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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1915)
&& Wt t I ? i '$ m Serai-Weekly Tribune Ira l. i'tre. Editor and PsblUKw. SUBSCRIPTION RATES! One Year by Hnil In Advance. . . .$1.25 One Year by Currier In Advance .$1JiO Entered at North Platto, Nobraska, Postofllco as Second Class Matter. "TUESDAY, JAN. 19, 1915. Twcnlyiilnc Years Jlil. Willi tills Issuo The Tribune com pletes its twenty-ninth yy-ar,. For six years it was published but onco a week, tho remainder of the time twlco a week. Tho presont publisher and Frank Dover set tho typo for tho initial Issuo January 24, 1881, and tho publisher set this item on tho llnotypo for this Issue,. In fact of tho 2C12 issues of tho paper tho publisher has done moro or less mechanical work on each Issue with perhaps tho exception of forty-flvo or fifty, and today to him there Is moro TiiMiRiirn In composing an ad or a Job, operating tho linotype or feed ing a press than sitting In tho U. S. land ofllco with his feet cocked up on the desk waiting for business to Hhow up. Tho publisher is wedded to Tho TrluUrib and the printing business, and Bovbnty-flve days henco when ho Btops out of the land ollico and de votes his" entlro time to the paper.tho awoetcst mUBlc on earth to him will bo tho whirr of tho presses, tho liutn jf tho motors and tho click of tho jjnotypo, Officers of Poultry Association. At a recent meeting of tho Lincoln County Poultry & Pot Stock associa tion tho officers, directors and com mlttco for the coming year wero elec ted., Tho names of tho olllcers wero published in a previous issuo' but at that tlmo tho board of directors and tho commlttco was not complete,. Following Is tho full list of oillcors, directors and committee: President, L. F. Simon; first vice-president, M. C. Rogers; second vice-president, Har ry Lantz; secretary, J. A. MacDonald; treasurer, F. T. Redmond; assistant secretary, B,C. Grleson; board of di rectors, Peter McGovern, Frank Bret zer, E. S.'GlynCB, Ed Stensvand and J. H. VanCleave; manager, W. H. Dray ton; committee, Paul Lawlor and Verno Brewer of Hershey and Mrs. HoatBon and Mrs. Dameler of Suther land. Tho association will hold another meeting In tho near future for tho pur pose of transacting somo routine busi ness and making moro plans for tho poultry and pet stock show next "year, Tho niir-poHH nf tho show this voar was such that they are much encouraged over tho next year's prospects. Tho show next year will undoubtedly far exceed the hrst ono. Fully Thirty Thousand Dead. Tho latest estlmato of the number killed In tho earthquake In Italy last wopk is 30,000, with an Injured list of double that number. All Italy has turned Its attention to tho work of rdscuo and roller, Thousands of soldlors and volunteers aro digging frantlcallly in tho ruins in the "Hope that that they may ro leaso a few who aro still alive. Hun dreds of bodies are bolng recovered, Tnit flrat attention Is given whore It is bollovcd thoro Is a possibility the occupants of the ruined dwellings may noPVetHiav perished. Nothing finer In tho lino of beef than that now bclng",fiold at tho Mnrtl Mont Market. Irrigation Commlttco Meets Here,. A meeting of tho legislative com mittee of tho Nebraska irrigation as sociation was held Friday afternoon In tho omcc of J. G, Bccler in this city. All members of tho commlttco wore present and much business of Intorcst transacted. J. T. Mitchell, of Mitch ell, president of tho association met with tho commlttco. Tho purpose of the meeting was to draft blllp for legislative enactment In conformity with the resolutions which wero passed at tho recent meeting of tho association. The bills wore drafted and havo been sent to Senator Bushco to bo Introduced in tho legislature. Tho most Important of tho bills that woro. drafted was ono providing for thoapproprlatlon of $25,000 foij tho purpose oi carrying " "'" iiukuj of tho association to determine tho priority rights of appropriation ofi wniom in Intnr-stato streams regard- less of stao boundary lines. This bill is ono that Is of intenso interest to nil Irrigators as well as to all Ne braskans. Much controversy has re cently arisen regarding tho rights to tho uso of tho water In tho Platto rivers. Pnntrnrv in r.nrrnnt ronorts this meeting had no bearing on tho few differences that camo up in tho state miuillnif It wnn mnrnlv n. lltlfzntlnn meeting and was In tho Interests of tho Neraska association, it was ror only tho members of ..the committee and Was to transact tlicir regular business. RcEardlng the one time feared of split In tho association, it Is now deemed vory inadvisable and against the lnterosts of Nebraska irrigators and Nebraskans. 1. II Dick Is Honored by Lumbermen. L. B. Dick, of this city, was last wAnlr nlnn.inri n mnmlior of tho board of directors of tho Nebraska Lumber man's association which mot In Om an. Mr,. Dick has been an active member of that association and the honor conferred upon him Is ono of duo merit. Mi- Wliltphnnrl. nf Ml tali nil. Noli.. president of tho Nebraska Irrigation association, was in town r-nuay at tending a meeting of ono of the com mittees. KEIGHIIOIUIOOD NEWS. Tho suit brought by tho Kratz-Cralg Constructnon Co. ngalnst tho town of Cozad to collect $7,200 alleged to be iIuo for tho construction .of a water plant, waB decided in tho district court at Lexington last week by tho plaintiff company receiving a Judgment of $3,G89.70. Tho bank of Keystone is complet ing a now building which it will for mally occupy next Saturday. E. D, Wilbur and Theo. Relmors, of Big Springs, shipped cloven cars of cattle last week to Fullerton where they will bo corn fed,. A RebQkah degreeo lodgo was or ganized at Maywood last week "with twenty-six charter members. Tho Rovcnria Ci'eambry Co. has in creased Us capital stock from $50,000 to $75,000. Thoro wero 14 divorces granted In Buffalo county during tho year 1914, as ngalns,t 40 during 1013. A hog belonging to W. T. Headley, of Ryno, went crazy ono day last week and killed a valuablo calf, after which It attacked a colt and injured it. After acting as" police Judge for 15 years, Charles Rcllly gave up his position hj, Kearney last week at the ago of 64 y'earB, and at onco departed for California, whero he expects to reside in the future. - tt Casper Zlerlein was arrested and brought back from Caldwell, Idaho, and placed In tho Jail at Broken Bow lo awnlt trial on the charge of seduc tion, tho other party being .Anna Novo, deaf and dumb girl residing on tho West table. COUNTY NEWS. From tho Brady Vindicator it is learned that during 1914 thoro wore shipped out of tho Brady station 438 cars of farm products. Among the shipments wero 258 cars of hay, ninety-two cars of cattle, forty-three cars of hogs, twenty-ono cars of wheat and ten cars of horses. Mrs. J. W. Nelson, living south of Maxwell, died January 8th at tho ago of twenty-one, leaving a baby but two weeks old. Tho Maxwell Telopost-Bays: AV. II. Plumer has leased all of his meadow to E. M. Loech, and Mr. Leech and Ills business associates will hereafter enter Into tho cattle and hay business on a larger scale,. Mr. Plumer Is now freo to enjoy life abroad or at home as he chooses. A. Lovestcdtf for many years a resi dent of Medicine precinct, sold his personal property last week and will soon lcavo for California to visit his five children, who llvo In tho Sacra mento valley., John Kostlk, of Wellfleet, was thrown from a horso last week and badly bruised. A grape vino message from Well fleet gives the arrival of a nine pound boy to Mr. and Mrs. Joe McMlchnel. and a nine and three-quarter pound boy to Mr. and Mrs. George Young. Both men will recover W. H. Jenkins had a narrow es capo Tuesday from serious accident. In stnrtlng a gasoline engine at his placo for a baling outfit his coat, of heavy duck, became caught In tho clutch and was pulling him Into tho machine when two of tho helpers grabbed him and succeeded in getting him loose, but not, however, until tho entire half of tho heavy duck coat was torn from him. He was consid erably bruised about tho right atra and head and at this writing- pretty much tho 'worse for wear. Luckily no bones wero broken. Horahey Times, No American Exports to Germany The monthly summary Issued by tho department of commorcn shows that a year ago In November Germany got from United Stales wheat to (ho value of $336,208, -whlro last November it got no wheat at all from us. During this month of November, while Germany was unablo to get American wheat, Great Britain got $7,309,303 worth from us. Belgium, as woll as -Gorraany, got no wheat from America In November, France, in November, 1913, got wheat to tho amount of $383,G41 from America, in November, 1914, it got $2,898,933 worth from us. Italy, though not engaged in the wa'i, took an enormous quantity of our wheat as compared to November a year ago. Tho figures aro: November, 1913, $429,181; November, 1914, $4,-363.8G4. Seek to Recover Threshing Outfit. Suit was filed Friday in tho district court by tho J. I. Caso Threshing Ma th In o Co. against George Carman fi r ll;e recovery of a threshing outfit and for damages. Tho amount duo ob c'otmed by the company Is $2,o90.?S, toir-'lhcr with fifty dollarb damages. Tli" ciwi-any claims that Ovraaa re fuses to pay tho notes glvn and l.i.-li hit now past due. A son was born Thursday ovenlng to Mr and Mrs. B. C. Davis, residing at 202 west Twelfth street. Attorney Gardner, of Goring, and M. B. Smith, of Bridgeport, wero In town Friday attending tho irrigation commlttco meeting which was held at tho ollico of J G. Beclor, who Is also a membor of tho committee,. ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WELL? .Unny North Platto people Know, tho Importance of Hcnlthy Kidney's. Tho kidnoya filter tho blood. They work night and day. Woll kidneys remove Impurities. Weak kidneys allow impurities to multiply. No kidney ill shouldbo neglected. There is possible danger in delay. If you havo backache or kidney or urinary troubles If you aro nervous, dizzy or worn out, Begin treating your kidneys at once. Uso a .proven kidney remedy. None endorsed like Doan's Kidney Pills. Recommended by thousands. Proven by North Platto testimony. August Ackerman, 221 S. Walnut street, North Platto, Neb., Bays: "I still hold a very high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills. I used them for back ache, caused by disordered kidneys and had tho best of results. It is oven three years since I havo had occa sion to uso Doan's Kidney Pills, but myioalth has been fine since, not a symptom of kidney trouble having bothered mo." Price 50c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidnoy remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills tho samo that Mr. Ackerman got. Fostor-Milburn Co., Prop., Buffalo, New York. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attestiwi given Is Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building. pi,. I Office 130 Phones Residence 115 DEIlRYBEltllY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmors Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 588. NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 West Fourth St. MRS. 3L HALL, Superintendent. Graduate Nurses In Attendance JOHN S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. IP No Passengers Killed Last Year. According to tho report of tho Safety Firqt department, during 1914 no pas sengers woro killed while riding on tho Union Pacific, whereas, 'during 1913 thirteen persons lost their livBS. Diirlng'lOlS, 32G passengers "wore'in Jured dnd In 1914 tho number dropped off to 234. ' In 1913 sixty-four employes of 'the road were killed and 0,128 injured.-In 1914 uio fatalities wero twenty-four, with 4.9G3 injured. Trespassers and travelors on tho right-of-way and on "highways cross ing tho tracks fared worso during 1914 than during 1913. Last year of these seventeen wero killed and ninety Injured whereas during 1913 but eight wero killed and elghty-flve Injured, Office phono 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. JOHNS. SIMMS, M. 3)., Physician and Surgeon Ofllco B& L. Building, Second Floor. Phone, Office, 83; Residence 38. J. B. KEDFIEL1), PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld Office Phono G42 Res. Phono 67G KODAK WORK. VIEWS. PARTIES. HOME PORTRAITS AND ENLARGING BEST PAPER USED Phone G42. 723 North Locust. loss ami mltto Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red C3G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. iws mtfSAM DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Offlco McDonald State Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets. Phones, Office 183, Residence 283 DR. ELMS, Physician and Surgeon Specialty Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Glasses Fitted. New Office in McCabe Building, PHONE 30. C. C. WALLLNGSFORD, Physician and Surgeon OtHce: Rooms! and 2 McDonald Bank Building North Platto, Nobraska. Office phono 82, Res. Red 302. Calls answered prompty Day or Night. ciiiii'niri'n'ia HAl.n Bv virtue of nn order of snlo Issued from tho District Court of. Lincoln County, Nobraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court wherein Francis Montague Is plaintiff and Mrs. Jennie McCauley ot nl arc defendants, nnd to me directed, I will on tho 12th day of Fobruary, 1015, at 2 o'clock I. M., nt the east front door of tho Court Houso In North Platto, Lin coln County, Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to the highest blddor for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs, tho following described propor- That pl'eco of land enclosed In the following boundaries, to-wlt: Com mencing at tho northeast corner of Lot Hvo (5) of tho County Clerk's Subdivi sion of Lot one (1) In tho southeast quarter (SE) of tho northeast quar ter (NE) Section Four (4) of Town ship Thirteen (13) North of llango Thirty (30) west of tho 6th P. M. aB platted and recorded In tho County Clerk's ofllco, thence westerly alone tho south lino of Lot Four (4) 627.05 foot, to .the southwest corner of Lot four (4) honco south in a lino parallol to tho west lino ot said lot four (4) 208 feet, thence oast In a lino parallel with tho south lino of Lot four (4) about 628 foot to tho oast boundary lino of Lot five (5) thence north along1 tho oaBt boundary lino of Lot Ave (G) 203 feot to tho place of beginning, containing about throo acres Dntcd North Platte, Nebraska, Jan uary 11, 101G. A. J. SALISBURY. J12-Gw Sheriff. Qrdcr of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of AdinlnlHtrntor or.... Administratrix. Tho Slate of Nobraska, Lincoln Coun ty, ss. In tho County Court. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Mary Ann Ell, Deceased. On reading and filing tho petition of Charles E. Ell praying that Adminis tration of said Estate may bo granted to him as Administrator. Ordored, That Fobruary 2nd, A. D. 101G, at 2 o'clock P. M. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at a County Court to bo held In nnd for said County, and show cause why tho prayor of petitioner should not bo granted; and that notlco of tho pen dency of said petition and tho hearing thereof bo given to all persons Inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in Tho North Platto Seml-Wookly Tribune, a soml-weokly newspaper printed In said County, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing Dated January 7, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, J12-3W County Judge. v r l & Our Policy of PmbliGity Nyal Drug Store Ite3. Phone Phono 8 Red 400 C. W. CRONEN,' Graduate Veterinarian North Platte, Nebraska. Hospital 218 Locust St. Phone blk 249 Referee's Sale. By virtue of an Order ot Sale is sued in the District Court in and for Lincoln County, Nebraska, on tho 21st day of December, 1914. in an action of partition wherein Samuel Moore anu Theodore Smith aro plaintiffs and Roy Howitt, Edna Hewitt, George Hewitt,, Lester Hewitt, Glenn Hewitt, Olive Smith and Arllo Smith, nil minor heirs and C. J. Hewitt, father and nat ural guardian of defendants Roy How itt, Edna Hewitt, George Hewitt, Les ter Hewitt and Glenn Hewitt and Josio Smith, mother and natural guardian of defendants Olivo Smith and Arlio Smith respectfully aro defendants, I will sell at Public Auction at tho East Front Ddor of tho Court House in tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, on the 25th day of January, 1915. at tho hour of one o clock i. M the following described real estate, sltuato in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter of Sec tion Twelve (12), Township Ten (10), North of Range Thirty-three (33), West of the Cth P. M. Tho terms of said sale will bo cash in hand. 'Dated North Platte, Nebraska, this 21st day of December, 1914. O. K ELDER, Referee. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF LINCOLN COUNTY, M'"'IASKA. In the Matter of t' r-iato of Esther Harris, DeceasM State of Nobraska, .. uoln County, ss. To nil personn iucui'cstcd In tho Es tate of Eghter Harris, Deceased: You aro hereby notified that on the 7th day of January, 19115, Mlnt.x Stew art, administratrix of Iho estate of Esther Harris, deceased, filed in s&td court her final account as said admin istratrix, and that said final account will be hoard on tho 2nd day of Feb ruary, lfllG, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M, In tho County Court In the City of North Platto In said County. And you are hereby cited to appear at tho time ,and place above designated, and show cause, If such exists, why said nccount should not bo allowed. It is hereby ordered that said Mlnta Stewart, administratrix, give notice to all persons interested in said estate by causing a copy of this order to bo published in tho Somi-Weekly Tribune, a newspaper printed 'and published In said county, tor three successive weoks prior to the date set for Bald hearing-. Dated this 7th day of January, 191G. GEO. E. FItENCH, J12-3w County Judge. FOR CATTLE HIDES Not Frozen tvo pay 12 Cents Up. NORTH PLATTE JUNK CO. f '.'.S!lTtYin flMmnnli.ii nnTr. 4 1TTU r. 4- ;tlie use of trying to advertise what's , jjho use of telling the people anything? . Xiiev won't listen to what, a nnrnora- tion'has to say?" Don't you believe it! Most people are fair, broad-minded and unpreju diced. The public can be awfully wrong at times, but it is usually because they have received wrong information. This company has been criticised time and again in years gone by, but we aro not complaining. We should havo furnished tho public more' com plete information about our business. Today our policies and our prob 1 lemsour, revenues and our expenses, everything about our business we tell the public. We are a public service corporation and the public deserve to know what we are doing and why we are doing it. Then we are willing to place our case squarely up to them. They are tho fairest jury wehave ever known. We want the people to know all about our business, because we want their confidence and gqod will. NIt means more business, less trouble, moro happiness. Wo have the utmost faith in the sense of justice and fair play of the American people. Wo believe that they want to give square corporations a square deal. "We Advertise So That the People May Know." NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY LERAL NOTICI1 Simon Richards and Sarah Itlchards, dofendnnts will take notlco that on tho 12th day of November, 1914, Mutual Hullding & Loan Association, a cor poration, plaintiff herein, tiled Its pe tition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against Ida IUcJi- nrus, numimsiratrix or mo estace oi Samuel Itlchards, Deceased; Ida Rich ards, Elizabeth Richards, Simon Rich ards. Sarah Richards. Esther Richards. Millard Richards, City National Bank Building Company, a corporation, nnd Daniel Frankle, Daniel Lyons nnd Jul ius Lyons, a co-partnorship doing bus iness as Frankfo Frank & Company, defendants, tho object and prayer of which are to foreclose three cortaln mortgages executed by Samuel Rich ards and tho defendant Ida Richards, upon Lot ono (1) In Block ono hun dred thirty-eight (138), the East forty four (44) feot of Lot two (2), the WeBt twonty-two ti root reot or Liot two (2), and the East twenty-two (22) feet of Lot throo (3), all in Block one hundred thirty-eight (138) of the orig inal town of North Platte. Nebraska. to secure tho imvment of throe bonds dated June 30. 1908, for the sum of $1200.00 each, due and payablo accord ing to tho terms thereof. That after tho execution and delivery of tho nbove bond and mortgaKo to tho plaintiff, tho said Samuel Richards died, and that tho defendants Ida Richards, Simon RIchnrds, Elizabeth Richards, Sarah Richards, Esther Richards nnd Millard Richards aro tho heirs nt law of Bald Samuel Richards and aro claiming an interest lit and to tho nbovo described premises, und that said Ida Richards has been appointed administratrix of tho estate of Samuol Richards, de ceased. That said defendants have failed to mako the payments as re quired under tho above bonds, nnd that thoro is now duo from said de fendants and upon said bonds nnd mortgage, tho sum of $1981 04 That tne iiercnaants, tno uity National Bank UulldliiR Company, a corportntlon, and Daniel Frankle, Daniel Lyons nnd Julius Lyons, a oo-pnrtnprshlp doing nusiuoss umier mo name or i rankle Frank & Company, cl tim a lien upon thq Interest of ld Richards to tho nbovo described property Tho plain tiff prays that nnld premises may 'be decreed to be sold to satisfy tho amount due thereon You nro Acquired to answer said pe tlton on or before the lGth day of Fob ruary, 1915. MUTUAL BUILDINO & LOAN ASSOCI- Axiun, jv Luiuuiuviiu.i, imiiiuir, rnoiiATU NOTICU In tho "Matter ot the Estate of Luclnda Clark, Deceasod. In the County Court of Lincoln Coun ty. Nebraska, Januaryl2, 1915. Notice Is hereby given, That the Cred itors of said deceased will moet the Admlstrator of said Estate, before the County JudBo of Lincoln County, Ne braska, at tho County Court Room, in said County, on the 9th day of Febru ary. 1915, and on tho 9th day of August, 191G, nt 9 o'clock A. M. each day for the purpose of presenting their claims ror examination, uujuuumiui. unu nuun nnce. Six months aro allowed for creditors to present tholr claims and ono yenr for the Administrator to set tle said Estate, from the 12th day of January, 1915. A copy of this order to be published in The North Platte Trib une, a seml-weokly newspaper pub lished in said county, for four succes sive weoks prior to said date, Fobruary 9' 1915 GEO. E. FRENCH, j!2-4w County Judge. Notice o Non-Resldcnt IJefendnntK Alvln E. Rogers and Fannie E. Rog ors. his wife, defendants, will take no tice that on tho 11th day of January, 1915, Charles B, Rogers, plaintiff hero in, filed his petition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, ngalnst said defendants, tho object and prayer or wnicn aro io quioi iu hub upon tho South half (SV4) of the South west quarter (SWK) and tho South half (SV4) of the Southeast quarter (SDVi) of Section twclvo (12) Town ship nine (9), Range twenty-eight (2S) Lincoln County. Nebraska, against tho defendants Alvln E. Rogers and Fan nlo E. Rogers his wife, who aro claim ing an Interest In and to the abovo des cribed premises by reason of a do- faflra fnpArtnntirp. whArnln Lincoln County brought a tax foreclosure suit against Alvln E. Rogers and wife for taxofl uue upon saiu promises, miu on" Llncbln County took a default Judg ment against said dofendants proma turoly, and that said promises wore Bold to P A. Hammond, mil that tho said Alvln E. Rogers made ppllcation to redeem from salil tax sh1 ana no tice of said application was served up on tho snld 1. A. Hammond, and that no disposition of said motion for ap plication has ever been made. And that tho said Alvln E. Rogers and Fannio E. Rogers, his wife, aro estopped from claiming any Intorcst In and to the said ptemlseu by reason of tho fact that said Alvln E. Rogers gave said prom ises to the said Chnrles B. Rogers upon condition that he pay a certain mort gage nnd has been In open, exclusive PhnrlPH ii. Honors has paid said mort gage nnd has been in open, ovcluslvo iitui notorious possession under a claim of tltlo for more than ton years prior to tlif commencement of this action, piii his acquired n good title to tho samo. Plaintiff prays for a decreo that said ilafnmlnntri 1m oxcluilod from nil right. title and Interest in nnd to tho abgyri, land, nnd that tho tltlo of Bald land be in tno piamuir. ,. Vnii urn rpnltlril Id nllftwor Salu no tltlon on or before Jhe ?2nd day of I'-ooruary, iviu, . ..- Dated this 11 th day of Janua&Lj01O t.Xl.UVMa ...-,, LEGAL NOTICH The unknown heirs of William Van Brocklin; the unknown' heirs of Mar tin "Van Brocklin; .Hownrd G. Thomp son and Mrs. Hownrd Thompson, first and real namo unknown, dofendants, lmploaded with' others, will take notice that on tho 28th day of August, 1914, Charles J. Gerken, plaintiff herein, filed his petition In the District court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object nnd prayer of which are to quiet the tit lie in the plaintiff as against tho above dofend nnts impleaded with others upon tho East one-half (EW) of tho Southeast quarter (SEH) and the East one-half (E) of the Northeast quarter (NE) of Section thirty-two (32), Township eleven (11), Range twentyjnlno (29), Lincoln County, Nebraska, who aro claiming an Interest in and to the above described premises by reason of a deed executed by George C. Beneway and wife to Van Brocklin Bros. & Company, composed of "William Van Brocklin, J. H. Van Brocklin, Martin Van Brocklin and Howard G. Thomp son. And are claiming that while said land was conveyed to tho grantors of this plaintiff by said corporation, Van Brocklin Bros. & Company, that the said William Van Brocklin, Martin Van Brocklin, J. II. Van Brocklin and Howard G. Thompson did not Join In any conveyance, and that their interest in and to said land was never con veyed away. Whereas the plaintiffs al lege that said land was conveyed to Van Brocklin Bros & Company, a cor poration, and that tho said William Van Brocklin, G. II. Thompson and Martin Van Brocklin never had any Interest in and to said land except tho Interest In Bald corporation, and that snld premises wero convoyed by said corporation, nnd conveyed all tho In terest of said parties to tho grantors of this plaintiff. And that said plain tiff lids been in tho open notorious and exclusive possession under a claim of title to said premises for the last ton years prior to tho commencement of this suit. And this plaintiff 1b pray ing for a- decree thut the above defend ants bo excluded from nil right, title or Interest in and to the abovo described premises. You are required to answer said po tlton on or beforo tho 15th day of Fob ruary, 1915, Dated this 4th day of January, 1915. CHARLES J. GERKEN, Plaintiff By WILCOX & HALLIGAN, j5-4w His Attorneys saefci 14,IK I I0J Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of Admlnlstrnor or Ad nilnlHtriitrlx. State of Nobraska, Lincoln 'County, ss. In tho County Court. In tho Matter of the Estate of Sarah J. Myers, Deceased. On reading and filing tho petition of Jennie O. Rowley and Fannie E. Boans praying that Administration of said Eatato may bo granted to Thomas G. Rowley as Administrator. Ordered that January 20, A. D. 1915, at 9 o'clock a. m. is assigned for hear ing said petition, when all persons in terested in said matter may appear at a County Court to bo held in and for said County, and show cause why tho prayor of tho petitioners should not bo granted: and that notice of the pon dency of said petition and the hear ing thereof bo given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the North Platte Trlbuno, a soml-weekly newspaper pnntou in aam county, tor tnroo suc cessive weeks prior to said day of ,hear!ng. Dated Decombor 29, 1914. JOHN GRANT, J5-3w CountyJudgo. Prolmte Notice In tho Matter of the Estate of John R. McWllllams, deceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, December 29, 1914. Notfco Is hereby given, that tho cred itors of snld deceased will meet tho ad ministratrix of said estate, beforo tho County Judge of Lincoln County, Ne braska, nt tho County Court Room, In said County, on the 2nd day of Febru ary, 1916, and on tho 2nd day of Aug ust, 1915, at 9 o'clock iu m. oaeh day for the purpose of presenting tholr claims for examination, adjustment; nnd allowance Six months arq nllowed for ureauora io present ineir claims, and ono year for tho administratrix to set tle, the estate from tho 29th day of Dqcembor, 1914. A cony of this order lb nnlnrml null. !lhii lu the North Platto' Tribune, a Mml-weekly newspaper of said County, for four successive wbekB next prior to N, tpr f 0 & HALLIGAN, Its Attorney. ryspu, 1B16, JOHN -GRANT, 412-4.W tma vonnryvuage. JrK Hli 2 II i uy vij.wjv. JG.4w