THE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. J ) 11 IN PROTEST CARRANZA'8 DECREE CONFISCAT ING OIL PROPERTIES IN MEXICO BRINGS COMPLAINT. BRYAN WARNS CARRANZA Secretary Declares Government Told Mexican Chief That Serious Conse quences Would Follow Threatened Seizure of Wells. Washington, Jan. 18. Secretary of State Brynn announced on Friday that the United States government had warned General Carranza that "serious consequences would follow" threat ened confiscation of foreign oil wells nt Tampico. Sir Cecil Spring-Rico, tlio Dritlsh ambassador, dollvorcd to tho state de partment a protest of tho most em phatic character against General Car ranza's decreo confiscating oil proper ties in tho Tampico district. Tho British representations to tho stato department mako it clear that tho British government will not coun tenance tho destruction of oil intorests owned by British subjects at Tampico and tho, United States government was urged to tako drastic action toward in ducing Carranza to rovoko his decreo. BRITAIN MAKES OFFER TO U.S. Would Free Ships If Bond Is Given Embassy Says Decision Must Rest With Prize Court Washington, Jan. 18. Release on bond of ships dotalncd in British prlzo courts will bo pormltted by tho Brit ish government if tho Judge of the court 1b willing, according to a state ment issued on Friday by tho British embassy, which says: "While they cannot givo a pledge that all ships now in prizo courts will bo released on ball bolng offered, be causo tho decision must rest with the Judge, his majosty's government, in order to rollovo a shortago of ton nage, aro anxious to withdraw ships bb Iittlo no poBslblo from tho carrying trado and will, thorefbre, not oppose releaso .on bail of ships now in prlzo courts, if bail is offered. Only sovon neutral vessols aro at present in tho prlzo court" 5,000 FRENCH ARE KILLED Berlin Reports 5,200 French Captured and Huge Number Left Dead in Battle. Berlin, Jan. 18. German army head quarters announced on Friday that In tho battlo north of Solssons tho Fronch left 4,000 to 5,000 dead on tho flold and that tho Germans captured 0,200 Frenchmen, 14 guns, six machiuo guns, several rovolvlng guns nnd six towns and cleared tho north bank of tho Alsno' river northeast of Solssons of all Fronch troops. Tho battlo was di rected by General von Kluck and tho emperor was present. Six towns wero captured by tho Germans. Whole family is .lynched. Two Womon, Father and His Son, All 1 Negroes, Are Killed at Monti cello, Ga. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 18. Dan Barber, his son Jesse and Barber's two mar ried daughters, Eula and Ella Charles, negroes, wore taken from tho Jaspor county jail at Montlcello and lynched by 100 mou. Their bodies wero riddled with bullets. Tho lynchlnga resulted Indirectly from a fight that recently occurred at Dan Barber's homo, when J. P. Williams, chlot of police, attempt ed to arrest him on a charge of selling whisky without a license. WABASH TRAIN INTO DITCH One Man Killed and Thirteen Passen ger injured In Wreck Near Runnclls, la. Des Moines, In., Jan. 18. D. J. nob bo of St Louis, Mo., waB killed and 13 other passengers woro injured in u wreck on tho WabaBh railroad near Runnolls, la. Two sleeping cars on tho rear end of train No. 1, from St, Loulo to Dos Moines, plunged down an embankment. Tho injured passengers woro brought to Des Moines and taken to hospitals. TWO MASKED MEN RQB BANK Bandits Force Clerks Into Vault at Jacksonville, Fla., and Got $2,000. Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 18. Two masked men, armed with rovolvora, forcod two clerks of tho American Trust and Savings bank hero into a vault on Friday and oscapod with $2, 000 in cash. Famous Explorer Dead. Lqtulun, Jan. 18. Vlce-Adralrnl Sir Georgo Strong Naros, retired, a fa mous Arctic explorer, died hero on Fri day, aged eighty-four. Admiral Naros commanded nn arctlo expedition in 1875-7G. Steamer Is Wrecked. Port LouJb, Mnnhattan Island, Jan. 18, Tho steamer Canarn, bound from Colombo, was wrcckod a mlto cast of Cave Point Light on Thursday. Her malls and passengoro woro landed here. . ASKS 25,000 TROOPS LODGE IN PLEA FOR MORE MEN AND SHIPS, Senator 8ays "Our Means of Self De fense Are Either Inadequate or Wholly Lacking." Washington, Jan. 17. "Our means of sclf-defenso aro cither woefully in adequate or wholly lacking," declared Senator Lodgo of Massachusetts in ai speech in tho sennto urging tho addi tion of 25,000 men to tho army and tho strengthening of tho navy. Ho would build scout cruisers, torpedo boats and battleships. Tho senator quoted figures to show tho regulnr army "is not much moro than twlco tho sizo of tho pollco forco of tho city of Now York," and said: "Surely It is not necessary to do moro than repent these figures to show tho utter Inadequacy af our reg ular army. Tho reserves which wo havo of soldiers who havo served in tho army and who aro liable to bo called back to tho colors amount to 1C men. In other words, wo havo no reserves with which rapidly to en large tho army if wo wero attacked. "Wo aro also Bhort of officers, and the instruction of tho organized mi litia suffers woefully from tho lack of officers available for that service. "Yet wo aro doing nothing toward Increasing our supply of officers, al though wo havo tho best military academy In tho world ready to glvo Instruction to any number of offlcors that wo may need." Tho worst naval deficiency Just now is in scout cruisers, ho said, and addod: , "Wo havo only three scout cruisers, I believe, to protect and give warning of tho approach of a hostile fleet, for six thousand miles of coast on tho Atlantic nnd Pacific." Now York, Jan. 14. A C0-mllo galo whirling up from tho Florida coast lashed tho northorn Atlantic coast all night In this city alono It caused tho death of two persons, Injuries to a dozen moro and much property dam ago. More powerful blasts may bo ex pected, according to tho weather bu reau, with tho galo attacking tho Now England states. Incoming steamers reported severe battles with the storm. Paris, 111., Jan. 14. Samuel Magnor, who won famo by wig-wagging at Al toona Pass, Sherman's famous war messngo, "Hold tho fort, I am com ing," died hero on Tuesday, aged soventy-throe. i Potrograd, Jan. 14. Tho Gorman cruiser Bremen has arrived at Wil helmshavcn In a badly damaged con dition, as a result of coming In con tact with a mine, according to Infor mation received by Russia. Paris, Jan. 14. Emperor William is roported to bo paying another visit to his army on French soil nnd is living at tho chateau of a Fronch mombor of tho chnmber of deputies iu north orn Franco. v Potrograd Jan. 14. Tho roported death of Grand Duko Alexander Mich aolovitch, brother-in-law of Emperor Nicholas, while fighting in Persia last wock, was officially denied in Potro grad on Tuesday. GOLD MEDALS FOR FOUR MEN National Institute of Social Science Decorates Herrlck, Carnegie, Bur bank and Eugeno Brleux. Now York, Jan. IB. Tho National Instltuto of Social Science hold its annual meeting here today and be stowed Its gold medal on four moil for their work in tho interests of human ity. The men bo honored aro Myron T. Herrlck, formor American mlnlstor to Franco, who is now working in tho Interests of European noncombatants; Andrew Carnegie, for his deeds ns poaco advocato and philanthropist; Luther Burbank, the "plant wizard," and Eugono Brleux, tho famous French dramatist, Tho principal address of tho mooting was delivered by ex President Taft SULTAN BOWS TO ITALY Reported That King's Ultimatum to Turkey Brings Agreement to Set v , tie Modelda Clash. Milan, Jan. 14. Italy's demands for tho solution of tho Ilodoldn lncldont havo boeu agreed on on bloc by tho Subllmo Porto. Turkoy already hnB ordered tho releaso of British VIco Consul IUchnrdBon, who was arrested In tho Itallun consulato at Ilodoldn, nnd has promlsod to punish tho sol dlors who broko Into tho consulate nB well as to salute tho Itallnn flag when It Is ngnln hoisted ovor tho building. Note In Sock Wins Husband. Now York, Jnn. 18. Mlsn Jano Call arrived from Europo and loft Imme diately for Atlnnta, Ga., to dellvor an engagement ring to a girl who put n noto in tho too of a sock and won a British soldlor. Toledo Couple Found Dead. Toledo, O., Jan. 18. Harry B. But lor and hla housekeeper, Rudy Func tion, woro found dead on Friday morn ing at 38 South St Clair strcot Ac cidental asphyxiation Is tho verdict of 1 tho coroner, nmmmHmmmmmmmmmmmtmsmmwammmMmmmmmammmummm TELEGRAPHIC J NOTES J MISE W FIGHT EMPEROR OF GERMANY DIRECTS RU8H AGAINST THE ALLIES. CLEARED VREGNY OF ENEMY Teutons Capture Fourteen Officer and 1,Y50 Men During- the Battle Rrench Forced Across Alsne by Floods. Berlin, Jan. 10 (by wireless). Em peror William was present in person during tho battlo on tho Vrcgny plain, northeast of Solssons, which resulted in that elovated ground be ing cleared of tho Froncn. Tho battlo is described iu flie Ger man official statement ns "a brilliant feat for our troops." In this engagement tho Germans claimed to havo captured 14 French ofilcors and 1,150 men. "In tho dunes near Nleuport and southwest of Ypres," tho ofilcial state ment reads, "artlllory combats are going on. Tho cnomy directed an ex tremely Btrong flro on Westende, which they soon will havo entirely destroyed. Their torpedo boats dis appeared quickly us soon as they re ceived our fire. "In continuation of their activities of January 8, northeast of Solssons, our troops again inado an attack on tho heights of Vrcgny and cleared this elovated plain of tho enemy. "In a pouring rain and deoply sod den clay, trench after trench was taken by storm until nfter dark, and tho enemy was driven back to the border of the elevated plain. "Tho .total results of tho fights January 12 and 13 northoast of Sols sons wero 3,150 prisoners, eight heavy guns and much war material." Within a two-hour motor rldo of Paris Emperor William is directing a violent attack on tho French lino. In their latest report tho Fronch claim to havo stopped tho German ad vanco, but tho battlo Is proceeding with heavy ro-enforcoments thrown in by both Germans and allies. A definlto defeat for either side at this point might forco tho reshaping of tho battlo all along tho front Cannonading was very spirited in tho vicinity of Nleuport and around Ypres. Belgian troopB blow up south east of StuyveneBkorko tho buildings on a farm which wero serving tho enemy ns a depot for his munitions. Tho continued flood stage of tho River Aisno has carried away several regular brldgos as well as somo tem porary foot bridges which wo throw across. Tho Unes of communication of tho allies wero consequently mado uncertain. Under theso conditions wo havo established ourselves on tho south bank of tho river, in tho region botween Crouy nnd Missy, with brldgo heads on tho north bank in possession of tho French. GOV. BLEASE QUITS OFFICE Learns of Abandoned Impeachment Plan Just Before Filing His Res .,y Ignatlon Pardon? 27. Columbia, S. C., Jan. 16. Gov. Colo L. Bloaso, whoso term of office expires January 19, filed his resignation on Thursday with thp secrotary of stato aftor granting clomoncy to 27 convicts. Tho resignation, transmitted to tho sonato, was Immediately accepted. Lloutonant Governor Smith took tho oath for tho unexpired term. No rea son for tho governor's action was given In his resignation. It was stated that Governor Bloaso was told of a meet ing of somo members of tho legisla ture Tuesday night when, according to mombors of tho conferonco, a proposal to Instltuto impeachment pro ceedings ngalnBt tho governor was dis cussed, but was abandoned. Blease continued to oxerclso pardoning powor until tho end of his administration, granting clomoncy in somo canes Just boforo ho sent in his resignation. Last August Governor Bloaso was dofeat ed in tho senatorial primary. U. S. SEIZES QUEEN'S GEMS Two Elghtcen-Cnrat Diamonds Taken Becauso Owner Failed to Declare Them. Now York, Jan. 10. Treasury agonts on Thursday seized from A. Anplkad Jlan, a resident of Constantinople now In this city, two egg-shaped diamonds weighing moro than , eighteen carats each and said to havo been worn cen turies ago by a queon of Egypt Tho diamonds are said to be of groat valuo, not only becauso of their slzo and qual ity, but bocavlao of their antiquity. Col lector of tho Port Dudley Flold Mnlono dlroctcd tho solzuro of tho Jowols, which, it Is claimed, Anplkadjlan failed to doclaro to tho customs officials when ho arrived In tho United States on October 19. last U. S, Battleship Damaged. Washington, Jan. 18. Tho brldgo gear, rnllB and decking of tho Unitod States battleship Kansas wero swept away during a storm off Capo Hat toras. It will tako 15 days to got tho ship Into commission ngnin. Immigration Bill Is Passed. Waahlngton, Jan. 18. Tho houso on Friday adopted, by a voto pf 227 to 90, tho conferonco report on tho Burnett immigration bill. Tho senate already had adopted tho report Tho bill will now go to thq president. WOULD KEEP WHEAT LEAGUE ASKS WILSON TO PRO HIBIT EXPORT OF GRAIN. New York Woman Believes Embargo Would Keep Prices Normal Grain Sold at $1.45. Washington, Jan. 17. A telegram renched tho Whlto Houso from Mrs. JuIInn Heath of Now York, of tho Housewives' lcaguo, who said that speaking for 800,000 American homes, she urged President Wilson to em bargo shipments of wheat abroad that tho supply might bo conserved to keep prices at normal in America. Chicago, Jan. 1C Cash Ko. 2 hard winter wheat sold on tho board of trado at $1.44 3 1.44, but $1.45 was bid for It at tho closo of tho market Tho No. 2 red variety was about c higher. In splto of tho fancy prices offered for whoaf, tho farmers refuse to sell moro than limited quantities. New York wired that export sales of grain from tho United States prob ably would be a record for the season. Tho Armour Grain company reported tho sales of 1,20'0,000 bushels of wheat lying in boats at Buffalo to the Ameri can commission for relief in Belgium. New York export salo3 of wheat were 200,000 bushels. Chicago export ers had nothing to offer, though mills bought 135,000 bushels of cash wheat hero. RISKS LIFE TO SAVE PAINTING St. Louis Millionaire Rescued, But Val uable Canvas Is Destroyed $10, 000 Organ Destroyed. St Louis, Mo., Jan. 14. Tho pala tial homo of Jackson Johnson, mil lionaire president of tho International Shoo company, at University, City was destroyed by lire. Mr. Johnson, his wife, his son and his daughter were rescued by firemen when means of ogress woro cut off by the flames. Among the valuables destroyed was tho painting "Viscountess Melvlllo" by Sir Thomas M. Lawrence, the cele brated English portrait artist Mr. Johnson tried to enter the burning building to save tho painting, but had to give up tho attempt A $10,000 organ, the Christmas gift of Mr. Johnson to his family, was de stroyed, as woro also rare oriental rugs and expensive pieces of imported furniture. Mr. Johnson estimated tho loss at $140,000 to $200,000. The houso contained 35 rooms. 80 TERRE HAUTE MEN GUILTY Politicians Admit Vote Frauds In Fed eral Court Mayor and Others Fllo Demurrers. Indianapolis, Jan. 14. Admitting that they had participated in the al leged conspiracy to corrupt tho elec tion off November 3, 1914, in Terre Haute, 80 of 114 men under arrest pleaded guilty before Judge Ander son in tho United States district court hero on Tuesday. Sentence waB not passed. Mayor Roberts, Circuit Judge Redman, Sheriff Shea and others who wore represented by Representative A. C. Stanley , of, Kentucky filed de murrers to tho Indictment Arguments on tho demurrers will bo mado Janu ary 20. J. Edward Holler, who until a few days ago was chief of police pf Torro Haute, and John F. Nugont, former night chief of police, wero among those who pleaded guilty. 6 ACTRESSES HURT IN CRASH Young Women on Way to Theatrical Benefit In Auto Injured by Car at Chicago. Chicago, Jan. 14. Six young woman porfonnors who were on their way to a theatrical benefit for orphans In tho Masonic temple were injured when an automobile in which they wore rid ing was struck and partly wrecked In a collision with a street car at North Clark and West Huron streets. Those Injured are: Miss Kate Mulltnle, Miss Margaret Stevenson, Miss Clara Eld rldgo, Miss Mary Mullinlo, Miss Lu clllo Farroll and Miss Evelyn Dnro. REWARDS BRITISH GENERALS At Request of General Joffre, Presi dent Polncare Gives Insignia of Le gion of Honor to Two. Paris, Jan. 14. President Poincaro on his latest trip to tho front invested tho British generals, Sir Douglas-Haig and Smith-Dorrien, with tho Insignia of grand officers of tho Legion of Honor. Theso wero conferred at tho special request of Genoral Joffro. To Veto Immigration Bill. Washington, Jnn. 14. Whilo declin ing to say so In specific terms, vPresl dont Wilson again mado it clear that ho will voto tho Immigration bill. Ho Is a3 strongly opposed to tho literacy test as ever. Dynamites Saloon. Loulsvlllo, Ky., Jan. 10. Becauso ho hod been refused a drink, Clarenco Quarrels, colored, throw a stick of dynamite Into a negro saloon nt Ninth and Madison streets. Tho explosion which followed Injured ten negroes. To Continue Coal Strike, Columbus. O., Jnn. 1G. Tho United Mlno Workers of Ohio unanimously adopted a resolution declaring for tho continunnco of tho coal strike In east ern Ohio and offering tho miners their moral and financial support. WANT VALUE SHOWN IS PURPOSE OF MEASURE INTRO DUCED IN SENATE. DETAILS OF PRINTING BILL Bates Would Provide Hundred Thou- and Dollars for Erection of Plant Near Capitol. Lincoln. By Introducing a bill pro viding for tlio taxation of all fran chises nt their actual valuo, Senator Qulnby of Douglas has laid tho foun dation for what probably will be one of tho hardest fights of tho session. Tho measure seta forth that the as sessor shall determlno tho market valuo of all outstanding stocks and bonds, deduct the value bf tlio tangl bio property therefrom and that the difference shall bo tho taxable valuo of tho franchise. The bill further provides that each corporation affected shall fllo with tho county treasurer a full statement of Its financial condition, including tlio valuo of Its tanglblo property, and that the assessor shall have pow er to compel such filing. Printing! Plant BUI. One hundred thousand dollars Is tho amount of nn appropriation for tho establishment of a state printing plant proposed In a bill introduced by Representative Bates. This meas ure creates a state printing commis sion consisting of the governor, sec retary of stato and the stato printing commissioner appointed by the" gov ernor. It empowers the commission to act with the Board of Control in purchasing a site and erecting build ings thereon, as near as possible to tho capltol building in Lincoln. The plant thus established, under tlio terms of the bill, will do all printing for stato offices, departments and in stitutions, for boards and societies, operating under state control and for' tho legislature when It Is in session. Tho commission Is to be tlio Judge of what printing may bo necessary for each office, Institution or organiza tion. Stato Institutions now possess ing printing plants may continue to operato thorn if the commission deems It advisable. No private work of any kind is to bo done at the state plant and penalties are specified for infrac tions of this rule. Relief Food Transported Free. Foodstuffs may bo sent to Belgian Bufferers through the postoffico de partment and express companies -without charge, according to an official announcement to Governor Morehead from tho national committee at New York. The telogram states that a shipload of provisions and clothing should leave the metropolis every other day, If tlio needs of tho hour aro met in tho stricken country. The national commission recommends chartering a regular lino of steamers, bo that the work may be put on a per manent basis. Wants Joint Support. Regan of Platto has Introduced a bill to provide for Joint construction and support of bridges over tlio Platte river by tho counties on either Bide thereof. The cost and mainten ance charges shall bo divided botween the counties which the bridge may touch on tho basis of the assessed valuation of tho two counties. Douglas Men Get Chairmanships. Richmond of Douglas drew tlio chairmanship of the house commit teo on cities and towns and Howard of the samo county tlio chairmanship of tho committee on labor, Norton of Polk was mado chairman of tho flnanco comraltteo and Parrlott of Ne maha of the Judiciary committee. BUI to Aid Blind. A bill appropriating $2,000 as tho nucleus of a fund for the aid and re lief of tho blind outsldo state institu tions has been presented by Represen tative Mockett It is intended to as sist blind persons in finding employ ment, and In other ways to aid them. Senate Cuts Committees. This senate's session will jLrausact Its business with but twenty-seven standing committees, whereas tho 1913 senato had forty-two standing committees. .Would Abolish Death Penalty. Abolishment of capital punlshmont or tho death penalty is tho end sought in a bill introduced by Qulnby of Douglas. Want Torrens System. A bill introduced in the sonato by Shumway of Dixon provides for In stallation of tho Torrens land regis tration systom In this stato. Anti-Loan Shark BUI. To tako tho placo of tho anti-loan shark bill, passed two years ago, Representative Lundgren of Douglas county has Introduced a new meas ure which makes It Illegal to charge maro than 1M per cent por month Intorest on chattel loans and requires dealors In that lino of business to tako out licenses, paying a feo of $100. Tho secretary of stato is authorized to appoint inspectors in each county to seo that tho law Is complied with. Dealers must fllo bond with 'tho sec retary of stato In the sum of $5,000. WOULD BENEFIT SMALL TOWNS' Crlnktaw'a Amendment to Female La bor Law May Settle Difficulties. . Tho femalo labor law, In so far as it applies to the villages nnd towns and cities undor 5,000 population, will bo n dead letter if the bill Introduced? by Crinklaw of Antelope runs the leg islative gauntlet Tho measuro would settlo tho difficulties tlio Ne braska Tolephono Co. and tho Lincoln Telephono and Telegraph Co. have been having for tho past two years In tho employment of femalo operators In tho .one-person exchanges of the stato. Restaurants and laundries In a number of tho smaller towns and clt, ies would also bo benefited by th bill. This has been a source of much troublo during tlio past two years. Although defeated two years ago, another sterilization bill has bobbed up In both houses of tho legislature, In tho senate tho measuro was intro duced by Senator Shumway, while in tho house it. Is fathered by Represen, tatlve Stobblns. Tho bill in the sen ate provides for a board of physi cians to have charge of administra tion of llio law. Sterilization Is to bo practiced upon state" wards only upon consent of relatives of tlio inmate. An Innovation for the legislature will bo a record of tho votes of mem bers on measures before tho commit tee, as well as in tlio main bodies. This will enable tho public to keep pretty closo tab on their members, When a bill is reported from a com mltteo It will show how each member voted on It In tho committee. Omaha senators want a new state house. They say tho present struc ture Is a disgrace to such a prosper ous stato as Nobraska, and that we should feel ashamed of it Even Douglas county has a court house which Is a far better building for a stato house than this ono, said one senator from Douglas. On account of the cutting off of many commltteo clerkships in tho houso It has been necessary for somo of tho committees which have In pre vious sessions hada clerk, to provide ono for themselves and tho commlt teo on roads selected Representative Dalby of Gago county to act as clerk to the committee. Antl-dlscrlminatlon In Are insurance and cyclone Insurance rates Is provid ed for In tho Howell bill Introduced In tho senate. The measure gives tho power of rate regulation over to tlio state insurance commission and arms that body with sufficient authority to carry out Its provisions. It is reported- that tho railroad com panies of Nebraska will not hire coun sel to represent them at this legisla ture, as they did two years ago, but will depend upon themselves and their paid advertisements to bring results when bills for railroad legislation; come bofore tho 'lawmakers. Douglas county's delegation, or ra. part of It, are sponsor of a bin for a prlzo fight commission of Ave which? shall havo Jurisdiction and control over all boxing matches held wlthirs tho stato and all associations -which shall cater to amusements of thla kind shall pay a license to tlio state. With a record of somo fifty-six em ployes named by the employes' com mittee of the stato senate two years ago, in the first fifteen days of the ses sion, the employes' commltteo this year has no great problem to face in holding the employes down to fifty to start with. Representative Norton believes that this Bession he will bo able. to pass lls bill for tho recall of all public of ficials. This will bo his third" effort to lnduco tho legislature to give the people an opportunity to voto on re call. Tho senato has stood pat on . tho right of any member to lntroduco any bill ho saw lit, virtually turning down the resolution of Senator Deal of Custer for a committee for tho elim ination of all duplicate bills. An attempt will bo mado to chango the 8 o'clock closing law by the pres ent legislature. Anderson of Phelps has introduced a bill changing tlio closing timo of Saloons to six o'clock Instead of 8 o'clock. Representative Hostetlor of Buffalo county docs not bellovo In tho giving of tips. Ho has submitted a bill to tho house providing a penalty of $10 to $100 lino for giving or accepting a tip. On the first, day for introducing bills tho house established a record. But twenty-one bills woro Introduced, as against ninety-eight on tho first day two years ago. Not In a quarter of a century has tho number of bills introduced been cut down bo. Howell of Douglas has Introduced a bill to consolidate South Omaha and other small cities around Qmnho, with tho lattor. The bill provides for consolidation under act of tho legis lature without a voto on tho proposition A 1 ' t