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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1915)
HaaaaiaaiHaaiffi n v 4 i' t ' . i -V A JTi. FINAL CLEAN UP OF CLOAKS SUITS SKIRT If there is a lady in Lincoln County that needs a Coat, Suit or Skirt and has the money to pay for it, we are going to sell it to her if price will dp it. LADIES' COATS We Have Made Three Lots of Our Ladies9 Coats. Lot 1, Coats that sold at all prices up to $12, your choice of the lot for , $5.00 Lot 2, All $15 to $25 Coats, either cloth or fur fabrics, all high grade and of the best workmanship, your choice of the entire lot for -r - . - $10.00 . Lot 3, Consists of all high grade Coats that . have sold for $30, $35 and $40; coats that are not only stylish, but far above the average grade, your choice of ..airy" coat in the entire: lot for -.,-.- - ( t $15.00 LADIES' SUITS Your choice of any suit .in the stock, at ab solutely -4A AC&JLJL XT ML 3&2. Ladies9 Skirts : Consisting of all the new styles anct better cloths, selling up to $12 each, We offer , yjour choice of any Skirt in the stock $3.00 The Sale Started Saturday, January 16th, and Will Close Monday, February 1st. Remember we want to close out. every Fall and Winter Garment and have offered you a price that. if you want the,. . goods should make you come and buy them. Come early so as to get your choicef 4 . , Wilcox Department ore SfiHiHiffiffiffiifi LOCAL AND PERSONAL A son wan born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Robinson, residing on 'Wusi diawi m..ivvy'J ,, Mrs. 0. A. Slvits, residing on a farm north of tbo city, Is reported quite HI with a severe case of la grlppowri .-' Postofllce Inspector ItimnedV? of Omaha spent yesterday In this city chocking up tho local ofllcQ for' tho past form. Ho found tho affairs In tho local olllco In good slmpo. Wilber Woller, employed on tho -'StebblnB ranch near this city, was In ' ' tho city yostorday to receive medical treatment for a dlscolated wrist, tho result of a fall on tho ice. County Surveyor R. L. Cochran re turned Sunday from jlie Moorefiold vi cinity whoro ho Bitont about ten days "working on somo road engineering work. Ho roports that tho snow in that vicinity Is nearly a foot deop on tho level, ' Harry Bartholomew, for somo ' months past clerk in Lorn Bailey's pool hall, has doparted from our midst, ac cording to roports, and left no nd . dross much to tho discomfort of a 'favored few in this city, No word haB boon received from him Blnco Satur day evening. Fresh Frozen Fish from now until Drs. Slrams and Lucas wore called to tho Dickens vicinity; yesterday on consultation. Work on tho McKay building is progressing- nicoly and -It-will bo ready .for- occupancy Jy nox week. It will tfoccuplwWthW Plait Light as offices and display after Lent at STORE. TRAMP'S GROCERY 212 Deputy United States Marshal Sam monB was visiting in tho city Satur day ovening on business. Ho camo horo to servo a subpoena on R. A. - Scott ot this city who Is called as n witness in somo bank litigation in ' Tennessee. Mr. Scott is to report ". thoro February 1st. A With hogs nearly two conta a pound . less than last fall and still on tho to boggan, the feeder looks with a wrlnk iljod brow on his fast disappearing pllo 6f corn that is worth sixty conts a jfctfushel. Tho avorago foodor will toll ' ybu that ho Isn't laying up much nionoy feeding sixty-cent corn fr Blx-ccnt 0lOB8i. i& U'h onough to simply nnnounco tho -Vcomlnir of "Mutt & Jeff In Mexico" ami f tho house will bo packed as It always Mb when Bud Fisher's brain folks como fatn town, therefore tho mnnniror of tho i Keith Is not "kidding you" when ho j nuvlscfl you to secure your seats in ad 'vanco and avoid disappointment at to box olllco. It'll bo horo on Saturday, J'Ta Mutual Bulldlnc & Loan Assoc! 'Vtlon of North Platto haB plenty of monoy on hand to closo loans prompt- ly. Borrowers in this association ilnako a saving on tho ropnymont of 4 their loans equal to $250.00 to ?3GO.O0 'oh a thousand over any competing building and loan association. 00-9 ",'Tho total receipts of tho United States land 'olllco last woek woro not sufficient to buy 000 poundB of Hour for tho poor Bolgians or anybody else and Uio futuro does not hold out any thing nioro brilliant. Thcso conditions may cool tho enthusiasm of thoso good democrats who want to bo rogistor and rocoiver, iiiasmuch as their salary eomefl largely from tho olllco receipts. For ShIo r Trudo 949 acres Improved land, $4,000. Will consider city property in oxchango. - 0. II. THOELECKK, & Power Co. room. Hugh Scoonpvor, of the H. Scoonoy, or & Co. clothing stpro, left Saturday" evening for Chicago to spend a week or tfcn days visiting relatives and friends and transacting business. Mrs. A. 0. Howard will entertain tho Rowcna Circlo at her homo on south Dewey street this afternoon. Members of tho Culture Club wero tho guests of Mrs. J. Q. Beeler yostor day oftornoon. When you aro making your Now Years resolutions, why not resolvb to at once subscribo for shares In tho Mutual Building & Loan association. No better plan for accumulating your savings. See tho secretary' about it. Do it now. 00-9 Wo now havQ had six weeks of pretty fair winter weathqr, with moro or Iobs snow on tho ground during the period. For Lincoln county thlB is unusual; wo sometimes havo two weeks of snappy weather but it is gen erally followed by a warm periou mat justllloB a man In going coatless. This back cast winter weather Is, however, moro healthful than tho radical chang es this Is borno out by tho statement of local physicians that their business has boon quiet for six wcoks past. Somo Talk of League A Jjasobajl meeting was called for Sunday afternoon for tho fans oMhls city but it did not materialize on" ac count, of poor, .attendance. Tho princi pal speaker of tho meeting was' un ablo to bo presont.and tho meeting1 was called off until a later date. Tho meeting was called for tho pur poso of discussing next season's pros pects and to talk, over tho possibility of a western Nebraska league. Tho league proposition as it now stands would include eight towns in western Nobraska and would provido for games every day. Somo of tho towns smaller than North Platto are-talklng strongly of this proposition and it would furnish somo good sport if it could bo managed. Tho proposition of Manager Robin son's resignation is also causing somo Billiard Tournament Closes Tho Elks' billiard tournament which has been iri prdgress for tho past month under the captaincy of Jones and Rinckor closed last ovening vith a score of 1029 to 959, seventy, points in favor of Jones' team. Thirty-five men on each team played their games. Tho tournament feed wil bq held Thursday ovening In tho banquet room and will be an oyster supper. Stew ard Smith announces hat ho will have oysters served in all styles and enough for everyone. Another tournament will begin at tho club Saturday evening. Steward Smith announces that all who wish .to enter this tournament must give or send, their names in to him before Fri day evening of this week, H will get tho tourament off before lent and all games must bo played before midnight comment among tho directors of the February 12th. Tho feed will bo. a association. Thoy hope to convince him to tako tho team for another year and if thoro is any change in the man agement to let him have assistance In uiu wuy ui it iiuiu luuutibu . Notice. Woodwnrd, tho sign, painter, Is spending this week in toorth Platto. Sco him for sign work. Ho gives tho best und most attractlvo designs, tt Ladies! Hero is your last and best buying opportunity of tho season. Take' your pick of any Coat, Suit, Street or Party Dress In tho Storo, no matter whether tho former prlco was $18.50, $25, $30, $35, or oven $40 for only 9.99, at BLOCK'S Ladles' Outfitting Storo. steak fry at tho Vienna Cafe. All who wish to enter tho tournament must get their namea in and all who wish' to enjoy tho feed must get their games played before the time set. Several wero left out this tlmo on account of their falling to got their games play ed in time. Fresh Frozen Fish from now until nftcr Lent nt TRAMP'S GROCERY STORE. 212 Missionary Pugcnnt Thursday Evening The ladlc3 of the BaptlBt church will T, . ,., 'present a msslonary pageant Thurs- l'ormer Resident Dies , tlay cvenlng of this week at the church A telegram announcing :ho death of n tho nnturo of tho reproducton of Mrs. Lucy Huntington, wifo of E. J. Ellis Island. Over thirty ladles will Huntington, formerly of this city, was tako part In this and tho platform at recolvcd hpro yesterday by A. E. Hunt- tho church has been doubled in size Ington, tholr son. Death occurred at so that the work can bo put on MUTT& JEFF IN MEXICO. Keith Theatre SAT. JAN 30. Seats -go on sale Thursday A. M. at Box Office. Lower Floor. $1.50 and $1.0.0. Balcony $1.00, 75c and 50c. Matinee Saturday 2:30 PRICES ADULTS $1.00 and 75c. CHILDREN 50c and 25c Grand Island about three o'clock yes terday aftornoon and was duo to paral ysis. Mr. and Mrs. Huntington camo to this city In 1872 and lived horo until about four years ago when thoy ro moved to Grand Island. There thoy mado tholr homo In tho Old Soldiers' homo. Mr. Huntington was a votoran of tho civil war and came horo shortly after having been mustered out of ser vice. Horo they raised n large family and wero well known to many over tho county. Mrs. Huntington was soventy-nino years of ago at tho tlmo of hor death. Sho had been ailing only a few hours. A fow yoars ago sho suffored a para lytic stroko and when tho second one camo yostorday sho was unnblo to sur vive it. Mrs. Huuttngton was a member of tho Baptist church In this city and was ono of tho first members of that church In this city, Hor husband, sovernl children and a number of grand chil- dren survlvo hor. Her son, A. E. Huntington, left last ovening for Grand Island whero the funoral will bo hold and burial bo made. Thl3 Is something that should be of Interest to everyone In tho city as It deals with a very vital question now confronting America and American people, that of Immigration. Cos tumes and mnterial have been Bocured by tho ladles from New York city and thoy will present an Interesting pro gram which will bo mado tho moro realistic because of tho costumes and scenery. The Immigration question Is one of groat moment nnd almost con sternation and a good crowd Is ex pected to enjoy this reproduction of tho nrrlval 01 tho Immigrants. Admission to tho entertainment Is free and ovoryono is invited, A silver offering will bo taken to help dofray tho exponso of getting tho costumes nnd scenery. Tho Indies have beon working diligently to got this ready and ovoryono intorested should attend. JJOCAL AND PERSONAL Dan Fowles, of Gandy, well known in North Platte, was attacked by a cow last week, knocked down and had a s'honlder bladofbrokeri. Fqr,'Jlent 2, Jqrge' front, rppms for light housekeeping. 514 east 31 st. 2?2 Misfl 'RoxiO'Murphy, who. teaches-in the Sutherland schools, visited, Jn the city over Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Murphy.- D. B. McNeel and Frank Barber re turned Sunday from Denver, where they attended a stockholders' meeting of the Farmers' Life Insurance Company. IIss Hejon Gleasqn was hostess at a party Saturday qvening,, the guests be- lngmembers of tno rresbytennn Sun day school class of which sho is a member. Tho evening was pleasantly passed at gomes. FURS AT HALF PRICE AT BLOCK'S. Tho stork visited Mr. and Mrs. Verne Mann Saturday at the Good Samaritan hospital and left a fino eight pound boy. Mr. Mann could scarcely contain the Joy that was within him Sunday and yesterday but is getting moro ac customed to tho new status of things by this morning. Messrs. Will, Robert and J. H. Hor ner and George Riddle, of Wallace, aro In town today visiting friends and transacting business. Thoy say that a largo quantity of corn is being ship ped from Wallace, tho prevailing prlco being sixty-two cents, Walloco pre cinct raised considerably more corn last year than needed to supply local needs, although many hogs and not a few cattle are being fattened. VALVE-IN-HEAD 7fe) (& MOTOR CARS Tho J. S, Davis Automobile Company roports that so far this month it has orders for sixteen Bulcks. The 1915 Bulck's "Valvo in Head Motors" are certainly growing in popularity. Buy ers are every day seeing tho necessity of buying a standard product, some thing that has been fully tested and found to give tho purchaser uninter rupted use of his investment. Every Bulck owner gets prompt and efficient service; the kind that will give him the motorlnc pleasure he expects. jjuick reputation, so pre-emiuuimy firm and fair, was not won by chance; but is due to tho policy established with tho production of tho first Buick car, and so consistently adhered to over since that of giving the owner the maximum of service for tho mini mum cost. No matter what priced Bulck car you purchase, it gives tho maximum service for which It was In tended. When better Automobiles are Built, Buick will Build thqm. F. .1. DIENER & CO. Rcnl Estate nnd Insurance Como and Bee uu for town lots in dlfforent parts of tho city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for Balo and rent. Wo havo also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey StB upstairs, Superintendent W. P. Snyder of the experimental substation returned tho first of the week from Washington, D. C where ho attended a conference re garding co-opcratlvc work at the ex periment farm. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D., Physician nnd Surgeon Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phono, Office, 83; Residence 38. With prospects good for Furiu Crops this year, this Is the (into to buy our low priced Farm Lands. FIvo Dollars per aero nnd upwards, easy terms One Hccllon, fenced, somo cultivated, good well nnd wind mill, only tweho, miles from this cHy. Can exchange for North l'lnllo properly. Will pay to see this. 11HATT & GOODMAN. David Paulson, of Overton, was brought to this city this week to tako treatment at tho Good Samaritan hos pital. Mrs. A. C. Young, of Washington, D. C Is visiting In tho city this weok at tho A. W. Shilling homo. Mr. and Mrs. Shilling formorly lived In Washington, Lost Brass plated brldlo with driv ing lines attached. Return to this of fice and receive reward. Tho ladles' aid society of tho Chris tian church will meet Thursday af tornoon in tho church parlors. Among those who attended tho ses sions of Organized Agriculturo at tho Unlvorslty farm at Lincoln last week woro Mr. and Mrs. Harry McComb, A. R. Shurrah and Paul Ottenstcln. Cough Mcdlclno for Children ..Never give a child a cough medl clno that contains opium In any form. When opium is given other and moro sorlous diseases may follow. Long expcrlenco has demonstrated that thoro is no hotter or safer medicine for coughs, colds and croup In children than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is equally valuablo or adults. Try It, It contains no opium or othor harmful drug. For sale by nil dealers. OPEN AN ACCOUNT. WITH The First National Bank -of- Member Federal Reserve Bank System. OA.riTA.JL, AND SlXRrE,17S One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAVE 'BEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OF THIS RANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIYEN TO SMALT UjCOUNTS AS IS GIYEN TO LARGE BALANCES. TNTERFr -''AID ON TIME DEPOSITS. 1