8 THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., FEURUUARY 16, 1915. No. 8 ft ml Will Appeal Huberts Case J. T. Kcofo, attorney for Roy Rob erts, stated today that ho will ap peal tho caso to tho supremo court on error. Ho will do this becauso ho Is convinced that Roberts is entitled to a now trial, and . because many resi dents of tho county have Insisted that every possible effort to save Roberts from thf electric chair should bo made. Mr. Kecfo has thoroforo or dered a .bill of.. exceptions, which means a copy of' all-the ovidenco and pleadings in tho case, and these with tho other necessary papers will bo filed in tho supremo court within tho next forty days. Mr. Kecfo has assurance that nt least part of the funds necessary to appeal will bo furnished, and it is probajjlo tjiat others whpi favor a now trial will make small donations. Roborts is penniless and his rela tives aro poor, hence tho cost of the appeal must be borne by thoso who consider that tho penalty imposed on Roberts was greater than the .cvldonce warranted. l'lumer's Team Wins. ' In tho billiard tournament at the Elks' homo which closed yostorday, tho team captained by A. W. Plumor won by thirty-nine billiards. Tho los ing team footed tho cost of a steak fry served at tho Vienna Cafe at eight o'clock last evonlng. Covers wero laid for seventy-four and after each had ben seated Caterer LOCAL AND PEHSON'AL Dick Emple loft last night for Oma ha to spond a fow days at tho auto mobile show. Prank Hood, living north of town, loft last night for Omaha whoro ho will attend tho auto show. Tho Messrs. Antony, of Lincoln, of tho Old Lino Accident Insurance Co., wore visitors in town yestorday. Tho hospital tea will be held at tho homo of Mrs M. E. Scott 220 "west Second street, Wednesday afternoon. Charles Thompson, who is attend ing the state university nt Lincoln, is spending a few days In town with his parents. Miss Georgia Comlnsky, of Cheyenne who lias been visiting tho Plzor fam ily for several days, will return homo tomorrow. Frank Thalkon, of Paxton, down Monday to visit friends few days and attend tho K. C. last evening. Miss Irene Hubbard loft this morn ing for Shenandoah, Iowa, whoro sho will bo the guest of Miss Dlancho Fonda for a week or more. Harvey Sorenson took up his duties as rural mall carrier yesterday. J. O. Graham of tho Hondy-Ogler garage formerly hold the position. Hrntt & (loodniuu write Tiro, Life and other kinds of the best insurance at the cheapest rates. .See tlieni. John Flynn, of Sioux City, Iowa, camo for a dance Hupfor presented a comic valentine enclosed in an addressed envelope to came last night and after visiting with each of tho diners. Tho reading of friends in town for a few days will these created much merriment. The ieaVe for the Keystone vicinity to big T-bono steaks wero nicely served, 1 tako up his residence on his homo accompanied by French-frys, radishes, ; stead. inlnn itlnl'lna ftllimt) nnil rrCC rtl Cn. ... I, -" " V ( About forty.flvo J.,,,,,,,, pC0pl0 0f lecuuiis wore luiuiBiira uu mu my, i .. T ,,..... , ,. t. . , .... ... tho Luthoran church were entertained vionnoia anu tno crown joineu in sing ing Tipperary. The occasion was very enjoyable one. at tho Georgo Scharninn farm west of town last evening at a Valentino party. Various games wore indulged in and at -the close an oyster stew was served. Tho "Harfd Times" social given by the Dcgreo of Honor last night was attended by a largo number. Various gamflaooutests, fortune telling and uancing mauo 1110 evening a very pleasant one. A lunch was served at the close. Mrs. Ray B. Snyder entertained a number of ladies yesterday afternoon at a kensington in honor of her tenth. wedding anniversary. About twenty' llvo ladies wero present and a very T.firlil ultiir Kills Steer i enjoyable afternoon was spent. A nice During the storm last Friday, Mr. lunch was served at tho close. Frank England, who lives southwest ; nf tnwn. hn,l a lanro steer killed by! 1 ' Icc,nl l,t Cash aiaritcl ,... Tt . ,i ,.,m, u-otf i February lGth and 17th tho Cash jfc noo.im.rn who mado .rood tho loss. Market will have on sale the following: There is nothing uncommon about the,3 Pouml Pal1 oE Lar(1 35c incident, except tho time of year ns 5 Pound Pa of Lard COc lichtnin losses do not occur as a rule! 10 Pouml Pail of Lara &1-00 as early in tho year as February 12th. m,lk Lartl "er Pound 7.0c "Water Users' Attention On Tuesday afternoon or sometimo Wednesday tho water will be shut off from all that portion of the city east of and Including Cottonwood street. Water will, bo off fr.om two to four, hours whllo connection is being mado for tho now electric light plant. Tho lire whistle will be blown a half hour before shutting off tho water so consumers may draw sufficient wat er to-last them until It Is turned on again. IIERSHEY S. WELCH, Water Commissioner. FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE Ideal 10 room modern home, 401' Horses west Fourth Street, price right, terms years old, weight 1000 to 1400 pounds Horses Wnntcd and mares from 4 to 15 easy. 1JHATT & GOODMAN. Wanted to Buy A relinquishment on good land. Ad dress Lock Box 176, Ord, Neb. Must bo broken to work, fair flesh and sound. Will pay special prices for blocky thick mado horses weighing 1050 to 1150 pounds, from 4 to 8 years old. I havo a special order for this kind and will buy all that comes Weather forecast for North Platto Smooth mouth horses wanted at their and vicinity: Fair tonight and Wed-'value; must bo fat and sound. Bring nesday. rising temperature. Highest , them In to a man who buys tlism and temperature yesterday 40, a year ago 55; lowest temperature last night 18, a year ago 2G. LOCAL AND l'EHSONAL pays tho price. Bowen's barn, Saturday, February 20, 1915. C. C. McGEE Keith Theatre TONIGHT Garrett & Donovan Novelty musical en tertainers introducing aaxaphone, cello, musical bells, bottles trumpet, flute, mus ical coins and trick piano playing, rood music and cleun comedy. A feature attraction. THE MOHAMMED'S Necromancing comedians. Impersonating and Mimics. Three people in high class Vaudeville. rrtz: 10 and 20c iz Reliable Insurance of every known kind. C. F. TEMPLE. Tho W. R. C. will hold a Bocial at tho homo of Mrs. J. A. McMichaol Wednesday afternoon. Tho Civic department of tho Twen tieth Century club will moot with Mrs. J. J. Halligan Thursday evening. i i Mrs. E. A. Garllsch, who had been(at tho Good Samaritan hospital receiv ing troatmont for gall stonoe, will re turn to llcr homo today. Tho Indian Card club will bo enter tained this afternoon nt the homo of Mrs. Seoborgor. This Is the final sos slon until after tho Lenton season. Don't write lifo Insurance, until you have seen tho policies ami heard tho ales of the Prudential. C. F. TEMPLE, Agent. County Attorney Glbbs returned from Lincoln yestorday accompanied by Mrs Gibbs and baby. The latter had beon visiting relatives in York for a month. Dr. Walllngsford received a real val entine Sunday in tho shape of a big boy baby. Tho mothor Is at the Good Samaritan hospital and is reported to bo getting along nicoly. Mrs. Row T. J. Fink and daughtor Hazel, of El Rono, Okl., arrived Sat urday and vl;i visit for two weeks at the horn- of Mr. ;.nd Mrs. J. Q. Wil cox. Mrs Cohngen will entertain the Lutheran aid society next Thursday afternoon at which time all the nlcklos loaned to tho ladies aro to be re turned with tho amount earned froih them. A good atondance is desired. Tho funeral of tho lato E. W. Crano was held Sunday afternoon from the Methodist church, of which ho was a member. Rev. Cram conducted the services in tho picsenco of a largo number of friends. Many floral trib utes woro in evidence. The Ladies of tho Mnccabeos havo received a chock of $1,000 payable to Thomas Burnoy on tho policy held by tho lato Mrs. Burnoy. Tho payment was mado just eight days after the proofs wero sent in to headquarters at Port Huron, Michigan Tho Assembly Club was entertained it the homo of Mrs. E. 1?. Mills Friday afternoon. Regardless of tho inclem ent weather quite a largo crowd was present. Tho aftornon was snent in various social diversions, prizes being won by Mrs. Wolback, Grceno and Smith. Mrs. Mills was assisted by Mrs. Heaton. Tho next meeting will bo held Februury'2Gth. Tho Presbyterian Ladles' Aid so clety will bo entertained in tho church parlors next Thursday afternoon by a volunteer committee of eight, -who will servo a special 15 cent lunch. The president asks that all "Penny Box' donation bo brought to tho meeting if possible. Committco: Mcsdames Geo Prosser, A. J. Salisbury, Fred Per rett, Alex. Fenwlck, Harry Diesem, P J. Barron, L. W. Walker and B. Bu chanan. Come and bring your friends Good C room liouso with electric lights and bath located on west First street for rent. Phono Red 500. C. F. TEMPLE, Agent Charles Knox, who is wanted for tho theft of Frank England's automo bile, has been located in Now York. Ho attempted to sell tho car at Junc tion City, Kansas, but becoming sus picious that his method .of obtaining tho car had been learned, ho left tho car in a garago there and hiked for Now York Sheriff Salisbury says lie Is certain ho can get Knox by going east after him, but tho county com- mlssieoners. aro not inclined to stand tho expense of tho trip. Tho sheriff has devoted consiuornmo tinio to lo cating Knox, and now that ho has him located It doesn't seem altogether right that ho should not be brought horo for trial On tho road leading west from the stato farm thoro is a snow drift ex tending from fence to fonco and a half mile long. It is so deep as to pre cludo travel through It, and In order to get around it travelers aro forced to pasB over over an alfalfa Hold, the owner of which seriously objects to such trespass. Peoplo of that section insist that tho commissioners should havo a roadway shoveled through tho drift, but tho commissioners do not seem inclined to furnish tills accom modation for tho south sldo people. C. S. Clinton, prosidont of tho No ive Special Sale Tuesday 16th to Saturday 20th Six Special P rices for hve Hoys' 25c "Waists, ago S to 15. . . iMcn's Paris Garters Glen's 25c Suspenders Men's 25 and 5ifc wool and cash- . .mere ltose ilea's 50 lint It lloom Slippers. . A small lot of Men's and Hoys' Caps i 1 n s, p 1 1 Men's 5()e Work Shirts, blue, tan and black and white stripe, and light stripe with neck hand and detached col lars Hoys' 80c Waists ; Men's heavy Heece lined and medium weight ribbed two piece underwear Hoys' 50c Heeco lined and rib bed Union Suits Hoys' 50c Knee 1'nnt.s FOR $ 315 A lot of Men's Tan Shoes in semi-English and Pug toes; our regular $4.00 values. Hoys' $1 and $1.50 Suits Men's $1.50 and $5 Dress Trousers EXTRA SPECIAL MEN'S SUITS A broken lot of sizes and patterns in Ken's Medium Weight Suits that formerly sold up to 32G.SO . $14X50 Men's $1.00 Kubbers Men's Work Sox per dozen . . . Men's $1.50 Caps Men's Dress Shirts, pin and pen cil stripe, French cuff, attach ed collars,, pleated or nejrli' gee, regular $1.50 values . . . , H. SCO ONOVE For Men's and Hoys' 75c Caps . . t . . Men's light weight flannel Shirts Men's nnnelotto Sight Shirts. . .k&ft! Hoys' Shawl Collar Sweaters . . m Hoys' 75c Knee Pants Ash Wednesday Wednesday, tho 17th, thp first day of Lent, services will bo hold at 10 o'clock In tho Episcopal church, nnd again at 7:30." For Rent or Sale. Nino Room modern liouso (oxcept heat) located on west Tenth street. Houso in excellent condition. C. P. TEMPLE, Agent. (rain Quotations Today. Tho local Mill Company is offering today $1,35 for wheat, $105 for r.,0, sovonty cents for corn nnd forty-six .cnts for oats. Wheat skidded nino cents in the Chicago market Saturday, but rccoV' oicd llvo cents yeptorday. lln war ofllco says in Its statement Monday. In northern Poland also con- iderablo gains aro reported. Pctrograd military commentators assort that Russia will gain an advan tage in falling back to its own terri tory by doprlvlng Gormany of tho uso of tho railroad, which it employed ef fectively In transporting troops along tho front when tho lighting was on Gorman soil Tho Gorman government, In a noto presented to tho American Stato De partment at Washington, nnnounced for SALH Good Haled Huy $(JX0 to $7.00 per ton. JOHN MIATT. TIM; DAY'S WAlt NEWS Austrian licet has bombarded tho Montenegrin port of Antlvarl and two Austrian aeroplanes attacked with maclilno guns tho palaco In which woro King Nicholas and tho other members of tho royal family. Declslvo battlo In northern Poland is looked for when tho rotrcitlng Rus slans reach positions on which they decldo to mako their stand. In Bu kowlna Russians aro making another stand, lloth sides claim success in tho Carpathians, whllo Vienna reports that tho Austrians aro still advancing in tho Uukowian crown land. Gorman newspapers contlnuo to comment on tho American noto, some of thorn taking tho stand that this country's representations to Great Britain nro loss vigorous than thoso to Gormany A Rome dispatch states that Prince Von Buelow, Gormany ambassador to Italy, shortly will mako proposals fpr the Intervention of Italy in tho war on tho sldo of Gormany in rotum for its willingness to reconsldor its plan to attack merchantmen, providing England would desist from efforts to provont foodstuffs from reaching tho civil -population of Germany, How io Provont IUIIouh Attacks. "Coming events enst tliolr shadows before" This Is especially true .of bil ioua attacks. Your appotlto will fall, you will fool dull and languid. If you aro subject to bilious attacks take throo of Chamborlaln's 'Tablets as soon as theso symptoms appear aud attack may bo warded off. For salo by all dcalors. 'HI LADIES OF THE MACCAIIEES OF THE WOULD (Tho Host Order on Earth) Read over our record and Judge for yourself. Record for Yenr 11)11 Net Benefit Gain 8,328 mves organiz-jd 85 Bcnotlts Paid $1.022.G40.73 Avorago Benefits Paid por day $3277.08 Increase to Resorvo Fund. .$898,007.33 Average Interest Earnings por day $1,122.54 Interest Earnings for yenr $325,000.00 Contributions to Hospital and Homo Fund $11,447.01 Members recolving hospital scr- vico benefits in Detroit and Chi cago 43 Ah tlio Order Stands Todny Number of Hives ,;.2,88G Not Oaln for Term 1911-1914. . .25,775 Balance on Hand Hospital npd Homo Fund $52,059,99 Total Membership December 31, 1914 179,716 Assets on Hand to Protect Con tracts $8,270,841.14 Total all Funds $8,204,329.03 Interest earnings for term (1911 1914) $T,058,275.75 (HMl'A RATI VE STATES! ENT Oct. 1, 1892 Jan. 1, 1911 Total Membership, Including Social Nono Lifo Benefit Members Nono Hives In Oood Standing Nono Amt. Certificates in Forco Nono Amt. of Death and, Disability Claims paid slnco Organization Nono Lifo Benoflt Fund , . , Nono Emergency or Rosorvo Fund ,Nono Total all Funds Nono 159,488 135,359 2,817 $104,280,880.21 $8,250,088.09 $53,883.34 $4,058,539.07 $4,804,029.15 Jan. 1, 1915. 179,710 101,134 2,880 $123,271711.33 $11,919,020.77 $111,414.00 $7,9G0,309.93 $8,204,329.03 braska Jowolors' Association, wont to territorial concessions. Hastings Sunday to attend tho annual Gorman troops aro advancing rapidly meeting of tho association. everywhere in East Prussia, tho Ber- l'osltlon Among (Mho Societies In Bonoflt Membership, Women's Resorvo per $1,000 protection, 40 Orders FIRST Largest U. S. Orders FIRST In Benoflt Membership, All Or- Inclining Canadian Orders.... dors NINTH ., . .NINTH Total Amount Resorvo Fund on Hand, $7,900,309.93 , Tho Net IncrcaBO In bonoflt membership ainco January 1, 1909t to date now oxcoeds 35,000 almost an ordor in itself added to our membership in six years' timo. Suroly ours is an Order First in Stability, First in Fratomlty and First in tho Hearts of its Membors. Tho Momborship In North Platto is 200. Tho Ordor moots regularly on tho 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each and overy month. For tho ilrst Meeting In April thoro will bo a largo class initiated. Put in your application now. Phono Red 215. MRS. ACINUS T. BUYER, Deputy.