W. Coker, Sutherland; Gunson & Ganson Atcat: Her.ihey; Jens Sommers, Maxwell: Jno. Fredrickson, Brady ('. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. E 11. EVANS, Mayor 9t3 Hogs ant tatt Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red G3G Office 459 1 Start the New Year Right By patronizing home industries and buying your cigars of us. We use the best tobacco, and make cigars thai we are certain will please you. Try one of onr several uranus. J. F. Schmalzried. Notice of Incorporation. Notico is hereby given that tho un dersigned Nicholas MfcCabe, Charles Tlgho, Francis Dunn and James JE1 liott havo organized a corporation, tho name of which is North Platte Drug Company. Tho principal placo of transacting us nusiness is worth Platto, Nebraska. Tho general nature of the business to bo transacted by the corporation shall bo the buying, selling and op erating drug store? 'n North Platte, and such other pi . j the corpora tion may desire; i;. :,jylng nnd sell ing cither sat wholesale or retail of drugs, medicines and merchandise, such as usually kept for sale in drug stores, tho lining of prescriptions and tho doing of such other acts and the transaction of such other business as Is necessary to carry out the pur poses of said corpoiation. And for that purpose Bald corporation shall have tho power to buy, sell and con vey, lease, sublease and let such real estate, buildings and appurtenances as may be necessary and incidental to tho proper and profitable conduct ing or snlu business. And may do and perform such other acts and things ns may bo incidental' and necessasy to tho main powers of the corporation. Tho amount of tho capital stock authorized is ?23,000.00, all of which said capital stock shall be subscribed and paid up at tho time of tho com mencement of business. Tho time of commencing business shall be the first day of February. 1915, and Its termination shall be tho 31st day of March, 1940. Tho highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which tho corporation shall at any time subject Itself shall bo twenty-five per cent of its paid up capital stock. Tho affairs and business of said cor poration shall bo conducted by a board of four directors, a president, secretary, treasurer and general man ager, and such other officers and ser vants as said board of directors and officers from time to time may em ploy. this 1st day of February, Signed 1915. NICHOLAS McCABE CHARLES TIGHE JAMES ELLIOTT FRANCIS DUNN. l'UOHATH VOTIOH In tho Matter of tho Estate of Sarah Jane Meyers, Deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, January 26th, 1915. Notice is horehy Riven, That tho cred itors of said deceased will moot the Administrator of said Estate, before the County Judge of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, ln said County, on the 4th day of March, 191C, on tho 4th day of Septem ber, 191C, at 9 o'clock A. M. of each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, abjust ment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for tho Adminis trator to settle said Estate, from the 4th day of March 1915. This notico will bo published In The North Platte Seml-Weokly Tribune, a newspaper printed ln said County, for four weeks successively, on and after February 2nd, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, f2-4w County Judge. Probate Notice. In tlio Mutor of tho Estate of Mary Ann Ell, Deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Notico is horby given that tho cred itors of said deceased will meet tho Administrator of said Estate, boforo tho County Judgo of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at tho County Court Room, In said County, on tho 3d day of March, 1915, and on tho 3d day of Soptembor, 1915, at 9 o'clock A. M. each day, for tho purposo of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment adnallowanco. Six monUis aro al lowed for creditors to prosent tholr claims and ono year for tho Adminis trator to settlo said Estato from tho 3d day of March, 1915. This notico will bo published lnt ho North Platto Soml Wookly Tribune, a nowspapor printed In said County, for four weeks suc cessively, on and after tho 9th day of February, 1915. GEORGE E. FRENCH, f9-4w County Judgo. Order or Ilcnrlni; on Petition for Settle ment of Account. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho County Court. In tho Matter of the Estate of William D. Lyle, Deceased. On reading and filing potltton of Joseph J. O'Rourke, administrator, praying a final settlement and allow ance of his final account, filed on the Gth day of January, 191G. Ordered, that March 6th, A. D. 191C, at nlno o'clock a. in., 1b assigned for hear ing said potltton, when all persons In terested ln said matter may appear at a County Court to bo held ln and for said County, nnd show cause why the prayor of the petitioner should not be irranted: and that notion nt tm nn. dency of said petition, and tho hearing wiuruui, ue y estcd in sat copy of this Semi-Weekly Tribune, a soml-woekly nowspaper printed In said County, for unci! huuuubbivo weeits, prior to saiu day of hearing. Dated February 1G. 1915. (Seal.) GEO. E. FRENCH, County Judge. uu pemion, ana tho hearing given to all persons Inter ild matter by publishing a s order ln the North Platto Sheriffs Snlo By vlruo of an order of salo Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a docrco of foreclosure rendered In said Court wherein Occidental Building nnd Loan Association .of Omaha is plaintiff, and Lorah M. Mooro aro defendants, nnd to mo directed, I will on tho 11th day of March, 1915, at 2 o'clock P. M. at tho east front door oftho Court House In North Plntte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, soil at Public Auction to tho highest blddor for cash,, to satisfy said decree, intorest nnd costs, tho following described proporty, to-wlt Lot threo (3) in block sixteen (16) Millers' Addition to North Platto as surveyed, platted and recorded, 1915ated Nrth ,riaUo' Neb" Feb- c A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. f T 1 A