The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 09, 1915, Image 8

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Semi-Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor ami Pabliifew.
Olio l'cnr by Mull In Advance... $1.25
Ono Year by Currier In Advance .$1.50
Entered at North Platte, Nobraska,
Postofllco as Second Class Mutter.
TUESDAY, FEB. 9, 1915
The small baby of Mr. and Mrs. J.
R, Carroll, 'residing on cast C street,
Is reported sick.
A daughtor was born Saturday
morning to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Holt,
residing In tho Graccland Addition.
A son was born Saturday morning to
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. E. Kessler, residing
on west Fifth street in tho Cody ad
dition. Father' Malono, of Ogalalla was in
tho city for a few days laBt week
taking Father McDaid's place while
tho latter was visiting in Omaha. Ho
returned homo Saturday
Work was begun Saturday install
ing tho gas fittings in tho FirstNatlon
nl bank building. Tho gas stoves
were Installed yesterday in tho ofllces
of Drs. Brock and Kerr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Granger left
Saturday for their home in Gothen
burg, after viBltlng in tho city for
several days with their son, Guy, of
tho Davis garage. Thoy wore also
taking medical treatment in this city.
Dies L'uroiito Home from California.
Miss Alvlno Olson, nged eighteen
years, died Friday nftornoon shortly
beforo ono o'clock in the local yards
of tuborculosis, She was enrouto to
hor homo in Nelson, Minn., from- San
Joso, Calif., whore sho had been for
her health aild was accompanied by
her sister Miss Emma Olson.
A largo crowd attended tho dance
held Friday evening at tho Masonic
hall by somo of tho high school
students and nil report a fine , time.
Dancing was indulged in until nearly
ono o'clock and tho music was bitch
as was conducive to remaining oven
longer. Music was furnished by
Crowa'a four piece orchestra.
Any article In Our Dollar Window
can bo bought for $1.00.
DIXON, Tho Jowolor.
Tho funeral of Mra. Charles Martini,
Which was hold from St. Patrick's
church Friday, was largely attended
nnd tho floral tributes woro mnny
and beautiful. Tho services woro con
ducted by Rov. Fr. McDald, Tho fol
lowing named men acted as pall
bearers: James Flynn, John Wolback,
J. I. Smith, ' Carl Simon, Thomas
Hcaloy and F. J. Doran. Interment
was in tho Catholic cemetery south
of this city.
Miss Olson went out to California
somo tlmo ago for tho benefit of hor
health and as it failed to improvo her
sister went out lo bring hor homo, Sho
was qulto Jow and was travollng In a
tourist car. Just as passenger train
No. 18 stopped for tho switch In tho
local yards sbo expired. Conductor
Mncombor sont'for tho undertaker and
tho body was shipped out Friday oven
ing lo her homo whero burial will be
Sixteen membors of tho choir of tho
Church of Our Savior left Saturday
morning for Bridgeport whero thoy
spont Sunday attending tho dcanory
meeting. Saturday ovonlng a banquot
and musical entertainmont was held
in tho I 0. O. F. hall for tho visiting
delegates to the mooting. Tho follow
ing choir members from hero attend
ed: Mrs. Frank Hatch, Misses Esther
Schwaigor, Graco 'Burke, Maudo
Reese, Noljto Birklnshaw, Wlnnlo
Blrdgos, Dulclo and Tholma Frator,
nnd Elnlno Bundy, Mrs. Emily Coates,
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Dirge, Mr, and Mrs.
W. H. Mungor, Jr., Arthur Bullard,
James Clinton and Art Wortman.
1'hc room house on good corner lot,
oltunto In tho oust part of tho city.
House originally cost $1,800.00 without
lot, cim now bo bought for $1,500.00.
Terms t $5100.00 CukIi, Balance $20.00
per month 0 per cent Interest.
(112 . . C. F. TUMl'Mi, Agent.
Jump Bond f Tn o Dollars.
Mrs. Day, who formerly lived in this
city and Was ordorod out by tho
officers laBt fall, was arrested last
wnok in company with a man giving
his nmna ns Nelson nt tho Rltncr
hotel A complaint was turned
in by tho liotol management and
thoy wero arrested and taken to
Jail. On account of tho over-crowded
condition of tho jail thoy woro re
quired to put up an nppoaranco bond
of twenty-flYO dollars and that was tho
last hoard from them. Tho officers
aro not worrying for their return nB
thoy' will bo permitted to go unmo
lested by tho local authorities so long
as thoy steer clear of North Platto.
When Mrs. Day was transported sho
waa admonished against over again
roturnlng upon penalty of hor
Wo nro all nloro or less creatures
of habit and nro on that account
vory apt to get into a rut. Somo of
theso habits, are inherited nnd somo
nro acquired" by imttiatlng our neigh
bors. Theso peculiarities lead us .Into
many follies and somo Inconsistencies.
Tho milliner says narrow sklrta aro
tho thing so mndam must havo a nar
row skirt; next year wldo skirts arc
tho proper thing, then madam must
havo a wide skirt, because to wear
anything not In conformity witli tho
latest fashion edict, would be a mortal
offenso to society, nnd greatly dis
turb her pcaco of mind
All tho affairs of our dally life nro
regulated pretty much along the
same lines. Our nclgbor eats puffed
rlco, for breakfast, therefore wo cat
puffed rlco for breakfast. Our neigh
bor has a Bleeping porch, therefore wo
cannot really enjoy Hfo until wo havo
a sleeping porch. Our neighbor has
an auto or an electric and wo aro
Just downright miserable until we
havo one.
Wo aro very apt to get Jn a rut
from using somo particular thing in
a particular way, novcr stopping to
consider seriously whether wo arc
using tho best thing for our purposo
or using It in tho best way.
This", is 'particularly true in a mat
ter of fuel. Wo use liaTd coal in our
baso burner, becauso wo havo always
used It. Wo feel qulto sure tho hard
coal wo get now is not aB good as thb
hard coal wo used to ,got, but what
can wo do about it thoro is nothing
olso will do to use in' n baso buruor.
Oh yes thoro lsl ' ,
Scientists have, aftor years of ex
periment, been ablo to produco the
Milwaukee Solvay Coko which is 90
per cent enrbbn, freo from stone, slato
or other impurities, 11 por cent
greater in heat ofllcioncy than hard
coal in sizes tlio same clcanor and
In ovory way bettor to burn In your
baso burner than hard foal.
You must bo about ready to refill
your coal bin. Let us send you Mil
waukee Solvy Coko.
Phono 9.
Lenses Farm to .Tups.
J. C. Wilson, living six and one-halt, competent reports made of tho Janu
mlles west of town will havo a 3nle'ary receipts thoy wero far below the
of personal proporty February 24th at! disbursements. And this Is with the
which will bo offered all his stock and additional adhesive stamp tax, more
farm maclnory. Mr. Wflson has leased commonly known as the "war tax".
his homo place, comprising 720 acres
to three Japs for a torm of five years
nt an annual reutal of thirty-four
hundred dollnrs. Thoso Japs aro ox-
porlenccd farmers who for threo years , However, all tho departments havo
haVO lived on tho Ilarvoy farm north of i been notlled by confidential reports
Sutherland. Mr. Wilson will movo to to cut down expenses wherever pos
town tho first of March. I slblo.
m smooth
.' .' -r:g ' lug j$
Illl3t fa
jgriTg i sip
gggjl? spl 111 high priced cars. lilfi
IPfPS IB nm . Come and let us tako you rid- Pii
m$P?1 !H Hij ing in tho new 1915 Maxwell. Bail
UliTsfe iH IIP Holds the road at 50 miles an hour. WaM
nyHfiu mt 5iS With lUlectrie Starter and i!kM
ff-iP li&Q tjli Electric lights $55 extra. WfB J3. dp$f I I
rlfcJv. till rtJiMwttiui imm
flNKa&EWiBiBiHLLH..ir9V " '
f 'sMv a?5x
v ,v m mr r msL'w i ltavft. . a
'" '" l North Platte, Neb. I -
I lbs l l i m t -rrrrTrti-ii 1 1 i i I iiiima amappsaaioi mini .8
Dr. Mario Ames returned Saturday
from a business trip to Omaha.
Attorney W. L. Sclby, of Omaha, ar
rived in tho city Saturdny to look after
somo professional business. Ho came
hero on tho Hanoy-Gllbert case.
Edwnrd Bates, a federal prisoner at
the county Jail, was released Friday,
having served out his sentence of six
months. Ho was convicted last fall of
forging post office money orders.
Divorce was granted Friday In tho
district court by District JudgoGrimcs
to Mrs. Mary Peter from her husband,
William Peter. The decree was
granted on tho grounds of extreme
C. A. Sibley, of tho Fox Creek vi
cinity, braved tho storm and drove in
to tho city Friday to look after somo
business matters. Ho announced that
tho roads aro badly drifted In his
Reliable Insurance of eery kniMMi
kind. C. F. TE3IPLE. U2
Tho J. F. F. club was delightfully
ontortalned Wednesday afternoon at
tho bomc of Mrs. E. W. Mann on
South Locust street. A pleasant after
noon was enjoyed with cards and
prlzoB wero won by Mrs. Glenn Mann
nnd Mrs. Ilonkcl.
Tho regular meeting of the local
homestead of American Yeomen will
bo held this evening at tho I O. O. F.
hall. All members are urged to bo
present as there will bo some im
portant business brought beforo tho
meeting. The drill team will also
hold practice.
A good crowd attonded the roller
skating races Friday evening n tho
rink and the races woro pronounced
very good The two-mile race was
won by Duano Smith from Roland
Hall by about three-fourths of a lap.
Tho tlmo of it was 5 minutes and 20
seconds. The ono mile race between
Gordon Lovo and Wilbur Greeno was
won by the former. Charles Loner
gan won over Paulson In the boys'
raco by a distance of about tenot.
A question now facing tho lawmak
ers' at Washington, D. C., is how to
raiso more m6ncy for current expens-
' es of the government. According to
i Thero is ovidently lack of economy in
' somo department of the spenders in
' iho capltol cltv but tho location1 or
tho leak has not yet been mado pufilfc.
17 New features in the
1915 Maxwell
The biggest automobile
value ever offered for lcs3
than $1,000.
Powerful, fast, silent and
running. A superb,
fully equipped, real 5-passen-ger
family automobile.
A car with a real high tension
magneto, sliding gear transmis
sion, left hand drive, center
control, anti-skid tires on rear,
in fact it has
Practically all tho high
priced features of
high priced cars.
Come and let us take you rid
ing in tho new 1915 Maxwell.
Holds the road at 50 miles an hour.
With Electric Starter and
Electric lights $55 extra.
m 8 B
wi.l t .&1 AA f tohlillNl
Word was received Friday evening
from Miss Florenco Stack, who was
visiting last week in tho Lexington vi
cinity announcing thnt thoy wero
snowed in there Tho roads wero so
deeply drifted that people living any
dlstanco in tho cbuntry wero unnblo
to get to town.
A bpy was born Friday evening to
Mr. and. Mrs. W. A. Rlchardso-i, re
siding in tho Fourth ward.
Uccnuso Its For Ono Tlilnjr Only,
North 1'coplo Appreciate This.
Nothing can bo good for everything.
Doing one thing well brings success
Doan's Kidney Pills nro for ono
thing only.
For wonk or disordered kidneys.
Hero is North Platto evldenco to
provo tholr worth.
W. F. Blalock, North Platte, says:
"I had an awful, hoavy acho across
my loins which seemed to take every
bit of strenth from me. My back was
weak and I was so lamo that I
cduld hardly stand erect. The kidney
secrotions seemed to get more disor
dered as tho pain In my back increased
and they wero unnatural and too fre
quent In passage. I was advised to try
Doan's Kidney Pills and got a box.
Thoy cured mo of tho complaint and
I havo been well since."
Prico 60c at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills tho Bamo hat
Mr. Blalock had. Fo3ter-Mllburn
Co., Prdr. Buffalo, Now York.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician an3 Surgeon.
Special' Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.-
Office: Building and Loan Buildinp;.
'vunnl I Office 130
Phones Residence 115
Physician and Surgeon
Specialty Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat
Glasses Fitted.
New Office in McCnbo Building,
Physician and Surgeon
Office. Rooms 1 and 2
McDonald Bank Building
North Platte, Nebraska.
Ofllco phono 82, Res. Red 302. Calls
answored prompty Day or Night.
Office phone 211. Res. phone 217
L . C . D R.O S T ,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Banv Building.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
Houso Phone Black C33.
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St.,
one-half block southwest of the
Court House.
Noith Platte, Neb.
Phono G42. 723! North Locust.
Not Frozen wo pay
12 Cents Up.
Nyal Drug Store Jtl03. Phono
Phono S Red 406
Graduate Veterinarian
North Platto, Nobraska.
Hospital 218 Locust St. Phone blk 249
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red C3G Ofllce 459
Start the New Year Right
patronizing home industries
and buying your cigars of us.
We use tho best tobacco, and
make, cigars that wo are certain
will please you. Try one of onr
several brands.
J. F. Schmalzried.
1008 West Fourth St.
Graduate Nurses in Attendance
Physician and Surgeon.
l'hyslclnn and Surgeon
Ofllco B. & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phono, Office, 83; Rcsldcnco 38.
Notico Is hereby given that tho fol
lowing resolution was passed by the
Mayor and City1 Council at their last
regular meeting, held February 2nd,
"Whereas, O. E. Elder, P. W. Her
minghausen and Victor Von Qoptz, ap
praisers appointed and duly qualified
for tho purposo of assessing damages
and costs of condemnation, in the mat
ter of appropriating private proper
ty for street purposes within the City
of North Platte, Nobraska, as provided
in Ordinance No. 58, duly passed and
approved, havo mado report of tholr
doings and said appraisement is be
fore tho Council for action,
And, Whereas, the Council of tho
City of North Platte find said ap
praisement to bo In all respects due
and regular, and Just nnd fair, said
Council of said City deem it expedient
and best that the damages and cost
of condemnation for said appropria
tion bo assessed against tho real prop
erty fronting upon said property so
appropriated and upon the real prop
erty nearby especially benefited by
lsuch appropriation, and that said
uouncu git as a uoaru or uquanzauou
for the purpose of equalizing said
damages and cpsts of condemnation
and levying said tax against such
properties at tho regular meeting of
the Council to bo lield on Februrary
16, 1915.
And be It further resolved that in
addition to thtf property fronting up
on said proporty so appropriated that
tho following described lands situate
nearby aro especially benefited, all
situate in the City of North Platte, to
Lot A; Lot B; Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and
12, Block 11; Lots C, 7, 8, 9 and 10,
Block 12; Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12,
Block 13; Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12,
Block 14; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G,
Block 15; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, Block
16; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Block 17; and
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G, Block 18, all
in Bollcvue Addition to said City;
Also lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G, Block 1;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 2; Lots
1, 2, 3 4, 5 and G, Block 3; Lots 1, 2,
3, 4, 5 and G, Block 4; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5 and G Block 5; Lots 1, 2 3, 4, 5 and G,
Block G; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G,
Block 7; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G, Block
8; and Lot 1, Block 9, all In Dolson's
Addition to said City.
4 Also a tract of land described as
follows, to-wlt:
Beginning at a point where a lino
twenty-threo (23) feet North of and
parallel to the center line of 9th St.,
In tho City of North Platto, Nebr. inter
sects tho east line of tho NEA NWVi
of Section Thirty-two (32) Township
Fourteen (14) North of Range Thirty
(30) West of tho Gth P. M. in Lincoln
County, Nebraska, thenco north along
said-east line of said NEVi NWVi of
Section 32 to a point 11.5 feet south of
the NE14 of the. NWVi Corner of Sec.
32. T. 14 N., It. 30 W, thence west par
allol with tho north lino of said Sec
tion 32 a distance of 990 feet, theneo
south parallel with tho east line of
tho NEVi NWVi of said Section 32 to
tho point of Intersection with a line
parallel to and 23 feet north of the
center lino of 9th St. produced, thence
S. 80 degrees E. parallel to tho tenter
lino of 9th St. to place of beginning.
Beginning at a point whore a line
twenty-threo (23) feet south of and
parallel to tho .center lino of 9th St.
in tho City of North Platte, Nobr., in
tersects tho east lino of tho NEVi NWVi
of Section Thirty-two (32) Township
Fourteen (14) North of Rango Thirty
(30) West of tho Gth P. M., in Lincoln
Cotnty, Nobraska; thenco south along
tho east lino of NEVi NWVi Sec. 32, a
distance of 453.5 feet: thence N. 80 de
grees W. parallel with tho center lino
of tho Union Pacific Rallroau original
Main, track 1005 feet, thenco north
Darallel to tho east lino of tho NEVi
of said Section 32 to tho point of In
tersection with a lino 23 feet south of
and narallel to the center lino of 9th
Strcul produced, thenco S 80 degrees
E. parallel to tho center lino of 9th
Stroet to point of beginning, all In
tho NEVi NWVi Sec. 32, T. 14, N., R.
30, West of tho Gth P. M.
AIbo Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 1;
Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 2;
Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 3;
Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Block 4;
Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 15 and 1G,
Block 5; Lots 1, 2. 3 4, 5, G and 7,
Block G: Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 and 6,
Block 7; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G Blbck 8;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 nnd 0, uiock a; nnu
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G, Block 10, Scout's
Rest Addition to said City.
Passed and approved this 2nd day
of February, 1915.
Atest: Mayor.
City Clork. Gt3
Sheriffs Sato
By vlruo of an order 0 sale issu-ed
from tho District Court' of Lincoln
County. Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein Occidental Building nnd Loan
Association of Omnha is plaintiff, and
Lorah M. Mooro aro defendants, and
to mo directed, I will on tho 11th day
of March. 1915. at 2 o'clock P. M. at
the cast front door of tho Court Houso
in North Platto, Lincoln County,
Nobraska. sell at Public Auction to
tho highest bidder for cash,, to satisfy
said decree, interost and costs, the
following described proporty; to-vlt:
Lot three (3)-la-block sixteen (1G)
MUlera'AildiiJon to North , Platto ,as
survoyed, platted and recorded.
Dated North Platte, Nob., Feb. G,
A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Ofllco McDonald Stato Bank Building.
Corner Sixth and Dowoy Streets.
Phones, Ofllco 183, Rcsldcnco 283
Successor to
Drs. Redflold & Redflcld
Office Phono G42
Res. Phono 676
Licensed Embnlmcrs
Undertakers nnd 1'unernl Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black 588.
Notice of Incorporation.
Notico Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned Nicholas McCabe, Charles
Tlghe, Francis Dunn and James El
liott havo organized a corporation, the
name of which Is North Platto Drug
Tho principal place of transacting
Us business is North Platte, Nebraska.
Tho genoral.naturo of tho business
to bo transacted bj tho corporation
Bhall bo tho buying, selling and op
erating drug stores in North Platto,
and such other places as tho corpora
tion may desiro; tho buying nnd sell
ing either at wholesale or retail of
drugs, medicines nnd mercnandlse,
bucIi as usually kopt for sale in drug
stores, tho filling of prescriptions and
tho doing of such other acts and the
transaction of such other business as
Is necessary to carry out the pur
poses of said corporation. And for
that purpose said corporation shall
have tho power to buy, sell and con
vey, lease, sublease and let such real
estate, buildings nnd appurtenances
ns may be necessary nnd Incidental
to tho proper and profitable conduct
Irtg of said business. And may do and
perform such othr- ' f3 and filings as
may bo incident d nccessasy to
tho main powen, cT 1 corporation.
The amount of the capital stock
authorized is $23,000.00, all of which
said capital stock shall bo subscribed
and paid up at tlie time of the com
mencement of business.
Tho timo of commencing business
shall be tho first day of February,
1915, and its termination shall be tho
31st day of March, J940.
The highest amount of indebtedness
or liability to which the corporation
shall at any tlmo subject itself shall
be twenty-flvo per cent of its paid up
capital stock.
Tho affairs and business of said cor
poration shall bo conducted by a
board of f6ur directors, a president,
secretary, treasurer and general man
ager, and such other officers and ser
vants as said board of directors and
officers from timo" to tlmo may em
ploy. Signed this 1st day of February,
In tho Matter of the Estate of Sariih
Jane Meyers, Deceased.
In the County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, January 26th, 1915,
Notice is hereby Riven, That tho cred
itors of said deceased will meet the
Administrator of said Estate, boforo
1110 jouniy judge 01 Lincoln (joumy,
Nebraska, at tho County Court Room,
In said County, on tho 1th day of
March, 1915, on tho 4th day of Septem-
uer, luio, ai a o ciock a. ai. or each
day, for tho purpose of presenting
their claims for examination, abjust
ment and allowance. Six months aro
allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and, ono year for tho Adminis
trator to'settlo said Estate, fiom tho
4th day of March 1915. This notice
will bo published in Tho North Platto
Sernl-Wookly Tribune, a newspaper
printed in said County, for four weeks
successively, on and aftor February
2nd, 1915.
f2-4w County Judge
By vlrtuo of nn order of sale Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered In said Court
wherein Francis Montague is plaintiff
and' Mrs. Jennie McCauley et al aro
defendants, and to me directed, I will
on tho 12th day of February, 1915, at 2
o'clock P. M, at tho east front door of
the Court Houso In North Platte, Lin
coln County, Nobraska, sell at Public
Auction to the highost bidder for cash,
to satisfy said decree, interest nnd
costs, the following described proper
ty, to-wlt:
. That piece of land enclosed In the
following boundaries, to-wlt: Com
mencing at tho northeast corner of Lot
Hvo (5) of tho County Clerk's Subdivi
sion of Lot ono (1) In tho southeast
quarter (SE',4) of tho northeast quar
ter (NE'4) Section Four (4) of Town
ship Thirteen (13) North of Range
Thirty (30) west of tho 6th P. M. as
platted and recorded in tho County
Clerk'B ofllce, thence westerly along
tho south line of Lot Four (4) 627.95
reet, to tne soutnwest corner 01 .L.01
four (4) thence south in a lino parallel
to tho west line of said lot four (4) 208
feet, thence cast in a line parallel with
the south line of Lot four (4) about 628
feet to the cast boundary line of Lot
Ave (5) thence north along the east
boundary lino of Lot flvo (5) 208 feet
to the placo of beginning, containing
about three acres
Dated North Platte, Nebraska, Jan
uary 11, 191C.
J12-5W Sheriff.
Notice to Nou-IleHldent Defendant
To Christ Rasmubaen, Sabine Rasmus
sen, his wife, P. C. Rasmussen, first nnd
real name unknown, and W. C. Foster,
first and real namo unknown, non-resident
You and each of you are hereby noti
fied that on December 12, 1914, Stephen
L. Gclsliart, as plaintiff, began nn no
tion ngainst you and other defendants
in the district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, tho object of which Is to
foreclose a certain mortgage on the
following land In said county, to-wlt:
All of Bcctlon 9 In town 10, north of
rnngo 28, west of tho 6th Principal
Meridian In snld county, excepting
about one nnd one-half acres, 15 rods
squaro In tho northwest corner of the
southeast quarter of said section, con
tracted to be conveyed to Nebraska
Confeicnco Association of tho Sovcnth
Day Adventlsts, and a right of way to
tho same not exceeding 66 feet wide by
the shortest practicable way, mado by
Christ Rasmussen and Sablno Rasmus
sen, his wife, dated December 3, 1912,
to sepuro tho payment of a promissory
noio vi saui i;nnsi uasmussen ami Ha
bine Rasmussen to said StophcnL.GolBt
hardt for $2,000 on which there Is now
duo 12160.00 with Interest from Sep
tember 21, 1914 at 10 per gent per an
num pursuant to coupons.
Plaintiff prnys for deorea of fore
closure nnd sale of said land to satisfy
said liens as nfqresald, for deficiency
judgment and general relief.-"
You aro required to answer plain
tiff's petition on or before the 1st rinv
lof March. 1915
i!3-w Plaintiff.
tf seS-.-Mfr--