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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1915)
kits k$& nty Wihum THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JANUARY 26,-1915. No. 2 s'. MBVth m mm UT Rnrw.flHHiHIH oiuauinniHBaij fife "iSJSSg W J&f$l lJtOfe S Oil February 18 Only 24 more days to hustle votes and to the best hustler will go the fine pony.putfit. -Si .Get yoyr Friends to i)Uy their goo9b at the Pony Stores ahdrtlius secure." votes.. , Vaoous neeueu m uie jlulujlc migm us wen be purchased now and by doing so you get the advantage of pony5 votes which you cannot get after February 18th. These are -the Pony Vote Stores Rush Mercantile Co. McDonald Clothing Store. " Dickey's Bakery and Confectionery. , . Dickey's Sanitary Laundry. I. S. Davis Aulo Co. , Crystal and Keith Theatres. Ike ralacc Lale. - c - Brooks Studio. Dixon's Jewelry Store. Coates Lumber & Coal Co. Howe & Maloney, Furniture Sto;e: Block's Ladies' Outfitting Store. Schiller's Drug' Stores. Marti's Meat Market. The Semi-Weekly Tribune. j 4 TltlAL OV HOY HOBEKTS begins this morning FAKMKKS MET SATURDAY TO ORGANIZE COUNTY' UNION Tho trial of Boy Iloborts, charged with tho murdor of Vernon Connott, begins this morning in tho district court and tho court room was packed to capacity at an early hour. People from nil over tho county canio Into tho city to uttend tho trinl and stand ing room Is at a premium. A deputy had to bo placed at tho door to hold tho crowd back. Roberts unusual nerve- which has been shown throughout all tho pro ceedings so far has gradually failed him and he appears this morning as any other human being charged with a crime of such proportions. For tho past sovcral days ho hni had little to say and would not at any time discuss tho crime even to tho other prisoners at the county Jail. Yesterday tho relatives of tho mur dered man arrived in tho city for tho trial at which thoy will bo witnesses to establish tho idcnttlty of tho body of tho missing man Mrs. Vernon Con nott arrived yesterday morning from Bird City, Kansas, with her father-in-law, A. J. Connott, and hor brother-in-law, Roy. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Connott of Chllllcothe, 111., arrived on an early train yesterday and I. E. Connett of Edgar, arrived last evening A. J. Connett, father of the murder etl man, stated yesterday morning to a roportor, "It is hard to have to look at tho man you know murdered your own son and not want to tako tho law Into yoitr own hands. However, wo aro living in a civilized country and are willing to let tho law take Its! course and If It fails wo will not bo responsible." "Vernon was a good boy," ho said, "I never know a kinder hearted boy and ono that was better help in case of sickness, Ho was so good to his wife and little girl and was honest and up right with everybody." Mr. Connett is a man past seventy years of age. Ho Is a G. A. 11. man and an Odd Fellow and says ho has friends wherever he goes. Ho fought for four lyears in tho rebellion and yesterday tvuru uiu aim wmi which no null gone into battle with General Grant'B forces. The shock of tho murder has worried him very much and ho cannot conceal his anxiety over tho courso tho law will take. Tho attorneys began this morning selecting the jurymen which will elt on tho case, Attorney Keefo and Roberts on one side of the table and County Attorney Gibbs, Attorney A. Muldoon and the Connett family on tho othr side pf the lablp. This will probably take .the geater part of to day and tomorrow mid possibly'longer. 'Saturday morning's temperature was the lowest of the season, twenty one be(ow zero as registered at the weather bureau ofllco. Sunday morn ing it was seven below and yesterday morning eight below. Opposed to ChnngcN In the Game Law While homo Sunday Representative Woodhurst liad a conference with lo cal sportsmen regarding tho game laws, and tho bills which have been in troduced amending those laws. Among tho amerciaments Introduced is ono prohibiting tho uso of automatic or "pump" guns, another closes the quail season for five years, another limits tho chicken season, to thirty days, and still another closes tho Chicken season for two years Mr. Woodhurst is a member of the game and fish com mittee of the legislature, and for this reason ho was besolged by local hunt ers and solicited to recommend that tho game law remain Just about as It now stands. About thirty-flvo farmers and fam or's wives attended a meeting at tho court houso Saturday which was con ducted by 0. E. WoTd of Lincoln for CLUJJS AND SOCIETIES The Indian card club will bo cn tortnlucd tomorrow nftornoon nt tho homo of MIsh Ida Ollonsteln. Tho Royal Neighbors Social Club Z n rl f nrZh.,,, . iZ 1, n ! "' o entertained this afternoon by tho purposo of organizing a branch of M Wl, r. t ,, .- tho National Farmers' Educational and MTB- "mon bil wosl ll 8trm- Ladles! Get Busy! Come and profit by our loss In offering you your choice of any Coat, Suit, Wool or Silk Dres3, or Party Gown In tho store that formerly sold up to $40.00 this week only while they last at $!).9f, at BLOCK'S, tho Store that Keeps tho Prices Down on Women's Apparel in North Platte. Falls mid Ilrcnks Ann. Mrs. C. Arrowsmlth, of Ogalalla, fell Fiiday evening and broke her right wrist, from which Injury sho is suffering copsldorablo pain. Mrs. Ar rawsmltli was visiting at tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clough in the Second ward, when tho accident occurred. When tho flro whlstlo blew Friday evening sho ran out on the porch to try and locate tho flro and slipped on tho Ice. Fresh Frorcu Huh from now until nfter Lent nt TKAMP'S GROCERY STOKE. 2t2 Mrs. J. D. Taylor, of Council Bluffs, arrived in the city Sunday for a visit of a few days nt tho Thcodoro Lowo nomc John Bratt returned homo Sunday evening from Denver where ho spent several days looking aftor somo busi ness matters. Harry Block of tho Block Ladles Outfitting Storo, Is tho latest purchas er ot a Buick car This weok ho bought a now "C 37 " t F. J. Duncan of the C. O. D. Cleanors returned Sunday evening from Coun cil ijiuiis. town, wnoro no spent n few days visiting rolatlvos and friends. County Commissioner E. II. Sprlng- rr, of Brady, arrived in tho city yes terday to attend tho sosslon of tho commissioners at tho court houso. Cody Boal returned homo Sunday from Donvor whoro lio wont to visit his grand father, W. F. Cody, formerly of this city. Mns. James Hart returned homo Sat urday from Anamosa', Iowa, whoro ho accompanied tho remains of hor mother, Mrs Mary Dunn, for burial, Atornoy W. E. Shuman, of this city, recolvcd word Saturday from Presi dent C. J. Smyth of tho stato bar asso ciation advising him that ho bad been appointed a member of tho legislative committee of that body. Co-opcratlvo association Tho meotlng hold tho greater part ot tho afternoon, during which Mr. Wood spoke on tho purposo and Im portance of such an organization for tho "economic distribution of tho ne cessities of life." Tho puropso of tho organization is to reduco tho expense of getting products to tho markets and factories and to get the finished prod ucts nioro directly nnd economically from factory to tho consumor Tho Idea is to do away with tho speculators, tho gamblors nnd other unnecessary mld dlo men. Tho organization also has a social and educational sldo and it is tho pur poso of Mr, Wood to get locals organ ized In all parts of tho county as well as a union county organization. At tho meeting Saturday afternoon n com mittee, composed of Mcsors. Bostwlck and Llnderkugol was appointed to ar- rango for a sorles of meetings through out tho county. Another meeting will bo hold horo on tho afternoon of Feb ruary 20th, beginning at ono o'clock. In this county there arc already six silcli organizations. Mr. Wood represents tho stato organization which is in turn a part of tho national organization. Decides In Favor of IIonglnndH. Tho court sitting on tho case of Ded rlohs vs. Stephenson et nl decided In favor of tho defendants In tho case and granted them possession of tho ninety-seven acres of land under con troversy. Tho case was a long drawn out a falr) and involved several questions. From the ovldenco It seems that Dcd rlcliB had deeded his land to ono Abor cromblo to avoid paying a Judgment rondercd in tho county court against him by ono Roberts. That Aborcrom blo was under agreement to return tho land to Mrs. Dedrlchs and later did so accepting from nnd returning to Mrs. Dedrlchs a fair remuneration for tho purposo of getting by tho law. Dedrlchs was later divorced from his wife who deeded tho land to Hoagland & Hoagland for attorney's fees and costs, the firm paying her ?200 ox cess. Followlne this tho" woman was converted in somo ovangollstio meet ings and decided to return tho proper ty to her husband ana sho immediate ly filed suit, iri Juno, 1914, to- regain possession, of tho 'property. Simul taneously with this sho, and hor hus band effected a reconciliation and were re-marrled. Several witnesses woro called In tho case, among them Mrs. Dedrlchs, who pulled out tho tremolo stop with tho fountain attachment and gave somo Interesting testimony, shouting hallo julahs and praises all tho while. Tho caso continued all day Friday and until lato afternoon Satuiday after which Judge Hostctler rendered his deci sion. Mrs. Thonins Uiirnoy Dies Mrs. Maggie Burnoy, wlfo of Engin eer Thomas Burnoy, passed away this morning at flvo o'clock at her homo on east Fifth street aftor an Illness of only three days. Sho'Vas flfty threo years, four months nud fourteen days of ago at tho time of her death which was caused by diabetes from which sho had been a sufferer for a number of years. Mary Dugagn was born In Tennessco Soptomber 12, 18C1. When but a Bmall girl she camo to Nebraska with hor parents and thoy setttcd at Wood Riv er whoro she grew to-.womnnhood and was married. Slio enmo to this city with hor husband twenty-five years ago last November and thoy havo con- tnucd to make their homo hero since that time. Mrs. Burnoy warf a member of tho Catholic church and was a faithful and consistent workor there until a fow years ago when sho was tnkon 111. She suffered for sovoral ycarB but was tak en violently ill only Saturday morning. Sho was also a membor of tho Degree of Honor, tiro Maccabees and tho La dies' Auxiliary to tho B. of L. E. Sho leaves to mourn hor demlso besides her numerous friends, a husband, four brothers and two sisters, all of whom wll bo lioro for tho funeral. Tho brothers are James anil Thomas Dug gan of Grand Island and John and Will of Wood River. The sisters are Mrs. James Corrlgan of Sholton and Mrs. Stono, of Shorldan, Wyo. Requiem high must) will bo said tomorrow morning at clgt-thlrty at St. Patrick's church over tho remains and thoy will thon bo taken to Wood Hlvor whoro tho funeral and burial will bo had. RAILROAD NOTES Tho "GOO" club will be entertained this evening at tho homo ot Mrs. T. C. Patterson. Mrs. 1 atterson will bo as sisted by Mrs. Walkor. Tho Cnthollc Girls' club will be it tortnlned tomorrow evening nl tho homo of Mrs. C. E. Cook on west Sixth street by Miss Ethol Fryo. Tho Music department of tho Twen tieth Century club will bo entertained at a musical evening at tho E. F. Sco bcrger home. All members and their husbands nro Invited to bo prcsont. Mesdnmes II. M. Grimes, w. T, Wil cox", E. S. Davis and Butler Buchanan will ontortnln Friday evening at tho Buchanan homo in favor of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schiller who aro to leavo shortly for tho west. Tho third of tho series of auxiliary teas to bo given by tho Indies of tho city for tho boneflt of tho Good Samar itan hospital will bo held Friday nr tornoou nt tho homo of Mrs. C. F. Ri dings on wc3t Fifth street. Tho M. M. club was delightfully on tortatned last evening nt tho liomo of Mr. nnd Mrs. F, J. McGovorn. Thoy woro assisted by Mr, and Mrs. J. Guy Swopo. Thirty guests woro'preoont nnd a pleasant evening was enjoyed with cards and a nlco luncheon was served. Tho guests of tho club Woro Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Rclnior, of Omaha, who aro guests in tho city of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Posey, at tho Union Pacific hotoL If you nro looking1 for tho Rest uiul Cheapest Flro and Life Insurance, Sco JJRATT & GOODMAN. At tho regular meeting of tho B. P. 0. Elks lodgo last night it was an nounced that nt tho next meeting thoro would be initiation nud feed. Several new members nro to bo initi ated into tho order nt this meeting. Attorney N. H. Wilson returned Sat urday evening to Lincoln nfter spend ing a fow days In tills city on pro fessional busincB3. He appeared in tho district court last week on behalf ot tho plaintiff ft, in tio caso of Dcd richs vs. Stopijphson et,ol, f . Conductors Hastings and Garrison woro off duty last week on account of Illness. Engineer Gcorgo Brown loft tho latter part ot last weok for Excolslor Springs Mo., to spend two weoks or moro taking treatment, Engineer Elmor Moody loft Sunday night for n wcok's visit with his brothors In Kansas City. Ho was ac companied by Mrs. Moody. Twonty-Blx car loads of horses woro slilppod through this city Sunday from tho west enrouto to Europo to bo used in tho war. Thoy consisted of both cnvalry mounts and artillery horses. Conductor F. 0. Letts is expected homo this evening frpm Omaha whero 'no hns boon taking medical troatmont and recovering from his second opera tion .at an Omaha hospital. Ills con dition is reported much improved Master Mechanic W. T. Beery, of Grand Island, was in tho city Friday ovonlng to tho nttcned tho "Safety First" mooting. Ho was located hero for sovoral years but was lntor trans ferred to Omaha nnd Inst spring was sent back to Grand Island. Carl Skaggs, fireman on tho Union Paciflo out of hore, loft Saturday morning for Donvor to spend a fow days, from thoro ho will go to Kansas City and points In eastern Kansas to visit Tclatives for a fow wcokB. Ho ex pects to bo gono a month or moro. FOR RENT Modern nud other houses, vucnnt rooms, Slorngo Room nnd Sufo De posit Poxes by PRATT & GOODMAN. Govornor Moroltcnd yesterday ap pointed A. M. Morrlsoy, deputy stato attorney general, as chlof Justlco of tho supremo court to fill tho vacancy caused by tho death of Judgo Hollen-beck. ltllliousnesH nnd Constipation Cured. If you nro ovor troubled with bil iousness or constipation you will bo interested in tho statement of R. F. Eorwln, Peru, Ind. "A year ago last wintor I had an attack of iudlgestloh followed by biliousness 'and constipa tion. Soeing Chamberlain's Tablets 89 highly rocommondcd,I bought a bottle ot them and thoy helned mo irlghfawny." For sale by all dealers. Closing Out Sale -- Hardware, Galvanized JTl JDK t "" :0N: Stoves, Steel S lock Tanks Gasoline Engines, All at Cost or Below Cost AT Jl I 9 Opposite Post Office. Will Complete Guernsey Branch. In a speech nt Donvor Thursday, Halo Holdon, president of tho Burling ton Tallroad, said that his company would Immediately renow work on tho Guornsoy branch In Wyoming. This branch Is tho uncompleted link on tho Burlington's now water grndo route from tho Missouri river to Billings of which tho proposed lino up tho Platte river from Newark to Bridgeport will be a part. It has always boon understood that as soon as tho Guornsoy lino Is com pleted, work on the Platto valley lino would commence. It thcroforo seems reasonable to predict that work on tho latter will bo started bofoio tho close of tho present year and that Burling ton trains will bo running into North Platto tho early part of 101C. Why Not Have a Gas Stove in Your Mome? MONEY TO LOAN ON HEAIi IS TATE. 1JRATT & GOODMAN. Lem Bailey returned homo Sunday ovenlng from Denver where ho spent a short time on business. Every Woman will appreciate the quick hot fire at a moment's notice No coal or ash" es to handle, no dirt. A Clean Kitchen All tho Time North Platte Light & Power Co., C. R. MOREY, Manager. l ?i I si tfl Mil 4: