Jt A . J:.M Semi-Weekly Tribune Ire L. Bare, Editar and Publukcr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Oho Year by Mail In Advance. . . .$1.25 Ono Year by Carrier in Advniicc. .$1.50 Entered at North Platte, Nobraska, Postofflco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, JAN. 22, 1915. Iter. Cram Replies. In answer to an article in the Tues day's issuo of Tho Tribune entitled "A Hot Shot", I wsh to state that the writer was misinformed in regard to cortain statements, 1 preached a ser mon on amusementa to the members of my own church. 1 stated that in tho light of statistics and common knowlcdgo concerning tho evils of tho danco and tho card, tho Church had taken a stand against them and that no person could honorably retain membership In tho MothodlBt church, and at tho same time violate tho. rules ho has pledged himself to keep. I mado no attacks upon nny lodge qr lodges ns might bo Inferred from tho abovo mentioned article I said that momborB of tho Methodist church could not belong to lodges that sorved booze to their members, and retain their spiritual fellowship with Christ. Thcso sentiments aro in harmony with tho teachings of Christ and tho rules of the Methodist church and ex prcBss my slnccro convictions on tho subject. B. A. CRAM., Tho Trlbuno has always entertained a frlondly feeling for Mr. Cram and would not, for tho world place him wrong before tho public, but tho edi tor has personally interviewed several, men who heard Mr. Cram's sermon last Sunday and thoy say that Tho Tri bune's quotations wore practically correct. On inquiry wo find that ho did not especially uso tho word Elks, but ho did say "tho lodge that held a stato convention last spring out at the grovo;" ho didn't mention the word Moose, but ho said "tho lodge down hero" and throw his arm In tho direc tion of tho corner of Sixth and Dew ey. Tho fact Jb there was not an adult person In his congregation who did not know to which lodges ho re ferred. If ho did not mean tho Elks "and Moose, to which lodges did ho refer? Thirty-Four Cases Set For Trial Before Jary. Tho fury docket for tho January torm of distric court which convenes Monday was called Tuesday afternoon from tho office of District Cerk Geo. E. Possor. Thirty-four cases aro set for hearing and tho court will hear all tho casus thoy can. Of tho cases up for trial tho most Important Is the case of tho stato of Nebraska vb. Roy Roberts, homicide, which will como up for hearing on January 26th. The, lirst day of court will bo for only routine matters. Other Important cases aro Thlcde vs. Parm leo, bastardy, Ridnour vs. Fear, bas tardy, and tho eleven cases of tho Union Pacific company against certain real cstato owners in Lincoln county. Following are tho cases set for Trial and tho dato of each: State vs. Roberts, January 2(1; VanSnda vs. Spencer, January 27; Adama-vs Lucas and Botsford vs. Miles, January 28; Sodocott vs. O'Connor, January 29; Tabor vs. C. B. & Q. and McConnell vs. C. B. &., Fobrunry 1; Baker vb. Mogcnscn, Fobrunry 2; Walters vs. Bechan and Breternltz vs. Stowcrs, February 3; Giles vs. Horner Febru ary 4; Thledo vs. Parmleo, Fobrunry G: Stato vs. Regan and Cooper vs. Jtobb, February C; Regan vs. Osgood, February 8; Ridnour vs. Fear, Alex ander vs. Thomas and Yates vs. Conway Estate, February 9; Heskett vs. Johnson and Fast vs. Selck, Feb ruary 10; Ekstrom vs. Nelson, Fcbru aryll; Union Pacific company vs. Murphy, ct nl and cloven other simi lar cases, and Union Pacific company vs. North Platte Electric company, February 12. ICG Marriages In Ono Year. A check on tho marriage record in tho ofllco for ono year, beginning January 1, 1914, shows that up to December 31, 1914, there wero issued from tho county Judge's ofilco during tho ycor ono hundred fifty-six li censes. This is a pretty good record for one year, especially In a county whoro outsiders seem to havo tho Im pression that a man con not oven sup port himself. Lincoln county is pros porous in many ways If signs can bo taken at their face valuo. In addition to this Judge Grant is sued ono licenso in January before his term of ofllco expired. F. J. DIENER & CO. Real Estate and Insurance Tool ThoircH Plead Guilty. Tho two men who wero arrested the first of tho week at Grand Island for stealing tools from Edward Cross, re siding in tho Fourth ward wero araign cd yesterday morning boforo County Judgo French and erusroi plena of guilty to petit larcony. Tho meii wero given fines of ten dollars and costs each and wero remanded to Jail upon non-payment of the flues At tho hearing tho men gave their names ns Fred Williams and James McCall. Thoy had realized that tho ovidence against them was quite con vincing and decided to plead guilty, "When asked their motive of tlm crime thoy stated that tney wanted the monoy. Tho oillcors of Grand Isiahd work ed a clever scheme to catch tho two men. Thoy found whor' tho tools wero hidden under some tumbling weeds In a, gutter and removed tho tools' and ono officer hid nearby to watch. Tho men soon appeared to got tho tools and wore taken in by the officers and Sheriff Salisbury was no-tiled. JUnimin Ih Making Ice Boat. Minor Hlnman, proprietor of tho ' Hlnman garage, la working his Inven tive genius toward constructing a mo tor' led boa driven by an slx-fot noropluno propeller, Ho Is using a Blx-eyl!ndor Bulck car for tho powor and has already sent for tho propeller. Tho propeller will bo fastened on tho front of the car and will bo geared abouf. four to ono which will glvo a largo displacement of air and raako possible a high rato of speod. For runnehrs he Is making somo iron-shod wood runners which will bo fastened on tho bottom of tho wheels. Tho car will bo run to tho rlvor and can then' bo, shod for an ice-boat. Mr, Hinmnn lias been working on thl3 for somo weeks and a few days ago ho saw In a magazine a photo graph which convinced htm that ho has tho right idea. Ho will probably havo tho boat ready for uso In a short tlmo. ' Wlion you nro making your Now YcarB resolutions, why not resolve to at. onco oubocrlbo for shares In tho Mutual Building & Loan association. No hotter plan for accumulating your savings. Seo tho secretary about It. Do It now. 09-9 Como and see us for town lots In different parts of the city. Good in vestments on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent. Wo have also good bar gains In farms and ranches. Cor. Frontand Dowey Sts.. upstairs. Sutherland Precinct Votes New Bonds. Tho bond election in Sutherland precinct Tuesday providing for the floating of bondB up to f 14,000 for building a new bridgo was carried by a voto of 101 to G5, a majority of 19 votes over tho required two-thirds. This new bridgo Is to bo built across tho South Platte river a milo south: of Sutherland. It is a stato aid bridgo and will cost approximately $28,000. Tho fight over tho bonds was a bitter ono and there was somo apprehension that thoy would bo defeated. Sutherland precinct, comprising somo of the same district, is at pres ent building a now state aid bridgo over tho North Platto rlvor. Tho villago of Sutherland Is In on both bridges. Tho bridges over tho North rlvor Is costing $30,000 of which tho precinct must pay one-half. Thoy voted $15,000 bonds for this at a re cent election. Tho Blrdwood precinct comprising much of tho same territory, finished only two years ago paying for a bridgo which was built in 1888 at n cost of about twenty thousand dollars. In all thoy are paying out consider able money for bridges which 1b a credit to any coiriTnunlty. Sonic Fiuo Morning By Walt Mason. "Somo flno morning," Bays Tired Father, "When I havo no chores to bother, I will buy mo somo insurance, so that if I cash in my checks my'bo lovcd wife, Mlrandy, will have chunks of boodlo handy, so the hun gry wolf "won't scare her, and mis fortune will not vox." Poor Tired Father's kind intention is oo "ex cellent to mention, but an auto climbs his person and he gives three whoops and dies, nnd his wlfo and kidlcts wonder, o'er his coffin, how.ln thunder they will buy next season's swntter, when It's tlmo to swat .the files. Somo fine morning we'll be do ing things that now wo aro eschew ing; things wo ouglit to start and finish now, this morning, right away; Much, ah, much of all our sorrow comes from waiting till tomorrow, when wo ought to shed our garments and bo cutting ice today. "Some -fine Morning," says tho loafer, "I will get busy as a gopher, and natives all will wonder when on mo they cast their oyos." But the morn for which he's waiting nover dawns nnd ho Is skat ing up and down tho county popr farm, herding boos and butterflies. Moral: Seo Temple at once, about that Insurance you should havo this morning. J Frank Bradley" is reported on tpe HICK UHl Ul 1113 X1UII1U Oil DOUU1 1'IHO street. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DRJOST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. DR. J. S. TWINEM, . Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Glvon to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Ofilco McDonald State Bank Building. Corner Sixth andDowey Streets. Phones, Office 183, Residence 283 DR. ELMS, Physician and Surgeon Specialty Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Glasses Fitted. New Ofllco in McCabo Building, PHONE 36. C. C. WALMNGSFOM), Physician nnd Surgeon Office: Rooms 1 and 2 McDonald Bank Building North Platto, Nobraska. Ofllco phono 82, Res. Red 302. Calls answered prompty Day or Night. Nyal Drug Storo Res. Phone Phono 8 Red 406 C. W. CKONEN, Graduate Veterinarian North Platto, Nebraska. Hospital 218 Locust St. Phone blk 249 FOR CATTLE HIDES Not Frozen wo pay 12 Cents Up. NORTH PLATTE JUNK CO. Why Not Have a Gas Stove in Your Home? S; i ,' .ttfWL 1 HtuiMHMHb li'ifflllli Mi i r t, t Evdiry Woman will appreciate the quick , hot fire at a moment's notice. No coal or ash es to handle, no dirt. A Clean Kitchen . All the Time North Platte Light & Power Co., C. R. MOREY, Manager. 1E5 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attes&B gives ts Swgoy and OfeMelrics. Ofllca: Building and Loan Building. Phmi., Office 130 Phortes Rcsidence 115 DEItRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmcrs Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 588. NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 West Fourth St. MRS. M. HALL, Superintendent Oraduato Nurses in Attendance JOHN S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. J. B. REDFIELD, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redflold & Redflold Office Phono 642 Res. Phono G7G KODAK TVqRK, VIEWS. PARTIES. HOME PORTRAITS AND ENLARGING BEST PAPER USED Phono 642. 723 North Locust. his an d Cattle Start the New Year Right By patronizing home industries and buying your cigars of us. We use the best tobacco, and make cigars that we are certain will please you. Try one of onr several brands. J. F. Schmalzried. Judge Grant's Showing. The county commissioners com pleted Bottlomont with rotlrlng County Judgo Orant Wednesday and cortltlod his hooks as correct. Tho settlement showed that during tho year 1914 Judgo Grant recelvod as fees In cases tho sum of $2,638.99, as inherltanco tux $772.75 and for fines $63.00, mak ing tho total receipts $3,474.74. Tho expenses of tho olllco wero: Judgo's Balary $1,650.00, clerk hlro $G89.00, olllco expenses $23.35, total $2,302.35. This loft a net halanco of $1,112.39, which Judgo Grant turned over to tho county as evidenced hy tho treasuror s receipts, In addition to tho nhovo there was earned during tho yoar $300.20 in criminal cases and $10.00 tor rqcoru lng hond3 which docs not appear in tho above rocolpts. Tho W. J. Redflold property on west Ninth street, Ih still on tho market. This properly uiust bo sold this month. One of tho nicest residences on tho North Side, and well located. Let mo Mhovr yoH the property, then you make me hm offer. 0. F. TEHi'LK. Agent. i1 ' t" ' ' t P.vA. Lowry aud."V. K, Uoauchamp, of Hershoy, wore business visitors to the county capital yesterday. A fion was born yostorday morning to W Wd Mrs, C. B. Trultt, residing at 202 South Pino Btreet, Your California Exposition Trip will probably be the most important trip of your life. And it need not be costly if you simply plan ahead. If you go at it haphazard it will cost you probably double what you expect. Let tho Union Pacific assist you in planning your trip. This great railroad system has published a booklet which contains invaluable data on hotels and rates, the most desirable places to visit, and the expense of these side trips. All this information is yours, free for the asking. We will welcome the opportunity of helping you plan your itinerary. Write for booklet No. 113 or fill out and mail the coupon below. I Notice to Xon-Ilcfridcnt Defendant j To Christ Jlasmussen, Sabine Rasmus, eon, his wife, P. C. Rnsmusson, nrst ana real name unknown, and W. C. Foster, first nnd real name unknown, non-resident defendants: You and each of you aro hereby noti fied that on December 12, 1914, Stephen Xi. Gelshnrt. as plaintiff, began an ac tion against you and other defendants In the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the object of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgUgo on the following land in said county, to-wlt: All of section 0 in town 10, north of ranee 28, West of the 6th Principal Meridian In said county, .excepting about one and one-half acres, JB Mr rods square in the northwest corner of tho southeast quarter of said section, con tracted to be conveyed to Nebraska Conference, Association of the Seventh Day Adventlsts, and a right ot way to the same not exceeding 66 feet wide by tho shortest practicable way, ,mado by Christ Kasmussen and Sublno Hnsmus sen, his wife, dated December 3, 1912, to securo the payment of a promissory note of said Christ Rasmussen and Sa blncRnsmusseu to said Stephen L.Qelst hardt for $2,000 on which there is now due $2160.00 with interest from Sep tember 21, 1914 at 10 per cent per an num pursuant to coupons. 1'iainiur nravs ror rinrrnn nr fni-n. closure and sale of said land to satisfy said liens as aforesaid, for deficiency Judgment and genoral relief. You are required to answer plain tilt's petition on or beforo tho 1st day itn STEPHEN U GEISTHAHDT, ii0-Uv Plaintiff, Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 ; Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Referee's Sale.. By virtue of an Order of Sale Is sued in tho District Court in and for Lincoln County, Nebraska, on the 21st day of December, 1014. in an action of partition wherein Samuel Moore and Thoodore Smith aro Dlalntlffs and Roy Hewitt, Edna' Hewitt, George Hewitt,, Lester Hewitt, Glenn Hewitt, Olive Smith and Arlio Smith, fall minor heirs and C. J. Hewitt, father and nat ural guardian of defendants Roy Hew itt, Edna Howitt, George Hewitt, Les ter Hewitt and Glenn 'Hewitt and Josio Smith, mother and natural1, guardian of defendants Olive Smith and Arlie Smith respectfully are ddfiSndants. I will sell at Publl'e Auction n't' the' East Front Door of tho Court H'ouse In 'the City of North Platte, Lincoln Courity, Nebraska, on the 25tli day of January, 1915, at the hour of one o'clock P. M. the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wlt: The Southeast Quarter of Sec tion Twelve (12), TownBhJp Ten (10), North of Range Thirty-three (33), West of tho Gth P. M. The terms oT "Bald sale will to cash in hand. Dated North Platte, Nebraska, this 21st day of December, 1914. O. E. ELDER, Referee. BHRRIFF'S HAI.K By virtue of an order of sale Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court wherein Francis Montague is plaintiff nnd Mrs. Jdnnlo McCauley ot nl aro defendants, and to mo directed, I will on the 12th day of February, 1015, at 2 o'clock P. M.t at the east front door of tho Court Houso in North Platte. Lin coln County, Nobraska, soil at Publio Auction to the highest blddor for cash, to satisfy said decroe, Interest nnd costs, the following described propor ty, to-wlt: That piece of land enclosed In the following boundaries, to-wlt: Com mencing at the northeast cornor of Lot five (G) of the County Clerk's Subdivi sion of Lot ono (1) In the southeast quarter (SEV4) of tho northeast quar ter (NEH) Section Four (4) or Town ship Thlrteon (13) North of Itango Thirty (30) west of tho Gth P. M. ns Slatted and recorded In the County lork's ofllco, thence westorly along tho south lino of Lot Four (4) 627.95 feet, to tho southwest corner of Lot four (4) thonce south in a lino parallel to tho west lino of said lot four (4) 20S feet, thenco east in a lino parallel with tho south line of Lot four (4) about C28 feet to tho east boundary lino of Lot fivo (5) thenca north along tho cast boundary lino of Lot nvo (6) 208 foot to the place of beginning, containing about threo acres. Dated North Platto, Nobraska, Jnn uary 11, 1915. ,. A. J, SALISBURY. J12-GW Sheriff. Order of Hen ring on Petition for Ap pointment of AdmiulNtrutor or.... Administratrix. , The Stato of Nobraska, Lincoln Coun ty, ss. In the County Court, In the Matter of tho Estato of Mary Ann Ell, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Charles E. Ell praying that Adminis tration of said Estate may be granted to hi in as Administrator. ' Ordored, That February 2nd, A. D. 1915, at 2 o'clock P. m: is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear nt a County Court to bo held in and lov said County, and show cause why tho prayor of petitioner should not be granted: anil that notice of tho pen dency of said potitlon and the hearing theroof bo given to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in Tho North Platto Soml-Weekly Tribune, a soml-wcokly newspaper printed in said County, for threo successive weekB, prior to said day of hearing Dated January 7, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, J12-3W County Judge. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF MNCOLN- COUSTY, M5"H,VSKA. In the Matter of t'-r n-tato of Esther Harris, Decease! Stato of Nebraska. I i )ln County, ss. To all persons interested In tho Es tate of Eshter Harris, Deceased: You aro hereby notified that on tho 7th day of January, 19115, Mlnla Slow art, administratrix of I ho estate of Esther Harris, deceased, nied In said court her final account as said admin istratrix, and that said final account will bo heard on tho 2nd day of Feb ruary. 1915. at the hour of 10 n'nlnek A. M. in tho County Court in the City of North Platte in said County. And you nro hereby cited to nppear at the time and place above designated, and show cause, If such exists, why said account should not be allowed. It is hereby ordored that said Mlnta Stewart, administratrix, give notice to all persons interested in said cstato by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Semi-Weekly Tribune, a newspaper printed nnd published in said county, for threo successive weeks prior to the date set for said hearing. X)ated this 7th day of January. 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH. J12-3w County Judge. rPBmJ HHHHHRpnUl uVWIHiH J780 QE1UUT FOItT, V.T. M. Union l'uo. it. It. Oinauu, fteb, 6 Plesso sand mo booklet No. 113 "Coll- fotnlo and tho Expositions." x Nam Strut Addrit City U-. fi Ulat . iGl(fifr I.IHiAI, NOT1CI3 Simon Richards and Sarah Richards, defendants will tako notice that on the 12th day of November, 1914, Mutual Building & Loan Association, a cor poration, plaintiff heroin, filed Its pe tition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against Ida Rich ards, administratrix of the estato of Samuel Richards, Deceased: Ida Rich ards, Elizabeth Richards, Simon Rich ards, Sarah Richards, EHthor Richards, Millard Richards, City National Bank Building Company, a. corporation, and Daniel Franklo, Daniel Lyons nnd Jul ius Lyons, a co-partnership doing bus iness ns Franklo Frank & Company, defondants, tho object and prayer' of which nro to foreclose threo certain mortgages executed by Samuel Rich ards nnd the defendant Ida Richards, upon Lot ono (1) in Block one hun dred thirty-eight (138), tho East forty four (44) feet of Lot two (2), tho West twenty-two (22) feot foot of Lot two tsj, anu me juast twenty-two (22) feet of Lot three (3), all In Block one hundred thirty-eight (138) of the orig inal town of North Platte, Nebraska, to secure tho payment of three bonds dated Juno 30, 1908, for the sum of $1200.00 each, due and payable accord ing to tho terms thereof. That after tho execution and delivery of the abovo bond and mortgage to the plaintiff, the said Samuel Richards died, and that tho defendants Ida Richards, Simon Richards, Elizabeth Richards, Sarah Richards, Esther Richards and Millard Richards nro tho heirs at law of said Samuel Richards and are claiming an .interest in and to the above described 'premises, and that said Ida Richards has been nppolntod administratrix ot tho estate of Samuel Richards, de ceased. That, said defendants have failed t make tho payments as re quired under the nbpvo bondB, and that there is now due from Bald de fendants and upon said bonds and mortgage, tho sum of $1981.04. That the dofendants, tho City National Bank and Daniel Franklc, Daniel Lyons and Julius Lyons, a co-partnership doing business undter "tho name of Franklo Frank & jQompany, clnlm a lien upon tho Interest of Ida Rlchnrtls to tho nbov described property. The plain tiff prays that said promises may 'bo decreed to bo sold to satisfy tho amount duo thereon. ' You aro. Toqulrod to answer said pe titan on or beforo tho 16th day of Feb ruary, 1915. - Mutual- buildWo !& lq&k-a'Ssoci-. ation, a corporation. Plaintiff, By WILCOX & IIALLIGAN, J5-(w Its Attorneys, 1'ltOUATE NOTICE In -the Matter of the Estate of Lucinda Clnrk, Deceased. In tho County Court ot Lincoln Coun ty, Nebrnska, Januaryl2, 1915. Notice is hereby given, That tho, cred itors of' said deceased will meet the Admistrator of said Estate, before the County Judge of Lincoln County, No braska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 9th day of Fobru nry, 1915, and on tho 9th day of AugUBt, 1915, at 9 o'clock A. M. each day for tho purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allow ance. Six months nro allowed for creditors to present tholr clntms and one year ior tno Auministrator to set tle saia instate, irom tne iztn uay oi January, 1915. A copy of this order to bo published In The-worth Platte Trib une, a seml-weokly newspaper pub lished In said county, for four succes sive weeks prior to saia uate, i'-enruary 9, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, J12-4W County Judgo. Notice to Non-KcNtdent Defendant Alvln E. Rogers and Fannie E. Rog ers, his Wife, defendants, will take no tice that on tho 11th day of January, 1915, Charles B. Rogers, plaintiff here in, tiled his petition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, against said defendants, tho object and prnyer of which are to quiet his title unon the South half (S4) of the South west quarter (8W) and the South half (b'4) of the Southeast quarter (SU'A) or section iwoivo .i.i) xown shlp nine (9), Range twenty-eight (28) defendants Alvln E. Rogers and Fan hie E. Rogers his wife, who are claim ing an interest in nnu to tno auovo aeH cribed premises by reason of a de fective foreclosure, wherein Lincoln County brought a tax foreclosure suit against Alvln E. Rogers and wife for taxes due upon said premises, and said Lincoln County took a default Judg ment against said defendants prema turely, and .that said premlsos wero sold to P. A. Hammond, and that tho said Alvjn E. Rogers mado -implication to redeem from Baid tax sale and no tlco of said application was served up on the "aid P. A. Hammond, nnd that no disposition of said motion for ap plication has over been made. And that tho said Alvln E. Rogers and Fannie E. Rogers, his wiro, aro estoppea rrom claiming any Interest in and to tho said premises by reason of tho fact that said Alvln E. Rogers gave Bald premises- to tho said Charles B. Rogers upon condition that lro pay a certain mort gnge nnd has been In open, exclusive Charles B. Rogers has paid said mort gage and has been In open, ovclusive and notorious possession under a claim of title for moro than ten years prior to tho commencement of this action, nnd has acquired a good titlo to tho same. Plaintiff prays for a decroe that said defendants bo oxcluded from all right, titlo and interest in and to the above land, and that the title of said land bo In tho plaintiff. . You aro required to answer said pe tition on or before the- 2.2nd day of 'February, 1915. Dated this ltth day of January 1915. CIIARLES -.Bwlioa miBf. Plaintiff. By WILCOX & IIALLIGAN, P. It. IIALLIGAN. J12-4W "" Ills Attorneys. LEGAL NOTICE The unknown heirs of William Van Brocklin; the unknown heirs of Mar tin Van Brocklin; Howard G. Thomp son and Mrs. Howard Thompson, first and renl name unknown, defendants, impleaded with others, wiil take notice that on tho 28th day of August, 1914. Charles J. Gerken, plnlntlff herein, filed his petition In the District court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against said defendants, tho object and prayer of which aro to qulqt the title in tho plaintiff as ngalnst the above defend ants impleaded with others' upon tho East ono-half (EJ4) of the Southeast quarter (SE&) and the East one-half (E'A) of the Northeast quarter (NE) of Section thirty-two (32), TownBhlp eleven (11), Range twenty-nine (29), Lincoln County, Nebraska, who are claiming an interest in and to the above described premises by reason of a deod executed by George C. Beneway and wife to Van Brocklin Bros. & Company, composed of William Van Brocklin. J. H. Van Brocklin. Martin Van Brocklin and Howard G. Thomp son. And aro claiming that while said land was conveyed to the grantors of this plaintiff by said corporation, Van Brocklin Bros. & Company, that the said William Van Brocklin, Martin Van Brocklin. J. H. Van Brocklin and Howard G. Thompson did not Join In any conveyance, nnd that their Interest in nnd to said land was never con voyod away. Whereas the plaintiffs al lege that said land was conveyed to Van Brocklin Bros. & Company, a cor poration, and that the said William Van Brocklin, G. II. Thompson and Martin Van Brocklin nover had nny Interest in and to said land except the Interest in said corporation, and that said promises were conveyed by said corporation, and convoyed all tho In terest of said parties to the grantors of this plaintiff. And that said plain tiff has been in the open notorious and oxclusivo possession under a claim of title to said premises for the last ten years prior to the commencement of this suit. And. this plaintiff is prny ing for a decree that the above defend ants be excluded from all right, title or Interest In and to tho above described promises. You are required to answer said pe tlton on or beforo the 16th day of Feb ruary, 1916. Dated this 4th day of January. 1915. CHARLES J. GERKEN, Plaintiff. By WILCOX & IIALLIGAN. J5-4w His Attorneys Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of Administrator or Ad minlHtrntrix. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In the County Court. In tho Matter of the Estato of Sarah J. Myers, Deceased. On reading nnd filing tho petition of Jennie O. uowley and Fannie E. Beans praying that Administration of said Estate may be granted to Thomas G. Rowley as Administrator. Ordored that January 20, A. D. 1915, at 9 o'clock a. m. Is assigned for hear ing said petition, when all persons In terested fn said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County, and show cause why tho Erayer ot the petitioners should., not o granted; and that notlco of tho pen dency of said petition and tho hear ing thereof bo glvon to all persons In terested in said matter by publishing a copy pf this order in tho North Platto Tribune, a seml-weokly newspaper printed in said county, for throe suc cessive weeks prior to said day" of hearing. Dated Decomber 29, 1914. JOHN GRANT, J5-3w County Judge. 1'rolmtc Notice In tho Matter of the Estate of John P, MoWllllamB, deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebrnska, December 29,- 1914. Notlre Is hereby given, that tho cred itors of said deceased will meet the ad ministratrix of said estate, beforo tho County Judge of Lincoln County, Ne braska, at the County Qourt Room, in. snld County, on tho 2nd day of Febru ary, 1915, and pn the 2nd day pf Aug list, 1915, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day for the purpose of proschtin'g their cinlms for examination, edjustmpnt and allowance. Six months aro nllo'ft'cd' for creditors to present their claims, and one -year for tho administratrix to set tle tho ostato from the 9th Vlay df December, 1914. A copy of this order la.ardarad.4iub 'Hulled. in the North Pintte'--Trtt)nrre,"?t semi-weekly newspaper of said County, for four successive weeks next prior to February 2nd, 1915. JOHN GRANT, J5-4w County Judgo. A. !1 fJ)