The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 22, 1915, Image 4

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    ' firs ii 1 1 mi r I
.IS 0 U
If there is a lady in Lincoln County that needs a Coat, Suit or Skirt and has the money to pay
for it, we are going to sell it to her if price will do it.
We Have Made Three Lots of Our Ladies9 Coats.
Lot 1, Coats that sold at all prices up to
$12, your choice of the lot for
Cot 2, All $15 to $25 Coats, either cloth
or fur fabrics, all high grade and of the
best workmanship, your choice of the
entire lot for
Lot 3, Consists of all high grade Coats that
have sold for $30, $35 and $4-0; coats
that are not only stylish, but far above
the average grade, your choice of any;
coat-in the 'entire-lot for - . - - '
1 1 1
Your choice of any suit in the stock, at ab
solutely One-Half Price
Ladies9 Skirts
.i i"
Consisting of all the new styles and belter'
cloths, selling up to $12 each, We'.c-ffer
your choice of any Skirt iri the stock
The Sale Started Saturday, January 16th, and Will Close Monday, February 1st.
Remember we want to close out every Fall and winter Garment and havebflered you a price that if you want the;.
guuua snuuiu i naive vuu uunic aim uuy lijcui. juiiic ctuiy su ao iu gei yum.- (JHUiUc,
il ,!
j . y ,f ;
.J of.
A t i r J w
cox Department Store
Dr. Mario Ames loft Wednesday
iriorning up tho branch Jto look 'after
aorao professional business.
W. 0 Nelson, a banker from Solby,"
Neb., arrived In tl)0 city tho iirst or
the wook to vjslt frlendB and transact
business for a fow days. ' '
Honry Lowell, of Mason , 01tyK .or
rived in tho city Wednesday ta visit
,'for r month or moro with his parents
and othor relatives and friends In this
' C. T. SkagRB of this city leaves
shortly for Kansas City and points In
'Bastrn Kansas whero ho will spend
'some tlmo visiting, relatives and
M' B. P. Sooborgor was able to got
, down town Wednesday for tho first
tlmo in Bovoral days. Ho was confined
to his homo for several dayB with a
sovoro attack of stomach troublo.
Nothing liner in tho line of boot than
- that now being sold at tho Marti Meat
Al Tift this week began tearing
down his big ham on South Dowoy
fstroot and ho will now orect some
h 'dwelling Siousos on tho vncant lots.
Tho Wind Tuesday blow down a largo
Tpart of tho barn.
3$i Bishop JBcechor, of Kearney, arrived
In tho city Wednesday to visit hero
with friends , Ho accompanied Dean
' ,J. J, Bowhor bete who returned from
a board rnetlug or tho Kearney Mill-
tury academy directors,
,'' H. A. Drooks returned Tuesday
, evening from Julosburg whoro ho
"spent a fow days looking aftor somo
buslnesB matters, Whllo in that city
ho disposed of some real cstato which
'brought him a good price.
Just arrived 200 pieces lied Seal
fZypher Ginghams tho best quality
.lituuu, u l iva uuntis ii ui yuiu, 1IUW
Ton display at Tho Lcador.
9r Clyde Lako returned Tuesday
"r'- evoiliug from Grand Island whoro lie
gJlBncnt several days on a horso buying
rjtrip. Ho purchasod a numbjsr of
TijjhorBCS thero and announces that thoy
i are. Belling thero nt a low prico.
X ' Dean J. J. Bowkor and T. C. Pat
M torson left tho city Tuosday afternoon
p for Konrnoy to attend a mooting of
, thp board of directors of tho college.
.Both mon aro membors of tho board
and the loeelvcd Kilograms. Tuea
i&doy morning calling tliom there to a
tjuclal met-'Jug.
j Several dirt wagons wcro employed
.on tho Btroets Wednesday nlcktnic un
tlho dust that had been drifted on
Tjho sidewalks by tho winds tho first
St,of tho week. While wo woro thank
&ful for not having snowdrifts to ou
$ struct our paths it was nevertheless
4 .disagreeable to havo to wado through
., oust anus.
J ' 100 nieces enrlnir 1015. shades 3G
lnch, of tho eolobrated Manchester
JPorcalcs at 12 cents por yard now
pon display at Tho Lcauor.
Van Lawrence, who has been run-
X'nlng a ranch In tho northwestern cor
' ner of tho county. haB recently rented
'the Cody ranch of thlrty-thrco hun
dred acres and ho will movo on It
about March 1st. Mr. Lawrence has
b$n a successful ranchman in this
,, part of tho state and ho uow has
about tho biggest proposition ho has
Wirt im n m
Mrs. Geo. T. Field and mother,' Mrs.
Baker-f-4effcyosterday- fora protracted
visit In "California.
'y4Mtf.9. UogVa! reporied
on tho sick Hat. tills wook at her homo
on South Pino street.
Mrs. Jack 1v6igstonq left tho early
part of tho week for, a fortnight's visit
with friends in Kearney.
Tho small son of Mr. and Mrs, L.
Cecil is roportod ill at their homo
on west Twolfth street.
Tho littles feon ot lr. and Mrs. Wm.
Morris is reported tin tho sick list at
homo on West B. stroot.
Judgo Hostfettler of Kearnoy, ar
rived in tho city this morning to sit
on a case In tho district court.
Dorothy, tho llttlo daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. T, J. Ryan, is reported ill
at her homo on West Third street.
County Treasurer A. N. Durbiu left
yeBtorday for tho Wollilcet vicinity to
spend a shore tlmo on oluclal business.
Ray Cummlngs left Wednesday for
Webster City,, la., to attend a family
reunion "hold yesterday on his father's
Harry I?. Evans loft yesterday
morning for Kearney whoro ho will
begin a cdurso In the Kearnoy stato
normal school
Miss Nona Sallno returned homo
Wednesday ovoulng from Wlsnor
whoro ho spent a wook visiting rela
tives and friends.
Ed Butler, of Omaha, traveling
froight agent for tho North Western,
was visiting friends and transacting
business in this city Wednesday.
Mrs, Dugan returned Wednesday
noon to her homo in Valparaiso after
visiting In tho city for sexvcral duyB
with Mr. ana Mrs. J. u. Hemphill.
Mrs. R. G. Smith poturnqd homo
Wodnesday from points in tho eastern
part of tho stato whero suo spent
three weeks visiting relatives and
Leo Dobson, a railroad man of this
clty loft Wednesday moxnlnri --for.
Sholton to spend a few days onlmfsT
ness. n i i j f
C. ,T Skaggs, Union Paciflc fireman,
returned tho foro part' of tho &rcek
frnm thn fVEVillnn hrninll TVinH lift'
was employed for six weeks on sugar.
Deet specials, ' r
Thomas Scott ot pmaha, .general
roadmastcr for the Union Ekfclfld
company, arrrlved In tho city Weanes
day morning o spend a fetirUayB
looking after business matters afJthls
Thd round-trip
faro from
Platte to San Francisco during thfe ex
position will bo fifty dollars. Tlfta is
first class. Theso tickets will go on
sale in March and will bo good; for
ninety days. i
Judgo Lovoll, chairman of tho hoard
of directors ot tho Union Paciflc,
passed through in a special car Tues
day night enrouto to California Ho
was accompanied as far as Ogden by
President Mohlcr. '$
Twelve firemen employed by the
Union Paciflc company on tho 'ihlrd
district Nebraska division out o this
city woro suspended this week on ac
count of slack work. Tho suspension
will probably hold over for several
months. ,
Romeyn Dillard, who spent hlsjboy
hood days iu North Platto and learned
tho machinists' trade iu the local
shops, has been appointed foreman of
tho D, & H. G. shops and round house
at Grand Junctton, Col., which has
boon his homo for twelvo or fifteen
yoars. His North Platto friends wlU be
pleased to learn of his success
Tho Lincoln Journal says: It la re
ported In Lincoln that tho railroads of
Nebraska will Join In an effort a ln
duco tho present legislature to ln
creaso tho present 2-cent faro law to
3 cents a mllo. It Is understood that
attorneys representing tho railroads
havo framed such a bill and will clr
culato petitions throughout tho stato
in favor of a 3-cent faro law.
ThO &00 club will' be l entertained
next Tuesday evening by Mrs. T. C.
Patt6rson-"and Mrs. Lester Walker at
thn th fnrmoi-
vt. " "- nj -j;rvty , j. jv,h
Tho Mothers club was pleasantly
entertained Wednesday afternoon by
Mrs. C. H. Stamp at' tho Welngand
residence on west Fourth street.
, Ms.T. C. 'Patterson and Miss
Edith Paterspn entertained twenty
four ladies; at.cads Tuesday evening,
four tables being devoted to auction
bridge and two tables to 500.
Tho affair was complimentary to Mrs.
Geo. T. Field, who left yesterday for
a visit In California. ? ,
The Zerida. dancing club: gave a well
attended dancing party Tuesday even
ing at tho Masonic hall. About a hun
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
dred people attended and pleasant
time resulte'd. Music waV furnished
by Crowe's orchestra and It was re
ported, tho best music, possible , con
ducive to dancing. "
Mrs. J. B. Redflehl entertained' the
Harmony club at her homo Wednes
day evening in a very enjoyable man
ner. Forty people were present and a
pleasant evening was enjoyed with
500. Ten tables were placed. At
tho closo of tho evening a nlco three
course lunch was sorved.
Tho choir of tho Episcopal church
was dollghtfully entertained Wed
nesday oyoning aftor tho usual choir
practlco at tho home of Mr. arid Mrs.
F. E. Dullard. Aftor tho practlco tho
choir went in a body to tho Bullard
homo where a pleasant ovenlng was
enjoyed with games and music and in
social converse. At a late hour nice
refreshments woro served the guests.
Christian Brotherhood Meets.
Tho regular meeting of tho men's
brotherhood of the Christian church
was hold Tuesday ovonlng at the
homo of J. II. Van Cleave. B. A. Wil
son, B. A. French and J. II. VanCleavo
woro tho committee on entertainment
and program. Somo thirty men were
present, and after a splendid ovenlng
of conversation, business and tho lay
ing of plans for tho future, all were
aggreeably surprised by being treated
to a Bplendld lunch which was pre
pared and served by tho wives of the
commltteo. All present had a splendid
Officers for tho ensuing year wero
olected as follows: G. R. Scott, presi
dent; E. A. Surbor, vlco-presldent;
Jesso Fellows, secretary; A. T. Wood,
treasurer. Tho retiring officers J. II.
Van Cleave, vice-president and D. E.
Woods, secretary and treasurer. Mr.
Scott waB re-elected president of the
To My Friends and Customers.
Regardless of all reports to tho con
trary I expect to raako North Platto
and vlclntly In tho spring on my reg
ular piano tuning trip and will call
on you nt that tlmo.
In chargo of Tuning and Repairing
Department Gaston Music Co. It3
B. F. Sailor, recently of Rock
Springs, 111., arrived in tho city Wed
nesday for a visit of a fow days with
Mrs. Sailor. Mr. Sailor was formerly
located at Elm Creek. Ho sold out his
nowspapor olllco there and bought at
Rock Springs and ho recently sold his
shop thero as tho climate dtd not
agroo with him.
Mrs. O. L. Sawyer ts roportod HI
CHy' Council Accent) ,'
' Railroad) Company's Offer
. '
-At- a meeting-of thoclty council
Tuesday evening the o"ffer of the
Unicifl6!!evl8Sisrr6nt arifl
Seventh sTreeFs' tq' thefcUyfor public
hlgliways was accepted. The offer
made,, at thaj( meeting was amended
Bome;jfronT the original offer. I
Tho offer of the- railroad company
as Accepted gives Mho city a tract
of land sixty feet wide from Locust
street east to Poplar avenue. From
Locust street west to Oak street
they get a tract of land forty-five
feet wide and from Oak street 6n the
west to the city limits they get a
tract thirty feet in width. On
Seventh street jO, ljull fifty-foot street
was given ttho city, for the entire
The original offer o1t tho company
was for a street only fifty feet wide
from Locust street east. On Seventh
street the company did not make so
good an offer. Tho council refused
this offer and tried to get a grant
of a full street for the entire length
on Seventh street and a wider street
all along on Front street. After dis
cussion a compromise was effected.
At the meeting tho council also al
lowed $235 from the speclnl firo fund
to the North PJatto Volunteer firemen
and the money was turne'd over.
Some other matters of routine busi
ness wero transacted and the council
Big ionics of TJnnos,
During tho pastslxty days lh& North
Platto, branch of. the Gastpn Music Co.
Mas sold,,tweb1ty,-lx .piano's and six
vjctrolas, in, addition ta.cIpYe'ns of
records for vlctrolas. The"buslness
haa.'heen,o B&foftxyliat the
North Platto store has-becnj made a
permanent one bv tho Gaston 5o. Tho
local managor-says A.ASchaitz has
aoveiopea in,io a wonaerjuiry clever
piano salesman. a '
Lutheran Announcements.
Sunday mornfng worship at 10:30;
Sormon subject, "Fruits of Justifica
tion," solo. "There's a Green. Hill far
Away,'! by Mrj3. Langston of tlio North
Platto School of Music.
Sunday tsihGoV at 12 o'clock There
was ia ,finQ attendance last, SunUay.
Luther rtcagjjo at 6:45 p. m.
"Woman's Ministry ot Morcy."
Evening worship at 7:30 v'When
tho God of Peace Goes with You."
Wednesday Evening Bible Hour at
7:30. . .
For Trade
I have a nine room residence with
quarter block of ground welly located
in first class condition, located in
Kearney, Nebraska. I will trade for
cheap grazing land tributary to
North Platto. Prefer to deal with own
er. This place will bear tho closest in
spection. C. H. LEJpBETTER,
99tf . Kearney, Neb.
Safest Here in Town
The prion who has money coming
into hand about this tlmo of year has
two open courses to pursue:
Tho money can bo sent out of town
for investment. Or it can bo placed
at Interest in this bank.
To your Judgment wo leavo tho
question of whether money Bent away
is safer than placed hero in tho form
of a Certificate of Deposit, bearing 4
per cent Interest and having behind
it the known record of this Bank for
strength and stability. We belie', i
your verdict will bo: "Safest Here in
The Platte Valley State Bank
v ' v.-th PJatte, Nebraska.
5. I
ever tacKieu,
I at her homo on West Sixth street.